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Full text of "Catholicon Anglicum : an English-Latin wordbook dated 1483"

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This  book  is  purchased  from 

The  Schofield  Fund 

given  in  memory  of 

William  Henry  Schofield 

Victoria  College,  B.A.  1889 

Harvard  University,  Ph.  D.  1895 

Professor  of  Comparative  Literature 

Harvard  University,  1906-20. 

Harvard  Exchange  P  rofessor  at 

University  of  Berlin,  1907 

Lecturer  at  the  Sorbonne  and 

University  of  Copenhagen,  1910. 

Harvard  Exchange  Professor  at 

Western  Colleges,  1918. 


Agents  for  the  sale  of  the  Early  English  Text  Society's  Publications. 

EDINBURGH :  T.  G.  STEVENSON,  22,  South  Frederick  Street. 
GLASGOW :  OGLE  &  Co.,  1,  Koyal  Exchange  Square. 
BERLIN :  ASHER  &  Co.,  53  Mohreustrasse. 
NEW  YORK  :  C.  SCRJBNER  &  Co. 


MiiNsuN  MS.  CLXVII1  (168).  LEAF  221.  A.D.  1483. 


Mr.  J.  H.  Hessels,  who  is  editing  a  new  and  revised  edition  of  Du  Cange 
lor  Mr.  John  Murray,  has  pointed  out  a  mistake  in  the  reading  of  the  Addit. 
MS.  under  Defoulle,  p.  94,00!.  i,  1.  15,  viz :  corpora.  It  stands  in  the  MS.  '  cor 
A?  which  should,  of  course,  have  been  printed  as  'correpta  A,'  as  in  other  cases 
throughout  the  volume.  In  some  cases  these  notes  of  the  compiler  will  be  found 
to  have  been  omitted  when  only  occurring  in  the  Addit.  MS.  This  is  due  in  a 
great  measure  to  the  fact  that  the  Addit.  MS.  was  used  mainly  for  purposes 
of  collation  and  filling  up  gaps.  In  some  cases,  too,  Latin  words  occurring  in 
the  Addit.  MS.  have  been  passed  over.  This  was  done  sometimes  inten- 
tionally, on  the  ground  that  the  difference  in  spelling  was  very  slight. 
Occasionally,  however,  both  Mr.  Brock  and  myself  have  no  doubt  missed 
some  words  which  occur  only  in  the  Addit.  MS.,  and  this  is  accounted  for 
by  the  fact  that  the  Latin  equivalents  in  the  two  MSS.  are  not  given  in 
the  same  order,  so  that  when  many  equivalents  were  given  it  was  an  easy 
matter  to  miss  one  or  more,  in  spite  of  all  our  care.  My  business  lay  mainly 
,  with  the  English  words,  the  Latin  equivalents  being  of  secondary  importance, 
though  they  prove  to  be  of  great  value  to  Mr.  Hessels  for  his  work.  It  is  to 
be  hoped  that  some  Medigeval  Latin  Text  Society  or  some  German  Editor 
will  supplement  my  work  by  printing  the  Addit.  MS.  in  full. 

Introduction,  pp.  xv,  xvi :  my  note  as  to  conquestus  is  all  wrong.  The  in- 
scription simply  means  '  in  the  fifteenth  year  of  the  seventh  Henry  after  the 
Conquest.'  I  was  misled  by  the  fact  that  there  had  been  no  Henrys  before 
the  Conquest. 

List  of  Authorities.  The  date  of  Lajamon  is  misprinted  1305,  instead  of 


November,  1881. 


DATED     1483. 



Will)  tntobndira 



Editor  of  the  '  Gesta  Komanorum  ;'  '/Sz'r  Ferurribras ;'  '  Tusser'g  Five  Hundred  Points,'  etc. 




BY  N.  TRUBNER  &  CO.,  57  &  59  LUDGATE  HILL,  E.G. 






BY     E.    PICKARD    HALL,    M.A.,    AND     J.    H.    STACT, 





<  # 


ADDIT.     M.S.     15,562,     BRITISH     MUSEUM,     LEAF    21,     ?AB.     1450     AD, 


rh  Jfanus  Jfxintifaall, 











DE  QUINCEY  said  of  a  certain  book  that  it  was  '  the  deadest 
thing-  in  creation,  even  deader  than  a  door  nail/  but  one  might 
very  naturally  expect  a  mediaeval  linguistic  Dictionary  to  be  a 
still  more  dead  thing.  The  object  for  which  it  was  compiled 
has  long  ago  been  fulfilled,  and  it  has  been  superseded  for 
centuries.  But,  curiously  enough,  although  useless  for  its 
original  purpose,  it  has  become  a  priceless  record  of  the 
language.  Old  Dictionaries  have  long  been  used  by  commen- 
tators to  illustrate  the  language  of  our  national  classics.  Thus 
Douce  frequently  quotes  from  Huloet's  Abcedarium  Anglico- 
Latinum  in  his  Illustrations  of  Shakespeare,  but  the  late  Mr. 
Albert  Way  was  the  first  scholar  to  recognize  the  utility  of  an 
old  Dictionary  as  a  whole,  and  to  devote  years  of  labour  to  the 
illustration  of  the  words  in  the  oldest  English -Latin  Dictionary 
extant.  His  varied  learning  peculiarly  fitted  him  for  the  task  he 
had  undertaken,  and  the  tools  with  which  he  worked — a  fine  collec- 
tion of  Dictionaries — he  bequeathed  to  the  Society  of  Antiquaries. 
In  1843  the  first  part  of  his  edition  of  the  Promptorium  Parvulorum 
sive  Clericorum  appeared,  and  twenty-two  years  afterwards  the 
volume  of  563  pages  was  completed.  The  Promptorium  exists  in 
several  editions  in  MS.  which  date  from  about  the  year  1440.  It 
was  printed  by  Pynson  in  1499,  by  Julian  Notary  in  1508;  and  by 
Wynkyn  de  Worde  in  1510,  1512,  1516,  and  1528.  There  is  a 
greater  variety  of  Latin-English  Dictionaries,  but  this  was  ap- 
parently the  only  available  English-Latin  Dictionary,  and  in 
consequence  it  was  frequently  reproduced.  All  honour,  there- 
fore, is  due  to  Geoffrey,  the  Norfolk  Grammarian,  who  shut 
himself  in  his  cell  in  order  to  compile  a  much  needed  work 
for  the  use  of  his  countrymen.  The  difficulty  of  the  undertaking 
must  have  been  very  great  in  those  days  when  the  facilities  for 
compilation  were  comparatively  few. 


Among  the  works  used  by  Mr.  Way  was  a  MS.  belonging  to 
Lord  Monson,  and  entitled  Catholicon  Anglicum.  It  may  be 
interesting  to  the  reader  to  know  how  this  work  has  at  last  got 
into  print.  In  the  Report  of  the  Early  English  Text  Society  for 
1865  it  was  announced  that  a  series  of  old  English  Dictionaries 
would  be  issued,  to  commence  with  two  of  the  earliest  and  most 
important  printed  ones,  namely,  Huloet's  Abcedarium  and  Baretfs 
Alvearie.  When  the  preface  to  the  Promptorium  Parvulorum  was 
published  in  1865,  my  attention  was  drawn  to  the  Catholicon 
Anglicum  therein  described.  I  wrote  to  Mr.  Way  respecting  the 
MS.,  but  he  knew  nothing  about  it  since  it  had  been  lent  to  him 
by  the  late  Lord  Monson,  and  he  had  used  it  in  his  notes.  I 
then  communicated  with  Lord  Monson,  but  he  could  not  at  first 
find  the  book.  Before,  however,  the  issue  of  a  second  edition  of 
the  Report  his  Lordship's  MS.  had  come  to  hand,  and  he  most 
kindly  lent  it  to  me  for  the  purpose  of  being  copied1.  This 
was  done  by  Mr.  Brock,  who  afterwards  added  the  additional 
entries  from  another  MS.  In  1866  the  new  edition  of  Levins's 
Manipulus  Vocabulorum  appeared,  and  the  Catholicon  Anglicum  was 
placed  on  the  list  of  works  to  be  done  by  the  Early  English  Text 
Society.  It  was  soon  found  that  Huloet's  and  Baret's  fine  old 
volumes  contained  so  much  matter  that  it  would  be  inexpedient 
to  print  them  on  account  of  the  great  cost.  Another  MS.  of  the 
.Catholicon  was  found  in  the  British  Museum  Library,  and  this 
was  collated  with  Lord  Monson's  MS.  I  had  intended  to  edit 
the  work,  but  various  circumstances  prevented  me  from  putting 
it  in  hand.  Another  editor  proposed  to  relieve  me  of  the  labour, 
but  he  also  was  forced  to  relinquish  his  intention.  At  length 
Mr.  Herrtage  came  forward  and  undertook  to  edit  the  Dictionary, 
and  again  Lord  Monson  most  kindly  lent  us  his  valuable  MS. 
for  the  purpose  of  verifying  the  proofs  as  the  work  was  being 
printed.  Thus  this  interesting  book,  which  remained  for  so  many 
years  on  the  list  of  work  to  be  done,  is  at  length  placed  on  the 
more  satisfactory  list  of  work  accomplished.  In  a  comparatively 
short  period,  considering  the  large  amount  of  research  required 

1  Mr.  Herrtage  has  alluded  in  his  '  Introduction '  to  the  obligation  we  are  all 
under  to  Lord  Monson,  but  I  wish  specially  to  express  my  personal  thanks  for 
the  generous  manner  in  which  his  Lordship  handed  the  MS.  over  to  me  without 
stipulations  of  any  kind. 


for  the  preparation  of  the  notes,  Mr.  Herrtage  has  produced  a 
volume  worthy  to  stand  by  the  side  of  Mr.  Way's  Promptorivm, 
and  higher  praise  than  this  could  scarcely  be  given  to  the  book. 
It  is  curious  to  compare  the  Catholicon  with  the  Promptoriuin, 
and  to  see  how  thoroughly  different  the  two  Dictionaries  are. 
The  Promptorium  is  the  fuller  of  the  two,  and  contains,  roughly, 
about  12,000  words,  while  the  Catholicon  has  about  8000  words1. 
The  Catholicon  is  specially  valuable  as  a  dated  Dictionary. 
At  the  end  of  the  book  we  read  :  '  Explicit  Catholicon  in  lingua 
materna.  Anno  domini  1483  ; '  but  the  fact  that  there  is  another 
MS.  in  the  British  Museum  of  a  rather  earlier  date  opens  up  a 
curious  question  as  to  the  origin  of  these  Dictionaries.    Mr.  Way 
suggests  that  Lord  Monson's  MS.  may  be  the  author's  holograph, 
but  this  opinion  is  scarcely  tenable,  more  particularly  as  he  him- 
self mentions  the  older  MS.  in  the  British  Museum,  to  which 
Sir   Frederic   Madden   had   directed   his   attention.     Although 
these  are  evidently  the  same  Dictionary,  certain  differences,  as 
indicated  by  Mr.  Herrtage  in  his  Introduction,  show  that  there 
must  have  been  a  still  earlier  original  from  which  both  were 
taken,  whether  directly,  or  indirectly  through  intermediate  copies 
we  cannot  now  tell.    Another  point  which  we  are  unable  to  settle 
is  this :  Were  all  these  MSS.  called  Catholicon  Anglicum,  or  was 
this  a  name  given  specially  to  Lord  Monson's  manuscript  ?    Any 
way,  the  author  is  quite  unknown.     We  can  hardly  doubt  but 
that  there  were   other  English-Latin  Dictionaries   besides  the 
Promptorium  and  the  Catholicon,  which  have  been  lost,  and  this 
opinion  is  the  more  probable,  as  both  these  appear  to  have  been 
compiled  in  the  Eastern  Counties,  and  it  seems  hardly  probable 
that  other  districts  were  behind  their  neighbours  in  the  pro- 
duction of  these  most  necessary  books. 

It  would  be  a  curious  inquiry  if  we  were  able  to  learn  how 
these  Dictionaries  were  compiled.  In  the  case  of  Latin-English 
Dictionaries  there  is  no  difficulty,  as  there  were  many  sources 
from  which  the  words  could  be  drawn,  but  it  is  different  with 
regard  to  those  in  which  the  English  is  first,  as  we  do  not  know 
of  the  existence  of  any  earlier  list  of  English  words  than  that 
found  in  the  Promptorium. 

1  The  letter  A  in  Promptorium  contains  423  words,  the  Catholicon  only  212  ; 
with  the  additions  from  the  Addit.  MS.  there  are,  however,  314  words. 


The  names  attached  to  the  old  Dictionaries  are  curious  and 
worthy  of  a  passing-  notice  here.  They  give  a  distinctive 
character  to  the  several  works,  which  the  works  would  not 
possess  if  they  were  called  by  the  general  title  of  Dictionary. 
*  Promptnarium '  is  a  more  correct  form  than  'Promptorium,' 
and  means  a  storehouse  or  repository.  "Wynkyn  de  Worde  uses 
this  word  in  his  edition,  but  Pynson  and  one  of  the  manuscripts 
have  Promptorius.  Johannes  de  Janua,  or  Januensis,  a  native  of 
Genoa  in  the  thirteenth  century,  appears  to  have  been  the  first 
to  use  the  word  Catholicon  as  the  title  for  a  Dictionary.  His 
work  was  very  highly  esteemed,  and  it  was  a  very  natural  pro- 
ceeding for  the  unknown  English  lexicographer  to  appropriate 
so  well  known  a  title.  A  Catholicum  Parvnm,  the  first  printed 
Latin  and  French  Vocabulary,  was  published  at  Geneva  in  1487, 
and  a  few  years  afterwards  appeared  a  Catkolicum  Abbreviatum  at 
Paris,  which  was  reprinted  by  Jean  Lambert  at  the  same  place 
in  1506.  The  Medulla  Gramwatice  or  Grammatices  is  a  Latin- 
English  Dictionary  existing  in  a  large  number  of  manuscripts. 
This  is  attributed  to  Geoffrey,  the  Dominican  Friar  who  compiled 
the  Promptorium;  and  if  this  really  be  so,  this  worthy  must 
extort  our  admiration  as  the  author  both  of  the  first  Latin- 
English  and  the  first  English- Latin  Dictionary.  The  first 
Latin-English  Dictionary  printed  in  England  is  the  Ortus 
Vocabnlorum,  which  is  largely  founded  on  the  Medulla.  Another 
interesting  old  Dictionary  is  the  Vulgaria  of  William  Herman. 
Mr.  Herrtage  mentions  this  in  his  Introduction  as  a  work  that 
would  well  repay  reprinting,  and  I  may  remark  here  that  the 
late  Mr.  Toulmin  Smith  undertook  to  edit  this  book  for  the 
Early  English  Text  Society,  and  in  the  Second  Annual  Report, 
1866,  it  is  announced  with  his  name  in  the  list  of  future  publi- 
cations. The  death  of  this  excellent  worker  in  the  midst  of  his 
labour  on  the  volume  of  English  Gilds  >  however,  caused  this 
Dictionary  to  be  dropt  out  of  the  list  in  future  years.  Peter 
Levins  adopted  the  title  of  Manipulus  Vocabulorum  for  his  inter- 
esting old  rhyming  Dictionary,  and  John  Baret  gives  his 
reasons  for  calling  his  Dictionary  An  Alvearie.  He  set  his 
scholars  to  work  to  extract  passages  from  the  classics,  and  to 
arrange  them  under  heads :  *  Thus  within  a  yeare  or  two  they 
had  gathered  togethir  a  great  volume,  which  (for  the  apt  simili- 


tude  betweene  the  good  scholers  and  diligent  bees  in  gathering 
their  wax  and  hony  into  their  hive)  I  called  then  their  Alvearie, 
both  for  a  memoriall  by  whom  it  was  made,  and  also  by  this 
name  to  incourage  other  to  the  like  diligence,  for  that  they 
should  not  see  their  worthy  prayse  for  the  same,  unworthily 
drowned  in  oblivion/  To  come  down  to  rather  later  times,  it 
may  be  mentioned,  in  conclusion,  that  Thomas  Willis,  a  school- 
master of  Isle  worth,  named  his  Dictionary,  1651,  Vestibulum. 
Mr.  Way  has  given  a  most  full  and  careful  account  of  the  early 
Dictionaries  in  the  Preface  to  his  edition  of  the  Promptor'mm, 
and  I  may,  perhaps,  be  allowed  to  draw  the  attention  of  those 
interested  in  Lexicographical  history  to  my  *  Chronological 
Notices  of  the  Dictionaries  of  the  English  Language  V 

It  is  hardly  necessary  now  to  enlarge  upon  the  value  of  these 
old  Dictionaries,  as  that  is  very  generally  allowed,  but  I  cannot 
resist  giving  an  instance  of  how  the  Promptorium  has  settled 
satisfactorily  the  etymology  of  a  difficult  name.  When  Mr. 
Alderman  Hanson,  F.S.A.,  was  investigating  the  history  of 
various  fruits,  he  was  somewhat  puzzled  by  the  term  '  Jordan 
almonds  '  applied  to  the  best  kind  of  sweet  almonds,  and  he 
set  to  work  to  look  up  the  authorities.  He  found  a  definite 
statement  in  Phillips's  New  World  of  Words  (6th  ed.  by  Kersey, 
1706),  to  the  effect  that  '  the  tree  grows  chiefly  in  the 
Eastern  countries,  especially  in  the  Holy  Land  near  the  river 
Jordan,  whence  the  best  of  this  fruit  are  called  "  Jordan 
almonds." '  The  same  statement  is  made  in  Bailey's  Dictionary 
in  1 757  (the  botanical  portion  of  which  was  edited  by  no  less  a 
person  than  Philip  Miller),  and  in  many  other  books.  In  J. 
Smith's  Bible  Plants  (1877)  we  read,  'the  best  so-called  Jordan 
almonds  come  from  Malaga,  and  none  now  come  from  the 
country  of  the  Jordan.'  The  author  might  very  well  have 
added  that  they  never  did  come  from  that  place.  The  mer- 
chants of  Malaga,  who  export  the  almonds,  are  equally  at  sea 
as  to  the  derivation.  One  of  them  told  Mr.  Hanson  that  the 
general  opinion  was  that  a  certain  Frenchman,  called  Jourdain, 
early  in  this  century,  introduced  an  improved  method  of  culti- 
vation. This  suggestion  was  easily  negatived  by  reference  to 

1  Philological  Society  Transactions,  1865,  pp.  218-293. 


the  fact  that  Jordan  almonds  were  mentioned  in  printed  books 
at  least  as  far  back  as  1607.  At  last  Mr.  Hanson  found  his 
clue  in  the  Promptorium,  where  we  read,  '  lardyne  almaunde, 
amigdalum  jardinum?  The  difficulty  was  overcome,  and  the 
Jordan  almond  stood  revealed  as  nothing  more  than  a  garden  or 
cultivated  kind  of  almond. 

In  contrasting  Mr.  Herrtage's  edition  of  the  Catkolicon  with 
Mr.  Way's  edition  of  the  Promptorium  a  very  interesting  point 
must  needs  become  apparent.  Mr.  Way  annotated  and  ex- 
plained the  difficulties  of  his  text  with  the  most  unwearied 
patience,  but  his  authorities  were  to  some  extent  limited.  He 
himself  helped  to  create  the  taste  which  has  induced  so  many 
scholars  to  come  forward  and  rescue  the  monuments  of  our  lan- 
guage from  destruction.  Every  one  of  Mr.  Herrtage's  pages  bears 
evidence  of  the  large  amount  of  work  which  has  been  done  since 
the  Camden  Society  first  issued  the  Promptorium.  Publications 
of  the  Early  English  Text  Society  are  quoted  on  every  page,  and 
Stratmann  and  Matzner  are  put  under  frequent  contribution. 
We  thus  see  that  the  labours  of  late  years  have  already  brought 
forward  a  rich  harvest  of  illustration,  by  means  of  which  the 
difficulties  of  our  beloved  tongue  are  gradually  being  cleared  up. 
Many  words  once  in  use  are  doubtless  irrecoverably  lost,  but  still 
much  has  been  garnered  up.  Those  who  have  not  attempted  to 
register  words  can  hardly  realise  the  difficulties  in  the  way  of 
the  Dictionary  maker.  All  honour,  therefore,  to  those  who 
have  overcome  the  difficulties,  and  in  this  band  of  honest  workers 
the  anonymous  compiler  of  the  Catholicon  Anglicum  occupies  a 
prominent  place.  The  difficulties  are  truly  great,  but  the 
lexicographer  has  his  compensation,  for  there  is  a  pleasure  in 
the  registration  and  illustration  of  words  which  he  only  knows 
who  has  set  his  mind  to  the  work  with  earnestness  and  en- 


LONDON,  July,  1881. 


Plan  of  the  Work,  §  i,  p.  xiii.  —  Description  of  the  MSS  :  Lord  Monson's,  §  2, 
p.  xiv;  the  Addit.  MS.  §  3,  p.  xvi.  —  Plan  of  Collation,  §  4,  p.  xvi.  —  Quotations  and 

Notes,  §  5,  p.  xviii Words  unexplained,  §  6,  p.  xix.  —  Dialect  of  the  MSS.  §  7, 

p.  xx.  — The  Medulla  Grammatice,  §  8,  p.  xxi.  —  Authorities  quoted  in  the  Notes, 
§  9,  p.  xxii.  —  Helpers  in  the  Work,  §  10,  p.  xxiv.  —  Conclusion,  §  n,  p.  xxv. 

So  well  known  is  the  present  work,  now  for  the  first  time 
printed,  from  the  extensive  and  admirable  use  made  of  it  by 
the  late  Mr.  Way  in  his  edition  of  the  'Promptorium  Par- 
vulorum,'  that  it  can  require  little  or  no  introduction  to  the 
students  of  our  language  beyond  that  given  by  Mr.  Wheatley 
in  his  Preface.  I  will,  therefore,  confine  myself  to  an  expla- 
nation of  the  plan  and  principles  of  this  edition,  with  a  very 
few  remarks  on  the  MSS.  and  their  dialect  and  peculiarities. 

§  i .  My  intention  throughout  in  preparing  this  volume  was 
to  make  it  a  companion  to  the  Promptorium,  and  this  intention 
I  have  endeavoured  to  carry  out  by  marking  with  an  asterisk 
or  a  dagger  respectively  such  words  as  were  either  annotated 
by  Mr.  Way,  and  did  not  therefore  so  much  require  any  further 
annotation  on  my  part,  or  such  as  were  peculiar  to  the  Catholicon. 
So  far  as  it  has  been  possible  I  have  besides  tried  to  give  quo- 
tations and  references,  not  to  be  found  in  Stratmann  or  any 
such  standard  work  of  reference.  As  a  rule  I  have  not  given 
quotations  from  authors  later  than  the  sixteenth  century,  but 
this,  of  course,  I  have  not  been  always  able  to  manage.  The 
Wills  fy  Inventories  published  by  the  Surtees  Society  have  been 
a  perfect  mine  of  wealth  to  me ;  unfortunately  I  had  not  the 
advantage  of  them  at  the  beginning  of  my  work,  and  I  have 
therefore  been  obliged  to  give  my  quotations  from  them  for  the 
earlier  letters  in  the  additional  notes.  With  regard  to  these 
latter,  although  I  perfectly  understand  and  appreciate  the  in- 


convenience  attending1  the  existence  of  a  double  set  of  notes, 
and  the  risk  which  exists  of  additional  notes  being  overlooked, 
I  do  not  know  that  any  apology  for  their  presence  is  necessary1. 
In  any  work  of  this  class  it  is  absolutely  unavoidable  that  fresh, 
and  in  many  cases  better,  illustrations  of  words  will  crop  up 
after  the  sheets  have  been  printed  off.  Extended  reading  has 
brought  extended  knowledge,  and  the  value  of  these  additions 
— and  I  believe  that  much  of  value  will  be  found  in  them — 
will  be,  I  think,  the  best  apology  for  their  existence. 

I  adopted  Lord  Monson's  MS.  as  the  basis  of  my  text :  first, 
because  it  was  the  fuller  and  more  correct  of  the  two,  besides 
which  it  was  ready  copied  out  for  me ;  and  secondly,  because  it 
was  perfect.  The  difference  in  date  between  the  two  MSS.,  if 
there  is  any  difference,  can  be  but  a  few  years,  and  was  not  of 
itself  of  sufficient  importance  to  counterbalance  other  considera- 
tions. The  Addit.  MS.  has  lost  one  leaf  at  the  beginning  and 
two  at  the  end,  besides  three  in  the  body  of  the  work.  It  is, 
moreover,  so  full  of  palpable  and  gross  errors  both  in  the 
English  and  Latin,  from  which  Lord  Monson's  MS.  is  free, 
that  I  had  no  hesitation  in  relegating  it  to  a  second  place,  to 
be  used  only  for  the  purposes  of  collation  and  of  filling  up 
gaps.  One  most  curious  point  about  it  is  that  while  up  to 
S  it  contains  far  fewer  words  than  Lord  Monson's  MS.,  from 
that  letter  on  it  has  more  than  double  the  entries.  Why  this 
is  so  it  is,  of  course,  impossible  to  say :  the  entries  are  here 
given  in  full. 

§  3.  Lord  Monson's  MS.  of  the  Catholicon  is  a  thick  paper 
volume  measuring  8|  inches  by  6.  It  is  perfect,  and  in  almost 
as  good  condition  as  when  it  left  the  scriptorium.  It  consists  of 

1  I  have,  at  all  events,  done  my  best  to  prevent  their  being  overlooked  or 
forgotten,  by  inserting  them  before  the  text.  As  an  example  of  the  liability  of 
such  additional  notes  to  be  overlooked  when  not  placed  in  some  conspicuous  part 
of  the  book,  I  may  mention  that  on  February  I4th,  1880,  I  printed  in  Notes 
and  Queries  a  short  list  of  errors  in  Mr.  Way's  Promptorium,  which  I  had 
come  across  while  using  the  work  for  this  edition  of  the  Catholicon.  To  my 
great  surprise  I  was  informed  by  a  note  from  a  correspondent  in  that  paper, 
that  most  of  the  slips  pointed  out  by  me  had  been  discovered  by  Mr.  Way,  and 
were  mentioned  and  corrected  in  a  list  printed  at  p.  560  of  the  Promptorium. 
And  there  I  found  them,  but  I  am  confident  that  not  one  in  a  hundred  of  those 
who  use  the  volume  is  aware  of  the  existence  of  the  list. 


16  quires  or  192  leaves1,  182  of  which  contain  the  text,  followed 
by  6  blank.  Then  on  leaf  189  comes  the  list  of  terms  of  rela- 
tionship reprinted  at  the  end  of  our  text.  This  list  is  in  a 
different  hand  from  that  in  which  the  main  body  of  the  book 
has  been  written,  and  appears,  to  me  at  least,  to  be  the  same 
with  that  in  which  the  corrections  and  additions  have  been 
made  in  the  original  scribe's  work.  These  corrections  are  few 
in  number,  the  copying  having  been  on  the  whole  very  care- 
fully done.  Mr.  Way  was  of  opinion  that  it  was  probable  that 
this  MS.  was  the  author's  holograph  2,  but  this  is  very  doubtful, 
and  is  contradicted  by  the  fact  that  the  corrections .  are  in  a 
different  hand.  In  addition  to  this,  in  the  next  paragraph  Mr. 
Way  speaking  of  the  Addit.  MS.  15,562,  assigns  to  it  the  date 
of  1450.  But  the  handwritings  are  essentially  different.  Either, 
therefore,  the  date  assigned  to  the  Addit.  MS.  must  be  wrong, 
or  Lord  Monson's  MS.  can  not  be  the  author's  holograph.  But 
I  do  not  believe  that  1450  is  the  correct  date  of  the  Addit.  MS. 
More  probably  it  was  compiled  about  1475,  the  date  assigned 
to  it  in  the  Museum  Catalogue.  The  numberless,  and  frequently 
most  extraordinary,  mistakes  in  the  Addit.  MS.  show  clearly 
that  it  was  a  copy  from  an  earlier  MS.,  and  probably  written 
from  dictation. 

On  the  back  of  the  last  leaf  of  Lord  Monson's  MS.  is  the 
following :  '  Liber  Thome  Flowre  Succentor  ecclesie  Cathedralis 
beate  Marie  Lincoln.  Anno  domini  M.CCCCC.XX  ;'  on  which  Mr. 
Way  notes  3  that  he  could  not  find  the  name  of  Thomas  Flower, 
sub-chanter,  in  the  Fasti  of  Lincoln,  but  that  a  John  Flower 
occurs  among  the  prebendaries  of  that  church  in  1571.  He 
adds  that  the  owner  of  Lord  Monson's  MS.  may  have  been  of 
Lincoln  College,  Oxford,  since  a  Thomas  Flower  was  one  of  the 
proctors  of  the  University  in  1519  4.  Immediately  above  this, 
in  faded  ink,  is  the  following  entry,  unmentioned  by  Mr.  Way : 
'Anno  domini  millesimo  ccccmo  lxxxxmo  ix°,  Anno  regni  regis 
Henrici  71,  post  cotiquestum  quintodecimo/  which  is  interesting 

1  The  quires  are  marked  at  the  foot  of  the  first  page  of  each :  primus  qwaternws, 


2  Prompt.  Parv.  Introd.  p.  Ixv. 

3  Prompt.  Parv.  Introd.  p.  Ixv.  note  a. 
*  Le  Neve,  ed.  Hardy,  vol.  iii.  p.  686. 


as  an  instance  of  the  application  of  the  term  '  conquestus '  to  the 
accession  of  Henry  VII. 

The  principal  authorities  cited  in  the  work  are,  as  Mr.  Way 
says,  Virgil,  Ysidore,  Papias,  Brito,  Hugutio,  the  Catholicon, 
the  Doctrinale,  and  the  Gloss  on  the  Liber  Equivocorum  of 
John  de  Garlandia,  but  only  Hugutio  and  the  Liber  Equivocorum 
occur  at  all  frequently.  A  large  number  of  hexameter  verses 
occur,  probably,  as  Mr.  Way  suggests,  from  some  work  of  John 
de  Garlandia.  The  meaning  of  some  of  them  is  not  at  all  clear. 

The  compiler  frequently  distinguishes  with  great  acumen 
between  .the  various  shades  of  meaning  of  the  several  Latin 
equivalents  of  some  one  English  word. 

§  3.  The  Addit.  MS.  15,562,  is  a  small  quarto  volume  on  paper 
containing  originally  probably  145  leaves,  of  which  one  has  been 
lost  at  the  beginning,  as  already  stated.  It  is  also  defective  at 
the  end,  the  last  word  in  it  being  Wrathe,  so  that  probably  two 
leaves  have  been  lost  at  the  end.  It  is  written  in  a  small  and,  at 
times,  rather  cramped  hand.  Spaces  are  frequently  left  vacant 
in  the  letters  for  additions  of  words.  It  was  purchased  by  th.e 
Museum  at  Newman's  sale  in  1845.  Though  not  so  correct  as 
Lord  Monson's  MS.  it  has  at  times  helped  to  an  elucidation  of 
some  difficulties,  and  the  correction  of  some  errors  in  the  latter. 
A  considerable  difference  of  opinion  appears  to  have  existed  as  to 
the  date  of  the  MS.  as  stated  in  §  2.  Mr.*'t?Say  assigned  it  to 
1450,  while  Halliwell,  who  in  the  second  volume  of  his  Archaic 
Dictionary )  frequently  quotes  from  the  Addit.  MS.,  refers  to  it 
sometimes  as  ' MS.  Dictionary,  dated  1540  Y  sometimes  as  'MS. 
Dictionary,  1540 2,'  at  other  times  as  'MS.  Diet.  c.  1500 V  and 
again  as  '  Cathol.  Angl.  MS.4/ 

§  4.  A  few  words  will  explain  the  method  adopted  in  printing 
the  collations  of  A.  I  have  not  thought  it  necessary  to  give 
every  variation  of  spelling ;  the  omissions,  however,  are  very  few 
in  number,  and  only  occur  where  the  difference  in  spelling  is 
very  trifling.  The  order  in  which  the  words  are  arranged  is 
not  the  same  in  the  two  MSS.,  nor  are  the  Latin  equivalents 

1  See,  for  instance,  under  Rare,  p.  668 ;  Shack-fork,  p.  725 ;  Ruwet,  p.  700. 

3  See  Scrap,  p.  714. 

3  See  Tallow,  lafe,  p.  849  ;  Temples,  p.  857  ;  Taxage,  p.  854,  &c. 

*  See  Timmer,  p.  875. 


given  in  the  same  succession.  In  the  case  of  all  words  which 
are  found  only  in  A.  and  not  in  Lord  Monson's  MS.  I  have 
printed  an  A  in  brackets  (A.)  at  the  end  of  the  word ;  as  Armyd ; 
armatus  (A.).  And  when  I  have  inserted  various  readings  from 
A.  in  the  text  I  have  enclosed  them  in  brackets  and  appended 
the  letter  (A.) :  thus  the  entry  '  a  Cropure  (Cruppure  A.) ; 
postela  (postellum  A.)'  is  intended  to  show  that  the  reading  of 
Lord  Monson's  MS.  is  'a  Cropure;  postela ;'  and  that  of  the 
Addit.  MS.  '  a  Cruppure  ;  postellum? 

After  the  first  few  pages  I  have,  in  order  to  economise  space, 
omitted  the  inflexional  endings  of  the  genitive  cases  of  nouns, 
and  the  feminine  and  neuter  genders  of  adjectives.  But  no 
alteration  has  been  made  in  the  text  without  due  notice  in  the 
notes *.  I  have  expanded  the  contractions,  showing  the  expan- 
sions as  usual  by  the  use  of  italics :  tt  and  ii)  I  have  treated  as 
representing  lie  and  ne  respectively ;  but  fi  I  have  printed  as  it 
stands,  it  being  doubtful  what  is  the  exact  value  of  the  mark  of 
contraction.  The  author  has  throughout  used  vbi  for  '  see '  or 
'refer  to/  and participium  for  our  'adjective.' 

The  method  adopted  in  the  compiling  and  arranging  the  nu- 
merous notes  required  for  the  work  was  as  follows:  I  first  went 
carefully  through  the  whole  of  the  MS.,  comparing  each  word 
with  its  representative  in  the  Promptorium,  and  in  cases  where 
no  such  representative  could  be  found  marking  the  word  with 
a  dagger  (f).  Where  I  found  that  Mr.  Way  had  already  anno- 
tated the  word  I  marked  it  with  an  asterisk  (*).-  I  am  afraid 
instances  will  be  found  of  words,  to  which  I  have  attached  a 
dagger,  really  occurring  in  the  Promptorium,  under  a  slightly 
different  form,  sufficiently  different  to  escape  my  notice. 

The  reading  of  books  for  the  purpose  of  getting  together 
illustrative  quotations  was  a  long  and  heavy,  but  far  from 

1  I  have  not  even,  except  in  very  few  cases,  corrected  the  blunders  in  the  scribe's 
latin.  To  do  so  throughout  the  work  would  completely  alter  its  character,  and 
would,  in  a  great  measure,  destroy  the  interest  which  attaches  even  to  this  base 
latin.  Like  Mr.  Way  (see  his  Introd.  p.  vii),  I  could  have  made  many  more 
alterations  in  this  particular,  as  also  in  rearranging  the  words  in  a  perfect  alpha- 
betic order,  but  the  objections  to  so  doing,  as  explained  by  Mr.  Way,  appeared 
to  me  so  strong  that  I  have  preferred  to  print  the  MS.  exactly  as  it  is.  In  the 
case  of  A.  I  have,  of  course,  had  to  break  the  scribe's  order  of  words,  so  as  to  bring 
the  corresponding  words  of  the  two  MSS.  together. 



disagreeable  task.  Most  of  the  books  written  previously  to 
the  middle  of  the  i5th  century  had,  of  course,  been  already 
read  by  Stratmann,  Matzner,  and  others,  but  all  of  a  later 
date  I  had  to  read  through  myself,  as  well  as  all  belonging 
to  the  earlier  period  which  had  been  printed  by  the  various 
Societies  since  the  publication  of  those  dictionaries. 

§  5.  I  have  in  every  case  been  careful  not  to  repeat  any 
of  Mr.  Way's  quotations  or  remarks  on  any  word,  except  for 
some  special  reason.  This  will  to  a  great  extent  account  for 
the  fact  that  after  the  letter  P  my  notes  become  much  more 
frequent  and  full.  It  is  much  to  be  regretted  that  Mr.  Way 
was  unable  to  annotate  the  third  part  of  the  Promptorium 
(from  R  to  the  end)  as  fully  as  he  had  the  preceding  letters. 
There  are  many,  very  many,  words  in  this  third  part  of  the 
greatest  interest  and  importance  to  the  student  and  philologist, 
and  well  deserving  of  the  same  careful  and  learned  treatment 
as  was  bestowed  by  the  editor  on  the  letters  A — R.  And  not 
a  few  words,  too,  are  difficult  to  understand,  and  perhaps  almost 
unintelligible  to  the  ordinary  reader  without  a  note. 

It  will  be  readily  seen  that  the  annotation  of  the  two  works 
has  been  carried  out  on  very  different  lines.  Mr.  Way,  from 
his  apparently  inexhaustible  store  of  archa3ological  lore,  has 
enriched  the  Promptorium  with  notes  and  quotations  bearing 
rather  on  the  history  of  that  which  is  represented  by  the  word, 
than  upon  the  history  of  the  word  itself  as  shown  by  its  use  in 
various  authors,  while  my  notes  are  almost  entirely  devoted  to 
the  latter  object. 

I  have  endeavoured  to  be  especially  careful  about  the  correct- 
ness of  the  quotations  and  references,  feeling  that  on  this  depends 
a  great  deal  of  their  value.  But  in  a  work  of  this  kind,  in 
which  so  many  hundreds  of  quotations  are  brought  together, 
mistakes  can  not  be  entirely  avoided,  and  I  can  only  trust  that 
their  number  is  comparatively  infinitesimal. 

The  experience  which  I  have  gained  as  Assistant-Editor  of  the 
Philological  Society's  new  English  Dictionary  of  the  trouble,  the 
vexation  caused  by,  nay,  even  the  almost  absolute  worthlessness 
of  quotations  the  references  to  which  are  either  imperfectly  or 
incorrectly  given,  has  taught  me  the  extreme  importance  of 
correctness  and  fulness  in  this  particular.  Unfortunately  my 


experience  came  too  late  for  me  to  carry  into  practice  in  every 
instance  the  fulness  of  reference  which  I  should  now  wish  to 
see.  I  have  tried,  therefore,  to  make  up  for  this,  as  far  as  lay 
in  my  power,  by  giving-  as  full  and  complete  as  possible  a  list 
of  the  authorities  quoted  from,  with  particulars  as  to  the  editions 
used,  and  the  dates  of  the  original  works.  The  dates,  although, 
of  course,  in  many  cases  only  approximate,  will,  as  I  know  from 
experience,  be  found  of  great  service,  and  should,  in  fact,  be 
always  given  in  works  of  this  kind.  The  time  which  it  will 
save  to  students,  none  but  those  who  have  had  the  trouble  of 
hunting  up  authorities  as  to  the  date  of  a  MS.  can  appreciate. 

I  much  regret  now  that  I  did  not  from  the  beginning  arrange 
the  quotations  according  to  their  chronological  order  of  compo- 
sition. The  point  did  not  occur  to  me  until  I  began  to  use 
Matzner's  Worterluch^  when  I  at  once  recognised  the  mistake 
into  which  we  had  both  fallen,  and  the  great  inconveniences 
arising  from  it,  although  these  inconveniences,  owing  to  the 
relatively  small  number  of  quotations  given  by  me,  will  not,  I 
think,  be  so  much  felt  as  in  the  case  of  the  fuller  work. 

It  was  also  suggested  to  me  that  I  should  re-arrange  the 
words  in  their  strict  alphabetical  order,  but  I  do  not  see  that 
the  advantageousness  of  such  an  arrangement  is  so  apparent 
as  to  call  for  the  amount  of  time  and  labour  involved  in  its 
preparation.  As  a  rule,  the  words  are  in  a  very  close  approxi- 
mation to  the  strict  alphabetical  order,  and  I  have  therefore 
contented  myself  with  altering  the  position  of  such  few  words 
as  were  by  some  accident  inserted  in  the  MS.  a  long  way  from 
their  proper  position. 

I  have  followed  Mr.  Way's  lead  in  endeavouring  rather  to 
illustrate  by  contemporary  or  earlier  quotations  the  words  given 
in  the  Catholicon,  than  to  enter  on  the  difficult  and  dangerous 
ground  of  etymologies. 

§  6.  There  are  a  few  words  of  which,  notwithstanding  all  my 
exertions,  I  have  been  unable  to  obtain  any  satisfactory  expla- 
nation. Such  are  '  to  Bacon  ;  displodere  /  '  Bebybeke  ;'  '  a 
Bychdoghter;  epialtes ;'  'Blossom,  colloquintida ;  fto  Blunder; 
balandior1;'  'to  Calle  a  hawke ;  stupare ;'  '  Common  slaghter ; 

1  Can  this  be  the  same  as  Blonder e  in  the  Ayenbite,  p.  61  ? 
b  2 


dalitaria  ;'  *  Fawthistelle  ;  labrum  Veneris  ;'  '  Fox  fire  ;  glos  ;'  '  a 
Martinett ;  irristiticus  ;'  ( to  Ouergett  ;  equiparare  ;'  *  to  Pok  ; 
sinciarei  '  Severouse  ;'  '  a  Skaunce  ;'  'a  Smytt ;  oblectamentum  ; 
'  Splete  ;  rlgnum  /  *  to  Springe  ;  ~enervare  ;'  *  Talghe  lafe  ;  con- 
giarum  ;  '  a  Welpe ;'  and  a  few  others.  As  to  any  of  these  I 
shall  be  glad  to  receive  suggestions. 

§  7.  It  is  a  difficult  matter  in  the  case  of  a  work  of  this  class, 
in  which  we  have  only  isolated  words  on  which  to  base  an 
opinion,  to  decide  exactly  as  to  the  birth-place  or  dialect  of 
the  author :  and  this  difficulty  is  increased  by  the  fact  that 
of  the  copies  which  have  come  down  to  us  neither  in  all  proba- 
bility is  the  autograph  of  the  compiler,  but  the  work  of  a  scribe. 
We  can,  however,  in  the  present  instance  assert  with  considerable 
confidence  that  the  compiler  was  a  native  of  one  of  the  northern 
counties.  Mr.  Way  was  of  opinion  that  the  dialectical  peculiarities 
of  the  MS.  indicated  that  it  was  compiled  in  the  north-eastern 
parts  of  England,  and  in  this  he  was  most  probably  correct. 
He  pointed  out  that  the  names  of  Norwich,  Lincoln,  York, 
Richmond,  Ripon,  Durham  and  Carlisle  occur  in  it,  but  we 
can  hardly  attribute  much  importance  to  this  fact,  inasmuch 
as  we  also  find  London,  Salisbury,  Bath,  Oxford,  Winchester, 
and  Cambridge  —  and  these  are  all  names  of  places  which 
would  be  likely  to  be  familiar  to  a  monk,  and  such  I  be- 
lieve the  compiler  to  have  been,  grounding  my  opinion  on 
his  intimate  knowledge  of  ecclesiastical  terms,  as  evidenced 
throughout  the  work,  as  well  as  on  such  slight,  but,  to  my 
mind,  significant  entries  as  didimus  ufor  vn-Trowabylle.  The 
mention  of  Hekbetts  or  Heckboats  is  more  to  the  purpose,  as 
these  appear  to  have  been  peculiar  to  the  river  Ouse  in 
Yorkshire.  So  also  with  Scurffe,  which  appears  to  obtain  prin- 
cipally on  the  Tees *.  So  again,  we  have  the  curious  expression 
Gabrlelle  rache,  which  still  exists  in  Yorkshire.  Further,  the 
author  speaks  of  the  Wolds,  which  he  renders  by  Alpes.  On  the 
whole  it  is  probable  that  the  work  was  compiled  in  the  north 
portion  of  the  East  Riding  of  Yorkshire  :  more  exactly  than  this 
it  is  now  impossible  to  fix  the  locality.  The  reader  will  notice 
the  large  number  of  words  occurring  in  our  work,  which  are 

1  See  notes,  pp.  18 1,  526. 


illustrated  by  quotations  from  the  Wills  and  Inventories  pub- 
blished  by  the  Surtees  Society,  and  from  Henry  Best's  Farming 
and  Account  Book.  Many  of  these,  such  as  ReJcande,  Spene,  Eery, 
Scurffe,  Ley,  Staith,  Mosscrop,  and  others,  are  peculiar  to  York- 
shire, or  at  least  to  the  most  northern  counties. 

The  Addit.  MS.  appears  to  have  been  originally  written  in 
a  purer  northern  dialect  than  Lord  Monson's  MS.,  but  it  has 
constantly  been  altered  by  the  scribe.  This  is  shown  by  the 
order  in  which  we  find  the  words.  Thus  Spoyn  was  no  doubt 
originally  written  Spune,  as  is  clear  from  its  position.  Again 
we  have  '  Scho '  or  '  Ho '  in  A.,  where  Lord  Monson's  MS. 
reads  *  Sche.' 

The  thorn  letter  ]?  is  found  not  unfrequently  throughout  the 
work,  but  does  not  occur  as  the  initial  letter  of  a  set  of  words : 
instead  of  it  words  beginning  with  th  are  given  in  the  regular 
alphabetical  order  under  T. 

As  in  the  Promptorium,  the  Scribe  has  not  been  consistent  in 
his  use  of  the  thorn  letter  :  frequently  we  find  instead  of  it  the 
y  which  not  long  after  entirely  superseded  it.  Occasionally  we 
even  meet  with  the  two  forms  in  the  same  line. 

Sch  is  used  for  sk,  and  scl  for  si,  but  not  invariably. 

§  8.  The  MS.  of  the  Medulla  Grammatice,  of  which,  by  the 
kindness  of  the  authorities  of  St.  John's  College,  Cambridge,  I 
have  been  enabled  to  make  such  free  use,  is  that  referred  to  by  Mr. 
Way  at  p.  liii  of  his  Introduction.  It  is  a  4to  MS.  belonging  to 
St.  John's  College,  Press  Mark  C.  22,  on  paper  quires,  with  vellum 
covers  to  each  quire.  Thus  the  first  two  leaves  are  vellum,  then 
come  five  leaves  of  paper,  followed  by  two  leaves  of  vellum,  five  of 
paper,  and  so  on.  At  the  end  is  the  date,  in  the  same  handwriting 
as  the  body  of  the  MS.,  i6th  December,  1468.  It  is  a  Latin 
Dictionary,  the  explanation  of  the  words  being  mainly  in  Latin  *. 
It  was  presented  to  the  College  by  Thomas,  Earl  of  Southampton, 
and  is  stated  to  have  been  purchased  from  William  Crashawe,  a 
brother  of  the  poet,  who  was  admitted  fellow  of  St.  John's  in 
1593.  I  have  also  at  times  consulted  other  MSS.  of  the  Medulla, 
such  as  MSS.  Harl.  1000,  1738,  2257,  and  2270,  but  all  the  illus- 
trations from  the  Medulla,  which  will  be  found  in  my  notes,  have 

1  Not  altogether  as  stated  in  Mr.  Way's  Introd.  p.  liii. 


been,  unless  it  is  expressly  otherwise  stated,  taken  from  the  St. 
John's  MS.1 

I  would  especially  draw  attention  to  the  very  great  similarity 
which  we  find  in  many  words  between  the  Catholicon  and  the 
Medulla,  pointing-  clearly  to  the  fact  of  a  common  origin. 

§  9.  The  authorities  to  which  I  have  had  recourse,  and  from 
which  my  notes  and  illustrations  have  been  drawn  are  set  out  in 
the  list  at  the  end  of  this  volume,  but  it  may  not  be  amiss  here  to 
refer  more  fully  to  such  of  them  as  I  have  found  more  especially 
useful.  Amongst  Dictionaries  of  the  older  English,  Stratmann 
and  Matzner  have  been  of  the  greatest  value ;  of  the  latter,  un- 
fortunately, I  had  no  opportunity  of  consulting  a  copy  until  after 
C  had  passed  the  press.  Of  the  former  I  have  made  free  use, 
although,  at  the  same  time,  endeavouring  to  gather  together 
illustrations  and  quotations  not  to  be  found  there. 

In  Wright's  Volume  of  Vocabularies,  although  it  is  far  from 
satisfactorily  free  from  faults  and  mistakes,  I  have  found  an 
almost  endless  source  of  illustrations  of  many  words  and  of  all 
dates  2. 

For  later  English  my  chief  helps  have  been  Huloet's  Abce- 
darium,  Herman's  Vulgaria  (two  most  curious  and  interesting 
works,  which  would  well  repay  reprinting),  Baret's  Alvearie, 
the  Ortus  Vocabidorum 3,  Levins'  Manipulus  Vocabulorum,  Stan- 
bridge  Vocabula^  Palsgrave,  Cotgrave,  and,  in  a  lesser  degree, 
Cockeram,  Withals,  Gouldman,  and  Jamieson. 

For  the  names  of  plants  and  instances  of  botanical  terms  I 
have  principally  had  recourse  to  Cockayne's  LeecMoms,  Lyte's 
translation  of  Dodoens,  Turner's  and  Gerarde's  Herbals,  and  the 
several  lists  of  plants  in  Wright's  Volume  of  Vocabularies,  already 
mentioned,  besides  numerous  lists  of  plants  in  MSS.4  The  Dic- 
tionary of  English  Plant-Names,  compiled  by  Messrs.  Britten  & 

1  See  Mr.  Way's  account  of  these  and  other  MSS.  of  the  Medulla,  Introd.  pp 

a  A  new  edition,  with  large  additions  and  corrections,  and  edited  by  Prof. 
Wiilcker,  is  now  in  the  press. 

8  See  Mr.  Way's  Introd.  p.  liv.     T  have  used  the  edition  of  1532. 

Mr.  Way  gives  a  list  of  several,  Introd.  p.  Ixvii,  and  many  more  might  be  men- 
tioned. Why  should  not  one  of  our  Societies  print  a  collection  of  some,  at  least, 
of  the  numerous  glossaries  still  remaining  in  MS.  ?  The  light  which  they  would 
help  to  throw  on  our  language  can  not  be  over-estimated. 


Holland,  would  have  been  of  the  greatest  service  to  me  had  it 
appeared  earlier. 

The  publications  of  the  English  Dialect  Society  have  furnished 
me  with  abundant  instances  of  dialectal  forms  and  words  occur- 
ring in  the  Catholicon,  and  still  in  use  in  our  Northern  Counties. 
More  especially  have  I  been  indebted  to  the  Glossaries  of  Mr.  E. 
Peacock  (Lincolnshire),  Mr.  C.  C.  Robinson  (Mid- Yorkshire),  Mr. 
Nodal  (Lancashire),  and  Prof.  Skeat's  editions  of  Ray,  &c. 

Many  of  my  illustrations,  as  well  as  hints  and  helps  for  many 
others  are  due  to  the  publications  of  the  late  Mr.  Riley  for  the 
Rolls  Series.  His  editions  of  the  Liber  Albus  and  the  Liber 
Custumarum  are  crammed  with  bits  of  archaeological  lore,  which 
have  added  vastly  to  the  value  of  my  notes,  to  which  I  have 
freely  transferred  them1. 

I  have,  of  course,  placed  all  the  publications  of  the  Early 
English  Text  Society  under  contribution,  many  of  them,  espe- 
cially those  most  recently  issued,  I  had  to  read  through  myself 
for  the  purpose,  as  they  are  not  included  in  Stratmann.  Of  the 
publications  of  the  Camden  Society  the  most  useful  to  me 
have  been  the  Thornton  Romances,  the  Ancren  Riwle,  and  the 
Bury  Wills  fy  Inventories,  the  last  containing  a  large  number  of 
valuable  and  interesting  words  and  forms. 

But  the  most  valuable  works  to  me  have  been  the  Wills  fy  In- 
ventories, the  Testamenta  Eloracensia,  and  other  publications  of 
the  Surtees  Society.  It  is  impossible  to  speak  too  highly  of  the 
importance  of  these  works  to  all  students  of  our  language  and  its 
history.  Extending  as  they  do  over  a  period  of  more  than  500 
years,  from  1085  to  1600,  they  afford  an  almost  inexhaustible 
mine  of  material  to  the  student,  and  the  complete  glossary  and 
index  which  we  are  promised  to  them  and  the  other  issues  of 
the  Society  will  be  one  of  the  most  valuable  works  in  existence. 
Next  in  importance  to  the  Wills  8f  Inventories  comes  the  Farming 
ty  Account  Books  of  Henry  Best,  a  Yorkshire  farmer,  who  died  in 

1  I  deeply  regret  that  by  an  oversight  I  have  in  two  instances  omitted  accidentally 
to  acknowledge  the  sources  of  my  notes.  A  great  part  of  those  under  Baynstikille 
and  Baudstrot  are  from  notes  of  Mr.  Riley,  in  his  Glossaries  to  the  Liber  Albus  and 
Liber  Custumarum.  These  are,  I  believe,  the  only  instances  in  which  I  have 
omitted  to  give  my  authorities  and  the  credit  which  is  due  to  the  original  writer. 


1645.  A  very  slight  glance  will  show  to  what  a  great  extent 
this  work  has  helped  to  throw  light  on  many  of  the  dialectal 
terms  and  forms  in  the  Catholicon.  For  purposes  of  quotation, 
indeed,  it  has  been  a  more  satisfactory  book  than  the  Wills  fy 
Inventories,  as  the  extracts  in  most  cases  help  to  explain  them- 
selves, instead  of  being  a  mere  list  of  names.  Several  other 
publications  of  the  same  Society  have  also  furnished  a  valuable 
and  welcome  quota  of  illustrations,  more  especially  the  Townley 
Mysteries  and  the  Early  English  Psalter.  Nor  should  I  omit  to 
mention  the  excellent  reprints  of  Prof.  Arber,  as  remarkable  for 
their  correctness  as  their  cheapness. 

Such  have  been  my  main  resources  for  the  earlier  and  dialectal 
illustrations  of  the  words  in  the  Catholicon :  for  more  modern 
uses,  Prof.  Skeat's  and  Mr.  Wedgwood's  Etymological  Dic- 
tionaries have  been  of  the  greatest  service,  while  for  Scotch 
words  and  forms  I  have  used  Jamieson's  Dictionary. 

§  10.  And  now  my  task  is  done,  with  the  exception  of  one 
pleasant  duty,  that  of  returning  thanks  to  those  gentlemen  who 
have  in  various  ways  assisted  me  during  the  progress  of  the  work. 
The  chief  thanks  both  of  the  Societies  and  of  myself  are  of  course 
due  to  Lord  Monson  for  his  great  kindness  in  lending  this  valu- 
able MS.  freely  and  willingly,  without  any  restriction  as  to  time, 
for  so  many  years. 

Next  our  thanks  are  due  to  Prof.  Mayor  and  the  authorities  of 
St.  John's  College,  Cambridge,  for  the  willingly- granted  loan  of 
their  MS.  of  the  Medulla,  and  to  Mr.  H.  B.  Wheatley  for  his 
very  interesting  Preface. 

My  own  thanks  are  especially  due  to  Mr.  H.  Hucks  Gibbs, 
first,  for  kindly  lending  me  his  set  of  the  publications  of  the 
Surtees  Society,  of  which  I  have  made  so  large  a  use  in  my 
notes ;  and  secondly,  for  assistance  in  the  explanation  of  several 
words,  which  had  long  puzzled  others  as  well  as  myself.  To 
Mr.  Furnivall  and  Mr.  J.  H.  Hessels  I  am  similarly  indebted, 
for  help  in  my  hunt  after  the  origin  and  meaning  of  a  large 
number  of  words ;  while  from  Prof.  Skeat  I  have,  as  ever, 
always  received  a  ready  aid.  In  especial  I  am  deeply  indebted 
to  Mr.  Wedgwood,  who  has  kindly  found  time  to  read  over  a 
large  proportion  of  the  work  in  proof,  and  by  his  suggestions 
and  help  has  contributed  not  a  little  to  its  value. 


§  i-i.  In  the  preceding  pages  I  have  endeavoured  to  explain 
clearly  the  plan  on  which  I  have  carried  out  this  work,  and  the 
sources  on  which  I  have  drawn  for  the  notes.  That  the  work 
will  be  found  in  every  way  satisfactory  is  far  beyond  my 
expectations.  That  deficiences  and  short-comings  will  most 
disagreeably  make  themselves  evident  in  some  places,  and 
excess  in  others  is,  I  fear,  unavoidable  in  a  work  of  this  kind ; 
and  I  can  only  lay  it  before  the  Societies  with  a  confident  hope 
that,  despite  its  failings,  it  will  be  found  of  value  for  the  number 
and  variety  of  the  illustrations  collected  together  in  it.  The 
work  was  originally  intended  for  the  members  of  the  Early 
English  Text  Society  only,  the  Council  of  the  Camden  Society 
having  some  years  ago  determined  not  to  follow  up  the  joint 
publication  of  Levins'  Manipulus  Focabulorum.  When,  however, 
about  half  of  the  Catholicon  had  passed  the  press,  the  proposal 
to  join  in  its  production  was  made  to  the  Camden  Society,  and 
it  is  a  source  of  very  great  gratification  to  me  that  the  Council 
of  the  Society  which  printed  the  Promptorium  has  recognized  the 
present  volume  as  a  worthy  companion  to  Mr.  Way's  admirable 
work.  It  has  occupied  my  leisure  now  for  more  than  three 
years,  and  in  parting  with  it  I  seem  to  part  with  an  old  friend, 
whose  welfare  and  progress  have  so  largely  occupied  my  thoughts 
during  that  time.  It  would  have  been  better  for  the  Societies 
had  Mr.  Wheatley  been  able  to  find  time  in  his  busy  life  to  write 
a  longer  introduction  to  this  work,  but  as  it  is,  I  can  only  com- 
mend the  book  to  the  impartial  judgment  of  the  members  of  the 
two  Societies,  in  the  words  of  the  original  compiler  himself :  '  Si 
qua  in  ea  reprehensione  digna  invenerint,  aut  corriganfr,  aut  oculis 
clausis  pertranseant,  aut  saltern  humane  ignorancie  imputent.' 



August,  1881. 


Page  17.  Badildore.  This  undoubtedly  here  means  the  instrument  used  by  washers 
to  beat  coarse  clothes.  In  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  269,  we  have  *  Hoc  feratorium,  Hoc 
pecten,  a  batylledore,'  and  Palsgrave  has,  '  Batyldore,  battover  a  lessiue.'  In  the  Invent,  of 
Raffe  Gower,  of  Richmond,  taken  in  1567,  are  included  '  iiij  batle  dowres,  a  maille  and  a 
maille  pyllyone.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  197. 

Bafynstylkylle.     '  Sir,  (said  the  Foxe)  it  is  Lentren  yee  see, 
And  I  can  neither  fish  with  huke  nor  net, 
To  take  ane  Bansticlde,  though  we  both  should  die.' 

Henryson,  Moral  Fables,  1571,  p.  65, 

This  is,  no  doubt,  the  same  word  as  beynsteyllys,  which  occurs  in  a  burlesque  poem  in 
Eeliq.  Antiq.  i.  86,  and  seems  to  have  puzzled  Mr.  Halliwell : 

4  Then  ther  com  masfattus  in  mortros  alle  soow, 
Borhammys  [flounders]  and  beynstellys,  for  thei  my3t  not  goo.' 

18.  Bakke.     '  Hec  vespertilio,  a  bake.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  220.    •  More  louynge 
derkenes  than  lyght,  lyke  vnto  a  beest  called  a  backed  Bp.  Fisher,  Works,  p.  87.    See  also 
Douglas,  JEneados,  Bk.  xiii.  Prol.  p.  449. 

Baldestrot.     'Hie  leno,  -nis,  baustrott.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  216. 

19.  Balyngar.     'Ther  wer  lost  ij  carykkes  and  two  balyngers  with  marchaundyses 
and  other  goodes,  and  alle  the  peple  that  were  within.'  Caxton,  Chronicle  of  England, 
1482,  ch.  ccxxiv.  p.  304.     In  the  State  Papers,  Henry  VIII,  vol.  ii.  p.  76,  is  a  complaint 
that '  oon  Ry chard  Pepyr,  of  Caleys,  hath  of  late  robbed  and  dyspoyled  twoo  Brytton 
shippis  upon  the  see,  and  hath  brought  with  hym  oon  of  their  ballynyers? 

'  In  Bote,  in  Balingar  and  Bargis  The  twa  Armyis  on  otherris  chargis.' 

Lyndesay,  Monarche,  Bk.  ii.  1.  3101. 

See  the  Ancient  Scottish  Prophecy,  printed  by  Prof.  Lumby  in  his  edition  of  Bernardu» 
De  Cura  Rei  Fam.  p.  21,  1. 116 — 

4  Fra  farnelande  to  the  fyrth  salbe  a  fayr  sygh 

O  barges  and  ballungerys,  and  mony  brod  sayle.' 

Balke.  '  It  is  and  ought  to  bee  the  care  of  shepheards  ....  that,  when  theire 
sheepe  have  had  theire  will  on  the  stubbles  three  weekes  or  a  moneth,  then  to  have  an 
eye  to  the  heades,  bailees  and  divisions  that  lye  betwixt  two  faughes,  for  that  is  usually  a 
battle,  sweete,  moiste  and  (as  wee  say)  a  naturall  grasse.'  Best,  Farming,  &c.,  Book,  p.  28. 
4  He  that  wylle  stalke,  Be  brook  or  balke.'  Coventry  Mysteries,  p.  343.  4  My  body  on  bailee 
]>er  bod  in  sweuen.'  Allit.  Poems,  A.  62.  The  verb  occurs  in  Grower,  i.  296 — 

'  So  well  halt  no  man  the  plough  That  he  ne  balheth  other  while.' 

Bancour.     '  For  the  array  of  the  hall  four  bankers.'  English  Gilds,  p.  233. 
Bande  of  a  dure.     In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  19306,  we  are  told  that  when  the 
angel  delivered  the  Apostles  from  prison  he 

'  pe  prisun  dors  left  als  he  fand,  Noij^er  he  brak  ne  barr  ne  band.' 

In  the  Invent,  of  Sir  J.  Birnand,  1565,  we  find  '  iiij  bucket  grithes,  iiij  iron  bandes  for  a 
doore,  j  stancyon  of  iron  and  a  barre.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  178  :  and  in  the  Invent,  of 
John  Golan,  of  York,  1490,  is  an  item,  'De  ij  veteribus  lez  dore  bandes,  ferri  vjd.'  Testa- 
menta  Ebor.  iv.  59.  See  the  curious  burlesque  poem  printed  in  Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  86,  where 
the  writer  speaks  of  '  Dore-bundys  stalkyng  one  stylttus,  in  ther  hondus  gret  olms.' 

20.  Bannock.     Turner  in  his  Herbal,  pt.  ii.  If.  33,  says  of  Lentil  that  'it  hath  litle 
coddes  somthyng  flatt,  wherein  are  conteyned  in  euery  one  about  iij  or  iiij  granes  in 
figure  flat  lyke  a  halfpenny,  but  somthyng  rysyng  in  bignes  toward  the  middes,  as  a  litle 
cake  or  bannock  is  which  is  hastely  baked  vpon  ye  harfch.' 

Banworte.  '  Siciye,  ban-wyrt.'  Wright's  Vol.  o'f  Vocab.  p.  68.  *  Osmund,  osmunde, 
bon-wurt.'  Ibid.  p.  141. 


20.  Bane  schawe.     Langham  in  his  Garden  of  Health,  1633,  p.  93,  recommends  '  For 

in  his  Glossary,  gives  '  Boneshave,  bony  or  horny  excrescence  or  tumour  growing  out  of 
horses  heels ;  perhaps  so  called  from  a  distant  resemblance  to  the  substance  of  a  bone 
spavin  :  also,  the  scratches.  Exmore.' 

21.  Barsepay.     In  the  translation  of  Vegecius  on  the  Art  of  War,  in  Royal  MS.  8  A 
xii.  If.  103,  is  an  account  of  a  berfry,  which  may  be  compared  with  the  description  of  that 
in  Sir  Ferumbras  given  in  my  note :  *  A  somer  castel  or  a  rollyng  tour  is  a  gyn  of  werre 
moche  and  large  and  of  grete  cost,  hit  is  made  squaar  as  a  tour  of  stoon,  of  grete  bemes 
and  plancheres  nayled  and  pynned  and  framed  to-gidre  :  and  for  it  schole  not  be  liBtliche 
I-brend  ne  fyred  wi]>  enemyes,  hit  is  heled  wij>-oute  with  rawe  hyde  and  wete  hayres  and 
feltes.     ^f  pese  towres  after  here  heythes  j)ei  hauen  here  brede,  some  ben  xxxtl,  some  xlt!, 
some  fifty  foote  squaar  of  brede  ....  he  hat>.  many  stages,  in  many  manere  wise  he 
harmej}  and  assaile)).  he  ha])  in  ]>e  neither  flore  I-heled  his  mynoures  to  digge  and  myne  }>e 
\val.    he  haj)  ])ere  also  j^e  gyn  lpa,t  is  cleped  }>e  Ram  wi}>  strokes  to  stonye  ]>e  wal.    H  In  J>e 
mydde  stage  [he]  ha])  a  foldynge  brigge  to  let  falle  sodeynliche  vpon  ]>e  top  of  )>e  walle, 
And  so  to  renne  into  J)e  citee  wij)  men  of  armes,  and  take  pe  citee  at  his  wille.     In  J?e 
ouer  stage  he  haj>  schelteres,  casteres,  slyngeres,  and  alle  manere  diffence,  ])e  whiche  for  ]>ei 
ben  ouer  J>e  heddes  of  hem  ]>at  ben  on  ]je  walles  wij)  alle  manere  egge  toole,  nameliche  wij) 
grete  stones,  J>ei  sleej)  or  bete])  awey  fro  ])e  walles  alle  J)at  stonde])  vnder  hem.'     Compare 
P.  Somyr  Castell.     In  the  .4^.  Poems,  B.  1187,  we  are  told  that  when  Nebuchadnezzar 
besieged  Jerusalem  there  was  'at  vch  brugge  a  berfray  on  basteles  wyse;'  and  so  when 
besieging  Thebes  Alexander 

'  and  his  folk  alle,  Myd  berfreyes,  with  alle  gyn.' 

Faste  asailed  heore  wallis  Alisaunder,  2277. 

See  also  R.  de  Brunne's  Chronicle,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  36, 1. 1031. 

22.  Barnakylle.    In  the  i4th  cent,  glossary  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  1 80,  'frenum 
cum  cltamo '  is  glossed  by  '  brydylle'  and  '  barnaculle,'  and  again,  on  the  following  page,  we 
have  '  camus,  barnaculle.'     Trevisa  in  his  trans,  of  Higden,  i.  353,  says  of  the  Irish  :  '  pey 
dryuej)  hir  hors  wi])  a  chambre  jerde  in  ])e  ouer  ende  instede  of  barnacles  and  of  bridels  of 
reest  [cami  vice].'    See  also  Wyclif,  Proverbs  xxvi.  3,  Psalms  xxxi.  9,  &c.     'Barnacles  or 
Burnacles  to  putte  on  a  horses  nose  to  make  hym  to  stande.  Pastorius.'  Huloet.     '  Brayes. 
Barnacles  for  a  horses  nose.'  Cotgrave. 

23.  Barras.     'The  Cristen  men  chasede  J)am  to  ]>e  barres, 

And  sloughe  righte  there  fele  folke  and  fresche.'  Sege  off  Melayne,  1159. 
See  also  1. 1279  :  'P6  owte  barres  hew  ])ay  dowun.' 

Baslarde.  In  the  Invent,  of  John  de  Scardeburgh,  taken  in  1395,  we  find  men- 
tioned, '  unum  baselard  ornatum,  cum  manubrio  de  murro,  pret.  vjs.  viijd.  vend,  pro  xi8.' 
Test.  Ebor.  iii.  3. 

24.  Bature.     See  the  recipe  '  for  Freture '  in  the  Liber  Cure  Cocorum,  p.  39  : 
'With  eggea  and  floure  in  batere  ])ou  make,         Put  berme  })er  to,  I  undertake,  &c.' 

Beabowteward.  I  ought  to  have  explained  that  this  means  to  try,  attempt,  as 
shown  by  the  latin  equivalents  Chaucer  in  the  Knight's  Tale,  1 146,  has : 

'Now  thou  woldest  falsly  ben  dboute  To  love  my  lady.' 

Compare  the  Ancren  Rtwle,  p.  234,  '"Lo!"cweS  ure  Louerd,  "Satan  is  jeorne  abuten 
uorto  ridlen  ])e  ut  of  mine  corne  ! "  '  and  the  Sowdone  of  Bdbylone,  1.  839  :  '  Ferumbras  was 
euera-bowte  To  fyghte  withe  Olyvere.' 

'  Syr  Marrok,  hys  steward  To  do  hys  lady  gyle.' 

Was  faste  abowtewarde  Sir  Triamour,  65. 

Becalle.     In  Genesis  &  Exodus,  after  the  departure  of  his  brothers  with  the  cup 

hidden  in  Benjamin's  sack, 

Josef  baueft  hem  after  sent.  And  bi-calle'S  of  harme  and  scaSe.' 

ftis  fonde  hem  ouertakeS  ra'Se,  1.  2314. 

'  Menme,  biknlled  of  tresown,  And  has  me  put  her  in  presoun.'  Ywaine  &  Gawaine,  1.  2133. 

In  Allit.  Poems,  A.  913,  the  word  is  used  in  the  simple  meaning  of  call.     '  Be  calle  }>am  of 

tresoun.'  Robert  of  Brunne,  p.  257. 


25.  Beddred.     '  Paraliticus,  bedreda.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  89.    John  Baret  by 
his  Will,  1463,  bequeathed  'as  moche  ferthyng  white  breed  as  comyth  to  iiijs.  ijd.  to  be 
delyd  ....  a  part  to  bedrefolke  and  a  part  to  the  prisowneres  and  to  the  laserys.'  Bury 
Wills,  &c.  p.  28  ;  and  Johne  Coote  in  1502  left  '  vjs.  viija.  to  be  delte  in  bedred  men  or 
women.'  Ibid.  p.  92.     '  Seke  1  was  and  bedred  lay.'  Hampole,  Pricke  of  Cons.  6198.     See 
also  Early  English  Poems,  p.  134,  1.  57 ;  and  Wyclif,  Works,  ed.  Matthew,  pp.  7  and  186. 

Bedstocks.     This  is  of  frequent  occurrence  in  isth-iyth  century  wills  and  inven- 
tories.    Thus  in  1567  Edward  Parkinson  had  amongst  his  goods,  'one  pare  of  cerved 

bedstokes,    with  bedding  and  hangings,  iij1.  vis.  viijd two  pare  of  bedstokes,  with 

bedding,  xxvis.  viijd.'  Witts  &  Invent,  i.  272  ;  and  in  1541,  in  the  Invent,  of  Roger  Pele, 
are  mentioned  'iij  parre  ofbedstoks,  price  xijs.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  22  ;  see  also  ibid. 
pp.  91,  133,  201,  &c. 

Bedstrey.     Tusser,  Five  Hundred  Points,  ch.  xix.  st.  40,  uses  bedstraw  for  clean 
straw :  '  By  thend  of  October,  go  gather  vp  sloes, 

haue  thou  in  a  readines  plentie  of  thoes, 
And  keepe  them  in  bedstraw,  or  still  on  the  bow, 
to  staie  both  the  flixe  of  thyselfe  and  thy  cow.' 

26.  Behovefulle.     Best,  in  his  Farming,  &c.  Book,  p.  37  says,  '  It  is  very  behoove/nit 
to  see  that  an  hay  waine  bee  well  raked.' 

'Good  let  oc  $u  hem  bi-se,      Alswilc  als  hem  bi-huflik  bee.'  Genesis  &  Exodus,  4108. 
See  Shakespere,  Romeo  and  Juliet,  IV.  iii.  8. 

Beke  handes.  I  have  no  doubt  now  that  my  note  on  this  word  is  wrong,  and 
that  the  true  reading  is  '  to  Beke  wandes.'  I  was  led  astray  by  the  latin  equivalent,  and 
the  Ortus.  The  meaning  is  to  heat  unseasoned  wood  by  the  fire  for  the  purpose  of 
straightening  it.  Thus  Neckam  in  his  treatise  De  Utensilibus,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab. 
p.  in,  says  a  farmer  should  have 
'bastuns  peuz  endurziz  idem 

fmtes  et  palos  sepius  in  igne  probatos  vel  exploratos ;'  and  H.  Best  says,  'after  that 
we  have  cutte  our  wilfes  and  saughs,  and  sorted  them  ....  wee  sette  our  foreman  and 
another  to  beakinge  of  them  ;  and  for  this  purpose  they  fetch  a  bottle  of  pease-strawe,  or 
a  bottle  of  barley-strawe,  and  then  doe  they  take  the  stickes  and  sette  them  vp  an  ende 
slanttinge  against  the  hudde,  and  keepe  a  good  fire  under  them.'  Farming,  &c.  Boole,  p. 
122.  The  verb  is  still  common  in  the  North:  in  Ywaine  &  Gawin,  1459,  a  knight  is 
described  as  lying  '  bekeand  in  his  bed  ;'  and  Markham  in  his  Countrey  Far  me,  1616,  says  : 
'  when  you  bring  your  grey-hound  home  at  night,  you  shall  bring  him  to  a  faire  fire,  and 
there  let  him  beake  and  stretch  himselfe,  and  doe  you  ticke  him  at  the  least  an  houre  or 
more  before  you  put  him  into  his  kennell.'  In  Le  Bone  Florence,  99,  we  have  : 
'  He  had  more  mystyr  of  a  gode  fyre  To  beyke  hys  boones  by.' 

Of  bryght  brondys  brennyng  schyre, 

By  this  we  may  explain  the  entries   in   the  Promptorium  :    '  Beykynge  or  streykynge 
(strekinge  J.  N.).  Protencio,  extencio ;'  and  '  Streykynge  or  spredynge  owute  (or  beykynge, 
supra;  strekyng,  to  strikynge  oute  P.).  Extencio,  protencio'     The  more  common  form 
(still  surviving  in  the  provinces)  is  to  beath,  which  is  used  by  Tusser,  ch.  xxiii.  st.  9  : 
'  Yokes,  forks,  and  such  othir,  let  bailie  spie  out, 

and  gather  the  same  as  he  walketh  about. 
And  after  at  leasure  let  this  be  his  hier, 

to  beath  them  and  trim  them  at  home  by  the  fier ;' 

on  which  Tusser  Redivivus  (D.  Hilman)  notes  :  '  Bathing  at  the  Fire,  as  it  is  commonly 
called,  when  the  wood  is  yet  unseasoned,  sets  it  to  what  purpose  you  think  fit.'  See  also 
Douglas,  ^Eneados,  Bk.  v.  p.  131  and  Bk.  vii.  p.  201. 

27.  Belle  man.     John  Baret  in  his  Will,  1463,  directed  that  'the  ij  bellemen  haue  ij 
gownys,  and  be  ij  of  ye  fyve  to  holde  torches,  and  ijd.  and  here  mete,  and  ye  Sexteyn  of  ye 
chirche  to  haue  brede  and  drynkke  and  xijd.  for  his  rynggyng  and  his  mete.'  Bury  Wills, 
&c.  p.  17 ;  and  again,  p.  28,  he  directs  'that  the  belle  meen  haue  iiijd.  to  go  yeerly  ab^wte 
the  town  at  my  yeerday  for  my  soule  and  for  my  faderis  and  my  modrys.'     On  the  other 
hand  John  Coote,  in  1502,  declares  he  will  have  '  neyther  ryngyn  nor  belman  goynge,'  but 
all  '  to  be  don  in  secrete  maner :'  ibid.  p.  92.     The  duty  of  these  bellmen  was  to  go  round 
a  town  on  the  anniversary  of  the  death  of  any  person,  calling  on  all  who  heard  thorn  to 
pray  for  the  soul  of  the  departed.  In  1433  John  Dene,  Canon  of  Ripon,  left  in  his  Will  to 


'  le  belman  iiijd.'  Test.  Ebor.  ii.  43.  See  also  the  account  of  the  expenses  incurred  at  the 
funeral  of  Thomas  tie  Dalby  in  1400,  where  we  have  an  item,  '  campanatori  pro  prceconi- 
zatione  obitusper  civitatem  iiijl1.'  ibid.  iii.  19. 

28.  Benes  spelked.    Compare  Spelkyd  benes,  p.  353.    In  the  glossary  in  MS.  Harl. 
3376,  of  the  loth  century  is  given  '  Fabafresa,  gegrunden  bean,  s.  dicta  quia  molata  est.' 

Benet.     See  notes  to  Coniure,  p.  74,  and  Ostils,  p.  262. 
decon        subdeacon       benott       idem  est. 

'  Diaconus,  subdiaconus,  exorcista,  benedictus.'  Liber  Equus  Caballm,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of 
Vocab.  p.  182.  ' Hie  exorcista,  Ace-  a  benet.'  ibid.  p.  263.  The  author  of  the  Fardle  of 
Facions,  1555,  identifies  the  Acolyte  with  the  Benet:  'The  Acholite,  whiche  we  calle 
Benet  or  Cholet,  occupieth  the  roume  of  Candlebearer.'  Pt.  II.  ch.  xii.  p.  267. 

29,  to  Bery.     We  find  this  word  frequently  in  North  Country  wills  and  inventories  of 
the  I5th-i7th  centuries.     Thus  in  the  Invent,  of  Jane  Lawson,  taken  in  1557,  we  find 
an  item,  'In  beryed  corn  in  the  barne  viijd.'    Wills  &  Invents,  i.  158;  and  in  1570  E. 
Parkinson  left  in  '  The  Ey  Barne.    In  rye  not  buried  xx  thraves  liijs.  iiijd.'  ibid.  p.  272. 
See  also  p.  331,  and  p.  341,  where,  in  the  Invent,  of  Bertram  Anderson,   in  1570,  are 
mentioned,  '  otes  buried  eight  lode  xxs. — in  vnberied  whete  xiiij  thraves  xxs. — in  pease 
vnberied  iij  quarters,  xxxvi8.'      See  also  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  42.      H.  Best  in  his 
Farming, &c.  Boole,  1641,  p.  132,  gives  the  particulars  of  the  wages  paid  'for  buryinge 
of  corne  by  quarter- taile,'  and  again,  p.  142,  he  says,  '  to  our  thrashers,   that  bury  by 
quarter-tale,  wee  have  allwayes  given  heretofore  4d.  a  quarter  for  otes.'     Wyclif  uses  the 
word  in  the  sense  of  trodden,  beaten  :  '  Bi  the  beryd  [comynli  vsid  P.  tritam  V.]  weye  we 
shulen  goon.'  Numbers  xx.  19  ;  and  again :  'tho  that  wenten  in  bi  hem  jeden  a  wey  bi 
streyt  beryd  paththis  out  of  the  weye.'  Judges  v.  6;  see  also  Jeremiah  xviii.  15.     In  the 
Ancren  Riwle,  p.  188,  we  have  :  '  Loke  !  douhter,  loke  !  hu  he  hit  schal  abuggen,  and  ]>er 
je  schulen  iseon  bunsen  ham  mit  tes  deofles  bettles,'  where  one  MS.  reads  berien. 

Besande.  See  Thynne's  Animadversions,  p.  31.  In  the  quotation  from  Cotgrave 
in  the  note  for  '  worth  a  double  duck  at  the  peece,'  read  *  worth  a  double  duckat  the  peece.' 

31.  A  Bygirdylle.     '  Jeremyas  sigh  his  brigirdel  yroted  [lumbare  suum  putrefactum].' 
Trevisa's  Higden,  iii.  85. 

32.  Byrelawe.    See  Jamieson,  s.  v.  and  Prof.  Skeat,  Etymol.  Diet.  s.  v.  Bylaw. 

Byrke.  'He  bete  hur  wyth  a  jerde  ofbyrke'  Le  Bone  Florence,  1518.  In  an 
inventory  dated  about  1480  are  mentioned  <li  shaffe  [of  arrows]  bir~k  and  hesh  of  temer 
waire.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  253.  '  Populus,  byre.  Betulus,  byre.  Betulentum,  byre-holt.'  Ael- 
fric's  Vocab.  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  33. 

Byrle.  In  Lasamon,  24164,  Arthur  addressing  Beduer  says  :  '  pu  art  min  hexle 
birle  her,'  and  again,  24604,  'An  oSer  half  wes  Beduer,  >as  kinges  ha^e  birle,'  where  the 
meaning  is  cup- bearer,  as  also  in  the  Ormulum,  in  the  account  of  the  marriage  atCana 
where  we  read :  '  Sannte  Marje  5ede  anan,  &  se^de  to  J?e  birrless 

Do])  }>att  tatt  he  shall  biddenn  3uw.'  1.  14023. 
'  All  for>i  wass  daefess  drinnch  Till  J>att  Johan.' 

Allraeresst  brohht  &  birrledd  Ibid.  15225. 

See  also  Douglas,  ^Eneados,  Bk.  iii.  p.  79,  and  Bk.  viii.  p.  247. 

A  Birnynge  yrne.  '  Caracter,  grece,  stilus,  figura,  ferrum  coloratum,  quo  note 
pecudibus  inuruntur,  mearcisern.'  Gloss.  MS.  Harl.  3376.  See  Best,  Farming,  &c.  Book, 
p.  71. 

33.  Blabery.     Turner,  in  his  Herbal,  pt.ii.  If.  61,  says  that  'many  ....  haue  erred 
....  in  takyng  the  bleberries  or  hurtel  berries  in  the  stede  of  the  myrtle  tre.' 

Blabyrlyppyd.  In  the  Digby  Mysteries,  p.  90,  1.  927,  the  King  of  Marcylle 
addresses  his  subjects  as  'brawlyng  breelles,  and  blabyr-lyppyd  bycchys.' 

34.  to  be  Blerid.     '  For  all  ower  besynes,  bleryd  is  ower  eye.'  Digby  Myst.  p.  92, 1.985. 

to  Blessum.  In  the  Early  English  Psalter  (Surtees  Soc.  ed.  Stevenson),  Ps.  Ixxvii. 
70  is  thus  rendered : 

'  He  ches  Davyd,  hyne  hisse  Of  herdes  of  schepe  J>at  be, 

And  up-bare  him  alle  with  blisse  ;  Of  a&er-blismed,  him  name  he ;' 

where  the  Vulgate  reads  de  post  fuetantes,  and  the  meaning  is  pregnant.     The  translator 


evidently  read  the  Vulgate  version  as  de  post-fcetantes.  Purvey  more  correctly  reads  '  for 
bihynde  scheep  with  lambren.'  Fitzherbert  in  his  Boke  of  Husbandry,  fo.  E  2  back,  says 
«  that  man,  that  hath  the  best  shepe  pasture  for  wynter,  and  some  spryngynge  in  the  be- 
gynnynge  of  the  yere,  he  maye  suffre  his  rammes  to  goo  with  his  ewes  all  tymes  of  the 
yere,  to  blyssomme  or  ryde  whan  they  wyll.' 

35.  to  Blyndfeyld.     In  the  account  of  the  conversion  of  St.  Paul  in  the  Cursor  Mundi, 
19615,  the  writer  says  tha,t  '  blinfeld  he  was  als  he  sua  lai,' where  other  MSS.  read 
blenfelled,  blind/eld,  and  blyndcfolde.     In  Caxton's  Charles  the  Grete,  p.  82,  Oliver,  after 
his  capture  by  the  Saracens,  had  '  hys  eyen  blynfelde  and  hys  hondes  straytly  bounden  ;' 
and  in  Sir  Ferumbras,  3011  :  <Gy  of  Borgoynge  J>er  a  fond,  y-blyndf ailed,  and  by-bounde.' 
In  the  quotation  from  Palsgrave  for  Je  vende  read  Je  bende. 

a  Bluderyne.  In  the  note  for  Blodevren  read  Blodeyren.  In  the  Invent,  of 
John  Stubbes,  of  York,  barber,  taken  in  1451,  we  find  the  following  entry:  'De  blode 
yrens  et  launcettes  in  j  case,  ijs.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  118. 

36.  a  Bob  of  grapys.     Compare  Sir  Gawayne,  206,  where  the  Green  Knight  is  de- 
scribed as  bearing  ' in  his  on  honde  ....  a  holyn  bobbe* 

a  Bole  of  a  tre.     '  This  is  the  shadowe  of  the  bole  of  the  tree.9  Fisher,  Works, 

P.  SIS- 

A  Bonet  of  a  saille.    Douglas  in  his  Jlneados,  Bk.  v.  p.  156,  has 
'All  mak  thaim  boun  And  fessyn  bonettis  beneth  the  mane  sale  doun.' 

'  Now  me  behouith  my  shippe  vnto  rest,  Sailles,  cordes,  and  bonet  put  don.' 

Partenay,  1.  6407. 

38.  A  Bottelle  of  hay.     H.  Best,  in  his  Farming  Boole,  p.  61,  says  :  'If  the  strawe 
or  stubble  lye  farre  from  the  stackes,  then  there  will  bee  imployment  for  two  folkes,  viz. 
for  one  to  drawe  and  make  bottles,  and  for  the  other  to  carry  and  serve ;'  and  at  p.  74  he 
says,  'you  may  bottle  it  [hay]  up,  and  carry  it.' 

'  He  shall  tell  a  tale  by  my  fey,         Although  it  be  not  worth  a  botel  hay. 

Chaucer,  Manciple's  Prol.  1.  14. 

39.  Bowrdeworde.    In  Genesis  &  Exodus,  2880,  Moses  tells  the  Israelites  '  Godes 
bode-wurd  bringe  ic.'  '  I  to  dai  fourtenniht  tald 

Hou  sain  Jon  bodword  broht  bald.'  Metrical  Homilies,  p.  44. 
'  Bryng  bodworde  to  bot  blysse  to  vus  alle.'  Allit.  Poems,  B.  473. 
See  also  Cursor  Mundi,  1195,  8556,  &c. 

a  Brachett.  '  Braches  bayed  ]>erfore,  &  breme  noyse  maked.'  Sir  Gawayne,  1 142 ; 
see  also  11.  1563,  1603,  &c. 

40.  to  Bray.     See  the  directions  for  making  '  Furmente '  in  the  Liber  Cure  Cocorum, 
p.  7,  where  we  are  told  to  take  wheat  and  '  bray  hit  a  lytelle.'     Wyclif  in  his  version  of 
I  Kings  xxv.  1 8,  speaks  of  'fyue  busshellis  ofbrayid  corn.'     '  Braye.  Brayed,  pounded, 
bruised,  braked  as  hempe.    Brayer.  To  bray,  poune,  bruise.'  Cotgrave. 

*  The  gumme  of  fructifying  pynes  eke,  And  bray  alle  aswel  as  thou  canst  devyse.' 

Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  199,  1.  347. 

a  Brakan.  In  the  verse  in  text  for  dicuntur  read  die.  '  Feugere  (a  brake,  feryn).' 
W.  de  Biblesworth  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  156.  'Hie  felix,  -cis,  Ae-  brakyn.'  ibid. 
p.  191.  In  the  Allit.  Poems,  B.  1675,  God  condemns  Nebuchadnezzar  to  live  as  'a  best, 
byte  on  J?e  bent  of  braJcen  and  erbes.' 

a  Brake.  '  Hec  vibra,  Ance-  a  brake.' Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  276.  'Braye. 
Braked  as  hemp.'  Cotgrave.  '  j  brake  ijd.'  is  included  in  the  Invent,  of  T.  Vicars,  1451. 
Test.  Ebor.  iii.  119. 

41.  to  Brawde.     In  note  for  Gardner  read  Gairdner.     '  Hec  palmaria,  a  brawdster.' 
Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  216. 

pe  Brawne  of  a  man.  See  the  Song  of  Roland,  1.  97,  where  the  boar  is  described 
as  tearing  a  man's  arm  '  clene  from  the  braun,  the  flesche,  &  the  Her.' 

Brawne.  In  the  Sege  off  Melayne,  1599,  the  provisions  of  the  French  army  are 
said  to  have  been  '  brede,  brawne  and  wyne.'  See  the  Babees  Book,  p.  53. 

42.  pe  Brede.     See  the  account  of  the  Marriage  at  Cana,  as  told  in  the  Ormulum, 
where,  at  1.  14040,  we  are  told  that  the  servants  at  the  Lord's  bidding 

'3edenn  till         &  didenn  )>att  he  sejjde 
&  filledenn  upp  till  ]>e  brerd  wij>]>  waterr  }>e#re  fettess.' 


In  Lajamon,  23322,  we  read  of  'aenne  beet '  filled  '  from  breorde  to  grunde.'     In  tlieAllit. 

Poems,  B.  1474,  we  have  the  form  brurde  ;  see  also  1.  383  :  '  brurdful  to  ]?e  bonkes  egge.' 

4  Hym  thought  that  the  fruyt  was  goode,  And  gadderd  bret-ful  hys  hoode.' 

Sevyn  Sages,  ed.  Wright,  945. 

Bret-ful  also  occurs  in  Pierce  the  Ploughmans  Crede,  223,  and  in  Wright's  Polit.  Songs,  p. 
33  :  '  bretful  a  male  off  noht ;'  and  Trevisa  in  his  trans,  of  Higden,  ii.  173,  has  '  Tantalus 
standej)  alway  in  a  water  vp  anon  to  )>e  ouer  brerde  of  J?e  nej?er  lippe.'  See  also  Destruct. 
of  Troy,  11. 1256  and  10254.  Brerd  is  the  English  and  bret  the  Scandinavian  form. 

43.  a  Brese.     'Hie  brucus,  a  breas.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  223.     ' Hoc  crestrum, 
Ace-  a  brese.'  ibid,  p.  255.     In  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  Bk.  i.  1.  654,  the  author  recom- 
mends for  peahens, '  Pluck  awey  the  feet  and  yeve  hem  breses  [locustas]  ;'  and  again, 
for  sitting  hens,  'bresed  whete  and  breses  longe.'  1.  679.    In  the  Early  English  Psalter, 
Ps.  civ.  34  is  rendered 

'  He  saide,  and  gressop  sone  come  )>are,  And  brese  {brucus  V.]  of  whilk  na  tale  na  ware,' 
where  Wyclif  reads  '  werte  werm '  and  Purvey  bruk.  '  The  brese  upon  her,  like  a  cow  in 
June.'  Shakspere,  Ant.  &  Cleop.  III.  x.  14. 

a  Bretasynge.     '  Hoc  signaculum,  a  bretys.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  236.   '  Hoc 
propinaculum,  Ace-  a  bretayge.'  ibid.  p.  264.     '  Propungnacula,  brytegys.'  ibid.  p.  130. 
*  Trwe  tulkkes  in  toures  teneled  wyth-inne, 

In  bigge  brutage  of  borde,  bulde  on  \>Q  walles.'  Allit.  Poems,  B.  1190. 

Wyclif,  Works,  ed.  Arnold,  i.  191, has  'the  hijest  part  of  J>is  toure  is  briteysing  of  charite.' 
See  also  Song  of  Solomon,  viii.  9,  and  Buttress  in  Skeat's  Etymol.  Diet. 

44.  to  Bryme.     In  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  Bk.  iii.  1. 1051,  we  are  told  that  in  May 
'bores  gladly  brymmeth  ;'  and  again,  1. 1068 — 

'  Thees  if  me  spende,  or  mynt  for  them  receyve,          Forth  pigges  moo.' 
The  sonner  wol  they  brymme  ayeine  and  brynge 

to  Bryse.  'Bowe  shal  he  bris  and  breke  wapenes  ma.'  E.  E.  Psalter,  Ps.  xlv.  10. 
See  also  Ps.  xxxvi.  17. 

a  Broche  for  garn.  In  the  quotation  from  Douglas  for  'daith  mahyng'  read 
'  claith  makyng.' 

a  Brokk.  Trevisa  says  of  Beverley  that  it « hatte  Beverlay,  and  keep  Brook  his 
lay,  for  many  brokkes  were  somtyme  i-woned  to  come  Jnfter  out  of  ]>e  hilles.'  Higden.  vi.  205. 

Brokylle.     '  Of  brokele  kende  his  that  he  deithe, 

For  hy  ne  mose  naujt  dury.'  Shoreham,  p.  3. 

Turner,  in  his  Herbal,  pt.  ii.  If.  64,  says  of  Frenche  Spikenard  that  it  'hath  many  rootes 
clengyng  together,  full,  and  not  brukle  or  easy  to  breke.'  Huloet  has  '  Throw  out  rubbel, 
as  mortar,  stone,  and  such  lyke  brockell  of  olde  buyldynges.  Erudero.  Brickie  or  easy  to 
be  broken.  Dissipalis?  ( I  beseche  you  what  vessell  may  be  inoi  a  bi'uchle  and  frayle  than 
is  our  body  that  dayly  nedeth  reparacyon  ?'  Fisher,  Works,  p.  91.  In  the  Cursor  Mundi, 
24044,  we  have  the  form  brixel,  and  in  Chaucer,  Parson's  Tale,  p.  626, 1.  473  (6-Text  ed.), 

45.  Brostyn.     'Hernia,  burstnesse.'  Stanbridge,  Vocabula.     The  first  quotation  ia 
from  Cooper.     For  •  broke-ballochyd '  in  the  quotation  from  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  read 
* broke-ballockyd/  and  for  '  p.  177'  read  '  p.  1 76.' 

Browes.    See  R.  Cwur  de  Lion,  3077  :  '  [he]  soupyd  off  the  brouwys  a  sope. 

46.  a  Brusket.     '  Hoc  petuscidum,  a  bruskette.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  222. 

a  Bucler  plaer.  Cp.  pe  Sworde  and  Buckler  playing.  See  the  burlesque 
stories  in  Eeliq.  Antiq.  i.  83,  'owt  of  ther  balys  come  iiij.  and  xxte.  oxon  playing  at  the 
sword  and  bokelar.' 

47.  a  Bulas.     W.  de  Biblesworth  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  162,  has  '  Le  creker 
que  creJces  (bolaces)  ported     '  Hec  pepulm,  a  bolys-tre.'  ibid.  p.  228. 

a  Bulhede.     '  Hie  capito,  a  bulhede.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  222. 

a  Bultynge  cloth.  In  the  Invent,  of  R.  Bishop,  taken  about  1 500,  are  mentioned, 
4  xxix  yerdes  ofibowtyng  cloth  xK'  Test.  Ebor.  iv.  192.  '  Hoc  pollitridium,  Ae-  bult-clathe.' 
Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  201 .  •  ij  bultyng-clothes,  iiijd.'  are  included  in  the  Invent,  of  W. 
Duffield,  1452.  Teat.  Ebor.  iii.  137..  See  Eabees  Book,  p.  12. 


47.  a  Burde  dermande.     In  an  Invent,  printed  in  Test.  Eltor.  iv.  291  is  an  item  'de 
xviijd.  pro  iij  dormondes  bordes  cum  tripote.'     In  the  Invent,  of  Thomas  Morton,  1448,  is 
an  item  '  de  ij  mensis  vocatis  dormoundes,  cum  ij  longis  formulis  pro  eisdem  vs.'  Test.fibor. 
iii.  1 08. 

48.  a  Burdecloth.     '  De  xd.  de  ij  burdclothis.     De  iiijd.  de  j  burdcloth  et  j  sanappe.' 
Invent,  of  H.  Grantham,  1410.  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  48.     See  English  Gilds,  p.  233,  Babees  Book, 
pp.  1 20,  146,  £c.     '  Hec  mappa,  Ae-  borde-clathe.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  198. 

49.  a  Bur  tre.     Turner,  in  his  Herbal,  pt.  ii,  If.  59  says:  'The  wod  [of  Tamarisk]  is 

very  holow lyke  vnto  cloder  or  bourtre ;'  and  again,  If.  1 24,  '  Sambucus  is  called 

in  English  Elder  or  Bourtree.'     '  Hec  sambucus,  a  bur-tree.'  Wright's  Vol.  of 

Vocab.  p.  228. 

a  Buyste.  'Hec  pixis,  Ae-  boyst.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  193.  In  iheAncren 
Riwle  the  author  says  of  the  devil  '  he  haueft  so  monie  busies  (boistes  other  MSS.)  ful  of  his 
letuaries.'  See  Chaucer,  Parson's  Tale  (6-Text  ed.),  p.  671,  1. 947. 

a  Butewe.  In  the  Ordinances  of  the  Gild  of  Cordwainers  of  Exeter,  it  is  ordered 
that  search  be  made  for  '  all  wete  lethere  and  drye  botez,  botivez,  schoez,  pynconz,  galegez, 
&c.'  English  Gilds,  p.  332.  The  author  of  the  Fardle  of  Facions  mentions  amongst  a 
bishop's  dress,  his  boatewes,  his  Amice,  an  Albe,  &c.'  Pt.  II.  ch.  xii.  p.  269. 

51.  a  Cake.     In  the  note,  for  '  Daupline'  read  4  DauphineV 

Gale.  '  My  master  suppys  no  coyle  bot  cold.'  Towneley  Myst.,  p.  18.  The  author 
of  the  translation  of  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  Bk.  ii.  1.  223  has  'cool  also,  Garlic,  ulpike 
eke  sowe  hem  now  [January]  bothe  two.'  'Hoc  maaudere,  Ae-  calstok.'  Wright's  Vol. 
of  Vocab.  p.  190. 

52.  to  Calkylle.    The  author  of  the  Complaynt  of  Scotland  says  :  '  Who  can  calkil  the 
degreis  of  kyn  and  blude  of  the  barrens  of  Scotland,  thai  vil  conferme  this  samyn,'  p.  167. 
Chaucer,  Astrolabe,  p.  3,  speaks  of  'subtil  tables  calkuled  for  a  kawse.' 

a  Calle  trappe.     Turner,  in  his  Herbal,  pt.  ii,  If.  1 5  7,  speaks  of '  an  yron  wyth  four 
pykes  called  ....  a  calltrop,  that  is  also  named  tribulas,  of  the  lykenes  that  it  hath  wyth 
the  fruyt  of  tribulus.''    Neckam,  in  his  Treatise  De  Utensilibus  (Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p. 
in)  mentions  amongst  the  articles  necessary  to  a  farmer — 
calketrap  idem         pedica 

'pedicam  sive  descipulam,     qua     lupi  capiantur.' 

Dugdale,  in  his  MS.  Glossary,  Harl.  MS.  1129,  If.  15,  has  the  following  entry  :  '  Edwardus 
willoughby  tenet  manerium  de  wollaton  de  Rege,  et  de  honore  Peverell  per  duas  partes, 
i  feodum  militare,  et  j  messuagium,  et  vj  bovatas,  tres  in  Carleton  vt  de  manerio  de 
Slielford,  per  servicium  vnius  Catopulte  per  annum  pro  omni  servicio.  Liber  Schedul.  de 
term0.  Michael.  14  Henry  IV,  Nott.  fol.  210.' 

a  Cambake.  '  Hoc  pedum,  a  cambok.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  202.  'Hec 
cambruca,  a  cambok.'  ibid,  p  232.  In  this  latter  instance  it  probably  means  a  crooked 
beam  on  which  to  tang  carcasses  of  animals.  Stow  mentions  a  game  played  with  sticks 
with  crooked  ends  called  cambok :  probably  the  same  as  our  hockey.  'The  juys  of  the 
Cambruok  helpith  ayenst  blerydnesse  of  the  eyen,  and  heelyth  whelkes  and  pymples  of 
the  lyppes,  and  sleeth  the  chypperynges  of  the  tonge.'  Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk. 
xvii.  ch.  cxxxiii.  p.  695. 

Candyl  sellers.     '  Emunctoria,  candeltwist.'  Gloss.  MS.  Harl.  3376. 
54.  a  Caralle.     'Oure  blisse  is  ywent  into  wop,  oure  karoles  into  zorje.'  Ayenbite,  p. 
71.     'A  caril,  canticum.'  Manip.  Vocab. 

'Knyf  pleying  and  ek  syngyng,  Carolyng  and  turneieyng.' 

Robert  of  Gloucester,  p.  53. 
See  also  Bomaitnt  of  the  Rose,  753,  759,  Gower,  ii.  232,  &c. 

a  Cardiakylle.  In  the  Digby  Mysteries.,  p.  106,  1.  1363,  the  Virgin  is  spoken  of 
as  '  £e  mvske  a-jens  J>e  hertes  of  vyolens, 

pe  lentyll  lelopher  a-3ens  J>e  cardyakylles  wrech.' 

'  Cardiacus  dicitur  qui  patitur  laborem  cordis,  uel  morbus  cordis,  heort-coj>a,  uel  ece, 
modseocnes,  uel  unmiht.'  Gloss.  MS.  Harl.  3376. 

Carsay.  See  the  Invent,  of  Richard  Gurnell,  in  1 555,  in  which  we  find  mentioned  : 
'  x  yards  of  white  carsey,  xs.  Item,  xiiij  yards  of  carsey,  xvis.  iiijd.  Item,  iiij01'.  yards  of 
white  carsey,  vs.  &c.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  86. 


55.  a  Carte  sadille.     See  the  burlesque  poem  of  the  isth  cent,  in  Reliq.  A  ntiq,  i.  Si  : 
'Ther  wer  wesels  and  waspes  offeryng  cartesaduls  ;'  see  also  p.  85.     In  1403  we  find  in 
the  Invent,  of  John  de  Scarle,  'ij  cartsadles,  viijd.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  24.     'Hoc  dorsilollum, 
Ae-  cart-saddylle.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  202. 

56.  a  Cawdille.     '  3eff  sche  not  jow  cowdel  to  potage, 

Whan  36  had  don,  to  comforte  sour  brayn.'    Coventry  Myst.  p.  139. 

See  the  Liber  Cure  Cocorum,  p.  23,  where  are  directions  for  the  preparation  of  'Chekyns 
in  Cawdel?  and  again  '  For  a  cawdel,'  p.  51.  In  the  Forme  ofCury,  pp.  24  and  60  are  also 
receipts  for  '  Chykens  in  Cawdel,'  and  '  Cawdel  of  Muskels.' 

57.  a  Chafte.     See  Douglas,  ^Eneados,  Bk.  iii.  p.  76 :  '  with  your  chaftis  to  gnaw  Je 
sal  be  fane.' 

Chaffcmonde.  In  the  Sege  off  Melayne,  1. 1307,  a  Saracen  cut  Turpin  with  his 
sword  and  'A  schaftemonde  of  his  flesche  he  schare.'  In  Copeland's  ed.  of  Kynge  Arthur, 
1557,  Bk.  vii.  ch.  22,  we  have:  'He  smote  hym  with  a  foyne  through  the  thycke  of  y° 
thygh,  that  the  same  wounde  was  a  shaftmonbrode,  &  had  cutte  at  wo  many  vaynes  and 
senewes.'  Cotgrave  gives  '  Palme.  A  hand-breadth,  foure  fingers,  or  three  inches  in 
measure ;  also  a  shaftment.' 

58.  a  Chape  of  a  knyfe.     See  Songs  and  Poems  on  Costumes  (Percy  Soc.),  p.  50  : 
'  My  baselard  hath  a  sylver  schape'  where  the  meaning  is  said  to  be  the  guard  by  which 
the  baselard  was  suspended  to  the  girdle.     So  also  in  Morte  Arthure,  2522  : 

'  He  bare  sessenande  in  golde  thre  grayhondes  of  sable, 
With  chapes  a  cheynes  of  chalk e  whytte  sylver,' 

'Paid  to  Herry  Cattey  for  makyng  clene  of  a  knyff  of  my  Lordes,  and  for  a  chape,  vjr1.' 
Howard  Household  Books,  p.  220.  Here  the  meaning  is  probably  a  sheath.  Compare  Shak- 
spere,  All's  Well,  IV.  iii.  163.  '  £outerolle.  The  chape  of  a  sheath  or  scabbard.'  Cotgrave. 

to  Chalange.  Wyntoun  in  his  Chronicle  IX,  xx.  101  gives  Henry  IVth's  words 
as  follows :  '  I  Hendry  of  Langcastell  chalangis  ]?is  Realm, 

And  ]>e  croun,  wyth  all  J>e  membris  and  apportenans.' 
Compare  the  Digby  Mysteries,  p.  105, 1.  1318 :  'He  chalynyyd  to  be  Kyng  of  Jewys.' 

59.  Charlewayn.     '  Starre  called  charles  wayne.     Loke  in  seuen  starres.     Seuen 
starres,  a  signe  celestiall,  in  Englyshe  called  charles  wayne,  Hiades,  &c.'  Huloet. 

a  Chare.     This  is  probably  the  same  word  as  in  Morte  Arthure,  1886  : 

'  Sir  Cador  garte  chare  they  in,  and  couere  theme  faire  ;' 

and  iu  Sir  Gawayne,  850  :  '  pe  lorde  hym  charred  to  a  chambre  ;'  and  again,  1.  1 143  : 
'  Braches  bayed  J?erfore,  &  breme  noyse  maked, 

&  J>ay  chastysed,  &  charred,  on  chasyng  |>at  went. 
In  the  note,  for  '  E.  Eng.  Homilies '  read  '  0.  Eng.  Homilies.' 

60.  a  Chawylle.     '  His  chaule   aforne  that   shal   ete  up   the  whete.'   Palladius  On 
Husbondrie,  p.  159, 1.  34. 

to  Chatir.  Fisher  in  his  Works,  p.  424  used  the  word  of  the  teeth  :  '  the  coldnesse 
of  the  snow  shal  make  their  teeth  for  to  gnashe,  and  chytter  in  theyr  heades.' 

62.  to  Chepe.     Caxton,  in  his  Chronicle  of  England,  pt.  vii.  p.  135  (ed.  1520%  says : 
*  So  we  had  grete  chepe  of  wyne  in  Englande  that  tyme,  thanked  be  God  almyghty.' 

Chesse  bolle.  In  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  184, 1. 134,  under  September,  we 
are  told ;  '  Chesbolle*  nowe  beth  sowe  in  hoote  and  drie  Allone  or  other  seede  with.'  The 
word  was  evidently  used  also  for  an  onion:  thus  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  191  we 
have  '  Hec  sepula,  Ae-  chesbolle.' 

a  Chesfatt.  In  the  Invent,  of  Gerrerd  Salveyn,  taken  in  1570,  are  included  '  xxiij 
chesefats  iiij8.'  Wills  <&  Invents,  i.  349.  '  Hoc  multrum,  Ae-  chesfat.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab. 
p.  202.  '  Fiscella,  a  little  basket  of  twigges ;  afrayle;  a  cheesefate.'^  Cooper.  'Fiscella, 
a  pyesh  [?  pylsh],  basket,  or  a  cheesefat :  et  est  dimin.  de  facina  (quce  =  a  cheesefat  or  a 
fysshe  lepe).'  Ortus. 

a  Cheslep.  '  Hec  lactis,  -cis,  Ae-  cheslyppe.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  202.  In 
the  quotation  from  Wright  given  in  the  note  for  'Cheslepe,  cheese  lip'  read  'Hec  lactis,  a 


a  Chestan.  In  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  216,  1.  253,  we  have  the  word  used 
for  the  tree  :  'Chasten  wol  uppe  of  plauntes  that  alone  upgrowe;'  and  at  1.  283  are  direc- 
tions for  sowing  the  seeds : 

'  Pastyne  it  [the  ground]  deep  a  foote  and  half,  or  plowe 

It  by  and  by,  and  wel  with  dounge  it  fede, 

And  therin  do  thi  chastens  forto  growe.' 

See  also  1.  300,  where  occurs  the  form  chasteynes.  In  Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  xv. 
ch.  xx.  p.  496,  we  are  told  that  '  in  Asturia  in  Spayne  is  scarce  of  wyne,  of  whete,  and  of 
oyle :  for  the  londe  is  colde :  but  there  is  passyng  plente  of  myle  and  chestens.''  '  Hec 
castania,  Ae-  chestan-tre.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  192.  Maundevile  tells  us,  p.  307, 
that  in  the  land  of  Prester  John  '  ben  grete  Forestes  of  Chesteynes' 

63.  to  Childe.     '  Alsuo ine  time  J>et ]>e  wyfman  lyj) a childbedde  o)>er  nye  uor  to childi' 
Ayenbite,  p.  224.      Maundevile  tells  us  that  when  Mary  'had  childed  undre  a  Palme  Tree, 
sche  had  gret  schame,  that  sche  hadde  a  childe ;  and  sche  grette,  and  seyde,  that  sche 
wolde  that  sche  hadde  ben  ded.'  p.  133.     See  also  K.  Alisaunder,  11.  604,610. 

a  Chymney.  A  very  good  instance  of  this  word,  showing  its  original  meaning,  is 
in  the  Anturs  of  Arthur,  xxxv.  4,  where  we  are  told  that  in  the  tent  was 

'A  shimnay  of  charcole  to  chaufen  J>e  kny3te.' 

George  Selbye,  in  1568,  in  his  Will  bequeathed  to  his  wife,  '  Elizabethe  Selbe,  my  two  yron 
chimlies,  and  my  best  almerye  in  my  hall.'  Wills  &  Invents,  i.  292  ;  and  in  1567  we  find  in 
the  Invent,  of  Edward  Parkinson,  '  one  chist,  one  yron  chimney,  a  litle  presser  with  a 

chare,  Xs ij  flanders  chists,  an  yron  chymney,  a  chare  &  a  litle  boord,  xx8.'  ibid.  pp. 

271-2.  In  the  'Kalendar  of  the  Ordinances  of  Worcester,'  1467,  rule  26  is,  'that  no 
chimneys  of  tre,  ner  thached  houses,  be  suifred  w*yn  the  cy te,  but  that  the  owners  make 
them  of  bryke  or  stone.'  English  Gilds,  p.  372. 

'  His  fete  er  like  latoun  bright  Als  in  a  chymne  brynnand  light.' 

Hampole,  Pricke  of  Cons.  4368. 

The  earliest  instance  of  the  modern  use  of  the  word  is  in  the  Sowdone  of  Babylone,  1.  2351, 
where  Mapyne  the  thief  is  represented  as  gaining  access  to  Floripas'  chamber  '  by  a 
chemney.'  See  note  to  Sir  Ferumbras,  1.  2232. 

64.  a  Chire.     '  The  floure  of  lely  hath  wythin  as  it  were  smalle  threde  that  conteynyth 
the  sede,  in  the  mydyll  stondyth  chyres  of  saffron.'  Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  xvii. 
ch.  xci.  p.  659. 

a  Chiterlynge.     '  A  chyttering,  omasum.     A  chitterling,  idem.'  Manip.  Vocab. 

Choller.  Cf.  Cleveland  Gloss.,  Atkinson.  '  Coul,  to  scrape  or  rake  together ;  to 
pull  towards  one  by  the  aid  of  a  rake  (coul-rake),  curved  stick,  or  other  like  instrument.' 

65.  Clappe  of  a  mylne.     In  note,  for  '  Persones  Tale,  p.  406 '  read  '  1.  406.' 

pe  Cley  of  a  beste.  'Ungula,  hof,  vel  clau.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  87. 
'The  faucon  hurtyth  more  his  pray  wyth  reesyng  thereon  with  his  breste  than  wyth  his 
bylle  other  wyth  his  dees.'  Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  xii.  c.  xxi.  p.  427. 

66.  a  Clennes.     *  For  a  speciall  prerogatife,   Because  of  your  virginite  &  clennesse.' 
Digby  Mysteries,  p.  191, 1.  589.     See  also  Wyclif,  Works,  ed.  Matthew,  p.  276. 

67.  a  Clewe.     '  Glomer,  globellum,  cleowen.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  59. 

pe  Clippys  of  y°  son  and  moyn.    Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  xvi.  ch.  xl. 

p.  566,  speaks  of  a  stone  'callyd  Eliotropia,  that  is  tornynge  awaye  of  the  sonne.  for  by 
the  stone  sette  bytwene  vs  and  the  sonne,  this  is  derked  as  though  he  were  in  clypse  and 
"derked.'  '  Ye  wote  the  clerkes  the  clyppes  it  calle.'  Towneley  Mysteries,  p.  256. 

68.  a  Cloke.     '  Armilausa,  genus  collobii, '  dnce-  a  sclauayn.'  MS.  0.  5.4  Trinity  Coll. 

to  Cloyke.     '  Sely  Capyll,  oure  hen,  both  to  and  fro,  she  kakyls, 
Bot  begyn  she  to  crok,  To  groyne  or  to  dole, 

Wo  is  hym  is  of  oure  cok.'  Towneley  Myst.  p.  99. 
'  She  nowe  behinde,  and  nowe  she  goth  before, 
And  doclceth  hem,  but  when  she  fynt  a  corne 
She  chicheth  hem  and  leith  it  hem  before.' 

Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  25,  1.  660, 
C    2 


1  The  capon  fedyth  chekeus  that  ben  not  his  owne,  and  ledyth  tlieym  abowte,  and  cloclcytk 
as  an  henne,  and  calleth  chekens  togyder,  clockynge  wyth  au  hoars  voyce.'  Glanvil,  De 
Propr.  Her  am,  Bk.  xii.  ch.  xviii.  p.  426. 

to  Clotte.  See  quotations  under  Melle,  p.  233.  Best,  in  his  Farming,  &c.  Book,  p. 
107,  says,  '  When  a  floore  is  decayed,  that  there  are  holes  wome,  they  usually  leade  as 
many  coupe  loades  of  redde  clay,  or  else  of  clottes  from  the  faugh  field,  as  will  serve,  but 
they  must  leade  their  clottes  from  such  places  where  the  clay  is  not  mixed  with  sande ;' 
see  also  ibid.  p.  138.  Glanvil  tells  us  that  'a  clotte  ordeyned  of  gadrynge  of  powder  is  a 
clustre.  for  erthe  bounde  and  clongyd  togiders  is  a  clotte,  and  yf  it  is  broken  and  departed 
it  is  powdre.'  De  Propr.  Serum,  Bk.  xvi.  ch.  xlvi.  p.  568.  Tusser  in  his  'Januaries 
abstract '  bids  the  farmer  '  in  stubbed  plot  fill  hole  with  clot.'  ch.  xxxiii.  st.  24. 

'  Of  spottes  perles  ]>ay  beren  }>e  creste,  Al-J>a3  oure  corses  in  clotte^  clynge.' 

Allit.  Poems,  A.  857. 

'Ofclai  J>ai  kest  at  him  ]>e  dote.'  Cursor  Mundi,  24026.  'Ha!  a!  a!  cleve  asundyr  je 
clowdys  of  clay.'  Coventry  Myst.  p.  402.  'Eke  diligently  clodtle  it,  pyke  oute  stones.' 
Palladius  On  Hasbondrie,  p.  62, 1.  28. 

69.  a  Clowte  of  yrne.     In  the  Invent,  of  the  Priory  of  Durham,  in  1446,  is  included 
'  j  carecta  c \\m  rotis,  iiij  hopis  et  viij  cartecloutez,  pret.  viiij8.'  Wills  &  Invent,  i.  95.     '  Hoc 
epuscium,  Ance-  a  cart-clowte.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  278. 

Glumsyd.  'He  es  outher  clomsed,  or  wode.'  Pricke  of  Cons.  1651.  Dr.  Morris 
in  his  Glossary  quotes  from  the  Gospel  of  Nichodemus,  in  MS.  Harl  4196,  '  we  er  clomsed 
gret  and  smalle.'  In  the  Early  Eng.  Poems,  p.  123,  we  have  'to  kepe  hire  from  clomesyng,' 
and  in  the  Digby  Mysteries,  p.  157, 1.  522,  'than  farewele,  consciens,  he  were  damme.'' 

70.  a  Cod.     Best,  in  his  Farming,  &c.  Book,  p.  115,  tells  us  that  hired  labourers  were 
provided  with  '  a  longe  codd  putte  in  a  longe  harden  bagge,  and  a  shorter  codde  done  after 
the  same  manner  in  stead  of  a  pillowe.'     '  One  bolster  and  iij  codds,  iiij  freschine  codds '  are 
mentioned  in   the   Inventory  of  John  Wykeclyf,  in  1562.  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  161. 
Simon  Merflet  in  his  Will,  in  1462,  bequeaths  to  his  sister  '  xl  yerds  of  herden  cloth,  vj. 
codds,  iij  par  shetes,  j  bolster,  &c.'  Test.  Ebor.  ii.  261. 

a  Cogge.  'Hoc  striaballum,  a  cog  of  a  welle.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  233. 
Fitzherbert  in  his  BoJce  of  Husbandry,  fo.  xliiib.  recommends  farmers  when  thinning  their 
plantations  to  sell  'the  small  asahes  to  cowpers  for  garches  [?garthes],  and  the  greate 
asshes  to  whele  wryghtes,  and  the  meane  asshes  to  plough  wryghtes,  and  the  crabbe  trees 
to  my  Hers  to  make  cogges  and  tonges.'  '  Scariaballum,  Kog.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab  p.  180. 

71.  a  Colke.     '  Ye  coiik  of  an  apple,  cor.'  Manip.  Vocab. 

72.  to  Colke.     Cf.  O.  Swed.  kytta  =  io  clip  hair.    Prov.  Swedish,  Jcuul  =  to  clip  hair  or 
wool.     In  the  Cleveland  Glossary  we  have  '  Cowl,  to  clip  or  cut  close.'     I  think  that  for 
Colke  we  should  read  Colle,  II  and  Ik  in  MSS.  are  not  easily  distinguished.     Compare 
the  Cursor  Mundi,  13,174: 

'A  sargant  sent  he  to  Jaiole,       And  iohan  hefd  comanded  to  cole.' 

a  Collemase.  The  reference  to  Lydgate  should  have  been  given.  Minor  Poems, 
202.  In  the  A.S.  vocabulary,  in  MS.  Cott.  Cleopatra,  A  iii.  If.  76b.  (printed  in  Wright's 
Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  281),  we  have  '  Parra,  cum-mase.  Panda,  col-mase.'  Boorde,  in  his 
Dyetary,  ch.  xv.  p.  2  70,  says  that  '  All  maner  of  smtile  Byrdes  be  good  and  lyght  of 
dygestyon,  excepte  sparowes,  whiche  be  harde  of  dygestyon.  '  Tytmoses,  colmoses,  and 
wrens,  the  whiche  doth  eate  spyders  and  poyson,  be  not  commendable.'  '  Bardioriolas, 
colrnase.'  Aelfric's  Gloss,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  30. 

a  Collokis.  '  A  carr,  collecke,  and  two  pare  of  trusse  wips '  are  mentioned  in  the 
Invent,  of  John  Rouson  in  1568.  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  226.  'j  bassyn,  a  kneadinge 
tube,  iij  colleclM,  a  wynnocke,  ij  stands,  a  churne,  a  flesche  collecJee,  &c.'  Invent,  of  M. 
Dixon,  1563,  ibid  p.  169.  In  1437  Thomas  Dautree  bequeathed  '  unam  peciam  coopertam 
vccatain  le  collok  ecclesiae  meae  parochiali,  ad  inde  faciendam  unam  coupam  sive  pixulem 
pro  corpore  Christi,'  i.  e.  a  corporas  case.  Test.  Ebor.  ii.  61 ;  see  also  ibid.  p.  101,  where 
John  Brompton  by  his  Will,  dated  1444,  bequeathed  '  j  collok  argenteum  pond,  viij  unc. 
ixd.'  Test.  Ebor.  ii.  101. 


a  Colrake.  'Hoc  jocabulum,  Anee-  a  colrake.'  Wright's  Vol.  ofVocab.  p.  276. 
'  Hec  vertybra,  a  col-rak.'  ibid.  p.  233.  In  the  Invent,  of  Hugh  Grantham,  in  1410,  is  an 
item  'de  jd.  de  j  colrake  de  ferro.'"  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  49.  '  Colrakus  and  copstolus,  one  gret 
whyle-barrous.'  Eeliq.  Antiq.  i.  86.  '  In  the  latching  one  Eaking  croke,  one  Iron  pot, 
one  pele,  one  iron  coulrake,  ijs.  viijd.'  Invent,  of  G.  Salveyn,  1572,  Wills  &  Invents.!.  349. 

73.  Come.     '  Offendix,  nodus  quo  liber  ligatur,  Angl.  a  knotte  or  clospe  of  a  boke.' 

74.  a  Conynge.     In  note,  in  the  quotation  from  Sir  Degrevant,  for  ' conyngns'  read 
'  conyngus.' 

75.  a  Copbande.     Best  in  his  Farming,  <&c.  Boole,  p.  59  uses  this  word  in  a  very 
different  sense.     He  says  :   *  If  wee  chance  to  take  over  much  compass  for  a  stacke  soe 
that  wee  finde  that  wee  are  like  to  wante  pease  wherewith  to  rigge  it  up,  then  are  we 
glad  sometimes  to  cutte  of  one  of  the  endes  of  the  stacke  with  an  hey  spade,  takeinge 
of  as  much  as  wee  thinke  will  serve  our  turne  for  toppinge  up  or  rigginge  of  the  same. 
That  which  is  layd  in  the  fillinge  overnight  to  save  the  stacke  from  wettinge  is  called 
boll-roakinge  of  a  stacke,  and  that  which  is  cutte  of  the  stacke  ende  is  called  (for  the 
most  parte)  a  coupe-band? 

76.  a  Corparax.     In  the  Invent,  of  Thomas  Morton,  Canon  of  York,  taken  in  1448, 
is  the  following  :  '  De  j  corporali  lineo,  et  j  corporall  cace  de  panno  ami,  cum  imaginibus 
intextis,  iijs.  iiijd.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  no  ;  and  in  1506  Dame  Catherine  Hastings  bequeathed 
'  to  Askton  church  a  corprax  case  and  a  kerchow  for  y°  sacrament.     To  Norton  church  a 
corprax  case,  a  kerchowe  to  be  halowed  for  ye  corprax,  and  a  kerchowe  for  ye  sacrament.' 
ibid.   iv.  257.      Trevisa  in  his  Higden,  v.  II,  says  that  Pope  'Sixtus  ordeyned  >at  ]>e 
corporas  schulde  noujt  be  of  silk  no)>e  sendel.'     See  additional  note  to  Ccllokis,  above. 
In  1522  Agas  Herte  of  Bury  bequeathed  '  iij  fyne  elle  kerchers  to  be  vsyd  for  corporas 
clothes  in  the  chyrche  of  Seynt  James.'  Bury  Wills,  &c.  p.  117. 

77.  a  Coyseyr  of  hors.     'Foles  with  hande  to  touche  a  corser  weyveth.'  Palladiua 
On  Husbondrie,  p.  135, 1.  846.     '  Courser  of  horses,  courtier  de  chevaulx.'  Palsgrave. 

a  Coste.  Maundevile  tells  us  that  '  the  Superficialtee  of  the  Erthe  is  departed  in 
7  parties,  for  .the  7  Planetes ;  and  tho  parties  ben  clept  clymates.'  p.  1 86.  See  also 
Chaucer's  Astrolabe,  p.  59  :  '  Sett  the  point  therof  in  )>at  same  cost  that  the  mone  maki]> 
node ;'  and  p.  48  :  '  the  longitude  of  a  clymat  ys  a  lyne  ymagined  fro  est  to  west  illike 
distant  by-twene  them  alle.'  See  also  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  12,  L  295. 

a  Costrelle.  In  1454  William  Halifax  of  Nottingham  bequeathed  in  his  Will  to 
Elizabeth  Neteham  '  a  crosse  trestell,  a  matras,  a  costerell  for  ale,  a  bordeclothe,  &c.'  Test. 
Ebor.  ii.  173. 

78.  to  Cowche.     Chaucer  in  his  Astrolabe,  p.  40  has  the  noun,  cowching,  and  Fisher 
comparing  the  crucifix  to  a  book  says,  'when  the  booke  is  opened  &  spread,  the  leaues  be 
cowchcd  vpon  the'  Works,  p.  394.    Maundevile  tells  us  of  the  Bedouin  Arabs  that 
'  thei  have  none  Houses,  but  Tentes,  that  thei  maken  of  Skynnes  of  Bestes,  as  of  Camaylles 
and  of  othere  Bestes  ....  and  there  benethe  thei  couchen  hem  and  dwellen.'  p.  63. 

79.  a  Cowschote.     'Hie  palunibus,   a  cowscott.'   Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.   p.  221. 
' Palumbus,  cuscote,  wudu-culfre.'  ibid.  p.  62.     'So  hoot  is  noo  dounge  of  foule  as  of  the 
douve,  a  quyslit  outake.'  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  28, 1.  758. 

80.  a  Crakan.     See  quotation  from  the  E.  E.  Psalter,  under  Beke,  p.  302. 

Crappes.  'Hec  curalis,  Ae-  crappys.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  201.  'Hec 
cruralis,  craps.'  ibid.  233.  L.  Lat.  crappa. 

a  Credilbande.  '  Hec  fascia,  Ae-  credyl-bande.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  203. 
Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  vi.  ch.  ix.  p.  195,  says:  'the  nouryce  bindeth  the  chylde 
togyders  with  cradylbondes  to  kepe  and  saue  the  chylde  that  he  be  not  wyth  myscrokyd 

a  Credille  sange.  '  Nouryces  vse  lullynges  and  other  cradyl  songes  to  pleyse  the 
wyttes  of  the  chylde.'  Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  vi.  ch.  iv.  p.  191. 

81.  a  Cressett.     '  Ordeyn  eche  man  on  his  party, 

Cressetys,  lanternys,  and  torchys  lyth.'  Cov.  Myst.  p.  270. 

See  also  p.  283.    '  One  fryin  panne,  a  cresset,  one  flesh  axe,  a  brandreth,  &c.'  are  mentioned 
in  the  Invent,  of  Francis  Wandysforde  in  1559.  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  134. 


82.  a  Crysmatory.     Glanvil  says  :  '  with  Crysma  chyldern  ben  cremyd  and  enoynted 
of  a  symple  preeste  on  the  molde.'  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  ix.  ch.  xxxi.  p.  367.    '  Hec  crisma, 
Ae'  creme.    Hoc  crismatorium,  Ae-  crismator.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  193.    '  Vr  crisum 
clath  iul  son  we  fille.'  Cursor  Mundi,  25725. 

83.  a  Crofte.     Sir  E.  Barton  in  his  Will,  dated  1455,  bequeathed  to  '  Jonett  Richard- 
son ....  terme  of  hire  lyfe,  tenement  in  Whenby  w*  a  garth  and  a  croft  next  vicarage.' 
Test.  Ebor.  ii.  216.    See  also  Bury  Wills,  &c.  pp.  47,  48,  49. 

a  Croppe.     'This  warre  beganne  noo  creature  but  she, 

ffor  she  is  croppe  and  rote  and  euery  dele.'  Generydes,  1.4941. 
'Croppe  and  tail  To  save  in  setting  hem  is  thyne  advail.' 

Palladius  On  Hnsbondrie,  p.  78, 1.  496. 

84.  a  Crowde.     Lydgate  in  his  Pylgremage  of  the  Sowle,  Bk.  v.  ch.  viii.  fol.  99  (ed. 
1483)  tells  us  that '  Dauyd  ordeyned  plente  of  lusty  instrumentes,  bothe  organs  and  harpes, 
Symbals  and  sawtryes,  kroudes  and  tympans,  trompettes  and  tabours  and  many  other.' 

a  Crudde.  '  Quycke  syluer  cruddeth  not  by  itself  kyndly  wythout  brymstone  :  but 
wyth  bryrnstone,  as  wyth  substance  of  lead,  it  is  congelyd  and  fastnyd  togyders.'  Glanvil, 
De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  xvi.  ch.  vii.  p.  555. 

'  Alle  fresshe  the  mylk  is  crodded  now  to  chese 
With  crudde  of  kidde,  or  lam  be,  other  of  calf 
Or  floure  of  tasil  wilde.'  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  154,!.  141-2. 

87.  aCurrour.     'Get  the  a  cur-row  whare  thou  may.'  Sege  off  Melayne,  1378. 

89.  Daysardawe.     Best,  in  his  Farming,  &c.  Book,  p.  132,  says:  'him  allsoe  wee 
imploy  as  a  seedesman  in  hauer  seede  time,  when  wee  come  to  sowe  olde  ardure,'  where 
the  meaning  is  fallow.     Compare  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  106,  1.  68  : 

'Nowecicera  the  blake  is  sowe  in  season,    Onerthes  tweyne  or  oon  sowe  hem  as  peson.' 

90.  to  Dayse.     The  verb  occurs  with  an  active  meaning  in  the  Allit.  Poems,  B.  1538  : 

'Such  a  dasande  drede  dusched  to  his  hert.' 

a  Daysyberd.     See  Chester  Plays,  ii.  34. 

to  Dawe.  See  the  Song  of  Roland,  1.  389 :  '  or  it  dawen  the  day ;'  and  A  Hit. 
Poems,  B.  1755  :  'dated  neuer  an-o]>er  day  >at  ilk  derk  after. 

91.  Dawnger.     See  P.  Plowman,  B.  xvi.  263. 

92.  Dede.     The  quotation  should  read  as  follows  : 

'Todede  I  drawe  als  ye  mai  se.'  Metrical  Homilies,  p.  30. 

93.  to  Desden.     In  the  Digby  Mysteries,  p.  216, 1.  1352  we  have  the  adverb:  'to  be 
scornyd  most  dedenynglye' 

to  Defye.  See  the  Digby  Mysteries,  p.  156, 1.  51 1  :  '  I  it  defye  /  and  E.  de  Brunne's 
Meditations,  1.  743 :  '  Y  haue  be  skurged,  scorned,  dyffyed, 

Wounded,  angred,  and  crucyfyed.' 
'  0  slepy  night,  I  the  defied  Gower,  ii.  97. 

94.  to  Defy.    Gower,  iii.  25  has : 

'  That  is  of  him  self  so  tough         My  stomack  may  it  nought  defie' 

'Moche  mete  and  vndefyed  feblyth  the  pulse.'  Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  iii.  ch.  xxiv. 
p.  74.     See  also  Lydgate,  Minor  Poems,  p.  131. 

a  Deye.  'Androgia,  ance-  a  deye.  Androchia,  anee-  a  deye.  Androchia  qui  curam 
gerit  de  lacticiniis.'  MS.  O.  5.  4  Trin.  Coll.  Camb.  Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  xx.  ch. 
Ixxiv.  p.  904,  tells  us  that '  chese  hyghte  caseus  cadendo.  fallynge.  for  it  fallyth  and 
passyth  away  soone,  and  slydeth  oute  betwene  the  fyngres  of  the  Deye  wyfe.' 

99.  to  Dike.     Amongst  the  debts  of  Francis  Wandysforde,  at  his  death  in  1559,  is  an 
item  '  to  Eobert  Walker  for  xij  rude  of  dyke  dyked,  xviijd.'  Richmond.  Witts,  &c.  p.  138. 

100.  a  Dirsynge  knyfe.    In  the  Invent,  of  W.  Coltman,  of  York,  1481,  we  find  <  j 
stule,  j  trow  et  j  drissyng -knyfe,  ijd.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  261. 

a  Dische  berer.     '  Discifer,  disc->ein.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  93. 

a  Dische  benke.     In  the  Invent,  of  E.  Bishop,  taken  about  1500,  is  an  item,  '  j 
dysckbenlte  xijd.'  Test.  Ebor.  iv.  193. 


101.  to  Desseise.     See  the  Lay-Folks  M ass-book,  p.  35,  I.  376  :  '  Pore,  exylde,  dysesud 
if  )>ai  be,'  where  the  word  is  wrongly  explained  in  the  glossary  as  disquieted,  vexed. 

104.  a  Dorsur.     Wyclif,  Works,  ed.  Matthew,  p.  424,  complains  of  the  'curiouste'  of 
the  clergy  in  '  hallis,  boj?e  in  making   of  )>e   housis,  in  doseris,   bancurs,    &  cujshens.' 
'  Dorsorium,  anee-  a  dorsere.'  MS.  0.  5.  4  Trin.  Coll.  Camb. 

105.  to  Dowe.     In  the  second  quotation  from  Wyclif,  p.  1 24,  for  '  ]>as '  read  '  Jras.' 

106.  Draf.     The  Invent,  of  Katherine,  Lady  Hedworth,  taken  in  1568,  includes  '  one 
draffe  tub  iiijd.'   Wills  &  Invents,  i.  282,      In  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  67,  1.  162,  we 
are  told  that  as  a  compost  for  vines  '  wyndraf  is  goode  comixt  with  dounge ;'  and  again, 
p.  22,  1.  580  :  'yf  thaire  appetite 

with  draff  of  wyne  be  fedde,  anoon  bareyne  thei  beth.' 

'  By  hote  water  the  fatnesse  of  oliues  is  departed  the  beter  fro  the  drastes  :  hulles  and 
draffe  flete  aboue  the  water  and  ben  craftly  departed  at  laste.'  Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum, 
Bk.  xvii.  ch.  cxii.  p.  675. 

108.  Dreggis.     '  Amurca,  .i.fex  old,  dersten.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  94. 

Dressoure.  In  the  Invent,  of  W.  Duffield  in  1452  are  included  'cultelli  pro  le 
dressour  iiijd.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  136. 

110.  Drovy.     See  the  Bestiary  in  An  Old  Eng.  Miscell.  1.  523  : 

'  Ne  mai  it  wunen  fter-inne,  So  droui  is  te  sees  grund  ;* 

and  Early  Eng.  Psalter,  Ps.  ix.  22.  The  translator  of  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  201,  1. 
400,  tells  how  'A  trouble  wyne  anoon  a  man  may  pure  ;'  and  Wyclif  has  trubli  in  Joshua 
xiii.  3.  In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  24418,  we  are  told  that  at  the  crucifixion 

'Ouer  al  j?e  world  ne  was  bot  night,     Al  droned  and  wex  dime.' 
In  the  quotation  from  the  Allit.  Poems  for  'i.  1016 '  read  '  B.  1016.' 

a  Dublar.  'Item,  ij.  pudder  dublers,  x  dysches,  ij.  sausers.'  Invent,  of  John 
Baron  De  Mappleton  in  1435,  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  12.  Mathew  Witham  in  1545  be- 
queathed *  A  calderon,  a  pan,  vj.  pewder  diiblers.'  ibid.  p.  57. 

113.  Eldfader.     John  Heworth  in  1571  bequeathed  'vnto  Edward  Stevenson  my 
father  in  la  we  my  best  horse,  A  whyte  russett  cott  &  a  read  russet  cloke,  &  a  wilde  lether 
dublett  and  my  best  shert.     Item  I  gyve  vnto  my  eldmother  his  wyffe  my  wyffes  froke, 
and  a  read  petticote  and  a  smoke.'   Wills  &  Invents,  i.  352.     See  the  i3th  cent,  sermon  in 
Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  130:  'nis  nower  non  trewfte,  for  nis  the  gist  siker  of  ]?e  husebonde,  ne 
no'Ser  of  no'Ser ;  non  socer  a  nuro,  ne  ]?e  aldefader  of  hi  oSem.'  MS.  B.  14.  5?,  Trin.  Coll. 
Camb.     See  also  Cursor  M undi,  5730.     In  the  quotation  from  Lajamon  the   important 
word  has  most  unaccountedly  been  omitted  ;  read  :  '  He  wes  Mserwale's  fader,  Mildburje 
aldeuader?     '  Auus,  ealde-fseder.     A  via,  ealde-moder.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  51. 

an  Ellyrtre.  The  Invent,  of  E.  Doddinge,  in  1562,  contains  'In  ryvyn  bords 
and  ellerbarks,  vjs.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  106.  'The  Ellern  is  a  tree  wyth  longe  bowes  : 
ful  sounde  and  sad  wythout :  and  ful  holowe  wythin  and  full  of  certayn  nesshe  pyth  .... 
and  the  Ellern  tree  hath  vertue  Duretica  :  to  tempre  and  to  nesshe  :  to  dystrybute  and  to 
drawe  and  to  pourge  flewme.'  Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  xvii.  ch.  cxliv.  p.  700. 

114.  an  Elsyn.     'Item  j  dussan  and  a  halfe  lielsyn  hostes  ijd.'  Invent,  of  R.  Bisshop, 
1500,  Test,  Ebor.  iv.  193.     In  the  curious  burlesque  poem  in  Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  86,  we  read  : 
'  Ther  com  trynkettus  and  tournyng-stonys,  and  elson  bladys.'    The  word  occurs  in  Scott's 
Heart  of  Mid- Lothian,  ch.  v :  '  D'ye  think  I  was  born  to  sit  here  brogging  an  elsliin 
through  bend  leather?' 

pe  Emygrane.  '  Who  that  hath  the  heed  ache  callyd  Emigrama  felyth  in  his 
heed  as  it  were  betynge  of  hamers,  and  may  not  suffre  noyse,  nother  woys,  nother  lyghte, 
nother  shynynge.'  Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  vii.  ch.  iii.  p.  223. 

115.  Enge.     In  the  Invent,  of  Dr.  G.  Nevill,  taken  in  1567,  in  included  'ia  the  ynge 
one  stacke  of  hay,  xxV  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  211. 

Entyrly.     *That  his  graciose  visage  I  may  ons  behold, 

I  pray  yow  interlye.'  Digby  Myst.  p.  198,  1.  818. 

116.  an  Erane.     Wyclif,  in  his  version  of  Psalm  xxxv iii.  12,  has:   'Thou  madest  to 
flowen  awei  as  an  ireyne  \yreyne  P.]  his  soule ;'  and  again,  Isaiah  lix.  5  :  '  The  eiren  of 
edderes  thei  to-breeken,  and  the  webbis  of  an  attercop  [yreyn  P.]  thei  wouen. '     '  He  saide 


that  suche  array  was  like  the  attercoppe  that  makithe  hie  nettes  to  take  the  flyes  or  thei 
be  ware.'  Knight  of  La  Tour  Landry,  p.  63.  '  Hec  irania,  Ae-  erane.'  Wright's  Vol.  of 
Vocab.  p.  190.  '  Aranea,  addurcop.'  ibid.  p.  177.  'Hec  arena,  a  nerane.'  ibid.  p.  223. 
In  the  Saxon  Leechdoms,  i.  92  is  a  remedy  '  wij>  attorcoppan  bite,'  accompanied  by  drawings 
of  two  attorcops,  like  two  horned  locusts. 

117.  an  Erthe  dyn.     In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  20985,  we  are  told  how  St.  Paul  escaped 
from  prison  '  thoru  a  nerth-din  j>at  J>er  was;'  see  also  1.  20429. 

118.  an  Essoyn.      In  Sir  Ferumbras,  2827,  Guy  when  brought  before   the   Sowdan 
instead  of  being  terrified  by  his  threats  and  questions  'answerede  wij)-oute  ensoyngne? 

Eve.  Compare  Wyclif,  Genesis  ii.  33  (Purvey)  :  'And  Adam  seide,  This  is  now 
a  boon  of  my  boonys,  and  fleisch  of  my  fleisch  :  this  schal  be  clepid  virago,  for  she  is  taken 
of  man.' 

120.  Fasyngis  of  lokis.     In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  3569,  amongst  the  signs  of  the  ap- 
proach of  old  age  to  a  man  we  are  told  that 

'  ]>e  freli  fax  to  fal  of  him         And  )>e  sight  to  wax  well  dim  ; 
and  again,  1.  7244,  when  Delilah  had  cut  off  Samson's  hair  he  was  easily  bound 
'  for  thoru  his  fax  his  force  was  tint.' 

121.  a  Faldynge.     Compare  P.  Rowclothe,  p.  437.     '  Ampliibulus,  vestis  equi  villosa, 
ance-  a  sclauayn  or  faldyng.'  MS.  0.  5.  4,  Trin.  Coll.  Camb.      In  the  Invent,  of  Henry 
Bowet,  Archbishop  of  York,  1423,  we  find  an  item,  '  de  xijs.  receptis  pro  xij  virgis  de  panno 
vocato  whyte  falldyng?  Test  Ebor.  iii.  71.    In  a  Will,  dated  1526,  pr.  in  Lancashire  Wills 
(Chetham  Soc.),  vol.  i.  p.  13,  the  testator  bequeaths  '  my  best  typett,  my  faldyng  and  my 
bok  in  the  church.' 

122.  a  Fan.     Compare  Weddyr  coke,  below. 

a  Fayne  of  a  schipe.  •  Ckeruchus,  ance-  a  fane.'  MS.  O.  5.  4,  Trin.  Coll.  Camb. 
Compare  a  Stremour,  below. 

A  Funtum.    Bead  A  Fantom. 
•  This  is  no  fantum,  ne  no  fabulle  £e  wote  wele  of  the  Rowun  tabulle.' 

Avowinge  of  K.  Arther,  ii. 
*For-J>i.  for  fantoum  &  fayryje  )>e  folk  J^ere  hit  demed.'  Sir  Gawayne,  240. 

123.  a  Farntikylle.     '  Cesia,  ance-  a  pokke  or  frakene.'  MS.  0.  5,  4,  Trin.  Coll.  Camb. 

Fastyngange.  Huloet  has  a  rather  strange  entry:  'Shraftyde  or  feastyng 
dayes,  called  also  fastegong.  Bacchanalia  festa,  carnispriuium.' 

126.  a  Felischippe.  In  the  Digby  Mysteries,  p.  202, 1.  924,  Mary  Magdalene  exclaims  : 
'Alese  !  felishipe  her  is  noon !'  where  the  meaning  is  company.  In  the  Song  of  Roland, 
60 1,  we  are  told  that  Roland 

'  not  for  his  own  sak  he  soghed  often,  but  for  hisfellichip  >at  he  most  louyden.' 

a  Felle.  Amongst  other  articles  in  the  Invent,  of  John  Casse,  in  1576,  are 
enumerated,  'ixsychells,a  pare  of  woll  cards,  ij  barrells,  a  ratton/e^,  ijs.  viijd.'  Richmond. 
Wills,  &c.  p.  260  ;  and  in  that  of  John  Golan,  goldsmith,  of  York,  in  1490,  occurs :  *  j  raton 
discipula,  Anglice  a,  fell'  Test.  Ebor.  iv.  59. 

129.  a  Fettyr.      ( Boias,  catenas,   sweorcopsas,   uel    handcopsas.'    MS.  Harl.    3376. 
'  Compes  vel  cippus,  fot-cops.     Bogia,  ioc,  o8$e  swur-cops.     Manice,  hand-cops.'  Wright's 
Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  86. 

130.  pe  Figes.    Trevisa,  in  his  trans,  of  Higden,  vi.  357,  tells  us  that '  J?e  evel  J>at 
hatte^czts  is  a  schrewed  evel,  for  it  semej)  ]>at  his  bom  is  oute  j>at  haj>  >at  evel.' 

132.  a  Fiste.     See  the  curious  '  Demaundes  Joyous'  reprinted  from  the  original  copy 
by  Wynkyn  de  Worde  in  Reliq.  Antiq.  ii.  73.     •  Hec  lirida,  a  fyse.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab. 
p.  209.    '  Fiesten,  or  let  a  fiest.  Pedo.'  Huloet.     '  To  fyest,  pedcre.'  Manip.  Vocab. 

133.  a  Flawe  of  fyre.     See  the  Cursor  Mundi,  17370,  where  an  angel  is  described 
as  having  •  his  clething  als  J>e  suan  his  suire, 

And  his  cher  lik  was  flayht  [misprinted  slagkl]  o  fire.' 


a  Flaket.  In  the  Invent,  of  R.  Best,  taken  in  1581.  are  mentioned,  '  in  ye  nieelke 
house  4  honey  potts,  2  kits,  2  flakets,  4  mealke  bowles,  with  other  implements,  6s.'  Farming, 
&c.  Book  of  H.  Best,  p.  172.  '  Yf  the  wombes  ben  smyten  they  sowne  as  a  flaclcette,  other 
a  botell.'  Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  vii.  ch.  lii.  p.  266. 

134.  Flekked.     Compare  Varmid,  below.     In  Trevisa's  Higden,  i.  159,  we  are  told 
that  'Camelion  is  aflekked  best,  in  colour  liche  to  a  lupard  ;  and  so  is  pardus,  and  pantera 
also,  and  som  dele  of  }>e  kynde;'  and  Lydgate  speaks  of  '  whyght  fleklcyd  with  the  brown.' 
Minor  Poems  (Percy  Soc.),  p.  199.     Compare  the  Towneley  Myst.  p.  311 :  'his  stefe  must 
beflekyt.'     Best,  in  his  Fanning,  &c.  Book,  p.  50,  uses  the  verb  flecken  —  to  change  colour  : 
'  Gates when  they  once  beginne  to  shoote,  they  will  streightway  after  beginne  to 

flecken,  and  bee  ripe  on  a  suddaine.'     Fleck  =  a  spot  on  the  face,  is  still  in  use. 

a  Fletcher.  Harrison,  in  his  Descript.  of  Eng.  i.  342,  mentions  amongst  the  trees 
of  England,  'the  aspe,  whereof  our  flefchers  make  their  arrowes.'  See  the  Destruction  of 
Troy,  Introd.  p.  xlvii,  where  the  following  line  is  quoted  from  Lydgate  : 

'  Bowers  eke,  ande  fast  by  fleggerers? 

In  the  Chester  Plays,  i.  6  are  mentioned  :  'ffletchers,  boweyers,  cowpers,  stringers  and 
iremongers.'  Turner,  in  his  Herbal,  p.  67,  says  that  'fleckers  make  prykke  shaftes  of 
byrche,  because  it  is  heavier  than  espe  is.'  '  Item  the  flecher  that  dwellyd  in  Thurton 
strete  owyth  hym  ffor  tymber,  ixs.  vjd.'  Manners  and  Household  Exps.  of  Eng.  1465,  p.  179. 

a  Fleke.     See  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  Bk.  iii.  1. 88 1  : 

'  Do  feire  stree  uppon  thaire  fleyke  hem  under ;' 
and  1.  987  :  'In  fleykes  faire  yf  that  men  list  hem  sprede.' 

135.  a  Flesche  eruke.     In  the  Invent,  of  Thomas  de  Dalby,  Archdeacon  of  Richmond, 
dated  1400,  we  find  '  pro  j  myour,  j  watercanne,  iij  laddeles,  de  auricalco,  et  j  flessheeroke, 
j  friyngpan,  et  iiij  trowes,  simul  vendit.  iiijs.  xd.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  14.     '  Pro  j  flesch  crok  de 
ferro.'  Invent,  of  Archbishop  Bowet  1423,  ibid.  p.  80. 

a  Flyke  of  bacon.  We  find  this  word  frequently  in  the  old  wills  and  inventories. 
Thus  in  the  Invent,  of  W.  Clowdeslye,  in  1545,  are  included  'ij  bus.  of  rye,  iiij  baleen 
flykes,  a  payre  of  new  shoes,  xvs.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p  54  ;  and  in  that  of  John  Cadeby, 
in  1451,  we  have,  '  Item  ijflickkis  de  bacon,  iijs.  iiijd.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  99.  But  the  term  was 
not  confined,  as  with  us,  to  a  bacon  flitch,  for  we  find  in  the  Invent,  of  Gerard  Salveyn,  in 
1570,  an  item  of  'iiij  beffe  flickes  and  ij  backen  flicks,  xvj8.'  Wills  &  Invent,  i.  348  ;  and 
again,  amongst  the  goods  of  John  Casse,  in  1576,  are  mentioned  'iij  bacon  flicks,  vj  befe 
flicks,  xxiiijV  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  260. 

136.  a  Fludejate.     In  note,  for  '  on '  read  '  ou.' 

137-  to  Fodyr.     H.  Best,  in  his  Farming,  &c.  Book,  p.  72,  gives  directions  '  forfotheringe 

of  sheepe yow  are  allsoe  to  have  a  care  that  yow  beginne  not  to  /other  in  wette 

weather ;  for  they  [sheep]  will  not  fall  freshly  to  theire  /other  att  the  first,  but  treade  it 
under  foote  and  waste  it.'  See  also  ibid.  p.  30. 

a  Foyle.     '  Pullus,  cicen,  oftfte  brid,  oftfte  fola.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  77. 

a  Forbott.     In  the  Sege  off  Melayne,  406,  Roland  exclaims  : 
1  Goddis  forbode  &  })e  holy  Try nytee  And  lese  oure  crysten  lawe?' 

j>at  euer  fraunce  hethen  were  for  mee 

138.  a  Forgetyll.     In  the  Early  Eng.  Psalter,  Ps.  ix.  19  is  rendered : 

'  For  for-getelnes  in  ende  noght  bes  of  pouer  whare  he  wende ;' 

the  A.  S.  version  reading  '  forfton  na  les  in  ende  o/er-geotulnis  brtS  ftearfena.  See  also 
Gower,  ii.  19.  Robert  of  Brunne  uses  forgetilschip  in  the  sense  of  an  oversight : 

*Bot  for  a  /orgetilschip  Richard  &  he  bojje  les,'  p.  176; 
and  Lydgate,  Chronicle  of  Troy,  Bk.  iv.  ch.  3,  has : 

'  I  were  /oryetell,  reckles,  To  remember  the  infinite  outrages.' 

139.  a  Forster.     We  frequently  find  the  form  foster,  as  in  Sir  Degrevant,  430  :  '  3iffe 
y  dey  in  the  pleyne,  That  my  fosteres  hath  sleyne,'  and  in  Polit.,  Rel.  and  Love  Poems,  p. 
n,  1.  28,  '  Mawgre  the  wache  of  fosters  and   parkerrys.'     See  also  Sir  Triamour,  1063. 
'  Hie  lucariiis,  Ance-  a  foster.'  Wrights  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  278. 

141.  a  Frale.     '  A  multitude  of  reysons  puld  they  take 
And  into  risshy  fray  els  rare  hem  gete.' 

Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  204, 1.  494. 


143.  a  Froske.     Dame  Juliana  Barnes,  in  her  Treatise  of  Fy?shynge  with  an  Angle,  p. 
19,  gives  as  one  way  of  taking  the  pike  :  'Take  a  frosske  &  put  it  on  your  hoke  at  the 
necke  bytwene  the  skynne,  &  the  body  on  ye  backe  halfe,  and  put  on  a  flote  a  3erde  therfro : 
&  caste  it  where  the  pyke  hauntyth  and  ye  shall  haue  hym.'     See  the  account  of  the 
plagues  of  Egypt  in  the  Cursor  Mundi,  where  we  are  told,  1.  5928,  there  '  was  frosse  ]>at 
na  tung  moght  tell,'  where  the  other  MSS.  read/ros/ces,  and  frogges.    '  Hec  ranct,  a  frosche.' 
Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  223. 

144.  to  Frote.     '  Frote  it  wol  with  larde  fatte  and  decocte.'  Palladius  On  Husbondrie, 
p.  16, 1.  433.     See  also  p.  25, 1.  683.     In  the  first  quotation,  for  'beest'  read  '  brest.' 

a  Frugon.  In  the  Invent,  of  John  Cadeby,  ab.  1450,  we  find,  '  item,  j  colrake  et 
jf  argon  ferri,  iiijd.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  100;  and  again,  in  that  of  T.  Morton,  in  1448,  '  ij 
f argons  arg.  pond,  j  unc.  di.  quart.  vs.  ijd.  ob.'  ibid.  p.  113. 

Fruteurs.     See  W.  de  Worde's  Boke,  of  Keruing,  p.  273.. 

145.  Full  but.     '  He  smote  Darel  with  so  goode  will 

In  middes  of  the  sheld  ful  butt, 
That  Darel  fell  doun  with  that  putt.' 

Sir  Generydes  (Roxb.  Club),  4587. 

a  Fulemerd.  '  )>e  fox  and  ]>e  fowmerte  in  als  sail  be  tane.'  Ancient  Scot.  Prophecy, 
in  Bernardus  De  Cura  Rei  Famul.  p.  19,  1.  33.  '  J?e  fox  and  })ejoulmert  f»ai  ar  botht  fals.' 
ibid.  1.  74.  See  the  burlesque  poem  in  Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  85  :  'A  fox  and  afolmert  had  .xv. 
fette.'  '  Hie  fetrunctus,  Hie  pecoides,  a  fulmard'  [misprinted  sulmard'].  Wright's  Vol.  of 
Vocab.  p.  251. 

146.  a  Furre.     H.  Best,  Farming,  &c.  Boole,  p.  44,  tells  us  that   'amongst  shearers 
[reapers]  the  one  of  fhefurres  is  called  the  fore-furre,  and  the  other  the  hinder-furre  ; 
sometimes  they  make  the  one  the  fore-furre,  and  sometimes  the  other,  but  the  furre  on 
your  left  hande  is  the  best  for  the  fore-furre  ....  you  should  allwayes  putte  the  weaker 
and  worst  shearers  into  the  fore-furre.' 

149.  a  Galte.     In  the  first  quotation,  for  '  grylyche '  read  '  gryslyche.' 

150.  a  Garwyndelle.     In  the  Invent,  of  R.  Bishop,  taken  about  1500,  are  included 
4  j  spynyn-weyll,  j  roke,  and  j  reyll,  j  garyn-wyndyll  foytt  and  the  blaytters,  viijd.'   Test. 
Ebor.  iv.  193  ;  and  in  that  of  Robert  Doddinge,  in  1562,  '  iij  wheills,  ij   pare  of  game 
wyndills,  xviijd.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  156.     '  Windles  or  blades  to  wind  yarn  on.  Ala- 
brum,  rhombus.'  Gouldman. 

to  Garse.  In  Copland's  trans,  of  Guydon's  Questyonary  of  Cyrurgyens,  1541,  we 
have  :  '  yf  it  blede  nat  wel  rub  the  place  with  the  mouth  of  the  ventose,  or  gyue  it  small 
fyllyps  with  your  nayle,  and  garse  it  a-newe,  that  it  may  blede  well.'  '  It  is  good  to  garse 
the  legges  byneth  that  the  humours,  fumosyte  and  spyrytes  that  ben  cause  of  the  heed 
ache,  may  be  drawe  from  the  heed  dounwarde  to  the  nether  party es.'  Glanvil,  De  Propr. 
Rerum,  Bk.  vii.  ch.  iii.  p.  224. 

151.  to  Garsumme.     In  the  Will  of  'John  Bancks,  Laboringe  Man,'  in  1542,  the 
following  occurs  :  '  my  lanndes  lord  Richard  Hodgeson  and  I  is  at  a  co'dic'on  for  the  close 
called  ov'kaimer  dikes,  yt  is  to  say  that  I  or  my  assigne  to  haue  the  sayd  close  from  saynt 
cuthb'te  day  in  lent  next  after  the  makynge  herof  vnto  the  end  and  terme  of  xvth  yers  next 
ensewinge  the  wrytinge  herof  and  I  or  myne  executor  to  paye  eu'y  yere  duringe  the  said 
terme  yerly  xxs.  sterlinge  to  ferme  and  to  paye  at  the  entrie  herof  for  a  gryssom  xiijs.  iiijd. 
and  he  to  cause  the  Indentures  therof  to  be  maid,  of  the  whiche  gressom  1  haue  paid  vnto 
the  said  Richard  handes  vj8.  viijd.  and  the  residue  to  be  paid  at  the  making  of  the  said 
Indentures.'   Wills  &  Invents,  i.  119.    'The  said  Prince  should  haue  the  Isle  of  Anglesey 
in  Fee-farme  of  the  King,  to  him,  and  to  the  lawfull  issue  of  his  body  in  general  taile,  for 
fiue  thousand  Markes  ready  money,  for  gressom,  or  a  fine  in  hand  payd,  &  the  yearely  rent 
of  a  thousand  Markes.'  Speed,  Hist.  Great  Britain,  Bk.  ix.  ch.  x. 

a  Garthe.  See  the  quotation  from  the  Testamenta  Ebor.  ii.  216,  in  the  additional 
note  to  Crofte,  above,  p.  xxiv. 

'  Thi  garth,  in  springing  tyme  to  be  sowe,      The  footes  depe  may  no  we  pastyned  be.' 

Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  184,  1.  141. 
See  also  p.  29,  11.  783,  791. 


to  Garthe  wesselle.  See  quotation  from  Fitzherbert,  in  the  additional  note  to 
Cogge,  above,  p.  xxii. 

152.  a  Gavelle.     Compare  P.  Cornel,  and  Bury  Wills,  &c.,  p.  22,  where,  in  the  Will 
of  J.  Baret,  1463,  we  find  a  direction,  '  the  owener  of  my  place  to  haue  my  Cornell  hoas  in 
the  Cookrowe. 

a  Gaveloke.  I  am  inclined  to  think  that  the  meaning  here  is  a  crow-bar.  In 
the  Invent,  of  Thomas  Vicars,  in  1451,  we  find,  '  j  lyng-hak,  cum  j  gavelok  ferri  vjd.  Test. 
Ebor.  iii.  1 19  ;  and  in  that  of  Christopher  Thomson,  in  1544,  'a  gaveloke  xijd.  Item  a  frienge 
panne,  iiijd.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  53.  So  also  in  the  Invent,  of  Richard  Best,  in  1581, 
are  mentioned  '  one  recon,  one  gavelocke,  one  fier  shole,  one  pare  of  tanges.'  Farming,  &c. 
Book  of  H.  Best,  p.  172.  The  connection  in  which  the  word  occurs  in  these  quotations  is 
against  the  idea  of  its  being  a  weapon  of  any  sort.  '  iij  iron  wedges,  a  gavelocke,  one  axe, 
a  pair  of  cob  irons,  and  a  bill,  vi3.  viijd.'  Invent,  of  K.  Butcher,  1579,  Richmond.  Wills, 
&c.,  p.  248. 

153.  Gerarchy.     See  Gower,  Conf.  Amant.  iii.  145  :  'Which  stant  under  his  gerarcJtie.' 
Caxton,  in  his  Golden  Legende,  fo.  24,  speaks  of  the  '  booke  of  gerarchye  of  holy  angellis ;' 
and  Fabyan,  Chronicle,  pt.  I.  c.  xxvii.  p.  19,  addresses  the  Virgin  : 

'  Most  virgynall  flour,  of  al  most  excellet,  Aboue  y9  n  ombre  &  glorious  company 

Percyng  of  Angells  y°  hyest  Gerarchy,  Of  his  blessid  seyts,  w*  moste  hye  dignite  ; 

Joye  and  be  glad,  for  God  Omnipotent  Next  after  hym  most  honoured  to  be.' 
Hath  the  lyft  vp,  &  set  moste  worthely 

154.  a  Gesarne.     '  The  fysrte  mete  of  the  fowles  is  receyuyd  and  kepte  in  the  croppe 
to  the  seconde  dygestyon,  that  shall  be  made  in  the  gisarn  or  ma  we.'  G  (anvil,  De  Propr. 
Rerum,  Bk.  v.  ch.  xliv.  p.  161. 

155.  to  Giffe  stede.    Cf.  the  account  in  the  Cursor  Mundi,  1.  2499,  of  the  battle  be- 
tween the  four  kings  and  the  five,  where  we  are  told 

'  J>e  five  gaue  back  to  wine  away.' 

Compare  also  Caxton's  Charles  the  Grete,  p.  193:  'they  made  so  grete  bruyt,  that  the 
moost  hardyest  of  the  paynyms  gaf  them  waye. 

a  Gilefatte.  The  reference  to  the  quotation  from  the  Test.  Ebor.  is  wrong :  it 
should  be,  'i.  2.'  'A  mashefatt,  a  brandereth,  and  a  wortston  xld.  Item  a  gyclfatt,  vj.' 
Invent,  of  Thomas  Walker,  1542,  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  30. 

157.  to  Giste.     H.  Best,  in  his  Farming,  &c.  Boole,  p.  119,  tells  us  that  'such  beasts 
as  are  taken  into  any  pasture  to  bee  kept,  are  (hereaboutes)  called  geasters,  i.  e.  ge&ters, 
and  theire  gates  soe  many  severall  pastes.'     'Mrs.  Salvyn  her  gates  on  the  Greets  are 
allwayes  att  at  a  rate,  viz.  5s.  4d.  a  coive-geast.  her  nowtheards  wage  is  2OS.  in  money,  the 
milke  of  a  cowe,  and  a  coice-geast.' 

Gladyn.  '  Gladiolum,  jjat  is  glsedene.'  Earle's  Plant-Names,  p.  5.  '  Gladiolum, 
glaedene.'  Aelfric's  Gloss,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  30.  '  Scilla,  glsedene.'  Cott.  MS. 
Cleop.  A.  iii.  If.  76. 

Glayre.  Glanvil  says  that  '  the  Grape  is  compownyd  of  the  hulle  of  glaria  and 
of  axillis.  Glaria  is  the  juys  and  fatte  humour  of  the  grape  and  axilli  ben  the  smalle 
greynes  that  ben  in  the  grape.'  De  Propr.  Rerum  Bk.  xvii.  c.  clxxxi.  p.  722.  See  also 
Palladius,  Bk.  iv.  1.  497,  and  Chaucer,  Canon's  Yeoman's  Tale,  Pream.  806. 

158.  a  Glede.     In  Roland  &  Otuel,  the  Saracen  mocking  Naymes  bids  him  stop  at 
home     'to  kepe  pareche  walles  fro  schame,       J>at  no  gledes  neghe  J>am  nere.'  1.  285. 

to  Glee.  '  Strdbo,  scelg-egede.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  75.  A  curious  proof 
that  Halliwell's  definition  is  wrong  occurs  in  Hampole's  Prose  Treatises,  p.  29,  where  we 
are  told  that  '  Lya  was  frwtefull,  bvt  scho  was  sare  eghedeS 

160.  Gluterus.     See  the  Epigram  on  the  Degeneracy  of  the  Times  in  Reliq.  Antiq.  i. 
58  ;  we  have  '  Play  is  vileney,  and  holyday  is  glotery."1 

161.  a  Goke.     '  I  ga  gowlende  a-bowte,  al  so  dos  a  yoke?  Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  291. 


a  Gome.  In  1566  Dame  Prieres  bequeathed,  '  to  my  commother  Crosby  one  fyne 
kyrchyffe.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  192. 

163.  a  Grape.     In  the  Invent,  of  the  Priory  of  Durham,  1446,  are  mentioned  'ij 
rastra,  ij  yoke  wymbils,  j  rest  wymbyll,  ij  grapez,  j  shole,  ligat.  cum  ferro.'  Wills  &  Invent. 
i.  95;  '  iiij  grapez,,  ij  sholez,  vj  harpincae.'  ibid.  p.  96;  'one  mvck  hacke,  a,  grape  &  iij 
forkes,  viijd.'  Invent,  of  B.  Anderson,  1570,  ibid.  p.  342. 

to  Graue.     'Loke  ]>&i  his  licame 

Vndir  er]?e  not  be  graue 

But  taken  wilde  bestes  to  haue.'  Cursor  Mundi  (Trin.  MS.),  17325. 
'Here  now  is  he  gravid,  &  her  lyes  hee.'  Digby  Myst.  p.  200,  1.  853. 
See  also  Palladius,  Bk.  vi.  1.  45,  and  Chaucer,  Wife's  Tale,  1.  209  : 

'  I  nolde  for  al  the  metal  ne  for  the  ore,        That  under  erthe  is  grave,  or  lith  above  ;' 
and  the  Cook's  Tale  of  Gamelyn,  1.  69  : 

'  Anon  as  he  was  deed  and  under  gras  i-grave* 
'  At  the  leist  graife  me  in  sepulture.'  Gr.  Douglas,  JEneados,  Bk.  vi.  p.  1 76. 

164.  a  Grece.     'Steppe  or  grice.  Scamnum.'  Huloet.     In  his  Will,  dated  1463,  John 
Baret  desires  that '  a  deseueraunce  be  maad  of  stoon  wal  ovir  the  entre,  to  parte  the  litil 
botrie  vndir  the  gresys,  to  longe  to  the  parlour  wiche  is  redy  maad.'  Bury  Wills.  &c.  p.  20. 
In  Palladius  On  ffusbondrie,  p.  18,  1.  463,  grece  is  used  as  a  plural :  '  thre  grece  or  iiii  is 
up  therto  to  goo;'  and  in  the  Paston  Letters,  iii.  286,  we  have  gresyngges. 

a  Gresse.    In  Roland  &  Otuel,  993,  we  have  the  plural  form  : 

'  to  hym  commes  J>at  lady  dere  &  greses  broghte  J?at  fre ;' 

where  the  meaning  is  herbs.     See  Paston  Letters,  iii.  7. 

'J>e  dri  cald  erth  ])at  lauerd  kyng,        and  bad  it  gress  and  frut  forth  bring.' 

Cursor  Mundi,  I.  384. 

a  Gressope.     'Locusta,  gsers-stapa.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  78. 

165.  to  Grinde  corn  or  egelome.    Best  uses  loom  in  the  sense  of  tool :  '  An  out- 
ligger  carryeth  but  onely  one  loome  to  the  field,  and  that  is  a  rake.'  Farming,  &e.  Booh,  p. 
49.     The  translator  of  Palladius  On  Husbondrie  uses  it  in  the  sense  of  vessel :  '  bette  is 
kepte  in  pitched  loomes  smale.'  p.  204, 1.  478. 

a  Gripe.  The  following  description  of  this  bird  is  given  in  the  A.S.  Glossary 
printed  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  78  :  '  Gfriffus.  fi$er-fote  fugel,  leone  gelic  on  waestme, 
and  earne  gelic  on  heafde  and  on  fiSerum :  se  is  swa  mycel  j>;»t  he  gewylt  hors  and  men.' 

167.  a  Grunde.    See  also  Cursor  Mundi,  1.  126  : 

'  For-Jri  J?at  na  were  may  stand         Wit-outen  grundwall  to  be  lastand.' 
'  Fundamentum,  grund-wal.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  92.    '  Fundamentum,  grund-weal.' 
ibid.  p.  81.     See  Allit.  Poems,  A.  395. 

168.  pe  Gulsoghte.     In  note,  the  reference  to  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  should  be 
'p.  224.' 

a  Gutter.    Cf.  Destruct.  of  Troy,  1607  : 

'  The  water  by  wisshyng  went  vnder  houses 
Gosshet  through  Godardys  and  other  grete  vautes.' 

See  tdaoAtttt.  Poems,  C.  310.     Palladius,  On  Husbondrie,  p.  151,  1.  60,  says  that  in  May 
is  the  time,  '  Nowe  as  the  treen  beth  gladde  in  thaire  astate, 

For  gutteryng  to  howe  it  and  to  heiit.' 

170.  an  Haire.     In  the  Invent,  of  W.  Knyvett,  1557,  we  find  mentioned,  'one  newe 
stepynge  fatte  and  an  old,  with  old  kelne  hayres,  xvj8.  viijd.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  101. 

an  Hak.     'He  lened  him  a-pan  his  hak,'  Cursor  Mundi,  1.  1241. 

171.  an  Haly  water  clerke.     '  Hie  aquarius,  a  haly-water  clerke.'  Wright's  Vol.  of 
Vocab.  p.  262.     I  should  have  mentioned  that  I  am  indebted  .for  a  great  portion  of  the 
note  to  correspondents  of  Notes  and  Queries. 

an  Halle.     William  Paston,  writing  in  1492,  speaks  of  'hors,  harnesse,   tents, 
,  gardyryans,  cartes,  and  othyr  thynges.'  Paston  Letters,  iii.  376. 

ADDITIONAL   NOTES.         ,  xlv 

172.  an  Hallynge.     In  the  Invent,  of  Thomas  Morton,  Canon  of  York,  taken  in 
1448,  amongst  the  contents  of  the  Hall  sire  mentioned  '  j  hallynge  cum  ij  costers  de  viridi 
et  rubio  say,  palyd,  cum  armis  urchiepiscopi  Ebor.  Bowett,  pret.  xiijs.  iiijtl.    De  j  hallynge 
veteri  de  rubio  say,  cum  armis  Beati  Petri  in  medio,  &c.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  107-8  ;  and  in 
1479  John  Caudell  bequeathed  'to  Cristian  Forman,  my  servaunt,  a  hailing  of  white 
stevend  with  vij  warkes  of  mercy,'  ibid.  p.  246.     In  the  Invent,  of  Thomas  Walker,  in 
1 542,  we  find,  '  Item  a  banker,  v.  qweischyngs,  and  a  haudyng,  ij3.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c. 
p?  31 ;  and  in  that  of  R.  Butcher,  in  1579  :  'a  hawlinge,  a  bynker  of  wannes,  and  ij  fox 
skynnes.'  ibid.  p.  248. 

173.  an  Hank.     '  viij  hanks  of  lynning  yearne,  vjs.  viijd.'  are  included  in  the  Invent, 
of  Mrs.  Jane  Fullthropp,  in  1566.  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  183 ;  and  in  that  of  J.  Wilken- 
son,  in  1571,  we  have  '  xxvj  hannkes  of  medle  wyer  ij1.  xijs. — vj  hannks  of  great  wyer 
xviij8. — vj  hannks  of  small  wyer  xviij8.  Wills  &  Invent,  i.  364.     Best  tells  us  that  eight 
things  are  necessary  for  putting  up  hurdles,  the  eighth  of  which  '  is  fold-hankes  or  hankinyes, 
as  they  call  them,  which  is  as  thicke  againe  as  plough-string,  being  a  loose  kinde  of  two 
plettes,  which  is  usually  sold  for  3  half-pence  and  sometimes  for  2d.  a  knotte  ;  there  should 
bee  in  everie  knotte  18  fathames ;  and  yow  are  to  make  your  hankes  3  quarters  of  a  yarde 
in  length,  and  to  putte  to  everie  severall  barre  you  sende  to  field  a  hanke,  and  to  the  four 
corner  barres  two  hankes  a  peece,  and  that  because  they  want  stakes.'  Farming,  &c.  Book, 
p.  16.     In  La3amon,  25872,  we  have  '  ihaneked  and  golden.'  and  in  the  Cursor  Mandi, 
16044,  ^ie  wor(i  is  used  in  the  sense  of  to  bind : 

'  iesus  J>at  in  prisoun  lei,  ful  herd  J>ai  did  hanc? 

an  Haras  of  horse.     '  But  rathest  be  thaire  bolk  and  wombes  large, 
This  crafte  in  gentil  haras  is  to  charge.' 

Palladium  On  Husbondrie,  p.  134,  1.  820. 

175.  Hardes.     ' Hardin  clothe  iiij  score  and  vj  yerds'  and  'lining  yarne  &  hardin  at 
the  webster  xxs.'  are  mentioned  in  the  Invent,  of  John  Bayles  in  1568,  Wills  &  Invent*,  i. 
293-4  ;  and  in  that  of  Roger  Pele,  in  1541,  we  find  '  one  table  cloth  of  harden,  price  iiijd.' 
Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  22.     'Item  vij.  score  of  lyn  game,  and  iiij  score  of  hardy  ng  game 
vijs.  viijd.'   Invent  of  Thomas  Walker,  1542,  ibid.  p.  31.     Simon   Merflet,   in  1462,   be- 
queathed to  his  sister  '  xl  yerds  of  lyncloth,  xl  yerds  of  herden  cloth,  vj  codds,  iij  par  shetes, 
&c.'  Test.  Ebor.  ii.  261.-    SveAllit  Poems,  B.  1209  : 

'Hard  hattes  )>ay  hent  &  on  hors  lepes;' 
and  compare  Ring  Alexander,  p.  102  : 

'  Sum  araies  thaim  in  ringes  and  sum  in  sow  brenys, 
With  hard  hattes  on  thaire  hedis  hied  to  thaire  horsis.' 

'Herdde  with  pix  liquide  herto  eche.'  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  41,  1. 1122.  See  the 
Legends  of  the  Holy  Rood,  p.  81, 1.  681,  and  Wyclif,  Judges  xvi.  9.  In  Palladius,  Bk.  viii. 
135,  hardes  is  used  for  the  outer  skin  of  squills. 

Harife.      In   note,   in   quotation  from   MS.   Harl.    3388,   for   'heyrene'   read 
*  heyreue.' 

an  Harlott.     See  the  Digly  Mysteries,  p.  59,  1.  127  : 

'  yff  ]>er  be  ony  harlettes  )>at  a  gens  me  make  replycacyon  ;' 
and  p.  56. 1.  27.     See  Allit.  Poems,  B.  39,  860,  1584,  and  Glossary. 

176.  Harn  panne.     See  the  Cursor  Mundi,  7277,  where,  when  Samson  pulled  down 
the  gates  at  Gaza,  we  are  told,  'His  hern  pan  he  brak  wit  chance;'  where  the  other  MSS. 
read  herne  panne,  harn  panne,  and  horn  panne.     See  also  1.  21445. 

an  Harre  of  a  dore.     In  the  complaint  of  a  monk  on  the  difficulty  of  learning 
singing,  pr.  in  Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  292,  he  declares, 

'  I  hurle  at  the  notes,  and  heve  hem  al  of  herre.' 

Wyclif  says  that  '  as  )>e  pope  is  wundirful  so  cardenals  ben  an  herre  to  ]>e  fendis  hous.' 
Works,  ed.  Matthew,  p.  472.  '  Hie  cardo,  -ni»,  pen-ultima  corrupta  [read  correpta],  a  har 
of  a  dore.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  237.  A.  S.  heor,  which  is  used  as  the  gloss  to  cardo 
in  the  Corpus  Glossary. 

177.  Hase.     '  The  rough  voys  is  hose  and  sparplyd  by  small e  and  dyuers  brethinge.' 
Glanvil,  DeP.opr.  Her  urn,  Bk.  xix.  ch.  cxxxi.  p.  942. 


178.  Havyr.     'Wee  ledde  constantly  6  loades  of  haver  with  a  waine  ....  Doghill 
flatte  had  in  it  (this  yeaie)  fifteene  good  loades  of  haver.'  Best,  Farming,  &c.  -Book,  p.  52. 
See  also  ibid.  p.  143. 

179.  to  Hawnte.     Best,  in  his  Farming,  &c.  Book,  p.  35,  speaks  of  the  harm  done  to 
meadows  by  'hennes  and  such  like  fowles  that  haunte  a  close  ;'  and  again,  p.  72,  he  says, 
'  our  shepheard  lyeth  his  sheepe  ....  howsoever  beyond  the  Spellowe,  because  they  shoulde 
not  gette  haunt  of  the  wheat  and  rye.'  Wyclif  frequently  uses  the  word,  see  his  Works,  ed. 
Matthew,  pp.  23,  73,  146,  &c. 

an  Hefte.  Robert  Gray  in  his  Will,  dated  1437,  bequeathed  to  his  son  Richard, 
'  unum  gladiuni  cum  peltro,  unum  dagar  ballokhefted  cum  argento  ornatum.'  Test.  Ebor. 
ii.  63. 

180.  ]>e  Hede  warke.     '  Cephalia,  i.  dolor  capitis  uel  cephalargia,  heaford-waerc,  uel 
ece.'  Gloss.  MS.  Harl.  3376.     Compare  the  remedy  given  inReliq.  Antiq.  i.  51  'for  euel 
and  werke  in  bledder.' 

181.  an  Hekylle.     In  the  Invent,  of  William  Coltman,  in  1481,  are  included  '  ij  liekils 
et  uno  repplyng  karne  iijd.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  261. 

183.  an  Heppe.     '  Butunus,  heope.'  Aelfric's  Gloss,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  30. 
'  Rubus,  heop-brymel.'  ibid.  p.  33.     See  Thynne's  Animadversions,  p.  40,  where  he  says  : 
'  The  "  Hyppe  "  is  not  "  simplye  the  redde  berye  one  the  Bryer,"  vnlest  you  adde  this 
epitheton  and  saye  "  the  redde  Berrye  one  the  swete  Bryer  (which  is  the  Eggletyne)  to 
distinguyshe  yt  from  the  comone  Bryer  or  Bramble,  beringe  the  blacke  Berye."  '     See 
also  Turner's  Herbal,  pt.  ii.  If.  n8b  :  'Of  the  Brere  bushe  or  Hep  tre  or  Brere  tre;'  and 
H9b,  where  he  tells  us  that  'the  tartes  made  onlye  of  Heppes  serue  well  to  be  eaten  of 
them  that  vomit  to  much,  or  haue  any  flixe,  whether  it  be  the   bloody  flixe  or  the 
common   flixe.' 

Herbe  ion.  In  a  MS.  recipe  '  for  a  man  that  sal  begyn  to  travayle,'  we  are 
recommended  to  'tak  mugworte,  and  carry  hit  with  the,  and  thu  sal  noght  fele  na 
werynesse,  and  whare  thou  dos  it  in  houses  na  elves  na  na  evyll  thynges  may  com 
therein,  ne  qware  herbe  Ion  comes  noyther.'  Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  53. 

an  Herber.    See  Digby  Mysteries,  p.  76. 

184.  Herns.     'Lang  and  side  J>air  brues  wern 

And  hinged  all  a-bout  Jjair  hern.'  Cursor  Mundi,  8079. 

185.  an  Hespe.     See  Allit.  Poems,  B.  419,  where  the  Ark  is  described  as  drifting  about 
without  '  Kable,  o]>er  capstan  to  clyppe  to  her  ankre;, 

Hurrok,  o]>er  hand-helme  hasped  on  ro))er.' 
See  also  C.  189. 

to  make  Hevy.  'Which  of  these  soo  euer  hit  be,  hit  hevyeth  me.'  Paston  Letters, 
iii.  184. 

187.  an  Holyn.     '  Clictoriola,  ]>at  is  cneow  holen.'   Earle,  Eng.  Plant-Names,   p.  4. 
'  Sinpatus,  cneowhole.'  Aelfric's  Gloss,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  30.     '  Acrifolius, 
holen.'  ibid.  p.  33.     '  Ruscus,  cneo-holen,  fyres.'  ibid.  p.  285.     '  Hec  vitsis,  Ae-  olyn-tre.' 
ibid.  p.  192. 

an  Holleke.    '  Duricorium,  hol-leac.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  286. 

188.  to  Hope.    'Quen  he  right  dipe  had  doluen  J>are 

I  hope  tuenti  fote  or  mare.'  Cursor  Mundi,  21532. 

an  Hoppyr.  H.  Best,  in  his  Farming  Book,  p.  n,  uses  hopper  for  a  common 
basket :  he  recommends  weak  lambs  to  be  laid  '  in  an  hopper  or  baskett  upon  a  little 
sweete  hay;'  and  again,  p.  137,  he  speaks  of  the  'hopping  tree"1  of  a  '  waine.'  The  author 
of  the  trans,  of  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  180, 1.  43,  recommends  the  '  hopre-cloth '  to  be 
of 'hienes  skyrine.'  'iij  mawnds  and  a  hopper  iiijd.'  are  mentioned  in  the  Inventory  of 
John  Wyclif,  of  Richmond,  in  1562.  Richmond.  Wills,  &c  p.  163. 


an  Horlege.  Maundevile  tells  us  that  on  the  '  Grete  Chanes '  table  were  'summe 
oriloges  of  gold,  mad  ful  nobely  and  richely  wroughte.'  p.  234.  Pecock,  in  his  Represser, 
pt.  I.  ch.  xx.  p.  118,  speaks  of  'orologis,  schewing  the  houris  of  the  daie  bi  schadew  maad 
bi  the  Sunne  in  a  cercle.'  See  also  Chaucer,  Nun's  Priest's  Tale,  C.  T.  4044. 

190.  an  Host.     Turner,  Herbal,  pt.  ii.  If.  33b,  tells  us  that  'Mastick  is  good  to  be 
dronken  of  them  that  spit  blood  and  for  an  old  host  or  cough.' 

191.  an  Hukster.     '  Wee  buy  our  molten  tallowe  att  Malton  of  the  hucksters  and  tripe- 
wives.'  H.  Best,  Farming,  &c.  Book,  p.  29. 

192.  an  Hundeflee.     'Hie  bumbio,   a  hund-flye.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  223. 
Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Berum,  Bk.  xii.  ch.  xiii.  p.  423,  gives  the  following  description  of  this 
insect :  '  Cynomia,  a  houndesflye  is  the  werste  kynde  of  flyes  wyth  gretter  body  and  brocl^r 
wonibes  than  other  flyes  and  lesse  flyghte,  but  they  ben  full  tendre  and  cleue  faste  in  the 
membres  of  bestes  on  the  whyche  they  smyte,  in  wulle,  heere  and  bristles  of  beestes,  and 
namely  in  houndes.' 

Hunde  fenkylle.  In  note,  for  'Fenelle  or  Fenhelle'  read  'Fenelle  or 

193.  an  Hustylmentt.     '  Imprimis,  a  old  awmerye,  a  chayre,  a  chyst,  a  table,  with 
other  wood  hustilment  in  the  howsse,  vs.'  Invent,  of  W.  Clowdeslye,  1545,  Richmond. 
Wills,  &c.  p.  54. 

194.  lawnes.     Turner,  in  his  Herbal,  pt.  i.  p.  81,  has  an  intermediate  form  Janondies, 
'  Hec  ictaricia,  the  jandis.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  224. 

195.  Inglamus.     In  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  26,  1.  692,  we  are  warned  when 
fattening  up  geese  to  take  care  that 

'noon  offes  white  Englayme  uppon  the  rootes  of  her  tonnge.' 

See  the  Allit.  Poems,  C.  269  :  'He  glydes  in  by  J>e  giles,  Jmrj  glaymande  glette ;'  and  Best, 
Farming  Book,  p.  72  :  '  Yow  are  not  to  beginne  to  marke  [sheep]  soe  longe  as  the  markinge 
stuffe  is  anythinge  damme,  or  cleaueth  and  ropeth  aboute  the  burne  and  botte.'  In  the 
Play  of  the  Sacrament,  1.  708,  we  have  : 

'  I  stoppe  thys  ovyn  wythowtyn  dowte,         w*  Clay  I  dome  yt  vppe  ryght  fast.' 
Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  vi.  ch.  i.  p.  186,  says  that  'the  fyrste  chyldhode  wythout 
teeth  is  yet  ful  tender,  and  nesshe,  and  gnawy  and  daymy ,-'  and  again  Bk.  v.  ch.  Ixvi.  p. 
185,  he  speaks  of  '  demyng  of  humour.' 

196.  to  In.     See  the  directions  given  by  Will.  Paston,  in  1477 :  '  Se  the  fermour  in  his 
croppe,  and  after  seale  doris  and  distrayne.'  Paston  Letters,  iii.  205. 

In  quarte.  Best  frequently  uses  the  phrases  '  in  hearte,'  or  '  out  of  hearte '  to 
express  good  or  bad  condition  of  ground  :  thus  he  says,  p.  51  :  '  Lande  that  is  well  man- 
nureil  and  in  hearte  will  bring  corne  farre  faster  forewards  then  that  which  is  bare  and  out 
of  hearte.*  See  also  p.  143,  where  he  speaks  of  barley  being  hearty. 

198.  a  lonkett  for  fysche.    See  Caxton's  Charles  the  Grete,  p.  200,  where  the  crown 
of  thorns  is  also  said  to  have  been  made  of  '  thornes  and  of  lonques  of  the  see.' 

a  Iselle.     '  Ysels  niyxt  with  litel  water.'  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  Bk.  ix.  I.  185. 

199.  an  Iven.     'Hec  edera,  Ae-  iwyn.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  191. 

200.  a  Ka.     See  Roland  &  Otuel,  286 :  '  Coo  ne  pye  that  there  come  none.' 

to  Kaykylle.    See  the  burlesque  poem  in  Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  86 : 

'The  goos  gagult  ever  more,  the  gam  was  better  to  here.' 

to  Kele.  'ij  Jceling  tubbes'  are  mentioned  in  the  Invent,  of  Francys  Wandys- 
forde,  in  1559.  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  132.  'This  drvnke  of  a  trouth  comforteth  moche 
to  slake  and  kele  the  hete  of  vnlawful  desyx-e.'  Fisher,  Works,  p.  158. 

'  Devowt  Josephe,  I  se  hym  here,  our  cares  forto  keyle?  Digby  Myst.  p.  1 74, 1.  76. 

201.  a  Kelynge.     '  Eiht  als  sturioun  etes  inerling 

And  lobbelteling  etes  sperling.'  Metrical  Homilies,  p.  135. 

202.  a  Kemster.     '  This  felowe  chattereth  lyke  a  kempster,  ce  gallant  cacqudte  comrne 
vne  picgncrcsse  de  layne?  Palsgrave. 


a  Kidde.  In  the  Invent,  of  Henry  Bowet,  Archbishop  of  York,  taken  in  1423, 
we  find  an  item,  'de  vij1.  receptis  pro  octo  ra.  de  Tcyddes.  Et  de  xls.  receptis  pro  duobus 
ni1.  de  ascelwod.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  81 ;  and  in  that  of  Thomas  Savage,  also  Archbishop  of 
York,  1507,  we  have  'Item  Harry  Thomlinson  had  as  many  Jciddes,  alias  fagottes,  as 
amounteth  to  the  some  of  xx11.  iiij8.'  ibid.  iv.  315.  Fitzherbert  recommends  farmers  when 
thinning  plantations  'yf  it  be  smal  wod  to  Jcydde  it  and  sell  it  by  the  hondi-eds  or  by  the 
thousandes.'  Bolce  of  Husbandry,  fo.  xliiib.  '  Kydders  or  cariers  of  corne '  are  mentioned 
in  the  Act  5  Eliz.  c.  iii. 

203.  a  Kylpe.     This  word  is  of  frequent  occurrence  in  I5th  and  i6th  century  inven- 
tories.    I  give  a  few  references  :  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  138,  178,  184,  202,  &c. ;  iv.  57,  193,  291, 
&c.    The  earliest  instance  I  have  found  is  in  the  Will  of  John  Brompton,  in  1444,  in  which 
of  one  '  olla  ennea  cum  kilp  summa.'  ibid.  ii.  103. 

a  Kymnelle.  Amula  is  probably  for  aenola.  Best  says,  ( our  Mmblinge  is  a  just 
bushell.'  Farming,  &c.  Book,  p.  105  ;  and  in  the  Invent,  of  Richard  Best,  1581,  we  find, 
'  In  ye  bowtinge  house  one  Teymliny,  one  bowting  tube,  &c.'  ibid.  p.  172.  '  j  kymlyn  iijd.' 
is  also  mentioned  in  the  Invent,  of  William  Coltman,  1481,  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  261  ;  and  in 
that  of  W.  Duflfield,  1452,  '  j  kymlyn  xa.'  ibid.  p.  137.  See  also  Richmond.  Wills,  pp.  179, 
184,  Test.  Ebor.  iv.  289,  292,  &c. 

a  Kynredynge.     '  Duke  Naymes  was  J>aire  fere,  &  Gayryn  of  Jcyredyn  heghe.' 

Eoland&  Otuel,  693. 

204.  to  Kytylle.     See  H.  Best,  Farming,  &c.  Book,  p.  80. 

206.  a  Lace.  In  the  Invent,  of  Richard  Bishop,  a  tradesman  of  York,  1 500,  are  in- 
cluded '  a  dosan  galow  lasys  vjd.  A  groys  of  qwy  th  lasys,  vjd.  Item  iij  groys  of  threyd 
la«ys  xxd.  &c.'  Test.  Ebor.  iv.  192. 

208.  to  Lappe.     We  find  this  word  used  as  late  as  1641  in  Best's  Farming  Book,  p  22, 
where  he  tells  us  thato'  in  lappinge  up  of  a  fleece,  they  allwayes  putte  the  inne  side  of  the 
fleece  outwardes.'    .See  also  p.  23,  and  Paston  Letters,  iii.  338. 

a  Lappe  ,0f  ye  ere.  See  Eeliq.  Antiq.  i.  84,  where  one  of  the  signs  by  which  we 
may  judge  'yf  a  seke  man  sal  lyve  or  dy'  is  that  if  'his  ere-lappes  waxes  lethy  .... 
forsothe  witte  thu  well  he  sal  noght  leve  thre  dayes.' 

209.  a  Lase.     'Fortune  in  worldes  worshepe  me  doth  lace?  Diyby  Myst.  p.  159,  1. 580. 
See  also  the  stage -direction,  ibid.  p.  140,  where  'entreth  Anima  as  a  mayde  in  a  whight 
cloth  of  gold  ....  with  a  riche  chapetelet  lasyd  behynde.' 

a  Latte.  '  Item  latts  and  spelks,  iijs.  iiijd.'  Invent,  of  Edwarde  Pykerynge,  1542, 
Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  35  ;  see  also  ibid.  p.  93. 

a  Lathe.  '  Item  in  whett  and  rye  in  the  layethe,  xxvjs.  viiijd.  Item  warre  corne 
in  the  laythe  xxvjs.  viijd.'  Invent,  of  Matthew  Whitham,  1545,  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p. 
57.  '  Corne  in  the  laythes.  In  the  west  laythe  bye  estimacion  xxxij  qwarters  of  rye,  xvj1.' 
Invent,  of  W.  Knyvett,  1557,  ibid.  p.  101 ;  see  also  ibid.  pp.  57,  88,  93,  &c. 

210.  Laton.     Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  xvi.  ch.  v.  p.  554,  gives  the  following: 
'  laton  is  hard  as  bras  or  copre.    for  by  medlyng  of  copre  and  of  tynn  and  of  auripigment 

and  wyth  other  metall  it  is  brought  in  to  the  fire  to  colour  of  golde Laton  hight 

Auricalcum  and  hath  that  name:  for  though  it  be  bras  of  Messelyng :  yet  it  shyneth  as 
golde  wythout.' 

a  Lawnder.     *  And  in  certayne  she  was  a  lavendere."1  Gcnerydes,  1.  4354. 

211.  a  Leche.     In  the  Invent,  of  T.  Mortion,  1449,  is  an  item,  '  de  ij  cultellis,  vocatis 
lecheyng-knyve*  iiijd.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  112. 

212.  Leg  harnes.     See  G.  Douglas,  ^Eneados,  Bk.  xii.  p.  425,  1.  n. 

213.  Lepe.     See  Cursor  Mundi,  19719,  where  we  are  told  how  Paul  escaped  from  the 
Jews,  because 

'  in  a  lep  men  lete  him  dun  Vte  ouer  }>e  walles  o  \>e  tun ' 

and^  again,  20983  :  'in  lepe  ouer  walles  was  laten  down.'  Best  says  :  '  wee  provide  allsoe 
against  this  time  two  leapes  ....  one  df  the  leapes  is  to  lye  the  doore  upon,  there  on  to 
lye  and  winde  the  fleeces  ;  and  the  other  leape  is  to  putte  the  worst  lockes  of  wooll  into.' 
Farming,  &c.  Book,  p.  23.  '  iiij  leapes,  xijd.'  are  mentioned  in  the  Invent,  of  Margaret 
Cotton,  in  1564,  Will*  &  Invents,  i.  224. 


214.  a  Leske.     John  Percy,  of  Harum,  in  his  Will,  1471,  bequeathed  '  Johanni  Belby 
iijs.  iiijd.  et  j  vaccam  with  a  whyte  leske?  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  188. 

215.  A  Lybber.    See  quotation  from  Bellendene,  s.  v.  Styyrke,  p.  365. 

217.  a  Lyne  fynche.     '  Carduelis,  linetuige.'  Corpus  Glossary. 

218.  a  Lyste.     '  Lembum,  listan.'  Corpus  Glossary.     Margaret  Blakburn,  in  her  Will, 
dated  1433,  bequeathed  '  unum  tuellam  de  twill  cum  nigris  lestyj  .  .  .  .  et  duas  tuellas 
cum  planis  egges.'  Test.  Ebor.  ii.  49.      Compare  also  the  Will  of  John  Brompton,  of 
Beverley,  in  1444,  in  which  is  mentioned  'j  coverlet  de  blodio  cum  capitibus  damarum 
viridibus,  cum  alio  coopertoris  rubeo  habente  in  lystyng  volucres  et  albas  ollas?  ibid.  p.  99. 
See  also  quotation  from  Glanvil  in  additional  note  to  Meteburde. 

Lithwayke.  '  Bytwene  the  tree  and  his  frute  is  a  strynge  other  a  stalke,  and 
that  stalke  is  fyrste  feble  and  lethy.'  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  xvii.  ch.  ii.  p.  604. 

220'  a  Loppe.     In  Chaucer's  Astrolabe,  pp.  4,  n,  loppe  is  used  in  the  sense  of  a 
spider.    A.  S.  loppe. 

a  Lopster.     '  hwset  fehst  ]>u  on    see 
Quid   capis       in  mari 

hserincgas  and  leaxas  and  lopystran  and  fela  swylces 

allices       et     isicios  •  •  .  •    et    polipodes     et     similia? 

Aelfric's  Colloquy  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  6. 
*  Polipos,  loppestre.'  ibid.  p.  77. 

221.  to  Love.    See  the  Digby  Mysteries,  p.  216, 1.  1616  : 

'  To  laude  &  prayse  hym,  let  vs  be  abowt ; 
To  loue  hym  &  lofe  hym  &  lawly  hym  lowt.' 

a  Lowe  of  fyre.  In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  5739,  the  burning  bush  is  said  to  have 
appeared  to  Moses  '  als  it  wit  lou  war  al  vm-laid  ' 

223.  a  Luke  cruke.     In  the  Invent,   of  John  Eden,  in  1588,  are  included  'vlucke 
crokes  4d.,  xxiiij  waine  whele  speakes  2s.'  Wills  &  Invent,  ii.  329.    '  Ifmcina,  locor.'  Gloss. 
MS.  Cott.  Cleop.  A.  iii.  If.  76,  in  Wright's  Vocab.  p.  287. 

to  Lulle.  '  Nouryces  vse  lullynges  and  other  cradyl  songes  to  pleyse  the  wyttes 
of  the  chylde.'  Glanvil,  De  Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  vi.  ch.  iv.  p.  191. 

224.  a  Lurdane.    See  Digby  Mysteries,  pp.  83, 1.  741  and  61, 1. 189. 

225.  a  Madyn.     In  the  Digby  Mysteries,  p.  191, 1.  589,  the  Virgin  addressing  St.  John 
says  '  He  admyttid  you  frendly  for  to  reste  For  a  speciall  prerogatife 

&  slepe  on  his  holye  godly  breste  Because  of  your  virginite  &  clennesse :' 
and  see  also  the  Apostrophe  to  Saint  John  in  the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  1412,  where,  at  1. 
24677,  we  read — 

'  Jjar-til  ]>e  worthiest  he  madd  Quat  fanding  )>at  ]>ai  fele. 

Wit  mekenes  and  wit  maidenhed,  Hee  )>at  in  maiden-hede  es  less, 

For-J>i  es  J>am  ful  wele,  He  ledis  lijf  lik  til  angels, 

Man  or  woinman,  quefer  it  be,  For  uirgins  all  ar  ]>ai.' 
]>at  liues  in  wirginite 

to  Mayn.  See  the  quotation  from  Lydgate  in  Destruction  of  Troy,  Introd.  p.  xlvii. 
where  are  mentioned  '  dartes,  daggers  for  to  mayne  and  wounde.'  In  Wright's  Vol.  of 
Vocab.  p.  203,  we  have  the  curious  forms  '  Mutulare,  to  mamere.  Hec  mutulatio, 
A"-  mameryng.' 

229.  a  Masyndewe.     In  the  Will  of  William  Clederhow,  in  1554,  the  testator  directs 
'that  the  Massyndeu  at  Beverley  yats  have  iij9.  iiijrt.  and  ylk  a  Massyndeu  in  the  towne 
aftyr,  xijd.'  Test.  Ebor.  ii.'  171.     In  1429  Roger  Thornton,  by  his  Will,  bequeathed  '  to  ye 

mesondieu  of  sint  kateryne  ....  for  yair  enorment  xx1 Item  to  ye  reparacion  of 

yose  tenementes  yat  I  haue  gyun  to  ye  foresaid  mesondieu  and  to  ye  said  chauntry,  xl1.' 
Wills  &  Invents,  i.  78-9.     By  the  Act  39  Eliz.  c.  v.  power  is  given  for  the  erection  of 
« hospitals,  measons  de  dieu,  abiding  place,  or  houses  of  correction.' 

230.  Mastiljon.     Compare  'JSrarius,  msestling-smi]).'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  88, 
&i\<ll'Auricalcum,  gold-msesline.'  ibid.  p.  85.      '  Auricalcos,  grene  ar,  msestlinc.'    Gloss. 
MS.  Cott.  Cleop.  A.  iii.  If.  76.     See  the  quotation  from  Glanvil  in  addit.  note  to  Laton. 



232.  J?e  Mawmoder.    Huloet  explains  Molucrum  as  '  swellynge  of  a  maydens  or 
womans  bodye,  when  she  hath  bene  at  a  mans  labour.' 

Mawnde.  'iij  mawnds  and  a  hopper,  iiijd.'  are  included  in  the  Invent,  of  John 
Wyclif,  in  1562,  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  163;  and  in  that  of  Hugo  Grantham,  in  1440, 
we  find  '  le  weghbalk  et  maundes  pro  lina.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  48. 

a  Mawndrelle.  William  Wynter,  of  York,  Founderer,  in  1493  bequeathed  'to 
William  Kichardson  the  lathe  that  he  tomys  in,  and  all  my  hukes  and  my  mawndrellis, 
and  ij  hak  hammers.'  Test.  Ebor.  iv.  88. 

Medefulle.    See  Wyclif,  Works,  ed.  Matthew,  pp.  8,  83,  and  178. 

Meese.  Fitzherbert,  in  his  Boke  of  Surveying,  Sec.  fo.  vb,  tells  us  that  '  Commen 
appendaunt  is  where  a  lorde  of  olde  tyme  hath  graunted  to  a  man  a  meseplace,  and  certayne 
landes,  medowes,  and  pastures  with  their  appurtenaunces  to  holde  of  hym.'  In  1480, 
John. Smyth,  in  his  Will,  speaks  of  his  'meesez,  londes,  and  tenementes.'  Bury  Wills, 
&c.  p.  57.  See  the  complaint  of  John  Paston,  in  1484,,  where  he  speaks  of  '  one  mese  wyth 
a  pece  of  londe  lyenge  in  a  croffte  to  the  same  mese  adyoynyng.'  Paston  Letters,  iii.  310. 

233.  to  Meke.     '  ]>enke  we  hou  a  man  wole  melee  him  to  a  worldly  lord  for  trespasse 
don  to  hym.'  Wyclif,  Works,  ed.  Matthew,  p.  338. 

236.  Merketbeter.     See  Wright'  Political  Poems,  i.  330,  where  in  '  The  Complaint  of 
the  Ploughman,'  about  1400,  the  author  complains  that  the  priests  are 

'Market-beaten,  and  medlyng  make        Hoppen  and  houten  with  heve  and  hale.' 
See  other  instances  in  Wyclif,  Works,  pp.  152,  166, 168,  and  511. 

237.  a  Mese.     « NoJ>er  durst  J>ay  drinc  ne  ete, 

Ne  brek  ]>air  brede  ne  tast  ]>air  mes 

Til  he  war  cummeii  til  ]>air  des.'  Cursor  Mundi,  12559. 

a  Meselle.     In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  8169,  we  have  mesel  =  a  leper : 
' "  J>oru  J>e,"  he  said,  "  sal  Jris  mesele  Be  sauf  and  sund  of  al  vn-hele." ' 

238.  a  Meteburde.     In  1485,  we  find  in  the  Invent,  of  John  Carter,  of  York,  Tailor, 
'  j  mete-bu,rde  w*  ij  par  of  trystylls.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  300 ;  and  in  that  of  Thomas  Walker,  in 
1542,  'a  counter  and  a  meyt  bowrd,  iij8.  iiij'1.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  31.      Glanvil  tells 
us  that  '  a  meete  burde  is  areryd  and  sette  vpon  fete,  and  compassed  wyth  a  lyste  abowte.' 
De  Propr.  Berum,  Bk.  xvii.  ch.  clxii.  p.  709. 

a  Mette.  In  the  Invent,  of  H.  Grantham.  in  1410,  are  mentioned  '  ij  scotells,  iiij 
buschels  et  j  met  ac  j  roll.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  49 ;  and  in  that  of  John  Colan,  in  1490,  'j  lez 
mett  of  collys,  iijd.'  ibid.  iv.  58;  and  again,  in  1570,  in  that  of  C.  Hodgkinson,  we  find 
'one  hundreth  metis  of  malt,  x11.'  Richmond.  Wills,  &c.  p.  228.  See  quotation  from  G. 
Douglas  under  to  Multe,  p.  246.  *  In  summer  wee  sende  but  a  mette.'  H.  Best,  Farming, 
&c.  Book,  p.  104. 

Medylle  erthe.     '  Bituix  J>e  midel  erth  and  )>e  lift.'  Cursor  Mundi,  8003. 

239.  a  Middynge.     See  the  Complaynt  of  Scotland,  p.  12  :  'ane  hen  that  seikis  hyr 
meyt  in  the  mydding  may  scraipe  sa  lang  amang  the  fyltht,  quhil  sche  scraip  furtht  sum 
aid  knyfe  that  hes  been  tynt,  the  quhilk  knyfe  cutts  hyr  throt  eftiruart.'  See  also  Palladius 
On  Husbondrie,  pp.  17, 1.  458,  and  28, 1.  765. 

to  Mye  brede.  In  the  Invent,  of  Thomas  de  Dalby,  in  1400,  we  find  'r.  pro  j 
myour,  j  watercanne,  iij  laddeles  de  auricalco  .  .  .  .  et  iiij  trowes  simul  venditis,  iijs.  xd.' 
Test.  Ebor.  iii.  14 ;  and  again,  ibid.  p.  99,  in  that  of  John  Cadeby,  c.  1450,  is  mentioned 
'  j  miour,  ijd.' 

]>e  Mygrane.  '  Emigraneus,  i.  uermis  capitis,  emigraneum  i.  dolor  timporum, 
Jmnwonga  sar.'  MS.  Harl.  3376. 

240.  a  Mire  drombylle.    See  Wyclif,  Zephaniah  ii.  14. 

242.  a  Mytane.    '  Bootes,  cocurs,  myttens,  mot  we  were.'  Palladius  On  Husbondrie, 
p.  43,1.  1167. 

a  Molwarppe.  Palladius  advises  us,  'ffor  moldewarpes  cattes  to  kepe.'  p.  109, 
1.  156;  see  also  p.  34, 1.  924. 


243.  Mortrws.     'Mylnestons  in  mortrews  have  I  sene  bot  fewe.' 

Burlesque  Poem,  i5th  cent.  inReliq.  Antiq.  i.  Si. 
'Ther  com  masfattus  in  mortros  alle  soow.'  ibid.  p.  86. 

244.  Motide  of  musyk.     See  the  treatise  '  Le  Venery  de  Twety,'  printed  in  Eeliq. 
Antiq.  i.  149 ;  at  p.  152  we  read :  '  How  shall  he  blowe  whan  ye  han  sen  the  hert  ?    I  shal 
blowe  after  one  mote,  ij  motes,  and  if  myn  howndes  come  not  hastily  to  me  as  y  wolde,  I 

shall  blowe  iiij  motes Than  ye  shall  begynne  to  blowe  a  long  mote,  and  aftirward 

.ij.  shorte  motes  in  this  maner,  Trout,  trout,  and  then,  trout,  tro  ro  rot,  begynnyng  with  a 
long  mote.'     'And  whan  the  hert  is  take  ye  shal  blowe  .iiij.  motys?  ibid.  p.  153.     In  the 
Chester  Plays,  p.  1 24,  we  have — 

'  Blowe  a  mote  for  that  While  that  home  now  in  thy  hande  is.' 

Scott,  in  Ivanhoe,  ch.  32,  has  :  'if  ye  shall  chance  to  be  hard  bested  in  any  forest  between 
Trent  and  Tees,  wind  three  motes  upon  the  horn  thus — Wa-sa-hoa ! ' 

245.  a  Mughe.     This  is  a  rare  word  in  A.  S.,  but  it  occurs  in  the  Corpus  Glossary, 
'  Aceruus,  muha,'  and  in  Aelfric's  Heptateuch,  Exod.  xxii.  6. 

a  Muldyngborde.  In  the  Invent,  of  W.  Duffield,  taken  in  1452,  are  included 
*ij  bultyng-clothes  iiijd.  et  j  moledyng-burde  xvjd.'  Test.  Ebor.  iii.  137  ;  and  in  another,  dated 
1509,  we  have  an  item,  'de  xiiijd.  pro  ij  mulding  burd  cum  ij  tristils.'  ibid.  iv.  289. 

248.  to  Nappe.  nappyt  hyssyt 

'  Dum  dormitat  anus,  velud  ancer  sibulat  anus.' 

Metrical  Vocab.  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  180. 

249.  a  Napron.     See  the  account  of  expenses  incurred  at  the  funeral  of  Thomas  de 
Dalby  in  1400,  where  is  an  item,  'in  iij  virgis  panni  land  emptis  pro  napronz,  xijd.'  Test. 
Ebor.  iii.  ig.     In  1569  Jeanne  Lewen  bequeathed  'to  Alles  Barnes  a  gowne  of  worsted  & 
a  napron  of  worsted.'  Witts  &  Invents,  i.  305  ;  and  in  1570  William  Hawkesley  bequeathed 
'to  thomas  hynde  y*  was  my  prentice  an  apron.1  ibid.  p.  327. 

250.  a  Neddyr.     '  His  creste  was  of  a  neddire  hede, 

With  golde  abowte  it  was  by-wevede.'  Roland  &  Otuel,  1201. 

'  For  to  do  a  man  have  the  fevers,  and  sone  do  tham  away :  tak  a  neder  alle  qwik,  and 
horned  wormys  that  men  calles  the  nutres  neghen,  and  seth  tham  in  a  new  pote  with 
water,  &c.'  Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  54.  'Hec  ibis,  Hie  coluber,  a  neddyre.'  Wright's  Vol.  of 
Vocab.  p.  223. 

a  Nefe.  See  Cursor  Mundi,  15785  :  'with  maces  and  wit  neues  smert,'  where 
Fairfax  MS.  reads  Tcnyuis,  Gottingen  neuis,  and  Trinity  fustes.  See  also  Roland  &  Otuel, 
1.  149. 

251.  a  Neghtbure.    '  Quen  my  netfeburs  herd  telle  that  he  seke  lay 

They  come  to  me.'  Sir  Amadace,  st.  xv. 

a  Nekherynge.    '  Colapsus,  i.  colafus,  pugnus,  fyst  uel  tarastrus.'  MS.  Harl.  3376. 
Nemylle.     'Capax,qui  multum  capit,  andgetul,  gripul,  numul.'  MS.  Harl.3376. 

255.  a  Wyke.  See  the  Inventory  of  a  York  arrowsmith,  about  1480,  in  Test.  Ebor.  iii. 
253,  where  are  mentioned:  'xij  shaffe  of  dense  arros  un  nylct,  price  lez  shaffe,  vd. — vs. 
Item  xxxj  shaffe  of  childre  ware,  clenst  and  un  nylced,  price  lez  shaffe  iijd. — vijs.  ixd.' 

258.  Odyr  qwyle.     'In  places  ther  is  fodder  abondaunce 

The  ky  may  otherwhiles  be  withdrawe.' 

Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p.  166, 1.  65. 

259.  Ogrufe.    See  Morte  Arthur,  3944,  Chaucer,  C.T.  A.  949,  Emare,  656,  &c. 
an  Okerer.     *)>is  man  he  was  an  okerer.'  Cursor  Mundi,  14034. 

260.  to  Onder  sett.     '  The  ouer  parte  is  vnderset  wyth  postes  and  pylars.'  Glanvil,  De 
Propr.  Rerum,  Bk.  xiv.  ch.  Iv.  p.  487.     See  Caxton's  Charles  the  Grete,  p.  249. 

263.  Ouer  caste.    In  Robert  of  Gloucester,  p.  560,  we  are  told  that  while  the  battle 
of  Evesham  was  being  fought  '  in  ]>e  norj>  west  a  derk  weder  J>er  arcs, 
Sodeinliche  suart  inou,  J>at  mani  man  agros, 
&  ouer-cast  it  ])o5te  al  )>at  lond,  ]>at  me  mijte  vnnefe  ise ; 
Grisloker  weder  fan  it  was  ne  mijte  an  erjje  be.' 

Oueral.     'Son  oueral  J)is  tij>and  ras.'  Cursor  Mundi,  14362. 


265.  an  Oxe  bowe.    Compare  Schakylle,  below,  p.  332. 

an  Oxgange  of  lande.  '  My  wyll  ys  that  Jonett,  my  wyfe,  have  my  chefe  maner 
place  and  iiijor  oxgange  of  land  langing  therto.'  Will  of  Walter  Gower,  1443,  Test.  Ebor. 
ii.  89. 

a  Paddokstole.  In  Isaak  Walton's  Complete  Angler,  p.  151,  we  are  told  that 
*  the  green  Frog,  which  is  a  smal  one,  is  by  Topsell  taken  to  be  venemous ;  and  so  is  the 
Padock  or  Froy-Padock,  which  usually  keeps  or  breeds  on  the  land,  and  is  very  large  and 
bony,  and  big,  especially  the  she  frog  of  that  kind.'  In  note,  for  *  vambricus '  read 
'  rambricus.' 

266.  Palde  as  ale.     '  Defrutum,  i.  uinum,  medo,  geswet  uel  weall.'  MS.  Gloss.  Harl. 
3376.      Holland,  in  his  trans,  of  Pliny,  Bk.  xxiii.  c.  I,  says:  'No  liquor  giueth  a  better 
tasb  to  our  meats,  or  quickneth  them  more  than  vinegre  doth :  for  which  purpose,  if  it  be 
oversharp,  there  is  a  means  to  mitigate  the  force  thereof,  with  a  tost  of  bread  or  some  wine : 
again  if  it  be  too  weake  and  apalled,  the  way  to  revive  it  againe,  is  with  Pepper.' 

a  Panne  of  a  howse.  See  Sir  Ferumbras,  1.  5188,  where  the  Saracens  scale  the 
tower,  in  which  the  French  knights  are  confined, 

'And  wer  come  inward  at  hard  &  neychs  At  a  pan  }>at  was  broken.' 

269.  a  Parke.  '  Clatrum,  i.  pearroc,  hegstsef.'  Gloss.  MS.  Harl.  3376.  'Mawgre  the 
wache  of  fosters  and  parkerrys.'  Pol.,  Eelig,  &  Love  Poems,  p.  n,  1.  28. 

J?e  Parlesy.     '  He  fand  a  man  vn-fere 

In  parlesi.'  Cursor  Mundi,  19752. 

271.  a  Patyn.     '  Patena,  husel-disc.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  92. 

a  Patrelle.  In  1454  William  Halifax  bequeathed  *  to  Margrett  Jentle  my  sadyll, 
the  peytrell  with  the  brydyl  and  Saint  John  hede,  &c.'  Test.  Ebor.  ii.  173. 

a  Pawtyner.     In  the  Invent,  of  Thomas  Gryssop,  of  York,  Chapman,  taken  in 

1446,  this  word  occurs  several  times :  'De  j  pruce  pautener,  iijd De  j  pautener  de 

3halowe  ledir,  jd De  j  pawtener  de  nigro  bokasyn,   ijd De  j  dos.  et  iiij 

Dornyk  pawteners  xs.  viijd.'  Test.  Ebor,  iii.  102-3  ;  and  in  1471  Henry  Holme  bequeathed 
to  '  William  Eland  and  Edward  Eland  ij  pautner  purses.'  ibid.  p.  194. 

273.  a  Pele.  '  j  iron  peale,  2s.  4d.,'  is  mentioned  in  the  Invent,  of  John  Eden,  in  1588, 
Wills  &  Invents,  ii.  329. 

275.  A  paire  of  Pepyr  qwherns.  The  earliest  instance  of  this  term  that  I  know  of 
is  in  the  Inventory  of  H.  Grantham,  in  1410,  where  is  an  item,  '  de  j  pair  peper  quernis' 
Test.  Ebor.  iii.  48.  In  1471,  we  find  in  the  Invent,  of  John  Heworth,  '  a  hailing,  ij  shelves, 
ij  pare  of  pepper  qwernes,  a  graite  ijs.'  Wills  &  Invents,  i.  354. 

278.  a  Pyke  of  a  Scho  or  of  a  staffe.  See  Harrison,  Descript.  of  England,  Bk.  II. 
c.  i.  p.  139.  '  With  pyJc-sta/e  and  with  scripe  to  fare.'  Henryson,  Moral  Fables,  p.  80. 

280.  a  Pynfolde.     '  Preesorium,  pund/  Corpus  Glossary. 
282    a  Plage.     See  Chaucer,  Astrolabe,  p.  5. 

284.  to  Plowghe.  'terra  est  subacta.'  Compare  Palladius  On  ffusbondrie,  p.  214, 
1.  216:  'Nowe  plommes  boon  to  so  we  is  two  hande  deepe  In  lande  subact.' 

286.  Popylle.  '  Gith  is  laste  eke  in  this  moone  ysowe.'  Palladius  On  Husbondrie,  p. 
184, 1.  155.  '  He  shal  sowe  the  sed  gith,  and  the  comyn  sprengen.'  Wyclif,  Isaiah  xxviii. 
25.  In  Archbishop  Aelfric's  Vocab.  populus  is  glossed  by  •  byre.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab. 
P-  33- 

a  Popille  tree.  'In  serve,  and  peche,  in  plane,  and popule.'  Palladius  On  Hus- 
bondrie,  p.  92,  1.877. 

313.  a  Runkylle.  The  translator  of  Palladius,  in  giving  advice  as  to  the  choosing  of 
oxen,  mentions,  amongst  other  qualifications, 

'Compact  a  runcle  nec^e,  dewlapped  syde  Unto  the  knee.'  p.  129, 1.  679. 


All  words  which  do  not  occur  in  the  Promptorium  are  marked  with  a  dagger  (f) ;  those 
which  are  annotated  by  Mr.  Way  are  marked  with  an  asterisk  (*). 

Words  and  readings  to  which  the  letter  A  has  been  appended  are  from  MS.  Addit.  15,  562. 

References  to  the  Promptorium  in  the  Notes  are  marked  P. 

After  Acorne,  the  hie,  hec,  hoc  that  mark  the  gender  in  the  MS.  are  left  out  in  the  print, 
as  are  also  the  genitival  inflections  of  nouns. 



C&pitulum  primuw,  A. 

AAEYA,    SODES,    Amabo,    meum 

H  A  ante  B. 
To  Abate ;  mitigare,  $  cetera,  vbi 2 

to  lessyn. 

t  Abbacuk 3 ;  proprium  nomeii  viri. 
t  An  Abbacy ;  hec  A  bbacia  e. 
Abbay ;  hec  Abbathia  e,  Monasteri- 

urn,  <$f  cetera ;  vbi  A  Mynstre. 
t  Abbayman ;  hie  hec  Scenobita 4  e. 
Abbott ;  hie  Abbas  tis. 

tAbdias 5 ;  nomen  viri. 

Abbas;  hec  Abbatissa  e. 

t Abab 6 ;  nomen  viri. 

tAbcy7;    hoc    AlpTiabetum    i,    hoc 

Abcedariuro.  ij. 
Abbett 8 ;  hie  habitus  tus. 
to  A  -  byde  ;   Expectare,   prestolari, 

operiri,     perseuerare,      coustare, 

manere,  peY\manere\,  re\manere\f 

tAbidynge9;  Improbus   a  wm,  hie 

1  Interjections  of  frequent  occurrence  in  the  Latin  Comic  Writers.     Cooper,  Thesaurus, 
1584,  gives  '  Eia.  Eigh,  well  goe  too  !     Sodes.  In  good  felowshyp  ;  I  pray  thee.    Amabo. 
Of  felowshippe ;  of  al  loues  ;  I  pray  thee;  as  euer  thou  wilt  doe  me  good  turne.'     'Cor 
meum.  My  sweetheart.  Plautus.'  Kiddle's  Lat.  Dictionary. 

2  vbi  =  see,  refer  to. 

3  Habakkuk.     See  King  Solomon's  Book  of  Wisdom,  p.  89,  1.  245  :  '  A  man  }»ere  was 
J?at  hijtte  Abacuc.' 

*  Read  Cenobita :  scenobita  is  a  tight-rope  dancer. 

5  Obadiah.     Thus  in  the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  528,  1.  9167,  we  find  the  names  of 

'  Ysaias,  Joel,  Osee,  Abdias,  Amos,  Jonas,  and  Micheas.' 

'  Abdias,  one  of  the  xii.  prophetes.'  Cooper. 

6  Ahab(?). 

7  'Abece,  an  Abcee,  the  crosse-rowe,  an  alphabet,  or  orderly  list  of. all   the  letters.' 
Cotgrave.     '  Abce  for  children  to  learne  their  crosrow,  Abecedarium.'   Baret's  Alvearie, 
1580.     In  the  account  of  the  H9th  Psalm  given  in  The  Myrroure  of  Our  Lady,  p.  139, 
we  are  told  that  '  as  there  is  xxii.  letters  in  the  Abece  of  hebrew,  so  there  is  xxii.  tymes 
eyghte  verses  in  this  psalme.' 

8  Used  in  both  senses  of  our  word  habit  (i.  e.  custom  and  dress).     (See  P.  97,  '  Cowle 
or  monkes  abyte,'  and  1 79,  *  Frogge  or  froke,  munkys  abyte.')  -J 

'  And  chanones  gode  he  dede  therinne 
Unther  the  abbyt  of  seynte  Austynne.' 

St.  Patrick's  Purgatory,  ed.  Wright,  p.  66. 

9  Cooper  in  his  Thesaurus,  1584,  under  improbus  gives  the  well-known  Latin  sentence 
'  labor  omnia  vincit  improbus,'  which  he  renders  '  importunate  labour  overcoinmeth  all 



hec  hoc  perseuerans  tis,  7iic  hec 
hoc  pertinax  cis,  Improbulus  a 
urn,  expectans,prestolans. 

Abylle1;  hie  hec  Abilis  $  hoc  le, 
Aptus  a  urn,  conueniens,  congruus 
a  um,  cousonns  a  um,  Idoneus 
a  um,  hie  hec  vtensilis  £  hoc  le. 

an  Abydynge ;  expectacio,  prestolacio, 
hecjmprobitas,  hec  perseuerancia, 
in  bono,  hec  p&ctinacia  e,  iu 

fAbylite  ;  Abilitas,  couueniencia, 

tAbylle  to  speke ;  vbi  Spekeable. 

tAbylle  to  yoke  ;  vbi  to  yoke. 

tAblatyve ;  Ablatiuus  a  um. 

tAbortyve;  Abortiuus  a  um,  Abortus. 

A-bove ;  Iper,  grece,  Super,  supra,. 

A-bowte ;  Circum,  circa,  circiter, 
Ampin,  grece,  peri,  grece. 

an  Absence ;  /Tec  A  bsencia  e. 

Absentt ;  hie  hec  hoc  Absens  tis. 

[to  be]  Absent;  Abesse,  Deesse. 

to  Absent ;  Abdicare,  Abducere, 
Absentare,  Ulongare. 

to  Abstene ;  A  [blstinere. 

an  Abstenyngeor  abstyne[n]ce;  hec 

Abstineucia  e. 
to  Abownd  ;     Abundare,  exuberare, 

exundare,  superhabundare,  inua- 

lere,  luxuriare,  superare,  suppe- 

tere,     vberare ;     abuudat    vnda, 

superfluit  omiiis  humor  ;    suj>er- 

Abundance;  vbi  plenty.  Abundynge 

tAbundyngly ;  Abundanter,exuberez. 

A  ante  C. 
t Accent ;  hie  Acceutus,  hec  prosodia 

e,  hie  tenor  oris,  producto  o 3. 
t Acceptabylle ;  Acceptus  a  UTO.,  Me 

hec  Acceptabilis  6f  hoc  le. 
tAccept ;  grains  a  um,  Acceptus  a  um. 
tvn  Acceptabylle ;  jn-gr&tus  a  urn, 

non  Acceptabilis. 
Accolit 4 ;  hie  accolitns,  grece,   cere- 

ferarius,  latine. 

to   Acorde  ;  vbi  to  make  frende. 
to   Accorde  ;    Alludere,    consonare, 

coucordare,  convenire,  congruere, 

conpetere,  coutinuare,  personare, 


1  Chaucer,  Prologue  to  Cant.  Tales,  167,  describes  the  monk  as  'A  manly  man,  to  ben 
an  abbot  able.'  Cotgrave  gives  '  Habile.  Able,  sufficient,  fit  for,  handsome  in,  apt  unto 
any  thing  he  undertakes,  or  is  put  unto.'  In  'The  Lytylle  Childrenes  Lytil  Boke,'  pr.  in 
the  Babees  Boke,  p.  267, 1.  44,  we  are  told  not  to 

'  spitte  ouer  the  tabylle, 
Ne  therupon,  for  that  is  no  thing  abylle. 

In  Lonelich's  History  of  the  Holy  Qrail,  xxx.  382,  a  description  is  given  of  Solomon's 
sword,  to  which,  we  are  told,  his  wife  insisted  on  attaching  hangings 

'  so  fowl  .  .  .  and  so  spytable, 
That  to  so  Ryal  a  thing  ne  weren  not  able' 

•  Aptus.  Habely.'  Medulla.     *  Tille  oure  soule  be  somwhat  clensid  from  gret  outewarde 
synnes  and  abiled  to  gostely  werke.'  Hampole,  Prose  Treatises,  p.  20. 
a  MS.  erupere. 

8  That  is,  the  o  in  the  oblique  cases  is  long. 

*  See  also  Serge-berer.  The  duties  of  the  Accolite  are  thus  denned  in  the  Pontifical 
of  Christopher  Bainbridge,  Archbishop  of  York,  (1508-1514),  edited  for  Surtees  Society 
by  Dr.  Henderson,  1875,  p.  n  :  'Acolythum  oportet  ceroferarium  ferre,  et  luminaria 
ecclesiae  accendere,  vinum  et  aquam  ad  eucharistiam  ministrare/  See  also  the  ordi- 
nation of  Acolytes,  Maskell,  Monumenta  Kitualia,  iii.  171.  Thorpe,  Ancient  Laws,  ii. 
348,  gives  the  following  from  the  Canons  of  ^llfric :  '  xiv.  Acolitus  is  gecweden  se]>e 
candele  oftfte  tapor  byrS  to  Godes  penungum  J>onne  mann  godspell  rat.  oiStJe  )>onne 
man  halgafl  ^  husl  set  >am  weofode.'  Wyclif  speaks  of  'Onesimus  the  acolit.'  Prol. 
to  Colossians. 

•  De  accolttis. 

The  ordre  fer  the  accolyt  hys  Wanne  me  schel  rede  the  gospel 

To  bere  tapres  about  wijt  ristte,  Other  offiy  to  oure  Dryte.' 

Poems  of  William  de  Shoreham,  p.  49. 


Acordynge ;  Aptus  a  urn,  conformis, 
conueniens,  congruus  a  um,  j^er- 
sonans,  personus  a  um,  conpetens, 
concors,  continuus  a  um,  vnani- 
mis,  indifferus  a  wm,  vt,  vbi  igno- 
ranti  quern  portum  petat  nuttus, 
ventus  est,  secundus  Sf  couueniens. 

An  Acordynge ;  concordia,  conueni- 
eucia,  consonancia,  congruencia  e. 

tvn  Acordynge ;  jncoupetens  <$f  cetera; 
vbi  discordjnge. 

tto  gedder  Accorns ;  glanders. 

*an  Acorne ;  Aec  glans  dis,  hec 
glandicula,  glandiciosus  a  win. 

to  Accuse ;  Arguere,  argutare,  ca- 
lumpniari,  reprehendere,  deffere, 
excipere,  Accusare  pares  vel 
minor  es,  incus  are  pociores. 

tan  Accuser;  Accusator,  calumpnia- 
tor,  reprehensor,  delator. 

an  Accusynge ;   Accusacio,    delacio, 

fan    Acctyfe    lyfe 1 ;    vita,    actiua, 
Martha,   lya,  Actiuus,  vita   con- 
templatiua,  Maria,  Eachelle. 
A  ante  D. 

Adam ;  nomen  proprium  viri. 

*  An  Adamand 2 ;    Adamans  ;  Ada- 

tto  Adylle  3 ;  commereri,   promereri, 
mereri,  adipisci,  adquirere. 

tan  Adyllynge ;  meritum,  gratia. 
A  ante  Pf . 

an  Affodylle  4 ;  Affodillus,  harba  est. 

to  Afferme  ;  Astruere,  affirmare  tes- 
timomo,  confirmare  officio,  asseue- 

1  The  division  of  life  into  the  two  classes  of  active  life  or  bodily  service  of  God,  and 
contemplative  life  or  spiritual  service,  is  common  in  mediaeval  theological  writers.      It 
occurs  frequently  in  William  of  Nassyngton's  '  Mirror  of  Life,'  and  in  Hampole's  Prose 
Treatises,  see  Mr.  Perry's  Preface,  p.  xi,  and  p.  19  of  text ;  at  p.  29  we  are  told  that 
'  Lya  es  als  mekill  at  say  as  trauyliouse,  and  betakyns  actyfe  lyfe.     Rachelle  hyghte  of 
begynnynge,  )>at  es  godd,  and  betakyns  lyfe  contemplatyfe.'     Langland  in  P.  Plowman, 
B-Text,  Passus  vi.  251,  says  : — '  Contemplatyf  lyf  or  actyf  lyf  cryst  wolde  men  wroujte  :' 
see  also  B.  x.  230,  A.  xi.  80,  C.  xvi.  194,  and  Prof.  Skeat's  notes.     In  the  '  Eeply  of  Frier 
Dan  Topias,'  pr.  in  Political  Poems,  ed.  Wright,  ii.  63,  we  find : — 

'  Jack,  in  James  pistles  comounli  ben  callid 

al  religioun  is  groundid,  Ffulli  figurid  by  Marie 

Ffor  there  is  made  mencion  and  Martha  hir  sister, 

of  two  perfit  lyves,  By  Peter  and  bi  Joon, 

That  actif  and  contemplatif  by  Rachel  and  by  Lya  (Leah).' 

The  distinction  seems  to  have  been  founded  upon  the  last  verse  of  the  ist  chapter  of  the 
Epistle  of  St.  James.  Wiclif  (Works,  i.  384)  says :— '  This  is  clepid  actif  liift  whanne 
men  travailen  for  worldli  goodis,  and  kepen  hem  in  rightwisnesse.' 

2  '  Aimant,  the  Adamant,  or  Load-stone.'  Cotgrave.    Cooper  says, '  Adamas.  A  diamonde, 
wherof  there  be  diuers  kindes,  as  in  Plin.  and  other  it  appereth.     It's  vertues  are,  to 
resiste  poison,  and  witch crafte :  to  put  away  feare ;   to  geue  victory  in  contention :  to 
healpe  them  that  be  lunatike  or  phrantike :  I  haue  proued  that  a  Diamonde  layed  by  a 
nedell  causeth  that  the  loode  stone  can  not  draw  the  needel.     No  fire  can  hurte  it,  no 
violence  breake  it,  onles  it  be  moisted  in  the  warme  bludde  of  a  goote.' 

3  Tusser  in  his  Five  Hundred  Points  of  Good  Husbandry,  p.  51,  stanza  6,  says  : — 

'  Where  ivy  embraseth  the  tree  very  sore,  Kill  ivy,  or  tree  else  will  addle  no  more :' 
and  in  '  Richard  of  Dalton  Dale  '  we  read  : — '  I  addle  my  ninepence  every  day.'  The 
Manip.  Vocab.  gives  'to  addil,  demerere;  to  addle,  lucrari,  mereri.1  Icel.  odlask  =  to  win, 
gain.  Cleasby's  Icel.  Diet.  See  note  by  Prof.  Skeat  in  E.  Dialect.  Soc.'s  edition  of  Ray's 
Glossary,  p.xxi.  'Hemm  addlenn  swa  ]>e  maste  wa  patt  anij  mann  majj  addlenn?  Or- 
mulum,  16102.  See  also  ibid.  6235,  and  Towneley  Myst.  p.  218. 

4  We  are  told  in  Lyte's  Dodoens,  p.  649,  amongst  other  virtues  of  this  plant,  that  'the 
ashes  of  the  burned  roote  doo  cure  and  heale  scabbes  and  noughtie  sores  of  the  head,  and 
doo  restore  agayne  vnto  the  pilde  head  the  heare  fallen  away  being  layde  therevnto.' 
'Aphrodille.    The   Affrodill,    or   Asfrodill   flower.'  Cotgrave.      Andrew   Boorde   in   his 
Dyetary,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  102,  recommends  for  a  Sawce-flewme  face  'Burre  rotes   and 
Affodyl  rotes,  of  eyther  iij.  unces,'  &c. 

B  2, 



rare,  assentire,  asserere,  assertire, 
annuere,  assensum  prebere,  Au- 
torizare,  concedere,  adquiescere, 

an  Affermynge;  assensus,  assencio, 
assencia;  Assentaneus. 

an  Afienite ;  Affinitas. 

After ;  vbi  at ;  postqu&m,  ut,  se- 

tAftyr  }>at;  dein,inde,deinde,exinde. 

t  Aftyr  }>e  thyrd  day ;  post-triduum, 

tTo  Affrayn  J ;  Affrenare. 
tAffabyl;  Affabilis. 

A  ante  G. 
Agayn2;  reiro. 

Agayns;  Aduersus,  aduersum,  erga, 

contra,  e  contra,  e  conuerso,  Anti 

grece,  obuie,  obuiarn,   exopposito, 

obuius ;  tmde  versus  : 

^Aduersus    meuti    sed    contra 

subde  loquenti 
Sic   exopposito   iungito    rit[e] 

Agas ;  nomen  proprium,  agatha  vel 

Age ;  vbi  elde. 
Aghte ;  octo,  occies,  octauns,  octaua- 

rius,  octoplus. 

tAghte  folde  (to  make  Aght  falde 
A.) ;  octuplare. 

Aghten  ;    decemocto,    duodeuiginta, 
octodecimus,  octodeciia,  octodecies, 
octodenus,  octodenarius. 
tAghte  halpenis ;  octussis. 
Aghty ;  octoginta  ;  octogesimus,  octo- 

gesies,  octogenus,  octogenarius. 
Aght  hundrith ;  octingenti 3 ;  octin- 
geiitesimus,  octingentesies,    octin- 
gentenus,  octingenten&rius. 
An  Agnaylle 4  (A.). 
An  Anguice  (Agmce  A.) 5 ;  jndula. 

A  ante  I. 

tAimer  or  Ailmer  (Aynar  or  Ayl- 
mar  A.) ;  nomen  proprium  viri 

t}>e  Air ;  Aer,  aererus,  aura,  ether, 
ethera,  ethereus,  $'  cetera;  vbi 

t Aylastynge ;  e^er^us,  coeternns,  sine 
pYmcipio  §  sine  fine  vt  dens,  eZer- 
nalis,  incessans  sempitQicnus  vt 
muudns,  perpetuus  ut  anime, 
perpes,  perhennis. 

t A[y]  lastyngly  ;  perpetim  ;  versus  : 

^fiternus      dens,     Sempiternus 

muudns,  parhennis  res   tiki 

sunt,  anime  perpetue : 

Etevnum.  vere  sine  principio, 

sine  fine, 

Perpetuum  cui  principium  sed 
fine  carebit. 

1  Used  here  apparently  in  the  sense  of  '  to  bridle,  restrain,'  but  in  Early  English  to 
Affrayn  was  to  question ;  A.  S.  offreinen,  pt.  t.  offrcegn. 

2  It  is  curious  that  the  common  meaning  of  this  word  (iterum)  should  not  be  given. 
8  MS.  octo,  octogenti. 

4  A  sore  either  on  the  foot  or  hand.  Palsgrave  has  'an  agnayle  upon  one's  too,'  and 
Baret,  '  an  agnaile  or  little  corn  growing  upon  the  toes,  gemursa,  pterigium*  Minsheu 
describes  it  as  a  '  sore  betweene  the  finger  and  the  nail.  ,  Agassin.  A  corne  or  agnele 
in  the  feet  or  toes.  Frouelle.  An  agnell,  pinne,  or  warnell  in  the  toe.'  1611.  Cotgrave. 
'Agnayle  :  pterigium.'  Manip.  Vocab.  According  to  Wedgwood  '  the  real  origin  is  Ital. 
anguinaglia  (Latin  inguem),  the  groin,  also  a  botch  or  blain  in  that  place ;  Fr.  angon- 
ailles.  Botches,  (pockie)  bumps,  or  sores,  Cotgrave.'  Halliwell,  s.  v.  quotes  from  the 
Med.  MS.  Lincoln,  leaf  300,  a  receipt  '  for  agnayls  one  mans  fete  or  wornans.'  Lyte  in 
his  edition  of  Dodoens,  1578,  p.  279,  speaking  of  'Git,  or  Nigella,'  says:— 'The  same 
stieped  in  olde  wine,  or  stale  pisse  (as  Plinie  saith)  causeth  the  Comes  and  Agnayles  to 
fall  of  from  the  feete,  if  they  be  first  scarified  and  scotched  rounde  aboute.'  «  Gemursa. 
A  corn  or  lyke  griefe  vnder  the  little  toe.'  Cooper. 

8  This  word  occurs  in  H.  More's  Philosoph.  Poems,  p.  7  : 
'  The  glory  of  the  court,  their  fashions 

And  brave  agguize,  with  all  their  princely  state.' 

Spenser  uses  it  as  a  verb  :  thus,  Faery  Queen,  II.  i.  21,  we  read,  '  to  do  her  service  well 
agmsd.'  See  also  stanza  31,  and  vi.  7.  Indula  is  a  contracted  form  of '  inducula,  a  little 
garment.'  Cooper. 

lioc   cmima%   dicas   dicas   que 

perhenne  per  annos, 
Et  quodcuuque  velis  sempiter- 

num  benedicis. 

Et  turn,  eternum  sempiternum- 
que  simul  suut. 

*  Ay ;  Semper,  $  cetera  ;  vbi  alway. 
tAiselle  * ;  acetum,  Acetulum  dimirm- 


fan  Aisselle  vesselle;  acetabulum, 

A  ante  K. 

an  Ake ;  quarcus,  quarculus,  ilex, 
quarcinus,  querceus,  quernns ;  ili- 
cetum,  quercetum,  querretum  suut 
loco,  vbi  crescuut  quarcus. 

an  Ake  apylle 2 ;  galla. 


an  Akyroflande;  acm,jugus,juger, 

To  Ake 3 ;  Noceo,  §   cetera ;    vbi   to 

hurt  (A.). 
tAn  Aking ;  Nocumentum  (A.). 

A  ante  L. 

an  Alablaster    (Alabauster    A.)  *; 


Alas  (Allays  A.)  ;  heu,  fnodolor. 
t Alas  (Allays  A.)  for  sorow  5 ;  /;ro- 

dolor,  pronephas. 
tAlas  (Allays  A.)  for  schame  ;  ^;ro- 

Albane;  proprium  womew,  Albanus 

Albane 6 ;  albania,  scocia. 

1  In  the  XI  Pains  of  Hell,  pr.  in  An  Old  Eng.  Miscellany,  p.  219,  1.  280,  our  Lord  is 
represented  as  saying — '  Of  aysel  and  gal  je  jeuen  me  drenkyn ;'  and  in  the  Romaunt 
of  the  Rose,  1.  217,  we  read — 

'  That  lad  her  life  onely  by  brede,  Kneden  with  eisell  strong  and  egre.' 

In  the  Forme  o/Cury,  p.  56,  is  mentioned  *  Ay  sell  other  alegar.'     Roquefort  gives  '  aisil, 
vinegar.'    In  the  Manip.  Vocab.  the  name  is  spelt  •  Azel,'  and  in  the  Reg.  MS.  17,  c.  xvii, 

In  Mire's  Instructions  to  Parish  Priests,  p.  58, 1. 1884  we  find,  •  Loke  >y  wyn  be 
not  eysel.'     A.  S.  eisele,  aisil. 

2  Lyte  in  his  edition  of  Dodoens,  1578,  p.  746,  says  of  Oak-Apples  : — 'The  Oke- Apples 
or  greater  galles,  being  broken  in  sonder,  about  the  time  of  withering  do  forshewe  the 
sequell  of  the  yeare,  as  the  expert  husbandmen  of  Kent  haue  observed   by  the  liuing 
thinges  that  are  founde  within  them :    as  if  they  finde  an  Ante,  they  iudge  plentie  of 
grayne :  if  a  white  worme  lyke  a  gentill,  morreyne  of  beast :   if  a  spider,  they  presage 
pestilence,  or  some  other  lyke  sicknesse  to  folowe  amongst  men.     Whiche  thing  also  the 
learned   haue  noted,  for  Matthiolus  vpon  Dioscorides   saith,  that  before  they  be  holed 
or  pearsed  they  conteyne  eyther  a  Flye,  a  Spider,  or  a  Worme  :  if  a  Flye  be  founde  it  is 
a  pronostication  of  warre  to  folowe :  if  a  creeping  worme,  the  scarcitie  of  victual :  if  a 
running  Spider,  the  Pestilente  sicknesse.' 

3  '  Doloir.  To  grieve,  sorrow :  to  ake,  warch,  paine,  smart.'  Cotgrave.     Baret  points 
out  the  distinction  in  the  spelling  of  the  verb  and  noun :  '  Ake  is  the  Verbe  of  this 
substantive  Ache,  Ch  being  turned  into  K.'     Cooper  in  his  Thesaurus,  1584,  preserves  the 
same  distinction.     Thus  he  says — « Dolor  capitis,  a  headache :  doletcapat,  my  head  akes.' 
The  pt.  t.  appears  as  olce  in  P.  Plowman,  B.  xvii.  194  ;  in  Lonelich's  Hist,  of  the  Holy  Grail, 
ed.  Furnivall,  and  in  Robert  of  Gloucester,  68, 18.     A.  S.  acan. 

*  '  Aldblastrites.  Alabaster,  founde  especially  aboute  Thebes  in  Egipte.'  Cooper. 

5  '  Pronephas.  Alas  ffor  velany.'  Medulla. 

6  The  following  account  of  the  origin  of  the  name  of  Albania  is  given  by  Holinshed, 
Chronicles,  i.  leaf  396,  ed.  1577: — 'The  third  and  last  part  of  the  Island  he  [Brutus] 

allotted  vnto  Albanacte  hys  youngest  sonne This  latter  parcel  at  the  first  toke 

the  name  of  Albanactus,  who  called  it  Albania.     But  now  a  small  portion  onely  of  the 
Region  (beyng  vnder  the  regiment  of   a  Duke)  reteyneth  the  sayd  denomination,  the 
reast  beyng  called  Scotlande,  of  certayne  Scottes  that  came  ouer  from  Ireland  to  inhabite 
in  those  quarters.     It  is  diuided  from  Lhoegres  also  by  the  Humber,  so  that  Albania,  as 
Brute  left  it,  conteyned  all  the  north  part  of  the  Island  that  is  to  be  found  beyond  the 
aforesayd  streame,  vnto  the  point  of  Cathenesse.'    Cooper  in  his  Thesaurus  gives,  '  Scotia, 
Scotlande  :  the  part  of  Britannia  from  the  ryuer  of  Tweede  to  Catanes.' 



an  Albe 1 ;  alba,  aphotlinea  str\i\cta, 

an    Alblaster     (Ablauster      A.)  2  ; 

alblista,  balea,   alblastrum,  bale- 

an  Alablasterer ;    arblastator,  bale- 

arius,  balistarius,  baliator,  arcu- 


tAlburne  3 ;  viburnum. 
* Alcanamy  4 ;     corinthium     (Elixer 


Alkanamyer  (A.). 
Aide;  prisons  qui  fuerunt  priores ; 

antiquus,  qui  fuerunt  ante  nos ; 

annosuB,  jnveteratus,   decrepitus, 

vetulus  o.  g  a  multitudine  auno- 

rum  emeritus,   senilis,   longeuus, 

pr'istinus,  vetustus,  senex,  veleran- 

us  geronceus,  gerontecus. 
tto  make  Aide ;  Antiquare,  veterare, 


tto  be  Aide  ;  Seneo,  Senescere. 
tto  wex  Aide  ;  jnueforare,jnveteras- 

tan  Aide  maw ;    gerion;   vbi  aide ; 

geronta,  silicernus 5. 
t  Aldesynne  6 ;  zima  vetus,  vetus  /;ec- 

tjn  Aide  tyme;  Antiquitus,  aduer- 

tan  Aide  wyfe ;  Anus,  Anicula,  ve- 


tj^e  Aide  testament ;  heptaticus7. 
Ale ;  ceruisia,  celia,  sorbus. 

1  See  P.  Awbe.     Cooper  explains  Poderis  by  '  A  longe  garmente  down  to  the  feete, 
without  plaite  or  wrinckle,  whiche  souldiours  vsed  in  warre.'     Aphot  is  of  course  the 
Jewish  Ephod,  of  which  the  same  writer  says  there  were  'two  sortes,  one  of  white  linnen, 
like  an  albe,'  &c.     Lydgate  tells  us  that  the  typical  meaning  of 

'  The  large  awbe,  by  record  of  scripture, 

Ys  rightwisnesse  perpetualy  to  endure.'  MS.  Hatton,  73,  leaf  3. 
See  Ducange,  s.  v.  Alba. 

2  '  BaUsta.  A  crossebowe ;  a  brake  or  greate  engine,  wherewith  a  stone  or  arrow  is 
shotte.     It  may  be  vsed  for  a  gunne.'  Cooper.     See  the  Destruction  of  Troy,  11.  4743,  5707. 
In  Barbour's  Bruce,  xvii.  236,  Bruce  is  said  to  have  had  with  him    'Bot  burgess  and 
awblasteris?    In  the  Romance  of  Sir  Ferumbras  we  read  how  the  Saracens 

'  Hure  engyns  Jjanne   ]>ay  arayde, 

&  stones  ]>ar-wif>  ]>ay  caste. 
And   made  a  ful  sterne  brayde, 

wi]>  bowes  &  arbelaste'. 
'  Balestro.  To  shotyn  with  alblast    BaUsta.  An  alblast ;  quoddam  tormentum.'  Medulla. 

3  'Alburn-tree,  the  wild  vine,  viburnum.'  Wright's  Prov.  Diet.     In  the  Harl.  MS.  1002 
we  find  4  Awberne,  viburnum.''  See  note  in  P.  s.  v.  Awbel,  p.  1 7.     Cotgrave  gives  'Aubourt, 
a  kind  of  tree  tearmed  in  Latin e  Alburnus,  (it  beares  long  yellow  blossomes,  which  no  Bee 
will  touch),'  evidently  the  Laburnum. 

4  Gower,  C.  A.,  ii.  88  has— 

'  Thilke  elixir  which  men  calle 

Alconomy  as  is  befalle 

To  hem  that  whilom  were  wise ; ' 

and  Langland,  P.  Plowman,  B.  x.  212,  warns  all  who  desire  to  Do-wel  to  beware  of 
practising  '  Experiments  of  alkenamye,  J>e  poeple  to  deceyue.'  With  the  meaning  of 
latten  or  white-metal  the  term  is  found  in  Andrew  Boorde's  '  Introduction  of  Knowledge,' 
ed.  Fumivall,  p.  163,  where  we  are  told  that '  in  Denmark  their  mony  is  gold  and  alkemy 

and  bras In  alkemy  and  bras  they  haue  Dansk  whyten.'     Jamieson  gives  '  Alcomye 

*.  Latten,  a  kind  of  mixed  metal,  still  used  for  spoons.'  '  Mlixvr.  Matere  off  alcamyne.' 

5  Cooper  in  his  Thesaurus,  1584,  gives  '  Silicernium.  A  certayne  puddynge  eaten  onely 
at  funeralles.     Some  take  it  for  a  feast  made  at  a  funerall.     In  Terence,  an  olde  creeple 
at  the  pittes  brincke,  that  is  ready  to  have  such  a  dinner  made  for  him.'     Baret  too  has 
'  an  old  creple  at  the  pittes  brincke,  silicernium,'  and  again,  •  verie  old,  at  the  pits  brinke, 
at  death's  doore,  decrepitus,  silicernium.' 

1  'Zyme.  Leauen.'  Cooper.     The  reference  evidently  is  to  I  Corinthians,  v.  7,  8. 
7  Properly  only  the  first  seven  Books  of  the  Old  Testament. 


to  Alege ;  allegare. 

tAlgarism  (Algram  A.)  l ;  algaris- 
mus,  abacus. 

*Algatis ;  omnimodo  (simodo  A.). 

t Alice;  nomen  fwoprium,  Alicia. 

*an  Aly  2 ;  deambulatorium,  ambula- 

An  Alye ;  affinis. 

an  Allans ;  Affinitas. 

an  Alyane 3 ;  aduena,  A  lienigena, 
aduenticius,  proselitus. 

tto  Alyene ;  Alienare,  priuare,  de-, 
subtrahere,  remouere. 

t  Alienora 4 ;  pro^riwm  nomen  muli- 
eris  (helena  A.). 

Alle ;  vniuersuB,  vniuersalis,  cunctus, 
singulus  quibus  quisque  vnusquis- 
que,  totalis,  pan  grece,  sesqui, 
Totus  ad  magnitudinem  pertinet : 
ut  totum  corpus,  tota  terra  ;  cuncti 
qui  vbique  sunt ;  vniuersi  qui  in 
loco,  omnis  qui  in  diuersis  sunt 
locis ;  omms  ad  multitudinem  &f 

numerum  peYtinet,  ut  omms  homo 

6f  omnes  homines,  omnis  distribute 

inter  p&rtes  subiectiuas,  ut  omnis 

homo  currit  ergo  iste  Sf   iste,  <$f 

cetera.     £ed  ^o^us  distribute  inter 

p&rtes  integrates,  ut  totus  homo  est 

intus,  ergo  quelibet  p&rs  hominis 

est  intus;  vnde  versus  : 

1T  Totum  comprehendit  massam5 

sed  diuidit  omne  (omnis  A.) 

Et   ^uog'ue   turn    complectitur 

omnia  cunctus  : 

cunctus  comprehendit  hoc  quod 
omnis,  vnde  deus  dicitur  cunctipo- 
tens  omnia  potens. 

tAlle   abowte  \    circumqu&que,    vn- 

Allone ;  solus,  solitarius,  solitudina- 

tAllonely6;  duntaxat,  <antum,  ^an- 
tummodo,  solum,  solummodo. 

Alschynande  (A.). 

t Allemaner ;  omnigenus,  omnimodus. 

1  '  Algorisme,  m.  The  Art,  or  Use  of  Cyphers,  or  of  numbring  by  Cyphers  :  Arithmetick, 
or  a  curious  kinde  thereof.'  Cotgrave.     In  Richard  the  Reticles,  iv.  53,  we  read — 

'  Than  satte  summe  as  siphre  doth  in  awgrym, 
That  noteth  a  place,  and  no  thing  availith.' 

Chaucer,  describing  the  chamber  of  the  clerk  'hende  Nicholas,'  mentions  amongst  its 
contents—  'His  Almageste,  and  bookes  grete  and  small, 

His  Astrelabie  longynge  for  his  art, 
His  Augrym  stones  layen  faire  a-part 

On  shelues  couched  at  his  beddes  head.'  Millers  Tale,  3208. 
Gower,  C.  A.,  iii.  89  says — 

'  Whan  that  the  wise  man  acompteth 
Aftir  the  formal  proprete 
Of  algorismes  a  be  ce.' 

In  the  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  214,  the  covetous  man  is  described  as  the  Devil's  ash-gatherer, 
who  rakes  and  pokes  about  in  the  ashes,  and  'make's  jjerinne  figures  of  augrim  ase  ]>eos 
rikenares  doS  >at  habbe'S  mochel  uorto  rikenen.' 

2  'AmbulcUio.  A  walkinge   place;    a  galery;   an  alley.'  Cooper.     'AlUe,f.  An  alley, 
gallery,  walke,  walking  place,  path  or  passage.'  Cotgrave. 

'With  ostes  of  alynes  fulle  horrebille  to  schewe.' 

Morte  Arthur e,  461. 

'  An  alyane,  alienus,  extraneus.'  Manip.  Vocab.  '  Alieno.  To  alienate  :  to  put  away  :  to 
aliene  or  alter  possession.'  Cooper. 

4  In  the  Paston  Letters,  i.  144,  are  mentioned  'Lord  Moleyns,  and  Alianore,  his  wyff.' 

5  MS.  missam ;  corrected  from  A. 

6  Compare  '  Broder  by  the  moder  syde  onely  (alonly  by  moder  P.) '  in  P.  p.  54.     In  the 
Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  49,  Agape,  the  King  of  France,  having  asked  Cordelia,  Lear's 
youngest  daughter,  in  marriage,  her  father  replies  that,  having  divided  his  kingdom 
between  his  other  two  daughters,  he  has  nothing  to  give  her.     '  When  Agape  herde  this 
answere,  he  sente  agayne  to  Leyre,  and  seide,  he  asked  no  thinge  with  here,  but  alonly 
here  bodie  and  here  clothing.'  See  also  the  Lay-Folks  Mass-Book,  B.  210. 



*an  Almary  * ;    scrinium,   Aula,    6f 

cetera ;  vbi  arke. 
Almaste ;  fere,  pene,  ferme,  paulo- 

an  Almetre ;    alnus,    vlnus,    vlmus, 

alnetum  2,  locus  vbi  crescunt. 
Almyghty ;  Astripotens,  cunctipoteris, 


an  Almond;  Amigdalum. 
an  Almond  tre ;  amigdalus. 
an  Almos 3 ;  Agapa  vel  agapes,  ele- 

mosina,  roga. 

an  Almws  doer ;  elemosinarius. 
an  Almos  howse ;  elemosinarium. 
Alome 4 ;  Alumen. 
t  Als  it  were ;  qu&si  esset  (A.). 
tAls  longe  ;  tamdiu  (A.). 

tAlsmekylle  5  ;  iantum,   fautumdem, 
tantisper,  tantus. 

t  Also  ;  jtaqne,  similiter,  eciam,  item, 
itemtidem,  sic,  quoque,  ita. 

tAlsofte;   Tociens. 

Alway;  Continuus,  sempiternus,  con- 
tinue,  semper,  omnino,  incessanter, 
indies,  imperpetuum,  eternaliter, 
eterne,  &f  cetera  ;  vbi  aylastynge. 
A  ante  M. 

fto  Amble  (Ambule  A.)6;  Ambu- 

an  Ambler  (Ambuler  A.)  ;  gr&darius. 

Ambros  ;  Ambrosius,    women    ^;ro- 

to   Amende  ;    emendare,    corrigere, 
deuiciare,  compere. 

1  See  Wedgwood,  Etymol.  Diet.  s.  v.  Aumbry,  and  Parker's  Glossary  of  Gothic  Archi- 
tecture.    Dame  Eliz.  Browne  in  her  Will,  Paston  Letters,  iii.  465,  bequeaths  '  vij  grete 
cofers,  v  chestis,  ij  almaryes  like  a  chayer,  and  a  blak  cofer  bounden  with  iron.'     '  An 
Ambry,  or  like  place  where  any  thing  is  kept.     It  seemeth  to  be  deriued  of  this  Frenche 
word  Aumosniere,  which  is  a  little  purse,  wherein  was  put  single  money  for  the  poore,  and 
at  length  was  vsed  for  any  hutch  or  close  place  to  keepe  meate  left  after  meales,  what 
at  the  beginning  of  Christianitie  was  euer  distributed  among  the  poore  people,  and  we 
for  shortnesse  of  speache  doe  call  it  an  Ambry ;  repositorium,  scrinium.'  Baret.     Cooper 
renders  Scrinium  by  '  A  coffer  or  other  lyke  place  wherein  iewels  or  secreate  thynges  are 
kept,  as  euidences,  &c.    Scriniolum,  a  basket  or  forcet :  a  gardiuiance.' 

2  MS.  alnetam ;  corrected  by  A.    Alnus  is  properly  an  elder-tree,  and  there  is  no  such 
word  as  ulnus.     Danish  olm,  an  elm. 

8  Hampole,  Pricke   of  Conscience,  3609,  amongst   the  four  kinds  of  help  which  will 
sist  souls  in  purgatory,  mentions  '  Almus   pat  men   to  the  pure  gyves.'     And  again, 

1.  3660,  he  speaks  of  the  benefit  of  '  help  of  prayer  and  almusdede.'    See  also  the  Lay -Folks 
Mass-Book,  p.  157.    A.  S.  celmesse,  celmes. 

*  Harrison,  in  his  Description  of  England,  ii.  67,  mentions  amongst  the  minerals  of 
England,  '  the  finest  alume  ....  of  no  lesse  force  against  fire,  if  it  were  used  in  our 
parietings  than  that  of  Lipara,  which  onlie  was  in  use  somtime  amongst  the  Asians  & 
Komans,  &  wherof  Sylla  had  such  triall  that  when  he  meant  to  haue  burned  a  tower  of 
wood  erected  by  Archelaus  the  lieutenant  of  Mithridates  he  could  by  no  means  set  it  on 
fire  in  a  long  time,  bicause  it  was  washed  ouer  with  alume,  as  were  also  the  gates  of  the 
temple  of  Jerusalem  with  like  effect,  and  perceiued  when  Titus  commanded  fire  to  be  put 
vnto  the  same.' 

1  '  Eousque.   In  alsmekyl.'  Medulla. 

'  An  ambling  horse,  hacquente'  Palsgrave.  Baret  says,  '  Amble,  a  word  derived  of 
ambulo  :  an  ambling  horse,  tolutarius,  gradarius  equus  :  to  amble,  tolutim  incedere'  In 
Pecock's  Represser,  Rolls  Series,  p.  525,  we  have  the  form  '  Ambuler.'  '  An  ambling 
horse,  gelding,  or  mare  ;  Haquenee,  Cheval  qui  va  les  ambles,  ou  I'amble ;  hobin.'  Sherwood. 
'  Oradarii  eqv.i.  Aumblyng  horses.'  Cooper.  In  the  following  quotation  we  have  amblere 
meaning  a  trot : 

'  Due  Oliver  him  ride))  out  of  J>at  plas  ; 
in  a  softe  amblere, 

Compare  also, 

•  His  steede  was  al  dappel,  gray, 
It  gooth  an  ambel  in  the  way 

Ne  made  he  non  o]?er  pas ; 
til  |>ey  wern  met  y-fere.' 

Sir  Ferumbras,  1.  344. 

Ful  softely  and  rounde 

In  londe.' 
Rime  of  S'*'  Thopas,  2074. 


tan  Amendes  ! ;  emeuda,  emendacio, 

tan  Amewder  ;  correptor,  corrector 2, 

to  Amende ;  conualere,  conualescere, 

ut  de  iufirmitate. 
*an  Amyce  (Amyte  A.)  3 ;  Amictus, 


And;  et,  que,Atque,  ac,  cut,  ast,  necnon. 
an  Ande  * ;  Anelitus. 

to  Ande  ;  Afflare,  asspirar&,SpirarQ, 

alare,  Anelare. 
tAndrowe  ;  Andreas,    women    pro- 

Ane ;  vnus,  primus,  semel,  singulus, 

primarius,  primatiuus,   simplex, 

simplus,  vnicus,  monos,  grece. 
Anys ;  Semel. 
Anehed;   vnitas,   couformitas,    con- 

tan  Anelepe   man5;    solutus,    Aga- 


1  In  the  Romance  of  Sir  Ferunibras,  Charlemagne  orders  Alorys  to  go  down  on  his 
knees  to  Duke  Rayner,  'and  his  amendes  make,'  i.e.  make  an  apology  to  him.     Alorys 
accordingly,  we  are  told, 

'  pe  amendes  a  profrede  him  for  to  make 
At  hes  and  low  what  he  wold  take, 

And  so  thay  acorded  ther.'     1.  2112. 
See  also  P.  Plowman,  B.  iv.  88. 

2  MS.  corrector, 

'  Upon  his  heed  the  amyte  first  he  leith, 
Which  is  a  thing,  a  token  and  figure 
Outwardly  shewing  and  grounded  in  the  feith.' 

Lydgate,  MS.  Hatton  73,  leaf  3. 

Ducange  gives  '  Amictus.  Primum  ex  sex  indumentis  episcopo  et  presbyteris  communibus 
(sunt  autem  ilia  amictus,  alba,  cingulum,  stola,  manipulus,  et  planeta,  ut  est  apud  Innocent 
III.  P.  P.  De  Myster.  Missa) ;  amict.'  Cotgrave  has  '  Amid.  An  Amict,  or  Amice  ;  part 
of  a  massing  priest's  habit.'  In  Old  Eng.  Homilies,  ii.  163,  it  is  called  heued-line,  i.e. 

*  See  P.  Onde.  In  Sir  Ferumbras,  p.  74,  1.  2237,  we  find  'So  harde  leid  he  ]>ar  on  is 
onde ;'  that  is,  he  blew  so  hard  on  the  brand  ;  and  in  Barbour's  £ruce,  xi.  615,  we  are 
told  that  '  Sic  ane  stew  rais  owth  thame  then 

Of  aynding,  bath  of  hors  and  men.' 

See  also  11.  iv.  199,  x.  610.  Ayndless,  out  of  breath,  breathless,  occurs  in  x.  609.  In  the 
Cursor  Mundi,  p.  38,  the  author,  after  telling  us  that  Adam  was  made  of  the  four  elements, 
says,  1.  539  :— 

'  pe  ouer  fir  gis  man  his  sight,  pis  vnder  wynd  him  gis  his  aand, 

pat  ouer  air  of  hering  might ;  pe  erth,  ]>e  tast,  to  fele  and  faand.' 

See  also  p.  212,  where,  amongst  the  signs  of  approaching  death,  we  are  told  that  the  teeth 
begin  to  rot,  ' )>e  aand  at  stinc.'  1. 3574.  '  Myn  and  is  short,  I  want  wynde.'  Townley  Myst. 
p.  154.  See  also  R.  C.  de  Lion,  4843,  Ywaine  &  Gawain,  3554.  'To  Aynd,  Ainde,  Band. 
To  draw  in  and  throw  out  the  air  by  the  lungs.'  Jamieson.  Icel.  ond,  ondi,  breath  ;  cf. 
Lat.  anima.  'Aspiro:  To  ondyn.'  Medulla. 

6  In  Religious  Pieces  in  Prose  and  Verse  from  the  Thornton  MS.,  p.  13,  1.  22,  we  are 
told  that  fornication  is  '  a  fleschle  synne  betwene  an  anelepy  man  and  an  anelepy  woman  ;' 
and  in  the  Cambridge  University  Library  MS.  Ff.  v.  48,  leaf  86,  we  read — 

'Wele  more  synne  it  is  Then  with  an  analepe,  i-wis.' 

To  synne  with  a  weddid  wife, 
In  Havelok,  1.  2106,  we  have — 

'  He  stod,  and  totede  in  at  a  bord,  Ner  he  spak  anilepi  word,' 

where  the  word  has  its  original  meaning  of  one,  a  single ;  and  also  in  the  following  : — 
'  A,  quod  the  vox,  ich  wille  the  telle,      On  alpi  word  ich  lie  nelle.'  Reliq.  Antiq.  ii.  275. 

A.  S.  anelepiz,  single,  sole.     '  Hi  true  in  God,  fader  halmichttende and  in  Thesu 

Krist,  is  ane  lepisone  hure  laverd.'  Creed,  MS.  Cott.  Cleop.  B.  vi.  Y  2Oib.  ab.  1250.  Eeliq. 
Antiq.  i.  22.  Wyclif  has  '  an  oonlypi  sone  of  his  modir.'  Luke  vii.  12.  '  per  beo  an  alpi 
holh  J>at  an  mon  mei  crepan  in.'  0.  E.  Homilies,  i.  23.  See  also  Lajamon,  ii-92,  iii.  264, 
Ayenbite,  p.  21,  Ancren  Eiwle,  pp.  116,  296,  &c. 



tan  Anelepy  woman ;  soluta. 
*an  Anfenere  1 ;  Antiphonarium. 
an      Angelle  ;      Angelus,      spmius, 

baiulus,    celigena,   missus,    nuu- 


t  Angelle  fude ;  manna. 
t  Angell  setis  2 ;  dindima. 
an  Anger;  Angor  oris,  prod[ucitur] 

o,  $  cetera ;  vbi  noe. 
tto  Anger s ;  vbi  to  grewe. 
tAngyrly;  vbi  bilose4. 
Angry;  bilosus5 

Anguyse;  vbi  noe. 

Any ;  Aliquis,  vllus. 

Anythynge ;  quicquam. 

*Anys;  herba  est  vel  semen,  Anetum 

vel  anisum. 
an  Ankylle ;  cauilla. 
an  Ankyr  or  a  recluse 6 ;  anacorita  ; 


an  Ankyr  of  a  schyppe  ;  ancora. 
to  Ankyr ;  Ancorare. 
tto  Anorme-(Anowre  A.)  7 ;  vbi  fare 

(to  make  fayre  A.). 

1  See  note  to  Antiphonare. 

2  The  following  is  from  Ducange: — 'Dindimum  vel   potius  Dindymum,  Mysterium. 
Templum.     Vita  S.  Friderici  Episc.  Tom.  4,  Julij,  pag.  461  :  Ineptas,  fdbulas   devitans, 
seniores  non  increpans,  minores  non  contemnens,  habens  fidei  Dindimum  in  conscientia  bona. 
Allusio  est  ad  haec  Apostoli  verba  i  Timoth.  3.  8  :   "  Habentes  mysterium  fidei  in  consci- 
entia bona."  Angelomus  Praefat.  in  Genesim  apud  Bern.  Fez.  torn.  i.  anecdot.  col.  46 : 

"Hie  Patriarcharum  clarissima  gesta  leguntur, 
Mystica  quae  nimium  gravidis  typicisque  figuris 
Signantur  Christ!  nostraeque  et  dona  salutis. 
Hie  sacra  nam  sacrae  cernuntur  Dyndima  legis 
Atque  evangelica  salpinx  typica  intonat  orbi." 

Papias:  "  Dindyma,  mons  est  Phrygiae,  sacra  mysteria,  pluraliter  declinatur."  Notus  est 
mons  Phrygiae  Cibelae  sacer  Dindyma  nuncupatus  ;  unde  Virgilius.  "  0  vere  Phrygiae, 
neque  enim  Phryges,  ite  per  alta  Dindyma." '  See  also  Sete  of  Angellis. 

3  The  word  anger  or  angre  in  Early  English  did  not  bear  the  meaning  of  our  anger,  but 
rather  meant  care,  pain,  or  trouble.     Thus  in  P.  Plowman,  B.  xii.  1 1,  we  find  the  warning  : 

'Amende  J>e  while  ]>ow  hast  ben  warned  ofte, 
With  poustees  of  pestilences,  with  pouerte  and  with  angres,' 

and  in  the  Pricke  of  Conscience,  6039,  we  are  told  of  the  apostles,  that  for  the  love  of 
Christ,  '  J>ay  J>oled  ungre  and  wa.'  0.  Icel.  angr. 

4  MS.  vilose.  5  MS.  vilosus. 

6  In  Sir  Degrevant  (Thornton  Romances,  ed.  Halliwell),  p.  1 79, 1. 63,  we  read, 

'As  an  anker  in  a  stone  He  lyved  evere  trewe.' 

The  same  expression  occurs  in  the  Metrical  Life  of  St.  Alexius,  p.  39,  1.  420.  'As  ancres 
and  heremites  ]>at  holden  hem  in  here  selles.'  P.  Plowman,  B.  Prol.  38.  The  term  is 
applied  to  a  nwi  in  Reliq.  Antiq.  ii.  I.  Palsgrave  has  '  Ancre,  a  religious  man  :  anchres, 
a  religious  woman.'  A.  S.  ancor.  '  Hec  anacorita,  a  ankrys.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab. 
p.  216. 

7  'His  cote  ....  ennurned  vpon  veluet  vertuus  stones.'  Sir  Gawaine,  2026.     Wyclif 
has  the  subst.  enournyng  in  Esther  ii.  9  to  render  the  V.  mundum;  and  again  he  speaks 
of  '  Onychen  stoonus  and  gemmes  to  anourn  ephoth.'  Exodus  xxv.  7.     '  Thanne  alle  the 
virgynis  rysen  vp,  and  anourneden  her  laumpis.'  Matth.  xxv.  7.     '  Whan  a  woman  is 
anourned  with  rich  apparayle  it  setteth  out  her  beauty  double  as  much  as  it  is.'  Palsgrave. 
'  I  am  tormentide  with  this  blew  fyre  on  my  hede,  for  my  lecherouse  anourement  of  myne 
heere.'  Gesta  Roman,  p.  384.     '  With  gude  ryghte  thay  anourene  the  for  thaire  fairenes.' 
Lincoln  MS.  p.  199.     In  Lonelich's  History  of  the  Holy  Grail,  xxxi.  151,  we  read 

'  3it  was  that  schipe  in  other  degre 

Anoured  with  divers  Jowellis  certeinle  ;' 

and  Rauf  Coiljear,  when  he  enters  the  Hall  of  Charlemagne,  exclaims 
'  Heir  is  Ryaltie  ....  aneuch  for  the  nanis, 

With  all  nobilnes  anournit,  and  that  is  na  nay.1 1. 690. 

See  also  the  Lay -Folks  Mass-Book,  ed.  Canon  Simmons,  Bidding  Prayers,  p.  65,  1.  4,  p.  71, 
1.  20,  &c.,  Allit.  Poems,  B.  1 290,  and  Cursor  Mundi,  1. 392  2.  'Anorne,  to  adorn.'  Jamieson. 
O.  Fr.  aorner,  aourner ;  Latin  adornare.  The  form  anorme  is  used  by  Quarles,  Shepherd's 
Eclogues,  3,  and  enourmyd  in  the  Babees  Book,  p.  i. 



to  Answre ;  Resspondere,  aggannire, 

an    Answre  ;    ressponcio,     resspon- 

tan  Answre  of  godch's ;  fatum,  diui- 

naculum,  oraculum. 
tAntecryste;  Antecliristua. 
an  Antiphonare  l ;    Antiphonariwco. 

anAntym2;  AntipTiona. 

A  ante  P. 

an  Ape ;  semia. 

an  Apostata3;  Apostata;  Apostatare 


an  Apostem 4 ;  Apostema. 
an  Apostylle;  oposto/us,  coaposiolus; 

apostolicus,  apostolaris. 

fan  Apostyllehede  ;  apostolaius,  co- 

apostolatus.  , 

to  Appele ;  Appellare. 
an    Appele ;       appellacw,      appd- 


to  Appere  ;  apparere. 
tan  Appetyte  ;  appetitus. 
*an  Appylle  of  ee  5 ;  pupilla. 
an  Appylle ;  pomum,  malum,  pomu- 

lum,  pomellum. 
an    Appylle    tre  ;     pomus,    malus, 

pomulus,  pomellus. 
tan  Appelle  garth 6 ;  pometum,  po- 

an     Appylle      hurde  7  ;       pomari- 

an  Appylle  keper  or  seller ;  pomAlio, 


1  Antiphoner,  an  anthem-book,  so  called  from  the  alternate  repetitions  and  responses. 

'  He  Alma  Eedemptoris  herde  singe, 
As  children  lerned  hir  antiphoner.' 

Chaucer,  Prioresses  Tale,  1708. 

In  the  contents  of  the  Chapel  of  Sir  J.  Fastolf  at  Caistor,  1459,  are  entered  '  ij  antyfeners.' 
Paston  Letters,  i.  489.  See  also  Antym,  below,  and  Anfenere. 

2  In  the  Myrroure  of  Our  Lady,  p.  94,  Anthem  is  stated  to  be  equivalent  to  both  ante- 
hymnus  and  avritycava.    '  Antem  ys  as  moche  to  say  as  a  sownynge  before,  for  yt  ys  begonne 

before  the  Psalmes.  yt  is  as  moche  to  saye  as  a  sownynge  ayenste Antempnes 

betoken  chante,     The  Antempne  ys  begonne  before  the  Psalme,  and  the  psalme  ys  tuned 
after  the  antempne :  tokenynge  that  there  may  no  dede  be  good,  but  yf  yt  be  begone  of 
charite.  and  rewled  by  charite  in  the  doynge,  &c. 

3  An  Apostata  was  one  who  quitted  his  order  after  he  had  completed  his  year  of  novi- 
ciate.    This  is  very  clearly  shown  by  the  following  statement  of  a  novice : — 

'Out  of  the  ordre  thof  I  be  gone.  Of  twelve  monethes  me  wanted  one, 

Apostata  ne  am  I  none,  Arid  odde  dayes  nyen  or  ten.' 

Monumenta  Franciscana,  p.  606. 

'Apostata,  a  rebell  or  renegate  ;  he  that  forsaketh  his  religion.'  Cooper.  The  plural  form 
Apostataas  is  used  by  Wyclif  (Works,  ed.  Arnold,  iii.  368).  See  Prof.  Skeat's  note  to 
Piers  Plowman,  C-Text,  Passus  \\.gg.  'Julian  the  Apostata'  is  mentioned  in  Harrison's 
Description  of  England,  1587^.25.  '  Apostat,  an  Apostata.'  Cotgrave.  In  the  Paston 
Letters,  iii.  243,  in  a  letter  or  memorandum  from  Will.  Paston,  we  read :  '  In  this  case 
the  prest  that  troubleth  my  moder  is  but  a  simple  felowe,  and  he  is  apostata,  for  he  was 
sometyme  a  White  Frere.'  See  also  i.  19,  i.  26.  From  the  latter  passage  it  would  appear 
that  an  apostata  could  not  sue  in  an  English  Court  of  Law. 

*  '  Apostume,  rumentum.'  Manip.  Vocab.  '  Aposthume,  or  brasting  out,  rumentum.' 
Huloet.  '  A  medicine  or  salve  that  maketh  an  aposteme,  or  draweth  a  swelling  to  matter.' 
Nomenclator,  1585. 

5  '  Prunelle,  the  balle  or  apple  of  the  eye.'  Cotgrave.     '  Als  appel  of  eghe  jheme  f>ou 
me.'  E.  E.  Psalter,  Ps.  xvi.  8. 

6  '  Applegarthe,  appleyard,  pomarium*    Manip.  Vocab.      A. S.  $eard,  0.  H.  Ger.  gart, 
Lat.  hortum. 

7  Chaucer,  Miller's  Tale,  says  of  the  Carpenter's  wife  that  — 

'  Hir  mouth  was  sweete  as  bragat  is  or  meth, 
Or  hoord  of  apples,  layd  in  hay  or  heth.' 




tto  Appropyre  J  ;  Appropviare,  jpro- 

tto  Approwe  ;  Approare,  sicut  domini 

sefaciuut  de  vastis.  (?) 
Apprylle  ;  aprilis,  meusis  anni. 

A  ante  R. 

tAraby  ;  Arabia,    arabicus   jr;ar£ici- 

to  Aray  ;  accurare,  ornare,  <$f  cetera  ; 

vbi  to  make  fare. 
tto  vn  Aray  ;    exornare,    $•    cetera  ; 

[vbi]  to  dysaray. 
an  Aray  ;  apj)aratus,  ])aratus,  accu- 

ratus,  ornatus,  habitus. 
an  Archangelle  ;  archangelus  ;  arch- 

angelicuB  participium. 
an  Archebyschop  ;  archiepiscopus  ; 

arch%;i  scopes  jr;ar£icipium. 
an  Arche  ;  A  rcus,  fornix. 
an  Archedekyn  ;  Archidiaconus. 
tan   Archedekynry  ;    Archidiacon- 

tan  Arcystere  ;  arcista. 

an  Archer;     Archetinens,    arquites, 

Sagittarius,  sagiltator,  arcipotens. 
tAre  ;    ^rior     <jr    prius,    predium, 

primitUB,    pristinus,    ^rivs^uam, 

ante,  antequ&m,  antiqutius. 
tto  make  Ayre  (Are   A.) ;  heredare, 

an  Ayre ;    heres,    gafandus,    gaifan 

grece,  hereditarius. 
t  Ayrelomes  2 ;  jwimagenita. 
an  Are  ;  remus,  amplustrum,  trudes. 
Arely ;  mane,   tempestiue,  fy  cetera  ; 

vbi  tymely. 
tto    Areson  3  ;     couuenire,    alloqui, 

compellere,    jnterpellare,    afferri, 

concionari,  obire. 
tAresonere;  Alloquitor  vel  -trix,  con- 

cionator  vel  -trix. 
*Arghe  4 ;  pusillanimis.    nota. 
tArghnes  ;  pusillanimitas. 
tan  Arguynge  ;    argumeutacio  ;  ar- 

guens  |?ardcipium. 
tto  Argue  ;  arguere,  argumentari. 
an  Argument ;  argumentum  ;  argu- 

mentosus  /;articipium. 

1  Harapole,  PricJce  of  Conscience,  9346,  says,  that  in  addition  to  the  general  joys  of 
heaven  each  man  will  have 

'His  awen  ioyes,  les  and  mare, 
fat  til  hym-self  sal  be  appropried  )>are.' 

'  pes  ypocritis  J>at  han  rentes  &  worldly  lordischipes  &  parische  chirchis  approprid  to  hem.' 
Wyclif,  English  Works,  ed.  Matthew,  p.  190  ;  see  also  pp.  42, 125,  &c.  See  also  to  make 
Awne,  below. 

2  See  Are-lumes  in  Glossarium  Northymbricum,  and  Ray's  Gloss,  of  North  Country 
Words.     '  Primigenia.  The  title  of  the  ealdest  childe  in  inheritance.'  Cooper. 

3  0.  Fr.  areisnier,  aragnier,  to   interrogate,  whence  our  word  arraign.      See  Kyng 
Alysaundre,  6751  ;   Ywaine  and  Gawayne,  1094;  Rom.  of  the  Rose,  6220.     '  Arraissoner. 
To  reason,  confer,  talke,  discourse,  &c.'  Cotgrave.     Hampole  tells  us  how  at  the  Day  of 
Judgment  « Of  alle  >ir  thynges  men  sal  aresoned   be.'    P.  of  Conscience,  5997.      And 
again,  1.  2460,  that  each  man  shall 

'be  aresoned,  als  right  es 
Of  alle  his  mysdedys  mare  and  les.' 

^This  word  occurs  in  the  Destruction  of  Troy,  1.  2540,  and  the  verb  arghe  =  to  wax 
timid,  to  be  afraid  (from  A.  S.  eargian)  at  11.  1976,  3121,  and  (with  the  active  meaning) 
5148  ;  and  Allit.  Poems,  B.  572  : 

'  )>e  anger  of  his  ire  J>at  ar^ed  monye.' 
See  also  P.  Plowman,  C.  iv.  237 ;  Ayenbite,  p.  31  ;  0.  E.  Miscell,  p.  117,  &c. 

'  J>enne  ar^ed  Abraham,  &  alle  his  mod  chaunged.'  Allit.  Poems,  B.  713. 
'  He  calde  boj>e  arwe  men  and  kene, 
Knithes  and  sergan3  swi]?e  sleie.'  HaveloJc,\.  2115. 

See  also  Sir  Perceval,  1.  69,  where  we  are  told  that  the  death  of  one  knight  « Arghede  alle 
that  ware  thare.'  'Arghness,  reluctance.  ToArgh.  To  hesitate.'  Jamieson.  A  S.  eargh, 
earh  ;  0.  Icel.  argr. 



fto   Aritte  1 ;     Ascribere,    deputare, 

tan  Arke ;  archa,  techa,  cista,  Scri- 

nium,    capsa,    capsula,   capsella, 

achatus  grece,  aula. 
tan  Arkemaker  or  keper;  archarins. 
to  Arme ;  A  rmare,  accingere. 
tan  Armorers ;  Armator,  Armarius 

an  Arme ;    bracJnum,    thorns,    vlna, 

vlnu[f\a ;  vlnalis,  vlnarius  p&rti- 


an  Armehole ;  ascella,  ala,  subhircus. 
Armour ;  Armamentum,    armalura, 

armabilis,  arma. 

t  Armour  for  Armys  ;  brachialia. 
t  Armowr  for  leggis ;  tebialia. 
t  Armour  for  theghys  ;  crurialia. 
tArmyd;  Armatus  (A.). 

fArnolde ;  Arnaldus,  women  pro- 

an  Arrowe  ;  piluni,  hasta,  hastula, 
hastile,  cathapulta,  sagitta,  saggi- 
tela,  missile,  telum,  armido,  spicu- 
lum,  gesa,  sarissa,  iaculum,  § 
dicitur  omue  quod  iacitur  vt  vul- 

tan  Arowhede  ;  barbellum,  catella. 

tan  Arrerage  (Arreage  A.) 2 ;  erre- 

an  Arse  ;  anus,  culus. 

tArsnike 3 ;  arscenicum. 

an  Arsewyspe4;  Anitergium,  mempe- 

Arte  ;  artes,  dialetica  ;  dialeticus. 

A  ante  8. 

Ascape  5 ;  vbi  to  scape. 
*  Asethe  6 ;  satisfaccio. 

1  'In  Chaucer,  Knightes  Tale,  1871,  we  have — 

'  It  nas  aretted  him  no  vyleinye, 
Ther  may  no  man  clepe  it  no  cowardye.' 

According  to  Cowell  a  person  is  aretted,  '  that  is  covenanted  before  a  judge,  and  charged 
with  a  crime.'  In  an  Antiphon  given  for  the  '  Twesday  Seruyce,'  in  The  Myrroure  of  Our 
Lady,  p.  203,  we  read  : — '  Omnem  potestatem.  0  mekest  of  maydens,  we  arecte  to  thy  hye 
sonne,  al  power,  and  all  vertew,  whiche  settyth  vp  kynges,  &c.'  Low  Lat.  arrationare. 
See  Sir  Ferumbras,  5174 ;  Hampole,  Prose  Treatises,  p.  31,  &c. 

2  '  Arrierages  is  a  french  woorde,  and  signifieth  money  behinde  yet  vnpayde,  reliqua' 
Baret.     Arrirages  occurs  in  Liber  Albus,  p.  427,  and  frequently  in  the  Paston  Letters. 

'  I  drede  many  in  arerages  mon  falle 

And  til  perpetuele  prison  gang.'  Hampole,  P.  of  Conscience,  5913. 

'  Arrierage.  An  arrerage :  the  rest,  or  the  remainder  of  a  paiment :  that  which  was 
unpaid  or  behind.'  Cotgrave.  'God that  wolle  the  arerages  for-jeve.'  Shore- 
ham,  p.  96. 

3  Compare  P.  Assenel. 

*  In  John  Russell's  '  Boke  of  Nurture,'  pr.  in  the  Babees  Booke,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  65, 
we  find  amongst  the  duties  of  the  Chamberlain — 

'  Se  J>e  privehouse  for  esenient  be  fayre,  soote  and  clene  .... 
Looke  Jjer  be  blanket,  cotyn,  or  lynyn,  to  wipe  J>e  ne]>ur  ende  ; ' 

on  which  Mr.  Furnivall  remarks, — '  From  a  passage  in  William  of  Malmesbury's  Auto- 
graph, De  Gestis  Pontificum  Anglorum,  it  would  seem  that  water  was  the  earlier  cleanser.' 
'  An  Arse-wispe,  penicillum,  anitergiuw,.'  WithaLs. 

6  In  the  story  of  the  Enchanted  Garden,  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  118,  the  hero  having 
passed  safely  through  all  the  dangers,  the  Emperor,  we  are  told,  '  when  he  sawe  him,  he 
yaf  to  him  his  dowter  to  wyfe,  be-cause  that  he  had  so  wysely  ascaptd  the  peril  of  the 
gardin.'  See  also  P.  Plowman,  C.iv.  61. 

6  Amongst  the  kinds  of  help  which  may  be  rendered  to  souls  in  purgatory,  Hampole 
mentions  '  assethe  makyng.'  P.  of  Conscience,  3610,  and  again,  1. 3747,  he  says — 
'A  man  may  here  with  his  hande 
Make  asethe  for  another  lyfannde.' 

In  the  Romaunt  of  the  Rose  we  find  asethe,  the  original  French  being  assez:  other  forms 
found  are  assyth,  syth>  sithe.  Jamieson  has  '  to  assyth,  syith,  or  sithe,  to  compensate ; 
assyth,  syth,  assythment,  compensation.'  'Icel.  seftja,  to  satiate;  Gothic  saths,  full; 
which  accounts  for  the  th.  And  this  th,  by  Grimm's  law,  answers  to  the  t  in  Latin  satis, 
and  shews  that  aseth  is  not  derived  from  satis,  but  cognate  with  it.  From  the  Low 



to  make  Asethe ;  satisfacere. 

to  Aske  ;  postularQ^  exposcere  suppli- 
citer  fy  submisse,  petere,  aliquid 
pro  merito,  expetere  hwmiliter 
cum  precibns  vel  creditum,  appe- 
tere,  rogare  precibus,  con-,  eocflagi- 
deflagitare,  exigere,  contari,  per-, 
jnterogare,  querere,  jnvestigare, 
exqu[ir\ere,  queritari,  stipulari, 
con-,flagitare  cum  clamore  typer- 
tinacia,  petere,  scitari,  scicitari, 
jnterpellare,  Sf  cetera  ;  vbi  to 

*to  Aske  wrangwysly  (wrangusly 
A.);  exigere. 

an  Asker ;  petitor,  questionarius. 

tan  Asker  wrangwysly  ;  exactor. 

an  Askynge ;  peticio,  postulacio,  peti- 
ciuncula,  postulamv&,  questio, 
questiuricula,  stipulacio. 

fan  Askynge  wrangwysly  (wrong- 
usly  A.) ;  exaccio. 

* Askes  * ;  ciner  vel  -nis,  cinisculus 

dimmntiuum,    cineres    defuucto- 

rum,  cinis  infoco. 
tAsky;  cinerulentns,  cinereus,  cine- 


to  Assay  ;  pprobare,  temptare. 
to  Assayle ;  aggredi,  arripere,   assi- 

lire,  grassare,  impetere,  inuadere, 

jnsultare,  jnsurgere,  adoriri,  ir- 

an  Asse ;    asinus,    onager,   asellus  ; 

asininus,  asinarius,  asinalis,  p&r- 


an  Assehird  2 ;  agaso. 
tan  Asse  mengyd  wit h  mans  kyndd3; 

to  Assent ;    assentire,    con-,   quiere, 

quiescere,    <Sf  cetera  ;    vbi  to  af- 

t Assentande ;  assentaneus,  con-,    <Sf 

cetera ;  vbi  affermynge. 
to  Assigne  ;  vbi  lymytt. 
tan  Assyse 4 ;  sessio,  assisa. 

German  root  sath-  we  get  the  Mid.  Eng.  aseth,  and  from  the  cognate  Latin  root  sat-  we 
have  the  French  assez.'  Prof.  Skeat,  note  on  P.  Plowman,  xx.  203.  In  Dan  John 
Gaytryge's  Sermon,  pr.  in  Kelig.  Pieces  in  Prose  and  Verse,  from  the  Thornton  MS. 
p.  6,  1.  22,  we  are  told  that  if  we  break  the  tenth  commandment,  'we  may  noghte  be 
assoylede  of  ]>e  trespase  bot  if  we  make  assethe  in  )>at  J>at  we  may  to  ]>am  )>at  we 
harmede  ;'  and  again,  leaf  179,  'It  was  likyng  to  sow,  Fadire,  for  to  sende  me  into  this 
werlde  that  I  sulde  make  asethe  for  mans  trespas  that  he  did  to  us.'  See  also  Gesta 
Romanorum,  p.  84. 

1  In  HaveloJc,  1.  2840,  we  read  that  Godrich— 

'Hwan  J>e  dom  was  demd  and  sayd 
Sket  was  ....  on  >e  asse  leyd, 
And  led  vn-til  J>at  ilke  grene, 
And  bread  til  asken  al  bidene;' 

and  in  An  Old  Eng.  Miscell.,  p.  78,  1.  203,  we  are  told  that  when  the  body  is  laid  in  the 
earth,  worms  shall  find  it  and  'to  axe  heo  hyne  grynde]).' 

'Thynk  man,  he  says,  askes  ertow  now, 
And  into  askes  agayn  turn  saltow.' 

MS.  Cotton ;  Galba,  E.  ix.  leaf  75. 
'Moyses  askes  vp-nam  And  warp  es  vt  til  heuene-ward.' 

Genesis  &  Exodus,  3824. 

See  also  Lajamon,  25989  ;  Ormulum,  1001 ;  Sir  Gawayne,  2,  &c.  Lyte  in  his  edition  of 
Dodoens,  1577,  p.  271,  tells  us  that  Dill  'made  into  axsen  doth  restrayne,  close  vp  and 
heale  moyste  vlcers.'  See  also  P.  Plowman,  C.  iv.  125,  'blewe  asltes.'  A.S.  asce,  cesce, 
axe.  0.  Icel.  aska. 

9  'An  asseherd,   asinarius:    Manip.  Vocab.      ' Hie  asinarius,  a  nas-herd.'    Wright's 
Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  213. 

3  MS.  kynge.     «  Onocentaurus,  a  beaste  halfe  a  man  and  halfe  an  asse.'  Cooper, 
*  See  Glossary  to  Liber  Custumarum,  ed.  Riley,  s.  v.  Assise.      'Assises  or  sessions, 
conuentus  iuridici ;  dayes  of  assise,  or  pleadable  dayes,  in  which  iudges  did  sit,  as  in  the 
terme,  fasti  dies.'  Baret. 



to  Astony  * ;  attonare,  stupifacere. 
Astonyd ;  attonitus,  stupefactus. 
fto  be  Astonyd ;  consternari,  stupie- 

an  Astrolabi  (Astroby  A.) 2 ;  astro- 

Astronomy ;  astronomia,  astronomi- 

an   Astronomyowr ;    astrologus,   as- 

tronomus ;  astroligus  jpartficipium. 
Asure  ;  A  sura. 

A  ante  T. 

t  At  J>e  leste  ;  saltern. 
At  f>e  laste ;  tandem,  denique,  nouis- 

sime,  demum. 

an  Athe ;  jur umemtum ,jusiurandum. 
tAtynse  (Athenis  A.) ;  athene. 
*Atyre  of  }>e  hede  (The   Athye    of 

the  heyde  A.) ;  tiara. 
to  Atire ;  vbi  aray  or  make  fare. 

to  Attache ;  Attachiare. 

t  At  my  wille ;  vti,  vtinam,  osi,  qu&- 

tinus,  vt  si. 

A  ante  V. 

*  Avance  3 ;  auancia  (Herba  est.  A.), 
tto  Awawnce  4 ;  promouere,  prove- 

here,  extollere. 

Awawnced;  promotus,  provectus. 
August;  Augustus,    nomen    mensis 

vel  viri. 
to  Awyse  5 ;    deliberare,    excogitare, 


Awysyd ;  deliberates,  provisus. 
vn   Awisyd ;   jndeliberatns,   jnpro- 

an  Awysmewt ;    deliberacio,    proui- 


Aumbry  (Avmbyr  A.) 6;  ambra. 
an Awowterer 7 ;  adulter,  adulterator; 

adulterius,  adulter atorius. 

1  *  This  sodeyn  cas  this  man  astonied  so, 

That  reed  he  wex,  abayst,  and  al  quaking 
He  stood.'  Chaucer,  Clerkes  Tale,  316. 

'  Estonner.  To  astonish,  amaze,  daunt,  appall ;  make  agast ;  also  to  stonnie,  benumme,  or 
dull  the  sen ces  of.'  Cotgrave.     '  Attono.  To  make  astonied,  amased,  or  abashed.   Attonitus. 
He  that  is  benummed,  or  hath  loste  the  sense,  and  mouyng  of  his  members  or  limmes.' 
Cooper.     Probably  connected  with  the  root  which  is  seen  in  A.  S.  stunian,  to  stun. 
'His  ahnagest,  and  bookes  gret  and  smale, 
His  astrylaoe  longyng  for  his  arte, 
His  augrym  stoones,  leyen  faire  apart 
On  schelues  couched  at  his  beddes  heed.'  Cant.  Tales,  3208. 
See  a  woodcut  of  one  in  Prof.  Skeat's  ed.  of  Chaucer's  Astrolabe. 
3  MS.  avande ;  corrected  from  A. 

*  A  word  which  occurs  very  frequently  in  the  Gesta  Romanorum, :  thus  p.  48,  in  the 
version  of  the  tale  of  Lear  and  his  daughters  we  read  that  when  his  eldest  daughter 
declared  that  she  loved  him,  'more  J>an  I  do  my  selfe,'  "perfore,  quod  he,  ]>ou  shalt  be 
hily  avaunsed ;"  and  he  mariede  her  to  a  riche  and  myghti  kyng.'  So  also  p.  122,  the 
Emperor  makes  a  proclamation  that  whoever  can  outstrip  his  daughter  in  running  '  shulde 
wedde  hir,  and  be  hiliche  avauncyd?  See  also  Barbour's  Bruce,  xv.  522.  '  Avancer,  to 
advance,  prefer,  promote.'  Cotgrave. 

5  A  word  of  frequent  occurrence  in  the  old  Romances  in  the  sense  of  '  consider,  reflect, 
inform,  teach.'    Thus  in  the  'Pilgrymage  of  the  Lyf  of  the  Manhode,'  Roxburgh  Club,  ed. 
Wright,  p.  4,  we  find  '  I  avisede  me,'  i.  e.  I  reflected,  considered.     So  in  Chaucer,  Clerkes 
Tale,  238  :  '  Vpon  hir  chere  he  wolde  him  offce  auyse.'    See  Barbour's  Bruce,  ii.  297,  vi.  271, 
&c.     '  Aviser.  To  marke,  heed,  see,  looke  to,  attend  unto,  regard  with  circumspection,  to 
consider,  advise  of,  take  advice  on;  to  thinke,  imagine,  judge  ;  also  to  advise,  counsell, 
warne,  tell,  informe,  doe  to  wit,  give  to  understand.'  Cotgrave. 

6  'Ambra.  Amber  gryse:  hotte  in   the  second  degree,  and  drie  in  the  firste.'  Cooper. 
'  Ambre,  m.  Amber.'  Cotgrave.      See  Destruction  of  Troy,  11.  1666  and  6203.      Harrison, 
Descript.  of  England,  ed.  1580,  p.  43,  says  that  in  the  Islands  off  the  west  of  Scotland  '  is 
greate  plentie  of  Amber,'  which  he  concludes  to  be  a  kind  of  'geat'  (jet),  and  'producted 
by  the  working  of  the  sea  upon  those  coasts.' 

7  'Adulter.  That  hath  committed  auoutrye  with  one.     Adultero.  To  committe  auoutery. 
Adulterium.  Aduouterie.'  Cooper.     See  Gesta  Romanorum,  pp.  12,  14.  &c. 



Awowtry ;  adulterium. 
to  do  Avoutry ;  Adulterare  (A.), 
to  make  Autor  (Auctorite  A.)  ;  auto- 
rare,  autorizare,  laudare. 
to  putt  oute  of  Autorite ;  exautorare. 
an  Autor ;  autor. 
an  Autorite ;  autoritas,  autenti,  grece. 

A.  ante  W. 

to  Awe ;  debere. 

an  Awer ;  Debitor  (A.). 

*an  Awemener ;  elemosinarius. 

an  Awmenery ;  elemosinaria. 

*an  Awndyrne  * ;  jfjopuryium,    an- 

*an  Awn  of  corne  2 ;  arista,  arislella 


Awne ;  proprius,  peculiaris. 
tan  Awnhede ;  proprietas. 
tto  make  Awne ;  propriare,   appro- 


an  Awnte;  amita,  matertera;  versus : 
p&tris  est  Amita  soror  ut 
matertera  matris. 

t Awntentyke  (Awtentike  A.) ;  au- 
torizabilis,  Autenticus. 

*to  Awntyr ;  jn  euentu  ponere. 

*an  Awnte  doghter 3 ;  consobrina. 

fan  Awnte  son  ;  consobrinus. 

an  Awtyr 4 ;  ara,  mortuisfit ;  altare, 
soli  deo  Jit ;  altariolum,  tripos, 
Ariola,  mensa  domini,  focus, 

tan  Awtyr  cloth ;  linthium. 

A  ante  X. 

an  Axe  ;  ascia>  asciola,  ascis,  ascicu- 
IU.B,  securis,  doldbrum  bipennis, 
caridex,  dextrsdis,  securila,  sesess- 

tan  Axe  for  a  mason ;  ascis,  asci- 

tan  Axyltothe 6 ;  molaris,  maxil- 

an  Axylltre  6 ;  Axis. 

t  Axes  7 ;  vbi  fevers. 

A  ante  Z. 
*Azuere;  azura. 

1  In  the  Will  of  Margaret  Paston,  dated  1504,  we  find,  'Item  to  the  said  William 
Lumner,   my   son,   ij  grete  resting    awndernes,    iij    shetes,   ij  brass   pots  with   all   the 
brewing  vessels.'  Paston  Letters,  iii.  470.     0.  Fr.  andier. 

2  '  Flaxen  wheate  hath  a  yelow  eare,  and  bare  without  anys,     Polard  whete  hath  no 
anis.    White  whete  hath  anys.     Red  wheate  hath  a  flat  eare  ful  of  anis.     English  wheate 
hath  few  anys  or  none.'  Fitzherbert's  Husbandry,  leaf  20.     « Arista.  The  beard  of  corne  ; 
sometimes  eare  ;  sometime  wheate.'  Cooper.     '  Awns,  sb.  pi.  aristae,  the  beards  of  wheat ; 
or  barley.     In  Essex  they  pronounce  it  ails.     See  ails  in  South-Country  Words,  E.  Dial. 
Soc.  Gloss.  B.  16.'  Prof.  Skeat  in  his  ed.  of  Ray's  Gloss,  of  N.  Country  Words,  1691.    Turner 
tells  us  that  '  ye  barley  eare  and  the  darnele  eare  are  not  like,  for  the  one  is  without  aunes 
and  the  other  hath  longe  aunes.'  Herbal,  pt.  ii.  If.  17.     Best  tells  us  that  we  '  may  knowe 
when  barley  is  ripe,  for  then  the  eares  will  crooke  eaven  downe,  and  the  awnes  stand  out 
stiff  and  wide  asunder.'  Farming,  &c.  Book,  p.  53. 

3  MS.  doxtghter. 

*  See  the  Lay-Folks  Mass-Book,  pp.  165,  168,  and  B.  P.  p.  71, 1.  20. 

8  Ray  in  his  Gloss,  of  North  Country  Words,  gives  •  Axeltooth,  dens  molaris  ;  Icel.jaxl :' 
and  in  Capt.  Harland's  Gloss,  of  Swaledale,  E.  D.  S.  is  given  « Assle-tuth,  a  double  tooth.' 
Still  in  use  in  the  North ;  see  Jamieson,  s.  v.  Asil-tooth.  Compare  also  "Wang  tothe. 

6  '  Axis.  An  extree.     Axis.  An  axyltre.'  Cooper.     A.  S.  eaxe. 

7  In  the  Paston  Letters,  iii.  426,  we  read — '  I  was  falle  seek  with  an  axez?    It  also 
occurs  in  The  King's  Quhair,  ed.  Chalmers,  p.  54 : 

'But  tho  begun  mine  axis  and  torment.' 

with  the  note — '  Axis  is  still  used  by  the  country  people,  in  Scotland,  for  the  ague.' 
Skelton,  Works,  i.  25,  speaks  of 

'Allectuary  arrectyd  to  redres  These  feverous  axys.' 

See  Calde  of  the  axes,  below.  '  Axis,  Acksys,  aches,  pains.'  Jamieson.  '  I  shake  of  the 
axes.  Je  tremble  des  fieures'  Palsgrave.  '  The  dwellers  of  hit  [Ireland]  be  not  vexede 
with  the  axes  excepte  the  scharpe  axes  [incolae  nulla  febris  specie  vexantur,  excepta  acuta, 
et  hoc  perraro].  Trevisa,  i.  333.  See  Allit.  Poems,  C.  325,  4  faeces  of  anguych,'  curiously 
explained  in  the  glossary  as  blows,  from  A.  S.  ]>accian. 



Ca,pitulum  2m  B. 

B  ante  A. 

a  b  ab  ;  vbi  a  chylde. 
*a    Babylle  * ;  pigma. 
A  Baby ;    Infans,    &    cetera ;    vbi 

barne  uel  childe. 
tBabilon;  babilonia,  babilonius  par- 

a  Bacheler 2 ;    bacalarius  vel  bacu- 


a  Basyn  (Bacen  A.)  ;   timile,  peluis. 
Bacon  ;  lardum,  petaso,  (perna  A.) 
fto  Bacon 3 ;  dissplodere. 
fBacond  ;  displosus. 
*A  Backe ;  vespertilio,  &  cetera ;  vbi 

bakke.     (A.) 

Bacbrede  ;  vbi  bakebrede.     (A,) 
*a  Badildore 4  (Batildure  A.) ;  pecten. 

Bayde  5  ; 

A  Bayge  ;  Sacculus.     (A.) 

a  Bagpype  \  panduca. 

a  Bagpyper ;  panducarius. 

Bay5;  badius. 

a  Bay;  bacca,  estfructus  lauri  &  oliue. 

tA  Bay ;  Aque.     (A.) 

fa  Bafynstylkylle  (Baynstikille  A.)6; 

gamerus,  asparagus. 
taBakbone;  spondile,  spina.  (Versus: 

me  pungit    spina,  pars   est    in 

corpore  spina  A.) 
to  Bakbyte  7 ;  blasfemare,  detrahere, 

blaterare,     derogare,    detractare, 

detrectare,  obloqui,  susurrare. 
a  Bakbytor;  bias,  blasfemus,  detr&c- 

tator,  detrector,  delator,  susurro. 

1  Cotgrave  s.  v.  Fol  has  '  give  the  foole  his  bable,  or  what's  a  foole  without  his  bable.' 
'A  bable  or  trifle,   niquet.'  iUd.      'A   bable  pegma ;'    Manip.  Vocab.      'He   schalle 
neuer  y-thryve,  }?erfore  take  to  hym  a  babulle.'  John  Russell's  Boke  of  Nurture,  in  the 
Babees  Boke,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  i,  1.  12.     In  the  Ancren  Eiwle,  p.  388,  when  a  certain 
king  made  efforts  to  gain  the  love  of  a  lady,  he  '  sende  hir  leaubelet  bofte  ueole  and  feire,' 
where  other  MSS.  read  '  beawbelez '  and  '  Iteaubelez.' 

2  A  Bacheler  signified  a  novice,  either  in  arms  or  in  the  church.     Thus  in  P.  Plowman, 
Prol.  87,  we  find  '  Bischopes  and  bachelers,'  and  in  Chaucer,  Squieres  Tale,  24,  Cambuscan 
is  described  as — 

*Yong,  fresh,  strong,  and  in  armes  desirous, 

As  any  bacheler  of  al  his  hous.' 

Brachet,  Etymol.  Diet.,  has  traced  the  word  from  L.  Lat.  'baccalarius,  a  boy  attending 
a  baccalaria  or  dairy-farm,  from  L.  Lat.  bacca,  Lat.  vacca,  a  cow.  See  also  Wedg- 
wood, &c.  '  Bachiler,  or  one  vnmaried,  or  hauyng  no  wife.  Agamus'  Huloet. 

3  Probably  the  same  as  batten,  to  beat  out,  flatten  :  see  Halliwell,  s.  v. 
*  In  Northamptonshire  a  batildore  means  a  thatching  instrument. 

5  '  Of  bay  colour,  bayarde,  badius'  Baret.     Compare  P.  Bayyd,  as  a  horse. 

6  The  stickleback.     In  the  Ortus  Vocab.  we  find  'Asperaaus  (quaedam  piscis),  a  ban- 
stykyll.'     Huloet  has  '  Banstickle,  the  stickleback ; '    and   Baret   gives   •  a  banstickle, 
trachydra.''     Cotgrave  renders   ' espinoche'  (identical  with  the  spinaticus  or  ripillio  of 
the  middle  ages)  by  'a  sharpling,  shaftling,  stickling,  bankstickle,  or  stickleback.'     In 
Neckam  De  Utensilibus  (Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.,  p.  98)  we  find  '  stanstikel : '  and  in  the 
Suffolk  dialect,  the  fish  is  still  known  as  the  'tantickle.'     In  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p. 
189,  the  word  '  stytling'  is  given  as  the  equivalent  of'scorpio,  a  kind  of  fish,  which  the 
editor  identifies  with  the  'stickleback'  of  the  present  day:    and  at  p.  222,  the  word 
gamerus  is  rendered  a  '  styklynge,'  and  in  the  Prompt,  the   '  stykelynge '  is  identified 
with  the  silurus.    Jamieson  gives  '  Bansticke,  Bantickle      The  three-spined  stickle-back, 
Gasterosteus  aculeatus.  Linn.'     Cooper  renders  Gammarus  by  '  a  creuis  of  the  sea.' 

7  '  Bacbitares,1*  we  read  in  the  Ancren  Pawle,  p.  86,  '  Jje  bite^  oSre   men   bihinden, 

beoft  of  two  maneres pe  uorme  cumeS  al  openliche,  and  seiS  vuel  bi  anoSer,  and 

speoweft  ut  his  atter Ac  |)e  latere  cumeS  forS  al  on  oSer  wise,  and  is  wurse 

ueond  Jjen  )>e  o?5er  f  auh  under  vreondes  huckel.'    In  An  Old  Eng.  Miscellany,  E.  E.  Text 
Soc.,  ed  Morris,  p.  187,  we  are  told  that '  Alle  bacbytares  heo  wende)?  to  helle.'   Chaucer, 
Persone's  Tale  (Six  Text  Edition,  p.  6?.8)  divides  backbiters  into  five  classes. 




a  Bakbytynge ;  blasfemia,  delatura, 
derogacio,  detractacio,  susurrium. 

ta  Bakbrede  l ;  rotabulum,  &  cetera  ; 
vbi  a  muldyngborde. 

to  Bake;  panificare,  pistrire,  infor- 
nare,  pinsere. 

a  Bakehows ;  pistrinum,  cerealium, 

a  Bakke ;  dorsum,  dorsiculum,  ter- 
gum  hominum,  tergus  aQimali 
spina,  (os  dor  si  A.)  spondile. 

a  Bak  of  a  knyfe ;  ebiculum 2. 

*a  Bakke  3 ;  blata,  vespertilio. 

a  Bakster 4  \  artocopus,  pistor,  cere- 

aZius,  furnarius,   paneta,   pani- 
ficus,  panificia,  panifex,  pistrio, 


Bakwarde ;  retrorsum,  seorswm. 
a  Ballan(Balans  A.);  belluga,statera, 

examen,  bilanx,  libra,  lanx,  tru- 

trina,    trutinella,  librarius  p&r- 


Balde ;  Audax,  &  cetera ;  vbi  hardy. 
ta  Baldestrot  .(A  Baldystott  A.) 5 ; 

1  Mr.  Nodal,  in  his  Lancashire  Glossary,  E.  D.  Society,  says  '  Bak-brede,  a  broad  thin 
board,  with  a  handle,  used  in  riddling  out  the  dough  of  oatcakes  before  they  are  put  on 
the  spittle,  and  turned  down  on  the  bak-stone.'     See  also  Wright's  Prov.  Diet.  s.  v.  Back- 
board.    Jamieson  gives  '  Bawbrek,  Bawbrick,  a  kneading-trough,  or  a  board  used  for  the 
same  purpose  in  baking  bread.'     A.  S.  bacan,  to  bake,  and  bred,  a  board.     According  to 
Ducange  Rotabulum  is  a  baker's  peel. 

2  From  hebes,  blunt ;  the  blunt  side  of  the  knife.     '  Blunt  man.  ffebes?  Huloet. 

8  '  Blatta,  a  litell  wourme  or  flie,  of  the  kynde  of  mothes,  and  hurteth  bothe  cloth  and 
bookes.'  Cooper.  *  Chauvesouris,  a  batte ;  a  Flittermouse ;  a  Reeremouse.'  Cotgrave. 
Jamieson  gives  '  Bak,  Backe,  Bakie-bird.  s.  The  bat  or  rearmouse.'  Compare  Dan.  aften- 
bakke,  lit.  evening-bat.  See  Wyclif,  Levit.  xi.  19.  In  the  Poem  on  the  Truce  of  1444, 
printed  in  Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  216,  we  read  : 

'  No  balcke  of  kynde  may  looke  ageyn  the  sunne, 
Of  ffrowardnesse  yit  wyl  he  fleen  be  nyght, 
And  quenche  laumpys,  though  they  brenne  bright.' 
And  again,  p.  218  : 

'  The  owgly  balcke  wyl  gladly  fleen  be  nyght, 

Dirk  cressetys  and  laumpys  that  been  lyght.' 

In  the  Alliterative  'Alexander  &  Dindimus,'  E.  E.  Text  Society,  ed.  Skeat,  1.  1 23,  we  find  : 
'  Minerua  men  worschipen,  in  o)mr  maner  alse 
&  bringen  heere  a  niht-brid,  a  baltke  or  an  oule.' 
See  also  Backe.     '  Vespertilio.     A  bakke.'  Medulla.     See  Halliwell,  s.  v. 

*  Properly  a,  female  baker.     A.  S.  bcecistre.     In  P.  Plowman,  Prol.  217,  we  read  : 
'  I  seij  in  this  assemble,  as  je  shul  here  after, 

Baxsteres  and  brewsteres,  and  bocheres  manye;' 
And  again,  Passus  iii.  79, 

'  Brewesteres  and  bakesteres,  bocheres  and  cokes.' 

8  Pronuba,  which  in  Classical  Latin  signified  a  '  bridesmaid,'  in  Low  Latin  degenerated 
to  the  meaning  of  a  '  procuress,'  in  which  sense  it  occurs  several  times  in  the  Liber  Albus 
(see,  for  instance,  p.  454,  '  De  pcena  contra  meretrices,  pronubas,  presbyteros  adulteros,  &c. 
and,  p.  608,  a  record  of  a  sentence  to  the  pillory  of  a  woman  '  quia  communis  Meretrix  et 
Pronuba ').  In  Wright's  Volume  of  Vocabularies,  p.  217,  we  find  it  given,  as  here,  as  the 
Latin  equivalent  of  '  bawdstrott'  (i.e.  'an  old  woman  who  runs  about  on  bawds'  errands'), 
and  again  in  the  French  Royal  MSS.  521  and  7692  it  is  translated  by  '  bawdestrot '  and 
'  bawdetrot.'  In  the  Pictorial  Vocabulary  of  the  I5th  Century,  printed  in  the  same 
volume,  p.  269,  this  is  corrupted,  evidently  from  the  scribe's  ignorance  of  the  meaning  of 
the  word,  into  '  bawstrop '  and  in  the  Medulla  into  '  bauds  strok.'  A '  trot '  was  a  common 
expression  of  contempt  applied  to  old  women  in  Early  English  ;  thus  in  De  Deguileville's 
Pilgrymage  of  the  Life  of  the  Manhode,  MS.  of  St.  John's  College,  Cambridge,  If.  71,  the 
Pilgrim  addresses  Idleness  as  '  >ou  aide  stynkande  tratte  ....  and  than  the  olde 
answerde  me,'  &c.  ;  and  again,  If.  73,  'When  this  aide  frattebadde  thus  spoken.'  Cf.  'This 
lere  I  learned  of  a  beldame  trote?  Affectionate  Shepherd,  1594.  See  Jamieson,  s.  v.  Trat. 
'  Paranympha :  pronuba  que  viro  nympham  iungit.  Paranymphus :  dicitur  qui  nubentibus 
preest,  vel  eis  assistit:  vel  amicus  sponsalis  qui  eos  coniungit:  vel  nuncius  intermedius? 
Ortus  Vocab.  See  Ducange,  s.  v.  Paranymphus. 



pronuba,  jnterduca, 
paranimpha,  paranimphuB,  (yir 
huius  A.) 

*a  Baly ;  battiuus,  villicus ;  villicare 
est  tale  offiGiuio.  exceYcere. 

tBalery;  Balina. 

ta  Balyngar 1 ;  celo. 

*a  Balke  of  howse ;  trabs,  tr&bes, 
tr&bis  &  tr&bus,  tr&bicula. 

*a  Balke  betwyx  (bet wise  A.)  twa 
furrts  2 ;  cre6[r]o,  porca. 

a  Balle ;  pila,  alipatus  qui  iaculatur 

ta  Balle  of  J>e  hand  or  of  fote  ;  cal- 

ta  Balloke  stone 3 ;   testiculus,  testi- 

culatus  ^>ardeipium. 
ta  Ballokecod  ;  piga,  imembrana. 
Balme ;     balsamum,    colobalsamum, 

jilobalsamuni,  opobalsamum.. 
a  Balme  tre ;  balsamus. 
*a  Bancowr ;  bancorium. 
a  Bande ;  ligamen,  ligatura,  vinculum. 
fa  Bande  of  a  dure ;  vertebra  4. 
ta  Bande  of  luffe  ;  fedus,  pignus. 
ta  Bande   of  a  howse  5 ;     lacunar, 

lacunarium,  laquear,  laquearium, 

ta  Bande  of  a  carte  or  of  a  coppe 6 ; 

crusta,  crustola. 

1  Harrison  in  his  Description  of  England,  ed.  1587,  p.  79^,  says,  'From  hence  [Milford] 
about  foure  miles  is  Saluach  creeke,  otherwise  called  Sauerach,  whither  some  fresh  water 
resorteth ;  the  mouth  also  thereof  is  a  good  rescue  for  balingers  as  it  (I  meane  the  register) 
saith.'     '  Celox.  A  brigantine,  or  barke.'  Cooper.     Jamieson  gives  '  Ballingar,  Ballingere. 
«.  A  kind  of  ship.'   In  the  Paston  Letters,  ed.  Gairdner,  i.  84.  there  is  a  letter  giving  an 
account  of  the  capture  of  certain  French  ships,  amongst  which  are  enumerated  '  the  grete 
shyp  of  Brast  [Brest],  the  grete  schyp  of  the  Morleys,  the  grete  schyp  of  Vaung,  with 
other  viij.  scbyppis,  bargys,  and  balyngers,  to  the  number  of  iij.  m11  men.'   The  term  also 
occurs  in  the  Verse  Life  of  Joseph  of  Arimathea  (ed.  Skeat),  1.  425,  where  the  writer 
addresses  Joseph  as  '  Hayle,  rnyghty  balynger,  charged  with  plenty.'    '  Balingaria.  Bellicee 
species  navis.'   Ducange.     '  Salinger  or  Balangha.    A  kind  of  small  sloop  or  barge  ;  small 
vessels  of  war  formerly  without  forecastles.'    Smyth,  Sailor's  Word-Book,  1867.    See  also 
Way's  note  in  Prompt,  s.  v.  Hulke,  p.  252.    In  the  version  of  Vegecius,  Keg.  MS.  18  A. 
xii.  are  mentioned  'small  and  light  vessels,  as  galeies,  barges,  fluynnes  and  ~ballyngers : ' 
lib.  iv.  cap.  39.    Walsingham  relates  that  in  the  engagement  between  the  Duke  of  Bedford 
and  the  French,  in  1416,  the  former  '  cepit  tres  caricas,  et  unam  hulkam,  et  guatuor  balin- 
garias?  Camden,  394.     See  also  Lyndesay,  Monarche,  Bk.  ii.  1.  3101. 

2  'Balke,  a  ridge  of  land  betwene  two  furrowes,  lyra.'     'A  balke,  or  banke  of  earth 
raysed  or  standing  vp  betweene  twoo  furrowes  :  a  foote  stole  or  step  to  go  vp,  scamnuin' 
'A  balke  in  the  cornefielde,  grumus :   to  make  balkes  imporcare.''  Baret.     'Porca.  A 
ridge,  or  a  lande  liynge  betweene  two  furroes  wheron  the  corne  groweth  :  sometime  a 
furrow  cast  to  drayne  water  from  corne  :  also  a  place  in  a  garden  with  sundrie  beddes.' 
Cooper.     '  Assilloner.  To  baulke,  or  plow  up  in  baulkes.'  Cotgrave.     See  also  Tuseer,  ed. 
Herrtage,  p.  141,  stanza  2,  and  P.  Plowman,  B.  vi.  109.    'The  balke,  that  thai  calle  unered 
lande.'    Palladius  on  Husbandrie,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.,  ed.  Lodge,  p.  44,!.  15. 

8  'Hie  testiculus,  a  balok-ston ;  hie  piga,  a  balok-kod.'  Nominale  MS.  I5th  cent. 
'Couille,  a  cod,  bollock,  or  testicle.'  Cotgrave.  It  appears  from  Palsgrave's  Acolastus, 
1540,  that  ballocke- stones  was  a  term  of  endearment. 

4  MS.  vectebra.     The  hinge.     In  Mr.  Peacock's  Glossary  of  Manley  and  Cottingham 
(E.  Dial.  Soc.)  is  given  '  Sand  ;  the  iron -work  on  a  door  to  which  the  hinges  or  sockets 
are  fastened.     Sands;  the  iron- work  of  hinges  which  projects  beyond  the  edge  of  the 
door  ;  frequently  used  for  the  hinge  itself.'    Cooper  gives  '  Vertebra,  a  joynte  in  the  bodie, 
where  the  bones  so  meete  that  they  may  turne,  as  in  the  backe  or  chine.'     '  Bands  of  a 
door ;  its  hinges.'  Jamieson.     See  quotation  from  Ducange  in  note  s.  v.  Brandyth  to  set 
byggyng  on.     'Vertebra.  A  dorre  barre.'  Medulla.     'And  the  $ates  of  the  palace  ware  of 
evour,  wondir  whitt,  and  the  bandes  of  thame,  and  the  legges  of  ebene.'  Life  of  Alexander 
the  Great,  Thornton  MS.  If.  25. 

5  Florio  has  '  Bandelle,  side  corners  in  a  house.'     It  seems  here  to  be  a  joist.     Cooper 
gives  '  laquear,  a  beame  in  a  house.     Compare  P.  Lace  of  a  Howserofe.  Laquearium. 

6  '  Crusta.     Bullions  or  ornamentes  of  plate  that  may  be  taken  off.'    Cooper.     See 
Copbande  and  Carteband. 

C   2, 


*a  Bande  doge l ;  molosua. 

a  Bane ;    os,    ossiculum,    ossillum  j 

osseus  parricipium. 
fa  Banefyre  ;  ignisossium  2. 
ffrom  Bane  to  bane  ;  ossiin. 
a  Bane  (Bayn  A.)  of  a  play 3 ;  pre- 

ludium,  proludium. 
a  Baner  ;  vexillum,  signum,  tessera. 
a  Banerer ;  vexillifer,  hastifer,  hasti- 

ger,   draconarius,    antesignarius, 

primicerius,   ferentarius,    primi- 

*be  Bane  sohawe  (Baynshawe  A.) ; 

a  Banke ;    ripa  fluminis  est,   litus 

marls  esi,  margo  fontis  est:  ver- 

Fontis  m&rgo,  maris  litus,  sed 

ripa  fluentis. 

riparia,    ripula,    crepido    est 

concauitas   ripe;   litoreus,    mar- 

ginalis,  margineus. 

to  Banne4;  Annathematizare,  deuo- 

uere,  deuotare,  derogare,  detestari, 

coutumeliare^xecrari,  maledicere, 

imprecari,    &     cetera ;     vbi     to 

fA   Banner ;    deuotator,   derogator, 

detestator,  execrator,  jmprecator, 

a  Bannynge ;   detestacio,  detestaineii, 

execr&men,  maledictum,  maledic- 

fa  Bannok 5 ;  focacius,  panis  subci- 

*a  Banqwer  (Bankewere  A.);   ban- 

carium,  dorsorium. 
fBanworte 6 ;  corisolidum. 
*|>e  Baptim;  baptismus,  baptisma. 
to  Baptyse;  baptizare. 
a  Baptizer;  baptista. 
Barane;  ejfetus,  sterilis. 
*a  Barbycane 7 ;  Antemurale. 
a  Barbelle ;  barbellus,  piscis  est. 

1  '  Mastive,  Bandog,  Molossus.'   Baret.     'The  tie-dog  or  band -dog,  so  called  bicause 
manie  of  them  are  tied  up  in  chaines  and  strong  bonds,  in  the  daie  time,  for  dooing 
hurt  abroad,  which  is  an  huge  dog,  stubborne,  ouglie,  eager,  burthenous  of  bodie  (and 
therefore  but  of  little  swiftnesse),  terrible  and  fearfull  to  behold,  and  oftentimes  more 

fierce  and  fell  than  anie  Archadian  or  Corsican  cur They  take  also  their  name  of  the 

word  'mase'  and  'theefe'  (or  'master  theefe'  if  you  will),  bicause  they  often  stound  and 
put  such  persons  to  their  shifts  in  townes  and  villages,  and  are  the  principall  causes  of 
their  apprehension  and  taking/ — Harrison,  Descrip.  of  England,  part  i.  pp.  44-5.     '  We 
han  great  Bandogs  will  teare  their  skins.' — Spenser,  Shep.  Cal.  September.      See  also 
Tusser's  Five  Hundred  Points,  &c.,  E.  Dial.  Soc.,  ed.  Herrtage,  ch.  10,  st.  19.      '  Latrator 
molossus.    A  barkynge  bandogge.'    Cooper.     Wyclif,  Eng.  Works,  ed.  Matthew,  p.  252, 
speaks  of  '  tey  dogges.' 

2  A  very  literal  translation  of  the  English  bonfire. 

3  See  the  Chester  Plays,  i.  i,  from  which  it  appears  that  the  proclamations  of  the  old 
mysteries  were  called  JBanet.    '  Ban.  A  proclamation  with  voice,  or  by  sound  of  trumpet.' 
Cotgrave.      '  Prceludium.    A  proheme ;    in  Musicke  a  voluntary  before   the  Songe  ;    a 
flourish  ;  a  preamble  or  entrance  to  a  mattier,  and  as  ye  would  say,  signes  and  profers.' 
Cooper.     Compare  the  phrase  '  the  banns  of  marriage.'    A.  S.  ban. 

4  '  Him  wol  i  blame  and  banne,  but  he  my  bales  amende.'  William  of  Palerne,  ed.  Skeat, 
476;  see  also  1. 1644.     In  the  Anturs  of  Arthur,  ed.  Kobson,  VII.  xi.  we  read  '  I  banne 
J?e  birde  )>at  me  bar.'  A.  S.  bannan,  O.  Icel.  banna. 

6  *  Bannock,  an  oat-cake  kneaded  with  water  only,  and  baked  in  the  embers.'     Ray's 
Gloss. ;  and  see  Jamieson,  s.  v.    Gaelic  bonnack. 

6  '  Brysewort,  or  bonwort,  or  daysye,  consolida  minor,  good  to  breke  bocches.'  Reg.  MS . 
1 8  A,  vi.  leaf  720.   '  Inbattill  gyres  burgionys  the  banwart  wild.'  Gawin  Douglas,  Prologue 
to  Book  xi.  of  JEneid,  1.  115.     A.  S.  banwyrt.     Kennett's  Glossary,  Lansdowne  MS.  1033 
explains  it  as  the  violet.     According  to  Cooper,  bellis  is  '  the  whyte  daysy,  called  of  some 
the  margarite,  in  the  North  banwoort.^     Bosworth  says  'perhaps  the  small  knapweed.' 
'  Daysie  is  an  herbe  >at  sum  men  called  nembrisworte  o>er  bonewort.y  Gl.  Douce,  290. 
Cockayne,  Leechdoms  &c.,  vol.  ii.  371,  and,  iii.  313,  defines  it  as  the  wall-flower. 

7  Cotgrave  has  '  Barbacane  f.  a  casemate ;  or  a  hole  (in  a  parrapet,  or  towne  wall)  to 
shoot  out  at ;  some  hold  it  also  to  be  a  Seiatrie, Scout-house,  or  hole  ;  and  thereupon  our 
Chaucer  useth  the  word  Barbican  for  a  watch-tower,  which  in  the  Saxon  tongue  was 
called,  a  Bourough-kenning.' 



a  Barbur;    barbitonsor,  (rasor,  ton- 

sor  A.) 

a  Bare  1 ;  aper,  aperculus,  aprinus, 
apprugnus  participium,  maialis, 
castratus,  verres ;  versus  : 

Verres  testiculos    hsibet   atque 
domi  refouetur, 

Est  aper  in  siluis,  nefrendis  in 
ede  tenetur ; 

Idem  maialis  castratus  vterque 
Bare ;    vbi  nakyd  :    to  bare,   vbi  to 

nakydim,  (nake  A.) 
fa  Barespere 2 ;  excipulum. 

fa  Barsepay8  (Barfray  A.) ;   fusti- 


tBarfute  (Barfotte  A.)  ;  nudipes. 
tBarlege;  incaligatus.    (A.) 
a  Barelle  ;  cadus,  emicadium. 
Barely  (Bayrly  A.) ;  vbi  nakydly. 
a  Bargan ;    j)actum  (&  cetera ;   vbi 

conande  A). 

to  Bargan ;  patisci,  pangere  :  versus : 
'  Pango,  cano,  pango,  iungo,  pango, 

Dai  pactum,  pepigi,  cano,  panxi, 

iungere,  pegi! 
*aBargham4  (Barwam 

1  '  Nefrens,  a  weaned  pigge  :  maialis,  barrow  hogges  :  verres,  a  tame  bore.'  Cooper. 

2  A  spear  for  boar-hunting.     Cooper  gives  '  Venabulo  excipere  aprum ;  to  kill  a  boare 
with  an  hunting  staffe.'     '  Excipulum,  i.  e.  venabulum.     A  spere  to  slee  a  bore  with.' 
Ortus  Vocab. 

3  The  Addit.  MS.  is  here  undoubtedly  correct.     The  word  is  the  O.  Fr.  berfroi,  from 
which,  through  the  L.  Lat.  belfredus,  comes  our  belfry.     It  was  a  movable  tower,  often 
of  several  stories  high,  used  by  besiegers  for  purposes  of  attack  and  defence.     The  follow- 
ing quotation  from  Ducange  will  sufficiently  explain  the  construction  of  the  machine,  as 
well  as  the  stages  by  which  the  name  came  to  be  applied  in  the  modern  sense.   '  Belfredus. 
Maohina  bellica  lignea  in  inodum  excelsioris  turris  exstructa,  variis  tabulatis,  coenaculis  seu 
stationibus  constans,  rotisque  quatuor  vecta :  tantae  proceritatis  ut  fastigium  oppidomm 
et  castrorum  obsessorum  muros  aequaret.     In  coenaculis  autem  collocabantur  milites  qui 
in  hostes  tela  continue  vibrabant,  aut  sagittas  emittebant :  infra  vero  viri  robore  prae- 
stantes  magnis  impukibus  muris  niachinam  admovebant.    Gallice,  beffroi.    Belfredi  nomen 
a  similitudine  ejusmodi  machinae  bellicae  postea  inditum  altioribus  turribus  quae  in  urbi- 
bus  aut  castris  eriguntur,  in  quarum  fastigio  excubant  vigiles  qui  eminus  adventantea 
hostes,  pulsata  quae  in  eum  finem  affensa  est   campana,    cives  admonent   quo   sint  ad 
arma  parati.     Nee  in  eum  tantum  finem  statutae  in  belfredi  campanae,  ut  adventantes 
nuhtient  hostes,  sed  etiam  ad  convocandos  cives  et  ad  alios  usus  prout  reipublicae  curato- 
ribus  visum  fuerit.     Unde  campana  bannalis  dicitur,  quod,  cum  pulsatur,  quicunque  intra 
bannum  seu  districtum  urbis  commorantur  ad  conventus  publicos  ire  teneantur.     Denique 
belfredum  appellant  ligneam   fabricam  in   campanariis,  in   quibus  pendent    campanae. 
Fustibalus.  Machinae  bellicae  species  :   engin  de  guerre,  espece  de  fronde,'    In  the  Romance 
of  Sir  Ferumbras,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Herrtage,  1.   3171,  when  Balan  is  besieging  the 
French  knights  in  the  Tower  of  Aigremont,  King  Sprtybran  advises  him  to  make  use  of 
his  'Castel  of  tre  J)at  hist  brysour  .  .  . 

And  pote  >er-on  vj  hundred  men,    pat  kunne  bo>e  launce  and  caste.* 
The  tower  is  accordingly  brought  up,  and  is  described  as  follows,  11.  3255-3270. 
'In  ]?at  same  tre  castel  weren  maked  stages  thre  : 
f>e  hezeste  hi3t  mangurel;   the  middle  hijt  launcepre ; 
pe  ny]>emest  was  callid  hagefray  ;  a  quynte  J>yng  to  se  .  .  . 
pan  J»e  hejest  stage  of  al  fulde  he  with  men  of  armes 
To  schelde  hem  by-nyj>e  wel  fram  stones  and  othere  h  armes.  .  .  . 
And  on  J)at  o)>er  stage  amidde  ordeynt  he  gunnes  grete, 
And  oj>er  engyns  y-hidde,  wilde  fyr  to  caste  and  schete. 
pyder  )>anne  he  putte  y-nowe,  and  taujte  hem  hure  labour, 
Wilde  fyr  to  schete  and  >rowe  a3en  >e  he3e  tour, 
In  }>e  ny]>emest  stage  )>anne  schup  he  him-selue  to  hove, 
To  ordeyne  hure  fyr  J>ar-inne,  and  send  hit  to  hem  above.' 

*  Capt.  Harland  in  his  Glossary  of  Swaledale  (E.  D.  Soc.)  gives  '  Barfam,  or  BrafFam, 
a  horse-collar,'  as  still  in  use.  It  is  also  used  in  the  forms  kamberwe  and  hamborough,  and 
means  a  protection  against  the  hames.  'ffec  epicia;  Anglice,  a  berhom.'  Wright's  Vol.  of 


Bares  l  ;  barri  :  versus  : 

Barri     barrorum     dantur    ludi 


a  Barke  2  ;  cortex,  liber,  codex. 
to  Barke  ;  frunire,  effrunire. 
to  Barke  as  a  dog;     latrare,   de-, 


a  Barkynge  ;  latratus,  latrameu. 
fa  Bar[k]howse;  frunitorium,  cer- 

a  Barkar  ;    cerdo,  frunitor,  gallari- 

us,  -ij,  &  gallarius  a  um,  gallita- 

rius,  -ij,  is  gattitarius  a  um. 
t  Barke  duste  or  wose  ;  frunium, 


a  Barkar  dog  ;  ibercisticus. 
tBarkefatte  ;  ptipsanariuio.. 
Barly;  ordeuim,  ordeolum,  ordeacius 

Barlycaffe.     (A.) 

*  A  Barme 3 ;  gremium,  &  cetera ;  vbi 

a  skyrtt. 

*a  Barmeclatlie 4 ;  limns,  limas, 
pannus  gremialis,  vel  corium 

*  Barme  5 ;    spuma,    &    cetera ;     vbi 


*a  Barnakylle  6 ;  camus. 
*a  Barnakylle7 ;  Auis  est. 
tA  Barne8;  jnfans,  jnfantulus,  jn- 


tBarnely ;  jnfantuose,  pmriliter. 
A    Barne ;     oreum,   &    cetera ;    vbi 

lathe.     (A.) 
a  Baron ;  baro,  baroniculus,  baricu- 

l\is,  Tieres,  grece,  hero. 
a  Barones ;  baronissa. 
a  Baronry  (Barony  A.) ;  baronia. 
*a  Barrow  9 ;  cenovectorium  vel  sce- 


Vocab.  p.  278.  See  Wedgwood,  s.  v.  Hames,  and  Barkhaam  in  Brockett's  Glossary. 
Jamieson,  s.  v.  Brechame.  A.  S.  beorgan,  to  protect,  and  Eng.  hames.  And  see  also  Harae 
of  an  horse. 

1  The  game  of  prisoners'-base.  In  the  Metrical  Life  of  Pope  Gregory  (MS.  Cott. 
Cleopatra,  D  ix.  If.  156,  bk.),  we  read — 

'  He  wende  in  a  day  to  plawe  pe  children  ournen  at  J>e  bars. 

In  the  margin  of  the  Metrical  Vocab.  printed  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.,  p.  176,  is  written 
' Barri,  -orum  sine  singulari,  sunt  ludi,  Anglice,'balce,'  and  in  Myrc's Instructions  for  Parish 
Priests,  E.E.Text  Society,  ed.  Peacock,  p.  n.  1.  336,  directions  are  given  that  games  or 
secular  business  are  not  to  be  permitted  in  a  churchyard  :  — 
'  Bal  and  bares  and  suche  play,  Courte  holdynge  and  suche  maner  chost, 

Out  of  chyrche$orde  put  away ;  Out  of  seyntwary  put  J>ou  most.' 

Cotgrave  gives  '  Barres,  the  martial  sport  called  Barriers  ;  also  the  play  at  Bace,  or  Prison 
Bars.'    In  '  How  the  Good  Wife  Taught  her  Daughter,'  printed  in  the  3rd  part  of  Barbour's 
Bruce,  ed.  Skeat,  p.  528,  1. 114,  children  are  cautioned  not 
'  Oppinly  in  the  rew  to  syng, 
Na  ryn  at  bares  in  the  way.' 
See  'Base,  or  Prison- base,  or  Prison-bars,'  in  Nares'  Glossary. 

3  According  to  the  Medulla,  cortex  is  the  outer,  liber  the  middle,  and  suber  the  inner- 
most bark  of  a  tree  : — '  Pars  prior  est  cortex,  liber  altera,  tercia  suber.' 

3  '  Gremium.  A  barme,  or  a  lappe.'  Medulla. 

*  '  Limus.  A  garment  from  the  nauell  downe  to  the  feet.'  Cooper.  In  De  Deguileville's 
Pilgrimage  of  the  Lyf  of  the  Manhode,  MS.  John's  Coll.  Camb.,  leaf  121,  we  read  'The 
skynne  of  whiche  I  make  my  barmclotke  es  schame  and  confusioun.'  See  also  Napron. 
'  Limas.  A  naprone  or  a  barme  clothe.'  Medulla. 

1  'Barme,  or  yeaste.     Flos  vel  spuma  ceruisiae.'  Baret. 

6  '  Barnacles,  an  instrument  set  on  the  nose  of  vnruly  horses,  pastomis.'1  Baret. 
'  Camus ;  a  bitte,  a  snaffle.'  Cooper.  <  Chamus.  A  bernag  for  a  hors.'  Medulla.  The 
Medulla  further  explains  Chamus  as  '  genus  freni,  i.  capistrum,  et  pars  freni  Moleyne. 
•  Camus.  A  byt  or  a  snaffle.'  Elyot.  See  Byrnacle  and  Molane  of  a  brydelle. 

'  Ciconia.  A  bernag  or  a  botore.'  Medulla.    '  Barnacle  byrdes.  ChenalopecesS  Huloet. 

8  '  Mercy  on's,   a  Same  ?     A   very  pretty   barne ;    a  boy,  or   a   childe  I   wonder  ?  * 
Shakspere,  Winter's   Tale,  III,  iii.  70-1.     'I  am  beggered,  and  all  my  barnes.'  Harrison, 
ed.  Furnivall,  i.  108. 

9  '  Vectlculus.  A  barwe.     Vecticularius.  A  barwe  maker.'  Medulla. 



ta  Barrowemaker ;  vecticularius, 
(scenouectorarius  A.) 

fa  Barras  J;  antemurale,  vallum. 

a  Barre;  clatrus,  pessulum,  pessel- 
lum,  obex,  repagulum,  vectis. 

*a  Barrewarde 2 ;   archopJiilax. 

*a  Baskyt ;  Aristor,  prod[ucitur]  a, 
cartallum,  calathus,  sephinus, 
(cophinusA.)  corbis,  qualus,quax- 
illum,  sporta,  sportula. 

a  Basenet 3 ;  cassis,  galea. 

*a  Baslarde  *  ;  sica. 

a  Base  (Bays  A.)  ;  basis. 

*a  Bastarde;  bastardus,  fauomij, 
nothus  ex  nobili  patre,  spurius 
ex  nobile  matre,  pelignus,  &  di- 
cwn^[ur]  spurij  quasi  extra,  puri- 
tatem  geniti]  tales  plerumque 
matrempocius  quam,  patrem.  mori- 
&us  sequu[n]tur.  (Manzerinus, 
manzerus,  hebreum  pocius  quam 
grecum  A.) 

fa  Bastardrye ;  bastardia. 

a  Bataile;  acies,  ala,  bellum.  indici- 
tur  populorum,  bellulum  diminu- 
tiuum;  bellaticus  bellicus,  bellico- 

sns  ^>ardcipia;  bellax,  belliger, 
Auellum  est  jnter  dues  dictum, 
quod  auelluutur  populi  in  duas 
p&rtes ;  certamen  loco  virtutis 
^;o[nit]ur :  ciuile  helium  ex  ciui- 
bus  constat  &  auellum  ut  supra ; 
conflictus,  cougressus,  domesti- 
cum  ex  domestids,  duellum  ex 
duobus  est,  jntestinum  ex  paren- 
tibus ;  guerra,  rebellio,  mars, 
obsidio,  pugna  fit  inter  duos  & 
inter  plures ;  vnus  contra  vnum 
procinctus  ti,  procinctus  tus ;  pal- 
las  dea  belli,  prelium  geritur, 
preliolum  c^iminutiuum,  a  pre  & 
lite  vel  a  pre  &  luendo,  jwoprie 
est  primus  congressus  vel  con- 
flictus,  bellum.  ipsa  guerra  :  vnde 
dictum,  romani  victi  suut  in  j>re- 
lio  sed  numquam  in  bello,  quls, 
sepe  in  congressibus  vincebantur 
vel  in  jpsis  conjlictibus  sed  nun- 
quam  in  guerra  ;  vel  prelium  de 
prope,  bellum  de  longe. 
a  Bate 5 ;  simba,  facelus,  &  cetera  ; 
vbi  a  schype. 

1  Halliwell  quotes  from  the  Romance  of  Sir  Degrevant,  If.  131  : — 

At  the  baresse  he  habade, 
1  The  folk  that  assa^eand  wer 
At  mary  jet,  to-hewyn  had 

And  bawndonly  downe  lyghte.' 
The  bar r as,  and  a  fyre  had  maid 
At  the  draw-brig,  and  brynt  it  doune.' 

Barbour's  Bruce,  ed.  Skeat,  xvii.  754. 
And  at  ]>e  baress  he  hym  sette.' 

Sir  Ferumbras,  ed.  Herrtage,  1.  4668. 

'  Enfachoun  ys  to  )>e  3eate  y-come, 
And  hauej)  J>at  mayl  an  honde  y-nonie, 

'  Barrace,  Barras,  Barres,  Barrowis  (i)  A  barrier,  an  outwork  at  the  gate  of  a  castle,  (2)  An 
enclosure  made  of  felled  trees  for  the  defence  of  armed  men.'  Jamieson.  0.  Fr.  barres,  pi. 
of  barre,  a  stake.  '  Vallum.  A  bulwarke  or  rampyre.'  Cooper. 

2  See  also  Berewarde.     For  arckophilax  read  arctophylax.     The  term  is  generally 
applied  to  the  constellation  Bootes,  or  Charles'  Wain.     See  Charelwayn. 

3  A  light  helmet  worn  sometimes  with  a  movable  front.     See  Strutt,  ii.  60.     It  did  not 
originally  cover  any  part  of  the  face,  but  it  was  afterwards  supplied  with  visors.     See 
Meyrick,  Antient  Armour. 

*  The  baselard  was  of  two  kinds,  straight  and  curved.  By  Statute  1 2  Eic.  II,  cap.  6, 
it  was  provided  that  'null  servant  de  husbandrie  ou  laborer,  ne  servant  de  artificer,  ne  de 
vitailler  porte  desore  enavant  baslard,  dagger,  nespee  (nor  sword)  sur  forfaiture  dicelle.' 
In  the  Ploughman's  Tale,  printed  in  Wright's  Polit.  Poems,  i.  331,  we  read  that  even 
priests  were  in  the  habit  of  wearing  these  arms,  though  against  the  law  : — 
'Bucklers  brode  and  sweardes  long,  Soche  toles  about  her  necke  they  honge 

Baudrike,  with  baselardes  kene,  With  Antichrist  soche  priestes  bene.' 

InFairholt's  Satirical  Songs  on  Costume,  Percy  Society,  p.  50,18  a  song  of  the  i5th  century 
beginning  '  Prenegard,  prenegard,  thus  bere  I  myn  baselard.'  '  Bazelarde :  ensis  gladiolus.' 
Manip.  Vocab.  '  Sica.  A  short  swerde.'  Medulla.  See  also  Liber  Albus,  pp.  335,  554,  and 
555,  and  Prof.  Skeat's  Notes  to  P.  Plowman,  iv.  461-7.  'Sica.  A  short  swoorde  or 
dagger.'  Cooper. 

5  '  Phaselus.  A  little  shippe  called  a  galeon.'  Cooper, 


Bathe  ;  jn  jdur&Li  numero,  ambo. 
tBathe1;  ciuitas;  bathonia,  baihoni- 

*Ho  Bath  or  bathe  ;  balneare. 

a  Bath  ;  balneum,  balneolum,  terme. 

Bature  2  ;  batura,  similago. 

to  Bawme3  ;   (Balniare  A.)  ;    vbi  to 


*a  Bawson  4  ;  vbi  A.  broke. 
Bebybeke  5  ;   auis.    (A.)    B  anie  E. 
to   Be  ;    consczsfere  ,   constare,    esse, 

exist&ce,  extare,  manere,  pvcman- 

ere,  sistere,  restare. 
to  Beabowteward  6  ;  Analare,  Asspi- 

rare,  conari,  eniti,  niti,  pwniti, 

inniti,  moliri,fatagare. 

fa  Bee 7 ;  armilla,  br&chiale,  dex- 
tr&le,  dexfc&riolum. 

a  Bee ;  apes,  apis,  apecula. 

•fto  Becalle  8 ;  pwuocare. 

a  Bechetre ;  fagus. 

a  Bedde  (Bede  A.) ;  Accubitus,  cubi- 
culum,  cubatorium,  cumbatorium, 
dormitorium,  gr&batum,  progrsi- 
batum,  lecfus,  stratum,  thorns, 
tereuma,  lectisternium,  clinus 
grece;  clinosus,  lecticulis,  reclin- 

A  Bede ;  precula. 

a  Bedelle  ;  bedellus,  preco. 

-fa  Bedfelawe  9 ;  hie  Aec  concuba. 

fa  Bedfute 10 ;  fultrum. 

1  Alexander  Neckam  in  his  work  De  Naturis  Rerum,  Bolls  Series,  ed.  Wright,  p.  457, 
thus  speaks  of  Bath : —        '  Balnea  Bathoniae  ferventia  tempore  quovis 

aegris  festina  saepe  medentur  ope* 

2  'Similago ;  fyne  meale  of  corne,  floure.'  Cooper.     Still  in  common  use  as  in  Matter- 

3  This  line  is  repeated  in  the  MS. 

*  '  Grisard.    m.  A  Badger,  Boason,  Brocke  or  Gray.     Taisson.  m.   A  Gray,   Brock, 
Badger,  Bauson.'  Cotgrave.     See  also  Brokk. 

5  I  have  not  been  able  to  identify  this  bird,  but  it  has  been  suggested  that  the  name  is 
probably  one  given  in  imitation  of  the  noise  made  by  some  bird  of  the  curlew  kind. 

6  'Thou  art  abowteward,  y  undurstonde,  And  wynne  my  doghtyr  shene.' 

To  wynne  alle  Artas  of  myn  honde,  Sir  Eglamour,  1.  658. 

7  In  the  fable  of  the  Cat  and  the  Mice,  Prologue  to  P.  Plowman,  1.  161,  the  old  rat 
tells  his  hearers  that  in  London  he  has  seen  people  walking  about  wearing  '  Bi$es  ful 
brijte  abouten  her  nekkes.'     In  Wyclif's  version  of  Genesis  xxxviii.  18,  we  find  'Judas 
seide,  What  wilt  thou  that  be  5ouen  to  thee  for  a  wed  ?    Sche  answeride,  thi  ring  and  thi 
bye  of  the  aarm,  and   the  staffe  whiche   thou   holdist   in  thin  hond.'     The   word  also 
occurs  in  Legends  of  the  Holy  Hood,  pp.   28,  29,  1.  134,  and  in  the  Story  of  Genesis 
and  Exodus.  (E.  E.  Text  Society,  ed.  Morris),  i.  1390.     A.S.  bea$,  beak,  O.  Icel.  baugr, 
a  bracelet,  a  collar.     Dame  Eliz.  Browne  in  her  Will,  Paston  Letters,  iii.  464,  bequeaths 
'  A  bee  with  a  grete  pearl.     A  dyamond,  an  emerawde  ....  a  nother  bee  with  a  grete 
perle,  with  an  emerawde  and  a  saphire,  weighing  ij  unces,  iij  quarters.'    In  Sir  Degrevant, 
Thornton  Romances,  ed.  Halliwell,  p.  200,  1.  556,  we  find  '  broche  ne  bye.' 

8  In  the  Anturs  of  Arthur,  Camden  Society,  ed.  Robson,  xxxii.  7,  the  knight  addressing 
the  king  says, 

'  Quethir  thou  be  Cayselle  or  Kynpf,  here  I  the  be-calle, 
For  to  fynde  me  a  freke  to  fe3te  on  my  fille.' 

9  It  was  not  an  unusual  custom  for  men,  even  of  the  highest  rank,  to  sleep  together; 
and  the  term  bed-fellow  implied  great  intimacy.     Dr.  Forman,  in  his  MS.  Autobiography, 
mentions  one  Gird  as  having  been  his  bed-fellow.     MS.  Ashmol.  208.     See  also  Paston 
Letters,  iii.  235,  where,  in  a  letter  from  Sir  John  Paston  to  John  Paston,  we  read  'Sir 
Robert  Chamberleyn  hathe  entryd  the  maner  of  Scolton  uppon  your  bedffelawe  Converse.' 
It  was  considered  a  matter  of  courtesy  to  offer  your  bedfellow  his  choice  of  the  side  of  the 
bed.     Thus  in  the  Boke  of  Curtasye,  printed  in  the  Babees  Boke,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  185, 
we  are  told  : — 

pou  schalt  enquere  be  curtasye 
In  what  part  of  )>e  bedde  he  wylle  lye.' 
Fultrum  est  pes  lecti ;  sponda  est  exterior  para 


'  In  bedde  yf  >ou  falle  herberet  to  be 
With  felawe,  maystur,  or  her  degre, 
10  'Fultrum  lecti.  Abedsteade.'  Cooper. 
•'••'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.,  p.  242. 



a   Bedgate 

conticinium,    concu- 

fa  Bedhede  ;  cubitale. 

*Bederyn  (Bedredyii  A.)  2  ;  clinicus. 

a  Bedstede  ;    cubatorium,  cumbato- 

a  Bedstoke  3  ;   sponda,  fultrum,  lec- 

tica,  pluteuB. 
ta  Bedstrey  4  ;  stratum,  stratorium, 

fBedtyme  5  ;  vbi  bedgate. 
fto    Befalle  ;     accidere,    contingeice, 

2)evtinere,  referre. 

Befe  (Beffe  A.);  bosor,  carnes  bouine. 
Before;    Ante   sign&t    locum,   Antea 

signat  tempus,  pre,  coram,  j)alam. 
to  Beg  ;  meudicare. 
a    Begger  ;     mendicus,    mendiculus 

to  Begyle  6  ;   caluire,  caluere,  cauil- 

lare,  circulars,  circumuenire,  de- 
pr'mare,  colludere,  decipere,  elu- 
dere,  fallere,  refraudare,  frus- 
trare,  illaqueare,  illectare,  illi- 
cere,  imjwnere,  pellicere,  priuare, 
seducere,  supplantare,  seuocare, 
sophismatizare,  subducere,  temp- 
tare,  tergiuersari,  calumpniari, 
preuaricari,  colludere;  tergiuer- 
sari  est  m  totum  deserere  non 
inpetreta  abolecione,  calumpniari 
est  falsum  crimen  jntendere,  pre- 
uaricari  est  verum  crimen  scien- 
ter  (abscondere  A.),  colludere  est  aliquis  desistit  ab  accusa- 
cione,  accepta  pecunia  :  versus — 

Decipitur  facto,  solet  &  quis 
fallere  verbo, 

Dicto  uzl  facto  socium  circum- 
uenit  ille. 

1  Bedgate,  bed-time,  going  to  bed  :  see  Introduction  to  Gest  Historiale  of  the  Destruct. 
of  Troy  (E.  E.  Text  Society,  ed.  Panton  and  Donaldson),  p.  xx,  where  the  mistake  in  Hal- 
liwell's  Diet,  is  corrected.     '  Conticinium.  Bedde  time,  or  the  first  parte  of  the  night, 
when  men  prepare  to  take  rest,  and  all  thinges  be  in  silence.     After  Erasmus  it  seineth 
to  be  the  time  between  the  first  cockecrowyng  after  midnight,  and  the  breake  of  the  day. 
Concubium.  The  stille  and  diepest  parte  of  the  night.'  Cooper.     See  Bedtyme. 

2  '  Beddred,  one  so  aicke  he  cannot  rise,  clinicus.'  Baret.     In  the  Babees  Boke  (E.  E. 
Text  Society,  ed.  Furnivall),  p.  37,  1.  19,  we  are  enjoined  '  pe  poore  &  ]>e  beedered  loke 
J>ou  not  loj>e.'     And  in  the  Complaint  of  Jack  Upland,  printed  in  Wright's  Political 
Poems,  ii.  22,  in  his  attack  on  the  friars,  he  says  : — 

'Why  say  not  36  the  gospel  As  ye  do  in  rich  mens, 

In  nouses  of  bedred  men,  That  mo  we  goe  to  church  and  heare  the  gospel.' 

'Clinicus.  A  bedlawere.'  Medulla.     See  Stow's  Survey,  ed.  Strype,  I.  bk.  ii.  p.  23. 

3  '  Bedstocks,  bedstead.'  Whitby  Glossary.    Still  in  common  use  in  the  North.    Mr.  Pea- 
cock's Gloss,  of  Manley,  &c.,  gives  'Bedstockes,  the  wooden  frame  of  a  bed.'     'Three 
bedstoks  are  mentioned  in  the  Inventory  of  Robert  Abraham,  of  Kirton-in-Lindsey,  1519.' 
Gent.  Mag.  1864,  i.  501.     'Sponda.  Exterior  pars  lecti.'  Medulla.     See  Bedfute,  above. 

4  A  certain  quantity  of  litter  (rushes  or  straw)  was  always  included  in  the  yearly  allow- 
ance to  the  chief  officers  of  an  establishment.     Thus  in  the  Boke  of  Curtasye,  printed  in 
the  Babees  Book,  ed.  Furnivall,  amongst  the  duties  of  the  Grooms  of  the  Chamber  we  find 
they  are  to  '  make  litere, 

ix  fote  on  lengthe  without  diswere  ; 

vij  fote  y-wys  hit  shalle  be  brode, 

Wele  watered,  I-wrythen,  be  craft  y-trode, 

Wyspes  drawen  out  at  fete  and  syde, 

Wele  wrethyn  and  turnyd  agayne  J)at  tyde : 

On  legh  onsonken  hit  shalle  be  made, 

To  Jjo  gurdylstode  hegh  on  lengthe  and  brade,  &c.' 

In  the  Household  Book  of  Edward  II  (Chaucer  Society,  ed.  Furnivall),  p.  14,  we  are  told 
that  the  King's  Confessor  is  to  have  '  litere  for  his  bede  al  the  3ere.'  '  Hoc  stramentum  ; 
lyttere.'  Wright's  Vocab.,  p.  260.  '  Y  schal  moiste  my  bedstre  with  my  teeris.'  Wyclif, 
Psalms  vii.  7.  See  also  Lyter. 

5  'Bedde  tyme,  or  the  fyrste  parte  of  the  nyghte.  Contisinium.''   1552.  Huloet. 

6  '  Cauillor.  To  iest :  to  mocke :   to  cauill :    to  reason  subtilly  and  ouerthwartly  upon 
woordes.     Cauillator.  A  mocker  :  a  bourder :  a  cauillar,  or  subtill  wrester.'  Cooper. 


Begylinge  ;  decepcio,  decipula,  dolus 
fraus  pellicio,  frusiracio,  jmpos- 
tura,  tergiuersacio,  &  cetera  ;  vbi 
falshede.  (A.) 

tBegylows  ;  vbi  false.     (A.) 

fa  Begyler;  deceptor,  frustr&tor, 
fraudator,  supplantator,  inpos- 
tor,  seductor,  seuocator,  illusor, 

fBegylyd;  deceptus,  frustra,t\is,frau- 
datns,  supplantatus,  seductus,  se- 
uocatus,  illusus. 

to  Begyii  ;  jniciare,  cepio,  cepi,  inire, 
encenniare,  exordiri,  incepere, 

a  Begynnyngg  ;  caput,  elementum, 
exordium,  origo  nature,  inicium 
rei,  primordium,  jwincipium 
operis,  ince])C\o,  inchoacio  ;  in- 
choatiuus,  originalis,  primordialis 

a  Begynner  ;  eocordiarius,  jncepior. 

tBeguraie  ;  exorsus,  jnceptus,  jnitus. 

to  Behalde  ;  asspicere  casu,  aspec- 
tare  vel  ri  voluntate,  circumspi- 
cere,  conspicari,  contemplari,  con- 
spicere,  considerare,  inspicere, 
iudicando  intueri,  cum.  causa 
contueri,  intueri,  suspicere  que 
supra,  vel  retro  sunt,  respiczre  que 
retro  sunt,  despicere  jnferius,  per- 

Ye,  prospicere  que  longe  su\\t, 

videre    natura,    mirari,   perspi- 

cari,  speculari,  prospectare,   spe- 

cere,  spectare. 

a  Behaldynge  ;  asspect\\%,  obtutus. 
*a  Beheste;  policitacio,  promissum, 

promissio,  votum. 
*to  Beheste1;   destinare,  vouere,  de- 

uouere,  prsmittere,    ultropromit- 

tere,  repromittere,   sj)ondere,  de-, 

dis-,  pollicitare,  polliceri  roganti : 

versus  : 

vitro  promitto   quid  polliceor- 

^ue  roganti. 
a  Behyve ;  Apiarium. 
fa  Beehyrd  :  Apiaster. 
to  Behove ;  oportet,  coriuenit. 
tBehovefulle2;  oportunus,  tempesliu- 

us,  tempestus,  vtilis. 
Behowefully ;  auspicato,  nessessarie, 

ofwrtune,  vtiliter. 
tto  Beke  handes  3 ;  explorare. 
to  Bekyn  *  ;  Annuere,  nuere,  innuere, 

nutumfacere,  nutare. 
a  Bekenynge;  numen,  nutus,  nutacio. 
a  Bekyn  or  a  standard 5 ;  statela. 
*a  Bek  6 ;  torrens,  riuilus,  riuus. 
fA  Beke 7 ;   Rostrum,  <k  cetera, ;  vbi 

nebe.     (A.) 
Belde  (or  Balde  A.) 8 ;  caluus,  calu- 

aster,  caluillus,  glabellus,  glaber. 

1  'Polliceor.  To  behestyn.'  Medulla.     See  P.  Hotyn. 

8  '  Forasmuche  as  ....  the  king  ....  hath  he  stured  by  summe  from  his  lernyng,  and 
spoken  to  of  diverse  matters  not  be/tovefull.'  Paston  Letters,  ed.  Gail-drier,  i.  34.  See  also 
Peeock's  Bepressor,  ed.  Babington,  p.  47.  'Behoueable.  Oportunus.'  Huloet. 

8  MS.  to  Beke  wandes.  The  Ortus  Vocab.  gives  'explorare:  to  spye,  or  to  seke,  or 
open,  or  trase,  or  to  becke  handes.' 

*  '  Annuo.  To  agree  with  a  becke  to  will  one  to  doe  a  thing.    Nuto.  To  becken,  or  shake 
the  heade.'  Cooper.     '  Becken  wyth  the  finger  or  heade.  Abnuo,  Abnuto.'  Huloet. 

5  '  A  Beacon,  specula,  specularium,  pharus?  Baret.  See  The  Destruction  of  Troy,  ed. 
Donaldson  and  Pan  ton,  1.  6037.  'Bekin,  a  beacon  ;  a  signal.'  Janiieson.  A.  S.  beacn. 

*  In  the  Cursor  Mundi  (E.  E.  Text  Society,  ed.  Morris,  Gottingen  MS.),  p.  515, 1.  8946, 
we  read—  «  pai  drow  it  [a  tree]  >edir  and  made  a  brig, 

Ouer  a  littel  becc  to  lig ; ' 

and  in  Harrison's  Descript.  of  England,  1587,  p.  5oa,  the  river  '  Weie  or  Waie'  is  described 
as  running  towards  '  Godalming,  and  then  toward  Shawford,  but  yer  it  come  there  it 
crosseth  Craulie  becke,  which  riseth  somewhere  about  the  edge  of  Sussex  short  of  Eidge- 
weie,'  «Scc.  '  Hie  rivulus,  a  bek.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.,  p.  239. 

7  Harrison,  speaking  of  the  fashions  of  wearing  the  hair  in  his  time,  says  : — '  if  [a  man] 
be  wesel  becked,  then  muche  heare  left  on  the  cheekes  will  make  the  owner  looke  big  like 
a  bowdled  hen,  and  so  grim  as  a  goose,'  ed.  Furnivall,  i.  169. 

1  '  Olaber,  smooth  without  heare ;  pilde.'  Cooper.  '  Beld,  adj.  bald,  without  hair  on 
the  head.  Beldness,  Belthness,  s.  baldness.'  Jamieson. 


*  a  Beldame ;  Auia. 

fto  make  Belde  (Bellyde  A.);    de- 

caluere,  decapillare,  recalluere. 
tBelde  (Bellyde  A.)  be  hynde;  reca- 

luus,  recaluaster,  recaluatus. 
a  Bel[d]nes ;  caluicies,  caluicium. 
fa  Belhouse ;  campanile. 
to  Belche   (Belke   or  Bolke    A.)1; 

ructare,  ructuare,  ructari. 
a  Bely;    venter,    &    cetera;    vbi    a 

a  Belle;  campana,  campanila,  cam- 

panella,  -nola,  cimbalum,  tintin- 

nabulum,  tonabilum. 
a  Belle  in  J?e  water  2 ;  bulla,  tumor 


*a  Belle  maker ;  campanarius. 
fa  Belle  man 3 ;  polector. 
a  Bellowe  (Belowys  or  belice  A.) ; 

follis,  follwulus. 
a  Bellsyre  4 ;  Auus. 
fA  Belstringe.     (A.) 
a  Belte;  battens,  cinctorium,  cingu- 

lum,    stropheum,   zona,   zonuba, 

zonella,  semyncium. 
fa  Belte  maker ;  zonarius. 
fa  Belte  of  lechery  5 ;  cestus.     (In- 

cestus  A.) 
fto  Belte;  cingere,  ac-,  circum-,  cir- 

cumscribere,  precingere. 
fto    vn    Belte ;     discingere,    incin- 

fBeltyd;    singulatus,  zonatus,   cinc- 

tus-,  Ac-,  pre-. 
a    Berne    (Beym    A.)    of   }>e    son ; 

a  Berne  of  a  webster 6  (weffere  A)  ; 

iugum,  liciatorium. 
A  Beym  of  ye  plwgh  ;    Buris,   & 

cetera;  v\)i  plwghe  beme.     (A.) 
a  Bend 7 ;  victa,  emiculuia. 
to   Bend;    Arcuare,    extenders,    ten- 

dere,  &  cetera ;  v\)i  to  bowe. 
tto  vn  Bend  ;  laxare,  relaxare. 
a  Bene;  faba,  fabella  ^'minutiu- 


1  See  also  to  Ryfte.  'To  bealke,  or  breake  winde  vpward,  ructo;  a  bealking,  ructus;  to 
belke,  ructo;  a  belche,  ructus.'  Baret.  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  v.  397,  Accidia  (Sloth)  we  are 
told,  'bygan  benedicite  with  a  bolke,  and  his  brest  knokked, 

And  roxed  and  rored,  and  rutte  atte  last ; ' 
and  in  the  Towneley  Mysteries,  p.  314 : — 

'  In  slewthe  then  thai  syn,  Goddes  woi'kes  thai  not  wyrke, 
To  belke  thai  begyn,  and  spew  that  is  irke.' 
'  Muctor,  to  rospyn  :  ructuus,  a  3yskyng.'  Medulla. 

8  See  Burbylle  in  the  water,  and  P.  Burbulle.  '  Sulla,  a  bubble  of  water  when  it 
reyneth,  or  a  potte  seetheth.'  Cooper.  '  A  bubble  of  water,  bulla.'  Baret.  '  Sulla.  A 
burbyl,  tumor  laticis :  bullio,  Bolnyng  of  watere.  Scaleo.  To  brekyn  vp  or  burbelyn.' 
Medulla.  '  Bulla.  A  bubble  rysing  in  the  water  when  it  rayneth.'  Withals. 

3  A  watchman.    Of.  '  the  bellman's  drowsy  charm.'  Milton,  II  Penseroso,  83. 

4  In  the  Satirical  Poem  on  Bishop  Boothe,  printed  in  Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  229, 
we  read  '  Bridelle  yow  bysshoppe  and  be  not  to  bolde, 

And  biddeth  youre  beawperes  se  to  the  same: 
Cast  away  covetyse  now  be  ye  bolde, 
Thig  is  alle  ernest  that  ye  call  game  : 
The  beelesire  ye  be  the  more  is  youre  blame.' 
See  also  P.  Plowman,  C.  xi.  233,  and  compare  Beldam  in  P. 

5  Ducange  gives  '  Ceston.  Zona,  Veneris  .  .  .  Latini  dixerunt  Cestus.     Cesta.  Vinculum, 
Ligamen  .  .  .  Graece  Ktffros  muliebre  cingulum  est,  praecipue  ilia  zona,  qua  nova  nupta 
nuptiarum  die  praecingebatur  a  sponso  solvenda.'     Cooper  renders  Cestus  by  '  a  mariage 
gyrdle  ful  of  studdes,  wherwith  the  husbande  gyrded  his  wyfe  at  hir  fyrst  weddynge.' 
1  Cestus.  A  gyrdyl  off  lechery.'  Medulla. 

6  '  Liciatorium,  a  weaver's  shittell,  or  a  silke  woman's  tassell,  whereon  silke  or  threade 
wouiiden  is  cast  through  the  loome.'  Cooper.      '  Liciatorium.  A  thrumme  or  a  warpe. 
Medulla.     '  Weauers  beame,  whereon  they  turne  their  webbe  at  hande.  Iugum.'  Huloet. 

''  A  fillet  or  band  for  the  hair.  The  Medulla  renders  Amiculum  by  'A  bende  or  a 
kerche,'  and  Withals  by  '  A  neckercher  or  a  partlet.'  The  Ortus  says,  'Amicilium  dicitur 
fascia  capitis :  scilicet  peplum,  a  bende  or  a  fyllet ;  id  est  mitra  virginalis.  Amiculum. 
A  bende  or  a  kercher ;'  and  the  same  explanation  is  given  by  Baret. 



t$y  Benes  spelked  1  ;  fabefrese. 

*a  Benet  2  ;  exorcista. 

Benet;  nomen  proprium,  benedictus. 

a  Benefys  ;  beneficium. 

a  Benke  3  (or  A  stole  A.);  scamnum, 

&  cetera;  v\>i  a  stole  (stuylle  A.), 

<&  bancus  regis  dicitur. 
tBent  as  a  bowe  ;  extensua. 
fBent  *  ;  harba  est. 
tvn  Bent  ;  laxus,  relaxus. 
tBerande  5  ;  baiulus. 
a  Berde;    barba,  barbula,   genorbo- 

dum  6  cati  est  ;  barbatus,  barba- 

tBerdeles  7  ;  depubis,  jmpubis,  in- 
vestis,  inverbis. 

tto  Berde  ;  puberare,  pubertare. 

tto  Bere;  baiulare,  de-,  portare, 
de-,  vehere,  de-,  con-,  ad-, 
ferre,  con-,  de-,  aliena  gerere,  nos- 
tra  gestare,  gestitare,  asportare, 

subleuare,  sustentare,  vectare,  vec- 

titare,    suffarcinare   est    latenter 

aliqmd  sub  vestibus  ferre  vt,  '  iyte 

sujfarcinat  libros.' 
Beer 8 ;  quid&m  potus  est  &  dicitur 

lepiletum.  secundum  quosdam. 
a  Beer;  vrsus,vrsa,  vrsinu.8,  arch[i]os, 

A    Beare 9 ;     baccallum,    caperulus, 

quod  capit  corpus  gestorium,  ges- 

tatorium,  feretrum,  libitina,   lo- 

cwZus,  locellus,  sandapula. 
to  Bereaway  ;  assportare,  absentare, 

auferre,  deportare,  remouere,  a- 

mouere,  avehere. 

to  Bereagayn  ;  rejferre,  reportare. 
tto  Bere  a  dede  man;  efferre. 
to  Bere  jn ;  importare,  inferre,  in- 

tto  Bere  vp  ;  excipere,  efferre,  susci- 


1  '  Fressa  faba,   Plin.    A  beane   broken   or   bruysed.'    Cooper,  1586.      '  Faba  fresa. 
Groundyn  benys.'  Medulla.     Pegge  gives  '  Spelch,  to  bruise  as  in  a  mortar,  to  split,  as 
spelched  peas,  beans,'  &c.     '  Beane  cake.  Fdbacia.  Beane  meale.  Lomentum?  Huloet. 

2  From  a  passage  in  the  Paston  Letters,  iii.  2.39,  this  term  would  seem  to  have  been  in 
common  use.     William  Pykenham  writing  to  Margaret  Paston,  says,  'Your  son  Watre 
ys  nott  tonsewryd,  in  modre  tunge  callyd  Benett'     'Exorcista.    A  benet,  cowiurator. 
Exorcismus.  A  cowiuration  asens  J>e  deuyl.'  Medulla. 

3  A.  S.  benc,  0.  Icel.  bekkr,  a  bench.     '  Benche.  Cathedra,  Planca,  Scamnum.'  Huloet. 
*, '  Bent,  gramen.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.,  p.  191.    Any  coarse  wiry  grass  such  as  grows 

on  a  bent,  a  common  or  other  neglected  ground.  Under  this  name  are  included  Arando 
arenaria,  agrostis  vulgaris,  triticum  junceum,  &c.  By  15  and  16  George  II.  c.  33,  plucking 
up  or  carrying  away  Starr  or  Bent  within  5  miles  of  the  Lancashire  coast  'sand-hills'  was 
punishable  by  fine,  imprisonment,  and  whipping.  Ger.  bintz,  bins,  a  rush.  See  Moor's 
Gloss,  of  Suffolk  Words. 

5  '  Baiulas.  A  porter  or  cariar  of  bourdens.'  Cooper.     •  Baiulus.  A  portoure.'  Medulla. 
See  also  a  Berer.     '  Beare.  Baiulo,  Fero,  Gero.'1  Huloet. 

6  '  Genorbodum.    A  berde.'  Medulla.  P.  reads  ' genobardum,'  and  Ortus,  '  genobradum.' 

7  '  Impubes.  A  man  childe  before  the  age  of  xiiij,  and  a  woman  before  the  age  of  xij 
yeres.'  Cooper.     '  Puber.  A  chyld  lytyl  skoryd.     Pubero.  To  gynne  to  heeryn.     Pubes. 
A  chyldys  skore,  a  chyldys  age.'  Medulla.     The  Medulla  curiously  renders  impubes  by 
'  unjong,'  and  impubeo  by  '  vnjyngy/z.      '  Beardles,  or  hauiug  no  beanie.  Galbris?  Huloet. 

8  Baret  says  'Beer  or  rather  Bere;   ab  Italico  Bere,  i.e.  bibere  quod  Gallice,  Boire 
De  la  biere.'     See  Mr.  Kiley's  admirable  note  in  Glossary  to  Liber  Custumarum,  s.  v. 
Cerveise,  where  he  points  out  the  fact  that  hops  (hoppys}  are  frequently  mentioned  in  the 
Northumberland  Household  Book,  1512,  as  being  used  for  brewing,  some  ten  years  before 
the  alleged  date  of  their  introduction  according  to  Stowe.    Cogan,  in  his  Haven  of  Health, 
1612,  p.  220,  tells  us  that  beer  was  '  inuented  by  that  worthie  Prince  Gambrinius  ;  Anno 
1786.  yeares   before  the    incarnation  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,   as  Languette  writeth 
in  his  Chronicle.'     On  p.  217  he  gives  a  hint  how  to  know  where  the  best  ale  is  to  be 
found — 'If  you  come  as  a  stranger  to  any  Towne,  and  would  faine  know  where  the  best  Ale 
is,  you  neede  do  no  more  but  marke  where  the  greatest  noise  is  of  good  fellowes,  as  they 
call  them,  and  the  greatest  repaire  of  Beggers.' 

9  '  Libitina.  Deeth  or  the  beere  whereon  dead  bodies  weare  caried.'  Cooper.     See  note 
ha  P.  s.  v.  Feertyr.    '  Beare  to  cary  a  dead  corps  to  burial.  Capulum.'  Huloet. 


to   Bere    wytnes ;     testari,    at-,    & 

cetera  \  v\)i  to  wyttnes. 
tA  Berer  of  wytnes;  testis,  &  cetera; 

vbi  a  wytnes. 
fa  Berer  * ;  baiulus,  gerulus,  porta- 

tor,  vector. 

fa  Berer  of  wod ;  calignarius,  calo. 
Bery  ;    bacca,  cuiuslibei  fructus  sil- 

to  Bery 2 ;   triturare,  &  cetera  ;  vbi 

to  thresche. 
fto  Bery3 ;  bustare,  componere,  fune- 

rare,  humare,  sepelire,  tumulare. 
*a  Berylle  stone  ;  berillus. 
fBerynge;  ferax,   vt,  '  istud  solum 

est  ferax  frugum  ;  jsta  aqua  est 

ferax  nauium  ; '  feraculus,  gesta- 


tBeryng^  corne ;  frugifer. 

a  Berynge ;  vectura. 

*a  Bere  ward 4 ;  vrsiarius. 

a  Besande 5 ;  bezancius,  aureus, 
dragma,  mna,  talentum. 

fto  Beseke ;  supplicare,  &  cetera  ; 
vbi  to  pray. 

Besy ;  argumentosus,  anxius,  assi- 
duns,  attentus,  procliuus,  pro- 
cliuis,  diligens,  freque[n]s,  in- 
stans,  inteutus,  jndustris,  jugis, 
sollicitus,  solicitudinarius 6,  stu- 
diosus,  solers,  efficax,  vigilans, 
ardens,  perseuerans,  occupatus, 
officiosus,  sedulus 7,  susspensus. 

tto  be  Besy;  assidere,  assiduare, 

tto  make  Besy ;  solicitare. 

1  See  also  Berande.     'Bearer.  Lator,  Portitor?  1592.  Huloet.  Abcedarium. 

2  '  Berry,  v.  To  thresh,  i.  e.  to  beat  out  the  berry  or  grain  of  the  corn.      Hence  a 
berrier,  a  thresher  ;  and  the  berrying-stead,  the  threshing-floor.'  Ray's  Glossary  of  North 
Country  Words,'  1691.     See  also  Jamieson,  s.  v.    Icel  berja. 

3  '  Busto.  To  berjm  or  gravyn.'  Medulla. 

*  See  also  Barrewarde.  Harrison,  in  his  Description  of  England,  ed.  Furnivall,  i.  220, 
classes  bearewards  amongst  the  rogues  of  the  time,  for  he  says,  '  From  among  which  com- 
panie  [roges  and  idle  persons]  our  bearewards  are  not  excepted,  and  iust  cause :  for  I  have 
read  that  they  haue  either  voluntarilie,  or  from  want  of  power  to  master  their  sauage 
beasts,  beene  occasion  of  the  death  and  deuoration  of  manie  children  in  sundrie  countries. 
And  for  that  cause  there  is  and  haue  beene  manie  sharpe  lawes  made  for  bear- 
wards  in  Germanic,  wherof  you  may  read  in  other.'  By  the  Act  39  Eliz.  cap.  iv,  entitled 
'  An  Act  for  punishment  of  Rogues,  Vagabonds  and  Sturdy  Beggars/  §  II,  'All  Fencers, 

Bearwards,  Common  Players  of  Enterludes  and  Minstrels  wandering  abroad all 

luglers,  Tinkers,  Pedlers,  &c shall  be  adjudged  and  deemed  Rogues,  Vagabonds, 

and  Sturdy  Beggars.'  See  also  Shakspeare,  2  Henry  VI,  i.  2  and  v.  i  ;  Much  Ado  about 
Nothing,  ii.  I  :  and  2  Henry  IV,  i.  2.  In  the  Satirical  Poem  on  the  Ministers  of  Richard 
II,  printed  in  Wright's  Political  Poems,  i.  364,  we  read :  — 

'  A  bereward  [the  Earl  of  Warwick]  fond  a  rag  ; 
Of  the  rag  he  made  a  bag ; 
He  dude  in  gode  eutent. 
Thorwe  the  bag  the  berewarde  is  taken ; 
Alle  his  beres  han  hym  forsaken ; 
Thus  is  the  berewarde  schent.' 

5  '  A  besant  was  an  auncient  piece  of  golden  coyne,  worth  15  pounds,  13  whereof  the 
French  kings  were  accustomed  to  offer  at  the  Masse  of  their  coronation  in  Rheims ;  to 
which  end  Henry  II  caused  the   same   number  of  them  to  be  made,  and   called  them 
Bysantins,  but  they  were  not  worth  a  double  duck  at  the  peece.'  Cotgrave.     See  Gloss, 
to  Liber   Custumarum,  s.  v.  Besantus.      '  Bruchez   and   besauntez,    and   other  bryghte 
stonys.'  Morte  Arthure,  ed.  Brock,  3256.    In  P.  Plowman,  B.  vi.  241,  a  reference  is  made 
to  the  parable  of  the  Slothful  Servant,  who 

'  had  a  nam  [mina]  and  for  he  wolde  noujte  chaffare, 
He  had  maugre  of  his  maistre  for  euermore  after,' 

where  in  the  Laud  MS.  nam  is  glossed  by  '  a  besaunt,'  and  in  the  Vernon  MS.  by  talentum.1 
Wyclif 's  version  of  the  parable  has  besaunt;  Luke  xix.  16.  See  also  Ormulum,  ed.  White, 
ii.  390,  and  the  History  of  the  Holy  Grail,  E.  E.  Text  Society,  ed.  Furnivall.  xv.  237.  In 
the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  246,  1.  4193,  we  read  that  Joseph  was  sold  to  the  Ishmaelites  '  for 
twenti  besands  tan  &  tald.' 

6  MS.  SillicituB,  siUcitudinarius.  7  MS.  Sedudm. 



Besyly;  assidue,  vsque,  curiose,  vigi- 
lanter,  magnopere,  summopere, 
&  cetera  a  nomimbm. 

tBesyde  ;  iuxta,  para  grece,  secus. 

a  Besynes * ;  assiduitas,  cura,  dili- 
gencia,  anxietas,  industria,  soler- 
cia,  studium,  opera,  sedulitas, 
conatus,  conamen,  nisus,  instan- 
cia,  occupacio,  solicitude, 

Best ;  optimus,  primus. 

A  Beste ;  animal,  bestia,  bestiola, 
fera,  belua  marina,  jumentum, 
2)ecus-or\s,  pecus-dis,  versus  : 

Est  pecus  hoc  quod  erat  pecus 
Aec  quod  nou  iuga  seruat. 
Auimalis,  bestialis,  bestiarius, 
jumeutarius,  pecorosua,  pecorius, 

t  A  Beste  of  dyuerse  kynd^s 2 ;  burdo, 

*a  Bestynge  3 ;  colustrum. 

a  Besumme;  scopa,verriculum,  scoba. 
*Betan 4 ;  harba  ;  betonica. 
A  bete  of  lyne 5 ;  linatoriura.. 
to  Bete;  baculare,  cedere, flagellare, 
fustigare,     gladiare,     percutere, 

verberare,  con-,  de-,  e-,  re-,  mul- 

tare,  vexare. 
to  be  Bette  ;  vapulare. 
tA  Beter;  verbero,  verberator,  gladia- 
tor, baculator. 
jt  Betides  (Betydis  or  happyns  A.); 

accidit,  contingit,  euenit. 
a  Betylle ;  portic  ulus,  occa  6,feritorium . 
A  Betynge ;  verber,  verberacio,  ver- 

berameu,  verberans. 
tBetyn  7    gold  ;     braccea,   bracusea, 

bracceola,  (crisea  grece  A.) 
to  Betray;  prodere,  tr&dere,  tradu- 

cere,  &  cetera ;  vbi  to  begyle. 
fa  Betraynge  8 ;    delatura,  prodicio, 


1  In  the  Boke  of  Curtasye,  printed  in  Babees  Boke,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  187,  1.  331,  we  are 
told  'Whil  any  man  spekes  with  grete  besenes, 

Herken  his  wovdis  with-outen  distresse,' 

and  in  the  Destruction  of  Troy,  ed.  Donaldson  and  Panton,  1.  10336,  we  read 
'  To  pull  hym  of  prese  paynit  hym  fast 

With  all  besenes  aboute  and  his  brest  naked ; ' 
and  Chaucer  says  of  the  Parson  that 

'  To  drawe  folk  to  heven  by  fairnesse 

By  good  ensaraple,  this  was  his  busynesse.'  C.  T.,  Prologue,  519. 

A.  S.  Mseg,  bisg;  bisegung,  bisgung,  occupation,  employment;  Fr.  besoigne. 

2  'Burdo;  a  mulette.'  Cooper,  1584.     'A  mule  ingendred  betweene  a  horse  and  a  shee 
asse,  hinnus,  burdo.'  Baret. 

3  «  Colustrum.  The  first  milke  that  commeth  in  teates  after  the  byrth  of  yonge,  be  it  in 
woman  or  beast;  Beestynges.'  Cooper.      The  word  is  not  uncommon.     Cotgrave  gives 
'  Beton.  m.  Beest ;  the  first  milke  a  female  gives  after  the  birth  of  her  young  one.     Le 
laict  nouveau.     Beest  or  Beestings.'     Originally  applied  to  the  milk  of  women,  it  is  now 
in  common  use  in  the  Northern  and  Eastern  counties  for  the  first  milk  of  a  cow  or  other 
animal.     See  Peacock's  Glossary  of  Manley,  &c.     '  Colostrium :  primum  lac  post  partum 
vituM:  Medulla. 

*  Of  Betony  Neckam,  in  his  work  De  Naturis  Rerum  (Kolls  Series,  ed.  Wright),  p.  472, 
says,  '  Betonicae  vires  summatim  tangere  dignum 

Duxi,  subsidium  dat  cephalaea  tibi. 
Auribu*  et  spleni  confert,  oculisque  medetur, 
Et  stomachum  laxat,  kydropicosque  juvat. 
Limphatici  sanat  morsum  canie,  atque  trementi 
Quern  male  vexat,  lux  tertia  praebat  opem.' 

5  A  sheaf  or  bundle  of  flax  as  prepared  ready  for  the  mill.     *  To  beet  lint.    To  tie  up 
flax  in  sheaves.     Beetinband.  The  strap  which  binds  a  bundle  of  flax.'  Jamieson.     At  the 
top  of  the  page,  in  a  later  hand,  is  written  '  A  bete  as  of  hempe  or  lyne ;  fastis' 

6  Occa  is  properly  a  harrow.     In  the  Medulla  it  is  explained  as  '  A  clerybetel '  (?  cley- 
betelV     See  to  Clotte.     '  Betle  or  malle  for  calkens.  Malleus  stuparius'  Huloet. 

7  MS.  betynge.     Corrected  from  A.     '  Bractea.  Gold  foyle  ;    thinne  leaues  or  rayes 
of  golde,  siluer  or  other  mettall.'  Cooper.     'Braccea.  A  plate.'  Medulla. 

8  '  Prodicio.  A  trayment.    Trado.  To  tray  en/  Medulla. 



tto  Better ;  meliorare. 

tto  be  Better ;  pristare,  preualere. 

Better  (BettyrerA.);  melior,  excipu- 
us,  precipuus,  meliusculus  dirai- 
nutiuum,  pocior  &  pocius,  prestan- 
cior  &  -cms,  excellencior  &  -vs. 

Betwene  ;  jnter,  jnterpositiiius,  jn- 
ter scalaris  l. 

*Beverage  (Berrage  A.);  bibera, 

A  Bewetye  2 ;  euprepia. 
B  ante  I. 

By;  per,  tenus. 

to  By  3 ;  emo. 

tByabylle ;  ennpticius. 

tto  By  and  selle ;  auccionari,  mer- 
cari,  nundinare. 

A  Bybylle  ;  biblia,  bibliotheca. 

to  By  Agayn  ;  redimere,  luere. 

tpe  Bychdoghter 4  (Bychdowghter 
A.)  ;  epialtis,  epialta,  noxa. 

A  Bych ;  licista. 

to  Bydde  ;  adm^nere,  monere,  perci- 
pere,  &  cetera  ;  vbi  to  commarale. 

to  Byde5;  expectare,  prestolari,  & 
cetera ;  vbi  to  a-byde. 

A  Byddynge;    preceptum,    manda- 

tum,  &  cetera;  vbi  a  comm&wn- 

t  A  Bydynge ;    expectacio,  perseuer- 

ancia,  &  cetera ;  vloi  abidynge. 
to  Byde  halydayes  6 ;  jndicere. 
tto  Byd  to  mete;  jnvitare. 
to  Bye ;  emere,  ademere,  com/;arare, 

luere,  redimere,  par  are,  toller  e. 
*A    Bygirdylle 7 ;     marsupium,    re- 

*to  Byge8;    Fund  are,  condere,  edi- 

ficare,  struere,  con-,  ex-,  statuere, 


tto  Bygge  agayn  ;  reedif[ic]are. 
A  Bygynge;    construccio,   structura, 

tBygynge  vnder   erthe ;    subterra- 


a  Byynge  ;  emaculus,  empc'w. 
Bihynde  ;  deorsum,  pone,  pessum. 
tBi    lytylle    and    lytylle ;    sensim, 


a  Bille  of  a  byrde  ;  rostrum. 
a  Bille  (A  Byll  or  A  pycoss  A.)  9 ; 

fossorium,  ligo. 

1  '  Inter scalaris.  Betwyn  styles.'  Medulla. 
9  In  a  later  hand,  at  the  top  of  the  page. 

3  See  also  to  Bye. 

*  The  nightmare.  EpMaltes  is  the  Greek  €<f)a\TT)s,  the  nightmare  (Lat.  incubus},  lit. 
leaping  upon,  from  !<£aAAo/««,  to  leap.  Halliwell  gives  '  Bitch-daughter.  The  nightmare. 
Yorkshire,'  but  I  have  been  unable  to  find  the  word  in  any  Glossary.  '  Eplaltes.  The  nyth 
mare.'  Medulla.  Noxa  is  also  given  hereafter  as  the  Latin  rendering  of  }>e  Falland 
euylle,  q.v.  Cooper  renders  Ephialtes  by  '  the  disease  called  the  maare,  proceeding  of 
grosse  and  tough  fleume  in  the  mouth  of  the  stomache,  through  contrnuall  surffetynsf  and 
cruditie,  which  casteth  vp  cold  vapours  to  the  head,  stoppyng  the  hinder  celles  of  the 
brayne,  when  the  bodie  lieth  vpright,  and  so  letteth  the  passage  of  the  spirit  and  vertue 
animall  to  the  iaferiour  partes  of  the  bodie,  wherby  the  party  thinketh  he  hath  a  great 
weyght  vpon  him  stopping  his  breath.'  See  Boorde,  E.  E.  T.  Soc.  ed.  Furnivall,  pp.  78-9. 

5  The  MS.  reads  to  A-byde,  plainly  an  error.     A.  reads  correctly  to  Byde. 

6  To  announce  by  proclamation.     '  Ferias  indicere,  Livy.  To  proclaime  an  holy  day  to 
be  kept.'  Cooper.     The  MS.  reads  to  Bydde  alle  days,  and  has  been  corrected  as  above 
in  accordance  with  A. 

7  This  word  occurs  in  the  A  S.  version  of  Matt.  x.  9  :   '  Nsebbe  ge  gold,  ne  seolfer, 
ne  feoh  on  eowrum  bigyrdlum?  have  not  gold,  nor  silver,  nor  money  in  your  purses. 
Compare   Chaucer,  C.  T.,  Prologue,   358,  where   we  read  that    the    'gipser  (or  purse) 
hung  at  or  by  the  girdle*     See  also  Ancren  Biwle,   p.  124.     The  word  also  occurs  in 
P.  Plowman,  B.  viii.  87  :  *  f>e  bagges  and  )>e  bigurdeles,  he  hath  to-broken  hem  alle.'     See 
also  Breke  Belte. 

8  To  bigg  =  io  build,  is  still  in  use  in  the  North.     A  S.  byggan;  O.  Icel.  byggja. 

'  The  Fawkonn  fleyth,  &  hath  no  rest, 
Tille  he  witte  where  to  bigge  his  nest.' 

Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  223. 

9  Our  modern  pick-axe  is  a  corruption  from  the  O.  Fr.  form  picois.     '  fossorium.  A  byl 
or  a  pykeys.'  Medulla.     '  Picquois,  m.  A  Pickax.'  Cotgrave.     In  the  Paston  Letters,  ed. 



tA  Bylle1 ;  hoc  Sreue,  <fc  cetera ;  vbi 
letter  (A.) 

to  Bynde;  alligare,  col-,  re-,  la- 
queare,  illaque&re,  perligare,  ob- 
nectere,  an-,  nexare,  ancorare, 
anere,  cathenare,  Jlrmare,  vincire, 
de-,  re-,  nodare,  per-,  jn-,  an-, 
occupare,  vt,  (occupat  ora  loris,' 
i.  e.  ligat,  stringere,  as-,  con-. 

tBynder  ;  autor,  ligat  or. 

tByndande ;  ligans,  laqueans,  alli- 

A  Byrde  ;  aliger,  ales,  auis,  auicula, 
prepes,  volucris,  volatile. 

a  Byrdyn ;  sercina,  sercinula,  pon- 
dus,  clitella,  fas  sis,  fassiculus, 
globus,  aceruus,  moles,  pondus, 
onus,  onusculum,  ponderisit&s. 

t  A  Byrelawe  2 ;  agraria,  plebitti- 

Byrke 8 ;  lentiscus,  lenticinus  p&r- 

tto  Byrle  4 ;  propinare,  miscere. 

*  A  Byrnacle  5 ;  camus. 

*A  Byrnakille ;  Auis     (A.) 

to  Byrne;  adolere,  ardere,  ardes- 
cere,  ex[ar]  descere,  re  [ar]  des- 
cere,  bustare,  cremare,  vrere, 
comburere,  perurere,  ad-,  ex-,  in-, 
flagrare,  con-,  flammare,  -escere, 
ignire,  ignescere,  jncendere. 

tto  Birne  with  yrne ;  cauteriare, 

fABirnyngtf  yrne6  (ByrneyrenA.); 
cara[c]ter,  cauterium,  cauteriolum 

Gairdner,  i.  106,  we  find  mentioned  'long  cromes  to  drawe  downe  hoM'sis,  ladders,  pikoysS 
Robert  of  Brunne,  in  Handlyng  Synne,  ed.  Furnivall,  1.  940,  eays — 
'  Mattok  is  a  pylceys 
Or  a  pyke,  as  sum  men  says.' 

1  A  Bille  generally  meant  a  petition,  and  to  'put  up  a  bille'  was  the  regular  phrase  for 
presenting  a  petition.     See  P.  Plowman,  c.  v.  45,  Paston  Letters,  i.  151,  153,  &c.     With 
the  meaning  of  a  letter  it  occurs  in  Paston  Letters,  i.  21,  'closed  [enclosed]  in  this  bille 
I  send  yow  a  copie  of  un  frendly  lettre,'  &c.     *  Byll  of  complaynte.  Postulacio.'  Huloet. 

2  Coles'  Diet.,  1676,  gives  '  Bylaw,  Burlaw  or  Byrlaw,  laws  determined  by  persons  elected 
by  common  consent  of  neighbours,'  and  Burrill  says, '  Birlaw,  a  law  made  by  husbandmen 
respecting  rural  affairs.'     0.  Icel.  byar-log,  Dan.  bylove.     According  to  Mr.  Robinson 
(Gloss,  of  Mid.  Yorkshire)  the  term  is  still  used  there  for  a  '  Parish-meeting.'     Jamieson 
gives  '  Burlaw,  Byrlaw,  Byrlaw  court,  a  court  of  neighbours,  residing  in  the  country, 
which  determines  as  to  local  concerns.'     '  Plebiscitum :  statutum  populi ;  anglice  a  byre- 
lawe.'  Ortus.     See  instances  in  the  Athenceum,  Aug.  1879. 

3  BirJc,  still  in  use  in  Lancashire  for  a  birch-tree.     A.  S.  birce,  Icel.  tyork. 

'Than  byrkis  on  aythir  syde  the  way 
That  young  and  thik  wes  growand  her 

He  knyt  togidder.'  Barbour's  Bruce,  ed.  Skeat,  xvi.  394. 

*  He  fande  the  rede  knyght  lyggand,  Off  byrTce  and  of  okke. 

Slayne  of  Percyvelle  hande,  Ther  brent  of  birke  and  of  ake 

Besyde  a  fyre  brynnande  Gret  brandes  and  blake.' 

Sir  Perceval,  Thornton  Romances,  ed.  Halliwell,  p.  30. 

*  This  word  is  still  in  use  in  Lancashire.  See  Nodal's  Glossary  (E.  Dial.  Soc.).  In  the 
account  of  the  marriage  at  Cana,  given  in  Eng.  Metrical  Homilies,  ed.  Small,  p.  120, 1.  18, 
we  are  told  that  '  Seruans  wur  at  this  bridale, 

That  birled  win  in  cuppe  and  schal,' 

and  in  the  Avowynge  of  King  Arthur,  Camden  Soc.,  ed.  Robson,  xlvi.  14,  at  Arthur's  feast, 
'In  bollus  birlutte  thay  the  wine.'    Manip.  Vocab.  gives'  to  birle,  promere,  haurire.'    The 
word  also  occurs,  in  the  Ancren  Riwle,  pp.  114  and  226,  and  in  Wyclif,  Jeremiah  xxv. 
15,  17,  and  Amos  ii.  12.     Icel.  byrla,  A.  S.  byrlian,  to  give  to  drink. 
6  '  Camus.  A  bitte ;  a  snaffle.'  Cooper.     See  also  Barnakylle. 

6  '  Cauterium,  a  markyng  yron ;  a  searyng  yren ;  a  pointers  instrument.'  Cooper. 
'  Burn-airn.  An  iron  instrument  used,  red-hot,  to  impress  letters,  or  other  marks,  on  the 
horns  of  sheep.'  Jamieson.  '  Cauterium  :  ferrum  ^uo  latro  signatur.  Quo  latro  signatur 
die  cauterium  fere  ferrum.'  Medulla.  '  Burning  yron.  Cautcria?  Huloet. 



a  Birnynge ;  incendium,  vstura,  ar- 

a  Byrth ;  fetus  terre  est,  natus,  par- 
tuB   hominum,  ortus,    origo,   na- 
tiuitas,  natalis,  principium,  na- 
talities :  versus  : — 
51 '  Natalis  vel-le  cum.  guis  terris 


Transitus  a  mundo  natalicium 

tBirthfulle ;  fetosus. 

tA  Birtylle2  (Byrtyltre  A.);  malo- 

ta  Birtylle  tre ;  malomellus. 

a  Bischope ;  antestes,  episcopus ; 
episcoipalis  ^>ardcipium ;  presul, 
pontifex,  pontificalis. 

ta  Byschope  sete  ;  orchestra. 

tA  Byschope  hede  ;  an[ti]sticium, 
presufatuB,  pontificatus. 

a  Bischoperyke ;  epiecopafos. 

tBischope  schoyn ;  sandula. 

to  be  a  Bischope  ;  pontiftcari. 

to  Bite;  modere,  de-,  re-,  dentibm 
scindere  vel  comprimere,  mirsare, 

tBiteabylle ;  morsalit. 

Bytynge  \  mordens,  mordax. 

Bitter ;  acer,  acer&us,  aciduB,  ama- 
rusf  amaricosus,  awarulentus> 
fellituB,  salebrosus,  mirratus. 

fto  be  made  Bitter  (to  be  or  make 
Byttir  A.);  amarerz ;  passiae 
amarescere  ;  amaricare. 

a  Bitternes ;  acerfo'tes,  acrit&s,  ama~ 
ritudo,  ihamer. 

a  Bittyrswete ;  amarimellum. 

Bittyrswetre ;  amarimellus. 

Bi^onde  ;  vltra,  &  comp&ratur. 
B  ante  L. 

Bla 3 ;  liuidus,  &  cetera  ;  vbi  pale. 

fto  be  Bla ;  liuire,  liuescere. 

fa  Blabery  4. 

to  Blabyr 5 ;  blaterare. 

tBlabyrlyppyd 6 ;  broccus,  labrosus. 

a  Blade ;  sindola. 

1  See  Ducange,  s.  v.  Natalis. 

2  '  Birtle.  A  summer  apple.  Yorkshire.'  Halliwell.     '  Malomellum.  Genus  pomi  melli- 
flui  et  dulcis.'  Ducange.    Cooper  also  gives  '  Melimelum.  Akinde  of  sweete  apples  ;  pome 
paradise.'     '  Malomelion ;  est  genus  dulcis  pomi,  anglice,  a  brytyl.     Malomeltus:  a  brytyl 
tre.'  Ortus  Vocab.  They  are  mentioned  in  Pliny.  Cotgrave,  s.  v.  Paradis,  says,  'Pomme  de 
Paradis.  An  excellent  sweet  apple  that  comes  of  a  Pearmayn  graffed  on  the  stocke  of  a 
Quince  ;  some  also  call  so  our  Honnyineale,  or  S.  John's  apple.'     '  Malomdlum :  genus 
dulcis  pomi'  Medulla.     Lat.  mel,  honey,  and  mains,  apple.     '  Malomellus.  The  Sweet- 
apple  or  Sweeting- tree.'  Gouldman. 

3  Hampole,  Pricke  of  Conscience,  5260,  tells  us  that  our  Lord 

'  henged  on  ]>e  rode  tre  Alle  bla  and  blody  ; ' 

and  in  the  Romance  of  Sir  Isumbras,  1.  311,  we  are  told  how  the  Saracens  seized  the 
knight,  '  And  bett  hym  tille  his  rybbis  braste,  And  made  his  flesche  fulle  Uaa? 
The  Manip.  Vocab.  gives  '  Bio,  blackblew,  lividus?  and  Baret  translates  '  lividus '  by  '  he 
that  hath  his  flesche  well  beaten  and  made  blacke  and  blewe.'  '  Livor.  Blohede.'  Me- 
dulla. See  Jamieson,  s.  v.  Bla.  O.  H.  Ger.  blao,  blaw,  blue,  O.  Fris.  bla,  bid,  Icel.  bldr. 
Palsgrave  gives  'Bio,  blewe  and  grene  coloured  as  ones  bodie  is  after  a  drie  stroke. 
jaunastre.'  '  Liuor.  The  colour  appearyng  after  strokes,  commonly  called  blacke  and  blue, 
a  leadie  colour.  Liveo.  To  be  black  and  blewe.'  Cooper.  •  Beaten  blacke  and  bloo,  sug- 
gilatus.''  Huloet.  See  Bloo  in  P. 

*  Probably  a  bilberry.     Still  called  in  the  North  a  blaeberry  from  the  colour.     But  the 
word  here  may  perhaps  be  connected  with  the  following  verb. 

5  Cotgrave  gives  '  Baboyer.  To  blabber  with  the  lips ;    to  famble  :    to  falter,'  and  the 
Medulla,  '  blatero.   To  stotyn,  stulte  et  sine  causa  loqui.'     '  Prestis  ....  blabien  out 
matynys  and  massis.'  Wyciif,  English  Works,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.,  ed.  Matthew,  p.  168,  1.  6. 
'  Blatero,  to  bable  in  vayne  ;  to  clatter  out  of  measure  ;  to  make  a  noyse  lyke  a  caimnel. 
Blatero,  m.  a  babler ;    a  iangler ;    a   pratler.'    Cooper.      Jamieson  gives   *  To  Blether, 
Blather.    To  talk  indistinctly  ;    to  stammer,   &c.     'And  so  I  blaberde  on  my  beodes.' 
P.  Plowman,  A.  v.  8.     '  Balbus,  qui  unit  loqui  et  non  potest,  wlips  uel  swetwerda.     Bal- 
butus.  stonier.'    M.S.  Harl.  3376. 

6  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  v.  190,  '  Covetyse '  is  described  as 

'  bitelbrowed  and  baberlipped  also,       With  two  blered  eyghen,  as  a  blynde  hagge.' 
See  Florio,  s.  v.  Chilone,  and  Ducange,  s.  v.  Balbu*.     Huloet  translates  blabber-lipped  by 




a  Blayne  1 ;  pustula,  marisca. 

to  make  Blak ;  nigrare,  de-,  e-,  ni- 
g[r]esceYe,  de,-  e-,  iucandere,  -des- 

to  make  Blak ;  fuscare,  &  cetera ; 
vbi  to  blek. 

Blak;  Aquileus,  Ater,  subater,  Ab- 
hominabilis  coloris  est  gni  cZici- 
tur  funereus,  fuscus,  neque  al- 
bum neque  nigrum  sed  medij 
coloris  est,  niger  est  albo  conftra- 
rium,  nigellus,  teter,  pulfas,  & 
cetera ;  vbi  myrke. 

A  Blame ;  crimen,  culpa,  culpamen, 
increpamen,  reprehensio,  vitups- 

to  Blame;  Accusare,  culpare,  culpi- 
tare,  criminare,  increpare,  impro- 
perari,  inhonorare,  redarguere, 
reprehendere,  probare,  vituper- 

tBlameles ;  jnculpabilis. 

*a  Blankyt 2 ;  lodix. 

a  Blast  of  wynd ;  flabrum,  flatus, 

Jlamen  ;  f  \T\atilis  ^arZicipium. 
tBlawemanger  3  j  peponus.  (A.) 
to  Blawe  ;  flare,  suf-,  cornare  est 

cornu  flare. 

tto  Blawe  belows ;  follere,  follescere. 
to  Blawe  owte ;  efflare. 
to  Blede  ;  cruentare,  sanguinare. 
a  Bleddyr;  vesica,  vesicula  cfo'minu- 

to     Blek ;     attramentare,    cacabare, 

fuliginare,  fuscare,  ob-,  in-,  ger- 

sare*,  in-,  nigrare,  de-. 
*Blek;  attramen,  attr&mentum,  gersa, 


fa  Blek  potte 5 ;  attramentorium. 
tto  Blend;  miscere,  con-. 
*to  Blere ;  (lippire,  lippiscere.     A.) 
to  be  Blerid  6 ;  lippire,  lippescere. 
Blere  eede  (Blered  A.);  lippus. 
a  Blerednes  ;  leppitudo,  apifora. 
tto  Blessum7 ;  Arietare,  luere,  silire 


Achilles,  and  Baret  has  'blaber-lipped,  dimissis  labiis  homo,  Idbeo?  '  No  man  shulde  rebuke 
and  scorne  a  blereyed  man  or  gogleyed  or  tongetyed  ...  or  fumbler  or  blaberlypped 
(chilonerri)  or  bounche  backed.'  Horman.  See  also  P.  Plowman,  B.  xvii.  324.  'Blabber- 
lipped,  lippu.'  Sherwood.  Cooper  renders  Brochus  by  one  '  that  hath  the  nether  iawe 
longer  than  the  other,  with  teethe  blendynge  oute ;  tutte-mouthed.'  '  Labrosus.  Babyr- 
lypped.'  Medulla. 

1  A.  S.  Uegen,  Dan.  Uegn.  See  Wyclif,  Exodus  ix.  9.  '  Pustula.  A  lytyl  bleyne. 
Marisca.  A  bleyne.'  Medulla.  ' Blayne  or  whealke.  Papula'  Huloet. 

3  Lodix,  according  to  Cooper,  is  a  sheete.  See  Glossary  to  Liber  Custumarum,  Rolls 
Series,  s.  v.  Blacket.  '  Blanckettes.  Lodices,  Plagse.'  Huloet. 

8  '  Blamanger  is  a  Capon  roast  or  boile,  minced  small,  planched  (sic}  almonds  beaten  to 
paste,  cream,  eggs,  grated  bread,  sugar  and  spices  boiled  to  a  pap.'  Handle  Holme.  See 
'  Blanmanger  to  Potage,'  p.  430,  of  Household  Ordinances  ;  '  Blawmangere,'  p.  455  ; 
Blonc  Manger,  Liber  Care  Cocorum,  p.  9,  and  Blanc  Maungere  of  iysshe,  p.  19.  See  also 
Babees  Boke,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  49.  '  Peponus,  blowmanger.'  Ortus. 

*  '  Gerso  :  fucare  facieni.'  Medulla. 

5  '  Atramentarium.  An  inke  home.'  Cooper.     In  the  Medulla  it  is  explained  as  '  An 
ynkhorne,  or  a  blekpot.'    '  Attramentorium.  Blacche-pot.  Attramenta.  Blacche.'  Wright's 
Vol.  of  Vocab.,  p.  181. 

6  '  Lippio,  to  be  pore-blind,  sande-blind,  or  dimme  of  sight.     Lippitudo,  blerednesse  of 
the  eyes.     Lippus,  bleare  eyed  :  hauing  dropping  eies.'  Cooper.      '  Lippitudo.  Blerynes 
off  the  eye.     Lippio.  To  wateryn  with  the  eye.'  Medulla.     In  the  Poem  of  Kichard  the 
Kedeles  (E.  E.  Text  Soc.,  ed.  Skeat),  ii.  164,  we  have  Uernyed  =  blear- eyed.     To  blere 
one's  eye  is  a  common  expression  in  early  English  for  to  deceive  one ;  thus  Palsgrave 
gives '  I  bleare,  I  begyle  by  dissinmlacyon  ; '  and  the  Manip.  Vocab.  has  '  to  blirre,  fallere? 
For  instances  of  this  use  of  the  word  see  Wright's  Sevyn  Sages,  pp.  48,  77,  and  loo;  the 
Komaunt  of  the  Kose,  1.  3912,  &c. ;  Ly  Beaus  Disconus  (in  Weber's  Met.  Rom  ,  vol.  ii.) 
1.  1432  ;  Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  172 ;  Sir  Ferumbras,  ed.  Herrtage,  1.  391,  £c. 

7  '  A  rieto.    To  blesmyn.'  Medulla.    Icel.  blcesma,  to  be  marts  appetens  from  blcer,  a  ram. 
See  also  Turre,  below.    '  To  blissom  or  tup,  as  a  ram  doth  the  ewe.  Coeo,  ineo'  Littleton. 
'  To  blissome  as  a  ram  doth  the  ewe.    Comprimo.   To  go  a  blissoming,  or  to  desire  the  ram. 
Catulio.'  Gouldman. 



to Blete (Bleyte A.);  balare,balascere. 

ta  Blyndman ;  palpo. 

Blynde  ;  cecus,  orbus  :  versus  : — 

It '  Luvcdne    priuatu.8     violenter 

dicitur  orbus, 
Cecus   invtiliter    gerit   instru- 

meiita  videndi  V 
a  Byndnes ;  cecitas. 
to  make  or  wax  Blynde ;    caligare, 

pro-,  cecare,  ex-,   ob-,  obscurare, 

obtenebr&re,     cecultare,     cecutire, 

obliterare  utjn  libris. 
toBlyndfeyld2  (Blyndfelle  A.);  velare. 
ta  Blynde  worme  ;  cecula. 
to  Blysse ;  beare,  beatificare,  benedi- 

Blyssyd;  beatns,  be&tificatus,  beatu- 

lus,   faustus,   fortunatus,   felix, 

to  make  Blyssyd ;  beare,  beatificare, 

felicitare,  felicere,  fortunare,  glo- 

tto  make  vn  Blyssyd;  jnfelicitare, 

Blyth ;  vbi  glad. 

fa  Blossom3  ;  colloqmntida,  quinticie. 
Elude  ;     cruor,    sanguis,   est    mas  : 

versus  :  — 
H  '  Sanguis  alit  corpus,  cruor  est 

A  (de  A.)  corpore  fusus.' 
a  Blude  hunde  ;  molosus. 
a  Bluderyne  4  (Blodeyren  A.)  ;  fleu- 

botomum,  lanciola. 
ta   Blude    lattyng^5;   fleubotomia, 

minucio  sangninis. 
to  latt  Blude;  Jleubotomare,  minu- 

ere  sanguinem. 
Bludy;     cruentatua,    emeritus,    san- 

a  Blome  ;  flos. 

to  Blume  ;  florare,  florescere. 

tto  Blundir6  ;  balandior.    (To  Blun- 

dyr;  Blandior  A.) 
to  make  Blunte  ;  ebetare,  obtundere, 


Blunte;  ebes. 
to  be  Blunt;  hebere,  hebescere,  hebe- 

tare,  hebetescere.     (A.) 
a  Bluntnes  ;  ebitudo. 
Blew  7  (Blowe  A.)  ;  blodius. 

1  A  different  version  of  the  second  of  these  two  lines  is  given  by  Withals  in  his  Dic- 
tionary, where  it  runs  '  Dicitur  orbalus  ccecatus,  vel  vlduatus? 

2  In  the  Ancren  Eiwle,  p.  100,  we  read  that  our  Lord  '  polede  al  ]>uldeliche  ]>et  me 
hine  Uindfellede,  hwon  his  eien  weren  Jms  ine  schendlac  i-blinfelled,  vor  to  jiuen  ])e  ancre 
brihte  sihSe  of  heouene.'     '  Velo.  To  hyllyn  or  blyndfellyn.'  Medulla.     '  Of  >aim  that  er 
Nynfelde  and  er  as  blynde  ])ou  schalle  wit  }>at  thay  er  fulisch  folke  that  leues  but  in  J>er 
kynne  ....  the  folkes  makes  J>am  blyndfelde,  &c.'    De  Deguileville's  Pilgrimage,  MS. 
John's  Coll.  Camb.,  leaf  117.     'I  blyndefelde  one,  I  cover  his  syght.    Je  vende  les  yenlx? 

3  Ducange    gives   '  Colloquintlda.    Colocynthis ;   coloquinfhe?   and    Cotgrave    renders 
4  Coloquinthe'  by  'the  wilde  and  flegme-purging  Ci trull  Coloquintida.'     Cooper  has  'Colo- 
cynthis. A  kynde  of  wylde  gourdes  purgeyng  fleume,  called  Coloquintida.'   '  Colloquintida : 
genus  lierbe  amarissime,  i.  e.  cucurbita.  Quintecie,  Blosmes.'  Medulla. 

*  *  Phlebotomon.  The  instrument  to  let  bloud  ;  a  fleume.'  Cooper.  '  Fleubotomo  ;  san- 
guinem minueve.  Fleubotomium  :  instrumentum  cum  quo  sanguis  minuitur.'  Medulla. 

5  Omitted  in  A.  :  the  Latin  equivalents  being  given  to  Blodeyren.  '  Vnderstondeft, 
hwuc  was  his  diete  J>et  dei,  l$en  ilke  blodletunge."1  Ancren  Riwle,  pp.  112,  114.  See 
also  ibid.,  p.  260. 

8  The  Latin  equivalent  would  lead  us  to  consider  this  word  to  be  the  same  as  '  Blander' 
in  Jamieson,  which  he  explains  by  '  to  babble,  to  diffuse  any  report,  such  especially  as 
tends  to  injure  the  character  of  another.'  Halliwell  says  that '  To  blunder  water,  to  stir  or 
puddle,  to  make  it  thick  and  muddy,'  is  given  as  a  Yorkshire  word  in  the  Kennett  MS. 
Lansdown,  1033,  and  the  word  does  appear  with  that  meaning  in  Mr.  C.  C.  Robinson's 
Whitby  Glossary.  On  the  other  hand,  the  word  occurs  twice  in  the  Man  of  Lawe's  Tale, 
11.  670  and  1414,  with  apparently  much  the  same  meaning  as  the  modern  to  blunder.  In 
either  case,  however,  the  word  is  evidently  connected  with  A.  S.  blendan,  to  mix,  confuse, 
blend;  blond,  bland,  mixture,  confusion.  '  I  blonder,  je perturbed  Palsgrave. 

T  Ducange  says  '  JBlodeus.  Color  sanguineus,  a  Saxonico  blod,  sanguis ;  intelligunt  alii 
colorem  creruleum.' 



B  ante  O. 

ta  Bob  of  grapys 1 ;  botrus,  bubas- 

tus,  vua. 

a  Bockelere ;  pelta,  antele,  &  cetera  : 
versus : — 
^T '  Die    p&rmas,  clepios,  antele 

vel  egida,  scutum, 
Pelta;   rotundata    clepei  pars 
umbo  vocatur.' 

fa  Bock[el]er2  maker ;  peltarius. 

ta  Bode  2 ;  pola. 

tto  Bode;  portendere,  preostendere, 

pronosticare ',  pTonosticatiuus. 
a  Body;    corpus,  corpusculuia,  cor- 

poralis,  corporem. 
Bodyly ;  corporaliter,  corporee. 
a  Boke;    carta,   cartula,   codex,  co- 

dicillus,   liber,  libellus,  volumes, 

pagina,  pagella,  sceda. 
a  Boke  bynder  or  seller ;  bibliopola3, 

fa  Bole  of  a  tre  4 ;  cadea,  &  cetera ; 

vbi  a  stolke.     (Stoke  A.) 
A  Bolle  5 ;  scafa. 
*to    Bolne6;     gliscere,   inflare,    tu- 

mere,  ob-,  con-,  per-,  tumescere, 

con-,  turgere,  con-,  de-,  ob-. 
a  Bolnynge ;  tumor,  inftacio. 
Bolnyd;  tumiduB,  tumedulus. 
a  Bolster 7 ;  ceruical,  cubitale,  pulu- 

inar,  puluillus. 
a  Bolte 8 ;  petitium.. 
fa  Bolte  hede ;  captteUvRl. 
tto  Bolt  up  ;  emergere. 
Bonde9;  natiuus,  seruilis. 
A  Bonet  of  a  saille 10 ;  superus. 

1  '  A  bobbe  of  leaues,  frondetum  ;  A  bob  of  flowers,  floretum  ;'  Manip.Vocab.     'They 
saw  also  thare  vynes  growe  with  wondere  grete  bobbis  of  grapes,  for  a  mane  myst  unnethej 
here  ane  of  thame.'    Thornton  MS.,  leaf  42.      'A  606  of  cheris.'    Towneley  Mysteries, 
p.  1 1 8.      See  Jamieson,  s.  v.  Bob.      '  Botrus.   A  cluster  of  grapes.'    Cooper.      '  Botrus, 
clystra.'    MS.  Harl.  3376. 

2  Ducange  gives  '  Pola  ;  pertica,  vel  alius  modus  agri.'     This  is  of  course  our  perch 
The  word  bode  is  derived  by  Diez  from  a  radical  bod,  which  is  still  found  in  the  Eng. 
bound.     Diez  rejects  a  derivation  from  the  Celtic,  but  Webster,  s.  v.  Sound,  refers  inter 
alia  to  O.Fr.  boude,  bodue,  L.  Lat.  bodina,  and  says,  'cf.  Arm.  boun,  boundary,  limit,  and 
b6den,  bod,  a  tuft  or  cluster  of  trees  by  which  a  boundary  could  be  well  marked.'    Compare 
also  0.  Icel.  butr,  a  limit.     Cooper  renders  Limes  by  '  a  bounde  or  buttyng  in  fieldes.'     In 
Huloet  we  find  'Butte  of  a  lande.  Jugus,  eris  ,•'   and  in  the  Manip.Vocab.  '  Butte  of 
land.  Jugerum.''  evidently  the  same  word  ;  cf.  to  abut.     Compare  P.,  But. 

3  MS.  bibliappa,  corrected  by  A. 

*  '  Bole  of  a  tree,  corpus,  stemma?  Manip.  Vocab.  Hence  we  have  '  a  boiling.  A  tree 
from  which  the  branches  have  been  cut,  a  pollard.'  The  compound  boleax  occurs  in  the 
Romance  of  Octavian,  1039,  and  bulaxe  in  Ormulum,  9281- 

6  Defined  by  Halliwell  as  'a  small  boat  able  to  endure  a  rough  sea.'  Evidently  con- 
nected with  the  preceding.  '  Scapha.  A  shippe  boate  :  a  boate  made  of  an  wholle  tree.' 
Cooper.  '  Scapha.  A  boUe.'  Medulla.  Cf.  the  nursery  rhyme — 

'Three  wise  men  of  Gotham  Went  to  sea  in  a  bowl,1  &c. 

6  In  P,  Plowman,  B  Text,  v.  118,  Envy  says  :— 

'  pus  I  lyue  lonelees,  lyke  a  luther  dogge, 

That  al  my  body  bolneth  for  bitter  of  my  galle.' 
Lord  Surry  in  his  Translation  of  the  JEneid,  ii.  615,  speaks  of 

'  the  adder  with  venimous  herbes  fed, 
Whom  cold  winter  all  bolne  hid  under  ground.' 

'Boulne,  tumere,  turgescere.'  Manip.  Vocab.     Danish  bolne,  0.  Icel.  bolgna.     '  Tumeo.  To 
bolnyn.'  Medulla. 

7  William  Paston  in  his  Will,  dated  August  18,   1479,  bequeaths  to  Master  Robert 
Hollere,  ' unum pulvinar vocatum le bolstar.'     ( Puluillus.  Abolstere.'  Medulla.    'Bolster 
of  a  bedde,  Ceruical.     Bolsters  whyche  bearers  of  burdens,  as  porters,  &c.  do  weare  for 
freatynge.   Thomices?  Huloet.     A.  S.  bolster. 

8  A.  inserts  '  A  betilium'  after  Bole  of  a  tre. 

9  The  status  of  a  bondman  (Low  Lat.  bondemannus)  was  that  of  serfdom,  but  the  name 
is  not  properly  rendered  by  natiuus,  which  means  a  serf  by  birth. 

10  '  Bonnet  (bonnette,  Fr.),  an  additional  part  made  to  fasten  with  latchings  to  the  foot  of 



wage1;  harba,  borago:  versus: — 
IT '  Dicit  borago  gaudia  semper 

fBorace ;  Borax  (A.). 

a  Bordylle  house  2 ;  crepido,  crissa- 
toriura,  ephebianimale,  fornix, 
corus,  genetheca,  lupanar,  presti- 
bulum,  prosenta,  teges,  lustrum, 
stupratorium,  teatrum ;  tetr&lis, 
teatricus  /;ardcipium. 

to  Bore  3 ;  cabiare,  j)erforare,  forare, 
terabrare,  con-. 

a  Bore;  foramen,  &  cetera;  vbi 
a  hole. 

fa  Borer  ;  f orator,  perforator. 

*a  Borgh ;  Jtdeiussor,  vas,  pres,  spon- 
sor, obses. 

*to  be  Borghe;  Fideiubere,  Spon- 

Born;  nafas,  orjus,  oriundua  & 
construitur  cum  genitiuo,  vt, 
'  sum  oriundae  p&rcium  tuarum.' 

to  be  Borne ;  nasci,  de  vtero  oriri, 
exoriri,  renasci,  enasci  de  terra 
vel  aqua,renasci  sicutjn  baptismo. 

fBorne  in  wedlayke ;  legittimus. 

Borne  be-fore  be  tyme ;  abortiuus. 

tBorne  after  hys  fader  dede  4 ;  pos- 
thumus,  opiter,  -ris  vel  opitiris  in 
genitiuo  casu. 

Borne  vp  ;  apportus. 

to  Borowe ;  mutuari. 

a  Borowynge :  mutuacio. 

a  Bose  (Boste  A.)  of  a  buclere5; 

a  Boste ;  ampulla,  iactancia,  j)ompa, 
magnificencia  ;  ampullosus  parti- 

the  sails  of  small  vessels  with  one  mast,  in  moderate  winds.  It  is  exactly  similar  to  the  foot 
of  the  sail  it  is  intended  for.  They  are  commonly  one-third  of  the  depth  of  the  sails  they 
belong  to.'  Falconer's  Marine  Diet.,  ed.  Burney.  In  the  Morte  Arthure,  E.  E.  Text  Soc., 
ed.  Brock,  1.  3656,  the  sailors  in  getting  ready  for  sea  '  Bet  bonette}  one  brede,  bettrede 
hatches.'  '  Superitas,  Superna.  A  bonet  of  a  seyle  or  a  shete.  Supera  velox  peritaras 
colligit  auras?  Medulla.  '  Bonnette,  f.  the  bonnet  of  a  sail.  Bonnette  traineresse,  a  drabler, 
a  piece  added  unto  the  bonnet  when  there  is  need  of  more  saile.'  Cotgrave.  In  Richard 
the  Eedeles,  E.  E.Text  Soc.,  ed.  Skeat,  iv.  72,  we  read — 

'And  somme  were  so  ffers  at  J?e  ffirst  come, 

pat  they  bente  on  a  bonet,  and  bare  a  topte  saile.' 

See  also  Lonelich's  History  of  the  Holy  Grail,  ed.  Furnivall,  xlii.  119.  '  Bonet  of  a  sayle, 
bonette  dung  tref?  Palsgrave. 

1  The  Prompt,  gives  the  complete  couplet,  of  which  only  the  last  line  is  found  here — 

'  Stultis  leprosis,  scabidis,  tumidis,  furiosis, 

Dicit  borago,  gaudia  semper  ago.' 

'  Bourage,  herbe,  borache ;  Burrage,  herbe,  boorache.'  Palsgrave.  '  Baurage  or  buglosse.' 

2  'Bordel.  A  brothel.'  Jamieson.     '  Bordell  house,  bovrdeav.'  Palsgrave.     'Hecfornix, 
a  bordyl-hows.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.,  235.      '  Bordeau,  a  brothell,  or  bawdie  house  ; 
the  Stewes.     Bordelage,  brothelling  wenching,  whore-hunting.     Bordelier,  m.  a  wencher, 
whore-monger,  whore-hunter,  haunter  of  baudy-houses.'  Cotgrave.     It  seems  most  curious 
that  crepido  should  be  inserted  as  the  equivalent  of  bordylle  house  ;  crepido  is  a  brim 
or  border  ;  according  to  the  Medulla,  '  the  heyte  off  an  Roff,  or  off  an  hyl,  or  beggares 
hous  : '  whether  the  compiler  of  the  dictionary  fell  into  the  mistake  from  the  similarity  of 
bordylle  and  border,  I  do  not  know,  but  it  seems  so.     In  Wynkyn  de  Worde's  ed.  of  the 
Gesta  Roinanorum  (reprinted  in  my  ed.  for  the  E.  E.  Text  Society),  Tale  No.  37,  it  is  told 
of  one  of  the  sons  of  an  emperor  that '  agaynst  his  faders  wyll,  he  had  wedded  hymselfe,  to 
a  comune  woman  of  the  bordell*     See  also  Early  English  Poems,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  104, 
1. 92,  and  Wyclif,  Levit.  xix.  29. 

3  '  Cabiare.  Cavare,  fodere  ;  creuser,  fouiller*  Ducange. 

*  Cooper  explains '  Opiter '  as  '  one  whose  father  died  before  his  graundefather.'  A.  adds 

'  Versus  : —  Postumws  est  natus  post  exequias  genitom.' 

5  '  Umbo  :  medius  scuti.'  Medulla.     '  Umbo.  The  bosse  of  a  buckler  or  shielde.'  Cooper. 
Chaucer,  describing  Alison  in  the  Miller's  Tale,  says — 

'A  broch  sche  bar  upon  hir  loue  coleer 
As  brod  as  is  the  bos  of  a  bocleer.'  C.  T.  1.  3265. 



to  Boste  1 ;  ampullare,  ascribere,  iac- 

tare,  iactitare. 
a     Boater ;     ampullator,    iactarius, 

pompator,  iactator. 
a  Bosum ;  gremium,  sinus. 
Bot ;  nisi,  sed,  qmn  :  versus  : — 

'  Si    nisi   non    esset  perfectus 

quilibet  esset.' 

fBot  if  (Botyffe  A.);  Sinautem,  sed  si. 
a  Bottelle ;    obba,   &  cetera ;   v\)i  a 


*a  Bottelle  of  hay 2. 
a  Bothome  ;  fundus,  fundulus. 
*a  Bothome  of  threde  3 ;  filarium. 
tBothomles;  jmtusuiS,  vt  saccusper- 

a   Bowe ;    archus,  areulus   cfo'minu- 

+a  Bowe  of  a  bryge 4 ;  vbi  a  wawte. 

(Volte  A.) 

fa  Bowe  of  a  chare  ;  fultrum. 
to  Bowe ;  flectere,  de-,  plectere,  Tiu- 
,  curuare,  clinare,  de-. 

fBowabylle ;  vbi  pliabylle. 

to    Bowe    doune ;     Acclinare,    de-, 

Clinare,  jn-,   cl[in\ere,  jprocwm- 

bere.     (A.) 
fBowed ;  clinatus,  deuexus,  declina- 

tus,  &  cetera, 
a    Bowelle;    intestinum,    viscus,    & 

cetera ;  vloi  a  tharme. 
fto  drawe  oute  Bowells  5 ;  deuiscer- 

are,  euiscerare,  exenterare. 
a  Bower;  arcuarius. 
fa  Bowge  6 ;  gibbus,  struma,  gibbo* 

sitas,  strumositas ;  gibbosus,  stru- 

mosus  pardcipia. 
fBowynge ;  acdiuis,  accliuus,  cliuis, 

elinatus,  obstipns,  deuexm. 
fa  Bowynge ;  jnclinacio,  endisis. 
aBowkynge7;  lixiuarium. 
a  Bowkynstoke  (Bowkynstole  A.)  ; 

lixiuatorium,  boxinarium. 
*aBowrde8;  ^ocus. 
*to  Bowrde  ;  iocari. 
*a  Bowrd^r ;  mimilarius,  mimilogus, 

1  Compare  Horace,  '  Projicit  ampullas  et  sesquipedalia  verba.'  Ars  Poet.  97. 

2  'A  bottle  of  hay,  manipullus?  Manip.  Vocab.     Fr.  botte,  a  bundle,  bunch;   dimin. 
botel,  bateau,  a  wisp,  small  bundle  ;    Gael,  boiteal,  boiteau,  a  bundle  of  straw  or  hay. 
Harrison  tells  us  that  Cranmer,  from  having   been  a  student  at  a  Hall  (also  called  a 
Hostel)  at  Oxford,  was  popularly  supposed  to  have  been  an  ostler,  '  and  therefore  in 
despite,  diuerse  hanged  up  bottles  of  haie  at  his  gate.'  Descript.  of  England,  ed.  Furnivall, 
1.87.      '  Boteler.  To   botle  or  bundle  up,  to  make  into   botles  or   bundles.'    Cotgrave. 
'  Manipulus.  A  gavel.'  Medulla. 

3  '  Botom  of  yarne,  glomus.'  Manip.  Vocab.     See  also  Clewe,  below. 

4  '  Bow,  s.  (i)  An  arch,  a  gateway.    (2)  The  arch  of  a  bridge.     Bow-brig,  s.  An  arched 
bridge ;  as  distinguished  from  one  formed  of  planks,  or  of  long  stones  laid  across  the  water.' 
Jamieson.     A.  S.  boga.     Compare  Brace  of  a  bryge,  &c.,  below. 

6  '  Euiscero.  To  bowellyn.     Exentero.  To  bowaylyn.'  Medulla. 

6  '  Gibbus.  A  greate  bunche  or  dwelling.    Struma.  A  swellynge  in  the  throte/the  king's 
euill ;  a  bunche  on  the  backe.    Strumosus.  That  hath  the  impostume  in  the  throte,  or  the 
king's  euill.'  Cooper.     Baret  has  '  A  great  bunch  or  swelling,  gibbus.     He  that  hathe  a 
crooked  backe,  or  a  bunch  in  any  place  of  the  bodie  ;  that  hath  the  rounde  figure  of 
a  thing  embossed,  gibbus.'     '  Gibber.  That  hath  a  bunch  on  his  brest.     Gibbosus.  Wennely. 
Gibbus.    A  broke  bak.      In  dorso  gibbus,  in  pectore  gibber  ftabetfur.     Struma :   genus 
pectoris,  or  bolnyng  of  the  brest.'  Medulla. 

7  In  Piers  Plowman,  B-Text,  xiv.  19,  we  read  '  Dobet  shal  beten  it  and  "bouken  it ;'  on 
which  see  Prof.  Skeat's  note,  in  which  are  oited  the  following :  '  I  bucke  lynen  clothes  to 
scoure  off  their  fylthe  and  make  them  whyte,  je  bue.'  Palsgrave.     '  Buandiere,  f.  a  laun- 
dresse  or  buck-washer.'    Cotgrave.     In  the  Untori    Inventories,  p.  28,   is  mentioned  a 
'  Bouckfatt,  or  washing  tub.'     In  the  St.  John's  College,  Cambridge,  MS.  of  De  Deguile- 
ville's  Pilgrimage  of  the  Life  of  the  Manhode,  leaf  21  back,  we  find,  '  Of  thaym  I  make  a 
bowkynge  for  to  putte  in  and  bowke  and  wasche  alle  fylthes.'    See  also  Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  108. 
'Lixivium.  Lye  made  of  ashes.'  Cooper.     See  Wedgwood  and  Jamieson. 

8  '  Bourd,  scomma.'  Manip.  Vocab.      '  To  bourde,  and  jest  on  some  bodie,  to  tell  merry 
jests.'  Baret.     'Bourde,  or  sport.'  Huloet.     '  locor.  To  speake  in  jest  or  bourde.'  Cooper. 
'  Bourde,  a  ieast,  fib  :  tale  of  a  tub.'  Cotgrave.     See  Prof.  Skeat's  Etym.  Diet.  s.  v. 



lusor,  ioculator,  &  cetera;  vbi  a 

*a  Bowrdeworde1  (Bowdword  A.) ; 

dicerium,  dictorium. 
a  Bowre 2   (Bowe    A.) ;     conclaua, 

conclauis,  conclaue. 
a  Bowestrynge ;  cordicula,funiculuB. 
a  Box  3 ;  pixis,  lechitus  olei  est. 
a  Box  tre ;  buocus,  buxum ;   buxens 


B  ante  B. 
fa   Bra 4 ;    ripa,    &  cetera ;    vbi   a 


A  Brace 5 ;    defensorium,  brachiale. 

fa  Brace  of  a  bryge  or  of  a  wate  6 

(Vawte  A.)  ;  sinus,  amis, 
a  Brachett v  (Brache  A.)  ;  oderensi- 

cus  vel  oderinsiquus. 
Bracere 8. 

Brade ;  latus,  amplius. 
*a  Brade  arrowe9 ;  catapulta,scorpio. 
a  Brade  axe ;  dolabrum. 
tto  make  Brade;  ampliare,  aniplifi- 

care,   <£  cetera ;    vbi  to   sprede 


1  In  Eauf  Coiljear,  E.  E.  Text  Soo.,  ed.  Murray,  1.  905,  Magog  in  warning  Rauf  of  the 
approach  of  the  Saracens,  says — 

'  We  sail  spuilje  sow  dispittously  at  the  next  springis, 
Mak  sou  biggingis  full  bair,  bodword  haue  I  brocht.' 

In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  ed.  Morris,  p.  634,  1. 11047,  Elizabeth,  addressing  the  Virgin  Mary, 
says —        'Blisced  be  )>ou  J>at  mistrud  noght       pe  hali  bodword  pat  J>e  was  broght.' 
See  also  p.  76,  1.  1192,  Ormulum  11.  7  and  11495,  Destruction  of  Troy,  11.  6262,  8315, 
&c.    A.  S.  bod,  a  message,  beoden,  to  bode,  offer ;  Icel.  bodord,  a  command,  message. 

2  '  Boure,  conclave.'  Manip.Vocab.    '  Conclauis.  A  prevy  chambyr.'  Medulla.    'Bowre, 
salle.'   Palsgrave.     '  Conclave.    An  inner   parlour  for   chamber;    a   bankettyng  house.' 
Cooper.     A.  S.  bur. 

3  '  Lecythus.    A  potte  of  earth  that  serued  only  for  oyle  ;   an  ovle  glasse  ;    a  viole.' 
Cooper.     '  Lecitkus  :  ampulla  olei.''  Medulla. 

*  '  Bra,  Brae,  Bray,  s.  The  side  of  a  hill,  an  acclivity.     The  bank  of  a  river.'  Jamieson. 

5  '  Brachialium.    Propugnaculum ;    braie    unde    fausse-braie.'    Ducange.       '  Bracats, 
Brasses,  or  Vambrasses ;  armour  for  the  arms.'  Cotgrave.     See  also  Brassure. 

6  See  Bowe  of  a  bryge,  above. 

7  •  Odorincus.    A  spanyel.'   Medulla.     '  Catettus,  a  very  littell   hounde,  or   brache,  a 
whelpe.'  Elyot.     '  Odorencecus,  canus  venaticus,  qui  odore  feras  sequitur :  chien  de  chasseS 
Ducange.     See  also  ibid.,  s.  v.  Bracco.     '  There  are  in  England  and  Scotland  two  kinds  of 
hunting  dogs,  and  no  where  else  in  the  world  :  the  first  kind  is  called  ane  rache  (Scotch), 
and  this  is  a  foot-scenting  creature,  both  of  wild  beasts,  birds,  and  fishes  also,  which  lie 
hid  among  the  rocks  :  the  female  thereof  in  England  is  called  a  brache.     A  brack  is  a 
mannerly   name    for    all   hound-bitches.'    Gentleman's  Recreation,  p.   27.      A.  S.  race, 
M.H. Gr.  bracke.     'There  be  many  maner  of  dogges  or  houndes  to  hawke  and  hunt,  as 
grayhoundes,  braches,  spanyellis,  or  suche  other,  to  hunt  hert  and  hynde  &  other  bestes  of 
chace  and  venery  &c.  and  suche  be  named  gentyll  houndes.'  Laurens  Andrewes,  The  Noble 
Lyfe,  chap,  xxiiij,  '  of  the  dogge,'  quoted  in  Babees  Book,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  109.     Brache 
occurs  several  times  in  Shakespeare  ;  see  King  Lear,  i.  4.  108  and  iii.  6.  72  ;  I  Henry  IV, 
iii.  i.  240,  &c.     '  A  brache,  canicula.'  Manip.Vocab.      Palsgrave  gives  *  Brache,  a  kynde 
of  hounde,  bracket,''  and  Baret  has  '  A  brache  or  biche,  canicula^  while  Huloet  mentions 
'  a  brache  or  lytle  hounde.'    '  Bracca,  a  brache,  or  a  bitch,  or  a  beagle.'  Florio.    '  Bracket,  m. 
a  kind  of  little  hound.     Brague,  m.  a  kind  of  short-tayled  setting  dog  ;  ordinarily  spotted, 
or  partie-coloured.'  Cotgrave.     '  Brachell,  s.  a  dog ;  properly,  one  employed  to  discover 
or  pursue  game  by  the  scent.'  Jamieson.     See  Sir  Gawayne  and  the  Green  Knight,  ed. 
Morris,  1142.     On  the  derivation  see  Prof.  Skeat's  Etym.  Diet.,  and  cf.  GabrieU  rache 

8  See  Brassure  and  Brace. 

9  Judging  from  the  Latin  equivalents  given  for  this  word  the  meaning  seems  to  be  a 
Catapult  or  engine  of  war  for  shooting  stones  or  arrows.     Cooper  renders  catapulta  by  '  An 
inginne  of  warre  to  shoote  dartes  and  quarels  :  a  kynde  of  slyng,'  and  scorpio  by  '  an 
instrument  of  warre  like  a  scorpion  that  shooteth  small  arrows  or  quarelles.'     '  Catapulta. 
An  hokyd  harwe.    Scorpitis.    A  venym  arwe.'   Medulla.     '  Hec  catapulta.  A  brodarw.' 
Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.,  p.  278. 


*Bragott l ;  jdromellum.. 

*to  Bray2;   pilarei,  cum.  pila  tun- 

dere  vel   terere,  &   cetera;    vbi 

to  stampe. 
a  Brayii;    cerebrum,    cerebellum  vel 

*a  Brakan 3 ;  filix  ;  Jtliceus  parti  i- 

pium  :  versus  : — 

IT '  Ar denies  filices  homines  di- 
cuntur  esse  felices! 

*a  Brakanbuske  ;  jilicarium,  felice- 


a  Brake 4 ;  pinsella,  vibra,  rastellum. 
a  Brandryth 5 ;  tripos. 
fa  Brandryth     to    set    begynnyge 

(byggyng    A.)    on6;    lorameu- 

a  Brande  ;  fax,  facula,  ticio,  teda, 

*Bran;  cantabrum,  furfur. 

1  In  the  Miller's  Tale,  Chaucer  describing  Alison  says — 

'  His  mouth  was  sweete  as  bragat  is  or  heth, 
Or  hoord  of  apples,  layd  in  hay  or  nette.'  C.  T.  3261. 

*  Idromellum.  Mede.'  Medulla.     '  A  Bragget,  drink,  promulsis.'  Manip.  Vocab.    The  fol- 
lowing recipe  for  making  Bragget  is  given  in  Cogan's  Haven  of  Health,  p.  230  :  '  Take 
three  or  foure  gallons  of  good  ale,  or  more,  as  you  please,  two  daies  or  three  after  it  is 
cleansed,  and  put  it  in  a  potte  by  it  selfe,  then  draw  forth  a  pottel  thereof,  and  put  to  it  a 
quart  of  good  English  Hony,  and  set  them  ouer  the  fire  in  a  vessell,  and  let  them  boyle 
fair  and  softly,  and  alwaies  as  any  froth  ariseth,  scumme  it  away  and  so  clarifie  it ;  and 
when  it  is  well  clarified,  take  it  off  the  fire,  and  let  it  coole,  and  put  thereto  of  Pepper  a  peny- 
worth,  Cloves,  Mace,  Ginger,  Nutmegs,  Cinamon,  of  each  two  penny  worth  beaten  to 
powder,  stir  them  well  together,  and  set  them  ouer  the  fire  to  boyle  againe  a  while, 
then  being  Milk  e- warm e,  put  it  to  the  rest,  and  stirre  all  together,  &  let  it  stand  two 
or  three  daies,  and  put  barme  upon  it,  and  drinke  it  at  your  pleasure.'     In  Lancashire 
Braggat  is  drunk  on  Mid-Lent  Sunday,  which  is  hence  called  Braggat  Sunday. 

'  Spised  cakes  and  wafurs  worthily  Withe  bragot  and  methe.' 

John  Russell's  Boke  of  Nurture,  in  the  Babees  Book,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  55, 1.  816. 
Another  recipe  for  Bragget  is  as  follows  :  '  Take  to  x  galons  of  ale,  iij  potell  of  fine  wort, 
and  iij  quartis  of  hony,  and  putt  thereto  canell  3,  iiij,  peper  schort  or  longe  3,  iiij,  galin- 
gale  3,  j,  and  clowys  3,  j,  and  gingiver  3,  ij.'  MS.  I4th  Century.  Taylor,  in  Drink  and 
Welcome,  1637,  A  3,  back,  says  of  Braggot, '  This  drinke  is  of  a  most  hot  nature,  as  being 
compos'd  of  Spices,  and  if  it  once  scale  the  sconce,  and  enter  within  the  circumclusion  of 
the  Perricranion,  it  doth  much  accelerate  nature,  by  whose  forcible  attraction  and  opera- 
tion, the  drinker  (by  way  of  distribution)  is  easily  enabled  to  afford  blowes  to  his  brother.' 

2  In  Trevisas's  version  of  Glanvile,  De  Propriet.  Rerum,  lib.  xvii,  c.  97,  Flax,  we  are 
told,  after  being  steeped  and  dried,  is  '  bounde  in  praty  nytchea  and  boundels,  and  after- 
ward knocked,  beaten,  and  brayed,  and  carfled,  rodded  and  gnodded,  ribbed  and  hekled, 
and  at  the  laste  sponne.'     O.  Fr.  breier,  brehier. 

3  '  Brake  or  Bracken  appears  to  have  been  used  for  many  purposes,  for  Tusser  says — 

*  Get  home  with  the  brake,  to  brue  with  and  bake,     To  lie  vnder  cow,  to  rot  vnder  mow, 
To  couer  the  shed  drie  ouer  head,  To  serue  to  burne,  for  many  a  turne.' 

Five  Hundred  Points,  E.  Dial.  Society,  ed.  Herrtage,  p.  33,  st.  33. 
See  also  ibid ,  p.  42,  st.  33.     '  filix.  A  brak.'  Medulla.     A.  S.  bracce,  pi.  braccan. 

4  Palsgrave  gives  'Brake,  an  instrument,  braye'  and  Huloet  has  '  Brake,  for  to  worke 
dowgh  or  past,  mactra.'     The  Manip.  Vocab.  and  Baret  also  give  'Brake,  frangibulum, 
mactra.'     In  Jamieson  we  find  '  Braik,  break.  An  instrument  used  in  dressing  hemp  or 
flax,  for  loosening  it  from  the  core.'    Cf.  Dutch  braaTc,  a  brake  ;  vlasbraak,  a  flax-dresser's 
brake,  and  A.  S.  brecan.     'Brioche.  A  brake  for  hempe.     Braquer  de  chamere.  To  brake 
hempe.'  Cotgrave. 

6  In  the  Inventory  of  Thomas  Robynson  of  Appleby,  1542,  quoted  in  Mr.  Peacock's 
Gloss,  of  Manley  &  Coningham,  we  find  '  One  brass  pott,  iij  pannes,  brandryt,  cressyt,iiijs ;' 
and  in  the  Line.  Med.  MS.,  leaf  283,  is  a  recipe  quoted  by  Halliwell,  in  which  we  are  told 
to  'Take  grene  jerdis  of  esche,  and  laye  thame  over  a  brandrethe,  and  make  a  fire  under 
thame  &c.'  ' Brandiron,  andena.'  Manip.  Vocab.  'A  brandiron  or  posuet,  chytra.' 
Baret.  In  the  list  of  articles  taken  by  the  Duke  of  Suffolk  from  John  Paston  in  1465  we 
find  '  ij  rakks  of  yron,  ij  brendelettes,  a  almary  to  kepe  in  mete,'  &c.  Paston  Letters,  iii. 
435.  See  Brandelede  in  P. 

fl  Ducange  renders  Loramcntum  by  '  Concatenatio  lignorum  quse  solet  fieri  in  fundamentis 



tto    Branych1;    crispare,    vibrare, 


fBranit  (Brante  A.)2;  abrugatus. 
Brasen ;  eneus. 

Brasse ;  es  ;  ereus,  ^articipium. 
a  Brasse  pot ;  aenum. 
ta  Brassure 3 ;  braciale  vel  br&chiale. 
to  Brawde  4  ;  epigramare, 
ta  Brawdestere;   e^igTc&mator,   epi- 


tto  Brawnche;    Frondere,  -descere, 

a  Brawnche;  antes,  frons,frondicula, 

propago,  ramus,  surculus ;  frond- 

eus.frondosus,  ramalis  pardcipia. 
fa  Brawnche  gederer;  frondator. 
*pe  Brawne  of  a  man 5 ;  musculus, 

fur  a. 
*Brawne6     ap?\na,pulpa;  aprinus, 

sedificiorura  ;  assemblage  de  bois  en  usage  pour  maintenir  les  maUriaux  dans  les  fondement 
cTun  edifice?  The  description  seems  to  answer  to  our  word  piles.  Halliwell  gives 
'  Brandrith.  A  fence  of  wattles  or  boardr,,  &c.'  We  have  already  had  lor  amentum  as  the 
Latin  equivalent  of  a  Bande  of  a  howse.  The  Catholicon  explains  loramentum  to  mean 
boarding  or  frame-work  compacted  together.  '  Lor  amentum  (concatenatio  lignorum),  grunt- 
festunge,  gruntuest  von  holtz  geschlagen.'  Dief.  Compare  Key,  or  knyttyng  of  ij  wallys 
&  Pyle  in  P. 

1  Apparently  an  error  for  Brandych  :  I  know  of  no  instance  of  the  spelling  Branych  ; 
but  the  Medulla  has  '  vibro.    To  braunchyn,  or  shakyn.'     Cf.  also  P.     Brawndeschyn 
(brawnchyn  as  man  K). 

2  'Brent.  High,  straight,  upright,  smooth,  not  wrinkled.'    It  most  frequently  occurs  in 
one  peculiar  application,  in  connection  with  brow,  as  denoting  a  high  forehead,  as  distin- 
guished from  one  that  is  flat.'  Jamieson.     In  this  sense  it  is  used  by  Burns  in  'John 
Anderson,  my  Jo,'  where  we  find  '  Your  bonnie  brow  was  brent.'    A.  S.  brant,   0.  Icel 
brattr.     See  Halliwell,  s.  v.  Brant. 

3  Armour  for  the  arms.     In  Ascham's,  Toxophilus  (Arber's  reprint,  pp.  107, 108),  we 
find  the  following  passage  :  '  PHI.  Which  be  iristrumentes  [of  shotynge]  ?     Tox.  Bracer, 
shotynge-glove,  strynge,  bowe  and  shafte  ....  A  bracer  serueth  for  two  causes,  one  to 
saue  his  arm  from  the  strype  of  the  strynge,  and  his  doublet  from  wearynge,  and  the  other 
is,  that  the  strynge  glydynge  sharpelye  and  quicklye  of  the  bracer  may  make  the  sharper 
shoote.'     Chaucer,  Prologue  to  Cant.  Tales,  1 1 1 ,  describing  the  Yeoman,  says — 

'  Upon  his  arm  he  bar  a  gay  bracer, 

And  by  his  side  a  swerd  and  a  bokeler.' 

In  the  Morte  Arthure  (E.  E.  Text  Soc.,  ed.  Brock),  1.  1859,  in  the  fight  with  the  king  of 
Syria,  we  are  told  that '  Erasers  burnyste  bristes  in  sondyre ; '  see  also  1.  4247.  Baret 
gives  '  a  bracer,  brachiale'  and  in  the  Manip.  Vocab.  we  find  '  a  bracher,  brachiale.' 
'  Brachale.  A  varbras.'  Medulla.  *  Brastelet,  a  bracelet,  wristband,  or  bracer.'  Cotgrave. 
See  also  Florio,  s. v.  Bracciale.  ' Brachiale.  Torques  in  brachio,  dextrale ;  bracelet' 
Ducange.  « Brachiale.  A  bracellette ;  also  a  bracer.'  Cooper.  See  also  Brace,  above,  and 
P.  Warbrace. 

*  « Alle  his  clothes  brouded  up  and  down.'  Chaucer,  Monke's  Tale,  3659.  In  the  Inven- 
tory of  Sir  J.  Fastolf 's  goods,  amongst  the  cloths  and  dress  occurs  '  j  pece  of  rede  satyne, 
brauden  with  the  f aunt  fere.'  Paston  Letters,  ed.  Gardner,  i.  477.  '  Browdyn.  Embroidered. 
Broudrfter.  An  embroiderer.'  Jamieson.  See  also  Brothester.  In  Cotgrave  we  find 
'  Broder.  To  imbroyder.  Erode.  Imbroydered.'  See  also  Barbour's  Bruce,  ed.  Skeat,  xi. 
464.  A.  S.  bregdan,  to  braid,  pp.  brogden,  broden, 

5  '  Musculus.  A  muscle  or  fleashie  parte  of  the  bodie  compacte  of  fleash,  veines,  sinewes 
and  arteries,  seruyng  especially  to  the  motion  of  some  parte  of  the  bodie  by  means  of  the 
sinewes  in  it.  Musculosus.  Harde  and  stiffe  with  many  muscles  or  brawnes  of  harde  and 
compacte  fleash.'  Cooper.  Chaucer,  in  the  Prologue  to  the  Canterbury  Tales,  546,  tells 
us  that  '  The  Mellere  was  a  stout  carl  for  the  nones, 

Ful  big  he  was  of  braun,  and  eek  of  boones.' 

I  and  in  the  Legende  of  Goode  Women,  Dido,  1.  145,  Eneas  is  described  as  of 
'  a  noble  visage  for  the  noones, 
And  formed  wel  of  brawnes  and  of  boones.' 
6  Cooper  gives  '  Pulpa.  The  woodde  of  all  trees  that  may  be  seperated  or  clefte  by  the 
grayne  of  it,  and  is  the  same  in  timber  that  musculus  is  in  a  mans  bodie.    A  muscle  or 



*Brede ;  artocojms,  wtocria,  arto- 
casius,  libum,  panis,  pastellus, 
paniculus,  placenta,  simila,  simi- 
lago,  siligo,  Sed  hec  tria  ^;er 

*  Breke  l ;  bracce,femorale,  perizoma, 
saraballa  ;  braccatus  ^ar^ici- 

*Breke  of  women ;  feminalia. 

fa  Breke  belte  2 ;  brachiale,  braccale, 
braccarium,  lumbare,  lumbato- 

to  Breke;  frangere,  collidere,  con- 
fringere,  jn- ,  ^er-,  ef-,findere,  con-, 
dif-,  de-t  contundere,  frustr&re, 

frustellare,    quassare, 

cor-,  ab-,  pro-,  terere,  con-,  secare, 

dis-,  ruptare^  ruptitare. 
to    Breke    or   tryspas;    jnfringeYe, 

preuaricari,  tr&nsgredi. 
ta  Breker  or  tryspaser;  preuari- 

cator,  transgressor. 
fto  Breke  garth 3 ;  desepire. 
fto  Breke  as  a  man  brekis  his  fast; 

a  Brekynge ;  fraccio,  fractura,  frag- 

men,  ruptura. 
a  Breme 4 ;  bremua. 
fbe  Brede5  (Brerde  A.)  of  a  wessille  ; 

labrum,  abses,  absidia,  ripa. 

fleashie  parte  in  the  bodie  of  man  or  beaste.  A  peece  of  fleash.'  *  Pulpa.  Brawne.' 
Medulla.  O.  Fr.  braon. 

1  *  Perizoma.   A  breeche  :   a  codpeece.'  Cooper.      '  Feminalfo,  -le.  A  womanis  brech.' 

2  See  Bygirdle,  above,  and  Pawncherde,  below.    In  the  Romance  of  Sir  Ferumbras, 
ed.  Herrtage,  1.  2448,  Guy  of  Burgundy  cuts  down  Maubyn  the  thief,  so  that 

'  porw  is  heued,  chyn  &  berd  And  into  }>e  breggurdel  him  gerd, 

pat  swerd  adounward  fledde,  pan  ful  he  adoun  and  bledde ; ' 

and  again,  1.  3008,  Roland  cleaves  King  Conyfer,  and 

'At  ys  breggurdle  ]>at  swerd  a-stod.' 

Brechgerdel  occurs  in  the  Ayenbite  of  Inwyt,  ed.  Morris,  205,  and  Sir  J.  Maundeville  tells 
us  in  his  Voiage  and  Travaile  '  that  balsam  (bawme)  comethe  out  on  smale  trees,  that  ben 
non  hyere  than  a  mannes  breek-glrdille?  '  Perizonia.  A  brekegyrdyl.  Benale.  A  breke 
gyrdyl  or  a  paunce.  Bracco.  To  brekyn.  Saraballa :  crura,  bracce'  Medulla.  See 
Mr.  Way's  note,  s.  v.  Brygyrdyll. 

3  Compare  Tusser,  p.  53,  st.  36 — 

•Keep  safe  thy  fence,  Scare  brealchedge  thence.' 

See  Garthe,  below. 

*  Chaucer,  Prologue  to  Cant.  Tales,  352,  tells  us  of  the  Frankeleyn,  that 
'Ful  many  a  fat  patrich  had  he  in  mewe, 

And  many  a  brem  and  many  a  luce  in  stewe.* 

Neckham,  De  Naturis  Rerum,  Rolls  Series,  ed.  Wright,  says,  p.  148,  «  Brenna  vero  hostis 
dedinans  insidias,  ad  loca  cenosafugit  aquarum  Umpiditatem  quas  a  tergo  habet  perturbans, 
sicque  delusa  tyranni  spe,  ad  alios  pisces  se  transfert.' 

5  In  the  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  324,  we  are  told  that  '  He  J>at  napped  upon  helle  brerde,  he 
toplciS  ofte  al  in  er  he  lest  wene.'  Compare  P.  '  Berde,  or  brynke  of  a  vesselle.  Margo.' 
Cotgrave  has  ' Aile,  a  wing;  also  the  brimme  or  brerewoode  of  a  hat.'  Carr  gives 
Breward  as  still  in  use  in  the  same  sense.  '  The  cornys  croppis  and  the  beris  new  brerd.' 
Gawin  Dousrlas,  Prol.  2Eneid  xi,  1.  77.  '  JBreird.  The  surface,  the  uppermost  part,  the 
top  of  anything,  as  of  liquids.'  Jamieson.  In  Chaucer's  description  of  the  Pardoner, 
Cant.  Tales,  Prologue,  687,  we  are  told  that — 

'  His  walet  lay  byforn  him  in  his  lappe,       Bret-ful  of  pardoun  come  from  Rome  al  hoot ;' 
And  in  the  Knight's  Tale,  1305,  'Emetreus,  the  kyng  of  Ynde,'  is  described  as  having 
'  A  mantelet  upon  his  schuldre  hangynge, 

Brent-ful  of  rubies  reede,  as  fir  sparkiynge.' 

So  also  Hous  of  Fame,  1032,  « Bretful  of  leseyngs,'  and  in  P.  Plowman,  C,  Passus  I,  42, 
we  read,  '  Hure  bagge  and  hure  bely  were  bretful  y-crammyd.'  Compare  Swed.  braddful, 
brimfull.  See  also  Ormulum,  14529,  Seven  Sages,  ed.  Wright,  p.  33,  1.  945,  and 
Wright's  Political  Poems,  i.  69.  A.S.  brerd,  brim,  top.  '  Crepido,  brerd  vel  ofer.'  Wright's 
Vol.  of  Vocab.,  p.  54. 



a  Brere 1  (Breyr  A.) ;  carduus,  fci- 

bulus,  vepres,  veprecula. 
fa  Brerecruke  2 ;  falcastrum. 
*a    Brese 3 ;     atelabus,    brucu.s    vel 

a   Breste ;   pectus,    torax,  pectuscu- 

lum  ;  pectorals. 
a  Breste  plate ;  torax. 
*a  Bretasynge 4 ;  pwpugnaculum.. 
a  Breth  ;  vbi  ande. 
to  Brethe ;   susspirare,  sjrirare,  spi- 

ritum  tr&here,  &  cetera;  vbitoAnde. 
a  Brethynge  j  spiraculum,  spiramen. 
to  Brewe ;  pandoxor. 
a  Brewer ;  pan&oxator  -trix,  brasia- 

tor  -trix. 

fa  Brewhowse  ;  pandoxatorium. 
*a   Bribur;    circumforanus,    lustro, 


a  Bridalle  5  ;  nupcie. 
a  Bride  ;  sjmisa,  sponsus  vir  eius. 
a   Bridylle  ;    lorum,   aurea,    aurex, 

aurias,   frenuro.,    ora, 


luputum    esi  frenum 


to  Brydelle  ;  frenare,  infrenare. 
twitA  owtyn  Bridylle  ;  effrenis,  effre- 

nus,  jnfrenis,  jnfremis. 
fa  Bridylle  rene  ;  habena,  habenula, 

a  Bryge  6  ;  pons,  jwnticulns  ;  ponti- 

cus  ^ardcipium. 

1  «  Carduus.  A  brymbyl.'  Medulla.    A.  S.  brer.     '  Now  in  the  croppe,  now  doun  in  the 
breres*  Chaucer,  Knight's  Tale,  674. 

2  The  falcastrum  was  a  sickle  at  the  end  of  a  long  pole  used  for  cutting  brushwood. 
Soldiers  armed  with  weapons  resembling  it  (see  Chaucer,  Legende  of  Good  Women, 
Cleopatra,  1.  68,  'He  rent  the  sayle  with  hokes  like  a  sithe'}  were  called  in  Old  French 
lidaux  (Koquefort).     Tusser,  in  his  list  of  tools,  &c.  necessary  for  a  farmer,  mentions  a 
'  Brush  sithe,'  which  is  the  same  instrument. 

3  « A  Brizze  or  Gadbee.     Tahon,  taon,  mouche  aux  boeufs.1  Sherwood.      Cotgrave  gives 
'  Tahon.  m.  A  brizze,  Brimsee,  Gadbee,  Dunflie,  Oxeflie.     Tahon  marin.  The  sea  brizze  ; 
a  kind  of  worm  found  about  some  fishes.     Tavan  de  mer.  The  sea  Brizze :  resembles  a  big 
Cheslop,  and  hath  sixteene  feet,  each  whereof  is  armed  with  a  hook,  or  crooked  riaile : 
This  vermin  lodging  himselfe  under  the  finnes  of  the  Dolphin,  and  Tunny  &c.  afflicts  them 
as  much  as  the  land  Brizze  doth  an  oxe.     Bezer.  A  cow  to  runne  up  and  downe  holding 
up  her  taile  when  the  brizze  doth  sting  her.     Bezet.  Alter  a  Sainct  Bezet.  To  trot,  gad, 
runne,  or  wander  up  and  downe,  like  one  that  hath  a  brizze  in  his  taile.    Oestre  lunonique. 
A  gad-bee,  horse-fiie,  dunny,  brimsey,  brizze.'     Halliwell  (who  has  the  word  misspelt 
Brief e)  gives  a  quotation  from  Elyot.     Cooper  has  •  Bruchus.  A  grasse  worme  or  locuste 
that  hurteth  come,  Species  est  locustce  parvum  nota.'      A  situs,  which  is  given   in  the 
Prompt,  as  the  Latin  equivalent,  is  rendered  by  Cooper, '  A  greate  flie  bitynge  beastes  ; 
an  horse-nie  or  breese.'     In  the  Reply  of  Friar  Daw  Topias  (Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii. 
54)  we  read — 

•Whan  the  first  angel  blew,  Alle  thei  weren  lich  horses 

Ther  was  a  pit  opend,  Araied  into  bataile, 

Ther  rose  smotheryng  smoke,  Thei  stongen  as  scorpioun, 

And  brese  therinne,  And  hadden  mannis  face 

Tothed  as  a  lioun.' 
*  Brucus.  A  short  worm  or  a  brese.     Locusta.  A  brese,  or  a  sukkyl.'  Medulla. 

*  '  Bretesque,  A  port,  or  portall  of  defence,  in  the  rampire,  or  wall  of  a  towne.'  Cotgrave. 
It  properly  means  wooden  towers  or  castles  as  appears  from  Ducange,  s.  v.  Bretachia. 

'  And  }>e  brytasqes  on  J?e  tour  an  heje 

Dulfuly  a-doun  wer  caste.'  Sir  Ferumbras,  ed.Herrtage,  3315. 

5  Originally  a  bride-ale  or  wedding  feast.  An  ale  is  simply  a  feast  of  any  kind  :  thua 
we  find  leet-ales,  scot-ales,  church-ales,  &c.  See  Brand's  Popular  Antiquities,  ed.Hazlitt, 
ii.  89-99. 

ii  drou  it  ]>en  and  mad  a  brig 
Ouer  a  litel  burn  to  lig, — 

A,  S.  brycg.    '  Pons.  A  brygge.'  Medulla. 

pe  burn  of  Syloe,  and  said, 
Quen  ]>ai  Jris  brig  )>ar-ouer  laid,'  &c. 
Cursor  Mundi,  ed.  Morris,  p.  514, 1.  8945. 



fa  Bryge  of  a  nese ;  jnterfinium. 

Bryght ;  vbi  clere. 

fto  Bryme l ;  subare. 

Bryne;  salsugo;  sulsuginosus  p&Tti- 

to  Brynge  jn  or  to  ;  aduehere,  afferre, 
jnferre,  annuuciare,  adducere  ad 
rem  turpem,  apportare,  in-,  def- 
ferre,  jnmittere,  ducere,  con-,  jn-, 
jntroducere,  re-,  perducere  ad 
studia,  adducere  ad  honor  em,  il- 
luminare,  jngerere,  irrogare,  in- 
dere,  redigere,  scribere,  subdu- 
cere  naues  ad  terrain,  deducere  a 

to  Bryngfurth ;  prodiicere,  proferre. 

*Brysill<? 2 ;  fragilis,  Jlsilis,  fractici- 
us,  fractilisjfrangibilis. 

*to  Bryse 3 ;  quatere,  quassare. 

Brysed ;  quassatus,  quassans. 

to  Briste ;  crepare,  crepere,  crepitare, 


fto  Bryst  vp ;  erump&re,  irrwmpere. 
tto  Brystylle ;  vstillare. 
*a  Broche ;  veru. 
a  Broche  for  garn4  (gerne  A.) ;  fu- 


to  Broche ;  verudare. 
tto  Brod 5 ;  stimulare,  stigare,  insti- 

a  Brod  6 ;  archie  (Acus  A.),  aculens, 

aporia,  stimulus,  stiga. 
*a  Brokk 7 ;  castor,  beuer,  feber,  me- 

lota,  taxus;  taxinus,  castoreus.    . 
tBrokylltf 8 ;  vbi  brysille. 
Brokyn ;  ruptus,  ab-,fractus,fresus. 
fBrokyn  mete  ;  fragmeutum,  fragi- 


1  Still  in  common  use.  A  sow  is  said  to  '  go  to  brimme,'  when  she  is  sent  to  the  boar. 
See  Ray's  Glossary.  Cooper  gives  '  Subo.  To  grunte  as  the  sowe  doth,  desyring  to  haue 
the  boare  to  doo  their  kyude.  Subatio.  The  appetite  or  steeryng  to  generation  in  swyne.' 
*  Subo.  To  brymmyn  as  a  boore.'  Medulla.  *  A  brymmyng  as  a  bore  or  a  sowe  doth,  en 
rouyr.'  Palsgrave. 

*  See  note  to  Brokylle. 

3  Jamieson  gives  '  To  birse,  birze,  brize.     To  bruise :  to  push  or  drive :  to  press,  to 
squeeze.'     '  Briser.  To  burst,  break,  bray  in  pieces  ;  also  to  plucke,  rend,  or  teare  off,  or 
up  ;  also  to  crush  or  bruise  extreamly.'  Cotgrave.     The  MS.  has  quarsare. 

4  '  Fusus.  A  spindell.'  Cooper.     '  Broche.  A  wooden  pin  on  which  the  yarn  is  wound.' 
Jamieson.     '  FasceUus.  A  lytyl  spyndyl.'  Medulla.     See  note  to  Fire  yrene  below. 

*  Hir  womanly  handis  nowthir  rok  of  tre,  Quhilk  in  the  craft  of  daith  mahyng 
Ne  spyndil  vsis,  nor  brochis  of  Minerve,  dois  serve.' 

See  also  ibid.,  p.  293,  Bk.  ix.  1.  40.  Gawin  Douglas,  Eneados,  vii.  1.  1872. 

5  •  Brod,  to  prick  or  poke.'  Peacock's  Glossary  of  Manly  and  Conyngham  (E.  D.  Soc.). 
Compare  our  prod.     Florio,  p.  68,  ed.  1611,  mentions  a  kind  of  nail  so  called,  now  known 
as  brads.     See  also  Jamieson,  s.  v.     Icel.  broddr,  a  spike ;  cf.  Swed.  brodd,  a  frost-nail. 

6  'Brod.  A  goad  used  to  drive  oxen  forward.'  Jamieson. 

7  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  vi,  31,  Piers  complains  of  the  'Bores  and  brockes  >at  breketh 
adown  mynne  hegges.'    The  name  seems  to  have  been  also  applied  to  a  beaver,  as  in  the 
Medulla  we  find  it  rendered  by  Castor.    Baret  gives  'Broche,  a  grail,  a  bauson,  or  badger; 
metis,'  and  Huloet  'Broche  or  badger,  or  graye  beast,  taxo.'     In  the  Beliq.  Antiq.  i.  7, 
taxus  is  translated  brokke.     In  the  Morte  Arthure,  ed.  Brock,  1.  1095,  we  find  the  ex- 
pression Brokbrestede,  having  a  breast  variegated,  spotted,  or  streaked  with  black  and 
white  like  a  badger.     Compare  Brock-faced  in  Brockett.     '  Taxus.  A  gray  ;  a  badgerj;  a 
broche.'  Cooper.     Icel.  brokkr,  a  badger ;  Welsh  brech,  brych,  brindled,  freckled. 

8  In  the  English  Metrical  Homilies,  ed.  Small,  on  p.  120,  1.  5,  and  again  on  p.  154,!- 12, 
we  have  the  word  brokel,  and  in  each  case  the  Cambridge  MS.  reads  brysell.    The  Ancren 
Riwle,  p.  164,  says,  '  pis  bruchele  uetles,  ]>et  is  wummone  vleschs.    Of  Jrisse  bruchele  uetles 
]>e  apostle  seii$ :  "  Habemus  thesaurum  in  istis  vasis  fictilibus."  .  .  .  .  j>is  bruchele  uetles  is 
bruchelure  ]>ene  beo  eni  gles,'  &c.     Harrison,  in  his  Description  of  England  (New  Shakspere 
Society,  ed. Furnivall),  i.  340-1,  says  that  'of  all  oke  growing  in  England,  the  parke  oke 
is  the  softest,  and  far  more  spalt  and  brickie  than  the  hedge  oke.'     Elyot,  s.  v.  Aloe,  gives 
'brokle,   brittle,'  and   Huloet  has  '  Brokell,  rubbish.      In  the  Manip.  Vocab.   we  find 
'  Brickie,  fragilis,'  and  this  form  still  survives  in  the  north.     Te  Medulla  gives  '  Frac- 
ticeus.  Brekyl.    Fragilis.  Freel,  or  brekyl.'     See  Jamieson,  s.  v.  Brukyl,  Brickie. 



tBrokyn  lendtV  (Broken  lendyde 
A.) ;     lumbifractus ;     lumbifra- 
gium  est  fraccio  lumborum. 
Brostyn2;  herniosus. 
A  Brostynes  ;  hernia. 
a  Broth;  brodium,muriae$ipiscium. 
ta     Brothester  3    (Broudster    A); 

cmaglafariuB,  anaglafaria. 
a  Browe ;    cilium,  vupeTciliuni,  jn- 
terciliuiD.  est  spacium  jnter  cilia. 
*Browes  4  ;     Adipatum  ;     Adifwtus 


Browyii ;  fuscus,  &  cetera  ;  vbi  blake. 

"'a  Broche ;  firmaeufam,  monile,  pi- 

arium,     spinter,    spinterculum ; 

versus  : — 

1T '  Pectoris  est  spinter  /;rqprie, 

pariter  que  monile, 
Ornatus    colli    sit   torques,    & 

auris  inauris, 
Torques  corpus  h&bet,  humQYOS 

armilla,  monile 
Colla,      perichilides     bracTiia, 
gemma  manns, 

Anulus  zn  digito  sjdendet,  sed 

inauris  in  aure  6. 
a  Broder  ;  f  rater  ex  eodem  paire  sed 

ex  diuersis  m&tribus  ;  fraternns, 

germanus  ex  eadem  m&ire,  vteri- 

nus,  couterinus  ex  vno  vtero. 
a  Broder  in  law  (Broder  elawe  A.) ; 


a  Broder  son ;  fratruus. 
fa  Broderdoghter ;  fralria. 
fto  folbw  Broder  in  manm's ;  fra- 


fa  Broderslaer ;  fratricida. 
ta  Brodir  hede  ;  fraternitas. 
ta  Broder  wyfe ;  fratrissa,  glos,  fra- 


to  Brue  6 ;  pandoxari. 
a  Bruer ;  pandoxator,  pandoxatnx. 
ta  Bruhows ;  pandoxatorium. 
to  Brule  7 ;  assare. 
Brume 8 ;    genesta,    merica,    trama- 

to   Brunne ;    ardere,  cremare,  ado- 

lere,  ardescere,  ignire. 

1  '  Lumbrifractus.  Brokyn  in  the  [l]endys.'  Medulla.  See  Lende.  For  fraccio  the 
MS.  has  spado. 

3  '  Herniosus.  He  that  is  burste  or  hath  his  bowells  fallen  to  his  coddes.  Hernia.  The 
disease  called  bursting.'  Lyte,  in  his  edition  of  Dodoens,  1578,  tells  us,  p.  87,  that  'the 
Decoction  of  the  leaues  and  roote  [of  the  Common  Mouse  eare]  dronken,  doth  cure  and 
heale  all  woundes  both  inward  and  outward,  and  also  Hernies,  Ruptures,  or  burstings  ;' 
and  again,  p.  707,  that  '  the  barke  [of  Pomegranate]  is  good  to  be  put  into  the  playsters 
that  are  made  against  burstinges,  that  come  by  the  falling  downe  of  the  guttes.'  •  Hernia. 
Bolnyng  of  the  bo  way  lies.  Herniosus.  Brostyn.'  Medulla.  Cotgrave  mentions  a  plant 
'  Boutouner.  Eupture-wort,  Burst-wort.'  '  Hernia,  broke -ballochyd.'  Wright's  Vol.  of 
Vocab.,  p.  177. 

3  Jamieson  gives  '  Broudster,  an  embroiderer ;  Browdyn,  embroidered.'  See  also 

*  Baret  has  '  Brewis,  bruisse,  or  soppes  ;  ossuloe  adipatce  ;  soupe.'  See  Richard  Coeur 
de  Lion,  1.  3077,  and  Havelok,  ed.  Skeat,  924.  Bruys  occurs  in  the  Liber  Cure  Cocorum, 
ed.  Morris,  p.  19,  See  also  Jamieson,  s.  v.  Brose. 

5  The  following  explanations  of  the  various  ornaments  here  mentioned  are  from  Cooper : 
4  Spinier.  A  tacke  ;  a  bouckle  ;  a  claspe.  Monile.  A  colar  or  iewell  that  women  vsed  to  weare 
about  their  neckes ;  an  ouche.  Torques.  A  colar,  or  chayne,  be  it  of  golde  or  siluer,  to  weare 
about  one's  necke.  Inauris.  A  rynge  or  other  lyke  thinge  hangyng  in  the  eare.  Armilla. 
A  bracelette.  Anulus.  A  ringe.'  The  Medulla  renders  them  as  follows  :  '  Spinier.  A  pyn 
or  a  broche.  Torques.  A  gylt  colere.  Inauris.  pe  Aryng  in  the  ere.  Perichelis :  orna- 
mentum  muliqris  circa  brachia  et  crura.' 

"  '  Suilk  as  J>ai  brue  now  ha  J>ai  dronken.'  Cursor  Mundi,  ed.  Morris,  p.  170,  1.  2848. 
See  also  to  Brewe,  above. 

7  Chaucer,  in  describing  the  Cook,  says  '  He  cowde  roste,  and  sethe,  and  broille,  and 
frie.'  Prologue,  C.  T.  383.     O.Fr.  bruiller. 

8  Lyte,  Dodoens,  p.  666,  tells  us  that  the  juice  of  the  broom  'taken  in  quantitie  of  a 
ciat  or  litle  glasse  ful  fasting  is  good  against  the  Sqinansie  [quinsey]  a  kind  of  swelling 
with  heate  and  payne  in  the  throte,  putting  the  sicke  body  in  danger  of  choking ;  also  it  is 
good  against  the  sciatica.'     See  Wyclif,  Jeremiah  xvii.  6.     A.  S.  brom. 



a  Bruwstone  ] ;  sulfur  ;  sulferosus. 
ta  Brusket 2 ;  ])ectusculum. 
a  Brusch  for  paynterys  ;  celeps. 
a  Brustylk;  seta,  setula  efo'minutiu- 

um;  setosus. 

B  ante  V. 
a  Bucher;   carnifex,  &  cetera;  vbi 

a  fleschow  (fleschener  A), 
fa  Buchery 3  ;  carni/tciunn. 
a   Buclere ;    antile,    clepius,    egida, 

egis, parma,  pelta,  vmbo,  &  cetera; 

vbi  a  boclere. 

fa  Bucler  plaer 4 ;  gladiator. 
"\~ a  Bucler  playnge  ;  gladiatura. 

a  Bufet  5  ;  Alapa,  Aporia, 

ictus,  iccio,  percussio. 
to  Buffet  ;    Alapare,  Alapizare,  co- 

a  Buffetter  ;  A  lapus,  versus  :  — 

IF  '  Qui   dat   qui   recipit   alapas 

alapus  vocitatur.' 
a   Buke  ;    liber,   &    cetera  ;    vbi    a 

*a  Bugylle  (Bogylle  A.)  6  ;  bubalus, 

Animal  est. 
tBugille7;    buglossa,    lingua  bouis, 

kerba  est. 
a  Buk  ;  dama,  damula. 

1  In  the  Pricke  of  Conscience  we  are  told  that  at  the  destruction  of  Sodom  and 
Gomorrah  'It  rayned  fire  fra  heven  and  brunstane?  1.  4853.  And  in  the  Cursor  Mundi 
account,  ed.  Morris,  p.  170,  1.  2841 — 

'  Our  lauerd  raind  o  )>am  o-nan  Dun  o  lift,  fire  and  brinstanS 

Cf.  Icel.  brenni-stein,  sulphur,  from  brenna,  to  burn,  and  steinn,  a  stone. 

a  «  Brichet.  The  brisket,  or  breast-peece.'  Cotgrave.  '  Brisket,  the  breast.'  Jamieson. 
8  A  slaughter-house,  shambles.  In  the  Pylgrymage  of  the  Lyf  of  the  Manhode,  ed.  Aldis 
Wright,  p.  1 29,  Wrath  says,  '  neuere  mastyf  ne  bicche  in  bocherye  so  gladliche  wolde  ete 
raw  flesh  and  I  ete  it.'  '  Macellum.  A  bochery.  Maceria.  A  bochery  off  [or]  fflesshstall.' 
Medulla.  '  JBoucherie.  A  butcher's  shamble,  stall  or  shop.'  Cotgrave.  Amongst  the  officers 
of  the  Larder  in  the  Household  Ordinances  of  Ed.  II.  are  mentioned  '  two  valletes  de 
meatier,  porters  for  the  lardere,  who  shal  receve  the  flesh  in  the  butchery  of  the  achatour, 
&c.'  Chaucer  Soc.  ed  Furnivall,  p.  34.  '  Bocherye  or  bochers  shambles,  where  fleshe  is 
solde.  Carnarium,  Macellum.'  Huloet.  '  Bochery,  boucherieS  Palsgrave. 

*  '  Gladiator.  One  plaiynge  with  a  swoorde.     Gladiatores.  Swoorde  players  in  "Rome 
set  together  in  matches  to  fight  before  the  people  in  common  games  thereby  to  accustom 
them  not  to  be  afrayde  of  killynge  in  warre.'  Cooper.     '  Gladiatura.  A  bokeler  pleyng.' 
Medulla.     Fencing  with  the  buckler,  or  buckler-play,  is  alluded  to  in  the  Liber  Custu- 
marum,  ed.  Kiley,  pp.  282-3.     For  an  account  of  this  play,  see  Gentleman's  Magazine, 
December,  1858,  p.  560,  and  Brand's  Pop.  Antiq.  ed.  Hazlitt,  ii.  299. 
'  Opon  the  morn  after,  if  I  suth  say, 
A  rnery  man,  sir  Robard  out  of  Morlay, 
A  half  eb  in  the  Swin  soght  he  the  way; 
Thare  lered  men  the  Normandes  at  bukler  to  play.' 
Song  on  King  Edward's  Wars,  printed  in  Wright's  Political  Poems,  i.  7°« 

5  Compare  Nekherynge,  below,  and  P.  Bobet. 

6  '  Bewgle,  or  bugle,  a  bull,  Hants.'  Grose.     '  The  bugill  drawer  by  his  hornis  great.' 
The  Kinge's  Quhair,  ed.  Chalmers,  p.  87.     'Buffe,  bugle  or  wylde  oxe,  bubalis.'  Huloet. 
'A  bugle,  butalus.'  Manip.  Vocab.     In  Dunbar,  The  Thissil  and  the  Rois,  we  read 

'  And  lat  no  bowgle  with  his  busteous  hornis  The  meik  pluck-ox  oppress.'  St.  xvi.  1.  5. 
'  Bugles  or  buffes.  Vris?  Withals.  0.  Fr.  bugle,  Lat.  buculus.  See  also  Jamieson,  s.v. 
Bowgle.  Andrew  Boorde,  in  his  account  of  Bohemia,  says  'In  the  wods  be  many  wylde 
beastes ;  amonges  al  other  beastes  there  be  Bugles,  that  be  as  bigge  as  an  oxe  :  and  there 
is  a  beast  called  a  Bouy,  lyke  a  Bugle,  whyche  is  a  vengeable  beast.'  Introduction  of 
Knowledge,  ed.  Furnivall,  pp.  166,  167.  In  his  note  on  this  passage  Mr.  Furnivall  quotes 
a  passage  from  Topesell's  History  of  Four-footed  Beasts :  '  Of  the  Vulgar  Bugil.  A  Bugil 
is  called  in  Latine,  Bubalus,  and  Buffalus ;  in  French,  Beufle ;  in  Spanish,  Bufano ;  in 
German,  Bu/el,'  &c.  See  Maundevilie,  p.  259,  and  Holinshed,  Hist.  Scotland,  p.  17. 

7  Of  this  plant  Neckham  (De  Naturis  Rerum)  says,  p.  477 — 

'  Lingua  bovis  purgat  choleram  rubeamque  nigramque, 

Et  vix  cardiaco  gratior  herba  datur. 
Vim  juvat  occipitis  qiiotiens  sibi  tradita  differt, 

Solvere  cum  fidei  desinit  esse  bonce.' 
See  Oxetonge,  below. 



a  Buket ;  situla,  eustrum,  haurito- 

rmm,  sitella. 

a  Bukylle ;  buccula,  pluscula. 
a  Bukylle  maker ;  2>lusculus,  pluscu- 

lator,  -trix. 
fto  Bokylle ;  plusculo ;  plusculans, 

*A  Bulas  l;  pepulum. 
*a  Bulas  tre  ;  pejyulus. 
to  Bule ;    bulire,  &  cetera ;    vbi  to 


a  Bulynge ;  buUor,  bullio. 
ta  Bulhede2;  bulbus,  capita  ,piscis  est 

aBulle;  fowrus;  taurinusp&rticipium. 
a  Bulle  (Bwlle  A.)  of  lede  ;  bulla. 
fa  Bulle  (Bwylle  A.)  of  a  dore3; 


to  Bulte ;  polentriduare. 
fa  Bultynge  cloth  (Bult  clothe  A.)4; 

polenfciduum ;  poleutridualis. 
a    Bune;    precanat    postulacio,   & 

cetera  ;  vbi  a  askynge. 
a  Buntynge ;  prattllus. 
*a  Burbylle  in  ye  water  5  ;  bulla. 
ta  Burde  dermand<s  (dormande  A.)6 ; 


1  « Bullace,  a  small  black  and   tartisli   plum.'    Halliwell.      They  are   mentioned   in 
Tusser's  Five  Hundred  Points,  chap.  34.  4.      Bullace  plums  are  in  Cambridgeshire  called 
cricksies.    '  Solaces  and  blacke-beries  >at  on  breres  growen.'  William  of  Palerne,  ed.  Skeat, 
1809.     See  also  Romaunt  of  the  Kose,  1377.     Irish  bulo*,  a  prune  ;  Breton  polos,  a  bul- 
lace ;  Gael,  bulaistear,  a  sloe.     '  Bellocier.  A  bullace-tree  or  wilde  plum-tree.'    Cotgrave. 
'  A  bullace,  frute.  Pruneolum.'  Manip.  Vocab. 

2  '  Bullhead,  the  fish,  Miller's  thumb.'     Cotgrave  gives  '  Asne,  m.  an  asse  ;  also  a  little 
fish  with  a  great  head,  called  a  Bull-head,  or  Miller's  thumbe.'     According  to  Cooper 
Capito  is  a  '  coddefishe.'     The  term  is  still  in  common  use  in  the  North  for  a  tad^pole,  in 
which  sense  it  also  occurs  in  Cotgrave  :    '  Crivesot.  A  Pole-head,  or  Bull-head  ;  the  little 
vermine,  whereof  toads  and  frogs  do  come.'     See  also  ibid.,  s.  v.  Testard.     '  Hie  mullus, 
Ace;  a  bulhyd.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.,  p.  253. 

3  Apparently  this  means  either  the  handle  or  a  stud  of  a  door.    In  Mr.  Nodal' s  Glossary 
of  Lancashire,  E.  Dialect  Society,  is  given  '  Bule.  The  handle  of  a  pot,  pan,  or  other 
utensil.    At  Lancaster  the  flat  wooden  handle  of  an  osier  market- basket.'     Halliwell  also 
has  'Bolls.  The  ornamental  knobs  on  a  bedstead.     See  Howell,  sect.  12.'     A.  S.  bolla. 
See  note  to  Burdun  of  a  Buke,  below.   The  Medulla  explains  '  Grappa'  by  'foramen,'  but 
grapa  in  the  present  instance  appears  to  be  a  made-up  word,  suggested  by  the  knob-like 
or  grape-like  form  of  the  thing  meant. 

*  In  the  Treatise  of  Walter  de  Biblesworth  (i3th  century),  Wright's  Volume  of  Vocabu- 
laries, p.  155,  is  mentioned  ca  bolenge'  or  bulting-clot,  the  glossary  continuing — 

'  Per  bolenger  (bultingge)  est  cevere  La  flur  e  le  furfre  (of  bren)  demore.' 

And  in  Kennett's  Antiquities  of  Ambrosden,  a  '  bulter-cloth.'  The  mediaeval  Latin  name 
for  the  implement  was  '  taratantara*  (see  ^Elfric's  A.  S.  Glossary),  from  the  peculiar 
noise  made  by  it  when  at  work  ;  a  word  borrowed  from  Ennius,  as  signifying  the  sound 
of  a  trumpet,  in  Priscian,  bk.  viii.  A  portable  boulter  was  called  a  'tiffany.'  Bultellus 
occurs  in  the  Liber  Custumarum,  p.  106.  '  Bolting  Cloth,  a  cloth  used  for  sifting  meal  in 
mills.  In  1534,  the  Guild  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary  of  Boston  possessed  'a  bultynge 
pipe  covered  with  a  yearde  of  canvesse,'  and  also  'ij  bultynge  clothes.''  Peacock,  English 
Church  Furniture,  p.  189,  quoted  in  Peacock's  Glossary  of  Manley  &c.,  E.  D.  Soc.  In  the 
Unton  Inventories,  p.  29,  occurs,  '  in  the  Boultynge  house,  one  dough  trough,  ij  bolting 
watches'1  (hutches),  i.e.  vessels  into  which  meal  is  sifted.  'Boltings,  the  coarse  meal 
separated  from  the  flour.'  Peacock's  Glossary.  See  also  Paston  Letters,  iii.  419.  The 
word  came  to  be  used  metaphorically  as  in  the  phrase  '  to  boult  out  the  truth,'  i.  e.  to  sift 
the  matter  thoroughly  and  ascertain  the  truth.  Thus  in  Tusser,  Five  Hundred  Points  of 
Good  Husbandrie  (E.  Dial.  Soc.,  ed.  Herrtage,  p.  152) — 

'If  truth  were  truely  bolted  out,        As  touching  thrift,  I  stand  in  doubt 

If  men  were  best  to  wiue.' 

'  Boultyng  clothe  or  bulter,  bfofeav.  Boultyng  tubbe,  husche  a  bluter.'  Palsgrave.  'Pistores 
habent  servos  qui  politruduant  farinam  grossam  cum  polentrudio  delicato  .  .  .  Politrudiant, 
id  est  buletent,  et  dicitur  a  pollem  quod  est  farina  et  trudo.  Pollitrudium  Gallice  dicitur 
buletel  (bultel).'  Dictionarius  of  John  de  Garlande,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.,  p.  127. 

5  '  Bulla.  A  burbyl.     Scateo.  To  brekyn  vp,  or  burbelyn.'  Medulla.     See  also  Belle 
in  the  "Water. 

6  In  Chaucer's  Prologue  to  the  Canterbury  Tales,  we  are  told  of  the  Frankelyn  that 


a    Burde ;    Abacus,   discus,    mensa, 
tabule,  thorns;  mensalis,  commeu- 
salis  :  versus  : — 
TI  '  Rex   sedet   in  disco    tendens 

sua  brachia  disco, 
In  disco    disco    discens    mea 

dogmata  disco  V 

a    Burdecloth 2  ;     discus,    gausipe, 
mappa,    mantile,    manitergium, 
meusale,  mappula. 
a  Burdun  of  a  buke3 ;  clauillus. 

(Burdens  A.) ;  ciuitas  est, 

ta  Burghe ;  burgus. 

fa  Burges  ;  burgensis,  ciuis. 

fBurgon;  burgundia. 

*to  Burion4;  frondere,  germinare; 

frondens  &  germinans. 
a  Buryonynge  ;  germen,  genimen. 
to  Burle  clothe 5 ;  extuberare. 
fa  Burler  ;  extuberarius,  -tor,  -trix. 
a  Burre  6 ;  bardona,  glis,  lappa,  pa- 

fa  Burre  hylle ;  lappetum,  est  locus 

vbi  crescuut  lappe. 

'His  table  dormant  in  his  halle  alway         Stood  redy  covered  al  the  longe  day.'     1.  355. 
'  Kyng  Arthour  than  verament  Ordeynd  throw  hys  awne  assent, 

The  tabull  dormounte,  withouten  lette.' 

The  Cokwold's  Daunce,  50. 

A  dormant  was  the  large  beam  lying  across  a  room,  a  joist.  The  dormant  table  was  per- 
haps the  fixed  table  at  the  end  of  a  hall.  See  Tabyl-dormande,  below.  At  the  bottom 
of  the  page  in  a  later  hand  is  '  Hie  Asser,  -ris.  Ace-,  a  burde,  siche  as  dore«  &  wywdows 
be  made  of.' 

1  The  Medulla  gives  the  following  verses  on  the  same  word — - 

'  Est  discus  Indus  [quoits],  lecternum  [couch],  tnensa  [table],  psxapsis  [dish]  ; 
Discus  et  Aurora,  sic  est  discus  quoque  mappa  [table-cloth]. 

2  Dame  Eliz.  Browne,  in  her  Will,  Paston  Letters,  iii.  465,  bequeaths  '  a  bordecloth  of 
floure  de  lice  werke  and  crownes  of  x  yerdis  and  an  half  long,  and  iij  yardis  brode.' 
'  Gausape.  A  carpet  to  lay  on  a  table  :   a  daggeswayne.'  Cooper.      '  Gausape.  A  boord 
cloth.'  Medulla. 

3  '  Claui.  Varro.     Rounde  knappes  of  purple,  lyke  studdes  or  nayle  heads,  wherwith 
Senatores  garments  or  robes  were  pyrled  or  powdred.     Clauata  vestimenta.  Lampridius. 
Garments  set  with  studs  of  golde,  of  purple,  or  any  other  lyke  thynge.'  Cooper,  1584. 
Here  the  meaning  appears  to  be  studs  or  embossed  ornaments.     Thus  Elyot  renders  Bulla 
by  'a  bullion  sette  on  the  cover  of  a  booke,  or  other  thynge;'  and  Cooper  gives  'Umbi- 
licus. Bullions  or  bosses,  suche  as  are  set  on  the  out  sydes  of  bookes.'    But  possibly  a  clasp 
may  be  meant.     Compare  Cotgrave,  '  Claveau.  The  Haunse  or  Lintell  of  a  doore  ;  also  a 
clasp,  hook,  or  buckle.'     '  Clauillus,  a  burden  of  a  buke.'  Ortus. 

*  Baret  gives  '  to  burgen ;  to  budde,  or  bringe  foorth  flowers.'  '  Burgen,  geminare  ; ' 
Manip.  Vocab.  '  Burgeon,  to  grow  big  about  or  gross,  to  bud  forth.'  Bailey's  Diet. 
'  Bourgeon,  bourjon,  the  young  bud,  sprid  or  putting  forth  of  a  vine.'  Cotgrave.  Harrison, 
Description  of  England,  ed.  Furnivall,  ii.  91,  uses  the  word  in  the  sense  of  a  root,  a 
source :  '  Caser  the  sixt  rote  of  the  East  Angle  race,  and  Nascad  originall  burgeant  of  the 
kings  of  Essex.'  '  Germen.  A  bergyng.  Gramino.  To  spryngyn  or  bergyn.'  Medulla. 

8  A  bureller  was  a  maker  of  burel  or  borel,  a  coarse  grey  or  reddish  woollen  cloth,  for- 
merly extensively  manufactured  in  Normandy,  and  still  known  in  France  as  bureau. 
1  Borel  men,'  or  '  folk,'  as  mentioned  by  Chaucer,  Prologue  to  Monkes  Tale,  &c.,  were 
humble  laymen,  customarily  dressed  in  this  cloth.  The  Burellers  also  seem  to  have  pre- 
pared yarn  for  the  use  of  the  weavers  (see  Liber  Custumarum,  pp.  420,  423).  Henry  III 
ordered  that  '  the  men  of  London  should  not  be  molested  on  account  of  their  burels  or 
burelled  cloths. '  To  burl  cloth  is  to  clear  it  of  the  knots,  ends  of  thread,  &c.  with  little  iron 
nippers,  which  are  called  burling-irons.  *  Bureau,  m.  A  thicke  and  course  cloath,  of  a 
browne  russet,  or  darke  mingled  colour.  Burail.  Silke  rash  ;  or  any  kind  of  stuffe  thats 
halfe  silke  and  halfe  worsted.'  Cotgrave.  Elyot  has  'desquamare  vestem,  to  burle  clothe.' 
See  also  to  do  Hardes  away,  and  to  Noppe,  below. 

6  '  A  Burre,  or  the  hearbe  called  cloates,  that  beareth  the  great  burre,  personata.  The 
sticking  burre,  tenax  lappa.'  Baret.  'Burre,  lappa,  glis'  Manip.  Vocab.  Frisian  borre, 
burre  ;  Danish  borre.  '  Lappa.  A  burre.  Lappetum.  A  burry  place.'  Medulla.  See 
also  Clette. 



•fa  Bur  tre  * ;    sambucus,  sambuce- 

tum  vbi  crescunt. 
a  Buschelle  ;  batulus  liquidorum  est, 

bacus,     modius,   batillus,  modio- 

lus,  tessera. 

a  Buse  for  a  noxe  2 ;  bocetum. 
fa  Busserd  3 ;  arpia,  ^p'cus. 
*a  Buske  4 ;  arbustum,  dumus,  fru- 

tex,  frutectum,  fruticetum,  rubus, 

*a  Buyste 5  (Bust  A.)  ;   alabastrum., 

alabastratum,  piocis,    hostiarium 

pro  hostijs. 

*Bustws ;  rudis,  rigidus. 
to  be  Bustws ;  rudere. 
a  Bute  (Buyt  A.)  of  ledir  or  wan- 

dis 6 ;  crepida,  wspidula,  dimiim- 

tiuum,  ocria. 
*Bute  (Buyt  A.);  Auctorium,  aug- 

mentuTo.  As  in  cosynge. 
*to    Bute     (Buytt   A.)  ;     Augmeu- 

to  Bute  (Buyyt  A.) ;  ocreare,  ocreis 


a  Butewe 7 ;  ocreola. 
a    Buthe  ;     emptorium,    cadurcum, 

tenteriwm,     meritorium,     opella, 


Buytinge  vbi  Buytt  (A.), 
a   Butler 8 ;  acalicus,   indedmMle, 

acellarius,  pinc&rna,  promns,  pro- 


K  i 

1  '  Bur-tree,  or  Bore-tree,  the  elder  tree.     From  the  great  pith  in  the  younger  branches 
which  children  commonly  bore  out  to  make  pot-guns  (sic)  of  them.'  Ray's  Glossary  of 
North   Country  Words.      In   Lancashire   elderberry  wine   is   called  Bortree-joan  :    see 
Nodal's  Glossary  of  Lancashire,  E.  D.  Soc.,  and  Jamieson,  s.v.  Bourtree.     '  Sambuca, 
Sambucus.  Hyldyr.'  Medulla.     Lyte,  Dodoens,  heads  his  chapter  xliiij,  p.  377,  '  Of  Elder 

r  Bourtre.'     *  Sambucus.  Burtre  or  hydul  tre.'  Ortus  Vocab. 

2  '  Boose,  an  ox  or  cow-stall.  Ab.  A.S.  bosih,  prsesepe,  a  stall.'  Kay's  Gloss.,  ed.Skeat. 
A  boose,  stall,  bovile.'  Manip.  Vocab.  See  also  Booc,  and  Cribbe,  in  P. ;  and  Nodal's 
'lossary  of  Lancashire,  E.  D.  Soc.,  s.  v.  Boose.  '  Hoc  boster,  a  bose.'  Wright's  Vol.  of 
'ocab.,  p.  235.  '  Buse,  Buise,  Boose.  A  cow's  stall.  To  Buse.  To  enclose  cattle  in  a 

ill.'  Jamieson.     '  Boia.  A  boce.'  Medulla. 

3  *  Picus.  A  byrde  makyng  an  hole  in  trees  to  breede  in  :  of  it  be  three  sortes,  the  first 
a  Specht,  the  seconde  an  Hicwaw,  the  thyrde  which  Aristotle  maketh  as  bigge  as  an 
henne  is  not  with  us.     Plinie  addeth  the  fourth,  whiche  may  be  our  witwall.'  Cooper. 

*  '  Buske,  dumetum.'  Manip.  Vocab.     Boacus  =  woodland,  occurs  in  Liber  Custumarum, 
».  44,  670.     '  Abod  vnder  a  busk.'  Will,  of  Palerne,  «d.  Skeat,  1.  3069. 

5  In  English  Metrical  Homilies,  p.  148,  the  devil  is  described  as  passing  a  certain 

it's  cell,  and  we  are  told  that 

;  Boystes  on  himsele  he  bare,  And  ampolies  als  leche  ware.' 

See  also  P.  Plowman,  A.  xii.  68,  and  the  History  of  the  Holy  Grail,  ed.  Furnivall,  xv.  463, 
479,  xvii.  131, 137,  &c.  '  Buist,  Buste,  Boist.  A  box  or  chest.  Meal-buist,  ohest  for  con- 
taining meal.'  Jamieson.  '  Boiste.  A  box,  pix,  little  casket.'  Cotgrave.  '  A  Booste,  boxe, 
pixis.'  Manip.  Vocab. 

6  I  know  of  no  instance  of  boots  made  of  twigs  (wandis),  which  appears  to  be  the  mean- 
here,  being  spoken  of,  but  the  Medulla  gives  '  Carabus.  A  boot  made  of  wekerys,'  and 
lers  ocrea  by  '  a  boot  or  a  cokyr.'     '  Ocreo.  To  botyn.'     '  Crepido.  Calceamenti  genus 

cujus  tabellae  ligneae  suppedales  pluribus  clavis  compingebantur ;  chaussure  a  semelle  de  bois 
(Acta  Sanctorum).'  D'Arnis. 

7  '  Butewe,  a  kind  of  large  boot,  covering  the  whole  leg,  and  sometimes  reaching  above 
e  knee.  See  Wardrobe  Accounts  of  Edward  IV,  p.  1 19 ;  Howard  Household  Books,  p.  1 39. 

8  See  his  duties  &c.  described  in  the  Boke  of  Curtasye,  printed  in  the  Babees  Boke, 
.  Furnivall,  p.  190,  and  also  at  p.  152.      The  Middle  English  form  was  boteler,  boiler, 

as  in  Wyclif,  Genesis  xl.  i,  2.  Ducange  gives  the  form  buttelarius  as  occurring  in  the 
Laws  of  Malcolm  II  of  Scotland,  c.  6,  §  5.  The  word  is  derived  from  the  Norm.  Fr. 
butuiller  from  L.  Lat.  bota,  or  butta,  a  butt,  or  large  vessel  of  wine,  of  which  the  buticu- 
larius  (bouteiller,  or  butler)  of  the  early  French  kings  had  charge.  So  the  botiler  of  the 
English  kings  took  prisage  of  the  wines  imported,  one  cask  from  before  the  mast,  and  one 
from  behind.  Butt  in  later  times  meant  a  measure  of  1 26  gallons,  but  originally  it  was 
synonymous  with  doliwn,  or  tun.  Bouteille  is  a  diminutive  from  butta;  and  the  '  buttery1 
is  the  place  where  the  buttcz  were  kept, 




ing  h 



a  Buttok;  nates,  natica,  naticula, 

a  Button1;  fibula,  nodulus,  bulla. 

to  Button;  Jibulare,  coufibulare. 

a  Butry;  Apotheca,  cellarium,  pin- 
cernaculum,  promptuarium,  ^ro- 
pina,penus,  -i,  penus  -nus,  penus, 
-oris,  penum,  penu  indediu&bile. 

*a  Butte ;  meta. 

Buttyr ;  butirum. 

Buttir  marke.     (A.) 

ta  Buttyr  flee  ;  papilio. 

a  Buttyr 2 ;  scalprum,  scalprus,  sca- 
ber,  scabrum. 

a  Buttir3;  vbi  myredromylld  /  Auis 

*Buxum  ;    clemens,  propicius,  flexi- 

bilis,jlexuosus,  paciens,  obidieus, 

tBuxumly ;      clementer,     pacienter, 

prone,  obidienter. 
a  Buxumnes;  dementia,  cohibencia, 

collibencia,  flexibilitas,  paciencia, 

tvn  Buxum;  inobidiens,  contumax, 

impsiciens,  ostinax,  pertinaat,  re- 

bellis,  inclemens. 

Capitulum  Tercium  C. 

C  ante  A. 

ta  Oaban  of  cuke  (coke  A.)  4  ;  ca- 


a  Cabilld;  rudens,  &  cetera;  vbi  a 

fa  Cade 5 ;  dome[s\tica  vd  domesti- 

cus,  vt  ouis  vel  auis  domestica. 

1  Compare  Knoppe  of  a  scho. 

3  This  appears  to  mean  a  pruning-knife.  Cotgrave  gives  *  JSoter,  to  prune  or  cut  off  the 
superfluous  branches  of  a  tree.'  Scalprum,  according  to  Cooper,  is  '  a  shauynge  knife ;  a 
knife  to  cutte  vines,'  and  according  to  the  Medulla  '  a  penne  knyf.' 

3  '  Myrdrumnyl,  or  a  buture.'  Ortus.  The  bittern  is  still  known  as  a  '  Butter-bump,'  or 
a  '  mire-drum,'  in  the  north  of  England.  In  the  Nominate  (Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab. 
p.  2  20)  it  is  called  '  butturre,'  other  forms  of  which  were  bitter,  bittor,  and  bittour.  In  the 
Liber  Custumarum  we  find,  pp.  304-6,  the  form  butor,  and  on  p.  82,  butore.  Bitter 
occurs  in  Middleton's  Works,  v.  289,  and  in  the  Babees  Book,  p.  37,  amongst  other  birds 
are  mentioned  the  '  bustard,  betowre  and  shovelere,'  a  form  of  the  name  which  also  occurs 
on  p.  49, 1.  696,  and  p.  27, 1.  421.  In  the  Boke  of  Keruynge,  printed  in  the  same  volume, 
p.  162,  are  given  directions  for  the  carving  of  a  'bytturre.'  Five  herons  and  Mtors  are 
mentioned  amongst  the  poultry  consumed  at  a  feast,  temp.  Eichard  II,  Antiq.  Report,  i. 
p.  78.  'Bernakes  and  botures  in  baterde  dysches.'  Morte  Arthure,  ed.  Brock,  189. 
'  Hearon,  Byttour,  Shouelar,  being  yong  and  fat,  be  lightlier  digested  than  the  crane,  and 
J>e  bittour  sooner  then  the  Hearon.'  SirT.  Elyot,  Castell  of  Health,  leaf  31.  '  Galerand, 
the  fowle  tearmed  a  bittor.  Butor,  a  bittor.'  Cotgrave.  The  bittern  is  said  to  make  its 
peculiar  noise,  which  is  called  bumbling,  and  from  which  it  derives  its  second  name,  by 
thrusting  its  bill  into  the  mud  and  blowing.  To  this  Chaucer  refers  in  the  Prologue  to 
the  Wyf  of  Bathe,  116— 

'As  a  bytoure  bumblith  in  the  myre, 

She  layde  hir  mouthe  unto  the  water  doun.' 
See  also  Mire-drombylle.   '  Onocrotulus,  byttore.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  176. 

*  '  Caupona.  A  tauerne  or  victaylyng  house.'  Cooper. 

8  «  Cade  lamb,  a  pet  lamb  "reared  by  hand.'"  Peacock's  Gloss,  of  Manley  &c.  *  Corset 
lamb  or  colt  &c.,  a  cade  lamb,  a  lamb  or  colt  brought  up  by  the  hand.'  Ray's  South 
Country  Glossary,  E.  D.  Soc.,  ed.  Skeat.  In  the  Nominale  (Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab., 
p.  219)  the  word  canaria  (probably  for  senaria  —  o,  six-year-old  sheep)  is  explained  as 
'  Anglice,  a  cad.'  'A  cade  lamb.  Agnus  Domesticus,  domi  eductus.'  Littleton.  Still  in 
use,  see  Miss  Jackson's  Shropshire  Glossary,  1879. 

Caffe1;  acus,  palea,  paleola,  folli- 

culus,  theca. 

ta  Caffe  hows ;  paliare,  paliarium. 
a  Cage  ;  catasta,  volucricium. 
a  Cake2;  torta,  tortula,  cfo'minutiuum. 
Calde  ;  frigus,  frigiditas,  tepeditas, 

geliditas,  algor,  algeria. 
tCalde  of  be  axes  3 ;  frigor. 
Calde;    algidus,   frigidus,    tepidns, 

gelidus,  frigorosus,  gabidus. 
to  be  Calde,  or  make  callde  ;  Algere, 

-gescere,   frigere,    re-,  frigescere, 

re-,  frigidare,  re-,  in-,  tepefacere. 
fa  Calde  plase  ;  frigidarium. 
Caldrekyn4;  frigorosus,   &  cetera; 

vbi  calde  (A,), 
a   Calderon    (Caldrone  A.)5;    cal- 

dria,      lebes,      eniola,     cocutum 

(coculum    A.),    enium,    enulum 



(eniolum   A.),    feruorium,    (eni- 
ola A.). 
tCale6;    olus,    olusculum,    dimmn- 

tiuum,  caulis,  olereus. 
ta  Gale  lefe  (Calefe  A.)  ;  caulis. 
fa  Cale  seller ;  olitor,  -tYix. 
*a  Cale  stok  7 ;  maguderis. 
ta  Cale  worme  8 ;  eruca,  atacus,  cur- 

culio,  cucitrliunculus,  vria,  vrica. 
a  Calfe  ;   vitulus ;  vitulinus,  p&rtici- 


fto  Calfe;  fetare. 
^with  Calfe  ;  fetosus. 
J>e  Calfe  of  be  lege ;  crus,  crusculumj 

ta  Cale  garth ;  ortus,  &  cetera ;  vbi 

a  gardynge. 
Calke  9 ;  creta,  calx. 
tCalke ;  cretosus. 

1  A.  S.  ceaf,  chaff.     Hampole,  Prick e  of  Conscience,  3148,  says — 

'als  fyre  J>at  caffe  son  may  bryn, 
gold  may  melt  }>at  es  long  >ar-in.' 
,ucer,  Man  of  Lawe's  Tale,  1.  701,  has — 

'  Me  lust  not  of  the  caf  ne  of  the  stree, 
Maken  so  longe  a  tale  as  of  the  corn.' 
Barlycaffe,  above. 

2  '  Tourte.     A  great  loafe  of  houshold  or  browne  bread  (called  so  in  Lionnois  and 
.upline").     Tourteau.  A  cake  (commonly  made  in  haste,  and  of  lesse  compasse  than  the 

eau} ;  also  a  little  loafe  of  household  or  browne  bread  ;  also  a  Pancake.'  Cotgrave. 

3  Palsgrave  gives  *  Chyueryng  as  one  dothe  for  colde.    In  an  axes  or  otherwise,  frilleux. 
Ague,  axes,  fyeure?     See  also  Aixes.       Axis  or  Axes  is  from  Lat.  accessum,  through  Fr. 
accez,  and  is  in  no  way  connected  with  A.  S.  cece-     Originally  meaning  an  approach  or 
coming  on  of  anything,  it  at  an  early  period  came  to  be  specially  applied  to  an  approach  or 
sudden  fit  of  illness  :  thus  Chaucer  has,  '  upon  him  he  had  an  hote  accessed  Black  Knight, 
1.  136,  and  Caxton,  'fyl  into  a  sekenes  of  feures  or  accessed  Paris  &  Vienne,  p.  25. 

*  Very  susceptible  of  cold,  or  very  cold.  '  Coldrycke,  or  full  of  cold.  A  Igosus.'  Huloet. 
Jamieson  gives  '  Coldruch  adj.  used  as  synonymous  with  Caldrife.  Perhaps  of  Teut.  origin, 
from  koude,  cold,  and  rijcJc,  added  to  many  words,  as  increasing  their  signification  •  blind- 
rijck,  rich  in  blindness,  doof-rijclc,  very  deaf,  &c.' 

5  '  Lebes.  A  caudron  to  boyle  in ;  a  kettle.'  Cooper.  Enium  is  of  course  for  ah&neum  or 
aeneum,  a  vessel  of  brass. 

Chou.  The  herbe  Cole,  or  Coleworts.'  Cotgrave.     See  Jamieson,  s.  v.  Kail. 
'  Quils  he  was  J)is  cole  gaderand,          And  stanged  Jam  in  ]>e  hand.' 
A  nedder  stert  vte  of  )>e  sand  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  718, 1.  12526. 

A  courte.'    Medulla. 

7  '  Magutus.  A  col  stock.'  Medulla.    '  Magudaris.  A  kinde  of  the  hearbe  Laserpitium  ; 

other  onely  the  stalke  of  it ;  after  some  the  roote.'  Cooper.     In  Skelton's  Why  Come 
ye  Nat  to  Court?  350,  we  read — 

'Nat  worth  a  shyttel-cocke,  Nat  worth  a  sowre  calsiocke? 

8  '  Eruca,  A  coolwyrm  or  a  carlok.'  Medulla.     '  Eruca.   A  coleworm  or  a  carlok.'  Ort. 
Vocab.     'Eruca.  The  worme  called  a  canker,  commonly  upon  the  colewourtes.'  Cooper. 
'  Canker  worm  which  creapeth  most  comonly  on  coleworts,  some  do  call  them  the  deuyla 
goldrynge  &  some  the  colewort  worme.  Eruca.'  Huloet. 

9  A.  S.  cealc. 

UK  I  IK  HI 
6    If 





*to  Calkylle 1 ;  calcvlare. 

to  Calle  ;  ciere,  ex-,  Accire,  Accercire, 
coTicire,  cire,  Acciere,  adscire,  vo- 
care,  e-,  ad-,  nuncupare,nominare, 
propellare,  appellare,  com-,  ac- 
cessire,  calare,  censere,  ceasire, 
conuenire,  vocitare,  vociferare. 

to  Calle  in ;  jnvocare. 

to  Calle  owtte  ;  euocare. 

to  Calle  agane  ;  reuocare. 

tto  CalL?  a  hawke 2 ;  stupare. 

a  Callynge  ;  vocacio,  vociferacw ;  vo- 

*a  Calle  trappe8;  hamus,  pedica 
wedio  correpto. 

a  Cambe  (Came  A.) ;  pecten4. 

ta  Cambake  (Camboke  A.) 5 ;   cam- 


fCambrige ;  cautibriyia,  villa  esi. 
a  Camelltf  ;  camelus,  camelio. 
a  Camerelle 6 ;  earner ella. 
Camomelle ;    camomilluro.. 
fa  Can;  orca,  orcula,  diimuutmiim, 

&  cetera ;  vbi  a  potte. 
a  Candelle  ;  candela,  scindula. 
*a  Candeler  ;  candelarius. 
fCawdylmes  (Candilmesday  A.)  r ; 

jpopanti,     m^eclinabiZe,    festum 

piirificacionis  beate  marie. 
a  Candylstyke  ;   candelabrum,  can- 

fa   Candyl  sellers  8  j    emunctoriuw.. 

1  '  Of  J)at  was  calculed  of  }>e  clymat,  the  contrarye  Jjey  fyndeth.'  P.  Plowman,  C.  xviii.  106. 
4  He  calde\>  [calcuJat]  and  acounte>  ]>e  ages  of  |?e  world  by  )>owsendes.'  Trevisa's  Higden, 
vol.  ii.  p.  237,  Eolls  Series. 

2  That  is  to  call  back  a  hawk  from  his  prey  by  showing  him  food.     The  Ortus  Vocab. 
gives  •  Stupo  :  to  call  a  hawke  with  meat.'     It  appears  to  be  a  word  coined  to  represent 
the  English  stoop,  for  the  only  meaning  assigned  to  stupare  in  the  dictionaries  is  '  to  shut 
up  in  a  bath  ;'  and  so  Cotgrave,  '  Estouper.  To  stop,  to  close ;  to  shut  or  make  up.'     This 
meaning  also  appears  in  the  Ortus,  for  it  continues,  •  vel  aliquid  stupa  obturare'    To  stoop 
or  stoup  was  the  regular  term  in  falconry  for  a  hawk  swooping  down  on  its  prey  :  thus  Ben 
Jonson,  Alchemist,  v.  3,  has,  '  Here  stands  my  dove  ;  stoop  at  here,  if  you  dare.'     See  also 
Spenser,  Faery  Queene,  I.  xi.  18. 

8  •  Caltroppes  used  in  warre,  to  pricke  horses  feete  ;  they  be  made  so  with  foure  pricks 
of  yron,  that  which  way  soeuer  they  be  cast,  one  pike  standeth  up.  Tribuli.'  Baret.  See 
also  Florio,  s.  v.  Tribolo,  and  Prof.  Skeat's  exhaustive  note  on  the  word  in  Piers  Plowman, 
C.  xxi.  296.  '  Hamus.  An  hook,  or  an  hole  of  a  net,  or  a  mayl  of  an  haburion,  or  a 
caltrappe.  Pedica.  A  fettere,  or  a  snare.'  Medulla.  'A  forest  uol  of  ]>yeues  an  of 
calketreppen?  Ayenbite  of  Inwyt,  ed.  Morris,  p.  131.  Caxton,  Faytes  of  Armes,  pt.  ii.  ch. 
xiv.  p.  119,  mentions  amongst  the  implements  of  war  'sharp  hokes  and  pynnes  of  yron 
that  men  caHe  caltrappes.'  '  Caltropes,  engines  of  warre  sowen  abrode  to  wynde  horse  & 
man  by  the  legges.  Spara.'  Huloet.  'The  felde  was  strowed  full  of  caltroppes.  Locus 
pugnce  muricibm  erat  instratus.'  Horman.  *  MS.  penten ;  correctly  in  A. 

5  Cambuca  is  defined  in  the  Medulla  as  '  a  buschoppys  cros  or  a  crokid  staf,'  which 
is  probably  the  meaning  here.  In  the  Ortus  Vocab.  we  find  '  Cambuca,  a  crutche,' 
and  hereafter  will  be  found  '  A  Cruche.  Cambuca,  pedum.'  The  word  is  doubtless 
derived  from  the  Celtic  cam,  crooked,  Gaelic  camag.  The  Rest-harrow  (short  for  arrest- 
harrow),  also  called  Cammoke,  or  Cammock  (onona  arvensis)  derives  its  name  from  the 
same  source  from  its  roots  being  tough  and  crooked.  See  P.  Plowman,  C.  xxii.  314. 

*  '  Camerula.  Parva  camera,  cellula  ad  colloquendum,  chambrette,  cabinet.'  Ducange. 

'  '  Hypapanti.  Barbare  ex  Grsec.  vTrairavrrj,  festum  Purificationis  Beatae  Marise  ;  la  fete 
de  la  Presentation  au  temple,  le  2  fivrier?  Ducange.  '  Hoc  ipopanti.  Candylmesse.' 
Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  229.  The  Ortus  explains  ipapanti  by  'obuiatio  vel  occursus 
domini,  ab  ipa  grece,  quod  latine  dicitur  vie,  et  anti,  quod  est  contra :  anglice,  the  feest  of 
candelmas,  or  metyrige  of  candelles.' 

8  '  Candel  shears.  Snuffers.'  Jamieson.  '  Emundorium.  A  snuffynge  yron.'  Ortus  Vocab. 
In  the  'Boke  of  Curtasye'  (Sloane  MS.  1986)  pr.  in  the  Babees  Boke,  ed.  Furnivall,  p. 
205,  the  following  description  of  snuffers  is  given — 

'  f"e  snof  [the  Chandeler]  dose  away  pe  sesours  ben  schort  &  rownde  y-close, 

With  close  sesours  as  I  jow  say ;  With  plate  of  irne  vp-on  bose.' 

'  Emunctorium :  ferrum  cum  quo  candela  emungitur.'  Medulla.      Wyclif,  Exodus  xxv.  38, 
renders  emunctoria  by  '  candelquenchers,'  and  emuncta  by  'snoffes'  [snottis  in  Purvey]. 



fa  Candylweke;  lichinus, lichinum. 
ta  Candylsnytynge  1 ;    licinus,    lici- 


fCanedj  Acidus. 
fCanynge  of  ale  2 ;  A  cor. 

rile3;  cinamomum,  Amomum. 
Cankyr  ;    cancer,    -is    secuudum 
antiques,  sed   modo  est  secunde 
decliu&tiouis,  cancer,  -cri. 
Canon ;  canon. 

*Canope;  canopeuro.',  canopeus, 


*a  Cantelle  4 ;  minutall. 
tCantebery  (Cantyrbery  A.)  ;   can- 

tuaria  ;  cantuarieusis. 
a  Canvas ;  canabus,  carentiuillum. 
*a  Cape ;  capa,  capula,  caracalla,  ca- 

racallum,  dalmatica  cantoris  est. 
*a  Capylle  5 ;  caballus. 
a  Capon6;  capo;  Altilis,  gallinacius. 

1  There  appears  to  be  some  error  here,  the  scribe  having  apparently  copied  the  same 
itin  equivalents  for  Candylsnytynge  as  for  Candylweke,  to  which  lichinus  or  lichinum 
aperly  apply.     Candylsnytynge  is  the  act  of  snuffing  a  candle,  or,  if  we  understand  the 

ford  instrument,  a  pair  of  snuffers.     '  Snite.  To  snuff,  applied  to  a  candle.'  Jamieson. 

Lichinus.  Candell  weyke.'  Ortus.  '  Fumale.  The  weyke  or  [of]  a  candyl.  Lichinus.  A 
weyke  off  a  candyl.  Lichinum.  The  knast  off  a  candyl.'  Medulla.  See  to  Snyte  and 

2  Said  of  vinegar  when  containing  mould,  or  turned  sour.     Similarly  in  the  version  of 
Beza's  Sum  of  the  Christian  Faith,  by  R.   Fyll,  Lond.  1572,  1.  134,  we  find — 'It  is 
meruaile  that  they  [the  Priests]  doe  not  reserue  the  wine  as  well  as  the  breade,  for  the 
one  is  as  precious  as  the  other.     It  were  out  of  order  to  saye  they  feare  the  wine  will  eger, 
or  waxe  palled,  for  they  hold  that  it  is  no  more  wine.'  See  P.  Egyr.    '  Acor :  canynge  of 
ale.'  Ortus  Vocab. 

3  '  Canelle,  our  moderne  Cannell  or  Cinnamon.'    Cotgrave.     '  And  the  Lord  spak  to 
Moyses,  seiynge,  Tak  to  thee  swete  smellynge  thingis  ....  the  half  of  the  canel  [cinna- 

.t  Wyclif,  Exodus  xxx.  23.  '  I  ha  sprengd  my  ligging  place  with  myrre,  and  aloes, 
id  canell ;'  ibid.  Proverbs  vii.  17.  See  also  Eomaunt  of  the  Rose,  p.  58,  'canelle,  and 
jwale  of  prys.'  In  Trevisa's  Higden,  i.  99,  we  are  told  that  '  in  Arabia  is  store  mir 
nel.'  In  John  Russell's  Boke  of  Nurture  (pr.  in  the  Babees  Book,  ed.  Furnivall), 
:>.  n,  'Synamone,  Canelle,  red  wyne  hoot  &  drye  in  J)eir  doynge,'  are  mentioned  amongst 
ingredients  of  Ypocras.  Is  the  name  derived  from  its  tube-like  stalk?  Canel  also 
jurs  in  the  Recipe  for  Chaudon  sau3  of  Swannes,  given  in  Harl.  MS.  1735,  1.  18.  See 
)te  to  Chawdewayn.  '  Cinomomum.  Canel.'  Medulla.  See  also  Cinamome.  '  Canel, 
pyce,  or  tre  so  called.  Amomum.'  Huloet.  '  Canele  &  gingiuere  &  licoris/  La3amon,  1. 1 J,  744. 

4  Chaucer,  in  the  Knighte's  Tale,  1.  2150,  says  that — 

'  Nature  hath  nat  take  his  bygynnyng 
Of  no  partye  ne  caniel  of  a  thing, 
But  of  a  thing  that  parfyt  is  and  stable.' 
lakspeare  also  uses  the  word — 

'  See,  how  this  River  comes  me  cranking  in, 
And  cuts  me  from  the  best  of  all  my  land, 
A  huge  halfe  moone,  a  monstrous  cantle  out.' 

ist  Hen.  IV.,  III.  i,  98. 

also  in  Ant.  &  Cleop.  III.  x,  4.     According  to  Kennett  MS.  38,  Cantelle  means  '  any. 
inite  number  or  dimension :'  thus  in  MS.  Cantab.  Ff.  ii.  38, 1. 123  (quoted  by  Halliwell) 
read — 

'  And  a  cantell  of  hys  schylde  Flewe  fro  hym  ynto  the  fylde.' 

ly  gives  '  Chantel,  cantel,  coin,  quartier,  morceau,  chanteau."1    '  Mtnutal.  A  cantyl  of 
Medulla.    Compare  P.  '  Partyn,  cantyn,  or  delyn,  parcior.' 

5  'Capyl,  Capul.  s.  A  horse  or  mare.'  Jamieson.    '  Caballus.  A  horsej.acaple.'  Cooper, 
"om  a  passage  in  Rauf  CoilBear,  E.  E.  Text  Society,  ed.  Murray,  a  '  Capylle  '  appears  to 

properly  applied  to  a  cart-horse,  as  distinguished  from  a  '  coursour,'  a  charger  or  saddle- 
Rauf  on  his  arrival  home  orders  '  twa  knaifis ' 
'  The  ane  of  Sow  my  Capill  ta, 

The  vther  his  [King  Charles']  Coursour  alswa.'    P.  6,  1.  114. 

s  Carte  hors  below.  '  Thanne  Conscience  vpon  his  Caple  kaireth  forth  faste.'  P.  Plowman, 
.  iv.  23.     'Calallus.  A  stot.'  Medulla. 

6  Altilis  is  rendered  by  Cooper,  '  franked  or  fedde  to  be  made  fatte.' 



*a  Cappe l ;  pilius,  galerus. 

*a  Cappe  of  a  flaylle 2 ;  cappa. 

tCappyd;  cappatus. 

tto  Cappe;  cappo  -as,  -aui,  -re. 

a  Captan;    Architeneus,   capitaneua, 

castellanus,  castettarius. 
*a  Caralle3 ;  corea,  chorus,  pecten. 
a  Carde  4 ;  carpus,  carptariura.. 
a  Carde  maker ;  carptarius. 
fa  Carder;  carptrix. 
a  Cardiakylle  or  cardiake 5 ;  cardia, 


fa  Cardynge;  carptorium. 
a  Cardinally;  cardinalis;  cardinalis 

a  Cariage ;  vectra,  cariagium. 

*a  Carion ;  cadauev,  funus,   funus- 

tulum,  morticinum,  corpus ;  mor- 

ticinus  jpardcipium. 
a  Carkas ;  carnicuciwai. 
*a  Carle  (Caryle  A.) 6 ;  rusticus,    & 

cetera ;  vbi  a  churle. 
a  Carre;  saratum,  carrua,  carrum. 
tCarsay7;  bilix. 

a  Carte ;  biga,  biiuga,  carecta,  carrua. 
ta    Carte    band    (Carbond    A.)  8  ; 

crusta,  crustula  cfo'minutiuum. 
a  Carter;  Auriga,   veredus,    vereda- 

rius,  quadrigarius,  carectarius. 
fa  Carte  hows ;  carectarea. 

1  'Galerus.  An  hatte  :  a  pirwike.'     ' Pileus.  A  cappe  or  bonet.'  Cooper.    'Galerus.  A 
coyfe  of  lether.'   Medulla.     A.  S.  cceppe,  which  appears  as  the  gloss  to  planeta  in  ^Ifric's 
glossary.    '  Galerus,  vel  pileus,  fellen  hset.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  22. 

2  *  The  band  of  leather  or  wood  through  which  the  middle-band  passes  loosely.     There 
is  one  cap  at  the  end  of  the  hand-staff,  generally  made  of  wood,  and  another  at  the  end  of 
the  swingel,  made  of  leather.'  Halliwell  in  v.     See  Flayle,  below. 

3  In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  438, 1.  7600,  we  are  told  that  after  David  had  slain  Goliath 

'  per  caroled  wiues  bi  ]>e  way,         Of  J>air  carol  suche  was  j?e  sange,  &c.' 
Compare  the  account  of  the  same  event  in  Wyclif,  i  Kings,  xxi.  n.     Pecten  is  used  here- 
after as  the  equivalent  for  a  Wrast.     '  Faire  is  carole  of  maide  gent.'  Alisaunder,  1845. 

*  '  Gardes  or  wool  combes.  Hani  vel  Hami,  pectines.'  Baret.     '  Gardes.  Cards  for  wooll, 
&c.,  working  cards.  Cardier.  A  card-maker.'  Cotgrave. 

6  '  Cardiaque.  A  consumption,  and  continuall  sweat,  by  the  indisposition  of  the  heart, 
and  parts  about  it. '  Cotgrave.  'Cardiacus.  That  hath  the  wringyng  at  the  hearte.'  Cooper. 
Batman  vppon  Bartholome",  lib.  vii.  cap.  32,  '  Of  heart-quaking  and  the  disease  cardiacle, 
says,  '  heart-quaking  or  Cardiacle  is  an  euil  that  is  so  called  because  it  commeth  often  of 
default  of  the  heart,'  &c.  '  Cordiacus,  (i)  qui  patitur  morbum  cordis  ;  (2)  morbus  ipse.' 
Ducange.  '  Cardiaca  ;  quidam  morbus.  A  cardyake.'  Medulla.  See  Piers  Plowman,  C. 
vii.  78  and  xxiii.  82.  The  word  also  occurs  in  Chaucer's  Pardoner's  Prologue,  1.  27, 
and  in  the  Prologue  to  the  Tale  of  Beryn,  ed.  Furnivall,  1.  493,  where  we  are  told  that 
the  Pardonere  '  caujt  a  cardidkill,  &  a  cold  sot.' 

6  'Rusticus.  An  uplondman.'  Wright's  Vol.  Vocab.  p.  182.    '  Rusticus.  A  charle.'  Me- 
dulla.    '  A  carle.  Rusticus.'  Manip.  Vocab. 

7  Cooper  renders  Bilix  by  '  A  brigantine,  or  coate  of  fence  double  plated,  or  double 
mayled.'     Palsgrave  gives  '  Carsey  cloth,  cresy,'  and  Cotgrave  '  Carize,  creseau,  kersie.' 
Harrison  in  his  Description  of  Eng.  ed.  Furnivall,  i.  172,  says  that  an  Englishman  was 
contented  '  at  home  with  his  fine  carsie  hosen  arid  a  meane  slop.'     '  Carsaye.  The  woollen 
stuff  called  Kersey.'  Jamieson.     The  Medulla  explains  bilix  as  '  a  kirtle  off  cloth  off  ij 
thredes  woundyn.'     For  the  origin  of  the  word  see  Skeat,  Etym.  Diet.  s.  v.  Kersey. 

*  A  plate  of  iron.  Cotgrave  gives  '  ffappe.  f.  A  claspe,  or  the  hooke  of  a  claspe  ;  or  a 
hooke  to  claspe  with ;  also  the  clowt,  or  band  of  iron  thats  nailed  upon  the  arme,  or  end 
of  an  axletree,  and  keeps  it  from  being  worne  by  the  often  turning  of  the  nave  (of  a 
wheele).'     This  appears  from  the  definition  of  crusta  given  by  Cooper,  'bullions  or  orna- 
mentes  that  may  be  taken  off,'  to  be  the  meaning  in  the  present  instance,  but  a  cart-band 
also  signifies  the  tire  of  a  wheel.     Cotgrave  has  '  Bande.  The  streake  of  a  wheele,'  and 
Elyot,  Diet.  1559,  gives  'Absis.  The  strake  of  a  cart  whele,  wherin  the  spokes  bee  sette : 
victus.  A  hoope  or  strake  of  a  carte.'     W.  de  Biblesworth  in  naming  the  parts  of  a  cart 
speaks  of  les  bendes  de  les  roes,  which  is  rendered  in  the  gloss  '  the  carte-bondes.'    Wright's 
Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  167.     'Bande.  A  welt  or  gard ;  the  streak  of  a  cart  wheel.'  Cotgrave. 
See  also  Clowte  of  yren,  and  cf.  Copbande. 



fa  Carte  hors ;  veredus,  caballns. 

ta  Carte  spurre  1 ;  orbita. 

fa  Cartewright ;  carectareus. 

fa  Carte  sadille  2 ;    sella   veredaria, 

a  Case ;  casus. 
fa  Case  for  sponys  or  oder  thyngis; 

to  Caste ;  jacere,  emittere,  effundere, 

torquere,    con-,  jaculari,    balein 

grece,  exigere,  jactare  ;  versus — 
^  Si   non   vis  jacere,    lapidem 

permitte  jacere. 
to  Cast  agayn ;  reicere. 
to  Caste  away;  abicere,  proicere,  abi- 

cimus  voluntate,  proicimus  iussu 

to  Caste  a  darte ;  jaculari,  torquere, 


tto  Caste  be  hinde;  deiactare,deicere. 
to  Castin;  jnicere,  jmmiUere. 
to  Caste  down ;  sternere,  ab-,  con-, 

pro-,  diruere,  demoliri,  snbuertere, 

obruere,  pessundare. 
Caste  down ;  stratus,  pro-,  dirutus, 

to  Caste  owte ;  eicere,  eiactare,  elimi- 


tto  Caste  ouer  •  traicere. 
ta  Castelle;  castrum,  castellum,  cas- 

tellulum,  defensio,  muniiner\,  tnu- 

nicipium,    oppidum,  oppidulum, 

opus,  (ops,  menea  A.), 
tto  sett  in  Castelle ;  jncastrare. 
tCastynge;  jaciens,  emittens,  iactans. 
tCastyngg  as  a  bowe ;  flexibilis,  vt, 

Arcus  meus  est  flexibilis,  ance  ve- 

lecastynge 3. 

a  Castyngdown;  prostracio,subuercio. 
a  Catte;    catus,   mureligus,    musio, 

ta  Cattyle  (Catalle  A.)*;    lanugo, 

herba  est. 
ta  Cature 5 :   escarius. 

1  Cooper  gives  'Or6ito.Virg.Cic.  A  carte  wheele :  the  tracke  of  a  carte-wheele  made  in 
the  grounde.'     'The  tracke,  or  Cart- wheele  Eut.    Orbita'  Withals.     The  Medulla  has 
« Vadum.  A  forthe  or  cart  spore.    Orbita.  A  cart  spore,'  and  The  Ortus  explains  orbita  as 
'  vestigium  curri  vel  rote :  ab  orbe  et  rota  dicta  :  et  dicitur  orbita  quasi  orbis  iter  vel  via,? 
A.  S.  spor,  a  track  ;  which  we  still  retain  in  the  term  spoor,  applied  to  the  track  of  deer, 
&c.     Compare  'Fosper,  Vestigium.'  Manip.  Voeab.  and  P.  Whele  Spore. 

2  '  Carsaddle.  The  small  saddle  put  on  the  back  of  a  carriage -horse,  for  supporting  the 
ims  or  shafts  of  the  carriage.'  Jamieson.     '  The  saddle  placed  on  the  shaft-horse  in  a 

b,  carriage,  or  waggon.'  Peacock's  Gloss,  of  Manley,  &c.     Compare  P.  Plowman,  B.  ii. 
1 79.     '  Cartesadel,  }>e  comissarie,  owre  carte  shal  he  leve.'     '  Cartsaddle,  dbrsuale.''  Huloet. 
Fitzherbert,  Boke  of  Husbandry,  If.  B  5,  speaks  of '»  car£sae?eZ,.bakbandes  and  belybandes.' 
8  That  is 'well-casting.' 

*  '  Cat-tails.  The  heads  of  the  great  bulrush.'  Peacock's  Glossary  of  Manley,  &c. 
'Lanugo.  The  softe  heares  or  mossinesse  in  fruites  and  herbes,  as  in  clarie,  &c.'  Cooper. 
Jamieson  says,  'Cats-Tails,  s.  pi.  Ha,reatid\-rvi8htEriophorumvaginatum  Linn,  also  called 
Canna-down,  Cat-tails.'  Lyte,  Dodoens,  p.  512,  says  that  the  '  downe  or  cotton  of  this 
plant  is  so  fine,  that  in  some  countries  they  fill  quishions  and  beddes  with  it.'  He  adds, 
Turner  calleth  it  in  Englishe,  Eeed  Mace,  and  Cattes  tayle :  to  the  which  we  may  ioyne 
others,  as  Water  Torche,  Marche  Betill,  or  Pestill,  and  Dunche  downe,  bycause  the 

downe  of  this  herbe  will  cause  one  to  be  deafe,  if  it  happen  to  fall  in  to  the  eares 

The  leaves  are  called  Matte  reede,  bycause  they  make  mattes  therewith Men 

haue  also  experimented  and  proued  that  this  cotten  is  very  profitable  to  heale  broken  or 
holowe  kibes,  if  it  be  layde  vpon.'  See  also  the  quotation  from  Gerarde  in  Mr.  Way's  note 
s. v.  Mowle.  ' Cat's-tail ;  typha'  Withals.  « Cattes  tayle,  herbe,  whiche  some  cal  horse- 
taile.  Cauda  equina.'  Huloet. 

6  '  Escarius :  a  cater.'  Ortus  Vocab.     Baret  gives  '  a  Cater  :  a  steward  :  a  manciple  :  a 
juider  of  cates,  opsonator,  un  despensier  ;  qui  achete  les  viandes,'  and  Palsgrave  '  Provider 
iter,  despencier.     Catour  of  a  gentylmans  house,  despensier.''     Tusser,  in  his  Five  Hun- 
id  Points,  &c.,  p.  20,  says — 
'  Make  wisdome  controler,  good  order  thy  clarke,     Prouision  Cater,  and  skil  to  be  cooke.' 
'Catour,  or  purueyoure  of  vitayles.  Opsonator.'  Huloet.     'The  Cater  buyeth  very  dere 
3.  Obsonator  caro  foro  emit  obsonia?  Herman.   From  a  Fr.  form  acatour  from  acatet 
buying,  used  by  Chaucer,  Prol.  573. 



*a  Cawcion  l ;  caucio. 

*a  Cawdille2;  caldarium. 

a  Caule 3 ;  caula. 

a  Cause;    causa,   erga,   declinabitur 

antiquitus,  argum,  gr&tia  &  racio ; 

sed   causa  multas  h&bet  species, 

racio  pa[u]cissimas,  &  causa  rem 

antecedit,  racio  per/kit;  jus,  occa- 

sio,  res. 
be  Cause*  causa,  pretextu,   contem- 

placioue,  gr&tia,  intuitu,  obtentu, 


C  ante  E. 
a    Cedir   tre ;    cedrus,    cedra ;    ce- 

tCele 4 ;    vbi  happy  (<k  vbi  blyssede 


Celydon 5 ;  celidonia,  Tierba  esi. 
a  Celltf;  cetta,  cellula,  conclaue. 
a  Celler;  cellarium  (Apoteca,  cella- 

num,penus,  -i,penus,-ns,  penum, 
pent,  indec\iiiafoile,penus,-eris,  A.), 
&  cetera ;  vbi  a  butry. 

a  Cellerer;  cellarius,  cellararius. 

a  Censure ;  vide  in  S.  litteva. 

Centary 6 ;  centauria,  fel  terre. 

a  Cepture ;  ceptrum. 

*a  Cerkylle  ;  Ambago,  Ambages, 
ambicio,  ambitus,  circus,  cir- 
culus,  ciclus  7,  sicufas,  circui- 
ts, girus,  lustrum,  lustr&cio, 
lustrameu,  spera,  sperula,  dimi- 

half  a  Cerkylle ;  semicirculus. 

Certan;  certus,  verus. 

tto  be  Certan ;  constare,  restare. 

Certanly ;  certe,  g'uoque,  porro,  quin, 
vlique ;  versus  : 

stultus  porro   qui   nescit 
viuere  porro. 

'  The  king  suor  vpe  the  boc,  and  caution  voud  god, 
That  he  al  clanliche  to  the  popes  loking  stod.' 

Kobert  of  Gloucester,  ed.  Hearne,  p.  506. 
So  also  in  King  Alisaunder,  1.  2811,  in  Weber  Metr.  Bom.  i.  no — 

'And  they  weore  proude  of  that  cite;  And  ful  of  everiche  iniquyte  : 
Kaucyon  they  nolde  geve,  ne  bidde.' 

The  word  frequently  occurs  in  this  sense  of  •  hostages,  security :'  see  Holinshed,  iii.  1584, 
'  hostages  that  should  be  given  for  cautions  in  that  behalfe.'  It  is  still  in  use  in  Scotland 
for  '  bail,  security.' 

2  In  the  Prologue  to  the  Tale  of  Beryn,  Chaucer  Soc.  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  14, 1.  431,  we 
are  told  how  Kit,  the  tapster,  her  Paramour,  and  the  Ostler 

'  Sit  &  ete  J>e  cawdell,  for  the  Pardonere  }>at  was  made 

With  sugir  &  with  swete  wyne,  rijt  as  hymseife  bade.' 

'A  cadle.  Potiuncula  ouacea ;  ouaceum.  A  caudel.  Potio.  An  ote  caudel.  Avenaceum.' 
Manip.  Vocab.  '  Of  sweet  Almondes  is  made  by  skille  of  cookes  ....  cawdles  of  Almonds, 

both  comfortable  to  the  principall  parts  of  the  body  and  procuring  sleepe Almond 

cawdels  are  made  with  ale  strained  with  almonds  blanched  and  brayed  ....  then  lightly 
boyled  and  spiced  with  nutmeg  and  sugar  ....  as  pleaseth  the  party.'  Cogan,  Haven  of 
Health,  1612-,  pp.  98,  99.  See  also  Rob.  of  Gloucester,  p.  561. 

3  '  Caula,   A  sheepe  house ;  a  folde.'   Cooper.     '  Caulce.  munimenta  ovium ;  barrieres 
pour  renfermer  les  moutons,  pare?  Ducange.     '  Caula.  A  stabyl,  a  folde,  or  a  shep  cote.' 
Medulla.     ' A  Caule,  pen ;  caula'  Manip.  Vocab. 

*  A.  S.  soslig.  'Felix,  sefy^or  blisful :  Felicio,  to  make  sely.'  Medulla  Grammatica. 
'There  is  sely  endeles  beyng  and  endeles  blye.' 

MS.  Addit.  10053. 

*•  '  Chdidonia.   The  hearbe  Selandine  [Celandine].'  Cooper.      Of  this  plant  Neckham 
says — 

'  Mira  cJididonice,  virtus  clarissima  reddit 
X/umina,  docta  tibi  prcebet  kirundo  fidem.' 

De  Naturis  Rerum,  p.  478  (Rolls  Series). 
See  also  Lyte's  Dodoens,  p.  31. 

6  'Centaury.  A  herb  of  Mars.'  Coles' Diet.  1676.     'Fel  terrce.   Centaurium.'   Cooper. 
The  plant  is  mentioned  in  the  Promptorium,  p.  154,  under  the  name  Teltryke,  herbe,'  on 
which  see  Mr.  Way's  note. 

7  MS.  Clicus. 



tto  Certefye ;  certificare,  cerciorare. 

tto  Ceruylld1;  eoccerebrare.   . 

ta  Ceruyller;  excerebrator. 

to  Cese;  cessare,  desineve,  descis- 
tere,  dimitfore,  destare,  omittere 
est  ordinem  jnterrumpere,  pre- 
mittere  ex  toto  relinquere,  super- 

a  Cessynge ;  cessacio,  defic'w,  jnteic- 

like  to  Cesse  ;  cessabundus  (A.). 
C  ante  H. 

*Chafir  (Chafare  A.)  2 ;  comraermtm. 

to  Chafir;  commercari. 

a  Chafirynge;  commercium,  commu- 

*a  Chafte 3 ;  maxilla,   mala,  faux, 

maudubila,  mandula,  mola]  maxil- 

laris,  parricipium. 
A  Chafte ;  vb[i]  Arowe  (A.). 
A  Chafte ;  vbi  spere,  &c.  (A.) 
Chafbmonde  4.  (A.) 
a  Chayere ;  cathedra,  orcestra. 
ta  Chare  bowe 5 ;  fultrum, 
*to  Chalange  6 ;  vendicare,   calump- 

1  '  Excerebro.  To  beate  out  the  braynes  of  a  thyng.'  Cooper.     'Ceruelle^f.  The  braine/ 

2  'And  some  chosen  chaffare,  they  cheuen  the  bettare.'    P.  Plowman,  B  Prologue  31.  . 
'Greet  pres  at  market  makith  deer  chafare'  Chaucer,  Wyf  of  Bathe,  Prologue,  1.  523. 
A.S.  ceap,  chep. 

8  In  the  Anturs  of  Arthur  (Camden  Soc.  ed.  Eobson),  xi.  2,  we  read — 
'  Alle  the  herdus  myjtun  here,  the  hyndest  of  alle, 
Off  the  schaft  and  the  shol,  shaturt  to  the  skin.' 
Halliwell  quotes  from  MS.  Cott.  Vespas.  A.  iii.  leaf  7 — 

'  With  the  chafte-kan  of  a  ded  has  Men  sais  that  therwit  slan  he  was.' 

See  also  E.  E.  Alliterative  Poems,  ed.  Morris,  p.  100, 1.  268. 

4  With  this  chavyl-bon  I  xal  sle  the.'  Cov.  Myst.  Cain  &  Abel,  p.  37. 
Gawin  Douglas  describing  the  Trojans  on  their  first  landing  in  Italy,  tells  how  they 
'  With  thare  handis  brek  and  chaftis  gnaw     The  crustis,  and  the  coffingis  all  on  raw.' 

Eneados,  Bk.  vii.  1.  250. 

In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  David,  when  stating  how  he  had  killed  a  lion  and  a  bear,  says — 
'  I  had  na  help  bot  me  allan  .  .  .         And  scok  J>am  be  )>e  berdes  sua 

And  I  laid  hand  on  J>aim  beleue       pat  I  Jjair  chaftes  raue  in  tua.'  11.  7505-7510. 
where  the  Fairfax  MS.  reads  chauelis,  and  the  Gb'ttingen  and  Trinity  MSS.  chaulis. 
'  He  strake  the  dragon  in  at  the  chavyl,         That  it  come  out  at  the  navyl.' 

Ywaine  &  Gawin,  1991. 

See  also  Chawylle  and  Cheke-bone.    'Chaftis,  Chafts,  the  chops.  Chaft-blade,  the  jaw- 
bone. Chaft-tooth,  a  jaw-tooth.'  Jamieson.     A.  S.  ceafl.  S.  Saxon,  cheuele. 

*  This  word  does  not  appear  again  either  under  C  or  S.  It  was  a  measure  taken  from 
the  top  of  the  extended  thumb  to  the  utmost  part  of  the  palm,  generally  considered  as 
half  a  foot.  Ray  in  his  Gloss,  of  North  Country  Words  gives  '  Shafman,  Shafmet,  Shaft- 
ment,  sb.  the  measure  of  the  fist  with  the  thumb  set  up ;  ab  A.  S.  soceft-mund,  i.  e.  semipes.' 
According  to  Florio,  p.  414,  it  means  '  a  certaine  rate  of  clothe  that  is  given  above  measure, 
which  drapers  call  a  handfull  or  shaftman.'  In  the  Morte  Arthure,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed. 
Brock,  in  the  account  of  the  fight  between  Sir  Gawaine,  and  Sir  Priamus,  we  are  told — 

'  Bothe  schere  thorowe  schoulders  a  schaft-monde  longe !'  1.  2456. 
See  also  11.  3843  and  4232.  In  the  Anturs  of  Arthur,  Camd.  Soc.  ed.  Kobson,  xli.  2,  we 
read,  '  Thro  his  shild  and  his  shildur,  a  schaft-mun  he  share.'  '  Not  exceeding  a  foot  in 
length  nor  a  shaftman  in  shortness.'  Barnaby  Googe,  Husbandry,  78a.  In  the  Liber  Niger 
Domus,  Ed.  IV,  pr.  in  Household  Ordinances,  1790,  p.  49,  it  is  stated  that  the  Dean  of  the 
Chapel '  hathe  all  the  offerings  of  wax  that  is  made  in  the  king's  chappell  on  Candylmasse- 
day,  with  the  moderate  fees  of  the  beame,  in  the  festes  of  the  yere,  when  the  tapers  be 
consumed  into  a  shaftmount.'  5  See  also  Bowe  of  a  chaire. 

6  MS.  Chanlange.  This  word  occurs  with  the  meaning  of  blame,  accuse  in  the  Ancren 
Riwle,  p.  54,  '  hwarof  Jcalenc/es  tu  me  ? '  and  in  P.  Plowman,  B.  Text,  v.  1 74,  Wrath  tells 
how  the  monks  punished  him — 

'And  do  me  faste  frydayes,  to  bred  and  to  water, 
And  am  chalanged  in  }>e  chapitelhous,  as  I  a  childe  were.' 



a  Chalange ;  calumpnia. 

fa  Chalanger;  calumpniator. 

a  Chalice  :  calix,  caliculus. 

*aChalon1;  Amphitapetum. 

a  '  Cha[m]pion ;    Athleta,    pugnator, 


*a  Chandeler;  cerareus. 
a  Chanon ;  canonicus. 
*a    Chape    of    a    knyfe 


2 ;    vomel- 

a  Chapelle;  capella,  capellula. 

a  Chapiture ;  capitulum. 

a  Chaplett. 

*a  Chapman 3 ;  negotiator,  &  cetera; 

vl>i  a  merchande. 
a  Chapmaray ;  negociacio. 
*a  Chapmanware ;  vendibilis. 
*to  Chappe  4 ;  mercari,  com-,  nundi- 

nari,  negociari. 
a  Charbunkylle 5 ;  carbunculus. 

In  the  Pricke  of  Conscience  we  are  told  how  the  devil  demanded  from  St.  Bernard 
'  By  what  skille  he  walde,  and  bi  what  ryght 

Chalange  }>e  kingdom  of  heven  bright.'    1.  2252. 

The  claim  of  Henry  IV.  to  the  crown  of  England  is  stated  as  follows  in  the  Rolls  of  Par- 
liament, '  In  the  name  of  the  Father,  Son,  and  Holy  Ghost,  I,  Henry  of  Lancaster, 
challenge  the  realm  of  England,'  &c.  (Annals  of  Eng.  p.  210).  In  Morte  Arthure,  Arthur 
in  his  dream  sees  two  kings  climbing  to  the  chair  of  power, 

'This  chaire  of  charbokle,  they  said,  we  chalange  here-aftyre.'  1.3326. 
'  Chalonger  ....  demander,  contester,  provoquer,  attaquer,  defendre,  refuser,  prohiber, 
blamer ;  de  calumnia,  fausse  accusation,  chicane.'  Burguy,  s.  v.  Chalonge.  '  Challenger. 
To  claime,  challenge,  make  title  unto,  set  in  foot  for ;  also  to  accuse  of,  charge  with,  call 
in  question  for  an  offence.'  Cotgrave.  See  also  Ducange,  s.  v.  Calengium.  '  I  calenge 
a  thyng  of  dutye  or  to  be  myne  owne.  je  calenge.1  Palsgrave.  'Tocaleuge.  Vindicare.' 
Manip.  Vocab.  '  We  ben  brojt  in  for  the  monei  whiche  we  baren  ajen  bifore  in  our  sackis, 
that  he  putte  chalenge  into  us  [ut  devolvat  in  nos  calumniam].'  Wyclif,  Genesis  xliii.  18. 
So  also  in  Job  xxxv.  9  :  '  For  the  multitude  of  challengeres  [calumniatorum]  thei  shul  crie.' 
'  I  calenge  to  fyght  with  the  hande  to  hande.  Ex  prouocatione  tecum  dimicabo.'  Herman. 
See  also  Wyclif,  Select  Works,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Mathew,  p.  161, 1.  7. 

1  Cooper  gives  '  Amphitapa,  idem  quod  Amphimallum,'  which  latter  he  renders  by  '  A 
cloath  or  garment  frysed  on  both  sydes,'  and  in  MS.  Lambeth,  481,  it  is  explained  as 
'  tapeta  ex  utraque  parte  uillosa  facta?      In  the  directions  for  furnishing  a  room  given  in 
Neckham's  Treatise  de  Utensilibus,  we  find — 

del  piler    chalun  idem 

'Altilis,  sive  epistilis  columpne,  tapetum  sive  tapete  dependeant.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab. 
p.  100. 

2  In  the  Inventory  of  the  goods  of  Sir  J.  Fastolf,  of  Caistor,  taken  in  1459,  are  mentioned 
'  Item,  j  bollok  haftyd  dager,  harnesyd  wyth  sylver,  and  j  chape  thertoo.     Item,  j  lytyll 
schort  armyny  dager,  withe  j  gilt  schape'  Paston  Letters,  i.  478.     '  Chappe,  f.  The  chape, 
or  locket  of  a  scabbard.'  Cotgrave.     '  Here  knyfes  were  i-chaped  nat  with  bras.'  Chaucer, 
C.  T.  Prol.  366. 

3  Chaucer,  C.  T.  Prologue,  396,  in  describing  the  Shipman  says — 

'  Ful  many  a  draughte  of  wyn  hadde  he  ydrawe 
From  Burdeux-ward,  whil  that  the  chapman  sleep.' 

'Chapman.  A  pedler,  a  hawker,  a  merchant.'  Jamieson.    See  Lajamon,  vol.  iii.  p.  232. 
'And  who  so  cheped  my  chafFare,  chiden  I  wolde, 
But  he  profred  to  paye  a  peny  or  tweyne 
More  ]>an  it  was  worth.'    P.  Plowman,  B.  xiii.  380. 
A.  S.  ceapian.    '  Cheape  the  pryce  or  valewe  of  a  thynge.  Licitare.'  Huloet. 

5  The  Carbuncle  was  supposed  to  have  light-giving  powers.  Thus  in  the  Gesta 
Eomanorum,  p.  7,  we  are  told  in  the  account  of  the  Enchanted  Chamber  that  there  was 
there  '  stonding  a  charbuncle  ston,  the  whiche  jaf  Ii3t  ouer  all  the  hous.'  Alexander 
Neckham  in  his  work  De  Naturis  Rerum,  Kolls  Series,  ed.  Wright,  p.  469,  refers  to  this 
supposed  quality  as  follows — 

'  Illustrat  tenebras  radians  Carbunculus  auri 
Fulgorem  mncit  ignea  flamma  micans.' 

The  same  supposed  property  of  the  stone  is  referred  to  in  The  Myroure  of  Our  Lady,  E.  E. 
Text  Society,  ed.  Blunt,  p.  1 75,  where  we  read  : — '  There  is  a  precyous  stone  that  is  called 



*a  Chare l ;  ca[r]pentum. 

to  Charge 2 ;    onustare,     sarcinare, 

onerare,  gr&uare. 
a  Charge  ;  cur  a,  onus,  gY&uameii. 
•fto  dis-Charge;  exonerare.    (to  vn- 

charge  ;  vbi  to  discharge  A.) 
Charged;  onustus,    oneratus,    onus- 


ta  Chargers;  onerator,  sarcinator. 
*A  Charyooure  ;  vbi  a  chare. 
tCharls;  Karolus,  nomen  proprittm. 
tCharelwayn    (Charlewayn    A.)  8 ; 

arthurus,  plaustrum. 
to  Charme;  incantare,fascinare,  car- 


A  Charmer;  incantator,  -trix,    car- 

minator,  -trix. 
Charmynge;  incantans,  carminans, 


a  Chare  4 ;  vbi  to  chase. 
A  Chartyr;  carta,  monimeu,  cirogrsi' 

phum,  scriptum,  sceda. 
fA  Chase;  fuga. 
tto  Chase;    fugo,   re-,    con-,    dif-, 


Chaste  ;  castus  corpore,  pudicns  am- 
mo, nuptus,  continens. 

vn  Chaste  ;  inpudicus,  jncontineiis. 

fto  lyf  Chaste;  eunuchidare,  con- 
tinere,  caste  viuere. 

a  carooncle,  whyche  shyneth  bryghte  as  fyre,  of  hys  owne  kynde,  so  that  no  darkenesse 
may  blemysshe  yt  ne  no  moysture  quenche  yt.  And  to  thys  stone  ye  lyken  oure  lorde 
god,  when  ye  saye,  Per  se  lucens.  The  carboncle  shynynge  by  itselfe  nedeth  none  other 

1  See  also  Carre.     '  penne  seyde  the  Emperoure,  when  the  victory  of  the  bataill  wer 
come  home,  he  shulde  have  in  the  first  day  iiij.  worshipis  ;  of  the  whiche  this  is  )>e  first, 
he  shalle  be  sette  in  a  charr,  &  iiij.  white  hors  shulle  drawe  hit  to  the  palyse  of  the  Ern- 
iperour ;  The  secounde  is,  ]>ai  all  his  trespassours  &  Aduersarijs  shulde  folowe  his  chare 
behynde  hi?n,  withe  bounden  hondis  &  fete.'  Gesta  Romanorum,  ed.  Herrtage,  p.  176.  '  And 
[Pharao]  putte  aboute  his  [Joseph's]  necke  a  goldun  bee3e,  and  made  him  steyj  vpon  his 
secound  chaar.'  Wyclif,  Genesis  xli.  43. 

2  In  the  Romance  of  Sir  Ferumbras,  1.  3136,  the  French  knights  when  on  a  foraging 
expedition  discover 

'  Two  and  ]>yrty  grete  somers  f  Wy]>  fair  flour,  y-maked  of  whete  J 

Y-cJiarged  alle  and  some  And  wy})  bred  and  flechs  and  wyn.' 

'  And  therfor,  seij)  Matf h.  Jugwm  enim  mewm  suaue  est,  et  onus  meum  leue,  |>is  is  to  seye, 
My  yoke,  scil.  penaunce,  is  swete,  scil.  for  it  turnithe  to  swetnesse,  &  my  charge  or  my 
burdyn,  sciL  commaundement,  is  lijt.'  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  177.  '  Charger.  To  charge, 
burthen,  onerate,  load ;  lye  heavy  upon,  lay  on,  or  lay  load  on,  &c.'  Cotgrave.  '  Pondus. 
A  charge.'  Medulla. 

3  The  Constellation  Ursa  Major.     Bootes  was  called  either  Wagoner  to  Charles'  Wain 
or  Keeper  to  the  Great  Bear  (arctophylax),  according  to  the  name  given  to  the  chief 
northern  group  of  fixed  stars.  (See  Barrewarde  ante.}  Cooper  gives  '  Plaustrum.  Charles 
Wayne,  nigh  the  North  Pole.'     The  word  occurs  also  in  Gawin  Douglas,  and  in  the 
Medulla  we  find  'Arcophilaxe(sic).  The  carle  wensterre.  Arturus:  quoddam  signwn  celeste : 
anglice,  A  carwaynesterre.'    Withals  mentions  '  Charles  Waine.    Vrsa  minor,  Cynosura,' 
and  '  A  starre  that  followeth  Charles  waine.  Bootes*     Jamieson  gives  'Charlewan'  and 
'  Charlewaigne.'      Compare  Spenser,  Faery  Queene,  I.  ii.  i.     A.  S.  carlesw&n.     See  also 
Cotgrave  s.  v.  Boote.     The  idea  that  Charles'  Wain  is  a  corruption  of  Chorles  or  Churls 
Wain  is  a  complete  error.     The  Charles  is  not  in  any  way  connected  with  the  A.  S.  ceorl 
or  any  of  its  later  forms,  but  refers  to  the  Emperor  Charles,  the  Charlemagne  of  romance, 
who,  as  Spenser  tells  us,  in  the  Teares  of  the  Muses,  was  placed  by  Calliope  '  amongst  the 
starris  seaven,'  and  who  was  addressed  by  the  priests  of  Aix-la-Chapelle  as  '  Rex  mundi 
triumphator,  Jesu  Christi  conregnator.'      The  Woden's  Wain  of  the  North  became  the 
Charles'  Wain  of  the  Teutons.     Holland,  in  his  trans,  of  Suetonius,  p.  74,  speaks  of  the 
'  starres  of  the  celestial  beare,'  the  marginal  note  being  '  Charlemaine  his  waine,'  and  in 
Trevisa's  trans,  of  Bartholomaeus  de  Proprietatibus  Rerum,  viii.  35,  we  are  told  that 
'  Arcturus  is  comynly  clepid  in  Englis  Charlemaynes  wayne' 

*  A.  S.  cerran,  cyrran,  to  turn,  drive.  In  the  Coventry  Mysteries,  p.  325,  we  find  '  Chare 
awey  the  crowe.'  '  Fulst  me  euer  to  gode  and  cher  me  from  sunne.'  E.  Eng.  Homilies,  ed. 
Morris,  i.  215.  See  other  examples  in  Stratmann.  Compare  P.  '  Charyn  a-way,'  p.  70. 



fto  Chasty  * ;  castigare,  corripere. 
A  Chastyser;  castigator,  -trix. 
A  Chasty syngtf;  castigacio,correccio. 
Chastite ;  coutineucia,  proprie  vidu- 

arum,    castitas    corporis    scilicet 

proprie  virginum.  pudicicia,mono- 

gamia,  integritas,  celibatus,  casti- 

monia  religionis. 
fvn  Chastite ;  incontinencia  ;  inpu- 

fa  Chaterer  2  ;  futilis,  garulus,  ver- 

bosus,   loquax,   loquatulns,   mag- 

niloquns,  poliloquus. 

to  Chatir  as  byrdis 3 ;  cornicari,  cor- 

niculari,  garrire. 
to  Chatir  as  a  ma?i ;  garrulari,  ver- 

fA  Chaterynge;  garrulitas,  verbosi- 

tas,  loqu&citas. 

fa  Chaterynge  of  byrdis ;   garritus. 
tChaterynge    as  birdis;  garrulans, 


tto  Chatte  4 ;   Garrulare. 
*a Chawylle(Chavylle5;  vbi Achafte). 
Chawdepysse  6 ;  stranguria. 
tChawdewayn  7. 

1  '  Als  \>e  gude  son  tholes  raekely  J)e  fader,  when  he  wille  hym  chasty.'   Pricke  of 
Conscience,  3549.      '  To  chasty  J>aim  and  hald  paim  in  awe.'     Ibid.  5547. 
'  Bot  luke  now  for  charitee  thow  chasty  thy  lyppes.'  Morte  Arthure,  ed.  Brock,  1019. 
O.  Fr.  chastoier,  chastier :  Lat.  castigare.     See  also  Barbour's  Bruce,  ed.  Skeat,  i.  122,  ix. 
743,  &c.,  and  P.  Plowman,  A.  xi.  195.  2  See  also  Blaberyn. 

3  See  also  to  Chiter  as  byrdis  dose.  '  Cornicari.  To  chatte  or  cackle  like  a  chough. 
Garrulce  aves.  Chatteryng  byrdes,  singyng  birdes.  Garrio.  To  babble  or  chatte ;  to  talke 
many  woordes  folishlye  ;  properly  to  chirpe  or  chatter  as  a  birde.'  Cooper. 

*  '  Garrulitas.  Chattyng ;  janglyng ;  babbling  ;  busie  talkyng.  Eauca  garrulitas  pi- 
carum.  Ovid.  Chattyng  of  pies.'  Cooper.  '  JBdbillarde,  f.  A  tittle-tattle ;  a  prating  gossip ; 
a  babling  huswife  ;  a  chatting  or  chattering  minx.'  Cotgrave.  '  Garrulo.  To  Jangelyn. 
Medulla.  'Som  vsej)  straunge  wlafferynge  chiterynge.'  Trevisa's  Higden,  ii.  159. 

5  See  note  to  Chafte.  In  Wright's  Political  Poems  (Camden  Soc.)  p.  240,  we  find,  '  to 
chawle  ne  to  chyde/  i.e.  to  jaw,  find  fault.     In  Sloane  MS.  1571,  leaf  48b,  is  given  a 
curious  prescription  '  for  bolnynge  vndur  ]>e  chole?  the  principal  ingredient  of  which  is  a  fat 
cat.     '  Brancus.  A  gole  or  a  chawle.'  Vocabulary,  MS.  Harl.   1002.     In  the  Master  of 
Game,  MS.  Vespas.  B.  xii,  leaf  34b,  mention  is  made  of  the  'iawle-bone'  of  a  wild  boar. 
'  Bucca,  mala  inferior.  The  cheeke,  iawe  or  iowll.'  Junius. 

6  Cotgrave  gives  '  Piase-chaude.  AburntPisse;  also  the  Venerian  flux;  the  Gonorrhean, 
or  contagious  running.'     The  Ortus  curiously  explains  'Stranguria:  as  the  colde  pysse  ; 
difficultas  vrine  quam  guttatim  micturiunt.'  'A  recipe  for  the  cure  ofChawdpys,  or  strangury, 
is  given  in  MS.  Lincoln.  Med.  fo.  298.'  Halliwell.     '  Stranguria,  otherwise  called  in  Latine 
stUlicidium,  &  of  our  old  farriers  (according  to  the  French  name)  choivdepis,  is  when  the 
horse  is  provoked  to  stale  often,  &  voideth  nothing  but  a  few  drops — which  coraeth,  as  the 
physitians  say,  either  through  the  sharpness  of  the  urine,  or  by  some  exulceration  of  the 
bladder,  or  else  by  means  of  some  apostume  in  the  liver  or  kidnies.'  Topsell,  Hist,  of  Four- 
footed  Beasts,  ed.  Rowland,  1673,  p.  304.     I  know  of  no  other  instance  of  the  word  except 
in  the  curious  O.  Fr.  poem  4  Des  xxiii  Manieres  de  Vilains,'  Paris,  1833,  ed.  Franc. 
Michel,  p.  13,  where  we  read — 

'  Si  aient  plente  de  grume,  Mai  ki  les  faiche  rechaner, 

Plent^  de  frievre  et  de  gaunisse !  Et  plaie  ki  ne  puist  saner.' 

Et  si  aient  le  ckadt-pisse, 

Jamieson  gives  '  Chaudpeece  :  Gonorrhoea,'  and  refers  to  Polwart.     Fr.  chaude-pisse.    See 

P.  Cawepys. 

7  A  recipe  for  '  Chaudewyne  de  boyce '  as  follows  is  given  in  Liber  Cure  Cocorum,  ed. 
Morris,  p.  25 — 

•  Take  smalle  notes,  schale  out  kurnele, 

As  }>ou  dose  of  almondes,  fayre  and  wele 

Frye  horn  in  oyle,  }>en  sethe  horn  ryjt 

In  almonde  mylke  }>at  is  bryjt ; 

pen  J>ou  schalle  do  in  floure  of  ryce 

See  also  ibid.  p.  9,  for  another  recipe  for'Chaudon;  for  wylde  digges,  swannes,  and  pigges,' 
composed  of  chopped  liver  and  entrails  boiled  with  blood,  bread,  wine,  vinegar,  pepper,  cloves 

And  also  o]>er  pouder  of  spyce ; 
Fry  oj>er  curneles  besyde  also, 
Coloure  )>ou  hit  with  safron  or  J>ou  fer  goo, 
To  divers  J>o  mete  ]>ou  schalt  hit  set, 
With  )x>  fryed  curnels  with  outen  let.' 



to  ChaufFe  * ;  calefacere. 

A  Chafer  2;  calefactoriura,  stutra,  co- 

a  Chaumbere  (Chamer  A.) ;  camera, 
thalamus,    tristeyum,   zeta,    con- 
claue;  versus — 
*&Est  sponsi  thalamus,  cameram 

die  esse  scolaris, 

Ac  secreta  loca  templi  penetralia 

a  Chaumberlayn  3 ;  camerarius,  cre- 
ditarius,  cubicularius,  p&ranim- 
phus,  eunuphus,  talamista. 

Chaumpe  4  ;  jntercapedo,  jntersti- 

a  Chawnse  ;  casus  aduersus  est, 
auspicium  prosperum  est,  for- 
tuitus  aduersus  est  vel  pros- 
per, euentus,  fatum,  fors  «51a- 
tivo  -te,  occasio,  successus  prosper 

a  Chawnceler;    cancellarius,   secre- 

tarius,  apocripharius. 
a  Chawncery ;  cancellaria. 
to  Chawnge  ;     alterare,    alternare, 

variare,  flectere,  mutare,  commu- 

fChawngeabyl;  mutabilis,  commuta- 

bilis,  fleocibilis. 

a  Chawnginge ;  mutacio,commutado. 
fa  Chawnginge  clath5;  mutatorium. 
*a  Chawnter;  parophonista,  cantor, 

precentor,  succeutor,  fabarius. 
a  Chawntry;  cantaria. 
a  Chawntury;  precentura. 
a  Cheffcane ;  Architeneus,  capitaneus. 
a  Cheke  ;  gena,  bucca,  buccella,  faux, 

mala,  maxilla. 
a  Chekebone ;  vbi  a  chafte. 
a  Chekyn ;  pullns,  pulliculus  diram- 

fChekyn  mete  6 ;  ipia. 

and  ginger.  Another  for  l  Ckaudern  for  Swannes '  is  given  in  Household  Ordinances,  p.  441 . 
See  also  Sloane  MS.  1201,  leaf  63.  MS.  Harl.  1735,  leaf  18,  gives  the  following  recipe — 
'  Chaudon  sauj  of  Swannes.  Tak  )>e  issu  of  ]>e  swannes,  &  wasche  hem  wel,  skoure  J>e 
guttys  with  salt,  seth^  al  to-gidre.  Tak  of  ]>e  flesche ;  he  we  it  smal,  &  ]>e  guttys  with 
alle.  Tak  bred,  gyngere  &  galingale,  Canel,  gryrid  it  &  tempre  it  vp  with  bred  ;  colour 
it  with  blood  ore  with  brent  bred,  seson  it  vp  with  a  lytyl  vinegre  :  welle  it  al  to-gydere.' 
•Beeff,  nioton,  stewed  feysaund,  Swan  with  the  Chawdwyn?  J.  Kussell's  Boke  of  Nurture 
in  Babees  Book,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  48, 1.  688. 

1  '  Charcoal  to  chaufen  the  kny$te.'  Anturs  of  Arthur,  st.  35.      '  He  sethede  potage  and 
is  fild;  and  is  chaufid  \calef actus  esf],  and  seide,  Vah,  or  weel,  I  am  hat.'  Wyclif,  Isaiah 
xliv.  1 6.     See  also  Esther  i.  10. 

2  A  saucepan.     Dame  Eliz.  Browne  in  her  will,  Paston  Letters,  iii.  4661,  bequeaths 
'  a  grete  standing  chafer  of  laton  with  a  lyon  upon  the  lydde,  ij  chafers  of  brasse,  and  ij 
litill  brasse  pottys.' 

3  On  the  duties  of  a  Chamberlain  see  Babees  Book,  ed.  Furnivall,  pp.  59-69  and  168-9. 

4  '  Intercapedo,  Cic.  A  space  or  pause :   a  space  of  time  or  place  betwene.'    Cooper. 
'  Chaumpe '  is  the  word  always  used  in  the  marginal  directions  for  the  illuminator  of  the 
Corpus  (Oxford)  MS.  of  the  Canterbury  Tales,  when  a  small  initial  is  to  be  made.    'Vynef 
(our  '  vignette ')  is  used  for  the  large  letters.     An  example  may  be  seen  at  the  beginning 
of  several  of  the  letters  in  the  present  work.     The  scribe  has  left  a  space  to  be  filled  in  by 
the  illuminator  with  the  proper  capital  letter,  which  for  the  guidance  of  the  latter  is 
written  small.     It  is  not  an  unusual  thing  to  find  these  chaumpes  in  MSS.  unfilled  in.   The 
Ortus  explains  intercapedo  as  '  distantia  localis  vt  inter  duos  parietes.     See  an  example  in 
Addit.  22,556  in  Mr.  Way's  Introd.  p.  xl. 

8  '  Mutatorium.  Pars  mulierum  vestimentorum  ;  partie  du  vetement  des  femmes,  sorte  de 
pelerine.'  (S.  Hier.)  D'Arnis.  '  Mutatorium.  A  chaungyng  cloth.'  Medulla.  Wyclif, 
Isaiah  ii.  22,  speaks  of  '  iemmes  in  the  frount  hangend  and  chaunging  clothis'  The  Ortus 
explains  mutatorium  as  '  vestis  preciosa  pro  qua  sumenda  alia  mutatur :  anglice,  a  precyous 
clothynge,  a  chaungynge  clothe,  or  a  holy  daye  clothe,  vt  habetur  quarto  libro  regum,  v. 
cap.'  (2  Kings,  v.  22,)  in  the  Vulgate,  vestes  mutatorias  duplices. 

6  '  Ipea :  quedam  herba :  chykwede.'  Ortus.  In  Norfolk,  according  to  Forby,  the 
alsine  media  is  called  chickens  meat.  A.  S.  cicena  mete,  alsine.  Aelfric.  The  name  is  also 
applied  to  chickweed,  endive,  and  dross  corn.  '  Chikne-mete,  intiba.'  Wright's  Vol.  of 
Vocab.  p.  140. 


Chekery ;  pannus  scaccariatus. 

a  Chekyr  l ;  scaccarium. 

*to  Chepe ;   taxare   (mercari,   com- 

mercari,  nuudinari,  negociari,A.). 
*  Chepe ;   precium   (&   cetera  ;    vU 

price  A.). 

a  Chepynge ;  taxaeio. 
a  Chere;  vultus. 
a  Chery;  cerasum. 
a  Cherytre ;  cerasus. 
a  Cherystone ;  cerapetra. 
to  Cherische  or  dawnte  ( Chery s  or 

to  daunt  A.) 2 ;  blanditractare. 
*a  Chesabylle  3 ;  casula,  jnfula,  pla- 


*a  Chesse  bolltf  (Chesbowlle  A.)4; 

papaueY,  ciuolus. 
to  Chese ;  eligere,  decerpere,  deligere, 

legere,  seligere. 

Chese ;  caseus,  caseolu?,  formella. 
a  Chesfatt5;  casearium,sinuin.,sitella. 
a  Cheslep 6 ;  lactis. 
a  Chesynge  j  eleccio,  dilectus. 
Chesse 7 ;  scaecus  A. 
aChestan*      I  balann3  castania_ 
a  Chestan  tre  j 
a  Cheualry;  milicia. 
to  Chew;  masticare. 
to  Chew  cud  (Chewe  J>e  cuyde  A.); 


'Thenne  the  Kyng  asket  a  ckekkere, 

And  cald  a  damesel  here.'  Avowynge  of  Arthur,  ed.  Robson,  Iv.  I. 

In  the  Romance  of  Sir  Ferumbras,  p.  74,  1.  2224,  Nayraes  in  describing  the  amusements 
of  the  French  knights  says — 

'  po  )?at  williei})  to  leue  at  hame  playej)  to  )>e  escheTckereC 

On  the  History,  &c.,  of  the  Game  of  Chess,  see  note  to  my  edition  of  the  Geeta  Romanorum, 
chapter  xxi.  pp.  459,  460. 

2  In  Piers  Plowman,  ed.  Skeat,  B.  iv.  117,  we  have  'childryn  cherissing,'  in  the  sense 
of  the  pampering  or  spoiling  of  children.     Cotgrave  gives  '  Mignoter.  To  dandle,  feddle, 
cocker,  cherish,  handle  gently,  entertaine  kindly,  use  tenderly,  make  a  wanton  of.'     Cf. 
also  Dawnte.    See  Chaucer,  Troylus,  Bk.  iv.  st.  220,  and  Allit.  Poems,  ed.  Morris,  B.  128. 

3  Dame  Eliz.   Browne  in  her  Will,  Paston  Letters,  iii.  464,  mentions  '  an  awbe ;  j 
chesyppill,  with  a  stole,  and  all  that  belongeth  therto.' 

*  Lyte,  Dodoens,  p.  200,  says  that  the  roote  of  Dogges-tooth  is  '  long  &  slender  lyke  to 
a  Chebol.'  '  Parot,  m.  Poppie,  Cheesbowls.  Oliette,  f.  Poppie,  Chessbolls,  or  Cheese, 
bowles.'  Cotgrave.  '  Papaver.  Popie  or  Chesboull.'  Cooper.  See  also  Halliwell  «.  v. 
Chesebolle.  'A  Cheseboule.  Fapaver*  Withals.  '  Chesbolle,  hec papaver.  Chesbole,  hec 
sepula.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  pp.  190-1.  In  the  Complaynt  of  Scotland,  ed.  Murray, 
p.  94,  when  Sextus  Tarquinius  sent  to  enquire  from  his  father  what  course  he  should  pursue 
in  order  to  betray  Gabii,  '  Aid  Tarquine  gef  na  ansuer  to  the  messanger,  bot  tuike  his 
staf,  and  syne  past  throcnt  his  gardin,  and  quhar  that  he  gat  ony  chasbollis  that  greu  hie, 
he  straik  the  heidis  fra  them  vitht  his  staf,  and  did  no  thyng  to  the  litil  chasbollis' 

6  '  Cheese-fat,  Chesfat.  The  mould  in  which  cheeses  are  made.'  Peacock's  Gloss,  of 
Manley,  &c.  See  note  to  Frale.  'Casearium.  A  day  house  where  cheese  is  made.' 
Cooper.  '  Esclisse.  Any  small  hurdle  or  any  utensill  of  watled  ozier,  or  wicker,  &c.,  hence, 
a  Cheese -fat,  or  Cheesfoord  thereof.  Cagerotte.  A  Chesford,  orCheesfatt  (of  wicker).' 
Cotgrave.  '  Multrale.  A  chesfatt  or  a  deyes  payle.  Fiscella.  A  leep  or  a  chesfatt.' 
Medulla.  '  A  cheese-fatte  to  presse  the  cheese  in.  Fiscella  vel  forma  casearia'  Withals. 

6  '  Cheese-lep.  A  bag  used  to  keep  the  rennet  for  making  cheese,'  according  to  Ray, 
but  Peacock's  Gloss,  gives   '  Cheese-lop,   Cheslop,  the  dried  stomach  of  a  calf  used  for 
curdling  milk  for  cheese,'  as  a  Lincolnshire  word,  and  with  this  the  Ortus  agrees  :  '  lactis 
est  mollis  et  tenera  pellicula  in  qua  lac  coagulatur  in  ventre  lactentis?     Cooper  renders 
Lactes  by  'the  small  guttes.'  In  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  222,  we  have  'Cheslepe,  cheese  Up.' 
The  word  is  compounded  of  A.  S.  leap,  a  basket ;  see  P.  Berynge-lepe  and  Fysche-leep. 
Cf. '  Cheeselyp  worme,  otherwyse  called  Robyn  Goodfelowe  his  lowse.  Tylus.'  Huloet. 

7  See  Chekyr  above. 

8  '  Balanitas.  Akinde  of  rounde  chestens.'  Cooper.    '  Cornus.  A  chestony  tre.  Balanus, 
idem'  Medulla.      '  Chastaigne.  A  chesnut.     Chastaignier.   A  chessen  or  chesnut  tree.' 
Cotgrave.     Ital.  Castagna,  from  Castanea  in  Thessaly,  its  native  place.    In  Aelfric's  Gloss. 
is  given  '  Castanea,  cystel,  vel  cyst-beam,'  whence  Mr.  Wright  explains  chestnut  as  the  nut 
of  the  c#s£-tree. 



to  Chyde 1;  litigare,  certare,  <fr  cetera; 

vbi  to  flyte  (flytt  A.), 
fto  ly  in  Chilbed;    decumbere,  de- 


*a  Chilbed  ;  pu&rperiuro.,  decubie. 
a  Childe  ;  p&ruulus,  pusio,  puer,  jn- 

fans,  infantulus,  pusillus,  pueru- 

lus,  puellulus,  soboles ;    puerilis, 

participium  ;  pignus,  proles  ;  in- 

fantilis,  jnfantuosus. 
to  be  Childeyshe ;  puerare,  re-,  puer- 

ascere,  re-. 
*to  Childe  2  ;  p&rturire,  eniti,  fetare, 

par  ere,  profundere  ;  versus — 

iua  vult  parere  sed  non 
uult  ilia  parerQ. 

a  Childe  berer ;  puerpera. 

tto  make  with  Childe ;   grauidare, 

pregnare,  jnpregnare. 
a  Childe  hede ;  infancia,  puericia. 
fChildely ;  pueriliter. 
a  Chymney 3 ;  caminus,  epicasterium, 

fumerium,  fumerale. 
*a  Chinche  (Chynshe  A.)  4 ;  tenax, 

&  cetera ;  vbi  cowatus. 
Chinchery ;  tenacitas,  &  cetera  ;  vbi 

a  Chine ;  cathena,  cathenula,  catella, 

cathenella  ;  cathenatus  par&cipi- 

a  Chyn  ;  meutum  ;  mentafaa  partici- 


1  '  I  lyken  the  to  a  sowe,  for  thou  arte  everchyding  at  mete.'  Palsgrave,  p.  611,  col.  2. 
In  the  Babees  Boke,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  253, 1.  101,  we  are  told — 

'  Lette  ay  your  chere  be  lowly,  blythe  and  hale, 

Withoute  chidynge  as  that  yee  wolde  fyhte.' 

Wyclif,  in  one  of  his  diatribes  against  the  friars,  says  that  they  '  chiden  &  fijttew  as  woode 
houndis,  &  sweren  herte  &  bonys.'  English  Works,  ed.  Matthew,  p.  216. 

2  '  Puerperium,  Plin.  The  time  of  a  woman's  trauayle  with  childe  or  lying  in.  Sueton.  The 
babe  or  infant  delivered.  Parturio.  To  labour  or  trauayle  with  childe.'  Cooper.  Fr.  enf (inter. 
In  Wyclif 's  version  of  Genesis  xix.  27,  28,  we  read:   'The  more  doujtir  childide  a  sone, 
and  clepide  his  name  Moab  ....  and  the  lesse  doujtir  childide  a  sone,  and  clepide  his 
name  Amon,  that  is,  the  sone  of  my  peple.'     See  also  Luke  i.  57  ;  Romance  of  Partenay, 
1157  ;  Ormulum,  156  ;  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  209,  &c.     In  the  Cursor  Mundi  we  read — 

'  par  dwellid  or  lauedi  wit  hir  nece,  And  at  hir  childing  was  helpand.' 

Til  ion  was  born,  a  wel  godd  pece,  Ed.  Morris,  p.  634,1.11057. 

'  Pario.  Tochyldyn.  Vir  general  mulierque  parit  sed  gignit  vterque.  Parturio.  To  ympyn, 
beryn,  or  chyldyn.'  Medulla.  Compare  'A  woman  hade  vij  childer  at  oon  childenge.' 
Trevisa's  Higden,  i.  205. 

3  The  original  meaning  of  'chimney'  was  a  'fireplace,'  as  in  the  following — 

'  Damesele,  loke  ther  be,  Fagattus  of  fyre  tre 

A  ffayre  in  the  chymene,  That  fetchyd  was  sare.' 

Sir  Degrevant,  Thornton  Rom.  p.  234. 
So  also—  « His  fete  er  like  latoun  bright 

Als  in  a  chymne  brynnand  light.'  Pricke  of  Conscience,  4368. 

See  also  Morte  Arthure,  ed.  Brock,  168,  3041.  Jamieson  says,  '  among  "  moveabill  heir- 
schip,"  we  find  mentioned,  "  ane  bag  to  put  money  in,  ane  eulcruik,  ane  chimney,  ane 
water-pot."  Burrow  Lawes,  c.  125,  §  i.'  In  the  Romance  of  Sir  Ferumbras,  E.  E.  Text 
Soc.  1.  2077,  we  read — 

'  pan  was  ]>er  on  a  chymenay  A  greyt  fyr  J?at  brente  red.' 

And  in  the  Boke  of  Curtasye  (Babees  Boke,  ed.  Furnivall),  p.  192, 1.  460,  we  find  amongst 
the  duties  of  the  Groom  of  the  Chamber,  that 

'  Fuel  to  chymne  hym  falle  to  gete.' 

1  Chemine'e,  f.  A  chimney.'  Cotgrave.  '  Caminus.  A  chimney  :  a  furnayse.'  Cooper. 
Chimnies,  in  the  modern  sense  of  the  word,  were  not  common  until  the  reign  of  Elizabeth. 
Thus  Harrison,  in  his  Descript.  of  England,,  ed.  Furnivall,  i.  338,  says,  '  Now  have  we 
manie  chimnies  ;  and  yet  our  tenderlings  complaine  of  rheumes,  catarrhs,  and  poses  [colds 
in  the  head] ;  then  had  we  none  but  reredosses  [open  hearths]  ;  and  our  heads  did  never 
ake.'  See  also  ibid.  pp.  239-40. 

1  In  Havelok  (E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Skeat),  1.  2941,  we  are  told  that  he  began 
'  His  denshe  men  to  feste  wel  So  J>at  he  weren  alle  riche ; 

With  riche  landes  and  catel,  For  he  was  large  and  nouth  chinche* 


a  Chippe  l  ;  assula,  quisquilie. 
toChippe  •  dolare,  &  cetera;  vb^tohew. 
a  Chire  2  ;  genimen. 
a  Chyrne  ;  vbi  a  kyrne. 
a  Cheselle;  celtia,  celiwn, 

scalpulum,  scalprus. 
to  Chlter  os  byrdw  dose  3 

*a  Chiterlynge  4  ;  hilla. 
Chosyn;  electus,  selectus,  comparan- 



fa  Choller  (Chullere  A.)  5 ;   questor. 
a  Churle6;  batiuns,  calcitro,rusticus, 

gello  &  gillo,  glebo. 
C  ante  I. 

tj)e  Ciatica ;  sciatica. 
a  Cimbelle 7 ;  simbala,  -lum.. 
Ctment  j  cimentwm. 
Cinamome  8 ;  cinamomuw. 
fa    Cipirtre  9 ;    cipressus  ;    cipres- 

sinus ;     cenus,     pro     arbor  e    & 


Gower  also  uses  the  word  in  the  Confessio  Amantis,  vol.  ii.  p.  288,  and  Skelton  has 
' Chyncherde.'     According  to  Halliwell  the  substantive  is  found  in  Occleve — 
'And  amonge  other  thingis  that  jowre  wilae, 
Be  infecte  with  no  wrecchid  chincherie;' 
and  also  in  Chaucer,  Melibeus,  p.  162.      'A  chinche:  parcus.'   Manip.  Vocab.      '  Tenax  : 


anything.'  Cooper.     '  Chippings  and  parings  of  bread,  quisquilice?    Baret.      See  Babees 

Boke  (E.E.Text  Soc.  ed.  Furnivall),  p.  84. 

2  A  blade  of  grass,  or  any  plant.  'Chyer  of  grasse.'  Drayton's  Harmonic,  1591. 

3  '  Sparuwe  is  a  cheaterinde  bird ;  cheatereft  euer  ant  chirmeoV  Ancren  Biwle,  p.  152. 
'  As  eny  swalwe  chiteryng  on  a  berne.'   Chaucer,  Milleres  Tale,  72,  C.  T.  3258.      '  They 
may  wel  chateren  as  don  thise  iayes.'   Chanonne  Yeomanis  Tale,  386.     '  I  chytter,  as  a 
yonge  byrde  dothe  before  she  can  synge  her  tune.     I  chytter.  I  make  a  charme  as  a  flocke 
of  small  byrdes  do  whan  they  be  together.  Je  iargoune?  Palsgrave.     In  Trevisa's  trans- 
lation of  Higden's  Polychronicon,  i.  239,  the  word  is  used  of  the  starling :  'With  mouth 
than  cketereth  the  stare.'    See  also  ibid.  ii.  159. 

'She  withall  no  worde  may  soune  But  chitre  and  as  a  brid  jargoune.' 

Gower,  ed.Pauli,  ii.  318. 

See  also  Chaucer,  C.  Tales,  3218.  Wyclif  says  that  a  confused  noise  is  '  as  3yf  iayes  and 
pyes  chateriden.'  Works,  iii.  479,  and  in  his  translation  of  Deuteronomy,  xviii.  10.  See 
also  P.  Plowman,  B.  xii.  253.  '  Garrio.  To  chyteryn  as  byrdys.  Garritus.  A  chyteryng.' 
Medulla.  See  also  to  Chater. 

4  In  the  Nomenclator,  1585,  we  find  'a  haggise ;  some  call  it  a  chitterling,  some  a  hog's 
harslet :'  and  Baret  gives  '  a  chitterling,  omasum  ;  a  gut  or  chitterling  hanged  in  the 
smoke,  hilla  infumata?     '  Hilla ;  a  smalle  gutte  or  chitterlyng  salted.'   Cooper.     See 
Surtees  Soc.  Trans,  ix.  57.     '  Friquendles.   Slender   and   small   chitterlings   or  linkes.' 
Cotgrave.     In  Neckam's  Treatise  De  Utensilibiis  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  104,  hyllce 
is  glossed  by  '  aundulyes.'     See  also  Cotgrave  s.  v.  Andouille. 

5  A  beggar.  Lat.  quaestor.  See  Perdonere,  below.     I  know  of  only  one  instance  of  the 
word,  viz.,  in  an  unpublished  tract  of  Wyclif,  in  a  MS.  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  where 
he  speaks  of  'freris  and  chulleris.'    Probably  from  French  '  cueilleur.  A  gatherer,  a  reaper, 
a  picker,  chuser,  or  culler.'  Cotgrave. 

6  £e/£o  and  Gillo  are  apparently  from  the  Gaelic  gilla,  giolla,  a  boy,  a  servant,  whence 
the  Scotch  gillie.     Glebo,  exactly  answers  to  our  clod-hopper.      '  Gillo  :  A  cherle,  Glebo : 
rusticus.'  Medulla.     Cotgrave  gives  '  Un  gros  manovfle.  A  big  lout ;  also  an  ougly  lushe 
or  clusterfist ;  also  a  riche  churle  or  fat  chuffe.'     '  I  say  a  cherle  hath  don  a  cherles  deede.' 
Chaucer,  Sompnoures  Tale,  2206.      '  Churle  or  carle  of  the  countrey.    Petro  Rusticanus.' 
Huloet.     See  also  Carle. 

7  Compare  P.  Chymme  Belle.  8  See  also  Canylle,  above. 

9  'Cipressus.   A  cypyr  tre.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  192.     In  Sir  Eglamour,  ed. 
Halliwell,  1.  235,  we  read — 

'  Cypur  treys  there  growe  owte  longe, 
Grete  hertys  there  walke  them  amonge.'     See  also  1.  277. 



a  Pare  of  cysors1;  forpex,forpecula. 

a  Cisterne;  cisterna. 

a  Cite ;    ciuitas,  ciuitacula ;    ciuilis 

_par£icipium;  vrbs;  vrbanus. 
a  Citesyn ;  ciuis. 

C  ante  L. 

Clay2;    argilla,  argillosus,   cenum; 
cenosus,  glitosus,  cenolentns  ;  glisy 
gliteus,    limus,    lutum ;    luteus, 
lutosus,  lutulentus  ;  versus  : 
plunge  luto  cenum,  quibus  adde 

volutibra  linum, 
Glaria  vel  glipsis,  glis  est  argilla 

fa  Clapitte  (Clay  pitte  A.) 3 ;  argil- 

a  Clapir4. 

A  Clappe;  vbi  buffet  (A.). 

to  Clappe  hancU's;  complodere,  ex-, 

plaudere,  can-, 
a  Clappe  of  a  mylne 5 ;  taratanta- 


to  Claryfie  6 ;  clarificare. 
Claryfied;  clarificatus. 
ta  Claspe  7 ;  qffendix,  signaculum. 
tto  Claspe;  signare. 
a  Clathe;   pannns,    &  cetera;    vbi 


ta  Clathe  maker ;  lanifex. 
a  Clawe  8 ;  gariofofas. 
to  Clawe  ;  frieare,  scalper  e. 
a  Clawse  ;  clausa,  clausula  dimmu- 

)>e  Cley  (Cle  A.)  of  a  beste 9 ;  vngula. 

1  '  Cysers  to  cut  the  heare  with,  for/ex,'  Baret.    '  Cissers.  ForfeculceS  Manip.  Vocab. 
'  Forfex.  A  shere.'  Medulla.     See  P.  Cysowre. 

2  'Glis.  Potter's  claye,  lutosus.  Myrie  and  durtie.'  Cooper.   The  Medulla  distinguishes 
between  the  meanings,  genders,  &c.,  of  the  three  Latin  words  glis  as  follows : 

'  Glis  animal,  glis  terra  tenax,  glis  lappa  vocatur; 
Hie  animal,  hec  terra  tenax,  hec  lappa  vocatur; 
-Ris  animal,  -tis  terra  tenax,  -tis  lappa  vocatur.' 

3  '  A  claypit,  a  place  where  clay  is  digged  ;  argilletum.'  Baret.     '  Argilliere,  f.  A  clay- 
pit  ;  or  a  plot  where-in  Potters-clay  is  gotten.'     '  Glaire.  A  whitish  and  slimie  soyle  : 
glaireux.  Slimie.'  Cotgrave.     Compare  Glayre,  below. 

*  Perhaps  the  same  as  Clappe  of  a  mylne. 

5  'Amilclacke.  Crepitaculum.'  Baret.     '  Claquet  de  mouiin.  The  clapper  or  clack  of  a 
mill-hopper.'  Cotgrave.     '  Taratantara.    A  seve,   or  the  tre  that  lyth  vrider  the  seve. 
Taratantizare  :  tuba  clangere,  velfarinam  colare.'  Medulla.    See  also  Milne  Clappe.    In 
the  Ayenbite  of  Inwyt  (E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Morris),  58,  we  find  it  as  •  pe  clepper  of  >e 
melle.'      See  Chaucer,  Persones  Tale,  p.  406.     'Clap  of  a  mill.    A  piece  of  wood  that 
makes  a  noise  in  the  time  of  grinding.'  Jamieson.    L.  German,  Mapper,  klepper.   '  Hat-ill  urn, 
a  clakke.'  Wright's  Vocab.  p.  180. 

6  Used  here  doubtless  in  the  sense  of  making  clear  or  fining  liquids ;  of.  Clere  as  ale 
or  wyne,  below.    The  Author  of  the  Catholicon  nowhere  uses  Clarus  in  the  sense  of  noble, 
glorious,  but  Wyclif,  John  xii.  23,  has,  'Fadir,  clarifie  thi  name,'  and  Halliwell  quotes 
from  MS.  Camb.  F£  v.  48,  leaf  go— 

'A  voice  come  fro  hevene  thore  I  haf  clarefid  the,  he  saide/ 

7  '  Offendlx.  A  knot  off  byndyng  of  bokys.'     Medulla. 

8  '  Garyophilli.  The  spise  called  clones.    Garyophillus.  The  cloue  giloeflower.'  Cooper, 
1584.     See  also  Clowe  of  garleke,  and  Clowe,  yariofolus. 

9  '  Vngula.  A  clee.'  Medulla.     Withals  gives  « the  cleyes  of  a  fish,  as  of  Lopsters,  or 
such  other.  Chelce.'    '  Les  bras  (Fun  Scorpion.  The  cleyes  or  clawes  of  a  scorpion.'  Cotgrave. 
'  Brachia  cancre.  The  clees.'  Cooper.     Clees  is  found  in  Gower,  ii.  39 — 

4  As  a  cat  wolde  ete  fischis  Withoute  wetyng  of  his  clees  ;' 

and  in  P.  Plowman,  C.  I.  172,  'to  his  clees  clawen  us.'  See  the  directions  for  'pyggea 
farsyd '  in  the  Liber  Cure  Cocorum,  ed.  Morris,  p.  36, 

'  po  cle  of  pygge  shalle  be  Festened  in  J)e  cheke,  so  mot  >ou  )>e.' 

Wyclif  uses  the  form  in  Exodus  x.  26,  where  Moses  addressing  Pharaoh  says — '  There 
shal  not  leeue  a  clee  of  the  thingis  that  ben  necessarie.'  See  also  Genesis  xlix.  17  and 
Judges  v.  22.  See  note  to  to  chewe  Cud,  and  Mandeville's  Travels,  ed.  Halliwell,  p.  198. 

The  pronunciation  Cley  is  still  kept  up  in  East  Anglia ;  see  Nail's  Glossary  of  Yarmouth, 
&c.     «  Vngula.  A  clee.'  Medulla.     A.  S.  cla,  clea,  cleo,  pi.  clawe. 



a  Clege  l. 

*a  Clekett 2 ;  clauis. 

tClement ;  clemens,  nomen  proprium 

*Clene;  jntemeratus,jncorruptus,jn- 
contaminatus,  jntactus,  honestus, 
illibatus,  immaculatus,  illimis,  in- 
polutus,  immolatWL  muiidus,  pu- 
rus,  serenus,  sincerus  3. 

vn  Clene;  jnexpiabilis,  inmuudus,jn- 

Clene  rynynge  4  ;  eliquus. 

a  Clennes 5 ;  honestas,  mundicia,  pu- 
ritas,  sinceritas. 

vn  Clennes  ;  jmmuudicia,  jmpudi- 
cicia,  jmpuritas. 

tClennessabylle ;  expiabilis,  purga- 

tvn  Clenceabylle ;  jnexpiabilis,  jn- 

to  Clense;  acerare,  pYod\udtur\  ce, 
p\er]acerar&,  colare,  despumare, 
diluere,  effecare.ellimare,  eliquare, 
illimare,  illuere,  limare,  liquare, 
luere,  ab-,  lustrare,  mundare,  e-, 
mungere,  de-,  e-,  palare,  parare, 
peracerare,  piare,  ex-,  puri/tcare, 

purare,  purgare,  ex-,  tergere,  de-, 

A  Clensynge  ;  colacio,  defecacio,  de- 
liquacio,  deliqu&men,  expiacio, 
expiamen,  expurgacio,  lustracio, 
lustr&meu,  lustrum.,  piacio,piacu- 
lum,  purgac'w,  purgameu,  purifi- 
Clensynge ;  colans,defecans,liqua[n\s, 

&  cetera. 

Clere;  c7arus,  pre-,fulgidus6,  pre-, 
perspicuus  7- ;  versus  : 
^Est  aqua  perspicua  8,  sunt  solis 

lamina  clara  : 

ephebus,  faculentus,   limpidus, 
liquidus,  lucidus,  dilucifluus, 
luculentus,     nitidus,    politus, 
purus,    purgatus,     radiosus, 
serenns,  sincerus,  sidus,  splen- 
didus,  &  cetera ;  vbi  clene. 
Clere  as  ale  or  wyne  9 ;   defecatus, 
merus,merax,meraculus,  nieratus, 
purgatus,  perspicuus. 
to  Clere  ;  clarere,  -resceYe,  -rare,  de-, 
clarificare,  elucidare,  illuminare, 
puriftcare,  serenare. 
*a  Clerg6  10 ;  clerus,  derimonia. 

1  A  cleg  is  the  Northern  term  for  a  gad-fly.     Baret  gives  '  A  clegge-flie,  solipuga,'  and 
Cooper  has  '  Solipunga.  Pismiers,  that  in  the  sunne  stinge  most  vehemently.'     'A  clegge, 
flee.  Solipunga.'  Manip.  Vocab.     '  Cleg,  gleg.  A  gadfly,  a  horse-fly.'  Jamieson.     Danish, 
Jclaeg,  tabanus.      •  The  unlatit  woman  ....  Mare  wily  than  a  tox,  pungis  as  the  cleg.' 
Fordun,  Scotichronicon,  ii.  276,  ed.  1759.      J.  E.  in  his  trans,  of  Mouffet's  Theater  of 
Insectes,  1658,  p.  936,  says  that  the  fly  '  called  in  Latine  Tabanus  ....  is  of  the  English 
called  a  Burrel-fly,  Stowt,  and  Breese  :  and  also  of  sticking  and  clinging,  Cleg  and  Clinger.' 

2  '  deck,  Click.  A  small  catch,  designed  to  fall  into  the  notch  of  a  wheel ;  also  a  door- 
latch.'     Nodal's  Glossary  of  Lane.     In  a  document  of  the  date  1416,  quoted  by  Ducange, 
s.  v.  Cliquetus,  it  is  ordered  that  '  Jtefectorarius  semper  teneat  hostium  refectorii  clausum 
cum  cliqueto.'     See  P.  Plowman,  B.  v.  623.     '  Clitella.  A  clyket.'  MeduUa. 

8  MS.  sinceritas. 

4  The  MS.  seems  to  read  ryuynge,  but  the  third  letter  is  rather  blotted. 
6  In  Kelig.  Pieces  in  Prose  and  Verse  (Thornton  MS.  ed.  Perry),  p.  48,  1.  12,  we  read, 
'  the  Holy  Goste  sail  sende  two  maydyns  ....  the  one  is  callede  Rightwysnes  and  \>e 
tother  es  called  Luffe  of  Clennes.'     Chaucer,  C.  T.  Prologue,  505,  says — 
'  Wei  oughte  a  prest  ensample  for  to  jive, 
By  his  clennesse,  how  that  his  scheep  schulde  lyve.' 

'Puritas.  Clennes.'  Medulla.     See  also  The  Myroure  of  Our  Lady,  ed.  Blunt,  p.  10,  and 
Lonelich's  Holy  Grail,  ed.  Furnivall,  xxxvi.  426.     See  also  Sir  Gawayne,  1.  653. 
6  MS.  fulgudus.  1  MS.  prospicuus.  8  MS.  prospicua. 

'  Vinum  meracum.  Cicero.  Cleere  wyne  without  water  mixed.'  Cooper. 
0 '  Clergy.  A  nombre  of  clerk  es.'  Palsgrave.     Clergie  is  common  in  the  sense  of  learning. 
See  P.  Plowman,  A.  xi.  104,  286,  &c.     This  meaning  we  still  retain  in  the  phrase  '  Benefit 
of  clergy.' 



a  Clerke ;  carious,  clerimonius,  cleri- 


a  Clerenes  * ;  claredo,  claritas,  clari- 
tudo,  faculencia,  jfulgor,  iubar, 
limpiditas ;  lux  oritur,  lumen 
accenditur  ;  luculencia,  meritas  ; 
versus  : 
^[  Lux  a  natura  sed  lumen  ma- 

teriale  : 

serenitas,  sinceritas,  splendor. 
Clett  (Cleyt  A.) 2;  glis,  lappa. 
tto  Clethe  in  manhode ;  humanare. 
Clethe 3 ;    jnduere,    operire,   vestire, 
tegere,  &  cetera ;  versus  : 
51  In&uit  ac  operit,  amicit,  vestit, 

tegit  clique 
Velat,  predictissensumdedit  vsus 

Occulat,    obnubit  <b  obumbrat*, 

celat  &  abdit. 

a  Clethynge;  amictus,  vestitus,  vestis, 

Clethynge ;    vestiens,    amicens,  jn- 

duens,  &  cetera. 
Clettis  of  qwete  5.     (A.), 
to  Cleve  to  ;  herere ;  ad-. 
to  Cleve  ;  scindere^ndGre,  con-,  dif-. 
a  Clevere  ;  fissor  6. 
*a  Clewe  7 ;  globus,  glomus,  glomera- 


a  Cliflfe ;  cliuus. 
a  Clifte ;  fissura. 
to  Clymbe ;  scantier e,  ascendere,  con-, 

tr&ns-,  superare  j  vt,  iste  superat 


to  Clippe  ;  tondere,  de-}  tonsitare. 
[vn]  Clippyd ;  jntonsus. 
a  Clipper ;  tonsor,  ton\_s]tTi^}  tonstri- 


*a  Clippynge ;  tonsura,  tonsio. 
ta  Clippynge  howse  8 ;    tonsoriuw, 

*J>e  Clippys  of  y6  son  &  moyn  9 ; 

eclyppsis,  eclipticns. 

1  In  the  Oesta  Romanorum,  p.  12,  we  read,  '  Ouer  our  hedis  ys  passage  and  goyng  of 
peple,  and  J^ere  shyneth  the  sonne  in  here  clerenesse.' 

2  Cotgrave  gives  l  Napolier,  m.  The  Burre  docke,  clote  burre,  great  burre  :  Lampourde, 
f.  the  Cloot  or  great  Burre  :  Glouteron,  m.  the  Clote,  Burre  Docke  or  great  Burre  ;  Bardane, 
f.  the  Clote,  burre-dock,  or  great  Burre.'     In  Vergil,  Georgics,  i.  153,  we  read,  '  lappceque 
tribuliqiie,'  and  a  note  in  the  Delphin  ed.  1813,  says  ' Lappa,  glouteron,  bardane,  burdock; 
herba  capitula  ferens  hamis  aspera,  quse  vestibus  praetereuntium  adhaerent.'    Mr.  Cockayne 
in  his  Glossary  to  •  Leechdoms,'  &c.,  explains  Clate  as  arctium  lappa,  with  numerous 
references.     Ray  in  his  Glossary  gives  '  Gluts,  clots,  petasites ;  rather  burdocks.'    Halliwell 
suggests  that  t'lote  is  the  yellow  water-lily  ;  but  see  Prof.  Skeat's  note  on  Chaucer,  Chanoun 
Yemannes  Tale,  577,  and  Lyte,  Dodoens,  pp.  15, 16.     See  Clote,  herbe  in  P.  and  Burre, 
above.  3  MS.  chethe.  *  MS.  obunbrat. 

6  Probably  the  same  as  Clods,  which  Jamieson  explains  as  '  small  raised  loaves,  baked 
of  coarse  wheaten  flour,  of  which  three  were  sold  for  five  farthings.'  He  also  gives  ' Sutors' 
Clods,  a  kind  of  coarse  brown  wheaten  bread,  used  in  Selkirk,  leavened  and  surrounded 
with  a  thick  crust,  like  lumps  of  earth.'  6  MS.  fossor. 

1  In  the  Legende  of  Goode  Women,  Ariadne,  1. 131,  Theseus  is  given  a  '  clew '  of  thread— 

'That  by  a  dywe  of  twyne,  as  he  hath  goon, 

The  same  way  he  may  returne  anoun,  Folwynge  alway  the  threde:' 

And  in  the  tale  in  the  Gesta  Romanorum,  chap.  31,  p.  115,  founded  on  the  same  legend,  the 
Lady  of  Solace  addresses  the  knight  who  is  about  to  enter  the  enchanted  garden — '  Take 
of  me  here  a  clewe  of  threde,  &  what  tyrne  that  thowe  shalt  entre  the  gardyn  of  the 
Emperour,  bynde  at  the  entering  in  of  the  gardyn  the  begynnynge  of  the  clewe,  &  holde 
euermore  the  Eemnavnt  of  the  clewe  in  thin  honde,  &  so  go  forthe  into  the  gardyn  by 
lyne.'  '  A  clew  or  bottome  of  thread.  Glomus.'  Baret.  'A  clewe.  Glomus.'  Manip.Vocab. 
A.  S.  cleow.  See  also  to  Wynde  Clowes.  The  MS.  reads,  hie  globus,  hoc  glomus,  hie  glomus. 

I8  Compare  also  Easter  Howse. 
9  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  xviii.  135,  we  read — 
'And  )>at  is  cause  of  ]>is  clips,  fat  closeth  now  the  sonne.' 
i  De  DeGuileville's  Pilgrimage  of  the  Lyf  of  the  Manhode,  MS.  John's  Coll.  Camb.  leaf 
zib,  we  find  '  Adonaye,  kynge  of  rightwysnes,  whilke  has  power  in  the  clipse,  the  grete 
raperour  of  nature,'  &c.     '  Also  the  same  seasone  there  fell  a  great  rayne  and  a  clyps 



tto  make  Clippys ;  eclipticare. 

ta  Glister ;  clistire,  clisterium,  clistro. 

a  Cloke ;  Armilausa. 

a  Clokke  * ;  orologiurn,  horecium. 

a  Close;  septum,  con-,  clausura,  clau- 


to  Close;  vallare,sepire,circum-,ob-. 
to  vnClose  ;  dissepire,  discludere. 
a  Closter  2 ;  claustrum,  claustellum ; 


ttoCloyke3;  (vtgalinaA.);  graculari. 
*to  Clotte  4 ;  occare. 
*  A  Clottyng  malle  5 ;  occatorium. 

*a  Clotte6;  cespis,  occarium. 
a  Clowe  of  garleke  7 ;  costula. 
*a  Clowde;  nubes,  nubecula,  nebula, 
nubilosus,     nubulus,     nubulum ; 
versus : 
IT  Nubila  sunt  proprie  nubes  nim- 

bis  onerate  ; 
Nubila  dat  tellus,  nebulas  mare, 

a  Clowe  7 ;  gariofolns,  species  est. 
*a  Clowe  of  flode^ete  (A  Clowre  or 

flod3ate  A.) 8;  singlocitorium,gur- 


with  a  terryble  thonder.*  Berners'  Froissart,  ch.  xxx.  '  Hyt  is  but  the  clyppus  of  the  sune.' 
Anturs  of  Arthur,  ed.  Robson,  viii.  3.  '  Clips '  for  eclipse  is  still  in  use  in  Lincolnshire. 
In  the  Romaunt  of  the  Rose,  5349,  occurs  the  adjective  clipsy,  that  is,  as  if  eclipsed.  See 
also  the  Complaynt  of  Scotland,  ed.  Murray,  p.  56. 

1  See  P.  Orlage.     '  Horologium.  An  orlage.'  Medulla. 

2  'Claustrum.  A  cloyster  or  other  place  where  anie  liueing  thing  is  enclosed.'  Cooper. 

3  MS.  cloykis.     A  hen  when  ready  to  sit  is  still  in  many  dialects  said  to  be  clocking,  a 
word  derived  from  the  peculiar  noise  made  by  the  fowl.     Baret  gives  '  to  clocke  like  a 
henne,  pipo;  a  henne  clocking,  singultiens  gallina?    In  Cott.  MS.  Faust.,  B.  vi.  leaf  91, 
we  find —          '  Leef  henne  wen  ho  leith,  Looth  wen  no  clok  seith.' 

4  Poule  gloussante.  A  Clocking  Henne.'  Cotgrave.  Jamieson  gives  'To  cleck.  To  hatch. 
Cleckin-time.  The  time  of  hatching.  Clock.  The  cry  or  noise  made  by  hens,  when  they 
wish  to  sit  on  eggs  for  the  purpose  of  hatching  them.'  Grose  explains  a  '  Clocking-hen ' 
as  one  '  desirous  of  sitting  to  hatch  her  eggs.'  'A  clucke  henne.  Gallina  singultiens,  gallina 
glociens,  vel  gallina  nutrix.  Glocito,  glocio,  singultio,  pipio.  To  clucke  as  hens  doe.' 
Withals.  '  A  clockynge  henne.  Singultiem  gallina'  Huloet.  See  also  to  Kaykylle. 

*  '  Oico.  Toharpow;  to  breake  cloddes  in  the  fielde  eared.'  Cooper.  'Toclodde,  or 
clotte  land.  Occo.'  Huloet.  See  Harrison's  Descrip.  of  Eng.  ed.  Furnivall,  ii.  54.  'Admit 

that  the  triple  tillage  of  an  acre  dooth  cost  thirteen  shillings  foure  pence the 

clodding  sixteene  pence.'  '  Occo.  To  cloddy n.'  Medulla.  Latimer  in  his  Sermon  on  the 
Ploughers  says  '  the  ploughman  ....  tilleth  hys  lande  and  breaketh  it  in  furroughes,  and 
sometime  ridgeth  it  vp  agayne.  And  at  an  other  tyme  harrowet'i  it,  and  clotteth  it :'  ed. 
Arber,  p.  19. 

6  '  Clot-mell.  A  mallet  for  crushing  clods.'  Peacock's  Glossary.  '  Clod-mell.  A  large 
mallet  for  breaking  the  clods  of  the  field  especially  on  clayey  ground,  before  harrowing 
it.'  Jamieson.  '  Mail.  A  mall,  mallet,  or  Beetle.'  Cotgrave.  '  Occa.  A  clery  (?  cley) 
betel. 'Medulla.  '  A  cloddynge  betyll  or  malle.  Occa.  Occatorium.'  Huloet.  See  Melle,  post. 

6  In  the  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  1 54,  we  read,  'per  hit  lift  in  one  clotte  ueste  ilimed  togederes.' 
See  also  Harrison,  Descrip.  of  Eng.  ed.  Furnivall,  i.  352,  'congealed  into  clots  of  hard  stone.' 
Caxton  speaking  of  the  hot  wells  of  England  says — '  The  maistresse  of  thilke  welles  is  the 
grete  spirite  of  Minerua.    In  her  hous  the  fyre  endureth  alway  that  neuer  chaungeth  in  to 
asshes,  but  there  the  fyre  slaketh  hit  chaungeth  in  to  stone  clottes.'  Descript.  of  Britain, 
1480,  p.  6.     Gouldman  has  '  to  clotter  or  clutter  together.  Concresco,  conglobo* 

7  See  also  Clawe. 

8  '  Clough.  A  shuttle  fixed  in  the  gates  or  masonry  of  a  lock  which  is  capable  of  being 
raised  to  admit  or  discharge  water  so  as  to  allow  vessels  to  pass.'  Peacock's  Glossary  of 
Manley,  &c.,  E.  Dial.  Soc.     «  Clouse.   A  sluice.'   Jamieson.  •  See  Dugdale's  Hist,  of  In- 
banking,  1662,  p.  276.     The  statute  33  Henry  VIII,  cap.  33,  grants  certain  duties  to  be 
levied  on  imported  fish,  in  order  to  provide  for  the  repair  and  maintenance  of  the  walls, 
ditches  and  banks  of  Hull,  as  also  to  provide  '  other  clowes,  getties,  gutters,  gooltes  and 
other  fortresses  there '  for  the  defence  of  the  town.     '  Gurgustium  ut  Gurges.  Locus  in 
fluvio  arctatus,  seu  ad  construendum  molendinum,  seu  ad  capiendos  pisces.'    Ducange. 
•  Escluse,  Scluse.  A  sluice,  Floud-gate,  or  Water-gate ;  also  a  mill-damme,  &c.'    Cotgrave. 
See  also  Pludejate,  post. 



a  Clowte  l ;  assumentum,  repeeium. 
*a  Clowte  of  yrne  2 ;  crusta,  crusta 

ferrea,  &  cetera  ;  vbi  plate, 
to    Clowte 3 ;    jnctaciar^    repeciare, 

a  Clowte  of  ledder  ;    pifitaciuucuta, 

jrictacium,  repeeium. 
Clowtyd;  pictaciatus,  repeciatus. 
a  Clowter;  pictaciator,  pictaciarius. 

a  Club ;  fustis. 

t Clumsy d  4  ;  eneruatus,  euiratus. 

a  Cluster  of  nuttis 6 ;  complustrum. 

A  Clowe ;  vt  supra  (A.). 

*to  wynde  Clowys  6 ;  gtomerare. 

C  ante  O. 

a  Cobyller  ;  vbi  a  clowter. 
fa  Cobylle  nutt 7 ;  moracia. 
a  Cbcatrtce  8 ;  basiliscus,  cocodrillus. 

1  The  author  of  the  Ancren  Eiwle  tells  us,  p.  256,  that  'a  lute  [small]  clut  mei  lod- 
lichen  swu'Se  a  muchel  ihol  peche  ;'  and  again,  on  p.  260,  our  lord  is  described  as  'mid  duties 
biwrabled,'  wrapped  in  clouts  or  rags.     In  Havelok,  Quin  first  binds  Havelok  and  then 
gags  him  with  a  'keuel  [gag]  of  clutes ;'  and  in  Sir  Ferumbras,  1.  2747,  Guy  of  Burgundy 
is  blindfolded  with  a  ' clouts'     A.  S.  clut. 

2  An  iron  plate.     Amongst  the  implements,  &c.,  necessary  to  the  farmer,  Tusser  enume- 
rates a  '  strong  exeltred  cart,  that  is  clouted  and  shod  ;'  and — 

'  Two  ploughs  and  a  plough  chein,  ij  culters,  iij  shares, 
With  ground  cloutes  and  side  cloutes,  for  soile  that  so  tares.' 

Five  Hundred  Points,  &c.  p.  36. 

In  the  Paston  Letters,  ed.  Gairdner,  n.  125,  we  have  'clot  shon,'  i.e.  shoes  tipped  with 
iron.  Cooper  renders  Crusta  by  'bullions  or  ornamentes  of  plate  that  may  be  taken  off.' 
See  also  Carte  bande  and  Cop  bande. 

3  See  William  of  Palerne,  1.  14,  where  the  cowherd  whose  dog  discovers  William  is 
described  as  sitting  '  cloutfand  kyndely  his  schon.'   A.  S.  clutian.    Wyclif,  Wks.  ed.  Arnold, 
i.  p.  4,  says  '  Anticristis  lawe,  cloutid  of  many,  is  full  of  errors ;'  and  he  renders  Mark  i. 
19  by  'he  say  James  ....  and  Joon  ....  in  the  boots  makynge,  either  doutynge  nettis.' 

*  In  Wyclif 's  translation  of  Isaiah  xxxv.  3,  this  word  is  used — '  Comfort  ye  clumsid,  ether 

'  Jerusalem,  nyle  thou  drede ;  Sion  thin  hondis  be  not  clumsid1  [non  dissolvantur  manus 
tuce  ;]  where  other  versions  read  '  adumsid  '  and  '  acumbled.'  Holland  in  his  trans,  of 
Livy,  Bk.  xxi.  c.  56,  p.  425,  renders  torpentes  gelu  by  '  so  clumsie  8c  frozen  :'  and  in  the 
Gospel  of  Nichodemus,  If.  2 1 3,  we  read  '  we  er  clomsed  gret  and  smalle.'  See  also  E. 
Eng.  Poems,  ed.  1862,  p.  123.  Ray  in  his  Glossary  of  North  Country  Words  gives 
'Clumps,  clumpst,  idle,  lazy,  unhandy;  ineptus'  and  refers  to  Skinner;  who,  in  his  Ety- 
mologicon  says  it  is  a  word  '  agro  Lincolniensi  usitatissima.'  Clumsome  or  Classome  is 
still  in  use  about  Whitby.  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  xiv.  50,  we  read — 

'Whan  Jxni  clomsest  for  cold,  or  clyngest  for  drye;' 

on  which  see  Prof.  Skeat's  note.     '  Entombi.  Stonied,  benummed,  clumpse,  asleep.     Havi 
de  froid.  Stiff,  clumpse,  benummed.'  Cotgrave.     See  also  ibid.  Destombi. 
5  Compare  Bob  of  grapis.  *  See  Clewe. 

7  '  A  cobnutte,  or  walnutte.  Moracia.'  Baret.    The  Medulla  explains  moracia  as  •'  hard 
notys  longe  kepte.' 

8  In  Alexander  and  Dindimus,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Skeat,  1. 158,  we  read  how  Alexander, 
when  he  had  arrived  at  the  river  Pison,  was  unable  to  cross  it  on  account  of  the 

'  Addrus  &  ypotamus  &  othure  ille  wormus, 
.     &  careful  cocodrillus  that  the  king  lette.' 

'  Cockatryce,  whyche  is  a  Serpente,  called  the kynge  of  serpentes,  whose  nature  is  to  kyll  wy th 
hyssynge  onelye.  JBasilicus  Regulus.'  Huloet.  So  Trevisa,  in  his  trans,  of  Higden  i.  159,  says 
*  Basiliscus  is  kyng  of  serpentes  Jmt  wif>  smyl  and  sijt  slee]>  beestes  and  foules.'  '  Hie  coca- 
drillus,  A  cocadrylle.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  220.  The  Low  Latin  cocodrillus,  itself  a 
corruption  from  crocodilus,  was  still  further  corrupted  into  cocatrix,  whence  our  cockatrice. 
The  basilisk  was  supposed  to  have  the  property  of  infecting  the  air  with  its  venom  so  that 
no  other  creature  could  live  near  it,  and  also  of  killing  men  by  a  mere  look.  In  the  Oesta 
Roman,  chap.  57,  is  an  account  of  one  which  in  this  way  destroyed  a  large  number  of  the 
soldiers  of  Alexander,  and  of  the  means  adopted  to  destroy  the  monster.  See  a  full 


ta  Cod  l;  ceruical,  puluin&r,  &  cetera; 

vbi  a  qvysshyn. 
a  Cofyre ;  clitella,    cistella,    cistula  2, 

ta  Corfyrled   (Cofer  leyd  A.) ;  Ar- 


a  Cogge  3 ;  scarioballum. 
Coghe  4 ;  v\>i  hoste  (A.). 
*a  Coyfe  5 ;  pillius,  pilleolus,  apex, 

golems ;  versus : 

^1  Pillius  est  iuuenum, 

umqne  galerus. 
fa  Coker  G ;  autwc&pnarius. 
a  Cok;  gallus,  gallulus  dmiinutiuuw, 
a  Cok  cambe  (Coke  came  A.) ;  galla. 
tj)e  Cok  crawe  7 ;  gallicantus,  galli- 

cinium,  gallicanus. 
tCokett8;  ijfangia  (effungia  A.),  est 

gnic?[rtm]  panis. 
a  Cokylle;  piscis,  coclia. 

description  in  Swan's  Speculum  Mundi,  1685,  chap.  ix.  p.  486.  Alexander  Neckham,  De 
NaturisRerum,  ed.  Wright,  p.  198,  quotes  an  account  of  the  creature  from  Solinus,  Poly  hist, 
cap.  xxvii.  50,  in  which  it  is  said  to  retain  its  fatal  qualities  even  after  death,  and  to  be 
invulnerable  to  the  attack  of  any  animal  except  the  weasel.  Cocodrille  occurs  in  the 
Wyclifite  version  of  Leviticus  xi.  29,  and  Trevisa  in  his  trans,  of  Higden  i.  151,  says  ')>ere 
bee)>  cocodrilly  and  hippotauri  [cocodrilli  et  hippotauri.]'  See  also  K.  Alisaunder,  ed. 
Weber,  i.  271,  'delfyns  and  cokedrill.' 

1  In  the  Inventory  of  Thomas  Kobynson,  of  Appleby,  1542,  quoted  in  Mr.  Peacock's 
Gloss,  of  Manley  &  Corringham,  are  included,  '  iij  coodes,  one  payre  of  fembyll  sheyttes, 
one  lynnyn  sheyt  &  a  halfe,  iiij8.'  '  Ceruical,  id  est  puluinar  aureole,  anglice,  a  pyllowe, 
or  a  codde.'  Ortus.  The  Manip.  Vocab.  gives  '  a  codde,  cushion,  pulvinar  ;'  and  Jamieeon 
has  '  Cod,  a  pillow  ;  Cod-Crime,  a  curtain  lecture ;  Cod-hule,  a  pillow-cover  or  slip.'  'I 
maid  ane  cod  of  ane  gray  stane.'  Complaynt  of  Scotland,  ed.  Murray,  p.  68.  In  Sir 
Degrevant,  Thornton  Romances,  ed.  Halliwell,  p.  239,  1.  1493,  we  find  '  Coddys  of 
sendall.'  See  also  Towneley  Mysteries,  p.  84.  Icel.  koddi,  a  pillow. 

3  MS.  astula,  corrected  by  A.  ;  but  perhaps  we  should  read  arcula. 

3  In  the  Owle  and  Nightingale,  ed.  Stratmann,  86,  we  find  '  Frogge  J?at  sit  at  mulne 
under  cogge'  It  appears  to  mean  a  wheel,  Cf.  Swedish  kugge,  an  individual  prominence 
in  an  indented  wheel. 

*  Chaucer,  Miller's  Tale,  3697,  tells  us  how  Absolom  when  he  went  to  serenade  Alison — 

'  Softe  he  cowhith  with  a  semysoun.' 
See  also  P.  Plowman,  B.  v.  361.     '  Tussis.  The  cowhe.'   Medulla. 

8  '  Galerium.  An  hatte ;  a  pirwike.  Galericulum.  An  vnder  bonet  or  ridyng  cappe  ; 
a  close  cappe  much  like  a  night  cappe.'  Cooper.  '  Galerus.  A  coyfe  off  lether.'  Medulla. 

6  'Autumnus.  A  hervest.'  Medulla. 

'  Can  stow  seruen,  he  sede,  o]>er  syngen  in  a  churche, 

OJ>er  coke  for  my  colters,  o]>er  to  }>e  carte  picche  ?'  P.  Plowman,  C.  vi,  12,  13. 
'  Coker.  A  reaper  (Warwick).  Originally  a  charcoal  maker  who  comes  out  at  harvest  time.' 
Halliwell.  It  seems  rather  to  mean  a  harvest  labourer,  one  who  puts  hay  into  cocks.  (See 
Cok  of  hay.)  Richardson  quotes  the  following : — '  Bee  it  also  prouided  that  this  act,  nor 
anything  therein  contained  doe  in  any  wise  extende  to  any  cockers  or  haruest  folkes  that 
trauaile  into  anie  countrie  of  this  realme  for  haruest  worke,  either  come  haruest  or  hay 
haruest,  if  they  doe  worke  and  labour  accordingly.'  Rastall,  Statutes,  Vagabonds,  &c.,  p.  474. 

7  See  Harrison,  Descript.  of  England,  ed.  Furnivall,  ii.  89,  for  an  account  of  the  divi- 
sions of  the  hours  of  the  night  amongst  the  Ancients.    Chaucer,  Parlement  of  Foules,  350, 
speaks  of—  '  The  kok,  that  orloge  is  of  thorpys  lyte.' 

See  also  Cokerelle. 

8  Panis  de  Coket  is  mentioned  in  a  MS.  of  Jesus  Coll.  Oxford,  I  Arch.  i.  29,  leaf  268, 
as  being  slightly  inferior  to  wastel  bread.     '  A  cocket  was  a  kind  of  seal  (see  Liber  Albus, 

S.  45,  and  Madox,  Hist.  Excheq.  i.  p.  783),  and  as  bread  in  London  was  sealed  with  the 
aker's  seal,  after  inspection  by  the  Alderman,  it  is  not  improbable  that  this  bread  thence 
had  its  name ;  though  at  some  periods  certainly,  other  kinds  of  bread,  distinguished  in 

name  from  Cocket-bread  were  sealed  as  well Cocket-bread  was  most  used  probably 

by  the  middle  classes  ;  that  of  inferior  quality  being  trete  or  tourte,  while  simnel  and  wastel 
were  finer  in  quality  and  higher  in  price.'  Liber  Custumarum,  ed.  Riley,  ii.  793.  See 
also  Liber  Albus,  Glossary  s.  v.  Cocket  and  Bread;  Arnold's  Chronicle  (ed.  1811),  pp. 
49  56  ;  and  Harrison's  Description  of  England,  i.  154. 



quedam.  aborigo,  (herba 

A.),  zazannia. 
*aCoknay2;   ambro,  mammotropus, 
delicius;  versus  : 
^Delicius  qui  delicijs  a  matre  nu- 

ta  Cok  of  hay  or  of  corne  3 ;  Arco- 


a  Cokerelle;  gallinacius. 
tColaf  ;  colonia,  est  quedam  ciuitas. 
a  Cole  (Coylle  A.)  ;   calculus,  carbo, 
pruna  est  cum.  igne ;    versus  : 
(Dum   calor   est  pruna,   Carbo 
dum  deficit  ignis  ;  A.) 

^  Carbo  nigrescil  ignitaque  pruna 

*a  Colar ;  collarium,  Anaboladium. 

*a  Colar  of  siluer  or  golde;  murenula. 

a  Colar  of  a  hund  4 ;  millus,  colla- 
rium, copularius. 

a  Colar  of  a  hors  ;  collarium. 

ta  Coler  of  yren ;  columber,  collare. 

t  Coleryke  5 ;  colera  ;  colericus. 

fColiandyr  6 ;  colia. 

be  Colike  7 ;  colica  passio,  ylios  grece, 

ta  Colke 8 ;  erula,  (interior  2>ars 
pomi,  A.) 

1  The  corn-cockle.  Agrostemma  githago.     Gaelic  cogall.  Tares,  husks,  the  corn-cockle, 
Cockle  or  Cokyl  was  used  by  Wyclif  and  other  old  writers  in  the  sense  of  a  weed  generally, 
but  in  later  works  has  been  confined  to  the  gith  or  corn-pink.     '  Coquiol.  A  degenerate 
barley  or  weed  commonly  growing  among  barley,  and  called  Haver-grasse.'  Cotgrave. 
'  Zizannia.  Dravke,  or  darnel,  or  cokkyl.'  Medulla.     '  Cockole  hath  a  large  smal  [sic]  leafe 
and  wyll  beare  v  or  vi  floures  purple  colloure  as  brode  as  a  grote,  and  the  secle  is  rounde 
and  blacke.'  Fitzherbert,  Boke  of  Husbandry.     See  also  Darnelle. 

2  Tusserin  his  Five  Hundred  Pointes,  &c.,  92,  4,  says — 

'  Some  cockndes  with  cocldng  are  made  verie  fooles, 
fit  neither  for  prentise,  for  plough,  nor  for  schooles ;' 
and  again  95,  5 — 

'  Cocking  Mams  and  shifting  Dads  from  schooles, 
Make  pregnant  wits  to  prooue  vnlearned  fooles.' 

'  A  cockney,  a  childe  tenderly  brought  up  ;  a  dearling.  Cockering,  mollis  ilia  educatio 
quam  indulgentiam  vocamus.  A  father  to  much  cockering,  Pater  nimis  indulgens.'  Baret's 
Alvearie.  Cooper  gives  '  Mammothreptus :  after  S.  Augustine  a  childe  that  sucketh  longe, 
but  Erasmus  taketh  it  for  a  childe  wantonly  brought  vp.  Delicice :  a  minion  boye ;  a 
•ckney ;  a  wanton.' 

3  '  Archonius :  acervus  manipulorum.    Manipulus.  A  gavel  (sheaf  of  corn).'  Medulla. 
L  hay  cocke.  Meta  ferri?  Withals.     See  also  Mughe. 

*  'Millum.  A  mastiue's  colar  made  of  leather  with  nayle?.'   Cooper.  '  Milus.  An  houndys 
colere.'  Medulla. 

5  Men  were  divided  into  four  classes,  according  to  their  humours.     Laurens  Andre  we 
says,  in  his  Noble  Lyfe,  '  And  the  bodij  of  man  is  made  of  many  diuers  sortes  of  lymmes 
as  senewes,  vaynes,  fatte,  flesshe  &  skynne.     And  also  of  the  foure  moistours,  as  sanguyne, 
flematyke,  coleryke  &  melancoly.'  (fol.  a  iv.  back.  col.  2).     Men  die,  he  says,  in  three 
ways  :  i.  by  one  of  the  four  elements  of  which  they  are  made,  overcoming  the  others; 
2.  by  humidum  radicale,  or  'naturall  moystour,'  forsaking  them;  3.  by  wounds — 'the 
coleryke  commeth  oftentymes  to  dethe  be  accedentall  maner  through  his  hastines,  for  he 
is  of  nature  hot  and  drye.'     So  also  John  Russell  in  his  Boke  of  Nurture  (Babees  Boke, 
p.  53),  says —  'The  second  course  colericus  by  callynge 

Fulle  of  Fyghtynge  blasfemynge,  &  brallynge, 
Fallynge  at  veryaunce  with  felow  and  fere.' 
And  he  adds  these  lines —  Colericus. 

Hirsutus,  Fallax,  irascens,  prodigus,  satis  audax, 
Astutus,  gracilis,  siccus,  croceique  coloris. 
See  also  Dan  Michel's  Ayenbite  of  Inwyt,  ed.  Morris,  p.  157. 

6  See  also  Coriandre.  7  MS.  which  reads  Cokylle,  corrected  by  A. 
8  Hampole  in  the  Pricke  of  Conscience,  644,  3,  tells  us  that 

'Alle  erthe  by  skille  may  likned  be  The  whiche  in  niyddes  has  a  colke, 

Tille  a  rounde  appel  of  a  tree,  As  has  an  eye  [egg]  in  myddes  a  yolke :' 

And  in  the  Towneley  Mysteries,  p.  281,  we  read — 

'  It  is  fulle  roten  inwardly          At  the  colke  within.' 


to  Colke '  ;  tondere,  detondere. 

haustellum,  vel  hav- 

*a  CoU^mase  2 
ia  Collokzs  3 


a  Collop  4 ;  carbonella,  frixa. 
a  Colowre  and  to  colour;  vlri  coloure. 
*a  Colrake  5 ;  trulla,  verriculum. 
a  Colte  6 ;  pullua. 
fa  Colte  brydylle  ;  lupatum. 
Coluwbyne ;  columbina. 
a  Coliare  (Coljere  A.) 7;  carbonarius. 

to  Come  agayn;  reuenire,  &  cetera  ; 

vbi  to  turne  agayn. 
to  Commaunde  ;    censer e  8,    censire, 

hortari,  mcmdare,   inhere,  preci- 

pere,  imperare,  edicere,  indicere. 
Coramawdynge ;  imperiosus,  imper- 

ans,  jubens. 
a  CommaundmeTit ;  mandatum ,  pre- 

ceptum,  dido,  imperium,  edictum, 

jndictum,  iussum,  iussus, 

tus,  hortamen. 

Coke  is  still  in  use  in  Lancashire  with  meaning  of  pith,  core.  '  Erula  :  illud  quod  est  in 
medio  pomi,  ab  eruo  dicitur :  anglice,  a  core.'  Medulla.  '  Couk  of  an  apple,  cor.'  Manip. 
Vocab.  Dutch  kolk,  a  pit,  hollow  :  compare  Gaelic  caoch,  empty,  hollow. 

1  Jamieson  gives  'to  Coll,  v.  a.  To  cut,  to  clip.     To  coll  the  hair,  to  poll  it.     S.  Cow. 
To  poll  the  head;  to  clip  short  in  general;  to  cut,  to  prune;  to  lop  off.     To  be  court,  to 
be  bald.     It  occurs  as  signifying  shaven ;  applied  to  the  Roman  tonsure.  Cleland.     Icel. 
kollr,  tonsum  caput.' 

2  Spelt  Calmewe  by  Lydgate.      'Alcedo:  quedam  avis.   A  se-mewe.'  Medulla.     ' Hec 
alcedo :   a  colmow.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  252.      Caxton,  Descr.  Brit.  1480,  p.  54, 
eays,  speaking  of  Ireland,  '  In  lagenia  is  a  ponde  ther  be  seen  colmaus  birdes,  the  byrdes 
ben  cleped  certelles  and  come  homly  to  mannes  honde.' 

3  'CollocJc.  A  large  pail.  Cf.  Icel.  Kolla  =  a  pot  or  bowl  without  feet.'  Nodal's  Glossary. 
In  the  Will  of  Thomas  Dautree,  1483,  pr.  in  Testamenta  Eboracensia,  pt.  2,  p.  61,  Surtees 
Soc.  vol.  30,  the  following  item  occurs :  '  lego  unam  peciam  coopertam,,  vocatam  le  collok 
ecclesice  mece  parochiali,  ad  inde  faciendum  unam  coupam  sive  pixidem  pro  corpore  Christi.' 
See  also  the  Richmondshire  Wills,  &c.,  published  by  the  same  Society,  vol.  26,  p.  169,  where 
are  mentioned  in  an  Inventory  dated  1563,  'a  kneadinge  tube,  iij  collecks,  a  wynnocke,  ij 
stands,  a  churne,  a  fleshe  cotlecJce,  &c.' 

4  'Frixa.  A  colop,  or  a  pece  off  flesch.'   Medulla.    The  Ortus  explains  carbonella  as 
'  caro  assata  super  carbones,'  and  adds  the  lines — 

*  Est  carbonella  caro :  prunis  assata  tenella : 
Carbonem  faciens :  hie  carbonarius  exstat.' 

'  Collop.  A  slice ;  a  rasher  of  bacon.'  Nodal's  Glossary.  Wedgwood  derives  it  from  '  clop 
or  colp,  representing  the  sound  of  something  soft  thrown  on  a  flat  surface.'  The  word 
occurs  in  old  Swedish.  Ihre  says — 'Kollops,  edulii  genus,  confectum  ex  carnis  fragmentis, 
tudite  lignea  probe  contusis  et  maceratis.'  In  Piers  Plowman,  B.  vi.  286,  Piers  says — 

'  I  have  no  salt  bacoun  Ne  no  kokeney,  bi  cryst,  coloppes  for  to  maken.' 
'  Slices  of  this  kind  of  meat  (salted  and  dried)  are  to  this  day  termed  collops  in  the 
north,  whereas  they  are  called  steaks  when  cut  off  from  fresh  or  unsalted  flesh.'  Brand, 
Pop.  Antiq.  i.  62.  '  Riblette,  a,  collop  or  slice  of  bacon.  Des  ceufs  a  la  riblette,  Egges  and 
collops  ;  or  an  omelet  or  pancake  of  egges  and  slices  of  bacon  mingled,  and  fried  together.' 
Cotgrave.  '  The  coloppes  cleaned  faste  to  the  fryenge  pannes  bottom  for  lacke  of  oyle, 
droppynge  or  butter.  Offe  fundo  sartaginis  heserunt  olli  distillationis  desiderio?  Horman. 
See  also  Andrew  Boorde's  Introduction  of  Knowledge,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  273,  P.  Plowman, 
C.  Text,  xvi.  67,  and  Harrison,  i.  61.  '  Colloppe  meate,  ceuf  au,  lard?  Palsgrave. 

8  '  Colerake,  or  makron.  Rutabulum.'  Baret.  *  Fourgon  :  a  coal-rake  or  an  oven  fork.' 
Boyer's  Diet.  1652.  See  also  Frugon.  Stanihurst,  Descr.  of  Ireland,  in  Holinshed,  vol. 
vi.  p.  27,  speaks  of  the  'colwake  sweeping  of  a  pufloafe  baker.'  'Colerake,  ratissover* 
Palsgrave.  'Colerake.  Rutabulum.'  Huloet. 

6  '  Pullus.  The  yonge  of  everything ;  a  colte ;  a  foale ;  a  chicken.'  Cooper.  '  Pululus, 
or  Pulhis.  A  cheken  or  a  ffole.'  Medulla.  'A  chicken,  colt,  or  yoong  birde,  pullus.'  Baret. 
'  Poulaine.  A  fole  or  colt.'  Cotgrave.  See  also  Foyle. 

1  In  William  of  Palerne,  ed.  Skeat,  2520,  we  read — 

'  Choliers  J>at  cayreden  col  come  J^ere  bi-side 

pe  kolieres  bi-komsed  to  karpe  kenely  i-fere.' 
See  also  the  «  Taill  of  Rauf  Coil)ear.'  8  Repeated  in  MS. 



to  Come  ;  venire,  />er-,  ad-,   aduen- 

to  Come  togedyr ;  conuenire,   coire, 

conuentare,  -ri. 
a  Comforth ;  solamen,  solatium,  con- 

solacio,  paraclisis  l. 
to  Comforth ;  confortare,  solari,  con-. 
a  Comforthther ;  confortator,  conso- 

lator,  paraclitus. 
tto  Come  to  mynde  ;  occurrere. 
Comeynge    agayn;     vbi     turnynge 


fa  Commyng0  to 2 ;  accessus,  aduentus. 
Commynge  to ;  accedens,  adueniens. 
Commendabylle ;  commendabilis,lau- 

a   Commontye 3 ;    vulgus,    populus, 

gens,    plebs ;     vulgaris,    plebius, 

gregarius,    vulgosus,    popularis, 

gentilis  ;   communitas. 
a  Common  4 ;  communia. 
to  Common ;  communicare,  commu- 


Common ;  communis,  publicus,  vul- 
garis, generalis,  vniuersalis,  vsi- 

tatus,  catholicus,  canon  5  grece. 
Commonly;    commumfer,  vniuersa- 


fa  Commonslaghter  * ;  dalitaria. 
fa  Common  woman;   Alicaria,   ca- 
risia  7,  centrix,  lena,  ganea,  mere- 
trix,  scortum,  thays,  lupa,  capera, 
cimera,  chemera,  nonaria,   trica, 
(meretricula  A.),  scortulum,  scor- 
tonicus   parricipium,  capra ;  ver- 
sus : 
HEst   meretnx,  scortum,  thays 

lupa,  capra,  chimera. 
a  Company;  agmeu,  cetus  (fortuitu 
congregates)  nodus  peditum  est, 
concilium  8  (conuocata  multitude) 
conueutus,ex  diuersis  locis  populus 
jn  vnum  congregates  societas, 
consortium,  comitina,falanx,  tur- 
ma  equitum,  turmella,  turba,  tur- 
bella,  caterua,  cetes,contubernium, 
legio,  cohors,  manns  ala  est  mili- 
tum,  cuneus  ;  versus  : 
^Mille  tenet  cuneus  sed  centum. 

continet  ala  ; 
Collegium.,  cateruarius  p&rti- 

a    Compas ;    circumferencia,    girus, 

circus,  circuitus. 

to  Compas 9 ;   girare,    tircinare,    & 
cetera ;  vbi  to  go  a-bowte. 

1  MS.  p&rachisis.     Greek  tta.paK\r)(ns.  2  MS.  comnynge  to. 

8  'Plebs.  Kaskaly  off  ffolk.  Vulgus.  Raskaly.'  Medulla.  In  the  Libel  of  English  Policy, 
Political  Poems,  ed.  Wright,  ii.  186,  the  writer  recommends  the  close  union  of  England 
and  Ireland  so  *  That  none  enmye  shulde  hurte  ne  offende 

Yrlonde  ne  us,  but  as  one  comonte 
Shulde  helpe  to  kepe  welle  aboute  the  see.' 

Trevisa  in  his  trans,  of  Higden  says  that  •  Julius  Cesar  his  hond  was  as  able  to  ]>e  penne 
as  to  ]>e  swerd  ;  but  no  man  governede  J>e  comounte  bettre  |>an  he.'  Vol.  iv.  p.  215.  See 
also  Wyclif,  Exodus  xix.  23. 

*  Here  the  scribe  has  misplaced  a  number  of  words.     The  mistake  is  corrected  by  the 
following  note  at  the  top  of  the  page  : — 

'  Pro  istis  Jri&us  congru,  ccwgruly,  congruyte  j  vide  postea  in  2°  /olio  sequente  quod 
hie  scriptor  errauit.' 

5  Apparently  for  KOIVOS. 

*  I  suppose  this  means    '  general   slaughter.'      Ducange  gives   '  Daliare,   Falcare  ; 
faucher,  faire  la  fauchaison :  ol.  Hailler?      '  Faucher,  to  mow,  to  sweepe,  or  cut  cleane 

I  away.'  Cotgrave. 
7  •  Carisia.  An  hore  or  a  ffals  servaunt.'  Medulla.  *  MS.  cencilium. 

9  Thus  St.  Paul  says  in  the  Acts,  '  From  thence  we  fetched  a  compass  and  came  to 
Rhegium.'  xxviii.  13.  In  the  earlier  Wicliffite  version,  Ezechiel,  xli.  7  is  thus  rendered  : 
'  and  a  street  was  in  round,  and  stiede  upward  by  a  vice,  and  bar  in  to  )>e  soler  of  the 
temple  by  compas  ;'  and  in  Mark  iii.  34,  we  find,  '  Biholdynge  hem  aboute  f>at  saten  in 
J>e  cumpas  of  hym,  he  sei]?,  &c.'  See  also  Matt.  ix.  35.  '  Oyrus.  A  circuite  or  compasse.' 


tCome  (A    Conne  A.)  * ;   offendicu- 

tto  breke  Conande ;  depacisci,  diffi- 

tto  make  Conande  ;  pacisci,  compa- 

cisci,  panyeve,  conuenire. 
ta  Conande  2 ;  condicio,  pactum,  pac- 

cio,  conuencio,  condictum,  tenor  ; 

pactorius  ^articipium. 
tto  Conclude;    conclude™,    circum- 


tConcludyd;  conclusus. 
ta  Cottcubyne ;  concubina,  &  cetera ; 

v\)i  A  lemman. 
a  Cowdiciofi ;  condicio,  tenor. 
Corcdicionaly ;    condicionaliter,   Ad- 


tCongru;  conyruus. 
tCongruly;  conyrue,  Aduerbium. 
ta  Congruyte ;  conyruitas. 
t[in]  Coftgru ;  jnconyruus. 

t[in]  Congruly ;    inconyrue,    aduer- 


Congure ;  piscis  est,  Conyer  vel  con- 
yruus (A.), 
a  Conyng0  3 ;  cuniculus  ;  cuniculinus 

jtjarricipium,  carnes  cuniculine. 
*a    Co^nynge  ;    sciencia,  facultas ; 


vn  CoTinynge;  iynorancia;  iynorans, 
qui  aliquid  scit ;  versus  : 
^Inscius  &  nescius  qui  omni  (qu\s 

cum  A.)  noticia  caret, 
Ignorans  Aliquid  scit,  q\ii  nescit 

caret  omni 

Rerum  noticia,  sic  tullius  appro- 
bat  esse. 
a  Corinynge-hale  (Cunyng  nolle  A.); 


to  Co/iiure  4;  adiuro,  con-,  exorcizare. 
ta  Co/iiurer ;  adiurator,  con-,  exor- 

1  Halliwell  gives  '  Con.  A  clog.  North,'  which  is  evidently  the  meaning  here,  but  I  have 
not  been  able  to  find  any  instance  of  the  word  in  that  sense,  nor  is  it  given  in  any  of  the 
E.  Dialect  Society's  Glossaries.     '  0/endiculum :  obstaculum.'  Medulla. 

2  *  He  Held  thame  full  weill  all  his  cunnand.'    Barbour's  Bruce,  ed.  Skeat,  xv.  260. 
See  also  ibid.  i.  561,  iii.  759,  &c.     In  Rauf  Coi^ear,  E.  E.  Text  Society,  ed.  Murray,  Rauf 
having  promised  to  meet  Charles  at  Paris,  starts 

*  With  ane  quhip  in  his  hand  To  fulfill  his  cunnand? 

Cantlie  on  catchand  1.  387. 

'  Vp  gan  knyt  thare  fordwartis  and  cunnand         Of  amyte  and  perpetual  ally.' 

Gawin  Douglas,  Eneados,  x.  1. 385. 
8  A  rabbit.  '  He  went  and  fett  conynges  thre 

Alle  baken  welle  in  a  pasty.'    MS.  Cantab.  Ff.  v.  48,  leaf  50. 

Wyclif  has  coning  in  Leviticus  xi.  5,  where  the  A.  V.  reads  coney.  In  William  of  Palerne, 
ed.  Skeat,  182,  we  read,  '  He  com  him-self  y-charged  wi)>  conyng  &  hares.'  Stowe  men- 
tions a  locality  (referred  to  in  the  Liber  Custumarum,  p.  229),  in  the  vicinity  of  the 
Poultry,  in  the  city  of  London,  called  Conehop,  from  a  sign  of  three  rabbits  over  a  poulterer's 
stall  at  the  end  of  the  lane.  In  the  Liber  Cust.  p.  344,  is  also  mentioned  a  '  Conichepynge,' 
or  rabbit-market,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  St.  Pauls.  '  Connin,  counil.  A  conny,  a  rabbet.' 
Cotgrave.  '  Cuniculus.  A  cnnnie.'  Cooper.  See  also  Liber  Albus,  pp.  712,  717,  and  592. 
This  word  was  employed  in  various  forms  in  Early  English ;  '  conyng  rosted,'  '  copull 
conyng'  occur  in  Purveyance  made  for  King  Richard  II.  Antiq.  Repert.  i.  73.  In  Sir 
Degrevant  (Thornton  Romances,  ed.  Halliwell),  1. 1405,  we  find  '  Ffat  conyngns  and  newe.' 
*  '  This  abbot,  which  that  was  an  holy  man  This  yonge  childe  to  coniure  he  bigan.' 
As  monkes  been,  or  elles  oughten  be,  Chaucer,  Prioress  Tale,  1832. 

'I  conioure  }>ee  bi  God,  J>at  ]>ou  tourmente  me  not.'  Wyclif,  Mark  v.  7.  In  Lonelich's 
History  of  the  Holy  Grail,  xvi.  306,  ed.  Furnivall,  we  read  how  Joseph  drove  the  devil 
out  of  the  idols — 

'  To  an  ymage  there  gan  he  to  gon  And  the  devel  there  anon  forth  ryht 

That  stood  in  the  temple  vppon  the  chief  awter       Out  of  the  ymage  isswed  in  al  here  siht.' 
And  him  anon  coniowred  there,  See  also  1.  387. 

'  Exorcista.  An  adiurour  or  coniurour.'  Cooper.  '  Conjurer.  To  conjure  ;  adjure :  .  .  .  . 
to  conjure  or  exorcise  (a  spirit).'  Cotgrave.  '  Exorcismm.  A  coniuryson.  Exorcitas.  A 
benet ;  coniurator.  Exorciso  :  conjurare.'  Medulla.  See  Jamieson. 



ta  Coniuryson;  adiuracio,  con-,  exor- 

tto  Ccwsawe ;    concipere,   pei-cipeYe, 

conceptare,  jntelligere. 
a  Cowsciens ;  consciencia. 
to  Consent;  consentire,  Assentire,  & 

cetera ;  vbi  to  Afferme. 
a  Ccwsentynge ;  Allibencia,  <k  cetera  ; 

vbi  Affermynge. 
Cowsentynge ;  consenciens. 
to  Coftsydyr  ;  consider  are. 
a  Consederynge  ;   consider  ado. 
Ccmsyderynge ;  consider 'an s. 
to  Constrene ;    vbi  to  garre    (or  to 

compelle)  1. 
to  Constru ;    exponere,    construere, 


ta  Corcstirrere  ;  expositor,  -trix,  con- 
structor, -trix,  &  cetera, 
ta  Construction;  cons^rwccio,  expo- 


Construynge;  construens,  exponens. 

ta  Contak  2 ;  vbi  stryfe. 
to  Cojitinew;  continuare. 
Contyneand ;  continuus,  continuans. 
a  Contyneuynge ;  continuacio. 
Contra  [r]y;  contrarius  loco,  aduer- 

sarius,  animo,  apostatus,  prepos- 


aContrarynes  ;  contrarietas. 

a  Contr/cion;    conti'icio,  dolor,  com- 


Contrite  ;  contritns. 
*a  Cop 3 ;  cirrus,  crista  est  auium,  vt 

galli  vel  alaude. 
a   Coppe;    ciphus,    condus,    guttus, 

cantarus  ;  versus  : 
^Canterus  &  patera,  calices  & 

pocida,  crater, 
Cij)hus,  apud  veteres  comitantui* 

cornua,  conca, 
Cimbra    vel   ciatus,    carcliesia 4 

iungimus  jst\s. 
ta  Copbande  5 ;  cru[s\ta,  crustula  di- 


*a  Copburde;  Abacus. 
ta  Copberer ;  ciphigerulus. 
ta  Copmaker;  cipharius. 
a  Copy;  copia. 
Copir ;  cuprum,  Auricalcum. 
Copros  (Coprosse  A.)6;   vitriolum. 
Corde ;  corda,  &  cetera  ;  vbi  a  rope, 
ta  Cordement 7 ;    concordia,  concor- 


tCordyng^  in  sang;  concentus. 
tto  Corde ;    concordare ;   vbi  to  Ac- 

corde  (A.). 
Cordynge;   concordans,    comteniens, 


1  In  a  later  hand. 

2  Under  the  various  forms  of  'cuntek,'  'contek,'  'conteke,'  'conteck,'  and  'contake,'  this 
word  occurs  frequently  in  early  English.  In  Langtoft's  Chronicle,  p.  328,  we  find  '  contekour,' 
a  quarrelsome  person,  whence  probably  our  word  cantankerous.     '  The  keneste  in  contek 
that  vndir  Criste  lenges.'  Morte  Arthure,   2721.     'There  was  conteke  fulle  kene,  and 
crackynge  of  chippys.'  ibid.  3669.     '  Also  stryues,   contekis  &  debatis  ben  vsed  in  oure 
lond,  for  lordis  stryuen  wi]>  here  tenauntis  to  brynge  hem  in  thraldom.'  Wyclif,   Select 
Works,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Mathew,  p.  234. 

3  '  Acreste.  Crested,  copped.'  Cotgrave.     A.S.  cop.     Chaucer  uses  the  word  simply  as 
a  top  when  he  says  of  the  Miller  that 

'Upon  the  cop  right  of  his  nose  he  hade  a  werte.'  C. T.  Prologue,  554. 
*  '  Cnrchesium ;  a  standyng  cuppe  with  handles.'  Cooper. 

5  In  Liber  Albus,  p.  609,  are  mentioned  Cuppebonde,  which  Mr.  Riley,  in  his  Glossary, 
explains  as  '  Cup-bonds  or  Cup-bands ;  braces  made  of  metal  on  which  inasers  and  handled 
cups  were  strung.'     Compare  Carte  bande,  and  the  definition  of  crusta  and  crustula  in 
note  to  Clowte  of  yren. 

6  The  Kennett  MS.  has  '  Coprose,  copperas,  vitriol ;'  and  the  Manip.  Vocab.  '  Coperouse, 
chalcanthum.'     Baret  gives  '  Coperas  or  vitrial,  chalcanthum' 

T  See  also  under  A. 

'  If  men  schal  telle  properly  a  thing  The  word  mot  corde  with  the  thing  werkyng.' 

Chaucer,  Maunciple's  Tale,  106. 


*a  Cordewayn  (Corwen  A. )  * ;  A  luta . 
a  Cordwayner ;  alutarius,  &  cetera  ; 

vbi  a  sowter. 

Coriandre2;  coriandrum. 
Carysy  3. 

a  Cormirande  4 ;  cormircmda. 
Corn ;  granum,  bladum,  annona>  seges, 
&  cetera  ;  versus  : 
^[  Bladum  dum  viride,  dum  in 

gr&nario  gr&num, 
Est  seges,  atque  seres  suntfruges 
<fo  (ac  eciam  A.)  sata  messes  ; 
Cum.  (dum  A.)  seritur  seges  est, 

sata  cum  radicibm  herent, 

Fruges  cum.  (dum  A.)  fruimwr, 

messes  suut  quum  metuntur. 

De  creando  ceres  fertw  cum  res 

creat  omues. 
tto  Cowferme;    confirmare,   cathezi- 

zare,    dicare,    cdlegare ;    vt,    i\\e 

Allegat  literas  meas. 
a  Corner ;  angulus,  &  cetera ;  v\)i  a 

*  a  Corparax  (Corporas  A.)  5 ;   cor- 

fA    Corrasowr    (Covrieure   A.)     of 

ledder ; 6  corresator. 
a  Corrupcion ;  corrupcio. 
tto  Corrupe  ;    corru[m]pere. 
to  Corry  a  hors  7 ;  strigilare. 
a  Corse ;  cadauer,  morticinum. 
*Corsy  (Corsy  man,  or  woman,  or 

best  A.) 8 ;  corpulentus. 

1  '  Alitta.  Softe  lether  tawed.'  Cooper.  It  was  probably  similar  to  the  modern  morocco 
leather.  The  duty  is  stated  in  the  Liber  Albus,  p.  231,  as  'la  dozein  de  cordewayne  j 
denier.'  See  also  the  '  Ordinationes  Alutariorum, '  or  Ordinances  of  Tanners,  ibid.  p.  732. 
The  word  still  survives  in  '  Cordwainer's  Ward,'  near  St.  Paul's,  the  name  of  which  was 
derived  from  the  Cordwainers  or  Shoe-makers  settled  in  that  district.  *  A  luta.  Cordewane . 
Alutarius.  A  cordwanere.'  Medulla.  In  the  Libel  of  English  Policy,  Wright's  Political 
Poems,  Rolls  Series,  ii.  163,  amongst  the  commodities  of '  Portyngale  '  are  mentioned 
'  Ffygues,  reysyns,  hony,  and  cordeiveyne? 

8  Alexander  Neckham,  De  Naturis  Rerum,  p.  476,  assigns  the  following  virtues  to 
Coriander —  '  Et  triduana  febris  eget  auxilio  coriandri, 

Et  gemini  testes  dum  tumor  ambit  eos. 
Lumbricos  pellit,  tineas  delet,  sacer  ignis, 

Quam  pestem  metuit  Gallla,  cedit  eiS 
See  also  Coliandyr. 

3  This  seems  to  be  an  error  for  Carsay  or  Corsy,  which  are  inserted  in  their  proper 

*  Chaucer,  Parlement  of  Foules,  362,  speaks  of  'the  hote  cormeraunt  of  glotenye.' 

8  In  Havelok  (E.E.Text  Soc.  ed.  Skeat),  1.  188,  are  mentioned 

'  pe  calij  and  J>e  pateyn  ok,  pe  corporaus,  \>e  messe-gere :' 

and  in  Guy  of  Warwick,  Met.  Romances,  ed.  Ellis,  ii.  p.  77,  -we  read — 

*  After  the  relics  they  send  The  corporas,  and  the  mass-gear.' 

'  Corporail.  The  corporall :  the  fine  linnen  wherein  the  Sacrament  is  put.'  Cotgrave.  In 
the  Liber  Albus,  pp.  125,  126,  occurs  the  phrase — '  corporaliter  jurare,'  to  take  an  oath 
while  touching  the  corporate  or  cloth  which  covered  the  sacred  elements.  It  also  occurs 
in  the  Act  35  EHz.  c.  I,  §  2.  Dame  Eliz.  Browne  in  her  Will,  Paston  Letters,  iii.  465, 
mentions  'ij  corporas  casys  of  cloth  of  gold;  j  olde  vestment,'  &c.  'After  ]>e  passioun  of 
Alisaundre  )>e  pope,  Sixtus  was  pope  almost  elevene  sere  :  he  ordeyned  J>at  trisagium,  J?at 
is,  "Sanctus,  sanctus,  sanctus,"  shulde  be  songe  at  masse,  and  ]>at  J>e  corperas  schulde 
noujt  be  of  silk  noj)er  sendel,  but  clene  lynnen  cloj)  noujt  i-dyed.'  Trevisa's  Higden,  v.  ii. 
*  Corporas  for  a  chales,  corporeav.'  Palsgrave.  See  also  Shoreham,  p.  50. 

6  '  Courroyeur.  A  currier  of  leather.     Courroyer.  To  currey  ;  tew,  or  dresse,  leather.' 
Cotgrave.    In  the  Liber  Albus,  738,  is  mentioned  the  '  Ordinatio  misterae  de  Correours,'  or 
Guild  of  Curriers.     '  Coriarius.  A  tanner.'    Cooper.     Wyclif,  in  Acts  ix,  10,  speaks  of 
' Simon  the  coriour,'1  the  Vulgate  reading  being  coriarius.    'He  is  a  corier  of  crafte.  Petlifex 
est  vel  coriarius  professione.'  Herman. 

7  •  Strigilis.  An  hors  com.'  Medulla. 

8  '  Corsu.  Grosse,  fleshy,  corpulent,  big-bodied.'  Cotgrave.     '  Corssy.  Big-bodied ;  cor- 
pulent.' Jamieson.      '  Corsyfe,  to  full  of  fatnesse,  corpulent,  corsu.'  Palsgrave. 




a  Cortyn * ;  cortina,  &  cetera  ;  vbi  a 

*to  Coyse  2 ;  alterare,  &  cetera ;  vbi 

to  chawnge. 

*a  Coyseyr  of  hors 3 ;  mango. 
a  Cosyn ;  cognatus,  cognata  eiusdem 

originis    est,    nepos,    pvopinquus 

sanguine    vel    affinitate,    neptis, 

cousanguineus,  consanguinea. 
a  Coste 4 ;  vbi  a  kyudome ;  clima  vel 


to  Coste ;  consiare. 
Cost ;  sunyrtus,  sumptuosus  (expense 


Costerd 5 ;  querarium. 

Costy6;  sumptuosus. 

*a  Costrelle 7 ;  oneferum,  &  cetera ; 

vbi  a  flakett. 
ta  Cottage;    coutagium,    domuucu- 

*a  Cotearmow  (Coyturmur  A.)  ;  jn- 

a  Cote ;    tunica,   tunicella,    tunicula 

*a  Cote  (Coyt  A.);  capana,  estpr&ua 

domus,  casa,   casula    (cadurcum 

Cotun;  bombacinum. 

'  On  siclike  wyse  this  ilk  chiftane  Troyane         The  corsy  passand  Osiris  he  has  slane.' 

G.  Douglas,  Eneados  xii.  p.  426. 

•The  king  beheld  this  gathelus,  Strong  of  nature,  corsie  and  corageous.'  Stewart,  Chroniclis 
of  Scotl.  1535,  i.  7.  'Corsye  or  fatte.  Pinguis.'  Huloet. 

1  One  of  the  duties  of  the  Marshal  of  the  Hall,  as  given  in  the  Boke  of  Curtasye,  Babees 
Boke,  p.  189,  was —  '  pe  dosurs  cortines  to  henge  in  halle.' 

2  'To  cope  or  coase,  cambire.'  Baret.     'To  coce,  cambire.'  Manip.  Vocab.     Cotgrave 
has  '  Troquer.  To  truck,  chop,  swab,  scorse,  barter,   change,  &c.     Barater.  To  trucke, 
scourse,  barter,  exchange.'     '  The  traist  Alethes  with  him  has  helines  cosit,  and  gaif  him 
his.'  G.  Douglas,  Eneados  ix.  p.  286. 

3  ' Mango.  A  baude  that  paynteth  and  painpereth  vp  boyes,  women,  or  servauntes  to 
make  them  seeme  the  trimmer,  therby  to  sell  them  the  deerer.     An  horse  coarser  that 
pampereth  and  trimmeth  his  horses  for  the  same  purpose.'  Cooper.     '  Mango.  A  cursoure 
off  hors.'  Medulla.     See  also  Wyclif,  Select  Works,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Matthew,  p.  172, 
where  he  inveighs  against  the  priests  for  mixing  themselves  up  with  trading :  '  )3ei  ben 
eorseris  &  makers  of  malt,  &  bien  schep  &  neet  &  sellen  hem  for  wynnynge,  &  beten 
marketis,  &c.'     *  P.  Of  whom  hadst  thou  him  ?     T.  Of  one,  I  knowe  not  whether  hee  bee 
ahorse  corser,  a  hackney  man,  a  horse  rider,  a  horse  driuer,  a  cariour,  or  a  carter.' 
Florio's  Second  Frutes,  p.  43.     Sir  A.  Fitzherbert  says,  '  A  corser  is  he  that  byeth  all 
rydden  horses,  and  selleth  them  agayne.'  Boke  of  Husbandry,  sign.  H.  2. 

4  'Clima.  A  clyme  or  portion  of  the  firmamente  between  South  and  North,  varying  in 
one  day  halfe  an  howres  space.'  Cooper.     Coste  meant  a  region  or  district,  not  necessarily 
the  sea-board.  '  This  bethe  the  wordes  of  cristeninge 

Bi  thyse  Englissche  cosies.'   Shoreham,  p.  10. 

In  Sir  Ferumbras,  Charles  chooses  Richard  of  Normandy  to  be  guide  to  the  messengers  sent 
to  the  Saracen  Emir,  because  he  '  knew  alle  the  coste?  In  the  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  187, 
Jonathas,  when  seated  on  the  magic  cloth,  '  a-noon  thovte,  lorde !  yf  we  wer  now  in  fer 
contrees,  wher  neuer  man  come  afore  this !  And  thenne  withe  the  same  thovte  J>ey  wer 
bothe  Reysid  vp  to-gedir,  in  to  the  ferrest  coste  of  the  worlde,  witA  the  clothe  vfitfi  hem.' 
4  Coaste  of  a  countrey.  Confineum,  fines,  ora.  Coast  or  region,  ether  of  the  ayre,  earth  or 
sea,  as  of  the  ayre,  east  west  north  &  south,  &c.  Regio'  Huloet. 

5  '  Fruiciier.  s.  A  fruiterer,  fruitseller,  costermonger.'  Cotgrave.     'A  costard.  Pomme 
Appie.'  Sherwood.     '  Pomarius.  A  costardemonger,  or  seller  of  fruite.'  Cooper.      'ACos- 
terdmunger.  Pomarius.'  Baret.     '  Costardmongar,  fruyctier?  Palsgrave. 

6  Wyclif,  in  his  tract  on  Feigned  Contemplative  Life  (Select  Works,  ed.  Mathew,  p. 
194),  complains  that  the  clergy  of  his  time  wasted  all  their  'studie  &  traueile  .  .  .  abowte 
Salisbury  vse  wij>  multitude  of  newe  costy  portos,  antifeners,  graielis,  &c.'  and  that  rich 
men  '  costen  so  moche  in  grete  schapplis  and  costy  bokis  of  mannus  ordynaunce  for  fame 
and  nobleie  of  the  world.'  Again,  p.  210,  he  says,  *pe  fend  &  his  techen  to  make  costy 
festis  and  waste  many  goodis  on  lordis  and  riche  men.'     See  also  pp.  2 1 1,  213,  &c. 

7  In  the  Romance  of  Sir  Ferumbras,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.,  Ferumbras  perceiving  that  Oliver 
is  wounded  offers  him  some  ointment  which,  he  says,  will  cure  any  wound,  it  being  made 



a  Couatyse ;  Auaricia,  &  cetera  ;  vbi     a 

*a  Couent1;  conuentus,  conuenticu- 

to  Couere;  velare,  ad-,  tegere,  con-, 
ob-,  operire  cum  operculo,  adoper- 
imus  foras ;  jnopei'imus,  cam 
iacenti  aliquid  supponimus,  co- 
operire,  obumbrare,  adumbrare, 
linere,  mibere,  obducere. 

tto  vn  Couere;  discooperire,  detegere, 
&  cetera  ;  vbi  to  schewe. 

a  Couerakylle  2 ;  operculum,  operi- 
men,  operimentum. 

a  Coue/'lyt ;  lectisternium,  cooper.- 
torium,  torale,  supellex,  genitmo 

fa  Couerynge  of  a  buke  ;  cooperto- 
rium,  tegmen,  tegumentum,  vela- 
men,  textus. 

to  Couet;  Appetere,  optare,  ad-, 
Ardere,  ex-,  Ardescere,  ex-,  cupere, 
con-,  concupiscere,  gliscere,  Auere, 
captare,  &  cetera ;  vbi  to  desyre. 

Cowche ;    cubile,    cubatoriiim,    et- 
cetera ;  vbi  a  becle. 

to  Cowche  3 ;  cubare. 

a  Cowe  ;  vacca,  vaccilla. 

a  Cowhird ;  vacsarias. 

a  Cowerd;  vecors,  imsillanimis,  ex- 
cors,  secors. 

a  Cowerdnes ;  pusillanimitas,  secor- 
dia,  vecordia. 

*a  Cowle ;  cuculla,  cida,  cullula, 
cuculus  ;  cullatus  (cucullatus  A.). 

to  aske  Cownselk ;  consulere  ;  ver- 
sus : 

*I  Consulo,  te  rogito  ;  tibi  cousulo, 
cousilium  do. 

to  Cownselle;  consiliare,  consulere, 
suadere,  iudicare,  &  tune  con- 
struitur  cum.  datiuo  casu. 

a  Cownsellf? ;  consilium,  concilium, 
consultacw,  consiliacw ;  consili- 

a  CownseloM?* ;  qui  petit  consilium, 
consuttor  (qui  dat  consilium  A.), 
consultus,  consull,  anticularius, 

of  the  balm  with  which  our  Lord's  body  was  anointed  at  his  burial.  He  addresses  Oliver 
thus —  'Ac  by  inyddel  J>er  hongej)  her,  Hwych  ys  ful  of  ]>at  bame  cler, 

A  costrel  a:s  )>ou  mijt  se  pat  precyous  ys  and  fre.'     P.  20,  1.  510. 

The  word  occurs  again  at  p.  32,  1.  742,  when  Oliver  with  his  sword 

'  the  costrel  ]>at  was  with  yre  y-bounde,  perwith  a-two  he  carf.' 

'  Onophorum.  A  costrel.  Ascapa.  A  costrel.'  Medulla.  Wyclif  also  uses  the  word  in 
Ruth  ii.  9  ;  '  if  also  thou  thrustist,  go  to  the  litil  costrils,  and  drynk  watris.'  '  Costrell  to 
carye  wyne  in.  Oenophorum.  Custrell  or  bottell  for  wyne.  Vter.'  Huloet.  '  Hie  cola- 
teralis,  a  costrille.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  232. 

1  Conventus.  A  couent.'  Medulla.  '  Tliey  also  that  rede  in  the  Couente  ought  so  bysely 
to  ouerse  theyr  lesson  before.'  Myroure  of  Our  Lady,  ed.  Blunt,  p.  67. 

'Sich  as  ben  gaderid         In  coventis  togidere.'      Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  64. 
See  also  ibid.  i.  225.     A  'convent'  of  monks,  with  their  Superior,  properly  consisted  of 
thirteen,  in  imitation  of  our  Lord  and  the  twelve  Apostles.     Thus  we  read  in  the  Somp- 
noures  Tale,  2259 — 

'  Bring  me  twelve  freres,  wit  ye  why  ?      Your  noble  confessour,  her  God  him  blesse  ! 

For  threttene  is  a  covent  as  I  gesse ;         Schal  parfourn  up  the  nombre  of  this  covenC 
On  the  same  point  Mr.  Wright  quotes  from  Thora,  Decem  Scriptores,  col.  1807  :  'Anno 
Domini  M.C.XLVI.  iste  Hugo  reparavit  antiquum  numerum  monachorum  istius  monasterii, 
tt  erant  Ix.  monacki  professi  prater  abbatem,  quinque  conventus  in  'imiverso.' 

3  In  the  Inventory  of  Sir  J.  Fastolfs  property,  taken  in  1459,  we  find — '  vj  bolles  with 

oon  covertde  of  silver Item,  vj  bolles  with  oon  coveracle  gilt.'  Paston  Letters,  i. 

pp.  468-9.     'Couveicle,  A  cover  or  lid.'  Cotgrave.     '  Tor  ale.  A  couerlyte.'  Medulla. 

3  Wyclif  in  his  tract  on  The  Order  of  Priesthood  (Select  Works,  ed.  Mathew,  p.  168), 
says — '  Prestis  also  sclaundren  J>e  peple  bi  ensaumple  of  ydelnesse  and  wantounne-ise  ;  for 
comynly  \>e'\  chouchen  (couchen  AA.)  in  softe  beddis,  whanne  o]>ere  men  risen  to  here 
laboure,  &c.,'  and  again,  p.  211,  he  speaks  of  'pore  men  Jut  ben  beddrede  &  couchen  in 
inukor  dust.'  '  KoucMd  him  under  a  kragge.'  Will,  of  Palerne,  1.  2240.  See  also  Anturs 
of  Arthur,  st.  xii.  1.  9. 



secretariats,  assecretis  indedma- 
bi/6,  conciliator,  infaustor  mains 

to  Cownte  ;  calculare,  counumerare, 
computare,  numevare,  degerere. 

a  Cownte ;  raciocinium,  compotus. 

a  Cownter  1 ;  compotista,  calculator. 

ta  Cownty ;  comitatus. 

a  Cowntynge ;  libramen,  libr&men.- 
tum,  libr&re,  librarium. 

a  Cowntynge  place ;  libr&torium. 

a  Cownter;  Anticopa. 

a  Cowntyse ;  comissa.  (Comitissa 

Cowpe;  cupa. 

a  Cowper ;  cuparius. 

a  Cowrsse ;  cursus,  decursus  aqua- 
rum  est. 

a  Cowrssor  2 ;  adtnissarius,  cursa- 

a  Cowrte ;  curia,  curiola,  curies  vel 
curtis,  curialis,  curiosus. 

A  Cowrthouse.     (A.) 

ta  Cowrbe  (Cowrtby  A.) ;    renale, 

a  Cowrteman,    or    a    cowrtyoure ; 

curio,     aulicus,     curialis    parti- 

cipium ;    palaturus    de    palacio 


tfrom  Cowrte  to  cuwrte ;  curiatim. 
ta  Cowschote  3 ;  palumbus. 
a  Cowslope  4 ;  ligustrum,  vaccinium. 

C  ante  B. 

a  Crab  ;  ^riscis  est,  cancer. 
a  Crab;  Arbitum  vel  Arbota. 
ta  Crab  of  )>e  wod  (A  wode  Crabe 

A.)5;    Acroma  (Acrama  A.)   ab 

acYitudine  dictum. 
a  Crab  tre ;    arbitus    (Arbuta   A.), 

macianus,  macianum  est  fruct\\s 

a   Crafbe  6 ;    Ars  liber  alls,  sciencia, 

articula,  articularis  y;ar^icipium, 

artificium    manuum    est ;    arti- 

Jicialisj     artificiosus     ^ardcipia ; 


in  J 


1  'Ther  is  no  countere  nor  clerke  con  hem  reken  alle.'    MS.  Cott.  Calig.  A  ii.  leaf  no, 
in  Halliwell.     See  also  Political  Poems,  ed.  Wright,  i.  328.     The  Counter  was  so  called 

>m  his  counting  counts,  or,  in  other  words,  arguing  pleas.      Chaucer,  C.  T.  Prologue, 
359,  says  of  the  Frankelyn  that 

'A  schirreve  hadde  he  ben,  and  a  coiiniour* 

ie  Counters  are  in  Wright's  Pol.  Songs  (Camden  Soc.),  p.  227,  denominated  relatores, 
and  do  not  appear  to  have  borne  a  very  high  character: — 
'Dicuntur  relatores', 
Caeteris  pejores, 
Utraque  manu  capiunt, 
Et  sic  eos  decipiunt 

Quorum  sunt  tutores.' 
1  Relatores  qui  querelam  ad  judices  referunt.'  Ducange.  See  also  Liber  Custumarum,  p  280. 

2  *  Adtnissarius.  A  coursoure.'  Medulla. 

'  The  ane  of  sow  my  Capill  ta  ;  To  the  stabill  swyith  30  ga/ 

The  vther  his  Coursour  alswa,  RaufCoiljear.ed.  Murray,  1.114. 

3  The  wood-pigeon  is  still  known  in  many  parts  as  the  Cushat.     Gawin  Douglas  in  his 
Prologue  to  the  I2th  Bk.  of  the  ^Eneid,  237,  speaks  of  'the  kowschot'  that  'croudis  and 
pykkis  on  the  ryse.'     •  Cordon,  a  Queest,  Cowshot,  Ring-dove,  Stock-dove,  wood-Culver.' 
Cotgrave.     See  also  s.  v.  Ramier.     '  A  ring-dove,  a  wood  culver,  or  coushot.'  Nomenclator. 
A.  S.  cusceote.     '  The  turtil  began  for  to  greit,  quhen  the  oaschet  joulit.'  Complaynt  of 
Scotland,  p.  39.     See  also  Palladius  on  Husbondrie,  p.  28, 1.  758.     *  Cusceote,  palumba.' 
Wright's  Vocab.  p.  280. 

*  '  Vaccinium.  The  floure  of  the  hearbe  Hyacinthus  or  Crowtoes.  Ligustrum.  By  the 
judgement  of  alle  men  it  is  priuet,  or  primprint.'  Cooper.  '  Ligustrum,  a  cowsleppe,  or 
a  prymrose.'  Ortus. 

5  A  wild  crab-apple  tree.     '  Pamme  de  bois  ou  de  bosquet.  A  crab,  or  wilding.'  Cotgrave. 
See  also  Wodde  Crabbe  ;   and  compare  Wyclif  s  expression,  '  he  eet  locustus  and  hony 
o/J>e  wode.'  St.  Mark  i.  6.     'Mala  maciana.  Woode  crabbis.'  MS.  Harl.  3388.     'Crabbe 
frute,  pomme  de  boys.'  Palsgrave. 

6  In  the  Coke's  Tale,  1. 1,  we  are  told  of  the  'prentice  that  '  Of  a  craft  of  vitaillers  was  he.' 




t  A  man  of  Crafte  ;  artifex  qni  suam, 

artem    excercet,    artiftciosvis    qui 

alienam   suo   jngenio    exj)Y&mitt 

autor,  opifex  ;  versus  : 

^Artificisnomen  opifex  assumit 

&  autor  ; 
Invenit  autor,  A  git  actor,   res 

ampliat  auctor. 

tvn  Crafty;    inartificiosus,  jnfaber, 
jneffaber,    solers,   omnis    generis 
Crafty  ;    Artificiosus,  faber,  ajfaber, 


a  Crag  of  stone ;  vbi  a  Roche. 
*a  Crakan1;  cremium. 
a  Crake ;  comix,  corpus,  cornicularis. 
A  Crakke.  (A.) 
to  Crakk  nuttes;  nucliare,  enucliare. 

a    Crakkyngtf  ;     nucliacio,     enucli- 


tCram  kake  2  ;  collirida,  laganum. 
J)e  Crampe;  s?;asmus. 
a  Crane  ;    grus,   grucula  ;   grainus 

*Crappes3;  Acus. 

to  Crawe  ;  cantare. 

a  Crawe  of  a  fowle  ;  vesicula. 

a  Crede  ;  cimbolum. 

a  Credylle  ;  cuna,  cune,  cunabulum, 

crepedium,  crepundiura,  crocea. 
a    Credilbande  4  ;    fascia,   fasciola, 


fa  Credille  sange  5  ;  fascennine. 
a  Crekett  6  ;  grillus,  salamandra. 
fa  Crekethole  ;  grillarium,  griUetum. 

est  locus  vloi  habundant. 

1  '  Cremium,  Brush,  or  drie  stickes  to  kendle  fire  with.'  Cooper.     '  Cremium.  Cranke 
(?  craken).'  Medulla.     See  Crappes  below. 

2  Apparently  cream-cake,  but  according  to  Halliwell  the  same  as  Pancake.     '  Laganum. 
A  thiane  cake  made  with  floure,  water,  fatte  brothe,  pepper,  safron,  &c. ;  a  fritter ;  a 
pannecake.'  Cooper.     *  Collyrida :  panis  species  ;  sorte  de  galette.'  Ducange.     '  Laganum  : 
a  pancake  or  a  flawne.'  Ortus.     The  following  is  the  only  instance  of  the  word  which  I 
have  been  able  to  meet  with  :  — 

Exod.  cap.  xxix. 

....  tak  a  cal  ffrom  the  droue,  and  two 
whetheris  with  outen  wemme,  and  therf 
looues,  and  a  cake  with  outen  sour  dowj, 
the  whiche  ben  thei  spreynde  with  oyle, 

and  therf  cramcakes  wett  with  oyle  :  and 
of  puyr  whete  meele  thow  shalt  make  alle 

Exod.  cap.  xxix. 

....  take  thou  a  calf  of  the  droue,  and 
twei  rammes  with  out  wem,  and  therf 
looues,  and  a  cake  with  out  sour  dow, 
whiche  be  spreynt  to  gidere  with  oile  and 
therf  paart  sodun  in  watir,  bawmed,  ether 
fried  with  oile ;  thou  schalt  make  alle 
thingis  of  whete  floure. 

Wyclifite  Versions,  I.  261 

3  Ray  in  his  Collection  of  S.  &  E.  Country  Words  gives  '  Crap-darnel.  In  Worcestershire 
and  other  counties  they  call  buck-wheat  crap'    See  Peacock's  Glossary  s.  v.  Craps,  and 
Crakan,  above. 

4  '  Fascia.  A  swathell  or  swathyng  bande,   or  other  lyke   thing  of  linnen.'    Cooper. 
'  Crepudium.  A  credyl  bonde.'    Instita.  A  roket  or  a  credylbonde.'  Medulla.     '  Cradell 
bande,  bende  de  herseauv.'  Palsgrave. 

5  Fescennine  means  of,  or  belonging  to,  the  town  of  Fescennia  in  Etruria ;  from  which 
place  certain  sportive,  but  coarse  songs  which,  with  the  Romans,  were  sung  at  weddings, 
took  their  name.    Hence  the  term  became  an  epithet  for  coarse  and  rude  jests  of  any  kind. 
In  the  present  instance  it  seems  to  be  equivalent  to  nursery  rhymes.     Cf.  Lulay,  post, 
and  P.  Lullynge  Songe.     See  Liber  Custumarum,  p.  6.     « Fescennince.  Songs  that  women 
use  when  they  rock  the  cradle.'  Gouldman. 

6  •  Fissch  to  lyue  in  J>e  flode,  and  in  J)e  fyre  >e  cryJcat.'  P.  Plowman,  B.  Text,  xiv.  42. 
There  was  a  popular  belief  that  the  cricket  lived  in  the  fire,  arising  probably  from  two 
causes,  firstly,  its  partiality  for  the  hearth ;  and  secondly,  a  confusion  between  it  and  the 
salamander,  the  Latin  name  of  the  former  being  gryllus,  and  of  the  latter  grylio.     See 
Philip  de  Thaun's  Bestiary,  s.  v.  Grylio;  Wright's  Popular  Treatises  on  Science,  p.  97, 
and  the  Ayenbite  of  Inwyt,  ed.  Morris,  p.  167.     *  Grillus.  A  worm  which  liveth  in  the 
fire,  as  big  as  a  fly.     Salamandra.  A  beast  in  shape  like  a  Lizard,  full  of  spots ;  being 
in  the  fire  it  quencheth  it,  and  is  not  burnt.'  Gouldman.     'Salamandra.    A  creket.' 



Creme1;  crisma. 

to  Crepe;   repere,   ir-,    ob-, 
-titare,  serpere,  surripere. 

a  Crepylle  2  ;  tantillus. 

a  Crepynge;  reptilis. 

fa  Crepynge  beste  ;  reptile. 

*a  Cressent  a  bowte  f>e  nek  3 ;  tor- 
ques, torquis,  luna,  lunula. 

Cresse  4 ;  narstucium. 

*a  Cressett 5 ;    batillus,   crucibuluva, 

aCreste;  conus,  crista,iuba;  cristat- 
us,  jubatus,  &  iubosus  parricipia. 

a  Creuesse ;  fissura,  rima,  rimula  ; 

*a  Crib ;  presepe  indeclinable,  pre- 

to  Cry 6 ;  clamare,  Ac-,  con-,  re-, 
clamitare,  clangere  ;  canum  esi 
baulare  &  latrare,  bourn  mugire, 
ranarum.  coaxare 7,  coruornm.  cro- 
care  &  crocitare,  co/;rarum  vehare, 
anatum  vetussare,  Accipitrum 8 
pipiare 9,  Anserum  clingere,  aj)ro- 
rum  frendere,  a^mm  bombizare  vel 
bombilare,  aquilyrum  clangere, 

1  In  Myrc's  Instructions  to  Parish  Priests,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Peacoc,k,  1.  582,  amongst 
the  directions  as  to  baptism  it  is  ordered  that  the  priest  shall 

'Creme  and  crysme  and  alle  )>ynge  elles 
Do  to  ]>e  chylde  as  ])e  bok  telles.' 

1  Three  kinds  of  oil  were  used  in  the  Catholic  Church — oleum  sanctum,  oleum  chrismatis, 
and  oleum  infirmorum.  With  the  first,  called  in  the  above  extract  from  Myrc,  creme,  the 
child  was  anointed  on  the  breast  and  between  the  shoulders,  before  it  was  plunged  in  the 
font  or  sprinkled  with  water.  After  the  baptism,  proper  it  was  anointed  on  the  head  with 
the  sign  of  a  cross  with  the  oleum  chrismatis  or  crism.  The  oleum  infirmorum  was  that 
used  for  the  purposes  of  extreme  unction.  The  three  oils  were  kept  in  separate  bottles  in 
a  box  called  a  chrismatory,  which  was  in  shape  somewhat  like  the  Noah's  arks  given  to 
children  to  play  with.'  '  Crisma.  Creern.'  Medulla.  '  Creame  holy  oyle,  cresme'  Palsgrave.' 
See  R.  de  Brunne's  Chronicle,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  530,  1. 15,268.  See  also  Crysmatory,  and 
Crysome.  'The  Mownte  of  Oliuete,  the  hille  of  creme  (mons  chrismatis.)'  Higden,  i.  113. 

2  The  same  Latin  equivalent  is  given  for  a  Dwarf  (see  Dwarghe). 

3  '  Lunula.  A  hoope,  and  rynge  of  golde  to  put  on  the  finger.  Torques.  A  colar  or  chayne, 
be  it  of  golde  or  siluer,  to  weare  about  ones  necke.'  Cooper. 

*  'Nasturtium.  Watyre  cressys.'  Medulla.  'Nasturtium.  The  hearbe  called  Cresses, 
which  amonge  the  Persians  was  so  much  estemed  that  youge  men  goeyng  huntynge  did 
eate  none  other  meate  to  relieue  their  spirites.'  Cooper.  '  Nasitort.  Nose-smart,  garden- 
cresse,  town  Kars,  town  cresses.'  Cotgrave.  '  Nausticium,  water  kyrs.'  Wright's  Vol.  of 
Vocab.  p.  190.  'Cresses  herbes,  cresson.'  Palsgrave.  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  x.  17,  we  have 
'  nojt  wor})  a  kerse?  from  whence  comes  the  vulgar  '  not  worth  a  curse'  A.  S.  cresse,  cerse. 

5  In  the  Poem  on  the  Siege  of  Calais,  Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  153,  the  French  are 
said  to  have  had         '  ix  m1  cokkes  to  crow  at  nyjth, 

And  viij  m1  cressetes  to  brene  lijth ;  Gret  wonder  to  here  and  se ;' 
and  at  p.  2 1 8  of  the  same  volume  we  read — 

'  The  owgly  bakke  wyl  gladly  fleen  be  nyght 
Dirk  cressetys  and  laumpys  that  been  lyght.' 

'  Batillum.  A  cresaunt,  or  a  senser.'  Medulla.  '  A  light  brenning  in  a  cresset.''  Gower, 
iii.  217.  Sea  Grosser. 

6  In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  645,  1. 11235,  we  read  that  when  Jesus  was  born,  his  mother 

'  Suilk  elates  as  scho  had  tille  hande, 

Wid  suilk  scho  swetheled  him  and  band 

Bituix  twa  cribbis  scho  him  laid :' 

where  the  Fairfax  and  Trinity  MSS.  read  cracches.  See  also  Pricke  of  Conscience,  5200, 
where  he  is  said  to  have  been  laid  '  In  a  cribbe,  bytwen  an  ox  and  asse.' 

7  Most  of  the  verbs  given  under  this  word  are  onomatopeias,  and  some  are  probably 
invented  for  the  occasion.     Koax  is  used  by  Aristophanes  in  'The  Frogs,'  209,  to  represent 
the  croaking  of  frogs.     See  also  Mr.  Way's  note  s.  v.  Crowken.     '  Crapaud  koaille,  tadde 
crouke]).'     Gault.  de  Bibelesworth,  in  Chapt.  '  de  naturele  noyse  des  bestes?    '  Coax,  i.  era, 

uox  ranarum  uel  coruorum.'  Gloss.  MS.  Harl.  3376. 

Pipiare.  To  piepe  lyke  a  chicke.'  Cooper. 


MS.  Anipitrum. 
To  cryen  as  a  ffawkon.'  Medulla. 



Arietum  lorectare,  asinorum  ru- 
dere,  catulorum.  glalire,  Ceruorum 
nigere,  cicadarum  firmitare  *,  ci- 
coniarum  croculare,  cuculorum. 
cuculare,  elephantum  barrire 2, 
grabarlarum. 3  fringulare,  equo- 
rum  Tiinnire,  gallinarum.  cris- 
piare  *,gallorm&  cucurrire,gruum 
gruere,hedorumvebare  5,  hircomm 
mutire,  hirundinum  mimurrire  & 
mimerire  est  omnium  minutissi- 
marum. 6  Auicularum,  leonum.  ru- 
gire,  lujwrum  vlulare,  leper  orum 
(kpuerornm  vagire,  lincum.  aucare 
vel  nutare,  miluorum  pipire, 
murium.  pipare  vel  pipitare, 
mulorum  zinziare,  mustelarum. 
dnuorare,  noctuarum  cubire,  ole- 
rum  deusare,  onagrornm  mugeri- 
lare,  ouium  balare,  panterarum. 
caurire,  p&rdorum.  folire,  pas- 
serum,  tinciare,  pauorum.  pau- 
peilare,  porcorum  grunnire,  ser- 
pentum  sibilare,  soricum7  disticare, 

Tigridum.  rachanare,  turdorum. 
crucilare  vel  soccitare,  verris  qui- 
ritare,  vrsorum  vercare  vel  seuire, 
vulpium  gannire,  vulturum  pal- 
pare,  vespertilionum  blaterare  8. 

to  Cry  in  |)e  merketh ;  pwconizarv, 

A  Crier  in  the  Merkett ;  preco,  pre- 
conizator  (A.). 

a  Cryer;  damator. 

Criynge  (A  Cry  A.) ;  clamor,  raciona- 
bilium  est  vt  hominum,exclamacio, 
barritUB  elephantum  est,  clangor 
anserum  vel  tubarum,  coax  rana- 
rum,  Cra  &  crocitatus  cortiorum, 
gemitus  vulpium,  rugitus  leonum. 

Criynge;  damans,  ac-,  con-,  re-, 
clamitaus,  clangens,  altisona\n\s, 
altisonus,  clamosns,  rugiens. 

a  Criynge  owte ;  exclamacio  ;  excla- 
maus  ^;ardcipium. 

to  Cry  owte  ;  exclamare. 

a  Crysmatory  9 ;  crysmale  (crisma- 
torium  A.). 

Crysome 10 ;  (Crismale  A.). 

1  Eead  fritinire.  '  Fritinire  dicuntur  cicada.'  Cooper.  '  Fritinio.  To  syngyn  lijke 
swalowys  or  byrdys.'  Medulla. 

1  Barrire.  To  braye.'  Cooper.     '  To  cryen  as  an  olyfaunt.'  Medulla. 

?  read  Gaballarum.     '  Gaballa,  equa,  jument.'  Ducange. 

Ducange  gives  '  Crispire  de  clamore  gallinarum  dicitur.' 

See  above,  Capranim  vehare. 

'  Minurio,  i.  e.  minutum  cantare,  to  pype  as  small  byrdes.'  Ortus.  '  Minurio.  To  cryen 
as  small  byrdys.'  Medulla. 

7  '  Sorex,  a  ratte ;  a  field  mouse.'  Cooper.  Huloet  has  '  Mouse  called  a  ranney,  blindmouse, 
or  field  mouse.  Mm  areneus,  mygala.  whose  nature  is  supposed  to  haue  yll  fortune,  for 
if  it  runne  ouer  a  beaste,  the  same  beaste  shall  be  lame  in  the  chyne,  and  if  it  byte  any 
thynge  then  the  thynge  bytten  shall  swell  and  dye,  it  is  also  called  sorex.' 

8  The  following  curious  lines  on  the  cries  of  animals  occurs  in  MS.  Harl.  1002,  If.  72  : — 

He  can  crocuw  as  a  froge, 

He  can  barkun  as  a  dogge, 

He  can  cheteron  as  a  wrenne, 

He  can  cakelyn  as  a  hewne, 

He  can  neye  as  a  stede, 

Suche  a  byrde  were  wode  to  fede ;' 

'  At  my  howse  I  haue  a  Jaye, 

He  can  make  mony  diuerse  leye ; 

He  can  barkyng  as  a  foxe, 

He  can  lowe  as  a  noxe, 

He  can  crecun  as  a  gos, 

He  can  romy  as  a  nasse  in  his  cracche, 

thus  rendered  into  Latin : — 'Habeo  domi  graculuw  cuiws  lingua  nouit  multiplicem  notulam ; 
gannit  vt  vulpes,  mugescit  vt  bos,  pipiat  vt  anca,  rudit  vt  asinws  in  presipio,  coaxat  vt 
rana,  latrat  vt  can  is,  pipiat  vt  cestis,  gracillat  vt  gallina,  hinnit  vt  dextoriws  ;  talis  pullws 
est  nihil  cibo  condignws.' 

9  In  the  Inventory  of  Sir  J.  Paston's  Plate  we  find  '  one  potte  callid  a  crismatorie  to 
put  in  holy  creme  and  oyle,  of  silver  and  gilt,  weying  j11.'  Paston  Letters,  iii.  433.     See 
Halliwell  s.  v.  Chrisome;  and  note  to  Creme,  above.     '  Chrismarium.  Vae  in  quo  sacrum 
chrisma  reponitur.     Chrismal.  Vas  ecclesiasticum  in  quo  chrisma,  seu  sacrum  oleum  asser- 
vatur,  quod  ampulla  chrismatis  etiam  dicitur.'  Ducange. 

10  Chrisome,  according  to  Halliwell,  signifies  properly  the  white  cloth  which  is  set  by  the 
minister  of  baptism  upon  the  head  of  a  child  newly  anointed  with  chrism  after  his  baptism  ; 


*a  Cryspyngeyren  * ;  Acus,  calamis- 

Crystalle;  cristallus',  cristallinns  p&r- 


Criste ;  Cristus*;   cristianus.  (A.) 
*a  Crystendam3 ;  baptismus,  baptis- 

ma,  christianitas,  christianismus. 
to  Crysten ;  baptizare. 
to  be  Crestend ;  renasci,  baptizari. 
a  Crystenma^  ;  christitmus,  christi- 


fa  Crystynar ;  baptista. 
A  Cryme  ;  delictum,  crimeu  &  cetera; 

vbi  trespas  or  syn. 

to  Crowe  (Crobe  A.) ;  crocitare  vel 

crocare,  coruorum  est. 
a  Crowynge  (Crobbynge  A.)  of  ra- 

uens ;  era,  indealm&bile,  vel  cro- 


a  Crochet 4 ;  simpla. 
fa  Crofte  5 ;  confinium,  crustum,  tof- 

tum,  fundus. 
a  Crony kyl!0;  cronica. 
*a  Croppe  6 ;  cima. 
to  Croppe  7 ;  decimare,  produ.c[itur] 

ci  ;  versus  : 

^Decimo    caulis    frondes,    sed 
decimo  8  garbas 9 ; 

now  it  is  vulgarly  taken  for  the  white  cloth  put  about  or  upon  avchild  newly  christened, 
in  token  of  his  baptism,  wherewith  the  women  use  to  shroud  the  child  if  dying  within  the 
month.  The  anointing  oil  was  also  called  chrisom.  Thus  in  Morte  Arthure,  1.  3435,  in 
the  interpretation  of  the  king's  dream  we  read — 

'And  synne  be  corownde  kynge,  with  krysome  enoynttede.' 

See  also  11.  142  and  2447.  In  the  same  Romance  we  find  the  word  used  as  a  verb  ;  thus 
1.  105  r,  we  read  of  '  A  cowlefulle  cramede  of  crysmede  childyre.'  See  also  11.  1065  and  3185. 
'  Cristnut  and  crisumte  ....  Folut  in  a  fontestone.'  Anturs  of  Arthur,  xviii.  4.  Although 
the  same  Latin  equivalent  is  given  for  this  word  as  for  the  preceding,  it  is  probable  that 
in  this  case  the  anointing  oil  is  meant.  '  Crysome  for  a  yong  chylde,  cresmeauv.'  Palsgrave. 
See  Creme,  above,  and  cf.  Cud.  Crysmechild  occurs  in  An  Old  Eng.  Misc.  ed.  Morris,  p.  90. 

1  '  Calamistrum.  A  Pinne  of  woodde  or  iuory,  to  trimme  and  crispe  heare.'  Cooper. 

2  '  Christus :  crismate  unctus.'  Medulla. 

3  In  the  Komance  of  Sir  Ferumbras,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Herrtage,  p.  65,  1.  1916, 
Charlemagne  sends  a  message  to  the  Saracen  king,  Balan,  that  he  should  restore  the 
captive  knights,  &c.,  '  And  crintendom  scholdest  fonge.'     See  also  Lonelich's  Hist,  of  the 
Holy  Grail,  ed.  Furnivall,  xlvii.  10  ;  Iv.  191,  &c.      Wyclif,  Works  iii.  285,  speaks  of  the 
sacrament  of  '  crlstendom? 

*  '  Crochet.  A  quaver.  In  music.'  Cotgrave.     '  Simpla  :  anglice,  a  Croche.'  Ortus.     '  A 
crotchet.  Simpla,  semiminima.'1  Gouldman.     'Was  no  crochett  wrong.'  TownleyMyst.  1 16. 

5  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  Text,  v.  582,  Piers,  in  describing  the  way  to  Truth,  says — 

'  panne  shaltow  come  by  a  crofte,  but  come  ]?ow  noujte  J>ere-Inne, 
That  crofte  hat  coueyte-nou3te-mennes-catel-ne-her-wyues — 

The  word  is  not  uncommon  now.  Jamieson  gives  '  Craft.  8.  a  croft ;  a  piece  of  ground 
adjoining  a  house.  Craf ter.  Crofter,  s.  One  who  rents  a  small  piece  of  land.'  A.  S.  croft. 

6  '  Cima.  The  toppe  of  an  hearbe.'  Cooper.     The  phrase  '  croppe  and  roote,'  which  we 
still  retain  in  the  inverted  order,  or  as  '  root  and  branch,'  occurs  frequently :  see  for 
instance  Louelich's  Hist,  of  the  Holy  Grail,   xvi.  492  ;   xviii.   241  ;  Wright's  Political 
Poems,  i,  365,  &c.     Lyte,  Dodoens,  p.  270,  says  that  'the  decoctions  of  the  toppes  and 

croppes  of  Dill causeth  wemen  to  haue  plentie  of  milke.'     Hampole,  Pricke  of 

Conscience,  663,  compares  man  to  a  tree  '  of  whilk  J>e  crop  es  turned  donward.'     See  also 
P.  Plowman,  B.  xvi.  69,  and  Cursor  Mundi,  ed.  Morris,  pp.  464,  1.  8638  and  486,  1.  8458. 

.pare  also  Top  of  a  tree.    A.  S.  crop. 

7  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  vi.  33,  Piers  says — 

'  Suche  [foules]  cometh  to  my  crofte,  and  croppeth  my  whete  ;' 
and  in   the  Ancren  Biwle,  p.  86,   the   author  says   that  a  churl  'is  ase  J)e  wiSi   J>et 
sprutted  ut  J>e  bettere  pet  me  hine  ofte  cropped.'     See  also  Myrc's  Duties  of  a  Parish 
Priest,  1502.     O.Icel.  kroppa,  to  pluck.     'Croppe  of.  Carpo,  Exdso?  Huloet. 

8  Pay  tithes  of. 

9 '  Garba.  Spicarum  manipulus :  gerbe.  ol.  garbe.  Garba  decimce,  pars  decimse.'  Ducange. 
'  Gerbte.  A  shocke,  halfe-thrave,  or  heape  of  sheaves ;  also  a  bundle  of  straw.'  Cotgrave. 

jr.  r 



G    2 



Decimo  flores,  sed   decimo  res 


a  Cropper ;  decimator,  decimatrix. 
a  Crosse ;  crux,  crucicula. 
tto  Crosse;  cancellare. 
*a  Croser  ;  cruciferarius,  crucifer. 
to  do  on  Crosse  * ;  crucifigere. 
a  Crosser 2 ;  crucibulum,  lucubrum. 
*a  Crowde 3 ;  corns  sine  h  litera  (sine 

aspiracione  A.),   corista,  qui  vol 

que  canit  in  eo. 
*a  Crowett  (Cruet  A.)  4  ;    Ampulla, 

bachium,  Jlola,  vrseus. 

a  Crowne ;  laurea,   crinale,   sertum, 

diodema,  corona,   auriola,  apex, 

caralla,  coronula. 
to  Crowne ;  Aureolare,  coronare,  lau- 


a  Crowner ;  coronator,  laureator. 
*a  Cruche  (Crowche  A.)  5;  cambuca, 

*a  Crudde  (Cruyde  A.)6;  bulducta, 


to  Crudde  (Cruyde  A.) ;  coagulare. 
tCruddts  (Crudys  A.)  7  ;  domus  sub- 

ter[ra]nea,  cripta,  ipogeum. 

1  •  Crucifigo.  To  crucifien  or  to  ffest  to  cros.'  Medulla.     The  phrase  to  '  do  on  the  cross  ' 
for  crucifying,  putting  to  death  on  the  cross,  is  very  common  in  early  English.      See  for 
instance  Myrc's  Instructions  to  Parish  Priests,  p.  14,  1.  437,  where,  in  a  metrical  version 
of  the  Creed,  we  find —         '  Soffrede  peyne  and  passyone,     And  on  ]>e  cros  was  I-done :' 
and  in  Lonelich's  Hist,  of  the  Holy  Grail,  ed.  Furnivall,  xlix.  313 — 

*  Of  a  virgine  to  be  born  with-owten  offens,          And  sethen  on  croys  i-don.' 
4  pey  did  him  vpon  the  crosse,  and  spette  on  his  face,  and  buffetid  him.'  Gesta  Rom.,  p.  1 79- 

2  '  Lucubrum.   Modicum  lumen ;   petite  lumiere.      Crucibulum.   Lucerna  ad  noctem  : 
lampe  de  nuit,  veilleuse,  ol.  croiset.'  Ducange.     See  also  Cressett,  above. 

3  In  Wiclif's  version  of  the  Parable  of  the  Prodigal  Son,  Luke  xv.  25,  the  elder  son 
when  returning  home  '  herde  a  symfonye  and  a  croude.'     Crowd  is  still  in  use  in  the  sense 
of  a  fiddle.   See  Nodal's  Glossary  of  Lancashire. 

'  The  pipe,  the  tabor,  and  the  trembling  croud, 
That  well  agree  withouten  breach  or  jar.'  Spenser,  Epithal.  129. 
'  A  croud  (fiddle).  VielU:  Sherwood.  In  the  Harleian  MS.  trans,  of  Higden,  vol.  ii.  p.  379, 
we  find,  '  a  instrumente  callede  chorus,  other  a  chore,  was  founde  in  Grece,  of  fewe  cordes 
and  strynges,  whiche  is  callede  now  a  crowthe  or  a  crowded  Wyclif,  Works,  ed.  Arnold, 
ii.  73,  says  '  symphonye  and  croude  weren  herd  whanne  apostlis  knewen  alle  wittis.'  See 
Wedgwood  s.  v.  'Hie  simbolisator,  Ace-  crowde.  Simbolisare,  to  crowde  or  scotnyg.  Hie 
corallus,  AM-  crowdere.  Hec  corolla,  Ace-  crowde.'  MS.  Keg.  17,  cxvii.  If.  43,  back.  See 
Lybeaus  Disc.  1.  137,  and  Lyric  Poetry,  ed.  Wright,  p.  53.  It  will  be  seen  that  Mr.  Way 
has  misread  the  present  MS.  in  his  note  to  this  word  in  the  Promptorium. 

*  *  Fiola.  A  cruet.  Amula.  A  Fyol  or  a  cruet.'  Medulla.  '  A  cruet,  a  holie  water  stocke, 
Amula.'  Baret.  In  the  Inventory  of  Sir  John  Fastolfs  goods  at  Caistor,  1459,  amongst 
the  contents  of  the  chapel  are  mentioned  '  j.  haly  water  stop  with  j.  sprenkill,  and  ij. 
cruettes,  weiyng  xij.  unces.'  Paston  Letters,  ed.  Gairdner,  i.  470.  See  also  ibid.  iii.  270. 

'  And  lonatlias  hadde  ]>er  a  crewette,  and  fillid  hit  of  that  water Aftir  this  he  Kose, 

&  yede,  and  sawe  the  secounde  water ; And  he  filde  a  cruet  J?er  with'  Gesta 

Romanorum,  p.  189. 

6  '  Pedum.  A  sheepe  crooke.'  Cooper.  '  Cammock.  8.  A  crooked  stick.'  Jamieson.  See 
also  note  to  Cambake,  above. 

6  '  Crouds.  Curds.     Crouds  &  ream.  Curds  and  cream.'  Jamieson.     In  P.  Plowman,  B. 
vi.  284,  Piers  says  he  has  only 

1  A  fewe  cruddes  and  creem  &  and  an  hauer  cake.' 

Baret  gives  '  To  Crud  or  growe  together,  coagulare  j  milke  cruddled,  gelatum  lac.'  '  To 
crud,  curd  or  curdle.  Cailler.  Cruds  or  curds.  Caille,  Caillat.'  Sherwood.  Lyte,  Dodoens, 
p.  246,  says  that  Garden  Mint  'is  very  good  to  be  applied  vnto  the  breastes  that  are 
stretched  foorth  and  swollen  and  full  of  milke,  for  it  slaketh  and  softeneth  the  same,  and 
keepeth  the  mylke  from  quarring  and  crudding  in  the  brest;'  and  again,  p.  719,  he  tells 
us  that  the  juice  of  figs  'turneth  milke  and  causeth  it  to  crudde,  and  againe  it  scattereth, 
or  dissolueth,  or  melteth  the  clustered  crudde,  or  milke  that  is  come  to  a  crudde,  as 
vineger  doth.' 

7  Cryptoporticus.   Plin.  Jun.  Porticus  subterranea,  aut  loco  depressiore  posita,  cujus 
modi  structura  est  porticuum  in  antiqui  operis  monasteries,  HpvirTij.     A  secret  walke  or 




a  Cruke  ;  curuata,  hamus,  vncus. 

fa  Cruke  of  a  dore  1 ;  gumphus  ; 
versus : 

Obliquo  sino  curuo  simul  arcuo 
lino.     (A.) 

to  Cruke ;  curuare,  aduncare,  arcu- 
are,  camerare,  diuaricare^ectere, 
lacimare,  lentare,  lunare,  obli- 
guare,  repan-d&re,  fumare,  vncare  : 
vnde  in  libro  cinonimorum  2. 

Cruked  (Crocked  A.)  ;  aduncus, 
camurus,  camuratus,  curuatus, 
curuus,  dorcus,  foliatus,  obliquus, 
obuncus,  pandus,  re-,  perobliquus, 
pertortuosns,  recuruus,  reflexus, 
sinuus,  tortus,  tortuosus,  varus, 

a  Crukynge  ;  camur  grece,  curuitas, 
curuatura,  jnsinuacio,  sinus,  va- 

a  Crukynge  of  pe  water ;   meandir. 

a  Grume ;  mica. 

to  Grume  ;  vbi  to  mye. 

a  Crovpon  (Cruppon  A.)  3  ;  clunis 

(inclunis  A.). 
a  Cropure  (Cruppure  A.)  4;  postela 

(postellum  A.). 
a  Croste  of  brede  ;  crusta,  cruticula, 

crustus,    crustum,    crustulum    & 

crustellum,  frustum.,  frustulum. 
to  make  Crustes  ;  crustare,  frustare. 

C  ante  V. 
a  Cubit  ;  lacertus,  cubitus  ;  cubitalis, 

bicubitus,  tricubitus. 
a  Cud  5  ;  crismale. 
ACoteofaBeste;  Ruma,  Rumen  (A.). 
to  chewe  Cud  ;  ruminare. 
a  Cuke  ;    Archimacherus,  arckicocus, 

cocus,   coculus,   culinarius,  full' 

narius,  fumaxius,  mc.cherus,  offa- 

rius,  popinarius. 
a  Cukewalde  (Cwcwalde  A.)  6  ;  cu- 

ruca,  ninirus,  zelotipus. 

vault  under  the  grounde,  as  the  crowdes  or  shrowdes  of  Paules,  called  St.  Faithes  Church.' 
Nomenclator.  '  Cryptoporticus.  A  place  under  the  grounde  to  sitte  in  the  hoate  summer : 
a  crowdes  :  also  a  close  place  compassed  with  a  walle  like  the  other  vnder  the  grounde.' 
Cooper.  Ipogeum  is  of  course  the  Greek  vir6yfiov.  The  Parish  of  St.  Faith  in  Cryptis,  i.  e. 
in  the  Crypt  under  the  Choir  of  St.  Paul's,  was  commonly  called  '  St.  Faith  in  the  Crowds.' 
See  Liber  Albus,  ed.  Riley,  p.  556.  Withals  renders  'Cryptoporticus'  by  '  a  vault  or 
shrouds  as  under  a  church,  or  other  place.'  In  the  Pylgrymage  of  Syr  R.  Guylforde, 
Camden  Soc.  p.  24,  the  Temple  of  the  Holy  Sepulchre  is  described  as  having  '  wonder 
many  yles,  crowdes,  and  vautes.'  '  Ypogeum,  tresory.'  Wright's  Vocab.  p,  175. 

1  Gumphus  (Gr.  yofji<f>bs)  is  a  wooden  pin.     Halliwell  explains  '  Crook  of  a  door '  as  the 
hinge,  but  incorrectly.     It  is  properly  the  iron  hook  fixed  in  stone  or  in  a  wooden  door- 
post, on  which  the  hinge  turns.      See  Jamieson  «.  v.  Crook.      '  Croc.  A  grapple  or  hook.' 
Cotgrave.   The  Ortus  Vocab.  has '  Gamphus :  est  quilibet  clauus :  a  henge  of  a  dore  or  a  nayle.' 

2  That  is  the  '  Synonyma '  by  John  de  Garlandia,  of  which  an  account  is  given  by  Mr. 
Way  in  his  Introduction  to  the  Promptorium,  pp.  xvii.  and  Ixviii. 

3  '  Clunis.  The  buttock  or  hanche.'  Cooper.     *  Cropion.  The  rump  or  crupper.    Le  mal 
de  cropion.  The  rumpe-evill  or  crupper-evill ;  a  disease  wherewith  small  (cage)  birds  are 
often  troubled.'  Cotgrave. 

4  'Croupiere  de  clieval.  A  horse  crupper.'  Cotgrave.     '  Postilena.  A  crupper  of  a  horse.' 
Cooper.     '  Hoc  postela.  A  croper.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  234.      In  Sir  Gawayne,  the 
Green  Knight  is  described  as  having 

'  pe  pendauntes  of  his  payttrure,  ]>e  proude  cropure, 
His  molaynes,  &  alle  J?e  metail  anamayld.'  1.  168. 

5  'Cude,  Code.  s.  A  Chrisom,  or  face-cloth  for  a  child  at  baptism.    Welsh  cuddio,  to 
cover.'  Jamieson.     See  Crysome,    above.      Jamieson  quotes  from   Sir  Gawan  and   Sir 
Golagros,  i.  18,  'you  was  cristened,  and  cresomed,  with  candle  and  code'  and  from  the 
Catechism  e,  fol.  132  ;  *  last  of  all  the  barne  that  is  baptizit,  is  cled  with  ane  quhite  lynning 
claith  callit  ane  cude,  quhilk  betakins  that  he  is  clene  weschin  fra  al  his  synnis.' 

8  '  Curruca :  quedam  auis.  A  sugge.  [The  hedge-sparrow  is  still  called  a  hay-suck  in 
the  West  of  England.]  Zelotopus.  A  cocold  or  a  Jelous  man.'  Medulla.  '  Curruca  est 
quedam  auis  que  alienos  pullos  educit  vel  educat,  et  hec  litiosa  se  dicitur  eadem  auis.'  MS. 
Harl.  2257,  leaf  24.  '  Acuckould,  vir  bonus;  a  cuckould  maker,  mcechus?  Baret's  Alvearie. 
'Currucca.  The  birde  that  hatcheth  the  cuckoues  egges.  A  titlyng.'  Cooper. 



tto  make    Cukewalde    (Cwkwalde 

A.);  curucare,  zelotipare. 
*a  Culice  J  ;  morticium. 
A  Culme  2. 
*a  Culpon. 

a  Culture  3 ;  cultrum. 
a  Culoure;  color, fucusesifalsuscolor. 
to  Culoure;  colorare, fucare. 
tof  diuerse  Color ;  discolor. 
ta  Culyw4;  collector. 
ttoCumbyre(Cummere  A.) ;  irritare, 

Cumbyrd      (Cummerd     A.)  ;     vbi 

to  Cume  ;  venire,  ad-,  &  cetera ;  vbi 

to  come. 

*a  Cumlynge  5 ;  Aduena. 
tCuramynge     ^Cummyn     A.)     as 

malte  6 ;  germinatus. 
Cuwimyn;  ciminum. 

a  Cundyth 7 ;  Aqu&ductile,  &  cetera ; 

vbi  A  gutter. 

fa  Cune  of  ye  money  ;  nummisme. 
to  Cuwne ;  scire,  &  cetera;  vbi  to  con. 
a  CuTinynge ;  sciencia,  &  cetera  ;  vbi 

a  Cunstabyll<? ;    constabularius,    tri- 

a  Cuntrye ;  patria  ;  patrius  p&rtici- 


a  Cuntremaw;  patriota,  compatriota. 
fa  Cuppylle  of  a  horse  (howse  A.) ; 


fA  Cwpylld  of  hundys ;  Copula  (A.), 
to  Cuppille  ;     coniuugere,    copulare, 

dicare,  maritare;  -tor,  -trix. 
Cwpyllyng ;     copulatus,    coniunctus 


a  Curage. 
Curall<?  8 ;  corallus. 

1  '  Cullis,  a  very  fine  and  strong  broth,  well  strained,  much  used  for  invalids,  especially 
for  consumptive  persons.'  Halliwell.  Andrew  Boorde,  in  his  Dyetaiy,  (E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed. 
Furnivall),  p.  264,  speaks  of  'Caudeles  made  with  hernpe  sede^  and  collesses  made  of 
shrympes,'  which,  he  says,  'doth  comforte  blode  and  nature.'  See  also  ibid.  p.  302. 
Directions  for  'a  coleise  of  a  cocke  for  a  weake  body  that  is  in  a  consumption,'  are  given 
by  Cogan,  Haven  of  Health,  1612,  p.  131.  *  Broth  or  collyse,  pufmentarium.'  Huloet. 
'  Coulis,  m.  A  cullis  or  broth  of  boiled  meat  strained,  fit  for  a  sicke  or  weake  body.' 

8  Perhaps  the  same  as  'Culme  of  asmeke.  Fuligo.'  Prompt.  See  P.  Plowman,  B.xiii.356. 

3  '  Coultre.  The  Culter,  or  knife  of  a  Plough.'  Cotgrave. 

4  Fr.  cueilleur. 

5  Hampole,  Pricke  of  Conscience,  1384,  gives 

'  Be  noght  stille,  Loverd,  says  he, 

For  I  am  a  commelyng  towarde  Ipe, 

And  pilgrym,  als  alle  my  faders  was,' 

as  the  translation  of  '  Ne  sileas  qnoniam  advena  ego  sum  apud  te  et  peregrinus,  sicut  omnes 
patres  mei.'  In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  392, 1.  6785,  we  are  told — 

'  To  cumlynges  do  yee  right  na  suike, 

For  quilum  war  yee  seluen  slike.' 

See  also  Wyclif,  Isaiah  Hi.  4,  where  it  is  used  as  a  translation  of  the  Vulgate  colonus,  as 
also  in  Harrison's  Description  of  England,  1587,  p.  6,  col.  2,  where  we  read  that  when  the 
Saxons  came  to  England  '  within  a  while  these  new  comlings  began  to  molest  the  hoinelings.' 
'  Accola.  A  comely ng.'  Medulla. 

6  Harrison,  i.  156,  gives  a  very  full  account  of  the  process  of  malting  in  his  time  ;  the 
barley,    he  says,    after  having   been  steeped  three  days  and  three  nights  is  taken  out 
and  laid  'vpon  the  cleane  floore  on  a  round  heape,  [where]  it  resteth  so  vntill  it  be 
readie  to  shoote  at  the  roote  ende,  which  maltsters  call  comming.  When  it  beginneth 
therefore  to  shoot  in  this  maner,  they  saie  it  is  come,  and  then  forthwith  they  spread 
it  abroad,  first  thicke  and  afterward  thinner  and  thinner  vpon  the  said  floore  (as  it 
commeth)?  &c. 

7  '  A  cundite  pipe,  canalis*  Baret.     '  With  condethes  fulle  curious  alle  of  clene  siluyre.' 
Morte  Arthure,  201 .   « Aquaducatile :  A  gotere.  A quaducttte.  A  conthwryte  (sic}.'  Medulla. 

8  'Corall,  which  in  the  sea  groweth  like  a  shrub,  or  brush,  and  taken  out  waxeth  hard 
as  a  stone ;  while  it  is  in  the  water,  it  is  of  colour  greenish  and  covered  with  mosse,  &c. 



ta  Cur  dog ;  Aggregarius. 

a  Cure ;  cura. 

ta  Curcheff ;  vbi  a  kerchiffe. 

*Curfur(Curfewe  A.)  J;  ignitegium. 

t  Curious  (Curiosse  A.);  operosus. 

Curlewe 2 ;    coturnix,    ortix   grecuin 

est,  ortigometa. 

ta  Currow  3 ;  calcula,  cursor. 
to  Curse;  Anathemare,  Anathemati- 

zare,  deuotare*,  deuouere,  detes- 

tare,     excommumcare,     execr&ri, 

maledicere,  prophanare. 
Cursed;  Anathematizatus,  execra,bilis, 

detestabilis,  execr&tus,  excommuni- 

catus,  malidictuB,  nefandus,  ^;ro- 

phanus,  deuotus. 
a  Cursynge ;  Anathema,  deuocio,  de- 


malidiccio,  maledictum,  propha- 

Curtas ;  curialis,  curiosus,  comis,  fa- 

cetus,  lepidus,  vrbanus  ;  versus  : 

verbis  lepidus  Aliquisfactis- 

tvn  Curtas;  illepidus,jn  -vrbanus. 
a  Curtasy;   curialitas,  facecia,   vr- 

a  Curtyn;  Anabat[r]um,  Ansa,  cur- 

tina,    curtinula,    lectuca,    velum, 

tto  Custome  or  to  make  Custome  ; 

guadiare,  ritare,  jnguadiare  (A.), 
a  Custome ;  cousuetudo,  gaudia,  mos, 

ritus ;  versus: 
11  Mores,  virtutes,  mos ,  consuetude 

Customably  (Customabylle  A.);  rite, 

solito,  solite. 

tto  breke  Custom ;  degaudiare  5. 
fa  Cute  (Cuytt  A.)  6;fulica,  mer^rus, 

cuta,  merges  -tis,  medio  correpto. 
to  Cutt ;  Abscindere,  Abscidere,  Am- 

2)utare,  cedere,  concidere,  ex-,  de-, 

scindere,    re-,    secare,    con-,    re-, 

pYescindere,     dissecare,     putare, 


tto  Cutt  betwen;  jntercidere. 
to  Cutt  down  ;  succidere. 

Coralium'  Baret.     Neckham,  De  Naturis  Rerum,  p.  469,  gives  a  similar  account— 
'  Coralius  noctis  arcet  fantasmata,  pugnans 

Ejus  tutela  tutus  in  arma  ruit. 
Herba  tenella  virens,  dum  crescit  Tetkyos  undis, 

In  lapidem  transit  sub  ditione  Jovis' 

Harrison  mentions  white  '  corall*  as  being  found  on  the  coasts  of  England  '  nothing  inferiour 
to  that  which  is  founde  beyond  the  sea  in  the  albe,  neere  to  the  fall  of  Tangra,  or  to  the 
red  and  blacke.'  Descript.  of  England,  ii.  80. 

1  In  the  Liber  Albus,  p.  600,  we  read  of  the  meat  of  some  foreign  butchers  being 
forfeited,  because  they  had  exposed  it  for  sale  after  the  curfew-bell  had  struck — -post 
ignitegium  pulsatumj  and  again,  p.  641,  are  given  certain  orders  for  the  Preservation  of 
the  Peace,  one  of  which  is  '  qaod  nullus  eat  vagans  post  ignitegiam  pulsatutn ,  apud  Sanctum 
Martinum  Magnum*     In  Notes  and  Queries,  5th  Ser.  v.  160  (February  iQth,  1876),  it  is 
stated  that  '  The  Launceston  Town  Council  have  resolved  to  discontinue  this  old  custom 
[of  ringing  the  Curfew  bell],  for  which  two  guineas  annually  used  to  be  paid.' 

2  Both  Coturnix  and  Ortix  properly  mean  a  quail,  and  Cooper  renders  Ortygometra  by 
'  The  capitaine  or  leader  amonge  quayles,  bigger  and  blacker  than  the  residue.'     See  the 
directions  in  Wynkyn  de  Worde's  Boke  of  Keruyng  (Babees  Boke,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  162), 
how  to  '  vntacke  [carve]  a  curlewe.'     '  Ornix.  A  Fesaunt.'  Medulla. 

3  A  courier.    The  word  occurs  in  this  form  in  the  '  Pilgrymage  of  the  Lyf  of  the  Man- 
hode,'  ed.  W.  A.  Wright,  p.  200,  where  we  read — 'Of  hire  we  ben  messangeres  and  specially 
curroures  ;'  and  in  P.  Plowman,  A.  xii.  79,  we  have — '  A  currour  of  our  hous.'    In  Caxton's 
Game  of  the  Chesse,ihe  heading  of  chapt.  viij  of  the  third  '  traytye'  is '  Of  messagers,  currour s, 
Rybauldes  and  players  at  the  dyse.'  *  MS.  deuorare. 

5  'Guadia:  debitaconstitucio.  Guadio:  guadiam  constituere,  guadiamfirmare?  Medulla. 

6  The  bald-coot,  called  in  Walter  de  Biblesworth,  Wright's  Vol.  Vocab.  p.  165,  a  '  blarye,' 
or  blear-eyed,  from  the  peculiar  appearance  of  the  face.     A.  adds 

Versus  :  Est  merges  volucris  si  mergitis  sit  genitivws, 
Si  sit  mergetis  tune  garba  dicitur  esse. 



tto   Cutt    yn    J>e    myddis;    sinco- 


ta  Cutter  ;  scissor,  cesor. 
a  Cuttynge;  Abscisio,  amputacio,  con- 

cisio,  putacio,  puta'm&b.,  resecacio, 

a  Cutte  l  •    sors,    sorticula    e&minu- 


tto  drawe  Cutte  ;  sortiri. 
fa  Cutler    (Cultelere   A.) ;    cultel- 

Covatws;  AmbicwsuB,  Auarus,  Aui- 

dus,  A  tiidulus,  cupidus  qui  A  liena 

cupit,  cupidelus,  cupidiosus,  emax 

in    emendo,  jnsaciabilis,    tenax, 
2>arcus ;  versus : 
^Est  Auidus  cupidus,  c&  Auarm, 

&  Ambiciosus : 

Diuicias  cuj.idus  cupit,  Ambi- 
ciosus honores. 

a  Cuwatis;  Ambitus,  ambicio  honoris 
esi,  ambicione  incho[a]tuY  crimen 
6-ed  ambitu.  consummatur,  auari- 
cia,  cupedia,  cupido  diuiciarum 
est,  emacitas  in  empcione  est, 
parcitas,  tenacitas,  philargia. 
to  Cuwet  (Covett  A.) ; 
cetera ;  vbi  to  desyre. 

Ca,pitulum  4m  D. 

D  an/e  A. 

A  dA;  dama,  damula  c^iminutiuum. 
ta    Dactylle    fute    (fruytt   A.); 
dactilis;  dactilicus  par^icipium. 
*to  Dadir 2 ;  Frigucio,  &  cetera ; 

vbi  to  whake  (qwake  A.), 
ft  Daggar;  gestrum  3,pugio,spaurum. 

tDaghe4;  pasta. 

a  Day ;  dies,  diecula,  diurnus,   lux, 

emera  grece. 

to  Day  5 ;  diere,  diescere. 
tfrom  Day  to  day  ;  die  in  diem,  in 

dies,  dietim. 
ta  Day  iornay 6 ;  dieta. 

1  See  note  to  Drawe  cutte. 

2  Dither  is  still  in  use  in  the  Northern  Counties  with  the  meaning  of  'to  shake  with 
cold,  to  tremble  :'  see  Peacock's  Gloss,  of  Manley  &  Corringham,  Nodal's  Glossary  of 
Lancashire,  &c.     Dithers  is  the  Line,  name  for  the  shaking  palsy,  paralysis  agitans.     The 
Manip.  Vocab.  gives  '  to  dadder,  trepidare.'     Cotgrate  has  '  Claquer  les  dents.     To  gnash 
the  teeth,  or  to  chatter,  or  didder,  like  an  Ape,  that's  afraid  of  blowes.     Frisson.  A 
shivering,  quaking,  diddering,  through  cold  or  feare  ;  a  trembling  or  horror.'     See  also 
Fritter,  Frissoner,  and  Grelotter. 

'Boyes,  gyrles,  and  luskyth  strong  knaves, 
Bydderyng  and  dadderyng  leaning  on  ten  staves.' 

The  Hye  way  to  the  Spyttel  Hous,  ed.  Hazlitt,  p.  28. 

The  word  is  met^with  several  times  in  Three  Met.  Romances  (Camden  Soc.  ed.  Robson), 
as  in  the  Avowynge  of  Kyng  Arthur,  xvi.  1 1 — 

'  He  began  to  dotur  and  dote  Os  he  hade  keghet  scathe :' 

and  in  xxv.  J- — 

*3if  Menealfe  was  the  more  my$tie  3ette  dyntus  gerut  him  to  dedur.' 

See  also  Sir  Degrevant,  1109 ;  and  note  to  Dayse,  below. 

8  Query  '  Gesum.  A  kinde  of  weapon  for  the  warre ;  a  swoorde  or  wood  knife.'  Cooper. 
The  same  author  gives  '  Pugiunculus,  A  small  dagger ;  a  poyneadow.'     'Pugio  vel  duna- 
bulum,  lytel  sweord,  vel  hype-sex.'  Aelfric's  Vocab.  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  35. 
*  '  Thy  bred  schal  be  of  whete  flour,  I-made  of  dogh  that  ys  not  sour.' 

Myrc,  Instructions  to  Parish  Priests,  1.  1 88 1 . 

'Pastum.  Dowh.  Medulla.     A. S.  dag.  0.  Icel.  deigr.    Gothic,  daigs,  dough.     'Daw  or 
Daughe,  ferina  fermentata'   M.anip.  Vocab.     ' Dotve  or  paste.'    Baret.     ' Hec pasta,  A* 
dagh.'  Wright,  Vol.  of  Vocabularies,  p.  201.     See  also  Jamieson  s.  v.  Daigh. 
'  And  in  the  dayng  of  day  ther  dojty  were  dyjte, 

Herd  matyns  [&]  mas,  myldelik  on  morun.'   Anturs  of  Arther,  st.  xxxvii.  1.  5. 
See  also  to  Daw,  below. 

1  '  Dieta.  Iter  quod  una  die  conficitur,  vel  quodvis  iter ;  etape,  route.1  Ducange.     See 
Chaucer,  Knightes  Tale,  1880,  and  Mr.  Way's  note  s.  v.  Jurney. 



Dayly  ',    cotidie  ;  cotidianus 

a  Dayntye  l;  dilicee,  lauticia,  lauticie, 

epide;  delicatus,  deliciosus,  laulus 

tDaysardawe    (A   Dayserth   A.)  2  ; 

juger,  iugerum,  jugus. 
fa  Daysterne  ;  lucifer  vol  phospho- 

ros3,  vt  dicit  virgilius  eapitulo 

a  Daysy  ;  consolidum. 

A  Daylle  4  ;  distribucio,  roga  (A.). 

a  Dale  ;  wallis. 

t  A  Dalke  (or  a  tache)  5  ;  firmaculum, 

jirmatorium,  monile. 
a  Dame;  vbi  a  huswyfe* 
a  Damesselle;  domicella,  dominella, 

a  Damysyn  tre;    damisenus,    nixa 

pro    arbore    &    fructu,    conqui- 

to  Damme ;    banibinare   (bombinare 

A.),    circMmscri6ere,    dampnare, 

Dampned;  addictus,  circwmscri^us, 

dampnatus,  condempnatus,  indi- 
a   Damnynge ;    dampnacio    pulolici 

iudicij,  condempnacio  priuati. 
fa  Dan  ;  dacus,  qmdam  populus. 
fa  Dan  6,  sicut  monachi  vocantur ; 


fDanmarke  7 ;  dacia. 
tto      Dare  ;      audere,      prQsumerQ, 

vsurpare,    &     cetera ;     vbi     to 


1  The  earliest  Northern  form  of  this  word  is  daynteth  (see  Gesta  Romctnorum,  pp.  368, 
373).     Prof.  Skeat  derives  it  from  O.  Fr.  daintie,  Lat.  dignitatem.     In  heaven  we  are 
told  by  Hampole,  Pricke  of  Conscience,  7850 — 

'  pare  es  plente  of  dayntes  and  delices.' 

and  again —  'pare  es  alkyn  delyces  and  eese.'     Ibid.  7831. 

1  Daintith.  A  dainty.'  Jamieson.  « Dilicatezza.  Daintethnesse,  or  delicascie.'  Thomas,  Ital. 
Diet.  1550.  'Swa  enteris  thair  daynteis,  on  deis  dicht  dayntelie.'  Eauf  Coiljear,  ed. 
Murray,  191. 

2  A  day's  work  at  ploughing  :  cf.  ardagh,  fallowing,  ploughing — '  on  ardagh  wise  =  in 
ploughman  fashion.'  The  Destruction  of  Troy,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  1. 1 75,     Tusser,  in  his  Five 
Hundred  Points,  &c.,  p.  84,  says — 

'  Such  land  as  ye  breake  up  for  barlie  to  sowe 

Two  eartkes  at  the  least  er  ye  sowe  it  bestowe.' 

In  Ducange  dletarium  is  explained  as  '  Opus  diei :  journee  de  travail — Jugerum ;  jornale  ; 
journal  de  terre,'  and  Cooper  renders  Jugerum  '  As  muche  grounde  as  one  yoke  of  oxen 
wil  eare  in  a  daye.  It  conteyneth  in  length  .240.  foote,  in  breadth  .120.  foote,  which 
multiplied  riseth  to  .28800.  It  may  be  vsed  for  our  acre  which  conteyneth  more,  as  in 
breadth  fower  perches,  that  is  .66.  foote,  and  in  length  .40.  perches  that  is  .660.  foote, 
which  riseth  in  the  whole  to  .43560.  foote.'  See  Halliwell  8.  v.  Arders. 

3  MS.  sosphoros.     'Hicjubiter.  A  daysterre.'  Wright's  Vocab.  p.  272. 

4  '  Roga.  A  doole.'  Medulla.     « A  dole,  eleemosynce  distribuccio.'  Manip.  Vocab.     The 
word  is  still  in  use.     See  to  Dele,  below.     In  Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  220,  we  find 
complaints  of  how  the  poor  were  defrauded  of  their  doles  : 

'The  awmeneer  seyth  he  cam  to  late,       Of  poore  men  doolys  is  no  sekir  date.' 

5  A.  S.  dale,  dole,  O.  Icel.  dalkr,  a  thorn  ;  hence  it  came  to  mean  as  above  a  '  pin,'  or 
•  brooch.'    '  Fibula.  A  boton,  or  broche,  prykke,  or  a  pynne,  or  a  lace.  Monile :  ornamentum 
est  quod  solet  ex  feminarum  pendere  collo,  quod  alio  nomine  dicitur  firmaculum :  a  broche.' 
Ortus  Vocab.     See  also  to  Tache. 

6  An  abbreviated  form  of  the  Latin  dominus,  which  appears  also  in  French  dan,  Spanish 
don,  Portuguese  dom.    The  O.  Fr.  form  dans,  was  introduced  into  English  in  the  fourteenth 
century.     See  an  account  of  the  word  in  '  Leaves  from  a  Word-hunter's  Note-book,'  A.  S. 
Palmer,  p.  130.     In  the  Monk's  Prologue  the  Host  asking  him  his  name  says — 

'  Whether  shall  I  calle  you  my  lord  dan  Johan, 
Or  daun  Thomas,  or  elles  dan  Albon?' 

7  Cooper  points  out  the  error  here  committed — '  Dacia.  A  countrey  beyonde  Hongary, 
it  hath  on  the  north  Sarmatia  of  Europe  :  on  the  west  the  Jazigians  of  Metanest :  on  the 
south  Mysiam  superiorem,  &  Dunaw  :  on  the  east,  the  lower  Mysiam,  &  Dunaw ;  they 


Darnelle  l ;  zizannia  ;  (versus  : 

H  Est  zizannia,   sunt  zizannia, 

plur&\i  -nie  guisgue.    A.). 
a  Darte ;  iaculum,  pilum,  spiculum  ; 

vbi  a  arow. 
to  cast  a  Darte ;  jaculari,  Spiculari. 

to  Dayse  (Dase  A.) 2;  vbi  to  be  callde. 

*a   Daysyberd    (Dasyberde    A.) 3 ; 

a  Date  ;  dactulus,  dactilicus. 
to  Daw 4 ;  diere,  diescere,  diet,  die- 
bat,  i 


call  it  now  Transyluaniam :  they  doe  not  well,  which  call  Denmarke  by  this  name,  whiche 
is  Dania?  See  Andrew  Boorde's  '  Introduction  of  Knowledge,'  ed.  Furnivall,  pp.  162-3. 
Dacia  and  Dad  are  used  for  Denmark  and  the  Danes  respectively  in  the  Liber  Custu- 
inarum,  Rolls  Series,  ed.  Riley,  pp.625,  630,  633,  &c- 

1  '  Darnell ;  luraie  or  Raie,  a  verie  vicious  graine  that  annoieth  corne,  it  is  hot  in  the 
third  degree,  and  drie  in  the  second  ;  lolium,  zizania'  Baret.     In  the  Early  Eng.  Metrical 
Homilies,  ed.  Small,  p.  145,  we  have  the  parable  of  the  man  who  sowed  good  seed  on  his 
land,  but  '  Quen  al  folc  on  slep  ware, 

Than  com  his  fa,  and  seu  richt  thare 

Darnel,  that  es  an,  iuel  wede;' 
and  again,  p.  145,  the  master  orders  his  men — 

'  Gaderes  the  darnel  first  in  bande  And  brennes  it  opon  the  land.' 

On  the  derivation  of  the  word  see  Wedgwood  s.  v.  '  Zizannia.  Cockle,  or  any  other 
corrupte  and  naughtie  weede  growyng  amonge  corne.'  Cooper.  'Zizannia.  Dravke,  or 
darnel,  or  cokkyl.'  Medulla.  See  also  Cokylle,  and  Drake  or  Darnylle.  '  The  name 
appears  to  have  been  variously  applied,  but  usually  taken  to  mean  Lolium  temulentum  L. 
It  is  used  in  this  sense  by  Turner  (Names),  who  says — "  Darnel  groweth  amonge  the  crone, 
and  the  corne  goeth  out  of  kynde  into  darnel :"  and  also  by  Fitzherbert  (Boke  of  Hus- 
bandry), who  says — "  Dernolde  groweth  up  streyghte  lyke  an  hye  grasse,  and  hath  long 
sedes  on  eather  syde  the  sterte." '  Britten,  Eng.  Plant-Names,  E.  D.  Soc.  1878,  p.  143. 

2  Icel.  dasdr,  faint,  tired  ;  das,  a  faint,  exhaustion.   To  dose,  to  feel  cold,  to  shiver, 
occurs  in  the  Townley  Mysteries,  p.  28 — 

'  I  wote  never  whedir  For  ferd  of  J>at  taylle.' 

I  dose  and  I  dedir 

Compare  also —  'And  for-Jn  bat  J>ai,  omang  other  vice, 

Brynned  ay  here  in  J>e  calde  of  malice, 
And  ay  was  dased  in  charite.'     Pricke  of  Conscience,  6645. 

See  also  G.  Douglas,  Prologue  to  -<Eneid,  Bk.  vii.  p.  106  (ed.  1787),  and  Chaucer,  Hous 
of  Fame,  Bk.  ii.  1 50.  Dasednes  =  coldness,  occurs  in  Pricke  of  Conscience  in  1.  4906  : 
'  Agayn  the  davednes  of  charite,'  where  the  Lansdowne  MS.  348,  has  coldnes.  It  also 
occurs  in  Cotton  MS.  Tib.  E  viii.  leaf  24 — 

'  Dasednes  of  hert  als  clerkes  pruve          And  slawly  his  luffe  in  god  settes.' 
Es  when  a  man  dasedly  luves, 

Jamieson  says  •  To  Dase,  Daise.  (i)  To  stupify.  S.  (2)  To  benumb.  The  part,  is  frequently 
used  to  express  the  dulness,  stupor,  or  insensibility  produced  by  age.  One  is  said  to  be 
daised  who  is  superannuated.'  'I  stod  as  stylle  as  dased  quayle.'  Allit.  Poems,  i.  1084. 

3  'Duribuccus.  Qui  nunquam  vult  operire  os.     Isidore  in  glossis  duri  bucci  iidem  sunt 
qui  Barba  sterili,  steriles  barba,  quia  cutem  buccae  eorum  non  potest  barba  perrumpere.' 
Ducange.     '  Hie  duribuccus  ;  a  dasyberd.'  Wright's  Vol.  ofVocab.  217. 

'  Ther  is  a  dossiberd  I  woulde  dere 

That  walkes  abrode  wilde  were.'  Chester  Plays,  Sh.  Soc.  i.  201. 
'  Some  other  sleighte  I  muste  espye 
This  doscibeirde  for  to  destroye.'     Ibid.  i.  204. 

Cf.  also  ii.  34,  'We must  needes  this  dosebeirde  destroye.'     In  'The  Sowdone  of 

Babyloine,'  Roxburgh  Club,  1.  1707,  when  certain  of  the  French  Knights  protest  against 
being  sent  as  messengers  to  Balan  (Laban),  Charles  addressing  one  of  them  says — 
'  Trusse  the  forth  eke,  sir  Dasaberde,  Or  I  shalle  the  sone  make.' 

'  Duribuccus.  Hardhede.'  Medulla.  Probably  connected  with  the  Icel.  dasi,  a  lazy  fellow  : 
see  Prof.  Skeat's  Etym.  Diet.  s.  v.  Dastard. 

*  This  word  occurs  several  times  in  Barbour's  Bruce,  ed.  Skeat— thus  in  xvii.  102  we  find 
'  Als  soyn  als  it  dawit  day,'  and  1.  634 — •  On  the  rude-evyn  in  the  daivyng.' 



ta  Dawe  l ;  monedula,  nodus,  nodu- 


*to  Dawbe  5 ;  linere. 
a  Dawber ;  linitor. 

*Dawne  (vel  Downe  A.)  3 ;  lanuyo. 
a  Dawnger 4 ;  domigerum,  rignum . 
tDawngerosy;  rignosus. 
a  Dawnce;  chorea,  chorus,  tripudium. 

See  also  iv.  377,  vii.  315.  In  Rauf  Collar,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  1.  385,  the  Collier  we  are 
told  started  for  Paris — 

'  Ovir  the  Daillis  sa  derf,  be  the  day  was  dawin :' 
and  Chaucer,  Knight's  Tale,  818,  has — 

'  In  his  bede  ther  daweth  him  no  day, 

That  he  nys  clad  and  redy  for  to  ryde 

With  honte  and  horn,  and  houndes  hym  by  side.' 
The  past  tense  occurs  in  Sir  Degrevant,  1.  1792 — 

'  Tyl  the  jorlus  castel  he  spede,  By  the  day  dewe.' 

See  also  Lajamon,  ii,  494,  Genesis  and  Exodus,  16,  Early  Eng.  Allit.  Poems,  ed.  Morris, 
p.  105,  1.  445,  &c.  Caxton  in  his  Description  of  Britain,  1480,  p.  3;  says  that  this  island 
'  for  it  lyeth  vnder  the  north  hede  of  the  worlde  hath  lyght  and  bright  nyghtes  in  the 
somer  tyme,  So  that  oft  tyme  at  mydnyght  men  haue  questions  and  doubte  wethir  it  be 
euen  tyde  or  dawyng.' 

1  '  Dawe  ;  a  cadesse,  monedula,.    A  dawe,  or  young  crowe,  cornicula.''  Baret.     '  A  dawe, 
comix?  Manip.  Vocab.     '  Monedula.  A  chough  ;  a  daw  ;  a  cadesse.'  Cooper. 

2  The  term  daubours  occurs  in  the  Liber  Custumarum,  p.  99,  in  the  sense  of  layers 
on,  to  a  framework,  of  a  mixture  of  straw  and  mud.  employed  in  the  construction  of 
fences  and  house-walls.    In  Cheshire,  according  to  Mr.Biley,  the  process  is  termed  nogging 
(see  Cheshire  Glossary  by  Col.  Leigh,  p.  142).      In  France  the  composition  is  known  as 
torchis,  and  in  Devonshire  as   cob.       The  process  of  daubing  is  alluded  to  more  than 
once  in  our  Translation  of  the  Old  Testament.      See  for  instance  Wyclif's  version  of 
Ezekiel  xiii.  10,  n.     The  word,  according  to  Mr.  H.  Nicol,  is  from  O.  Fr.  dauber  =  to 
plaster,   from   Latin   dealbare  =  io   whiten.      Wedgwood   derives   dawb   from   dab,   'an 
imitation  of  the  sound  made  by  throwing  down  a  lump  of  something  moist.'      '  Bauge. 
Dawbing  or  mortar  made  of  clay  and  straw.'    Cotgrave.     In  Liber  Albus^  p.  289,  are 
mentioned  'carpenters,  masons,  plastrers, dangers,  tenters'  &c.,  and  in  p.  338,  persons  who 
paid  '  masons,  carpenters,  daubers,  tielleres,'  at  higher  rates  than  those  settled  by  the 
Corporation  of  London,  were  declared  to  be  guilty  of  '  maintenance  or  champetry.'     See 
Dauber  in  Glossary  to  Liber  Albus,  p.  309.     '  A  Dawber,  a  pargetter,  ccementarius.'  Baret. 
'  Cementarius,  dawber.'   Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  181.      '  Plastrier.  A  plaisterer,  a 
dawber.'  Cotgrave.     See  also  to  Dobe,  Dober,  &c. 

3  Compare  P.  Heer  fyrste  growynge  yn  mannys  berde.  Lanugo.     'Lanugine,  the  ten- 
dernesse  or  downe  of  a  yonge  bearde.'  Thomas,  Ital.  Diet.  1550. 

4  This  is  the  original  meaning  of  the  word  danger.    Thus  we  read  in  De  Deguileville's 
Pilgrimage  of  the  Lyf  of  the  Manhode,  ed.  Wright,  p.  82,  '  Sufficient  he  was  and  mihty 
to  deliuere  them  plentivowsliche  al  that  hem  needede,  withoute  beeinge  in  any  ootheres 
daunyer?  and  again  pp.  2  and  63.  SeeDucange  s.  v  Dangerium.  '%e])olieb  ofte  daunger  of 
swuche  o&erwhule  j?et  muhte  beon  eower  J?rel.'  Ancren  Biwle,  p.  356.     William  Lomner 
writing  to  Sir  J.  Paston  in  1461,  says,  'I  am  gretly  yn  your  danger  and  dette  for  my 
pension.'    Paston  Letters,  ii.  25.      Jamieson  quotes  from  Wyntown   'in  Ms  dawnger,' 
which  he  renders   '  in  his  power  as  a  captive. '      See  also  Barbour's  Bruce,  ed.  Skeat, 
xix.  709,  '  Quhill  we  be  out  of  thair  danger,'  and  see  also  ii.  435,  iii.  43.      Herman 
says,    'I   haue  the  man  in  my  daunger.    Hdbeo   hominem  mihi  obnoxium.'      Chaucer, 
Prologue  to  Cant.  Tales,  1.  663,  says  of  the  Sompnour,  that — 

'  In  daunger  hadde  he  at  his  owne  gise,  The  yonge  gurles  of  the  diocise.' 

O.  Fr.  dangier,  dominion,  subjection  :  from  Low  Lat.  dominiarium,  power.  Compare 
Shakspeare,  Merchant  of  Venice,  iv.  I — 

'You  stand  within  his  danger,  do  you  not?' 

'  Domigerium.  Periculum :  danger,  dommage — Subdomigerio  alicujus  aut  manu  esse,  alicui 
subesse,  esse  sub  illius  potestate  :  etre  sous  la  puissance,  sous  la  ddpendance  de  quelqu'un.' 
D'Arnis.  See  also  R.  de  Brunne's  Chronicle,  ed.  Furnivall,  1.  11824,  an(^  ^ne  Townley 
Mysteries,  p.  60, 



*to   Dawnte    (or   to   cherys   A.)1; 

to  Dawnce  ;  gesticulari,  tripudiare. 

D  ante  E. 

a  Debate  ;  c oritencio,  contumdia,  dis- 

cordia,  discouformitas,  discrepan- 

cia,  distancia,  scisma  ammorum 

est,  &  cetera ;  vbi  a  stryfe. 
to  make   Debate   (to   Debatt   A.); 

contender e,  discordare,  &  cetera ; 

vbi  to  stryfe. 
tDebatouse ;  contensiosus,  contume- 

liosus,  discidiosus. 
faDebylle2;  pastinacum,  subterra- 

tto  Declare  ;    declarare,  delucidare, 

disserare,  &  cetera ;  vbi  to  schew. 
ttoDeclyne;  declinare,  flectere. 
a  Decree  ;  decretum  ;  decretista,  qui 

legit  decreta. 
tto  Decrese  (Decrease  A.) ;  decrescere, 


fA  Decretalles  3 ;  de.cretalis. 
Dede  4 ;  antropos  (Attrapos  A.),  de- 
cessus,  depisicio  (deposicio  A.), 
exicium,  excidium,  exitus,  exter- 
minum,  fatum,  funus,  intericio, 
interitus,  internicio  vel  internecio, 
per  e  &  nou  per  i,  secuudum 
Britonum  &  priscianum,  inter- 
necium,  letum  per  se  venit,  mors 
defertur  (infertur  A.),  mortalitas, 
neeis,  obitus,  occasus,  pernicies, 
necula  (internecium  A.),  &  cetera ; 
vbi  de[d]yly ;  versus  : 
^  Funus  &  excicium,  letum,mors, 

excidiumque  ; 
Adde    necem,    vel    perniciem, 

simul,  &  libitinara, 
Hijs  obitum,  simul  interitum, 

couiuugito  fatum. 
Quod  minime  libeat  sic  est  li- 

bitina  vocata. 

Hijs  exterminium,  simul  occa- 
sum  sociamus. 

1  Hampole,  Pricke  of  Conscience,  1078,  says — 

'  Alle  J>as  men  J>at  ]>'e  world  mast  dauntes,  Mast  bisily  ]>e  world  here  hauntes.' 

Wyclif,  Mark  v.  4,  speaking  of  the  man  possessed  with  devils,  says,  '  oft  tymes  he 
bounden  in  stockis  and  chaynes,  hadde  broken  J>e  chaynes,  and  hadde  brokun  J>e  stockis  to 
small  gobetis,  and  no  man  mijte  daunte  (or  make  tame)  hym.'  '  Sum  [began]  to  dant 
beystis.'  Complaint  of  Scotland,  ed.  Murray,  p.  145.  Sir  T.  Elyot  also  uses  this  word  in 
the  fyrste  boke  of  The  Gouernour,  chap.  1 7 — '  aboue  the  common  course  of  other  men, 
dauntyng  a  fierce  and  cruell  beaste/ 

'  Man  ne  maie  for  no  daunting  Make  a  sperhauke  of  a  bosarde.' 

Romaunt  of  the  Rose,  4034. 

Cotgrave  gives  •  Dompter.  To  tame,  reclaime :  daunt,  &c.  Dompture:  a  taming,  reclaiming  : 
daunture,  breaking,  subduing.'  See  also  ibid,  s.  v.  Donter  and  cf.  Cfcerisse,  above. 
Endaunt  occurs  with  the  meaning  of  charming,  bewitching,  in  the  Lay  Folk's  Mass  Book, 
E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Canon  Simmons,  p.  140,  1.  445.  In  Wyclif's  version  Isaiah  Ixvi.  12  is 
thus  rendered — 'to  the  tetes  jee  shul  be  born,  and  vp  on  the  knes  men  shul  daunte  you,' 
[et  super  genua  blandientur  vobis],  where  some  MSS.  have  '  daunte  or  cherische,'  'daunte 
or  chirishe,'  and  '  dauncen  or  chirshe.'  In  this  instance  the  word  appears  equivalent  to 
dandle.  Caxton  in  his  Myrrour  of  the  Worlde,  1481,  pt.  ii.  ch.  vi.  p.  76,  says  that 

*  Alexander in  suche  wyse  dompted  tholyfauntes  that  they  durst  doo  nomore 

harme  vnto  the  men.' 

2  '  Through  cunning  with  dible,  rake,  mattock,  and  spade, 

By  line  and  by  leauell,  trim  garden  is  made.' 

Tusser,  Five  Hundred  Points,  ch.  46,  st.  24. 

1  Debylle,  or  settyng  stycke.  A  dibble  to  set  hearbes  in  a  garden,  pastinum.'  Baret.  See 
also  Dibbille  below. 

3  '  Decretales.  Epistolse  Romanorum  Pontificum  decreta  complectentes  seu  responsa  iis, 
qui  aliqua  de  re  illos  consulunt :  decretales.    Decretalis  monachus  litibus  prsefectus  prose- 
quendis,  ut  videtur,  vel  juris  canonici  professor.'  Ducange.     '  Decretales.  The  Decretals  ; 
Bookes  containing  the  Decrees  of  sundry  Popes.'  Cotgrave.     See  Pecock's  Repressor,  ed. 
Babington,  pp.  407,  408. 

*  The  common  form  for  death  in  Middle  English. 

'  To  dede  I  draw  als  ye  may  se.'  Early  English  Homilies,  p.  30. 



Dede;  mortuus,  el&tus  (defunctus  A.), 

&  cetera  p&rticipia  a  ver.bis  ;  vbi 

to  dye. 
tDedeborne  (Deydborne  A.)  ;  abor- 

tiuus,  abortus. 
tto  Desden  (Dedene  A.)1;  dedignari, 

detr&here,  detr&ctare  ;  vbi  to  dis- 


Dedyly  (DedlyA.);  feralis,funeralis, 
funestus,  exicialis,funebris,  letalis, 

letifer,  mortifer,  mortalis. 
ta  Dedicacion  ;  dedicacio,  encennia. 
tDedyfye2;  dicare,  dedicare,  sancti- 

ficarQ]  vbi  to  halowe. 
fto  Defayle 3 ;  deficere,  fatiscere. 
a  Defaute ;  defectus,  defeccio,  eclipsis 

mene  grece. 

Defauty ;  defectuosus,  mendicus. 
*Defe  (Deyffe  A.)  ;  surdus,  ob-,  sur- 

tto  be  Defe  ;    surdere,    ob-,    surdes- 


to  Defende  ;  defenders,  clu[d\ere, 
constipare,  contegere,  contueri, 
patronizare,  remunire,  tensare, 
protegere,  tutare,  tutillare,  tutelare, 
tutari,  tueri ;  versus  : 
^jEst  tuor  jnspicio,  tueor  defen- 

dere  dico ; 

Dat  tutum  tueor,  tuitum  tuor, 
ambo  tueri. 

a  Defender;  defensor,  munitor,  pro- 
tector, patronuB. 

a  Defence ;  vbi  defendynge. 

a  Defendynge ;  brachium,  custodia, 
defensio,  defensaculum,  munimeii, 
obseruaucia,  patronatus  (patroci- 
nattts  A.),  proteccio,  tuicio,  tuta- 
men,  tutela,  vallacw. 

tDefensabylle  4 ;  fensilis. 

Defence  ;  vbi  defendynge. 

tto  Deferre ;  vbi  to  delay. 

to  Defye  5 ;  despicere. 

1  '  Desdaigner.  To  disdaine,  despise,  contemne,  scorne,  loath,  not  to  vouchsafe,  to  make 
vile  account  of.'  Cotgrave.     In  the  Romance  of  Sir  Ferumbras,  p.  1 1,  1.  349,  we  are  told 
that  the  Saracen  who  was  lying  on  the  grass  when  Oliver  rode  up  to  challenge  him, 

'  Him  dedeygnede  to  him  arise  ])er,  so  ful  he  was  of  pride.' 

In  the  Poem  on  St.  John  the  Evangelist,  pr.  in  Religious  Pieces  in  Prose  and  Verse  from 
the  Thornton  MS.  (E.  E.  Text  Society,  ed.  Perry),  p.  90, 1.  21,  we  read— 
'  Domycyane,  |>at  deuyls  lymme,  dedeyned  at  jd  dede  :' 
and  Wyclif,  Matt.  xxi.  15,  has — Torsothe  the  princis  of  prestis  and  scribis  seeynge  the 

marueillouse  thingis  that  he  dide dedeyneden ; '  where  the  later  version  gives 

'  hadden  indignacioun.' 

2  '  The  which  token,  whaw  Dagobert  and  his  bishoppes  vpow  y9  morne  after  behelde  & 
sawe,  they  beynge  greatly  ameruaylled  laft  of  any  forther  busynesse  touchyng  ye  dedyfying 
of  ye  sayd  Churche.'  Fabyan,  Pt.  v.  c.  132,  p.  115. 

8  '  Defaillir.  To  decay,  languish,  pine,  faint,  wax  feeble,  weare,  or  wither  away ;  also 
to  wante,  lacke,  faile ;  to  be  away,  or  wanting ;  to  make  a  default.'  Cotgrave.  Jamieson 
gives  '  To  defaill.  v.  n.  To  wax  feeble.' 

*  In  Rauf  Coilsear,  1.  329,  we  read  how  Roland  and  Oliver  riding  out  to  search  for 
Charles,  took  '  with  tharne  ane  thousand,  and  ma,  of  fensabill  men/  and  in  De  Deguile- 
ville's  Pilgrimage,  MS.  John's  Coll.  Camb.  leaf  126,  we  find — 'Alle  er  de/ensable  and 
strange  forto  kepe  bath  body  and  saule.'  '  v.  thousande  menne  of  ye  North  ....  came 
vp  euell  apparelled  and  worse  harneyssed,  in  rustic  barneys,  neyther  defensible  nor 
scoured  to  the  sole.'  Grafton's  Continuation  of  Hardyng's  Chron.,  1470,  p.  516,  1.  14. 
In  the  Boke  of  Noblesse  1475,  p.  76,  instructions  are  given  that  the  sons  of  princes  are  to 
be  taught  to  '  renne  withe  speer,  handle  withe  ax,  sworde,  dagger,  and  alle  other  defensible 
wepyn.'  See  also  the  Complaynt  of  Scotlande,  ed.  Murray,  p.  163. 

6  In  the  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  123,  when  a  poor  man  challenged  the  Emperor's  daughter 
to  a  race,  we  are  told  that  '  J>e  damisel  loked  oute  at  a  wyndow  for  to  se  him  ;  &  when 
she  had  sen  him,  she  defied  him  in  hir  herte,'  where  the  Latin  edd.  read — in  corde  despexit. 
'  Certes,  brother,  thou  demandest  that  whyche  thou  oughtest  to  deffye?  Caxton,  Curial,  If.  5. 

'  Fye  on  this  maner,  suche  service  I  defy,         I  see  that  in  court  is  uncleane  penury.' 

Alex.  Barclay's  Cytezan  <fc  Uplondyshman,  Percy  Soc.  p.  37. 
Shakspere  appears  to  use  the  word  in  this  sense  in  I  Henry  IV.  Act  I,  sc.  iii.  228. 



Defiyng^  *  despeccw.  &  cetera ;  v\)i  a 

*to  Defy  l ;  degere,  degerere. 

*a  Defiynge ;  digestio  ;  digestilis  (de- 
gestibilis  A.)  ^artficipium. 

to  Defoulle;  attaminare,  attarere, 
austrinare,  coinquinare,  calcare, 
maculare,  com-,  conculcare,  con- 
taminare,  corruiapere,  decalcare, 
dfflorare,  deprimere,  detendere,  de- 
turpare,  deuiciare,  fedare,  illuere, 
inhonestare,  inftcQre,  inquinare, 
labifacere,  linere,  ob-,  polluere, 
prosternere,  sordidare,  subarare 
(corpora  A.),  stuprari^uppeditare, 

Defowled;  Maculatus,pollutus,  ^cet- 
era £>articipia  de  predictis  verbis. 

vn  Defowled;  inmaculatus,  &  cetera; 
vbi  clene. 

a  Defowlynge ;  conculcacio,  pollucio, 
&  cetera  verbalia  de  pn&ttoi* 

tto  Degrade ;  degradare. 

tDegradid;  degradatus. 

ta  Degree  ;  gradus,  status. 

a  Deide  (Dede  A.);  Accio,  actus, 
f acinus,  f actus,  factum,  women, 
opus,  opusculum,  patracio. 

ta  Dede  (DeydeA.);  carta,  &  cet- 
era ;  vbi  a  charter  &  vbi  a 

*a  Deye  (Dere,  deire  A.)2;  An- 
drochius,  Androchea,  genatarius, 
genetharia  (genetharia,  a  dey 
woman.  A.). 

1  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  xv.  63,  we  are  told  that — 

'Hony  is  yuel  to  defye,  and  engleyraeth  }>e  mawe/ 

and  in  the  Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  6,  we  read — '  Digere  paidisper  vinum  quo  mades,  defye  thewyn 
of  the  whiche  thou  art  dronken,  and  wexist  sobre.'  Wyclif,  in  the  earlier  version  of  I 
Kings  xxv.  37,  has — 'Forso])em  J)e  morewtid  whanne  Nabal  had  defied  }>e  wijn  (diges- 
sisset  Vulg.)  his  wijf  schewide  to  hym  all  )nse  wordis,  and  his  herte  was  almest  deed 
wijjynne ;'  and  again,  '  water  is  drawen  in  to  ])e  vine  tree,  and  by  tyme  defyed  til  ]>at  it  be 
wyn.'  Select  Works,  i.  88.  See  also  P.  Plowman,  C.  vii.  430,  439.  'It  is  seyde  that  yf 
blood  is  wel  sode  and  defied,  J>erof  men  makeb  vvel  talow.'  (Si  sanguis  bene  fuerit  coctus  et 
digestus.)  Trevisa,  Bartholom.  de  Proprietatibus  Rerum,  iv.  7.  (1398.) 

2  D'Arnis  gives  '  Genetearius,  vide  Gynceceum?  and  under  the  latter  '  Locus  seu  aedes 
ubi  mulieres  lanificio  operam  dabant ;  partie  du  palais  des  empereurs  de  Constantinople  et 
des  rois  barbares,  oil  les  femmes  de  condition  senile,  et  tf autoes  de  condition  libre,  fa- 
briquaient  les  etoffes  necessaires  pour  les  besoins  de  la  maison.    Ces  ouvrieres  portent  dans 
les  titres  les  nom  de  geniciarice  pensiles,  pensiles  ancillce'     Jamieson  has  '  Dee,  Dey.  s.  A 
dairy-maid.'     '  Casearius.  A  day  house,  where  cheese  is  made.  Gynceceum.  A  nourcery  or 
place  where  only  women  abyde.'  Cooper.     '  Multrale.  A  chesfat  or  a  deyes  payle.'  Medulla. 
'Androchea.  A  deye.'  ibid.     See  also  Wright's  Political  Songs,  Camden  Society,  p.  327, 
1.  79,  where  we  read — 

'  He  taketh  al  that  he  may,  and  maketh  the  churche  pore, 

And  leveth  thare  behinde  a  theef  and  an  hore, 

A  serjaunt  and  a  deie  that  leden  a  sory  lif.' 

In  the  Early  English  Sermons,  from  the  MS.  Trin.  Coll.  Camb.  B.  14.  52  (about  1230 
A.D.),  printed  in  Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  129,  the  same  charge  is  brought  against  the  clergy — 
'  pe  lewed  man  wurfte'S  his  spuse  mid  clones  more  )?an  him  selven  ;  &  prest  naht  his 
chireche,  be  is  his  spuse.  ac  his  daie  J>e  is  his  hore,  awleneS  hire  mid  clones,  more  J>an  him 
selven.'  The  duties  of  the  deye  are  thus  summed  up  by  Alexander  Neckham  in  his 
Treatise  de  Utensilibus  pr.  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  pp.  101-2— 

[une  bacese]  ofs  i.  pullos  faciencia      agars    curayles 

'  Asstt  etiam    androgia,    que  gallinis  ova  supponat    pullificancia,     et  anseribus    acera 
agraventet         ayneus  parvos  unius  anni  nutriat 

substernat,  que  agnellos  morbidos,  non  dico  anniculos    in  sua  teneritate  lacte  foveat  alieno  ; 

feblement  dentez  deseverez  parroc  fenerye 

vitulos  autem  et     sid)niino8    ablactatos     inclusos  teneat  in  pargulo  juxta  fenile.     Cujus 

a  dames       pelyscuns     sineroket     idem. 
indumenta  infestivis  diebus  sint  matronales  serapelline,    recinium,   teristrum. 



*a  Derye  (Deyry  A.)1;  Androchi- 

arium,  bestiarium,  genetheum. 
a  Dekyn ;  diaconus,  diacones,  diacon, 


fa  Dekenry  ;  diaconatus. 
tto  Delay  ;  defferre,  prolongare. 
fa  Delay  ;  delacio,  prolongacio. 
tDeleotabylle ;  delectabilis,  ^^;ricus 

vel  Aprocus. 
*to  Dele  2 ;    distributer e,    dispergere, 


*a  Deliberac^on ;  deliberacio. 
Delicate  ;  delicatus. 
Deliciouse  ;  deliciosus. 
fa  Delite  ;   apricitas,  delectado,  de- 

lectamentum,     leuamen,    oblecta- 

mentum,  solatium. 
to  Delite  (Delytt  A.)  ;  delectare,   & 

-ri,oblectare,  &  -ri,  est,  erat,juuat, 

to  Delyuer  ;  Adimere  jussione,   cen- 

sere,    censire 3,   eripere   violenter, 

eruere,  liberare,  de  manu  mittere, 


Delyuerd;  liberatus,  ereptus,  &  cetera 

jpartficipia  de  vevbis. 
a  Delyuerynge ;    liberacio,    &  cetera 


*to  Delve  (Delfe  A.) ;  vbi  to  dyke, 
to  Deme;  Addicere,    iudicare,   ad-, 
di-,  arbitrari,  condicere,   censere, 
censire,  cernere,  de-,  dis-,  videre. 
a  Denier;  Addicator,  -trix\  &  cetera 

de  predictis  ver&is. 
a  Deyne ;  decanus. 
fa  Deynrye  ;  decania. 
to  Denye;  Aduersari,  dedicare,  defi- 
teri,  diffiteri  ;  versus  : 
^Abdicat  e  contra,  negat,  abnuit, 

Obuiat  &   renuity   hijs   vnum 

signiftcatur  ; 
Et   contradicit ;    hijs   abnegat 


a  Deniynge;  Abdicacio,  Abdicatiuus, 
Abnegacio,  abnegatiuus,  negacw, 
negaciuncula,  negatiuus. 
tDenyous  (Den^ousA.)  4;  vbiproude. 

androgie  porchers     mege          k  bovers       k  vachers 

Hujus  autem  usus  est  subulcis  colustrum  et  bubulcis  et  armentariis,  domino  autem  et  suis 

supers     sur  leyt          idem,velcrem  in  magnis  discis       duner 

collateralibus  in  obsoniis  oxigallum  sive      quactum       in     cimbiis      ministrare,  et  catulis 
in  secreto  loco  [gras]  [o  pain]     de  bren     [donner.] 

in    ubditorio    repositis  pingue  serum  cum      pane     furfureo     porrigere.'       From   Icel. 
deigja,  a  maid,  especially  a  dairy-maid.     See  Prof.  Skeat's  Etymol.  Diet.  s.  v.  Dairy. 

1  Andrew  Boorde  in  his  Dyetary,  when  discussing  the  subject  of  the  situation,  plan, 
&c.,  of  a  house,  recommends  that  the  '  dyery  (dery  P.),  yf  any  be  kept,  shulde  be  elongated 
the  space  of  a  quarter  of  a  myle  from  the  place.'  p.  239.  '  Deyrie  house,  meterie.'  Palsgrave. 

2  In  the  Castel  off  Loue,  ed.  Weymouth,  139,  we  are  told  that  God  gave  Adam 

'  Wyttes  fyue  To  delen  J?at  vuel  from  \>e  good.' 

And  in  the  story  of  Genesis  and  Exodus,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Morris,  151,  we  find  '  on  four 
doles  delen  8e  ger.     So  in  Barbour's  Bruce,  ed.  Skeat,  xv.  516, 

'  The  pray  soyne  emang  his  men3he  Eftir  thar  meritis  delit  he.' 

A.  S.  dcelan,  to  divide,  distribute  :  dcel,  a  share,  portion.    '  Erogo.  To  seuyn  Almes.  Roga. 
A  doole.'  Medulla.     See  Daylle,  ante.  3  MS.  censere,  censere,  censtre. 

*  Read  '  deynous :'  the  mistake  has  probably  arisen  from  the  scribe's  eye  being  caught 
by  the  preceding  word  '  deniynge,'  with  which  the  present  word  is  wholly  unconnected, 
being  from  the  French  '  dedaigneux.  Disdainefull,  scornfull,  coy,  squeamish.'  Cotgrave. 
Compare  also  '  Dain.  Dainty,  fine,  quaint,  curious  ;  (an  old  word)'  ibid.  The  Reeve  in 
his  Tale  tells  us  that  the  Miller  of  Trumpington  '  was  hoote  deynous  Symekyn,'  being,  ap 
he  had  already  said,  '  as  eny  pecok  prowd  and  gay.'  Cant.  Tales,  3941,  and  at  1.  3964,  his 
wife  is  described  as  being  '  As  dygne  as  watir  in  a  dych.'  So  too  in  the  Prologue,  5 1 7, 
we  are  told  of  the  Parson  that — 

'  He  was  to  sinful  man  nought  despitus,  Ne  of  his  speche  daungerous  ne  digne? 

In  P.  Plowman,  C.  xi.  81  and  xvii.  227,  we  are  told  that  knowledge 

'Swelled  in  a  mannes  saule, 
And  do)>  hym  to  be  deynous,  and  deme  J>at  beth  nat  lerede.' 


a  Denne  ;  Antrum,  apageum  l,  cauea, 
camera  (Cauerna  A.),  cauernula, 
crejnta,  cripta 2,  cubiculum.,  la- 
tebra,  lustrum,  s/>ecus,  spolunea^ 
&  cetera ;  vbi  a  dike. 

*to  Departe3;  Abrogare,  Abicere, 
abigere,  exigere,  dirimere,  disco- 
pula[re],  disternere,  discriminare, 
disiungere,  dispergere,  dispersare, 
dispescere,  dissicere,  dissociare, 
diuidere,  exigere,  iduare,  jnpertiri, 
2)a,rtiri,jntercedere,  pr'mare,  secer- 
nere,  segregare,  seiugare,  sep&rare, 
spicificare,  sp&rgere,  uiduare. 

tto  Departe  membres  ;  demembrare. 

fDepartiabylle ;  diuisibilis,  diuidu- 
us,  diuisiuus. 

tvn  Departiabylle  4 ;  indiuisibil[i]s, 
indiuiduns,  &  cetera. 

tDepartyd  (or Abrogate);  Abrogates, 
displosus,  phariseus  5,  sciamaticus. 

tto  Departe  herytage ;  heretestere. 

a  Departyng^  ;  Abicio,  Abrogacio, 
discretiuus,  disiunccio,  disiunc- 
^mus,  distinccio,  diuisio,  diuisiuus, 
diuiduns,  phares,  thomos  6,  grece, 
gladius,  hereses,  recessio,  scissura, 
scisma,  scismaticus,  separacio,  <& 
cetera  verbalia  verborum  p?edic- 

Depe  (Deype  A.)  ;  Altus,  profundus, 
gurgitiuus  ;  versus  : 

bonum,  sub- 
tile pTofundum. 
a  Depnes  ;  Abissus,  Altitudo,  jwofun- 

dum,  profunditas,  prolixitas. 
Dere  ;     earns,     dilectus, 

Amabilis,  &  cetera. 
tto  be  Dere. 
tto  wex  Dere. 

tto  Deryue  ;  Deriuare  (A.). 
Derke;  vbi  myrke  (A.). 
a  Derth  ;  caristia. 
to  make  Derthe  ;  caristio. 

1  Apparently  for  'hypogeum  (Greek  viroyeiov'),  a  shroudes  or  place  under  the  ground.' 
Cooper.     See  Cruddis,  above.  2  '  Cripta.  A  trove.'  Medulla. 

3  In  King  Solomon's  Book  of  Wisdom,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  86, 1.  138,  we 
read —  '  pe  kyngdome  [of  Israel  &  Judah]  departed  [divided]  is  3ut  to  pis  daye.' 
In  the  Knightes  Tale,  276,  occurs  the  phrase,  '  Til  that  the  deeth  departe  schal  ustwayne;' 
which  is  still  retained  in  the  Marriage  Service,  though  now  corrupted  to  '  till  death  us 
do  part.'  See  also  to  Deuyde,  below.  Depart  occurs  with  the  meaning  of  separating 
oneself,  parting  from,  in  William  of  Pal  erne,  3894,  'prestili  departede  he  pat  pres.' 
'  It  ys  vnleful  to  beleue  that  the  worde,  that  ys  the  sonne  of  godde,  was  departed  from 
the  father,  and  from  the  holy  goste,  by  takynge  of  his  manhode.'  Myroure  of  Our  Lady, 
ed.  Blunt,  104.  With  the  meaning  of  distribute,  share,  we  find  it  in  Wyclif,  Luke  xv.  n, 
where,  in  the  parable  of  the  Prodigal  Son,  we  read — '  the  songer  seide  to  the  Fadir,  Fadir, 
jyue  me  the  porcioun  of  catel,  that  fallith  to  me.  And  he  departide  to  hem  the  catel.' 

*  '  Yf  eny  of  them  were  departable  from  other The  thre  persones  are  vereyly 

vndepar table.'  The  Myroure  of  Our  Lady,  p.  104. 

5  In  Early  Eng.  Metrical  Homilies,  ed.  Small,  p.  48,  we  are  told  of  the  messengers  who 
were  sent  to  John  saying  '  Art  thou  he  that  should  come  ? '  &c.,  that — 

'  Thir  messagers  was  Pharisenes,  Thai  war  sundered  of  comoun  lif.' 

That  sundered  men  on  Englys  menes, 
The  same  idea  is  expressed  in  the  Ormulum,  16862 — 

'  Farisew,  bitacnefj?  uss   Shaedinng  onn  Ennglissh  spaeche, 
And  forrjri  wass  f>att  name  hemm  sett,    Forr  fatt  tejj  waerenn  shadde, 
Swa  summ  hemni  ]>uhhte,  fra  J?e  follc  purrh  halis  lif  and  lare.' 
St.  Augustine  in  his  Sermo  ad  Populum,  clxix.  de  verbisApost.  Philip.  3,  says — '  Pharissei, 

dicitur  hoc  verbum  quasi  segregationem  interpretari,  quomodo  in  Latina  lingua 

dicitur  egregius,  quasi  a  grege  separatus.'  '  They  would  name  the  Pharisee  according  to 
the  Hebrew,  Sunder-halgens,  as  holy  religious  men  which  had  sundered  and  separated  them- 
selves from  other.'  Camden,  Eemaines,  1605,  p.  18.  So  also  Wyclif,  Works,  i.  27, 
4  Phariseis  ben  seid  as  departid  from  oj>ir  puple.' 

6  To/i6«,  from  rlp.vw,  to  cut. 



tto  Devre ;  vsurpare,  pYesumere,  au- 
dere  ;  versus  : 
1l7iec  tria  iimgas  (coniungas  A.) 

vsmyat,  jxesumit  &  audet. 

a    Desate ;    dolus,  fraus,  fucus    ($ 
cetera  A.);  vloi  falshede;  versus  : 
^Est  dolus  in  lingua  male  di- 

centis  mcmifesta, 
Fraus  est  fallentis  sub  lingua 

blanda  loquentis. 
Desatefulle ;  vbi  false, 
to  Desave ;  v\)i  to  be-gylle. 
to  Desese  2 ;  tedere,  &  cetera ;  vbi  to 


bi  noye. 

&    cetera ;    vl 

tDesesy  ; 

to  Desyre ;  admirari,  adoptare,  af- 
fectare,  afficere,  amare,  Ambire 
honores,  appetere,  ardere,  eocar- 
descere,  ex-,  auere,  captare,,  cupere, 
diuicias,  con-,  concupiscere,  de- 
posceYe,  ferre,  gestire,  gliscere, 
inhiare,  mirari,  optare,  velle ; 
versus  : 
^Affecto,  vel  amo,  cupio,  desidero, 

Opto   vel   admiror,    aueOi   vel 

gesteo,  capto, 

Ambeo  quod  facit  ambicia  si- 
muZ  Ambiciosus. 

a  Desyre  ;  A  dopcio,  adoptiuus,  affec- 
tio,  affectus,    ajfectiuus,    ambicio, 
ambiciosus,  appetitus,  ardor,  cap- 
tacio,  concupicencia,  desiderium, 
desideratiuus,  intencio,  opcio,  op- 
tatiuus,  velle,  votum,  votiuus. 
a  Deske  3 ;  plxdeus. 
tto  make  Desolate ;    desolari,    dis- 


tDesolate ;  desolatus,  destitutes. 
fto  Despare  ;  desperare  *,  desj^racio. 
Dispare  ;   Disperacio  (A.). 
Despysabille ;  coutem2)tibilis,   despi- 


to  Desspice;  AbiceYe,Abnuere,Arepci- 
ari,  Aspernere,  Asfwrnari,  A  uerti, 
depreciari,  despectare,  despiceve, 
des2)icari,  detractare,  detrectare, 
fastidere,  floccifacere,  flocci  pen- 
dere,  horrere,  horrescere,  horri- 
facere,  imfwoperare,  neclegere, 
perinpendere,  recusare,  refutare, 
renuere,  spernari,  spernere,  temp- 
nere,  vilipendere  ;  versus  : 
^Negligit  &  spvcnit>  aspvcnatur- 

(£ue,  refutat, 

Contempnit,  renuit  simul,  ab- 
nuitque  (annuit  atque  A.), 

Sic  p&rvipendit  &  vilipendit  in 

1  Daring,  bold.     In  the  Orraulum,  1.  16780,  Nicodemus  is  described  as  coming  to  our 
Lord  by  night — 

'  Forr  whatt  he  nass  nohht  derrf  inch,  Al  openlis  to  sekenn 

pe  Laferrd  Crist  biforr  >e  follc,  To  lofenn  himm  &  wurr)>enn.' 

In  Barbour's  Bruce,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Skeat,  xviii.  307,  the  friar,  who  is  sent  by  Douglas 
to  watch  the  English,  is  described  as  ' derff,  stout,  and  ek  hardy.'  Icel.  djarfi.  A.S.  dearf.  (?) 
See  also  Morte  Arthure,  ed.  Brock,  11.  312,  332,  8n,  Ormulum,  16195,  &c.  *  Darf'e, 
stubborn,  pertinax,  obduratua.'  Manip.  Vocab. 

2  '  Desaise,  f.  A  sickenesse,  a  being  ill  at  ease.     Desaise,  out  of  temper,  ill  at  ease.' 
Cotgrave.     In  the  Version  of  the  History  of  Lear  and  his  daughters  given  in  the  Gesta 
Romanorum,  p.  50,  we  are  told  how  the  eldest  daughter,  after  keeping  her  father  for  less 
than  a  year,  '  was  so  anoyed  and  dissesed  of  hym  and  of  his  meanes '  that  she  reduced  the 
number  of  his  attendants ;  and  in  chap.  45  we  read  of  a  law  that  the  victor  in  battle  should 
receive  on  the  first  day  four  honours,  'But  the  second  day  he  shall  sutfre  iiij.  diseases, 
that  is,  he  shall  be  taken  as  a  theef,  and  shamfully  ledde  to  the  prison,  and  be  dispoyled 
of  lubiter  clothyng,  and  as  a  fole  he  shall  be  holden  of  all  men ;  and  so  he  shall  have,  that 
went  to  the  bataile,  and  had  the  victorie.'  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Herrtage,  p.  176. 

3 '  Pluteus.  A  little  holowe  deske  like  a  coffer  wheron  men  doe  write.'  Cooper.      See 
also  Karalle,  or  writing  burde.  *  MS.  repeats  this  word,. 



a  Despite ;  Attertrio,  coutemptus,  de- 

diynacio,  despectus. 
to  Desplese  ;    dissp\l\icere,  gr&uare, 

a  Desplesance ;  gv&uameo.,  aggr&ua- 

men,  disp[lfaencia. 
a  Destany ;  fatum,  p&rce. 
tto  Destaii 1 ;  fatare. 
to  Destroy ;  destruere,  &  cetera  ;  vbi 

to  waste. 
a  Destroyeinge  or  a  distruccion;  vbi 


a  Destroer ;  vbi  a  waster, 
a  Dett ;  debitum. 
tto  pay  Dett ;  pacare  2,  reddere. 
fto  Determyn  ;    determinate,    diffi- 

nire,  distinguere,  finire. 
fa    Determynacion ;     deter minacio, 


ta  Dety  3 ;  carmen. 
a  Dettur ;  debitor. 
to  Deuyde ;  deuidere,  &  cetera  ;  vbi 

to  departe  (parte  A.). 

a  Deuylle ;  Belial,  demon,  diabolus, 
ducius,  leiuathan,  larua,  lucifer, 
mamona,  nox,  sathan,  satanas, 
zabulon  4,  zabulus  ;  zabulinus,  de- 
moniacnB,  diabolicus. 

ta  Devylry  (Dewylry  A.)  5 ;  demo- 
nium. ;  demoniacus. 

fa  Devorce ;  deuorcium.. 

to  Devoure ;  deuorare,  &  cetera ;  vbi 
to  swalowe. 

a  Dewe ;  ros ;  roridus,  rorulentus. 

to  Dewe  6 ;  rorare. 

a  Dewlappe 7 ;  cartilago,pdliar6,pa- 
liarium,  thorus. 

ta  Dewry  8 ;  dos,  parafernum ;  sed 
parafernum  est  illud  quod  datur 
sponse  ab  amicis,  postidotem. 
D  ante  I. 

a  Diamant ;  diomans. 

tto  Dibbe 9 ;  jntingere  (to  Dibe  ; 
mingere  A.). 

ta  DibbiUe  10 ;  pastinatum,  subterra- 

1  In  Morte  Arthure,  ed.  Brock,  664,  we  read — 

4  If  me  be  destaynede  to  dye  afc  Dryghtyns  wylle, 

I  charge  the  my  sektour,'  &c. 

See  also  11.  4090,  4153,  &c.      '  Destiner.  To  destinate,  ordaine,  appoint  unto  ;  purpose  for.' 
Cotgrave.  2  MS.  parare  :  corrected  by  A.. 

3  '  The  dittie,  or  matter  of  a  song,  canticum?  Baret.  '  A  dittie  of  a  song,  argumentum, 
material  Manip.  Vocab.  '  Carmen.  A  dete.'  Medulla. 

*  'Zabulon:  nomen proprium diaboli.  Zabulus:  idem.'  Medulla.  'Zabulus.  Diabolus. 
Sic  autem  Dorice  aiunt  appellari.  Dorica  quippe  lingua  Cc/SdAActJ'  idem  est  quod 
5ia0&\\eiv ;  ut  £a.Kopos,  idem  quod  8«i«opos,'  &c.  Ducange. 

5  *  Devilry,  Deevilry,  8.  Communication  with  the  devil.'  Jamieson.     It  occurs  with  the 
meaning  of '  diabolical  agency '  in  Barbour's  Bruce,  ed.  Skeat,  vi.  690. 

6  'To  dew,  roro.'  Withals.     l Roro.  To  deawe,  or  droppe  downe  lyke  deawe.     Rorat. 
The  deawe  falleth.'  Cooper.     Jamieson  gives  'To  deaw,  v.n.  To  rain  gently;  to  drizzle.' 
A.  S.  deawian  (?).     '  Roro.  To  dewen.'  Medulla.     Wyclif,  Isaiah  xlv.  8,  has — '  deivetk  ye 
heuenus  fro  aboue.'    The  verb  occurs  with  a  transitive  meaning  in  the  Ormulum,  1 3848  : 
'  To  wattrenn  &  to  dcewwenn  swa  J)urrh  betake  &  sallte  tseress  >att  herrte.' 

7  '  The  dewlap  of  a  rudder  beast,  hanging  down  vnder  the  necke,  palear :  the  hollow 
part  of  the  throte  :  a  part  in  the  bellie,  as  Nonius  saith,  the  panch ;  rumen.'  Baret.    '  Hoo 
paliare,  a  dewlappe.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  231. 

'  Parapherna.  Graeci  parapherna  dicunt,  quse  Galli  peculium  appellant.  All  thynges 
that  the  woman  bringeth  to  hir  husband  beside  hir  dowry.'  Cooper.  Hence  our  para- 
phernalia. '  Douaire.  A  dower ;  also,  her  marriage  good,  or  the  portions  she  hath,  or 
brings,  to  her  marriage.'  Cotgrave.  For  sponse  the  MS.  reads  sponsa. 

'To  dibbe,  or  dippe,  intingere.'  Baret.  In  the  Alliterative  Poem  on  Joseph  of 
Arimathea,  ed.  Skeat,  534,  we  have — 

'With  ]>e  dej?  in  his  hals  dounward  he  duppes ;' 

and  in  the  account  of  the  changing  of  the  water  into  wine  at  Cana,  given  in  Early  Eng. 
Metrical  Homilies,  ed  Small,  p.  121,  we  read  that  our  Lord  'bad  thaim  dib  thair  cuppes 
alle,  and  ber  tille  bern  best  in  halle.'     See  also  to  Dippe. 
10  See  also  Debylle,  above. 



a  Dice ;  taxittuB,  Alea,  aliola,  decius, 

talus,  numerus,  tessera. 
a  Dice  player;  Aleator,  Alio,  taodl- 


to  Die;  mori,  obire,  cxalare,  commori, 
&  cetera  ;  versus  : 
^Interit,  expirat,  moritur,  de- 
fungitur  atque 
Occumbi[t]  vel  obit,dissoluitur, 

exanimatque  l. 
Interit,  occumbit,  mortem  sig- 

nant  violentam. 
Excidit,  exalat  (scilicet  spiri- 

tum),  decedit,  eis  sociatur, 
Ad  naturalem  concordant  cete- 
ra mortem) 
Et  potes  illud  idem  compleata 

dicere  voce  : 
Tollitur  e  medio,nature 2  debita 

soluit 3 ; 
Nature  nostre  soluit  generale 

tributum ; 

Clausit    suppremo    presentem 
funere  vitam; 
Carcere  corporeo  resolutus  spi- 

ritus  exit; 
Mortuus  est   muudo  victurus 

postea  Christo. 
to  Dye. 

^velprosaice  sic: — presentis  vite 
cuYsum  felicitev  cousumma- 
uit;  vol  sic: — de  corporeo 

s/;iritus  sese  relaxauit  arga- 
tustulo]  velsic:  —  auimareso- 
luta  est  ab  argastulo  carnis  : 
cum  similibus  ;  mori  homim- 
bus  et  aniiualibus  commune  * 
est,  sed  obire  couuenit  iantum 
homiuibus   bonis  ;    est   emrti 
obire  qu&ci  obuiam  jre  5. 
flike  to  Die  ;  moribundus. 
fa  Diet  6  ;  dieta. 
tto  Diet  ;  dietare. 
to  Defame  ;  diffamare,  inconteriare, 

infamare,  tr&ducere. 
a  Diffamer;  diffamator,  -trix. 
a  Diffamacion  ;  defamacio. 
tto  Differ  ;  differrQ,  prolongare,   <fo 

cetera  ;  vbi  to  dra  on  longe. 
tto  Digeste  7  ;    digerere. 
fa  Degestion  ;  degestio. 
a  Dignite  ;    c?ecus,  dignitas  (dignia, 
majestas    A  .),     &     cetera  ;     vbi 

to  Dike  8  ;  fodere,  ef-,fossare,  ef-. 
a  Dike  ;  forica,  lacuna  9,  lacns,  fossa, 
specus,  &  est  scrobs  proprie  scro- 
pharum  10  ;  versus 

,  specus,  fouea,  speluuca, 
cauerna  vel  Antrum  ; 

Scrobs  scrobis  est  fouea  sed 
scobs  u,  -bis  vrmm  (?)  Jit  ilia. 

Traco  vel  Amfractus,  cauus,  hie 
addatur  abissus, 

I  MS.  examinat.    The  words  scilicet  spir'itum  below  are  written  in  a  later  hand  as  a 
gloss  over  exalat.  2  MS.  natura. 

3  Caxton  in  his  Art  and  Craft  How  to  Die,  1491,  p.  2,  has  '  It  [deth]  is  the  payment  of 
the  dette  of  nature,'  probably  the  first  instance  of  this  phrase  in  English. 

*  MS.  comimne. 

5  Obviam  ire,  means  to  go  to  meet  some  one  ;  hence  our  author  says  it  can  only  be  used 
of  the  good,  who  go  from  this  life  to  meet  God. 

8  Chaucer,  Prologue  Cant.  Tales,  435,  says  of  the  *  Doctour  of  Phisik,'  that  '  of  his  diete 
mesurable  was  he.'  See  also  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  112.  Generally  derived  from  Mid.  Lat. 
dieta,  from  dies,  a  day  :  O.  Eng.  diet,  an  appointed  day  ;  but  it  is  more  probably  from  Gr. 
Siatra,  mode  of  life,  especially  with  reference  to  food. 

7  See  also  to  Defy,  above. 

8  '  DiJcen  or  deluen,  or  dyngen  vppon  sheues.'  P.  Plowman,  B.  vi.  143.     'For  diching 
and  begging  and  delvynge  of  tounes.'  Wyclif,  Works,  i.  28.     A.  S.  dician. 

9  MS.  licuna. 

10  MS.  Scorbs  proprie  scorpharum.  '  Scrofa,  A  sow  that  hath  had  pigges  more  than  ones.* 

II  '  Scrobs  :  fossa  quam  scrofe  maxime  faciunt,  Scrofa  :  porca.     Traco :  meatus,  vel  via 
subterranea.'  Medulla.     '  Hie  scrobs  :  a  swyn-wrotyng.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.,  p.  271. 

H    2, 



Jluuiit  ymbres  celi  deta- 
racta  (catJiaracta  A.)  meatus. 
ta  Diker ;  fossor,  fossator. 
a  Dikynge  ;  fossatuts. 
*to  Dindylle  1 ;    condolere    (errobare 

tto  Dyne  2 ;    gentaculari,   iantare  & 

-ri,  iantaculare  &  -ri. 
a  Dyner  ;  gentaculum,  iantaculum. 
tto  Dinge  3 ;    verbarare,    &  cetera  ; 

vbi  to  bete. 

tDynys  (Dynise  A.)  ;  dionisius,  no- 
men  proprium. 
tDiones  ;  dionisia. 
a  Dinne  (Dyn  A.) ;    sonus,  sonitus, 

tumuUm,  &  cetera  ;  vbi  sownde. 
to  make  Dinne   (Dyn  A.) ;  sonare, 

re-,  tumultuari,  fremeie,  perstre- 


a  Diocz's ;  diocesis. 

to  Dippe  4 ;  tingeve,  intingere. 

ta  Diptonge  (A  Dypton  A.)  ;    dip- 

tto  Deryve  (Dyryve  A.) ;  deriuare, 

•  tor,  -trix. 
tto  Discharge ;  exonerare,  -tor,  -tiix, 

&  -do. 

t  Discharged ;  exonerates. 
fa  Dirsyng^  knyfe  (Dyrsyng-knyffe 

A.)  5 ;    spata. 
tto  Disaray  (Disray  or  disgise  A.)  ; 

a  Dische  berer  (A  Dysbynke  or  A 

dyschberer  A.)  ;  discqforus. 
ta  Dische  benke  (Dyschbynke  A.)  6; 


a  Dische ;  discus,  scutellarius. 
A  Discorde  ;  vbi  to  debate  (A.). 

1  In  Jamieson  we  find  'To  dinle,  dynle.    (i)  To  tremble.     (2)  To  make  a  great  noise. 
(3)  To  thrill;  to  tingle.     '  Dinle.  s.  (i)  Vibration.  (2)  A  slight  and  temporary  sensation 
of  pain,  similar  to  that  caused  by  a  stroke  on  the  elbow.'  Cotgrave  gives  '  Tintillant. 
Tinging ;  ringing  ;  tingling.     Tinioner.  To  ting  or  towle  often ;  to  glow,  tingle,  dingle.' 
'  Hir  unfortunat  husband  had  no  sooner  notice  given  him  upon  his  returne  of  these  sor- 
rowfull  newes,  than  his  fingers  began  to  nibble  ....  his  ears  to  dindle,  his  head  to  dozell, 
insomuch  as  his  heart  being  scared  with  gelousie  ....  he  became  as  mad  as  a  March  hare.' 
Stanihurst,  Descrip.  of  Ireland  in  Holinshed's  Chronicles  (1576),  vol.  vi.  p.  32,  §2. 

'  The  birnand  towris  doun  rollis  with  ane  rusche, 
Quhil  all  the  heuynnys  dynlit  with  the  dusche.' 

Gawin  Douglas,  Eneados,  Bk.  ix.  p.  296,  1.  35. 

2  Ducange  renders  'Iantaculum'  by 'Gibus  quo  solvitur  jejunium  ante  prandium  ; 
dejeuner.'     '  lentaculum,  a  breakefaste.      lentare.  To  eate  meate  afore  dinner.'  Cooper. 
'Iantaculum.  A  dynere.'  Medulla. 

3  Hampole  tells  us  that  as  a  smith  hammers  on  an  anvil 

•  Eight  swa  >e  devels  salie  ay  dyng  On  J>e  synfulle,  with-outen  styntyng.' 

Pricke  of  Conscience,  7015. 

The  past  tense  is  found  as  dang  in  Iwaine  &  Gawaine,  3167,  as  dong  in  Havelok,  1147, 
and  as  dung  in  the  Destruction  of  Troy,  in  which  we  also  find  dongen,  dungyn  for  the  past 
participle  0.  Icel.  dengja. 

*See  also  to  Dibbe.  Trevisa  in  his  version  of  Higden,  i.  117,  speaking  of  the  Dead 
Sea,  says  that  '  what  quik  Jring  j?at  it  be  J>at  duppety  ]>erynne  anon  it  lepe]>  vp  ajen.'  In 
Wyclif  s  version  of  Leviticus  xi.  1 7,  amongst  unclean  fowls  are  mentioned  the  '  owle  and 
the  deiiedop1  [mergulum],  in  other  MSS.  dewedoppe. 

5  This  appears  to  mean  a  '  dressing  knife.'     To  durse  in  the  Northern  Dialect  means  to 
'  spread  or  dress.'    See  Dryssynge  knyffe,  below.    '  Spatha.  An  instrument  to  turne  fryed 
meate ;  a  sklise ;  also  a  like  toole  that  apothecaries  use.'  Cooper.     '  Spata.  A  broad  swerd. 
Spatula.  A  spaude.     Mensiacula.  A  dressyng  knyff.'  Medulla. 

6  '  Scutellarium.  Locus  ubi  scutellce  reponuntur :  vaifsselier,  lieu  oil  I' on  xerre  la  vaisselle  : 
ol.  escueillier.'  Ducange.      Now  called  a  dresser.     A.  S.  benc,  O.  Icel.  bekkr,  a  bench. 
'  Scutellarium.  A  dysshborde.'  Medulla.      '  Fercula,  baer-disc.     Discifer,  vel  discoforus, 
disc-)>en.'  Aelfric's  Gloss,  pr.  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  26.     'Inventarium  1 2th  April 
1576  ....  Item  a  cubburd,  a  dishbenck,  viiij8,  a  maske  fat,  a  gile  fat,  aworte  tronghe,  a 
dough  trough,  a  stand,  vjs  viiid.'  Inventory  of  John  Casse  1576,  lliclnnomhhire  Wills  and 
Invent.  (Surtees  Soc.  vol.  26),  p.  260.     See  Dressoure,  below. 



to  Discorde;  Absonare,  distare,  dis- 
sonare,  delirare,  discordare,  dis- 
sentire  -ri,  discrepare,  depacisci, 
defidere,  diffidere,  variare,  differre, 
diuersare,  diuersificare. 

a  Discordance  ;  discordancia,  deso- 
nancia,  discrepancies,  variacio. 

Discordande  (Dyscordyng  A.)  ;  de- 
lirus,  me[dio]  co[rrepto],  discors, 

inconueniens,  ineptus,  disconueni- 

a  Discordynge  of  voces ;  diaphonia. 
ta  Discordynge  of  wylltf ;  diastasis. 
Discencton ;  discensio. 
a  Discrecion  ;    discreccio,  des[c]erti- 

tudo,  &  cetera ;  vbi  wysdome. 
Diserett ;    discretus,    disertus ;    vbi 


tto  Discusse  1 ;  discutere. 
tto  Disfigure ;  decolorare. 
to  Disherett  (Dyshery  A.)  2  j  exhere- 

dare,  eahereditare. 
tto  Dishonor  ;  vbi  diswyrschippe. 
tto  Disspare  3 ;  desperare. 
ta  Dispare  ;  desperado. 
to  Dispende  4 ;  vbi  to  exspende. 

to  Dispence  ;  disspensare. 

to  Disspice  ;  contempnere,  &  cetera  ; 

vbi  despyse. 
Disspysynge  5  \    spernax,    spernens, 

a  Dispite,  or  a  disspisynge  ;    des- 

peccio,  contemptus. 
to  Dispose  ;  vbi  to  ordane  (A.). 
Dispr  ay  singe  ;   depY&uacio,  vituper- 

acio,    <$f   cetera  ;    vbi    blamynge 

(A.).   ' 
tto  Disprayse  ;  depr&uare,  &  cetera  ; 

vbi  to  blame  (A.). 
to  Dispule  ;  vbi  to  robbe  (A.). 
a  Disputacion  ;  disputac'w,  altercacio, 

to  Dispute  ;  disputare,  aUei'cari,  dis- 


tDissate  ;  vbi  dessate. 
tDissave  ;  decipere,  §  cetera  ;  vbi  to 

tDissauabylle  ;  deceptorius,  philogis- 

ta  Dissauer  ;  deceptor,  &  cetera  ;  vbi 

a  begyler. 

tto  Desseise  6  ;  disseisire. 
ta  Disseiser  ;  disseisitor. 

1  '  Discutio.  To  cast  or  shake  of  or  downe  ;  to  remoue  ;  to  examine  or  discusse.'  Cooper. 
Spencer  used  the  word  discuss  in  its  primary  sense  of  shaking  off. 

'  Hwat !  wenclen  he  to  disherite  me  ?'  Havelok,  ed.  Skeat,  2547. 
'  There  comen  into  his  lond  With  hors  and  barneys,  as  I  vndyrstond, 

Forto  disherite  hym  of  his  good.'  Lonelich's  Holy  Grail,  ed.  Furnivall,  Ivi.  117. 
See  also  the  Lay  Folks  Mass  Book,  ed.  Canon  Simmons,  p.  278.  '  To  disherite,  exhceredo.' 
Baret.  '  JSxhereder,  to  disherit,  or  disinherit.'  Cotgrave.  The  form  dis-heryss  occurs  in 
Barbour's  Bruce,  ii.  107.  '  Ofte  )>er  bye])  men  and  wyfmen  and  children  deserited  and 
yexiled.'  Ayenbite  of  Inwyt,  p.  30. 

3  See  also  Despere.     '  jDespero.  To  myshopyn.'  Medulla. 

*  'To  di spend e,  dispendere.'  Manip.  Vocab.     '  Despens.  Expense,  cost,  charge;  or  ex- 
penses,  disbursements,  Liyings  out,   costs  and  charges.     Despenser,  to  dispend,   spend, 
expend.'  Cotgrave.    In  the  Cook's  Tale,  the  '  prentys '  is  described  as  '  free  of  his  dispeiice.' 
Cant.  Tales,  4387  ;  and  in  the  Legende  of  Goode  Women,  Phillis,  1.  97, 
'  Me  lyste  nat  vouchesafe  on  hym  to  swynke, 
Dispenden  on  hym  a  penne  ful  of  ynke.' 
See  also  P.  Plowman,  B.  x.  325.     '  Dispensor.  To  dyspendyn.'  Medulla. 

6  MS.  a  Disspysynge. 

6  In  Dan  Jon  Gayf.ryge's  Sermon,  pr.  in  Religious  Pieces  in  Prose  and  Verse  from  the 
Thornton  MS.  (E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Perry),  we  are  told  that  it  is  a  violation  of  the  loth 
Commandment  if  we  have  '  wetandly  or  willfully  gerte  oure  euene  cristyne  lesse  J>aire 
patremoyne  or  )>aire  heritage,  or  falsely  be  dyssessede  of  lande  or  of  lythe.'  Ducange 
gives  '  jDissaisiare,  possessione  deturbare,  depouiller  quelqu'un  d'une  chose.  Dissaisitor, 
qui  dejicit  a  possessione,  usurpateur :'  and  Baret  says,  '  Dissezeine,  dejectio  vel  ejectio; 
to  disseze,  ejicere,  detrudere,  deturbare  possessione.'  See  also  Robert  of  Brunne,  ed.  Hearne, 



a  Distance  * ;  distanda,  &  cetera ; 
vbi  debate. 

to  Distemper ;  distempoxarQ. 

Distincly  (Distinctly  A.) ;  distincte, 
prolixe,  ctduerbia,. 

tto  Distreyn  2 ;  vbi  to  streyne  (A.). 

tto  Distresse;  vbi  to  stresse  (A.). 

tto  Disworschippe  ;  dehonorare. 

fa  Disworschepp ;  dehonoracw. 

Diuerce ;  diuersus,  varius. 

tto  Dyuerce;  diuersificare,  <&  cetera  ; 
vbi  to  cliscorde  (differre,  distare, 
distat,  impersonate,  refert,  diuer- 
sare,  variare  A.). 

Dyuersyly ;  diuerse,  differeuter,  di- 
uersimodi,  discordanter,  multi- 
mode,  multiformiter,  multifarie. 

a  Dyuersyte  ;  diuersitas,  distancia, 
lirin  grece. 

tto  Divine ;  auspicari,  diuinare,  com- 
mentari,  comminisci,  vaticinari, 
theologari,  theologicare. 

ta  Divine  ;  theologus,  theologista. 

ta  Dyu[in]ynge  ;  Auspicium  in  vo- 
latu  auium,  Augurium  in  sono 
vocis  efficitur,  aurispicium  vitro 
vouit ;  augustus,  Ausfricatus,  aus- 
picacio,  diuinacio,  prtsagium. 

tA  Diuinyng  afore ;  premancia  (A.). 

ta  Dyuynyngg  be  fyre;  piroma&cia. 

ta  Diuinynge  be  water 3 ;  jdroman- 

ta  Diuine  (Dyuynowr  A.)  * ;  aus- 
pex,  augur,  ausjricator,  diuinator, 
diuinatorius  joardcipium,  carmi- 
nator,  aruspex,  sertilogus,  ariolus, 
mathematician,  jiton,  jitonissa,  ma- 
gus, extispex  (theologus,  theologista 
A.) ;  &  cetera  ;  vbi  a  wyche. 

ta  Diuision  ;  diuicio,  distinccio,  iun- 
dus,  thomos. 

D  ante  O. 

to  Doo ;  exigere,  agere,  per-,  facere, 
efficere,  perficere,  operari,  patrare, 
complere,  implere,  consumeice,  ex- 
egui,  claudere,  concludere,  termi- 
nare,  decidere,  ftnire,  pvcpetv&re, 
deducere  in  medios,  actus  commit- 
tere,  facescere,  factare,  gerere, 
faxosis  facticare. 

to  Do  a  way ;  abolere,  delere,  ascri- 
bere,  descxibere,  demere,  linere, 
auferre,  ademere. 

to  Dobe  (Doybe  A.) 6;  linere,  illinere, 
corripe  It. 

p.  250  :  •  Our  Kyng  Sir  Edward  held  him  wele  payed  ....  Disseised  him  of  alle,  said  it 
to  Sir  Jon  :'  and  Romaunt  of  the  Rose,  1.  2077, 

'  So  sore  it  lustith  you  to  plese,  No  man  therol  may  you  disese' 

Even  so  late  as  1747  Carte,  Hist,  of  England,  vol.  i.  p.  501,  speaks  of  incumbents  being 
'deprived  and  disseized  of  their  livings.'  *  Dejacio.  To  dissease,  or  put  oute  of  possession.' 
Cooper.  '  Dessaisi.  Disseised,  dispossessed,  deprived,  bereaved,  put  out  of.  Dessaisine. 
A  disseisin,  dispossession,  &c.'  Cotgrave. 

1  In  the  Gesta  Romanoritm,  p.  134,  we  read  '  when  the  Empei-our  ....  saw  swiche  a 
distaunce  amonge  the  systeres,'  &c.,  and  again,  p.  168,  after  their  father's  death  'iij 
childerin  made  distannce  for  a  Ring,  and  that  long  time.'  In  the  Complaynt  of  the 
Ploughman,  pr.  in  Wright's  Political  Poems,  i.  339,  we  find — 

'  This  commeth  in  by  fendes,  For  they  would  that  no  men  were  frendes.' 

To  bring  the  christen  in  distaunce, 
And  again,  p.  83—'  Sir  David  the  Bruse  When  Edward  the  Baliolfe 

Was  at  distance,  Rade  with  his  lance.' 

'  Who  feleth  double  sorwe  and  hevynesse     But  Palamon  ?  that  love  desireyncth  so.' 

Chaucer,  Knighte's  Tale,  595. 

1  ' Idromancia.  Soth  seying  in  watere.'  Medulla.  A.  adds,  geomancia  fit  per  puluerem 
vel  terrain.  Siromancia  \Cheiromancia~]  est  per  Inspeccionem  manuuia. 

'  A  diuiner,  a  coniecturer  of  things  to  come,  mantes ;  diuination,  or  soothsaying, 
mantice?  Baret.  '  Anone  as  the  night  past  the  noble  kyng  sent 

For  Devinours  full  duly  &  of  depe  wit.' 

See  also  an  Ouerloker.  Destruction  of  Troy  (E.  E.  Text  Soc.),  1 3835. 

5  Seo  also  Dawbe  and  Dawber. 



a  Dober ;  linitor. 

Dobyd ;  Unitus  vel  litus. 

a  Dobynge ;  litura,  superduccio. 

tDodir  J ;  cuscuta. 

tto  Doffe  2 ;  exuere,  deponere,  depan- 

nare,  denudare. 
Doge ;  canis,  caniculus  &  cula,  cani- 

cularis   &    re,   canicus,   caninus 

parricipia,  catulus,  catellus,  catel- 

lulus,  catulaster,  catula,  catellula. 
a  Doghter  j  Jttia,  nata,filiola,  genita. 
ta  Doghter  husbande  ;  yener. 
a  Doynge  a- way  3 ;  delacio,  litura. 
fa  Doynge  well.? ;  beneficencia,  bene- 

jicus,  benefaciens. 
fa  Dokan  4;    paradilla,    emula,  fa- 

a  redi  Dok ;    lappaeium,    Acutum 

(lappacium,  Acutum,  a  rede  doke 


*Dollyd6;  defrutuB. 

Dollyd  as  wyne  or  ale  G ;  DefunctUB, 
vapidus ;  vapiditas,  vappa,  dol- 
lyng  (A.). 

Dolour ;  dolor,  &  cetera ;  vbi  sorowe 

A  Dome ;  coma  7,  censura,  arbitrium, 
discreccioj  decretum,  examen,  iu- 
dicium,  sentencia,  crisis  grece, 
censorinns,  creticus,  judiciarius, 

a  Domesmaw ;  arbiter,  voluntate,  iu- 
dex  leg e  fit,  censor,  creticus,  preses, 
pretor,  prefectus,  proconsul,  tri- 
bunuB,  iudiciarius,  pretorius  <k 
prefectarius  parlicipia  (tribunal, 
tribunale  sunt  sedes  ludicis, 
eripse  Judex  A.). 

fa  Domesman  sete ;  tribunal  &  tri- 
bunale vel  ipse  index. 

1  Cotgraire  gives  '  Podagre  de  lin.  The  weed  Dodder;'  of  which  Lyte,  Dodoens,  p.  398, 
says,  '  It  is  a  strange  herbe,  without  leaues,  &  without  roote,  lyke  vnto  a  threed,  muche 
snarled  and  wrapped  togither,  confusely  winding  itself  about  hedges  and  bushes  and  other 

herbes This  herbe  is  called  in Latine  Cassytha,  in  shoppes  Cuscuta  ;  of 

some  Podagra  lini,   and  Angina  lini?      'There  be  other  wedes  not  spoken  of,  as  dee, 
nettyles,  dodder,  and  suche  other,  that  doo  moche  harme.'  Sir  A.  Fitzherbert,  Boke  of 
Husbandry,  1534,  leaf  Di  bk.     Turner,  in  his  Herbal,  1551,  says,  '  Doder  groweth  out  of 
herbes  and  small  bushes,  as  raiscelto  groweth  out  of  trees,  and  nother  of  bothe  grow  out  of 
the  grounde  :'  and  again,  p.  90,  '  Doder  is  lyke  a  great  red  harpe  stryng  :  and  it  wyndeth 
about  herbes  ....  and  hath  floures  and  knoppes,  one  from  another  a  good  space.' 

2  '  To  doffe,  for  do  of,  exuere.''  Manip.  Vocab.     '  And  thou  my  concelle  doo,  thow  doffe 
of  thy  clothes.'  Morte  Arthure,  1023. 

3  MS.  a-day. 

*  Baret  gives  the  saying  'in  docke,  out  nettle,'  which  he  renders  by  '  exeat  urtica,  pari- 
cella  fit  intus  arnica.'  '  A  docke,  herbe,  lapathum.'  Manip.  Vocab.  Ducange  defines 
paradella  as  ' anethi  silvestris  species,  sorte  d'aneth  sauvage* 

1  As  like  5e  bene  as  day  is  to  the  night,         Or  doken  to  the  fresche  dayesye.' 
Or  sek-cloth  is  unto  fyne  cremesye,  The  King's  Quair,  Bk.  iii.  st.  36. 

A.  S.  docce.     '  Docce,  lapacium.'  Wright's  Vocab.  p.  67  :  '  eji-docca,  nimphea,'  ibid.p.  31. 

5  '  Of  new  pressed  wine  is  made  the  wine  called  Cute,  in  Latin  Lapa  ;  and  it  is  by 
boiling  the  new  pressed  wine  so  long  as  till  that  there  remaine  but  one  of  three  parts. 
Of  new  pressed  wine  is  also  made  another  Cute,  called  of  the  Latines  Defrutam,  and  this 
is  by  boiling  of  the  new  wine  onely  so  long,  as  till  the  halfe  part  be  consumed,  and  the 
rest  become  of  the  thicknesse  of  honey.'    Maison  Rustique,  p.  622.     '  Defruto.  To  boyle 
newe  wine.'    Cooper.     '  Defrnctus.  Ded.'  Medulla.     '  Defrutum  vinum,  gesoden  win  vel 
passum'  Alfric's  Vocab.  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  27.      See  also  Palladius  on  Hus- 
bondrie,  p.  204, 1  484,  where  we  are  told  that  three  sorts  of  wine  '  Defrut,  carene  &  sape  in 
oon  manere  Of  must  is  made,'  the  first  being  made  'of  defervyng  til  [themusteis]  thicke.' 

6  '  Vappa.  Wine  that  hath  loste  the  vertue  :  naughtie  dead  wine.'  Cooper.      Compare 
our  expression  '  dead  '  as  applied  to  ale.     In  W.  de  Worde's  Boke  of  Keruynge,  pr.  in  the 
Babees  Boke,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  154,  1.  20,  we  are  warned  to  'gyue  no  persone  noo  dowled 
drynke  for  it  wyll  breke  ye  scabbe.'     '  Doidd,  or  DulVd.  Dispirited,  abated,  dull.'  Whitby 
Glossary.     See  also  Palde  as  Ale,  below. 

7  '  Coma.  A  Jugement.'  Medulla. 



Doyn;  factus. 

vn  Doyii;  jnfectus. 

*a  Donett l ;  donatus. 

fa  Donett  Iern0r(lernyng  A.);  dona- 

to  Do  on  newe  2 ;   encenniare. 

to  Do  parfytly  ;  perfycere. 

fDorame  (Dorem  A.) 3 ;  dunelina, 
dunelineiisis  ^ar^icipium. 

a  Dore  (Doyre  A.)  ;  hostium,  $  cete- 
ra ;  vloi  A  :jate. 

a  Dormowse ;  glis. 

*a  Dorsur  4 ;  dorsorium. 

a  Dorture  5 ;  dormitorium. 

a  Dosan ;  duodena. 

to  Dote  (Doyt  A.) 6 ;    desipere,    de- 


*a  Dottrelle  7 ;  desipa. 
fto  Do  to ;  addere,  adherere,  adhibere, 

adicere,  adiungere. 
Dowbylle ;   duplex,    duplus,    binua, 


1  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  v.  209,  Avarice  says— 

'  Thanne  drowe  I  me  amonge  draperes  my  donet  to  lerne ;' 

that  is,  as  Prof.  Skeat  remarks,  '  my  primer.'  Donet  is  properly  a  grammar,  from  Donatus 
the  grammarian.  '  Donatus.  A  donet,  tt  compositor  illius  libri.  Donatistn.  A  donatrice  : 
quedam  heresisS  Medulla.  'The  Donet  into  Cristen  Religioun,'  and  'The  folewer  to  the 
Donet '  are  titles  of  two  works  of  Pecock,  often  quoted  in  his  Represser.  In  the  Intro- 
duction he  says — '  As  the  common  donet  berith  himsilfe  towards  the  full  kunnyng  of 
Latyn,  so  this  booke  for  Goddis  laws  :  therefore  this  booke  may  be  conveniently  called 
the  Donet,  or  Key  to  Cristen  Religioun.' 

2  MS.   Do  on  now  :    corrected   by  A.      '  Encennia.  Newe   halowynge  off  cherchis.' 
Medulla.     *  Enccenia.  Renouation  ;  amonge  the  Jewes  the  feaste  of  dedication.'  Cooper. 
Wyclif,  Works,  ed.  Arnold,  ii.  105,  says  'Encennia  is  as  myche  as  renewinge  in  our 
speche.'     The  word  is  still  retained  at  Oxford.     Greek  eyrca'twa,  from  /ratVos,  new. 

3  The  city  of  Durham. 

4  Amongst  the  duties  of  the  Marshal  of  the  Hall  as  given  in  The  Boke  of  Curtasye 
(Sloane  MS.  1986),  pr.  in  Babees  Boke,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  ^89,  we  find  he  is 

'  pe  dosurs,  cortines  to  henge  in  halle,' 

and  in  the  description  of  the  house  from  the  Porkington  MS.  pr.  by  Mr.  Wright  for  the 
Warton  Club,  1855,  p.  4,  we  find, 

'  The  dosers  alle  of  camaca,   The  bankers  alle  of  taffaca, 
The  quysschyns  alle  of  veluet.' 
See  also  Hallynge. 

5  In  the  Abbey  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  pr.  in  Relig.  Pieces  in  Prose  and  Verse  (E.  E.  Text 
Soc.  ed.  Perry),  p.  50,  1.  10,  we  read — '  Scrifte  sail  [make]  thi  caapitir,  Predicacione  sail 
make  thi  fratour,  Oracione  sail  make  thi  chapelle,  Contemplacione  sail  make  thi  dortour.1 
Baret  gives  '  A  Dortour  or  sleeping  place,  a  bed-chamber,  dormitorium.'     In  Mr.  Aldis 
Wright's  ed.  of  De  Deguileville's  Pilgrimage  of  the  Lyf  of  the  Manhode,  p.  160,  occurs  the 
word  Dortowrere,  that  is  the  superintendent  of  a  dormitory.     See  also  ibid.  p.  193  ;  and 
also  the  Myroure  of  Our  Lady,  ed.  Blunt,  p.  117,  and  Introduction,  p.  xxxiii. 

6  •  To  dote,  delirare  ;  a  dot'tel,  deUrus.'  Manip.  Vocab.     •  Me  Jnmcheo  J>e  aide  mon  wole 
dotie.'  Lajamon,  i.  140.     In  the  Pricke  of  Conscience  amongst  other  signs  of  a  man's 
decaying  old  age  it  is  said  that 

' His  mouth  slavers,  his  tethe  rotes,          His  wyttes  fayles, and  he  ofte  dotes*  1.  785. 
The  word  also  occurs  in  P.  Plowman,  A.  i.  1 29, 

'  J? ou  dotest  daffe,  qua])  heo,  dulle  are  }>i  wittes.' 

1 A  doter  or  old  doting  foole,  a  rauer.'  Baret.  Scotch  doit,  to  be  confused  ;  Icel.  dotta,  to 
slumber  ;  Dutch  doten,  dutten,  delirare,  desipere.  '  Desipio.  To  dote  ;  to  waxe  foolish ;  to 
play  the  foole.'  Cooper.  See  Jamiesnn,  s.  v.  Doit,  Doytt.  '  Radote.  An  old  dotard,  or 
doting  fool.  Radoter.  To  dote,  rave,  play  the  cokes,  erre  grossly  in  vnderstanding.' 
Cotgrave.  '  He  is  an  old  dotard,  or  a  iocham  ;  deth  hangeth  in  his  nose,  or  he  is  at  dethes 
dore.  Silicernusest.'  Horman.  'What  J?e  deuel  hatj  ]>ou  don,  doted  wrech?'  Allit.  Poems, 
iii.  196 ;  see  also  ibid.  ii.  286,  iii  125,  and  Wyclif,  Ecclus.  xxv.  4. 

7  '  Why  then  ....  do  you  mocke  me,  ye  dotrells,  saying  like  children  I  will  not,  I 
will,  I  will,  I  will  not.'  Bernard's  Terence,  1629,  p.  423.    '  penne  ^  dolel  on  dece  drank 
fat  he  my3t,'  Allit.  Poems,  ii.  1517. 



to  Dowbylle ;    duplare,    dupplicare, 

Dowbylle;  duplatns,  duplicates,  bi- 


tDowbyl  tonged  * ;  bilinguis. 
tto  Do  welle  ;  benefacere. 
A  Dowfe ;  columbus,  columba,  colum- 

bulus,  columbula. 
a  Dowfe  cote 2 ;    columbar,    colum- 


tto  Dowke  3 ;   emergere. 
ta  Dowker;  emergator. 
ta  Dowle  of  a  whele4 ;  stellio. 
Downe ;  deorsum,  insuw.. 

dotare,  tuare  (Dotare, 
est  dotem  dare,  &  cetera ;  vbi 
Dowry  A.). 

a  Dowry ;  dos,  dotalicium.  ;  do- 

to  Dowte;  cunctari,  dubiari,  -tare, 
herere,  hesare,  mussare,  mussitare, 
horrere,  tutibare,  vacillare ;  ver- 

^Ambigit,  &  dubitat,  fafluctuat, 
hesitat,  heret. 

a  Dowte;  Ambiguitas,  dubietas,  dubi- 
tacio,  dubium,  dubitancia,  cuucta, 
cuuctacio,  heresis,  hesitacio,  hesi- 
tacium,  hesitacula. 

1  See  also  Dubylle  tonged. 

2  Amongst  the  '  comodytys  off  the  parsonage  .  .  .  .  off  the  benefyce  off  Oxned '  we  find 
mentioned  'A  doffhowse  worth  a  yere  xiiij8  iiijd.'  Paston  Letters,  iii.  232.     And  in  the 
Will  of  John  Baret,  of  St.  Edmund's  Bury,  in  Bury  Wills,  &c.  (Camden  Soc.  p.  24),  are 
mentioned  a  '  berne  and  duffous?  a  form  interesting  as  showing  the  pronunciation. 

y  Palsgrave  gives  '  I  douke  under  the  water.  Je  plonge  en  leaue.  This  hounde  can 
douke  under  the  water  lyke  a  ducke ;'  and  Sherwood  has  '  to  douke,  plonger.'  '  To  douke, 
vrinare.'  Manip.  Vocab.  '  Mergo.  To  drowne  in  water ;  to  deepe.'  Cooper.  Jamieson 
has  'Dowkar,  s.  A  diver.  S.  G.  dokare,  Belg.  duycker.'  The  participle  doukand  occurs 
in  the  Alliterative  Romance  of  Alexander,  ed.  Stevenson,  4091.  'Hie  mergulus,  a 
dokare'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  253.  '  Mergo.  To  drynkelyn.'  Medulla.  Withals 
mentions  amongst  his  list  of  water-birds  '  A  Dobchic,  or  DowkerJ  our  water-hen.  W. 
de  Biblesworth,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  165,  speaks  of  'la  cercele  (a  tele)  et  ly 
plounjoun  (a  doke,  doukere).' 

*  Halliwell  gives  '  Doule.  A  nail  sharpened  at  each  end :  a  wooden  pin  or  plug  to  fasten 
planks  with.'  lu  Ducange  we  find  '  Stecco.  Vox  Italica,  spina,  festuca,  palus  :  epine, 
paille,  pien.'  From  this  the  meaning  would  appear  to  be  '  wooden  pins  used  to  fasten  the 
parts  of  the  felloe  of  a  wheel  together  ;'  and  not,  as  rendered  by  Sir  F.  Madden, 
'fellies  of  a  wheel.'  But  in  the  description  of  Solomon's  Temple  we  read  in  Purvey's 
version,  3  Kings  vii.  33  :  '  Sotheli  the  wheelis  weren  siche,  whiche  maner  wheelis  ben 
wont  to  be  maad  in  a  chare ;  and  the  extrees,  and  the  naue  stockis,  and  the  spokis,  and 
dowlis  of  tho  wheelis,  alle  thingis  weren  jotun  :'  where  Wyclif's  and  the  other  MSS.  read 
'felijs.'  In  the  Vulgate  the  verse  runs  as  follows  :  'Tales  autem  rotse  erant,  quales  solent 
in  curru  fieri :  et  axes  earum,  et  radii,  et  canthi,  et  modioli,  omnia  fusilia.'  Neckham,  in 
his  description  of  the  several  parts  of  a  cart  says — 

spokes  jauntes  feleyes     radii  dico     radiorum 

'in  modiolo    aptari    debenl    radii    in    cantos     transmittendi,    quorum    extremitates 

i.  rote  orbiculate. 

stelliones  dicuntur,  videlicet  orbited  De  Utensilibus,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  108. 
Fitzherbert  in  his  Boke  of  Husbandry,  1534,  fol.  B.  4  bk.  says  that  'wheles  ....  be  made 
of  nathes,  [naves]  spokes,  fellyes,  and  dowles,'  and  in  the  Howard  Household  Books 
(Roxb.  Club),  p.  211,  we  find — '  Item  for  ij  hopis  to  the  exiltre,  and  for  ij  dowleges  to  the 
trendell,  viijlb.  xijd.' 

5  '  Douer.  To  indue,  endow,  or  give  a  dowry  unto.'  Cotgrave.  '  Doto.  To  ?eue  dowary.' 
Medulla.  In  a  tract  on  'Clerkis  Possessioneris'  (English  Works  of  Wyclif,  E.  E.  Text  Soc, 
ed.  Mathew,  pp.  122-3),  Wyclif  writes  'for  J)es  skillis  and  many  mo  )>e  angel  seyd  ful  so}>e 
whanne  Jje  chirche  was  dowid  J>at  J>is  day  is  venym  sched  into  )>e  chirche ;'  and  again,  p. 
124,  '  prestis  |>a8  dowid  ben  so  occupied  aboute  J>e  worlde  and  newe  seruyce  and  son| 
may  not  studie  and  preche  goddis  lawe  in  contre  to  cristis  peple.'  See  also  p.  191,  V 
with  temporal  and  worldly  lordischippis ;'  and  Exodus  xxii,  1 7. 



Dowtfulle;  Ambiguus,  Anceps,  dubi- 
us,  ambiguus  quod  in  ambas, 
potest  p&rtes,  dubium  quod  in 
quam  par  tern  venturum  sit  ig- 
noramus, hoc  estanceps,  crep[er]us, 
didimus,  dubitans,  dubitatiuus, 
hesitatiuua,  hesitabundus,  meticu- 
losus,  verendus. 

Dowtfully ;  Ambigue,  cuuctatim,  du- 
bie,  dubitauter. 

Dowtles ;  vbi  vtitk  owte  dowte. 
D  &nte  K. 

*Draf  l ;  segisterium,  Acinacium, 

fa  Drag  2  ;  Arpax,  luppus,  trudes. 
*a  Dragie  3 ;  dragetum. 
*Dragence      or      nedder      grysse 

(gresse  A.) 4  ;    dragaucia,    basi- 

lisca,  herba  serpentaria  vel  ser- 


a  Draghte  ;  haustus. 
a  Dragon ;  draco,  dracona,  draconi- 


ta  Dragon  hole. 
a  Drake. 

a  Drawme ;  dragma. 
a  Draper ;  paunarius,  trapezata. 
fa  Drapyry  5 

1  Draffe  appears  to  have  been  a  general  term  for  refuse.  Cotgrave  gives  '  Mangeaille 
pour  les  pourceaux,  swillings,  washings,  draff,  hogswash,'  and  in  the  Manip.  Vocab.  draffe 
is  translated  by  excrementa.  In  the  later  version  of  Wyclif,  Numbers  vi.  4  is  thus  ren- 
dered :  '  thei  shulen  not  ete  what  euer  thing  may  be  of  the  vyner,  fro  a  grape  dried  til 
to  the  draff  where  the  marginal  note  is  '  In  Ebreu  it  is,  fro  the  rynde  til  to  the  litil 
greynes  that  ben  in  the  myddis  of  the  grape.'  Other  MSS.  read  :  '  draf,  ether  casting 
out  after  the  pressing.'  See  also  Ecclus.  xxxiii.  16  and  Hosea  iii.  i :  'Thei  byholden  to 
alyen  goddis,  and  louen  the  darstis  [draffis  P.  vinacia,  Vulg.]  that  leueth  in  hem  aftir 
pressyng.'  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  x.  9,  we  read — 

4  Noli  mittere,  man,  margerye  perlis 
Amanges  hogges,  J>at  han  hawes   at  wille, 
pei  don  but  dryuele  Jjer-on,  draffe  were  hem  leuere.' 
And  Skelton  in  Elinor  Rummyng,  1.  171,  says 

'  Get  me  a  staffe  The  swyne  eate  my  draffe.' 

So  also  in  Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  84, 

'  Lo,  Dawe,  with  thi  draffe  Thou  liest  on  the  gospel.' 

'  No  more  shall  swich  men  and  women  come  to  the  loye  of  paradise,  that  louyn  more 
draffe  and  drestes,  that  is,  lustes  and  lykynges  of  the  flesshe,  but  they  amende  hem  or 
they  deye.'  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  569.  Jamieson  gives  'Draff,  s.  Grains.  Draffy.  Of 
inferior  quality.  Draff-pock.  A  sack  for  carrying  grains.'  In  the  Reeve's  Tale  Johan 
exclaims —  '  I  lye  as  a  draf-s&k  in  my  bed.'  C.  Tales,  4^06. 

O.  Dutch  draf.  The  term  is  still  used  in  Yorkshire  for  brewer's  grains,  and  also  more 
generally  for  waste  matter,  from  which  the  food  element  has  been  extracted,  as  pig-draff, 
the  scrap -food  of  pigs. 

'  That  daye  ducheryes  he  delte,  and  doubbyde  knyghttes, 
Dresses  dromowndes  and  dragges,  and  drawene  vpe  stonys.' 

Morte  Arthure,  ed.  Brock,  3614. 

'  A  drag  to  draw  things  out  of  a  well  or  like  place,  harpago.'  Baret.  '  Lupus.  An  hooke 
to  drawe  things  out  of  a  pitte.'  Cooper. 

3  In  Liber  Albus,  p.  588,  we  find  an  order — 'Item,  qe  nul  ne  vende groserie,  ne  espicery, 
poudres,  dragges,  confitures,  nautres  choses,  fors  par  le  livres  qi  contignent  xv.  unces.' 
'A  dragee  of  the  yolkes  of  harde  eyren.'  Ord.  and  Regul.  p.  454.  Palsgrave  has  '  Cara- 
wayes,  small  confetes,  dragee,1  and  Cotgrave  '  Dragee,  f.  Any  jonkets,  comfets  or  sweet 
meats,  served  in  at  the  last  course  (or  otherwise)  for  stomacke-closers.  Drageoir.  A 

*  '  Dracontium.  Dragon  wort  or  clragens.'  Cooper.  Cogan,  Haven  of  Health,  1612,  p. 
72,  recommends  the  use  of  Dragons  as  a  specific  for  the  plague.  Harrison,  Descript.  of 
England,  ii.  34,  says  that  the  sting  of  an  adder  brings  death,  '  except  the  iuice  of  dragons 
(in  Latine  called  Dracunculus  minor)  be  speedilie  ministred  and  dronke  in  stronge  ale.' 

B  Cooper  defines  pannarium  as  a  '  pantrie,'  but  here  the  meaning  appears  to  be  a 
draper's  shop.  In  Sir  Ferumbras,  1.  4457,  it  means  simply  cloth  ;  '  Of  drapreye  we  ledej) 
gret  fuysoun,  And  wolle]>  J)er-wy]>  to  Agremoun,  to  J)e  Amyral  of  J)is  land.'  'Hail  be  3e 
marchans  wij>  3ur  gret  packes  of  draperie?  Early  Eng.  Poems,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  154. 



ta  Drawe  of  nowte  (A  Draffe  of 
Nowte  A.)  l ;  Armentum,  -tari- 
um,  -tariolum. 

to  Drawe ;  trahere,  at-,  con-,  tractare, 
at-,  con-,  deduceve,  detrahere,  ve- 
here,  con-,  ad-,  e-.  re-,  vectare,  con-. 

to  Draw  to ;  illicere,  allectare,  attY&- 
here,  attractare,  aduehere,  addu- 

fto  Draw  cutte  2;   sortiri,  consortiri. 

fto  Draw  a  schipe  3 ;  remultare  (re- 
mulcare  A.). 

a  Drawe  brige ;  ponstracticns  (pans- . 
fractious  A.). 

to  Drawe  on  longe  or  on  lenght  4 ; 

crastinare,  pro-,  longare,  differre, 

protelare,   prorogare,  protrahere. 

protendere  ;  versus : 

^Prorogo,  protelo,  procrastino, 

suut  nota  sensus 
Eiusdem  :  tribus  hijs  prolongo 

to  Draw  oute  or  vp  ;  educere,  elicere, 
extr&here,  euaginare,  euellere,  ex- 
cerjwe,  eximere,  vettere,  re-,  e-, 
con-,  vellicare,  eradicare,  explan- 
tare,  extirpare. 

tto  Draw  vp  hares ;    expilare,  de- 

to  Drawe  water;  Anclari,  ex-,  hau- 

rire,  ex-. 

a  Drawer ;  vector. 
a  Drawynge  ;    haustus,   hauritorius 

fa  Drawynge  whele  (qweylle  A.)  5 ; 

*  Drake  or  darnylle  (Draw^le  or  dar- 

nelle  A.)  6 ;  zizannia. 
to  Drede ;  contremere,  expauere,  ex- 

pauescere  ;  versus  : 
^horreo,  formido,  metuo,  timeo 

que  tremesco  (timesco  A.), 
Et  tremo,  cum  paueo,  trepido, 

pauidoque  pauesco. 
pauitare,  turgere,  vereri. 
a  Drede ;  formido,  horror,  me^us  re- 

ligionis  est,  pauor  c^icitur  motus 

incertus,  timor,  tremor. 
Drefulle ;  ^^om^us,  ambiguus,  du- 

bius,   formidolosns    /iominz  ^;er- 

tinet,  formidinosus  pertinet  loco, 

formidolus,  meticulosus,  metuen- 

dus,  timoratus,  timorosus,  tremo- 

1  A  team  of  oxen.     Jamieson  has  'Drave,  s.  A  drove  of  cattle.'     A.  S.  draf,  a  drove, 
and  neat,  horned  cattle.     ' Armentarium.  A  drove  of  neet.'  Medulla.     'Hoc  armentum ; 
a  dryfte.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  179.     Compare  Wowthyrde,  below. 

2  In  the  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  35, 1.  4,  we  read,  '  perfore,  Seris,  lat  vs  drawe  cut,  and 

drawe  out  his  yen  on  whom  the  cut  wol  falle And  )>ei  drowe  cut ;  and  it  felle 

vpon  him  J)at  jafe  the  conseil.'      In  drawing  lots  a  number  of  straws  were  held  by  some 
one  of  the  company  :  the  others  drew  one  apiece,  and  the  lot  was  considered  to  have  fallen 
on  him  who  drew  the  shortest,  i.  e.  the  one  cut  short :  cf.  Welsh  cwtan,  to  shorten ;  cwta, 
short ;  cwtws,  a  lot.     The  French  practice  was  that  the  lot  should  fall  on  him  who  drew 
the  longest  ;  hence  their  phrase,   '  tirer  la  longue  paille.'  Prof.  Skeat's  note  to  Chaucer, 
Pardoner's  Tale,  793.    See  also  Prologue,  835,  838,  &  845.     •  To  draw  cuts  or  lots.  Sortior? 
Gouldman.     '  Drawe  cutte  or  lottes.  Sortio,  sortior?  Huloet. 

3  '  Rernulco,  Ablatius  est,  vnde  Submersam  nauim  remulco  reducere,  Caesar,  &c 

By  tyding  cables  about  an  whole  and  sounde  ship,  to  drawe  vp  a  ship  that  is  broken  and 
sunke.     Remulcus.  A  little  boate  or  barge  seruing  to  drawe,  or  to  unlade  great  vessels. 
Remulco.  To  draw  with  an  other  vessell  a  great  shippe  that  is  vnwildie.'  Cooper.     '  Re- 
multum.  Funis,  quo  navis  deligata  traliitur  vice  remi  ;  unde  Remultare,  navem  trahere,  vel 
navem  Remulto  trahere.'  Ducange.     '  Remulcus,  toh-line.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  57. 

*  MS.  on  lyte  :  corrected  from  A. 

5  '  Antlla.  A  poompe,  or  lyke  thing  to  draw  up  water.'  Cooper.     '  Anclea.  A  whele  off 
a  drauth  welle.'  Medulla.     See  also  "Whele  of  a  drawe  whele. 

6  See  also  Cokylle,  and  Darnelle,  above.     '  Dawke  or  Darnell,  which  causeth  giddi- 
nesse  in  the  head,   as  if  one  were  drunken.  LoliumS  Withals.     In  the  Supplement  to 
Archbishop  Aelfric's  Gloss,  pr.  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  55,  zizania  is  glossed  by 
'laser,'  and  lolium  by  'bo)?en,'  which  is  generally  supposed  to  be  rosemary. 

7  Perhaps  the  same  as  '  Driffle.  A  drizzling  rain.'  Jamieson. 



sus,  pauidus  qui  assidue  timet, 
pauens  qui  ad  tempus  timet,  trepi- 
dus,  terribilis,  terribulosus,  veren- 
du8)  stupidus,  timidus,  toruus. 

fa  Dregbaly l ;  Aqualiculus,  porci  cst 

Dreggis 2 ;  fex,  feculencia,  cakos, 
grece,  muria  olei  est. 

a  Dreme  ;  oraculum,  sompnium,  vi- 

to  Dreme ;  sompniare. 

a  Dremer;  sompniator. 

to  Dresse  ;  porrig\e,r\e,  jntendere  ; 
vt  i\\e  jntendit  an[im~\um  suum  ; 
jntensare,  dirigere,  -tor  3,  -trix,  & 
cetera  verbalia. 

a  Dryssynge  knyffe  * ;  spata,  f circu- 
lar ium. 

Dressoure  6. 

to  Dry;  Arifaceire,  siccare,  ex-,  hau- 
rire,  dissiccare,  e-. 

to  be  or  wex  Dry;  Arere,  ex-,  arescexe, 

ex-,  mercare,  e-. 
Dry ;  Aridus,  siccus,  inaquosus,  xeron 

vel  xeros  grece. 
fa  Dry  erth ;  Arida. 
fA  Dryfte  of  snawe.    (A.), 
fa  Dry  feste  (Dry fast  A.) 6 ;  xero- 


aDrynes;  Ariditas,  siccitas. 
a  Drynke  ;  pocio,  poculum,  potus. 
to  Drynke  ;  bibere,  con-,  potare,  con-, 
e-,  haurire  ;  versus  : 
^Poto,  do  potum;   poto,  sumo 

michi  potum. 

Calicare ;  bibit  qui  aliquid  re- 
linquit,  ebibit  qui  totum  bibit. 
bibimus  ex  necessitate,  Pota- 
mus  ex  voluntate.  Sebibere 
est  seorsum  bibere. 

tto  yif  a  Drynke  ;  potare,  poculare, 
pocionare,  im-. 

1  '  Aqualiculus,  Ventriculus,  sed  proprie  porcorum  pinguedo  super  umbilicum.'  Ducange. 
'Ventriculns.  The  stomacke.     Aqualiculus.  A  parte  of  the  belly;   a  paunche.'  Cooper. 
Baret  also  has  '  a  Panch.  Rumen  Aqualiculus.  A  panch,  or  gorbellie  guts,  a  tunbellie. 
Ventrosus,  ventricosus.'     '  Aqualiculus  :  ventriculus  porci'  Medulla.     Perhaps  the  meaning 
here  is  the  dish  'haggis.'     The  Ortus  Vocabulorum  gives  '  Omasus,  i.e,  tripa  vel  ventriculus 
qui  continet  alia  viscera.  A  trype,  or  a  podynge,  or  a  wesaunt,  or  hagges  :'  and  Cotgrave 
has  '  Gogue.  A  sheepes  paunch,  and  thence  a  haggas  made  of  good  herbes,  chopt  lard, 
spices,  eggs,  and  cheese,  the  which  incorporated  and  moistened  with  the  warme  blood  of 
the  (new-killed)  beast,  are  put  into  her  paunch,  and  sodden  with  other  meat.'     Withals 
says  '  Ilia  porcorum  bona  sunt,  mala  reliquorum.  The  intrals  of  Hogges  are  good  (I  thinke 
he  meaneth  that  which  wee  commonly  call  Hogges-Harslet).'     See  Hagas,  below. 

2  '  Dreggis  and  drafFe '  are  mentioned  in  P.  Plowman,  B.  xix.  3-57.     '  Muria.  The  ouerest 
drestoff  oyle.    Fex.  Drestys.    Amurca.  Drestys  off  oyle.'  Medulla.     <  The  dregges  or  drest 
of  wine.  Pceces,  crastamenta.'  Withals.     0.  Icel.  dregg.  3  MS.  tox. 

*  '  Eec  mensacula,  a  dressyng-knyfe.'  John  de  Garlande  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  256. 
'  A  dressyn-knyfbord.  Scamellus  :'  ibid.  p.  200.  Sir  J.  Fastolf's  kitchen,  according  to 
the  Inventory  taken  in  1459,  contained  '  j  dressyng  Tcnyfe,  j  fyre  schowle,  ij  fcreys,  j  streynour, 
&c.'  Paston  Letters,  i.  490.  Again  ibid.  iii.  466,  in  Dame  Eliz.  Browne's  Will  are  men- 
tioned '  iij  dressing  Tcnyfys,  ij  lecliyng  knyfys,  ij  choppyng  knyfys.'  *  A  dressing  knife. 
Colter  diversorius  vel poplnarius.^  Withals.  Herman  gives  :  '  The  dressynge  knyfe  is  dulle. 
Culter  popinarius  hebet.'  See  also  Dirsynge  knyfe. 

5  See  Dische  benke,  above.  '  Dressoure  or  bourde  wherupon  the  cooke  setteth  forth 
his  dishes  in  order.  A'bax.'  Huloet.  ' Dressar  where  mete  is  served  at.'  Palsgrave.  'A 
dressing  boorde.  Tabula  culinaria.'  Withals.  '  At  dressour  also  he  shalle  stonde.'  Book 
of  Curtasye,  557. 

8  The  plain  diet  adopted  by  men  in  training.  '  Xeropkagia,  Gr.  frjpocfxi'yia,  Aridus 
victus,  arida  comestio.  Gloss.  Lat.  Gall.  Sangerm.  Xerofagia,  seiche  commestion.  Hec 
cum  athletis  ad  robur  corporis,  turn  Christianis  ad  vivendi  sobrietatem  et  castimoniam  in 
usu  fuit.  Tertull.  de  Jejuniis  cap.  I  :  "Arguunt  nosquod  ....  Xerophagias  observemus, 
siccantes  cibum  ab  omni  carne,  et  omni  jurulentia,  et  uvidioribus  quibusque  pomis."  Idem 
cap.  ult.  :  "  Saginentur  pugiles  et  pyctae  Olympici :  illis  ambitio  corporis  competit,  quibus 
et  vires  necessaries,  et  tamen  illi  quoque  Xerophagiis  invalescunt."  '  Ducange.  '  Xero- 
phayia.  Dry  mete.'  Medulla.  Xerophayus  it  will  be  seen  is  used  hereafter  for  Frute 



A  Drynker ;  bibax,  bibio,  bibo,  bibu- 

fa  Dryster  l ;  dissiccator  &  -tvioc,  & 

cetera  a  verbis. 
*to  Dryte  (Drytt  A.) 2 ;  cacare,  ege- 

to    Drywe     (Dryffe    A.)  ;      Agere, 

Agitare,     ducere,      e-,     fugare, 

minare,  impellere  vt  ventus  in- 

pellit  nauem. 
to  Drywe   (Dryffe  A.)  away;  AU- 

gere,  fugare. 
a  Drywer ;    Agitator,    minator,    & 

cetera  a  vevbis. 
ta  Drywer  (Dryfer  A.)  of  nawte  3 ; 

Abactor,  Armentarius. 
a  Dromydary  4 ;    dromedus,    drome- 

dariuB  est  custos  dromedorum  & 
ponitur  pro  ipso  animali. 

ta  Drone  5 ;  A  situs,  fucus. 

a  Drope;  gutta  est  gr&uioris  hu- 
moris  ut  mellis ;  guttula  est 
cZirrrinutiuum,  guttosus  ^;ar2ici- 
pium  ;  stilla  est  leuioris  ut 
aque  :  vel  diciiur  gutta  dum 
pendet  vel  stat,  stilla  cum 
ilia  cadit ;  stillicidium,  mitos, 

ffrom  Drope  to  drope  6 ;  guttatim, 

to  Droppe ;  stillare,  dis-,  guttare, 

be  Dropsye ;  idropis  ;  jdropicus  qui 
patilur  infirmitateni. 

1  'Dryster.  (i)  The  person  who  has  the  charge  of  turning  and  drying  the  grain  in  a 
kiln.  (2)  One  whose  business  it  is  to  dry  cloth  at  a  bleach-field.'  Jamieson. 

2  '  To  dryte,  for  [or]  shyte.    Cacare'    Manip.  Vocab.     In  Havelok,  ed.  Skeat.  1.  682, 
Godard  addresses  Grim  as         '  fule  drit  cherl 

Go  he])on  ;  and  be  euere-more  pral  and  cherl,  als  }>ou  er  wore.' 

In  the  Glossary  to  Havelok,  the  following  instance  is  given  of  this  word,  from  an  ancient 
metrical  invective  against  Grooms  and  Pages,  written  about  1310, 

'  Than  he  seue  hem  cattes  dryt  to  huere  companage, 

3et  hym  shulde  arewen  of  the  arrerage.'       MS.  Harl.  2253,  leaf  125. 
In  P.  Plowman,  A.  vii.  178,  we  read — 

'  An  hep  of  Hermytes  hentem  heom  spades, 

And  doluen  drit  and  donge,  to  dutte  honger  oute.' 

See  also  Wyclif,  Select  Works,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Mathews,  p.  166,  where,  inveighing 
against  the  abuses  amongst  the  priests,  he  says — '  pei  sillen  in  manere  )>e  spiritual  lif  of 
cristis  apostilis  and  disciplis  for  a  litel  drit  and  wombe  ioie ;'  a  phrase  which,  slightly 
altered,  appears  also  at  the  last  line  of  the  same  page,  *  sillynge  here  massis  &  j>e 
sacrament  of  cristis  body  for  worldly  muk  &  wombe  ioie.'  See  also  ibid.  pp.  166  and  182. 
0.  Icel.  dryta. 

3  See  a  Drawe  of  nowte. 

*  '  A  Drumbedarie.  Dromedarias,  Elephas,  Elephantus.'  Withals.  In  the  Romance  of 
Sir  Ferumbras,  Balan  when  sending  a  messenger  to  Mantrible  to  warn  the  Bridge- ward  en 
of  the  escape  of  Richard  of  Normandy,  '  Clepede  til  hym  Malyngras,  )>at  was  ys  Messager, 
And  saide  to  hym,  ' '  beo  wys  and  snel,  And  tak  J?e  dromodarye  J>at  goj>  wel  And  gray)>e 
J>e  on>y  ger."  '  1.  3825. 

'  Quyk  was  don  his  counsaile ;  Dromedaries,  assen,  and  oxen.' 

And  charged  olifans  and  camailes.  King  A  lisaunder,  ed.  Weber,  3407. 

'  Dromedarye,  a  beast  not  vnlike  a  Camel,  besides  that  he  hath  .ii.  bownches  on  his  backe 
and  is  verye  swyfte,  and  can  absteyne  from  drinckinge  thre  dayes  when  he  worketh. 
Dromedarius,  Dromeda,  whereof  the  one  is  the  male,  the  other  the  female.'  Huloet. 

5  In  Pierce  the  Ploughman's  Crede  (ed.  Skeat),  1.  726,  we  read — 

'And  right  as  dranes  doth  nought  But  drynketh  up  the  huny.' 

Huloet  says  '  Drane  or  dorre,  whyche  is  the  vnprofitable  bee  hauynge  no  stynge  : 
Cephenes,  fucus,  some  take  it  to  be  a  waspe,  or  drone  bee,  or  humble  bee.'  '  Drane  or 
humble  bee,  bourdon.'  Palsgrave.  '  Drane  bee;  fucus'  Manip.  Vocab.  'Bourdon.  A  drone 
or  dorre-bee.'  Cotgrave.  A.  S.  dran,  drcen. 

6  •  Guttatim.    Dropelyn.'    Medulla.      Harrison,   ii.   58,   uses    '  dropmeales,'   one   of  a 
numerous  class  of  adverbs  compounded  with  A.  S.  nwel,  a  bit,  portion,  of  which  piecemeal 
alone  survives. 



*Drovy * ;  turbidus,  turbulentus. 

to  make  Drovy  ;  turbare. 

to  Drbwne ;  mergere,  com-,   de-,  e-, 

di-,  im-,  mersare,  mersitare. 
Dronkyn ;  ebrius,  ad  diem,  multum 

bibisse  sign&t  ebriosus,  et  semper 

bibere  sign&t  temulentus. 
fto  be  Dronkyn ;  deebriare,  madere, 

per-,  re-)  madescere,  madefio,  per-, 

fto  make  Dronkyn ;  deebriare,  ebii- 

are,  inebriare. 
a  Dronkynnes  ;     bibacitas,   ebrietas, 


D  ante  V. 

Dubylle;  binus,  binarius,  biplex,  du- 
plex, geminus,  bifarius. 
to  Dubylle ;  bimare,  binare,  duplare, 

duplicare,  gemiuare,  con-,  in-. 

fa  Dubylnes  ;  bipUcitat,  duplicitas. 

Dubylle-tonged ;  Ambiloquus,    bifa- 
rius, bilinguis. 

tDubylle-^ates  2 ;  bifores. 

*a  Dublar 3 ;  dualis,  &  cetera ;   vbi 
a  dische. 

a  Dublet  * ;  diplois. 

fa  Duchery ;  ducatus. 

a  Duches  ;  ducissa,  ducella  dimirm- 

Dughty  5 ;  vbi  worthy. 

a  Duke  ;  dux  ;  versus  : 

^Hic  dux  est  miles,  hie  hec  dux 
sit  tibi  ductor. 

aDukke;  Anas,  anatinu.s,anatinulis, 
id  est  pullns  anatis ;  Anatinus. 

Dulle ;  ebes,  obtusus. 

to  be  Dulle;  asininare,  ebere,ebescere, 

1  In  the  Pricke  of  Conscience,  1443,  we  read  in  the  Lands.  MS.  348 — 

'  Now  is  wedir  bryght  and  schinonde  Now  is  dym  droubelonde  ;' 

and  in  Psalms  iii.  2 — 

'  Loverd,  how  fele-folded  are  J>ai,  pat  drove  me,  to  do  me  wa.' 

'  per  faure  citees  wern  set,  nov  is  a  see  called, 
pat  ay  is  drouy  and  dym,  &  ded  in  hit  kynde.' 

Early  Eng.  Allit.  Poems,  ed.  Morris,  i.  1016. 

Caxton,  Descr.  of  England,  1480,  p.  14,  speaks  of  the  water  of  a  bath  as  '  trobly  and  sourer 
of  sauour.'  Maundeville,  in  describing  various  methods  of  testing  the  purity  of  balm,  says, 
'  Put  a  drope  in  clere  watre,  in  a  cuppe  of  sylver,  or  in  a  clere  bacyn,  and  stere  it  wel  with 
the  clere  watre  ;  and  3if  the  bawme  be  fyn  and  of  his  owne  kynde,  the  watre  schalle  neuere 
trouble  ;  and  jif  the  bawme  be  sophisticate,  that  is  to  seyne,  countrefeted,  the  water  schalle 
become  anon  trouble?  In  Lonelich's  History  of  the  Holy  G~ail,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed. 
Furnivall,  xxxix.  332,  the  ninth  descendant  of  Nasciens  is  likened  in  his  vision  to 
'  A  flood  that  in  begynneng  was  Trowble  and  thikke  in  every  plas.' 

See  also  11.  243,  352  and  537,  and  xviii.  95.     Hampole,  P.  of  Conscience,  1318,  says — 
'  Angres  mans  lyf  clenses,  and  proves,         And  welthes  his  lif  trobles  and  droves :' 
and  he  also  uses  the  word  drovyng,  tribulation.      Dutch  droef,  droeve,  troubled  ;  droeven, 
to  trouble,  disturb.     See  Skeat's  Mceso-Gothic  Diet.  s.  v.  Drobjan.     '  Turbidus.  Trubly  or 
therke.'  Medulla.     '  Tatouiller.  To  trouble,  or  make  foul,  by  stirring.'  Cotgrave.     The 
word  still  survives  in  the  North.     Wyclif,  Select  Works,  ii.  333,  says :  '  pe  wynd  of  Goddis 
lawe  shulde  be  cleer,  for  turblenes  in  ])is  wynde  must  needis  turble  mennis  lyf :'  and  again 
i.  14, '  rnedle  wi]>  mannis  lawe  J>at  is  trobly  water.' 

2  The  Medulla  (St.  John's  MS.)  explains  bifores  by  •  a  trelis  wyndowe,'  and  MS.  Harl. 
2270,  by  '  duble  wyket.' 

3  '  A  dysche  o>er  a  dobler  ]?at  dryjtyn  one3  serued.'  E.  Eng.  Allit.  Poems,  ed.  Morris,  ii. 
1146.     See  also  ibid.  ii.  1279.     In  P.  Plowman,  B.  Text,  xiii.  80,  we  read — 

'  And  wisshed  witterly  with  wille  ful  eyre,  Were  molten  lead  in  his  maw.' 

pat  disshes  &  dobleres  bifor  pis  ilke  doctour, 

Ray  gives  '  Doubler,  a  platter  (North}  ;  so  called  also  in  the  South?  Tomlinson  (in  Ray) 
says—'  A  Dubler  or  Doubler,  a  dish  ;'  and  Lloyd  (also  in  Ray)  says—'  Dwbler  in  Cardi- 
ganshire signifies  the  same.'  The  French  doublier  meant  (i)  a  cloth  or  napkin;  (2)  a 
purse  or  bag  ;  (3)  a  platter.  See  Roquefort.  Jamieson  has  '  Dibler.  A  large  wooden 

*  •  Dipolis  [read  Diplois'].  A  dobelet.'  Medulla.  8  A.  S.  Dohtig. 



to  make  Dulle  ;  ebetare,  obtundere. 
a  Dullnes ;  ebitudo,  decliuitas. 
Dumme  ;     mutus,     elinguatus    sine 

lingua  est,  elinguis  hsibet  linguam 

set  ems  caret  vsu. 
to  be  Dume ;  Mutere,  mutescere,  mu- 

tire,  de-  ob-.  (A.) 
Dumme ;  vbi  dom. 
tDunne  a ;  vbi  a  duke, 
tto  make  Dumme  ;  elinguare. 
Dunge  ;  ruder,  &  cetera ;  vbi  muk. 
a  Dunoke  (Dune  not  A.)  2 ;  curuca, 

Auis  que  ducit  cuculum, 
idem  secundum  quosdam. 

a  Dure  (Duyr  A.)  ;  hostium,  <&  cet- 
era ;  vbi  a  jate. 

ffrom  Dure  to  Dure  ;  hostiatim. 

a  Dusane ;  duodena. 
*a  Duselle  3 ;  clipsedra  (A.), 
a  Duste ;  puluer  vel  -is ;  puluerius, 

D  ante  W. 

a  Dwarghe  4 ;  tantillus. 
to  Dwelle;  colere,  ac-,  in-,  habitare, 

in-,   herere,    in-,   manere,    ^;er-, 

mansare,  mansitare,  morari,  com- 

morari,  conuersari. 
a  Dweller ;  Accola,  jncola. 
a  Dwellyngtf  ;  cultus,  habitac\o,jnco- 

latus,  mansio,  mansula,    mausi- 

uucula  ;  mansionarius. 
a  Dwellynge  place  ;  vloi  a  mauer  (vbi 

Place  A.V 

Capitulum  5m  E. 

f  B  ante  B. 

to  e  bbe ;  refluere,  redundare. 
an      Ebbynge  5 ;  refluxus,  malina. 

<T  B  ante  C. 

tjie  Eclypse  (Eclipis  A.);  eclipsis ; 

1  Harrison,  Descr.  Eng.  ii.  13,  mentions  amongst  other  waterfowl,  the  dunMrd,  which  is 
perhaps  what  is  here  intended,  and  may  possibly  be  the  Dunlin,  Tringa  vulgaris,  a  species  of 
sandpiper.    The  goosander,  Mergus  merganser,  is  also  known  as  the  Dun-diver,  and  a  North 
American  species  of  duck  still  retains  the  name  of  Dunbird. 

2  Cotgrave  gives  s.  v.  Man,  '  Mari  cocu.  An  hedge-sparrow,  Dike-smowler,  Dunnecker  : 
called  so  because  she  hatches  and  feeds  the  cuckoes  young  ones,  esteeming  them  her  own.' 
Cooper  explains  Currucca  as  'the  birde  that  hatcheth  the  cuckowes  egges;  a  titlyng.' 
Dunnock,  from  dun,  the  colour,  as  ruddock  =  redbreast,  from  red.     Harrison,  Descript.  of 
Eng.  ii.  1 7,  mentions  amongst  the  birds  of  England  the  '  dunocJc  or  redstart.'    Withals  gives 
Pinnocke,  or  Hedge-sparrow,  which  bringeth  up  the  Cuckoe's  birdes  in  steade  of  her  owne. 
Curruca.'     '  Hec  lonefa,  Anglice,  donek.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  252. 

3  The  faucet  of  a  barrel.     In  Robert  of  Gloucester  we  read,   '  Hii  caste  awei  the  dosils 
pat  win  orn  abrod.'  p.  542.     It  is  also  used  in  the  North  for  '  a  plug,  a  rose  at  the  end  of 
a  water  pipe,  or  a  wisp  of  straw  or  hay  to  stop  up  an  aperture  in  a  barn.'      See  Mr.  F.  K. 
Bobinson's  Whitby  Glossary.      Thus  in  version  of  the  Seuyn  Sages  in  MS.  Cantab.  Ff.  ii. 
36,  leaf  139,  quoted  by  Halliwell,  we  have — 

'  And  when  he  had  made  holes  so  fell     And  stoppyd  every  oon  of  them  with  a  doselle? 
'  Inprimis,  a  holy  water  tynnell  of  silver  and  gylte,  and  a  dasshel  to  the  same,  silver  and 
gylte.'  Inventory  of  Plate  of  Worcester  Priory,  in  Greene's  Hist,  of  Worcester,  vol.  ii.  p. 
v.  appendix.      '  A  dosylle ;    hie  ducellus'   Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  198.      See   also 
Spygott.     '  Clepsidra.  A  tappe  or  a  spygot.'  Medulla. 

*  A.  S.  dweorg,  dwcorh.  '  Tantillus.  A  dwerwh.'  Medulla.  '  Jo  vey  ester  un  pety  neym 
(a  dwarw,  dweruf).'  W.  de  Biblesworth,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  167.  'A  dwergh 
yode  on  the  tother  syde.'  Ywaine  &  Gawin,  2390. 

5  '  Malina.  Heah-flod.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  57.  '  Malina.  Oceani  incrementum. 
Inde  urbi  Mechlinensi  in  Brabantia,  quam  veteres  aliquot  scriptores  et  Galli  Malinas 
vocant,  nomen  inditum  quidam  arbitrantur :  Quasi  Maris  lineam,  eo  quod  accessus  re- 
cessusque  maritimi  hie  statio  fit,  inquit  Corn.  Van  Gestel  in  Hist.  sacr.  et  prof,  archiep. 
Mechlin,  torn.  i.  p.  i.'  Carpentier's  Supp.  to  Ducange.  'I  ebbe,  as  the  see  dothe.  Je 
reflotte.  It  begynneth  to  ebbe,  lette  us  go  hence  betyme.'  Palsgrave. 



IT  E  &nte  F. 

Efter  (Eft  or  An  o>\er  tyme  A.)  ; 
Alias,  deintegro,  t'teram,  denuo, 
denouo,  rursua,  rwsttm,  secuncfo. 

f  E  ante  G-. 

an  Ege  (Egge  A.)  x  ;  nicies,  acumen. 
an  Eg  (Egge  A.)  ;  ouum,   ouiculum, 
ouulum  ;  versus  : 
^Est   vilis   ouis  que  non  valet 

tiibus  ouis. 

tan  Ege  schelle  ;  putamen  2. 
an  Eghe  3  ;  ocwZus,  talmus  4,    ocellus, 
pupilla,    Acies   est    visus  oculi  ; 
(versus  : 
^Est  Acies  belli,  cultelli,  visus 

ocelli  A.). 
fone  Eghyd  ;    monoculus,   monotal- 

mus  4. 
anEghelyd;  cilium,  pdlpebra,  pal- 


an  Egylle  ;  aquila  ;  aquilinus  ;  ver- 
sus : 

aquile    documenta    tibi 
preclara,  docet  te 
Rex  auium  qua  sis  lege  regen- 
dus  homo. 

Vos   alit  hie   Auis   examinat 

astra  volatu, 
Visitat    &   visu   longius    vna 

Esto  tui  judex,  viuas  sublimi- 

ter,  esto 
Prouid\is  &  laudes  alitis  hui\is 

Victu   sublimis,  visu  subtilis, 

amaus  ius, 
Exemplis  aquile  Tex  eris  ipse 

tEgipte  (Egypp  A.);  egiptus;  egip- 

Egrymon ;  Agrimonia  (A.). 

E  ante  K. 

tto  Eke  ;  vbi  to  hepe. 
an  Ekname  5 ;  Agnomen,   diciiur    a 

specie  vel  accione,  agnominacio. 
tan  Eker;  A  uctor,  Augmentator,  -trix. 
tan  Ekynge  6 ;    adaugma,    augmen- 

tum,  auccio,  augmentacio. 
tEkynge  of  a  worde. 

E  ante  L. 

an  Elbowe ;  lacertus. 
tAn    Eland7;    Mediampnis,   medi- 
ampna  (A.). 

1  In  the  Inventory  of  the  goods  of  Sir  J.  Fastolfe,  1459,  Paston  Letters,  ed.  Gairdner, 
i.  468,  we  find  '  Item,  vj  holies  with  oon  coverecle  of  silver,  the  egges  gilt ;'  and  in  the 
Prologue  to  the  Tale  of  Beryn,  587,  the  Pardoner  in  the  dark  runs  against  a  pan  when 

'  The  egge  of  the  panne  met  with  his  shyn         And  karf  a-two  a  veyn,  &  the  nexte  syn.' 

2  '  Putamen.  A  shale ;    a  parynge.'  Cooper.      •  Putamen.    A  shell,   paring,  the  rind, 
cup.'  Coles.     '  He  fondith  to  creope  ageyn  in  to  the  ayschelle.'  K.  Alisaunder,  576. 

8  '  pat  sight  he  sal  se  with  gaestly  egfie          With  payn  of  dede  >at  he  moste  dreghe.' 
A.  S.  cage,  O.  Icel.  auga.  Pricke  of  Conscience,  2234. 

*  Representing  apparently  the  Greek  &/>0a\/*o*  and  fj.ov6(f>0a\fj.os  respectively. 

5  '  Agnomina.  To  calle  nekename.  Agnomen,  an  ekename,  or  a  surname.'  Medulla.    The 
word  occurs  in  the  Handling  Synne,  ed.  Furnivall,  1531,  'jeue}?  a  man  a  vyle  ekename? 
See  P.  Nekename.     A.  S.  eaca,  an  addition,  increase.    Icel.  auka-nafn,  a  nickname. 

6  '  Augeo.  To  moryn.  Augmentum.  An  ekyng.'  Medulla. 

'  Jiff  J>u  takesst  twijses  an  pu  finndesst,  butt  a  wunnderr  be, 

And  ekesst  itt  till  fowwre,          pe  fulle  tale  off  sexe.'  Ormulum,  11. 16352-5. 
'  He  ayked  his  folk  with  mikel  on  an.'  Early  Eng.  Psalter,  civ.  24.  A.D.  1315 
*  I  etche,  I  increase  a  thynge.  Je  augmente.  I  eke,  I  increase  or  augment.  My  gowne  is  to 
shorte  for  me,  but  I  wyll  eke  it.'  Palsgrave. 

7  '  Ealand,  an  island.'   Craven  Glossary.     '  Mediampnis  et  Mediampna  est  insula  in 
medio  ampnis  vel  aque  dulcis.'  Ortus.     Leland  constantly  uses  Mediamnis  in  the  sense  of 
an  island,  thus  we  frequently  find  such  sentences  as,  '  it  standeth  as  a  Mediamnis  yn  the 
Poole.'  Itinerary,  ed.  Hearne,  vii.  25.     For  the  plural  he  uses  the  Latin  form,  as,  'the 
river  of  Tame  maketh  two  Mediamnes  betwixt  Tamworth  Towne  and  Hopwais  Bridge.' 
Itinerary,  viii.  115. 



tElde 1 ;  senecta,  senectus,  senium, 
annositas,  antiquitas,  etas,  etacula, 
longeuitas,  vetustas,  auitas  ;  ver- 
sus : 

^\Euum  die  totum,  pars  temporis 
diciiur  etas. 

*an  Eldfad^r2;  socer  (socrus  uxor 
eiuB  A.) ;  socerinus  jparticipi- 

*an  Eldmoder  ;  socrus. 

an  Ele  (Eyle  A.) ;  Anguilla  ;  Anguil*- 

tan  Ele  bed;  Anguillarium. 

an   Elefaunte3;    elipJias,  eleplians  ; 

eliphantinus,  elephantus. 
*an  Elfe4;  lamia,  eumenis, dicta Abeu, 

quod  est  bonum,  &  mene,  defectus. 
tElfe  lande. 
be  Elemente  ;  elementum.',  elemeuta- 


Elles ;  Alias,  Alioquin. 
Elleuen;  vndecim',  vndecimu$,vnden- 

us,  vndenarius,  vndeces. 
fan  Elleuen  sythes ;  vndecies. 
*an  Ellyrtre5;  Alnus;  alnicetumest 

locus  vbi  crescunt. 

1  The  primary  meaning  of  elde  is  age  simply,  as  in  Lajamon,  25913, 

1  Aelde  hsefde  heo  na  mare  Buten  fihtene  5ere.' 

Compare  'All  be  he  neuir  sa  young  off  eild.'  Barbour's  Bruce,  xii.  322  ;  and  again  ibid. 
xx.  43,  where  we  read  how  Robert's  son  David,  who  was  but  five  years  of  age,  was  betrothed 
to  Joan  of  the  Tower  '  that  than  of  eild  had  sevin  jer.'  Cf.  Lonelich's  Holy  Grail,  xxii. 
118,  '  So  fine  a  child  &  of  so  song  elde.'  But  subsequently  the  word  was  restricted  to  the 
sense  of  old  age,  as  in  '  And  if  I  now  begyne  in  to  myne  eld.'1  Lancelot  of  the  Lait,  ed. 
Skeat,  3225,  and  in  the  Miller's  Tale,  C.  T.  3229,  where  we  are  told 

'  Men  schulde  wedde  aftir  here  astaat,          For  eeld  and  youthe  ben  often  at  debaat.' 
A.  S.  eald,  old.     Compare  Eueneldes. 

2  Used  in  both  senses  of  grandfather  and  father-in-law :  see  Jamieson.  Ray  in  his  Glossary 
of  North  Country  Words  gives  '  Elmother,  a  stepmother,  Cumberland.'    In  Barbour's  Bruce, 
ed.  Skeat,  xiii.  694,  we  are  told  that  the  king  married  his  daughter  to  Walter  Stewart, 

•  And  thai  weill  soyne  gat  of  thar  bed  Callit  Robert,  and  syne  was  king 

Ane  knaiff  child,  throu  our  Lordis  grace  And  had  the  land  in  gouernyng.' 

That  eftir  his  gude  eldr-fadir  was 

'Eldfather,  avus  ;  eldmoder,  avia.1  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  205.  Lloyd  derives  it  from 
Welsh  ail  =  second.  In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  ed.  Morris,  p.  76,  1.  1189,  it  is  said  of  Adam 
that  he  '  was  born  He  had  his  eldmoder  maiden-hede, 

Bath  his  father  and  moder  be-forn  ;  And  at  his  erthing  all  lede.' 

Wyclif,  Works,  i.  181,  says,  'a  child  is  ofte  lyk  to  his  fadir  or  to  his  modir,  or  ellis  to  his 
eelde  fadir,'  and  again  in  the  Prol.  to  Eccles.  p.  123,  he  speaks  of  '  myn  eldefather  Jhesus.' 
Lajamoii  also  uses  the  word  for  a  grandfather :  '  He  wes  Mserwale's  fader,  Mildburye,'  iii. 
246.  See  also  Chaucer,  Boethius,  p.  40,  and  E.  Eng.  Metrical  Homilies,  ed.  Small,  p.  122. 
Cf.  also  G.  Douglas,  Eneados,  Bk.  vi,  p.  195, 1.  26,  ed.  1710,  where  it  is  used  to  translate 
socer,  and  at  p.  55, 1.  43,  he  speaks  of  Hecuba  as  *  eldmoder  to  ane  hnnder.'  '  Avia.  An 
eld  modere.  Socrus.  An  e[l]de  modere/  Medulla.  3  See  also  Olyfaunte. 

4  '  Lamia.  A  beaste  that  hath  a  woman's  face,  and  feete  of  an  horse.'  Cooper.     •  Satirus. 
An  elfe  or  a  mysshapyn  man.'  Medulla.     In  the  Man  of  Lawe's  Tale,  754,  the  forged 
letter  is  represented  as  stating  that 

'  the  queen  deliuered  was  The  moder  was  an  elf,  by  auenture 

Of  so  horrible  a  feenclly  creature  ....  Ycome,  by  charmes  or  by  sorcerye  ;' 
and  in  the  Chanoun's  Yemannes  Tale,  842,  Alchemy  is  termed  an  '  eluish  lore.'  Herman 
says  :  '  The  fayre  hath  chaunged  my  chylde.  Strix,  vel  lamia  pro  meo  suum  paruulum, 
supposuit.'  In  Aelfric's  Glossary,  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  60,  we  have  elf  used  as 
equivalent  to  the  classical  nymph :  thus  we  find  '  Oreades,  munt-selfen  ;  Dryades,  wudu- 
elfen  ;  Hamadryades,wy\de-e\fen  •  Naiades,  see-elf  en;  Castalides,  dun-elfen.'  'Pumilus. 
An  elfe  or  dwarfe/  Stanbridge,  Vocabula. 

5  '  Aulne,  Aune.  An  aller,  or  Alder- tree.'  Cotgrave.     'Eller.  The  alder.'  Jamieson.     In 
P.  Plowman,  B.  i.  68,  we  are  told  that  Judas  'on  an  eller  honged  hym,'  where  other  readings 
are  '  elrene,  helderne,  elnerene,  hiller-tre.'    'Hillortre.  Sambucus.1  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab. 
p.  191.     'Ellurne.  Sambucus.''  ibid.  p.  140.     In  the  same  vol.  p.  171,  the  gloss  on  W.  de 
Biblesworth  renders  de  aunne  by  '  allerne.'     The  translator  of  Palladius  On  ffusbondrie 
speaks  of  'holgh  ellerstickes,''  iv.  57,  where  the  meaning  is  evidently  elder. 




an  Elne 1 ;  vlna,  vlnula  ;  vlnalis,  vl- 

an  Eloquence  ;  desertitudo,  eloquen- 


Eloquent ;  eloquens,  desertus. 
*an  Elsyn 2 ;    Acus,   subula  (fibula 


E  ante  M. 

*an  Erne ;  Avuncudus,  patruus  ;  ver- 
sus : 

^Patruus  a  p&irependet  (sit  A.). 
Auunculus  ex  genitrice. 

tan  Erne  son  or  doghter 3 ;  patru- 
elis,  ex  parte  p&tris,  consobrinus 
ex  p&rte  m&tris. 

}>e  Emeraudes  (Emoraude  A.) 4 ; 
emoroide,  emorois;  emoroissus  qui 
patitur  talem  infirmitatem. 

be  Emygrane  6 ;  emigraneus. 

an  Emp[er]our  ;  cesar;  cesareus,  ce- 
sarianus,  cesariensis,  augustus  ; 
impwator  ;  imperialis  participi- 
um ;  accionator,  induperator. 

tan  Emprice ;  imperatrix. 

tan  Empyre ;  imperiuia. 

tan  Emplaster6;  cataplasma,em2)las- 


E  ante  N. 
tto  Enchete  ;  fiscare  &  -ri,  con-,  in-, 

tan  Encheter ;  fiscator,  con-,  fiscari- 

us,  con-,  eschatarius,  eschaetor. 
to  Encrece ;  jncrescere. 
an  Encresynge ;    crementum,    incre- 

an  Ende ;    effectus,    euentus,    exitus, 

finis ;  finitiuus  participium ;  meta, 

modus,  terminus. 
to  Ende ;   con/tcere,   per-,  complere, 

consummare,  finire,  de-,  dif-,  ex- 

ferre,  terminare,  sopire,  finitare, 

determinare  &  -ri,  ad  effectum  de- 

tEndles  ;  eternus,  co-,  perhennis,  per- 

petuus,  perpes,  &  cetera;  vbi  euer- 


1  'Ulna.  An  ellyn.'  Medulla.     'Elneorelle,  ulna'  Huloet.     See  also  Jamieson,  s.  v. 
Elne.     A.  S.  eln,  O.  Icel.  din,  alin,  Lat.  ulna.     In  the  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  129,  we  have 
'  I  shalle  jeve  to  the  ij  ellene  of  lynone  clothe  for  to  lappe  in  ]>y  body  when  that  thou  arte 

2  '  Elsen,  an  aule,  a  shoemaker's  aule.'  Hexham,  Netherduytch  Diet.  1660.    '  Subula.  An 
awle  that  cordiners  doo  use  for  a  bodkin.'  Cooper.     •  A  leme,  an  awle ;  or  shoemaker's 
bodkin.'  Cotgrave.     The  Medulla  gives  '  Subula.  An  elsyn.  Est  instrumentum  subula  su- 
toris  acutum.'     '  Ballons  great  and  smale,  iiij».  A  box  of  combes  ijs.    vj  onces  of  sanders 
vjd.    In  elson  blayds   and   packnedles,  ixd.    In   bruntstone,  treacle,  and  comin,  xiiijd.' 
Inventory  of  Thos.  Pasmore,  in  Eichmondshire  Wills  and  Inventories,  Surtees  Soc.  vol. 
xxvi.  p.  269. 

3  '  Patrudis.  Coosens  germaines ;  the  children  of  two  bretheren.'  Cooper. 

4  ' Emeroudes  or  pylles,  a  sicknesse.'  Palsgrave.     'An  emorade,  emaragdus.''  Manip. 
Vocab.     '  A  wild  or  vnsauorie  figge  ;   also  it  is  a  disease  in  the  fundament  called  the 
hemoroides  or  the  Piles.'  Baret.     '  Hemorrkues.  Called  ordinarily  the  Emrods  or  Piles.' 
Cotgrave.      See  Wyclif,  Deuteronomy  xxviii.  27.      In  the  Complaynt  of  Scotlande,  ed. 
Murray,  p.  67,  the  author  speaks  of  '  ane  erb  callit  barba  aaron,  quhilk  vas  gude  remeid 
for  emoroyades  of  the  fundament.'    In  a  Poem  on  Blood-letting  pr.  in  Reliq.  Antiq.  \.  190, 
it  is  said,    'A  man  schal  blede  ther  [in  the  arm]  also,         The  emeraudis  for  to  undo.' 
See  also  )>e  Figes  hereafter. 

5  Cotgrave  gives  '  Migraine,  f.  The  megrim,  or  headach.  ffemicraine,  m.  The  Meagrum, 
or  headache  by  fits.'    '  Emigranea,  dolor  capitis,  megraine?  Ducange.     '  Migrym,  a  sicke- 
nesse,  chagrin,  maigre.'  Palsgrave.     '  Migrim,  hemecrania.'  Manip.  Vocab.    '  The  megrim, 
&  pairie  in  one  side  of  the  head.'  Baret.     '  Emoroys.  Flyx  off  blode,  or  the  emorowdys.' 
Medulla.    '  Migrymme.  Hemicranea?  Huloet.    See  P.  Mygreyme,  and  compare  Mygrane, 

'  We  are  told  in  Lyte's  Dodoens,  p.  649,  that  the  root  of  the  Affodyll  is  '  good  against 
new  swellings  and  impostemes  that  do  but  begin,  being  layde  vpon  in  maner  of  an  emplayster 
with  parched  barley  meale.'  See  also  ibid.  p.  93.  In  the  '  Pilgrymage  of  the  Lyf  of  the 
Manhode,'  Roxburgh  Club,  ed.  W,  A.  Wright,  p.  201,  Death  says  to  the  Pilgrim,  '  Mawgre 
alle  the  boxes  and  emplastres  and  oynementes  and  empassionementes  sum  tyine  I  entrein.' 



fit  is  Endit ;  Explicit  (vt  explicit 
iste  liber  A.),  expliciunt. 

to  Endite  J ;  dictare,  in-. 

an  Enditer  2  ;  dictator,  indictator. 

an  Enditynge ;  dictura,  dictamen. 

fto  Enforse  3 ;  vbi  to  [be]  a-bowie- 

tEnge  * ;  vbi  a  medew. 

an  Engine ;  aries,  ingenium.,  ma- 

an  Enmy;  Aduersarius  in  pugna, 
emulus  in  studio,  inimicus  invidea, 
hostis;  Jwsiilisy  inimicalls. 

tto  make  Enmy  ;  inimicari. 

fan  Enmy  slaer  ;  hosticida. 

an  Enmyte ;    Aduersitas,    emulacio, 

inimicicia,  hostilitas. 
Enoghe ;  satis,  sufficiens. 
fEntyrly  5 ;  intime. 
to  Entremett  (Entermet  A.)  6 ;  jn- 


to  Entyce  ;  vbi  to  jntyce. 
to  Enter ;  ingredi,    ingruere,   inire, 

intr&re,  introire,  irruere  :  versus  : 
H/wfra^]  homo,  bruma  sic  in- 

gruit,  irruit  hostis. 
an  Entry;    Accessus,    Aditus,    Ag- 


1  See  also  Indite.    '  I  endyte,  I  make  a  writyng  or  a  mater,  or  penne  it.  Je  dictie.  He 
writeth  no  verye  fayre  hande,  but  he  endyteth  as  well  as  any  man.     Write  thou  and  I 
wyll  endyte  :  tu  escripras  et  je  composeray,  or  je  dicteray  or  je  coucheray  le  langaige.' 

2  'And  whan  the  dyteris  and  writeris  of  the  kyng  weren  clepid.'  Wyclif,  Esther  viii.  9. 

3  '  Whate  schall  Jx>u  do  when  ]x>u  schalle  goo  thy  waye  vnarmed,  and  when  thyne  enmyes 
schalle  assayle  the  and  enforce  )>am  to  scle  the  ? '  Pilgrimage  of  the  Life  of  the  Manhode, 
MS.  St.  John's  Coll.  Camb.  leaf  46*.     In  Wyclif 's  version  of  Genesis  xxxvii.  21,  we  are 
told  that  when  Joseph's  brethren  wished  to  put  him  to  death  Reuben  'enforside  to  delyuere 
hym  of  the  hondys  of  hem  ;'  and  in  Sir  Ferumbras,  the  Saracen,  after  his  duel  with  Oliver, 
though  sorely  wounded,  '  enforcede  hym  Iper  to  arise  vpon  ys  fete.'  1.  782.     '  I  enforce  my 
selfe,  I  gather  all  my  force  and  my  strength  to  me,  to  do  a  thynge,  or  applye  me  unto  the 
uttermoste  I  may  to  do  a  thyng.   Je  esuertue.    He  enforced  hym  selfe  so  sore  to  lyfte  this 
great  wayght  that  he  dyd  burst  hym  selfe.'  Palsgrave.      « Naaman  enforcid  hym  J)at  he 
schuld  haue  take  J?o  giftis.'  Wyclif,  Select  Wks.  ed.  Matthew,  p.  378.     See  also  Maunde- 
ville,  p.  137,  and  Chaucer,  Boethius,  p.  n.    Compare  Fande,  below. 

*  '  Ings.  Low  pasture  land.s.'  Whitby  Glossary.  •  The  term  is  usually  applied  to  land 
by  a  river-side,  and  rarely  used  but  in  the  plural,  though  the  reference  be  only  to  one  field. 
With  some  people,  however,  it  is  confounded  with  pasture  itself,  and  is  then  used  in  the 
singular.  At  these  times  the  word  accommodates  itself  with  a  meaning,  being  a  substitute 
for  river-side.'  Mr.  C.  Robinson's  Glossary  of  Mid.  Yorkshire,  E.  Dial.  Soc.  '  Ings.  Low- 
lying  grass  lands.'  Peacock's  Gloss,  of  Manley,  &c.  See  also  Ray's  Glossary.  A.  S.  ing  ; 
Icel.  eng,  a  meadow.  Lye  gives  '  Ing-wyrt,  meadow-wort.'  In  the  Farming  and  A  ccount 
Books  of  Henry  Best  of  Elmswell,  York,  1641,  published  by  the  Surtees  Soc.  vol.  xxxiii. 
p.  32,  we  read,  '  In  a  moist  yeare  hardlande-grasse  proveth  better  then  carres,  or  ing- 
growndes,  and  ridges  of  lande  better  then  furres,  for  water  standinge  longe  in  the  furres 
spoyleth  the  growth  for  that  yeare.' 

5  In  the  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  171,  we  read,  'He  pray  the  the  enterly,  J>at  J?ou  make  for 
him  of  this  litle  quantite  a  shirte.'     Cooper  renders  intimus  by  '  intierly  beloued  ;  a  high 
&  especial  friende  :  intime,  very  inwardly ;  from  the  bottome  of  the  hearte.'    In  Polit.  Rel. 
and  Love  Poems,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  41,  the  word  is  used  as  an  adjective  :  'besechinge  you 
euer  with  myn  enterly  hert.' 

6  '  S'entremettre  de,  to  meddle,  or  deal  with,  to  thrust  himself  into.'  Cotgrave.     '  Who 
euer  schewith  him  lewid  ....  he  is  worthi  to  be  forbode  fro  entermeting  with  the  Bible 
in  eny  parte  ther-of.'  Pecock's  Repressort  i.  145.     '  Of  folys  that  vnderstonde  nat  game, 
and  can  no  thynge  take  in  sport,  and  yet  intermyt  them  with  Folys.'  Barclay's  Ship  of 
Fools,  ed.  Jamieson,  ii.  33.     See  also  P.  Plowman,  C.  Text,  xiv.  226,  and  King  Alisaunder, 
ed.  Weber,  4025.    In  the  Eng.  Translation  of  the  Charter  of  Rich.  Ill  to  the  Fishmongers' 
Company,  in  Herbert's  Hist,  of  Twelve  Livery  Companies,  iv.  22,  is  an  order  that '  No  foreyn 
shall  entermet  hym  in  the  forsaid  Cite.'     Cf.  Liber  Albus,  pp.  77,  397,  where  the  phrase 
4  intromittere  se '  is  used  in  the  same  sense.      '  Prof  or.  To  entermentyn.'  Medulla.     See 
also  to  Melle,  below. 

I   2 



tto  Entyrdyte l ;  jnterdicere. 
tan  Entirdytynge ;  jnterdictum. 
an  Entrelle ;  vbi  A  tharme. 
to  Entyrchaunge  ;  Alternor  (A.). 
Entirchawngeably ;  Altemaiim(A.). 

E  ante  P. 

tbe  Epyphany ;   epiphania. 
tan  Epistelle  ;  epistola,  litera  ;  epis- 

E  ante  Q,. 

tEquivoce ;  equivocus,  omonimus  2. 
tEquinocciofi. ;  equinoccium,  equidi- 


E  ante  B. 
*an  Erane  (a  spyder  or   an  Atter- 

copp)  4  ;      Aranea,     Araniola  ; 


an  Erande ;  negocium. 

*to  Ere  (Eyr  A.)  ;  vbi  to  plughe 
(plowghe  A.). 

an  Ere  of  corne  5 ;  spica,  Arista, 

an  Ere  :  Auris  hominum.  est,  Auri- 
cula brutorum,  Ansa  est  olle, 
Ansvla,  dlmmuimum  ;  Auricu- 
laris,  Auricus. 

fan  Erepyke  (Eyrpyke  A.)  6 ;  Auri- 
fricium,  Aurifodium. 

an  Erie  ;  comes,  comicellus. 

an  Erie  dome  ;  comitatus. 

tan  Erie  wyfe  (or  a  countess) ; 

tErls  (Erelys  A.)  7 ;  Arabo,  Arra,  & 
cetera;  vbi  hanselle. 

1        'This  bisgopes  ....  entreditede  al  this  lond.1  Rob.  of  Gloucester,  p.  495. 
4  Him  &  his  fautours  he  cursed  euerilkon  And  enterdited  Jris  lond.' 

R.  de  Brunne's  Chronicle,  p.  209, 

3  MS.  ononimus.  Compare  Evyn  of  voce,  below. 

8  4  ^Equidiale.  The  leuell  of  the  yere.'  Cooper.     4  Equidium.  Hevynheed  off  day  and 
nyth.'  Medulla. 

'  Ac  wat  etestu,  that  thu  ne  Ii5e,  Bute  attercoppe  an  fule  vlije  ? ' 

Owl  and  Nyghtingale,  600. 

4  Eir  coruropij)  a  ]>mg  anoon,  as  it  schewij)  weel  by  generacioun  of  flies  and  areins,  and  siche 
othere.'  The  Book  of  Quinte  Essence,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  2.  'His  cordes  er  bot  erayne  thredes.' 
DeDeguileville's Pilgrimage,  MS.  John's  Coll.  Camb.  leaf  117**.  '  In  the  towne  of  Schrowys- 
bury  setan  iiie  men  togedur,  and  as  they  seton  talkyng,  an  atturcoppe  com  owte  of  the  wowj, 
and  bote  hem  by  the  nekkus  alle  }>re.'  Lyf  of  St.  Wenefride  in  Robert  de  Brunne, 
p.  cc.  Caxton  in  his  edition  of  Trevisa,  speaking  of  Ireland,  says,  'ther  ben  attercoppes, 
blodesoukers  and  eeftes  that  doon  none  harme,'  p.  48  ;  and  in  the  Game  of  the  Chesse,  p. 
29,  he  says  that '  the  lawes  of  somme  ben  like  vnto  the  nettis  of  spyncoppis?  See  drawings 
of  an  atter-coppa  of  the  period  in  MS.  Cotton.  Vitell,  C.  iii.,  which  by  no  means  agree  with 
the  notion  of  its  being  a  spider.  '  Loppe,  fleonde-nteddre  vel  attor-coppe.'  Alfric's  Gloss,  in 
Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  24.  4  Araneus,  an  adercop,  or  a  spynner.'  Stanbridge's  Vocabula, 
sign,  d  ii.  Jamieson  gives  '  Attercap,  Attir-cop,  and  Ettercap,  A  spider.'  '  Attercop,  a 
venomous  spider. '  Pegge.  *  Arain,  a  spider,  k  Lat.  aranea.  It  is  used  only  for  the  largest 
kind  of  spiders.  Nottinghamshire.'  Ray's  Glossary,  *  Erayne,  a  spider.'  Nominale. 
4  Arania.  An  erany.'  Medulla.  See  also  Mire's  Instructions  for  Parish  Priests,  p.  59, 
1. 1937,  and  Palladius  On  Husbondrte,  p.  138, 1.  945.  A.  S.  ator,  attor,  cetor  ;  0.  Icel.  eitr, 
poison,  venom.  *  See  also  Awne,  above. 

6  '  Aurizcalpium.  An  eare  picker.'    Cooper.      In  the  Inventory  of  the  Jewels,  &c.  of 
James  III.  of  Scotland,  taken  in  1488,  are  mentioned  'twa  tuthpikis  of  gold  with  acheyne, 
a  perle  and  erepike'  Tytler,  Hist,  of  Scotland,  ii.  391.     *  In  this  combe  cace  are  your  yuorie 
&  box  combes,  your  cisors,  with  your  eare  pickers,  &  al  your  other  knacks.'  Elorio,  Second 
Frutes,  p.  9. 

7  See  also  to  Handfeste,      In  Halt  Meidenhad,   ed.  Cockayne,  7,  we  find  '  J>is  ure 
laverd  jiveS  ham  her  as  on  erles?     See  also  Morte  Arthure,  ed.  Brock,  2687,  and  G. 
Douglas,  Enead.  xi.  Prol.  1. 181.     Herman  says,  4 1  shall  gyue  the  a  peny  in  ernest  or  an 
erest  peny.   Arrabonem  rfa&o.'      *  Aries  or  Earles,  an  earnest  penny.'    Ray's  Glossary. 
' Aries-penny,  earnest  money  given  to  servants.'  Kersey.     'To  arh,  to  give  a  piece  of 
money  to  confirm  a  bargain.    Aries,  erlis,  arlis  pennie,  arile  penny,  a  piece  of  money  given 
to  confirm  a  bargain.'  Jamieson.      'Arra.  Arnest  or  hansale.'  Medulla      Gaelic  earlas, 
from  earal,  provision,  caution.     The  following  curious  extract  is  from  MS.  Ashmole,  860, 



to  Erre ;  delirare,  deuiare,  exorbitare, 

tto  yife  Erls    (Erlys  A.);    Arrare, 

in-,  sub-. 

tan  Errynge;  erratus,  error  ;  Arrati- 
cus  corpore  &  loco,  Arraticius 
ammo,  erroneus. 

an  Erse  ;  Anus,  culus,  posterior  a. 
an  Erse  wyspe  * ;  memperium. 
be  Erthe ;  terra,   humus,  Arida  tel- 
lus  ;  versus : 
11  Ops,  humus  atque  solum,  rea, 

terra  vel  arida,  tellus  : 
terrenu$,terreus,terrestrisj  versus : 
^hunior  humum  reddit,  terrain. 

terit  vsus  aratri, 
Ji/stque    solum,    solidum,    sed 
tellus  tollit  in.  altum. 

*an  Erthe  dyn,  or  an  Erthe  qvake  2; 

tan  Erthe  vesselle ;  fictilis  (A.). 

E  ante  S. 

tan  Eschete  3 :  eschatea. 
tto  Eschete ;  eschaetare. 
an  Esche  4  ;  fraxinus ;  fraxinus, 

fraxcineus ;  fraxinetum  est  locus 

vbi  crescit. 

an  Ese  (Eyse  A.)  ;  edia,  ocium. 
Esy ;  ediosus,  secundus,  secundatus, 

humilis,  leuis  &  suauis. 
tEsy  of  gate  ;  gr&cilis. 
to  make  Esy ;  humiliare,  lenire>  pros- 

perare,  secundare. 
*an  Esynge  5 ;  domicilium,  tectum. 
an  Espe  6 ;  tremulus. 

leaf  19  : — 'Ex  libro  Rotulorum  Curice  Manerii  de  Halfield,  juxta  insuld[m\  de  Axholme,  in 

Com.  Ebor. : — Curia  tenta  apud  Hal  field  die  Mercurii  proximo  post  festum Anno 

xi  Edwardi  III,  Rdbertus  de  Roderham  qui  optulit  se  versus  Johannem  de  Ithen  de  eo  quod 
non  teneat  convencionem  inter  eos  factam  &  wide  queritur  quod  certo  die  et  anno  apud 
Thorne  convenit  inter  predictum  Robertnm  <&  Johannem,  quod  predictus  Johannes  vendidit 
predicto  Roberto  diabolum  ligatum  in  quodam  Ugamine  pro  iij  ob.  et  super  predictus  Robertus 
tradidit  predicto  Johanni  quoddam  obolum  earles,  per  quod  propriefas  dicti  diaboli  com- 
moratur  in  persona  dicti  Boberti  ad  habendam  deliberacionem  dicti  diaboli,  infra  quartam 
diem  proximam  sequentem.  Ad  quam  diem  idem  Robertus  venit  ad  prefatum  Johannem  et 
petit  deliberacionem  dicti  diaboli  secundum  convencionem  inter  eos  factam,  idem  Johannes 
predictum  diabolum  deliberare  noluit,  nee  adhuc  vult,  <&c.,  ad  graue  dampnum  ipsius  Roberti 
Ix  solidi,  et  inde  producit  sectam,  &c.  Et  predictus  Johannes  venit,  &c.  Et  non  dedicit  con- 
vencionem predictam  ;  et  qitia  videtur  curice  quod  tale  placitum  non  jacet  inter  Christianos, 
•ideo  paries  predicti  adjournatus  usque  in  infernum>  ad  audiendum  judicium  suum,  et  utraque 
pars  in  misericordia,  &c.'  Quoted  in  Mr.  Peacock's  Gloss,  of  Manley,  &c. 

1  '  I  wolde  his  eye  wer  in  his  ers?  P.  Plowman,  B.  x.  123.     See  also  under  A. 

a  « Terremotus.  An  erdyn.'  Medulla.  In  the  A.-Saxon  Chronicles,  under  the  year  1060, 
it  is  mentioned  that,  '  On  Sisan  gere  wses  micel  eor]>dyne,'  ed.  Earle,  p.  193.  Amongst 
the  signs  of  the  day  of  Judgment  Hampole  tells  us 

*  Pestilences  and  hungers  sal  be  And  ertliedyns  in  many  centre.'  Priche  of  Conscience,  4035 . 
And  again —  «  pe  neghend  day,  gret  erthedyn  sal  be.'  Ibid.  4790. 

A.  S.  eord  dyne.  '  Bren  it  thunder,  sane  il  erftedine.'  Genesis  &  Exodus,  ed.  Morris,  1108, 
and  see  also  1.  3196. 

8  Fr.  eschoir,  to  fall ;  that  is  lands  fallen  or  reverting  into  the  hands  of  the  lord  or 
original  owner,  by  forfeiture  or  for  want  of  heirs  of  the  tenant.  See  Liber  Custumarum, 
Glossary,  s.  v.  Escaeta.  Thus  in  Rauf  Coil^ear,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Murray,  761,  Charles 
promises  to  give  Rauf  '  The  nixt  vacant  .... 

That  hapnis  in  France,  quhair  sa  euer  it  fall,  Forfaltour  or  fre  waird.' 

'  Fallen  in  Escheat  for  lacke  of  an  heir,  caduca  hcereditas'  Baret.  '  I  fall,  as  an  offyce,  or 
landes,  or  goodes  falleth  in  to  the  kynges  handes  by  reason  of  forfayture.  Je  eschoys.' 
Palsgrave.  *  '  Esch.  The  ash,  a  tree.'  Jamieson.  A.  S.  cesc. 

8  In  P.  Plowman,  C.  Text,  xx.  93,  we  read  of  '  Isykeles  in  euesynges.'  Baret  gives 
'  Eauesing  of  an  house,  suggrundatio,  and  Huloet  '  Evesynge  or  eves  settynge  or  trimmynge. 
Imbricium,  Subgrundatio.'  Jamieson  has  '  Easing,  and  easing-drap,  the  eaves  of  a  house.' 
In  the  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  142,  we  are  told  that  '  J>e  niht  fuel  i'Sen  euesunge  bitocneS  recluses, 
J>at  wunie])  for])i,  under  chirche  euesunge.'  '  Evese  mi  cop,  moun  top.'  Wright's  Vocab. 
p.  144.  6  '  Tremble.  An  ashe  or  aspen  tre.'  Cotgrave. 



fan  Essoyn  of  courte  * ;  essonium. 
tan  Esquier;  vbi  A  squier(Esqwyer; 

vbi  Sqwyere  A.). 

J?e  Este ;  oriens ;  eous,  orientalis. 
J?e  Eetewynde ;  eurus. 
Est  Northe  (A.). 

E  ante  T. 

Ethroglett  (Ethroclett  A.)  2 ;  ethro- 
clisis,  diuersiclinium;  ethroclitus. 

to  Ete ;  epulari,  con-,  comedere,  co- 
messare,  vessi,  con-,  edefe,  con-, 
ex-,  fagin  grece,  mandare,  man- 
ducare,  papare,  jw&ndere,  pr&n- 
sare,  pransitare. 

tEteabylltf;  comessibilis,  edilis. 

tan  Eter ;  comestor. 

an  Etynge ;  commestio,  commessacio. 

Etynge ;  edax,  edaculus,  edens. 

an  Etynge  place ;  pransorium. 

Etyn;  commestus,  estus,  esus,  raansus, 

thalfe  Ettyn ;  Semesus  (A.). 

E  ante  Vi 
fan  Ev  tre   (Ewetre    A.)  3 ;  taxns  ; 


tan  Ev  stok  ;  taxum. 
tEve  4 ;  eua,  virago. 
an  Evylle  ;    vbi  seknes. 
Even ;  equ\is,  co-,  equalis,  equ&bttis, 

par,  compar,  parilis. 
to  be  Evyn  ;   equipoUere,  eqniualere. 
tEvyn  agayn ;   e  contra. 
tto  make  Evyn  5 ;   congire,    detube- 

fare,  equ&re,  con-,  ex-,  parificare. 
an  Evyn-hede  ;  eqnalitas,  equanimi- 

tas,  equipolkncia,  equalencia,  pa- 

tEvyn  of  voce  ;    eo/mwocus,   omoni- 


1  The  origin  of  this  word  is  doubtful.     Ducange  considers  it  to  have  the  same  root  as 
soin,  care,  from  Lat.  somnium,  implying  thoughtfulness,  anxiety.     Hickes  (Pissert.  Epist. 
p.  8)  derives  it  from  Moeso-Gothic  sunia,  truth,  as  meaning  a  plea  based  on  truth  ;  see 
Ducange,  s.  vv.  soniare  and  sunnis.     The  words  astoyne,  essoigne  in  Early  Eng.  were  used 
as  signifying  an  excuse  or  impediment  of  any  kind  ;  thus  in  Cursor  Mundi,  E.  E.  Text 
Soc.  ed.  Morris,  p.  139, 1.  2266,    'That  shend  thing  is  withouten  assoyne.' 

'  Essonia,  excusatio  causaria,  ejuratio  vadimonii  propter  impedimentum  :  empechement  de 
se presenter  ;  excuse  donee  par  un  plaideur  qui  ne  pent  comparaitre'  Ducange.  Jamieson 
gives  4  Essonyie.  An  excuse  offered  for  non-appearance  in  a  court  of  law.  Essonyier.  One 
who  legally  offers  an  excuse  for  the  absence  of  another.'  O.  Fr.  essoigne.  '  Ther  avayleth 
non  essoyne  ne  excusacioun.'  Chaucer,  Persone's  Tale,  p.  271.  See  also  Gower,  Conf. 
A  mantis,  i.  ioa. 

2  This  cannot  but  be  a  corruption  of  heteroclitus  =  Ire/xfoXtTos,  which  exactly  corresponds 
in  meaning  with  the  Latin  diver siclinium.     Cf.  Sete  of  Angellis  hereafter,  which  is 
rendered  by  dindimus,  'nomen  etteroglitum'  =heteroclitum,  on  account  of  its  plural  being 
dindima.      Ducange  gives   '  Heteroclitum.   Diversiclinium  :  lieu  oil  plusieurs  chemins  se 
reunissent.     Diversiclinium.  Locus  ubi  diversae  vise  conjunguntur :  carrefour*     See  also 
Gateschadylle,  below. 

3  This  word  is  inserted  again  in  the  MS.  after  Euerlastynge. 

*  This  is  illustrated  by  a  passage  in  the  Cursor  Mundi,  ed.  Morris,  11.  631,  634,  where 
we  are  told  that  when  Eve  was  brought  to  Adam, 
*  Virago  gaf  he  hir  to  nam ; 

par  for  hight  sco  virago,  Ffor  maked  o  >e  man  was  sco.' 

And  similarly  Lyndesay  in  his  Monarche  says — 

'  And  Virago  he  callit  hir  than,  Quhilk  Eua  efterwarfc  wes  namyt.' 

Quhilk  is,  Interpreit,  maid  of  man  :          E.  E.  T.  Soc.  ed.  Hall,  1865,  Bk.  i.  1.  773. 
So  also  in  the  Chester  Plays,  p.  25  — 

'  Therefore  shee  shall  be  called,  I  wisse     Viragoo,  nothing  amisse, 

For  out  of  man  tacken  shee  is,     And  to  man  shee  shall  draw.' 

Andrew  Boorde  in  his  JBreuiary  of  Health,  p.  242,  says,  '  when  a  woman  was  made  of  God 
she  was  named  Virago  because  she  dyd  come  of  a  man.'  '  Virago.  A  woman  of  stout  and 
manly  carriage.'  Cooper. 

8  '  Congio.  To  waxen  evyn.'  Medulla. 



*Evyneldes  l  ;  coetaneus,  coeuus,  co- 

lectaneus,  equeuus. 
tEuenly  ;  Eque,  equaliter,  eqU&nimi- 

ter  (A.). 
tto  wax   Euen;    vesperare,    adues- 

perare  (A.). 
|Euen  sang  2  ;    vespere,    pulsantur 

vesperi,    psalmi    qui    cantantur 

tthe  Euenstern;  vesperus,  vesj)er  & 

vespervgO)  et  idem  planeta  dicitur 

venus  (A.). 
fj>e  Euen  tyde  ;    Crepusculum,   ves- 

perium,     vespera,    vesper;    ves- 

2)ertinus,     vesperta     dea     noctis 

Euerlastynge  ;  efemus,  &  cetera;  vbi 

Euyrmar<?  ;  jnperpetuum,  ineternum, 

&  cetera;  vbi  Alway  (A.). 
tEvury  (Evoure  A.)  3  ;  ebur  ;  ebur- 




an  Example  ;  exemplum,  exemplar, 
exemplnm  est  dictum  vel  Jkctum 
alicuius  autentice  persone  mutaci- 
one  dignum,  sed  exemplar  est  ad 
emus  similitudinem  ad  Jit  simile, 
jdea,  p&rabola,  psucadiogma. 

to  yif  Exampille;  exemplificare,  scan- 

to  Examyn  ;  examinare,  cribare,  ven- 
tulare  4,  -tor. 

fan  Exemplar ;  examplar,  Exempla- 

rium  (A.). 

an  Examynacion ;  examinacio. 
Examynd;  examinatms,  cribatus,  ven- 


an  Excusacion ;  excusacio. 
to  Excuse ;   excusare,  disculpare. 
Excusyd ;  excusatus. 
tan  Execucion ;  execucio. 
tto  Execute ;  exequi. 
an  Executor ;  executor,  -trix. 
to  Exile ;    relegare,    proscribere,    <& 

cetera ;  vbi  to  outelawe. 
an  Exile  ;  exilium,  acucula. 
tto  Expende;  dispensare,  dispendere, 

disponzre,  ex-,  expeudere. 
tan  Expense ;  inpensa,  expe&sa  vel 

tto  Expo[w]nde  ;  commeutari,  com- 

minisci,    aperire,   discutere,  dis- 

serere,  edisserere,  edissertare,  ex- 

cutere,  explanare,  exponeie,  inter- 

an    Expow[n]dynge ;    commentum, 

edicio,    exposicio,    jnterpretacio ; 

an    Expownder  ;    expositor,    inter- 

em  Extorcion  ;    distorcw  ex  iniuria, 

rapina,  seaccio. 
to  do  Extorcion  ;    contorquere,    de-t 

ex-,  exigere. 
an  Extorcioner ;  exactor,  &  cetera  de 

verbis  predictis. 

1  '  Coetaneus.  Of  evyn  age.'  Medulla. 

'  And  swa  wass  Crist  soj)  Godess  witt  All  wij>|>  hiss  Faderr  efennald 

Ajj  inn  hiss  Faderr  herrte,  Inn  eche  Godcunndnesse.' 

Ormulum,  11. 18603-6. 

*  Earst  ha  wakenede  of  him  J>a  Bet  ]>a  he  wes  in  heuene,  for  neh  wtfS  him  euenhald.'  Hali 
Meidenhad,  p.  41.  Wyclif  in  his  version  of  Galatians  i.  14  has,  'And  I  profitide  in  Jurye 
aboue  many  myn  euene  eeldis  [euene  eldris  P.  cocetaneos,  Vulg.]  in  my  kyn,'  and  in  I  Peter 
v.  i,  "Therfore  I,  euene  eldre,  [consenior]  biseche  the  eldre  men  that  ben  in  3ow,  &c.' 
See  also  Daniel  i.  10. 

2  '  Vespero.   To   evyn.     Vespere  est  tempus  circa  koram  nonam  et  horam  pulsandi.' 
Medulla.     In  the  Myroure  of  our  Lady,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Blunt,  p.  1 2,  Vespere,  et  mane 
et  meridie  narrabo  et  annunciabo  is  rendered  '  by  the  morow,  at  prynie  tyme,  &  at  none, 
and  at  euensonge  tyme,  &c.' 

3  In  Sir  John  Fastolfs  Bottre,  1459,  were   'iij  kneyves  in  a  schethe,  haftys  of  euery, 
withe  naylys  gilt.'  Paston  Letters,  i.  488. 

*  MS.  dentulare. 


C&pitulum    6m  F. 

F  ante  A. 

a      Face  ;   fades,  vultus. 

t       Fasyngis  of  lokis  *  (A.). 

A     Facon 2 ;  /a?co  (A.). 

t  Facitt ;  faciscia  (A.). 

to  Fade ;  vbi  to  welowe. 

Fad^r;  genitor. 

a  Fader ;  £>ater,  p&terculus,  parens, 
genitor,  propagator,  abba  grece, 
abia  ;  p&ternalis,  fjatrenus,  patri- 
us,  patruelis,  joartfcipia. 

to  Fadyr ;  genitare  (A.). 

a  Faderles  chylde;  pupillus,  orphan- 
us,  orbus. 

fa  Fadirles  childe  hows  ;  orphano- 

a  Fader  slaer  ;  patricida. 

*toFage3;  Adulari,  Assentari,  As- 
senciare,  Assentiri,  blandiri,  de-, 
blandifeare,  delinere,  palpare. 

a  Fager  ;  Adulator,  blanditor,  blan- 
diceUus,  blandus,  paljw. 

ta  Fagynge  ;  blandicia,  blandicella, 
blandicies,  adulacio,  adulatus, 
lolandimentum,  delinicio,  delimen- 
tum  (delmimentum  A.),  oleum, 
vt  in  psalmo  :  oleum  autem 

pecc&ioris      non     inpinguet,     & 

cetera 4. 
Fagynge ;  blandus,  blandulus,  blan- 

a  Fagott ;  fasciculus  (malliolus  A.), 

&  cetera  ;  vbi  A  byrden. 
Fayne ;  vbi  mery. 
Fare;    pulcher,    decorus,    speciosus, 

specialis,  formosus,  bellus,  venus- 

tus,  apricus,  delectabilis  ;  versus  : 
*fiAd  celi  decora  nos  perdue,  ver- 
ga  decora. 

Conspicuus,  conspicabundvis,  blan- 

dus,  decusatus,  eligans,  politus, 

ornatus,  vultuosus. 
Fayrly 5 ;  ornate,    venuste,  formose, 

$  cetera, 
fto  make  Fare ;    colere,    componere, 

ornare,  ad-,  ex-,  comare,  venus- 

tare,  cou-,de-,  decusare,  redimere, 

decorare,  stellare. 
a  Fayrnes;    pulcritudo,    decusacio, 

decor,   euprepia,  forma,   species, 

Fayre  of  speche  ;  effabilis,  eloquens, 

facuudus,  lepidus. 
a  Fayer  ;  nundine,  feria. 

1  Halliwell  gives  '  Passings.  Any  hanging  fibres  of  roots  of  plants,  &c.,'  ar 
2^y  parts  of  cloth,  resembling  the  lint  (sc.  caddis)  applied 

and  Jamieson 

1  Faisins.  The  stringy  parts  of  cloth,  resembling  the  lint  (sc.  caddis)  applied  to  a  wound. 
Feazings.  Roxburgh.'  •  Coma,  feax.'  Gloss.  MS.  Cott.  Cleop.  A.  iii.  If.  76.  *  His  fax  and 
berde  was  fadit  quhare  he  stude.'  Gawin  Douglas,  Eneados,  Bk.  ii.  p.  48,  1.  13.  A.  S.  feax, 
O.  Icel.fax,  hair.  a  See  Fawcon. 

3  'To  fage.  Adulari,  fingere.'  Manip.  Vocab.  'po  pat  most  fagen  and  plesen  J>ee 
soonest  goon  awey  and  deysceuen  }>ee.'  XII  Chapitres  of  Kichard,  Hereinite  de  Ham- 
pool,  Camb.  Univ.  Libr.  MS.  Ff.  v.  30,  leaf  144.  Wyclif  has  in  Judges  xiv.  15,  'And 
whanne  the  seuenthe  day  was  ny3,  thei  seiden  to  the  wijf  of  Sampson,  Faage  to  thi  man,  and 
meue  hym,  that  he  shewe  to  thee  what  bitokeneth  the  probleme  ;'  where  Purvey's  version 
is,  '  Glose  thin  hoseboude.'  So  again  Wyclif  says  '  It  is  rnanere  of  ypocritis  and  of  sophists 
to  fage  and  to  speke  plesantli  to  men  but  for  yvel  entent.'  Wks.  ed.  Arnold,  i.  44. 

*  The  reference  is  to  Psalms  cxli.  5.  The  word  oil  in  the  sense  of  flattery  occurs,  so 
far  as  I  know,  only  in  the  phrase  '  to  bere  up  '  or  '  hold  up  oil  :'  thus  in  Richard  the  Redeles, 
iii.  1  86,  we  have  'for  braggynge  and  for  bostynge,  and  beringe  vppon  oilles,'  and  in  Gower, 
iii.  172,  where  the  false  prophets  tell  Ahab  to  go  and  prosper— 

'  Anone  they  were  of  his  accorde  To  bere  up  oile,  and  alle  tho 

Prophetes  false  mony  mo  Affermen  that,  which  he  hath  told.' 

See  also  ibid.  p.  159,  and  Trevisa's  Higden,  iii.  447  :  •  Alisaundre  gan  to  boste  and  make 
him  self  more^worjjy  >an  his  fader,  and  a  greet  deel  of  hem  }>at  were  at  J>e  feste  hilde  up 
\>e  kynges  oyl,'  [magna  convivantium  parte  assentiente.]  Compare  the  modern  phrase  '  to 
butter  a  person  up,'  and  Psalms  Iv.  21,  and  Proverbs  v.  3.  See  Notes  &  Queries,  6th,  Ser. 


MS.  Faryly. 



a    Fayre    speche ;    effabilitas,    elo- 

quencia,  fecuudia,   lepos,    lepor; 

versus : 
^Rure  fugo    lepores,   in  verbis 

quero  lepores  ; 
Nam  lepus  est  animal,  lepor  est 

facundia  fandi. 

tto  here  fro  Fayers  ;  denuudinare. 
a  Faythe ;  fides. 
a  Faythe  breker  ;  fidefragus. 
Faythfully ;  jiducialiter. 
to  Falde  ;  plicare,  in-,  com-,  plectere, 

voluere,  con-,  rugare. 
To  vnfalde  ;    explicare,     extenders, 

deuoluere,  6f  cetera ;  vbi  to  shewe. 
a  Falde ;  caula,  ouile. 
A  Falde  of  clothe ;  plica  (A,). 
*a  Faldynge  x ;  Amphibalus. 
a  Faldynge;  plicacio,  fleccio,  conuo- 

lucio,  fy  cetera  de  verbis. 
fan  vn  Foldynge  j  explicio,  deuolucio^ 

6f  cetera. 

ta  Fayle ;  defectus,  defeccio. 
to  Fayle;  dejicere,  fatiscere. 
Falghe  2  (Falowe  A.)  ;  terra  sacion- 

alis,  semiualis,  nouale,  noualis. 
to  Falowe  (A.). 
a  Fall0 ;  lapsus,  casns. 
*J>e  Falland  Euylle  3 ;  epilencia,  co- 

micius  vel  comicialis,  morbus  ca- 
ducus,  noxa,  gerenoxa,  epilensis  ; 
epilenticua  qui  patitur  illam  in- 

to  Falle ;  cad&ce>  concidere,  oc-}  de-, 
mere,  cor-,  labi,  procidere,  ruin- 
are  ;  versus : 

^Occido  dum  labor,  occido  dum 

tto  Falle  be-twne  (to  Faylle  be- 
t~weyne  A. ) ;  intercedere  corum 

tto  Falle  in ,  incidere,  irruere,  in- 

tlyke  to  Falle ;  ruinosus,  vt,  domua 
est  ruinosa. 

tFallynge ;  caucus,  cadabundus, 
cadens,  deciduus,  occiduns. 

ta  Fallynge ;  ruina. 

False ;  falsus,  fallax,  mendax,  fal- 
sidicus,  falsarius,  deceptorius, 
dolosus,  subdolus,sediciosus,  frau- 
duleutus,  callidus,  versutus,  as- 
tutus,  versipellis,  infidus,  per-, 
altripleX)  pellax,  omuis  generjs, 
in  verbis  est  malfifidus,  vafer, 
pseudolus,  pseudo. 

ta  False  Accusere ;  calurapniator, 

1  Amongst  the  commodities  of  Ireland  mentioned  in  the  Libel  of  English  Policy,  Wright's 
Political  Poems,  ii.  186,  we  find — 'Irish  wolleu,  lynyn  cloth,  faldynge? 

Trevisa  in  his  trans,  of  Higden  says  of  the  Irish  that  they  wear  '  blak  faldynges  instede  of 
mantels  and  of  clokes  [vice  palliarum  pkalangis  nigris  utitur].'  Vol.  i.  p.  353.  'Also  I 
gyff  to  Alice  Legh  my  doghtor  my  chamlett  kyrtill  and  my  wolsted  kyrtill,  my  best  typett, 
my  faldyng,  &c.'  Will  of  Margaret  Starkey,  1526,  Chetham  Soc.  vol.  xxxiii.  p.  13.  Fitz- 
herbert  in  his  BoTce  of  Husbandry,  1534,  has  '  washe  your  shepe  there- with,  with  a  sponge 
or  a  pece  of  an  olde  mantell,  or  offaldynge,  or  suche  a  softe  cloth  or  woll,'  fo.  Eb. 

2  *  Faugh- land,  fallow  land.'  Kennett,  MS.  Lans.  1033.     See  also  Thoresby's  Letter  to 
Ray,  E.  D.  Soc.     In  Haveldk,  ed.  Skeat,  2509,  Godard,  when  sentenced  to  death,  is  bound 
and  drawn  '  un-to  }>e  galwes, 

Nouth  bi  )>e  gate,  but  ouer  ]?e  falwes  ' 

3  In  the  account  of  the  death  of  Herod  given  in  the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  678, 1.  11831,  we 
are  told  that  '  \>e  falland  euel  he  had,'  where  the  Cotton  and  Gottingen  MSS.  read  '  ]je 
falland  gate.'     '  fallinde  vuel  ich  cleopie  licomes  sicnesse.'  Ancren  Eiwle,  p.  176.     '  Apo- 
plexia,  the  falling  evil.'  R.  Peroyuall,  Spanish  Diet.  1591.     '  Epilencia.  The  fallyng  evyl.' 
Medulla.     See  Andrew  Boorde's  '  dyete  for  them  the  whiche  haue  any  of  the  kyndes  of 
the  fallyng  syckenes?  in  his  '  Dyetary,'  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  294.     The  same  author  says  (ibid. 
p.  127)  that  'the  foule  euyll,  whyche  is  the  fallyng  syckenes,'  is  the  common  oath  of 
Scotchmen.     Harrison,  Descript.  of  Eng.  ii.  13,  says  that  quail   '  onelie  with  man  are 
subject  tothe/aZZmgr  sickenes?     'The  falling  ill.     Comitialis  morbus,  morbus  caducus,' 
Withals.    ' Epilepsia,  vel  caduca,  vel  larvatio,  vel  conimitialis,  braec-co'Su,  fylle-seoc.'  AKric's 
Gloss,  pr.  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  19. 



a  Falsed  (Falshede  A.);  falsitas, 
fraus  artefit,fraudulencia,  dolus, 
dolositas,  fucns,fallacia,  decepcw, 
astus,  meander,  trica,prestigium, 
verbum,  pellacia,  pellicio,  v&c- 

ta  False  sayer ;  falsidicua. 

to  do  Falsely ;  falsificare,  falsare, 
fallere,  falsitare. 

Falsely ;  fraudulenter,  dolose,  decep- 
tuose,  <fc  cetera. 

fto  Fame  l ;  famare. 

a  Fame  ;  fama  (nomen  A.). 

Fame 2 ;  spuma  ;  spumoSus  (A.). 

tFamus ;  famosue. 

*a  Faiii 3 ;  capisterium,  pala,  vannus, 

fto  Fan ;  ventulare. 
fto  Fande  (Faynde   A.) 4 ;   conari, 

niti)   con-,    &   cetera  ;  vbi  to  be 

*a  Fayne  of  a  schipe  5 ;   cheruchus, 

$  cetera ;  vbi  A  weder  coke. 
*a  Fanon  6 ;  fanula,  manipulus. 
a  Fantasy ;  fantasia,  fantasma^ 

fasma,     lemur,     falmos    grece ; 

A  Funtum  7 ;  fantasma  (A.). 

1  '  Famo.  To  ffamyn.'  Medulla.  The  compound  verb  to  defame  is  now  used.  '  Fama. 
The  noyse  or  brute  of  a  thynge.'  Cooper.  In  the  Complaint  of  the  Ploughman,  pr.  in 
Wright's  Political  Poems,  i.  313,  we  are  told,  that 

'  If  a  man  be  falsely  famed,  Than  woll  the  officers  be  agramed, 

And  wol  make  purgacioun,  And  assigne  him  fro  toune  to  toune.' 

•  False  and  fekylle  was  that  wyghte  That  lady  for  to  fame.'  Sir  Tryamoure,  20. 
And  so  also,  '  Help  me  this  tyde,  Ageyn  this  pepyl  that  me  doth /awe.'  Cov.  Myst.  p.  139. 
See  also  Squyr  of  Lowe  Degre,  1.  391.     *  Defamo.  To  mislose.'  Medulla. 

3  A.  S.  fdm,  Ger.  faum,  foam,  froth. 

3  '  Capisterium.  A  ffane.    Ventilabrum.  A  wyndyl  or  a  ffan.'  Medulla.     A.  S.  fann. 
1  Ventilo.  To  wyndyn  or  sperelyn.'  Medulla.     See  also  to  Wyndowe,  below. 

*  Hampole  tells  us  that  devils  surround  a  dying  man  and 

'  pai  sal  fande  at  his  last  endyng  Hym  in -to  wanhope  for  to  bryng.' 

A.  S.fandian.  Pricke  of  Conscience,  2228. 

5  '  Cheruchus.  Atop  off  a  mast  or  a  Veyne.'  Medulla.  In  the  Romance  of  Sir  Eglamour, 
ed.  Halliwell,  1192,  where  a  ship  forms  part  of  a  coat  of  arms,  we  read — 

'  Hys  maste  of  sylvyr  and  of  golde,  And  of  redd  golde  was  hys  fane, 

The  chylde  was  but  of  oon  nyght  olde,         Hys  gabulle  and  hys  ropys  everechone 
And  evyr  in  poynte  to  dye  :  Was  portrayed  verely.' 

4  Upon  his  first  heed,  in  his  helmet  crest,          There  stode  a  fane  of  the  silke  so  fine.' 

Hawes,  Passetyme  of  Pleasure,  xxxiii.  8. 

'  Cheruchus.  The  fane  of  the  mast  or  of  a  vayle  (?  sayle),  quia  secundum  ventum  movetur? 
Ortus  Vocab.  '  Fane  of  a  steple,  uirsoet,  vaniere.'  Palsgrave. 

'  '  1 566.  Wintertoune  ....  one  old  vestment,  one  amys,  one  corporaxe,  one  faunel 
....  Wrought  in  the  Isle  of  Axholme  ....  one  amis,  one  albe,  a  slote,  a  belt,  a  ffaunell, 
a  corporax.'    Lincolnshire  Ch.  Goods,  pp.  164,  169.     '  Manipulus  :    quedam  vestis  sacer- 
dotalis.'  Medulla.    In  Myrc's  Instructions  for  Parish  Priests,  p.  59, 1.  1917,  we  read — 
'  3af  }>e  wonte  stole  or  fanoun,  Passe  forth  wythowten  turne.' 

When  >ou  art  in  >e  canoun, 

See  also  the  Lay  Folks  Mass-Book,  pp.  167-8,  where  it  is  spelt  phanon.  In  the  Fardle  of 
Facions,  1555,  pt.  ii.  ch.  viii.  sign.  Lii.  the  author  writing  of  the  Indians  says,  that  '  for 
thei  sette  muche  by  beautie,  thei  cary  aboute  with  them  phanelles  to  defende  them  from 
the  sonne,'  where  the  meaning  seems  to  be  a  '  kerchief.'  See  Ducange  s.  v.  Fano.  Francis 
Morlay  in  his  Will  dated  1540,  bequeathed  'to  the  reparacion  of  and  annournenament  of 
the  qwere  of  Saynt  Katryne  in  Mellyng  churche  vjs  viijd,  with  a  vestment  of  blakke 
chamlett,  albe,  stole,  and  fannell  therto  belongyng.'  Richmondahire  Wills,  &c.,  Surtees 
Soc.  vol.  xxvi.  p.  21. 

4  Worlissche  riches,  how-swa  >ai  come,       I  hald  noght  elles  but  filth  and  fantome." 

Hampole,  Pricke  of  Conscience,  1197. 

Wyclif  renders  Psalms  cxviii.  37  by  'turn  min  eghen  >at  J>ai  fantome  [vanitatem']  ne  se.' 

Hit  nis  but  fantum  and  feiri.'  Early  Eng.  Poems  and  Lives  of  Saints,  ed.  Furnivall,  p. 

1 34.     In  the  Wyclifite  version  of  St.  Mark  vi.  49,  the  disciples  seeing  our  Lord  walking 



aFardelle1;  involucrum. 

fa  Farntikylle  2 ;  lenticula,  lentigo, 
neuus,  sesia. 

fFarntykylde ;  lentiginosus. 

to  Farce 3 ;  farcire,  in-,  re-,  con-, 
suf-,  dif-,  coustipare,  replere,  far- 
tare,  re-,  con-,  farcinare,  re-,  dif- 
fartare,  de-. 

a  Farsynge;  farcimen,  farcimentum. 

a  Farte ;  bumbum,  bumba,  pedicio, 

to  Farte ;  pedere,  con-,  turpiter  son- 
are,  oppedere,  id  est  contra  pedere. 

to  Fare  wele  ;  valere,  vale,  valete. 

to  Faste  ;  ieiunare,  abstinere. 

a  Faste ;  ieiunium,  abstineucia. 

Faste;  j^rmus,  &  cetera;  tfbi  sekyr. 

a  Fastnes ;  firmitas,  securitas,  con- 

stancia,  stabilitas. 
*Fastyngange(Fastynggayng  A.)  4; 

*a    Fatte 5 ;    cupa,    cupula,    cuua, 


fa  Fattmaker ;  cuparius. 
Fatte;  pinguis,    aruinosus,    bussus, 

crassus,    crassatus,    crassulentus, 

obesus,  saginatus. 
fto  make  Fatte  ;  crassare,  con-,  de-} 

id  est  valde  crassare,  inp\t\n(Ju* 

are,  inpinguere,  inescare,  lardare, 

tto  be  Fatte  ;  crassere,  crescere,  cres- 

sari,  pinguescere,    m-,    gliscere, 

pinguere,  in-,  pinguifieri. 

on  the  sea,  '  gessiden  him  for  to  be  a  fantum?  '  ForsoJ>e  it  is  but  fanteme  J>at  je  fore-telle.' 
William  of  Palerne,  2315.  See  also  Gower,  iii.  172.  '  Fantasma,  a  ghost,  a  hag,  a  robin 
goodfellow,  a  hobgoblin,  a  sprite,  a  iade,  the  riding  hagge  or  mare.'  Florio. 

1  'A  fardell,  or  packe  that  a  man  beareth  with  him  in  the  way,  stuffe  or  carriage,  sarcina. 
A  little  fagot,  or  far  deft,  fasciculus.'  Baret.     'A  fardel.  Sarcina.'  Manip.  Vocab.     'Who 
would  fardels  bear?'  Hamlet  iii.  i.     Low  Lat.  fardellus. 

2  In  the  Thornton  MS.  leaf  285,  is  a  receipt  '  to  do  awaye  ferntikilles.'     Chaucer  in 
the  Knighte's Tale,  1311,  in  describing  'the  grete  Emetreus,  the  Kynge  of  Ynde,'  says 
there  were  '  A  fewe  fraknes  in  his  face  y-sprent, 

Betwixen  yelwe  and  blake  somdel  y-ment.' 

' Farnatickles,  freckles.'  Tour  to  the  Caves,  E.  Dial.  Soc.  0.  led.  freJcna,  A.  S.  frcecn. 
4  Lentigo,  Plin.  A  specke  or  pimple,  redde  or  wanne,  appearyng  in  the  face  or  other  part.' 
Cooper.  '  Neuus :  macula  que  nascitur,  Anglice,  a  wrete.  Lenticula.  A  firakyn.  Lenti- 
ginosus. Ffrakeny  or  spotty.'  Medulla.  Turner  in  his  Herbal,  1551,  p.  169,  says:  '  Rocket 

healeth  al  the  fautes  in  the  face  layd  to  with  hony,  and  it  taketh  away  frekles  or 

fayrntikles  with  vinegre.'     See  also  Ferntykylle,  below. 

3  '  To  farce,  to  stuffe  or  porre  in,  differcio.'  Baret. 

'  Of  alle  J?o  thynges  J>ou  make  farsure,       And  farse  |>o  skyn,  and  perboyle  hit  wele.' 

Liber  Cure  Cocorum,  ed.  Morris,  p.  26. 

*  The  form  Fastyngong  occurs  several  times  in  the  Paston  Letters,  thus — '  As  for  the 
obligacyon  that  ye  shuld  have  of  the  parson  of  Cressyngham,  he  seth  he  cam  never  at 
Cressyngham  syth  he  spake  with  you,  and  that  he  be-heste  it  you  not  till  Fastyngong'  i. 
194,  ed.  Gairdner.  See  also  i.  no,  378,  ii.  70,  83  and  311.  'Thomas  Gremeston  wiff  .  .  . 
hath  occupied  scene  ester  xix.  yere,  unto  fastyngong,  the  xx  yere  of  the  king.'  Howard 
Household  Books,  1481-90,  p.  117.  '  Vpoun  the  xix  day  thairof,  being  fastrinsevin,  at 
tua  houris  efter  none,  George  lord  Seytoun  come  to  the  castell  of  Edinburgh.'  Diurnal 
of  Occurrents,  1513-1575,  Bannatyne  Club,  1833,  p.  259. 

'  And  on  the  Pastry ngs-ewyn  rycht  To  the  castell  thai  tuk  thair  way.' 

In  the  beginning  of  the  nycht,  Barbour's  Bruce,  Bk.  x.  1.  372. 

See  also  the  Ordinances  of  the  '  Gild  of  St.  James,  Lenne,'  pr.  in  Mr.  Toulmin  Smith's 
English  Gilds,  p.  69,  where  it  is  appointed  that  four  general  meetings  are  to  be  held  in 
each  year,  the  third  of  which  is  fixed  for  '  ye  Souneday  next  after  Fastyngonge?  Langley 
mentions  Fastingham-Tuesday.  '  Fastens-een  or  even,  Shrove  Tuesday.'  Ray's  Glossary. 
'  Sexagesima.  The  Sunday  before  Fastgong.  Quinquayesima,  The  Sunday  on  Fastyngong. 

5  '  A  fat  or  a  vat.  Orcula?  Manip.  Vocab.  '  Cupa.  A  cuppe  or  a  ffat.'  Medulla.  '  A  fat. 
Fas.'  Withals.  '  Fatte,  a  vessall,  quevue.  Fatte,  to  dye  in,  cuuier  a  taindre.'  Palsgrave. 
'  Whenne  thou  haste  fyllyd  up  thy  lede,  bere  hitovere  into  a  fatt,  and  lett  hit  stand  ij. 



a  Fattnes ;  aruina,  aruinula,  crassi- 
tas,  crassitudo,  crassicies,  sagina, 
saginula,  pinguedo. 

a  Fawcon  * ;  herodius,  falco. 

a  Falconer;  falconarius. 

to  Fauer;  favere,  Aqmescere,  Aspi- 

ta  Fauerer  ;  favtor,  duplicarius,  qui 
fauet  vtrique  parti. 

tFauerabylle,  or  fauerynge ;  fauens, 

a  Fauow/* ;  fauor,  aura,  gratia* 

I  a  Fawne ;  hinnulus. 

fa  Fawchon 2  ;  rumphea,  framea, 
spata,  spatula. 

tFawthistelle 3 ;  labrum  veneris. 
F  ante  E. 

Febylle ;  imbecillus ;  vbi  wayke. 

to  make  Febylle  (to  Febylle  A.) ; 
Attenuare,  debilitare,  infirmary 
diluere,  effeminare,  eneruare,  eui- 
rare,Sf  cetera;  v\>i  to  make  wayke. 

a  Febyllnes  ;   debilitas,  inbecillitas, 

fy  cetera ;  vbi  wayknes. 
Febylly ;    debeliter,   imbecilliter,    <£* 


Fedd ;  pastus,  cibatus. 
to  Fede  (Feyde  A.) ;  cibare,  curare, 
pascere,  de- ;  versus : 

^[Aec  tn'a  signal  euro,  medior, 

volo,  pasco. 

a  Fedyr ;  penna,  pluma,  plumella. 
fto  Fedyr ;  pennare,  plumare. 
tto  vn  Fedyr;  ewpennare,  explumare* 
fa  Fedyr  bed ;  fultrum,    plumale, 

lectus  plumalis. 
tFedyrles  or  with  owtyn   feders; 


tto  be  Fedyrde ;  plumere. 
tFederid  or  fulle  of  fedyrs ;  plumo- 


a  Fee  4 ;  feodum. 
to  Fee  (Feeffe  A.) 5 ;  feqffare. 
a  Fefme^t ;  feqffamentum. 

days  or  iij.'  Porkington  MS.  in  Wright's  Carols  and  Songs,  Percy  Soc.  p.  87.  '  Apon  that 
rocke  J>er  was  an  eghe  J>at  was  alway  droppande  dropes  of  water,  and  be  nethe  it  ]>er  was 
a  fatte  that  ressayfed  alle  the  droppes.'  De  Deguileville's  Pilgrimage,  John's  Coll.  MS.  leaf 
iizbk.  '  Quyl  I  fete  sum  quat/atf,  pou  be  fyr  bete.'  Allit.  Poems,  B.  627. 

'I  schal  fete  you  a,  fatte     3011  r  fette  for  to  wasche  ;'  ibid.  802. 

'Hi  berej)  a  wel  precious  tresor  ine  a  wel  fyebble  wetf.'  Ayenbite  of  Inwyt,  p.  231.  See 
also  St.  Marharete,  p*  18,  St.  Juliana,  p*  31,  &c. 

1  'Herodius.   A  gerfalcon.'    Medulla.      '  Herodius.  Ardeola:  heron'  Ducange.      The 
Medulla  further  describes  it  as  a  bird  '  que  vincit  aquilam.' 

'Made  the/awcon  to  fl&oter  and  fflusshe  ffor  anger.'  Wright's  Political  Poems,  i.  389. 
'Thus  foulyd  this/awfo/n  on  ffyldis  aboujte.'  Ibid;  i.  388. 

2  '  Falchon,  a  wood  knife  or  sword.'  Baret.    '  Hec  spata,  A*  fawchon.'   Wright's  Vocab. 
p.  195.          '  Gye  hath  hym  a  stroke  raghte     With  hys  fawchon  at  a  draghte.' 

MS.  Cantab. Ff.  ii.  38,  leaf  157. 

3  According  to  Lyte,  Dodoens,  p.  522,  this  is  the  '  Card  thistel  or  Teasel '  (Dipsacus 
fullonum),  which  he  says  is  called  « in  Latine  Dipsacum  and  Labrum  Veneris'  and  in 
Englishe  Fullers  Teasel,  Carde  Thistell,  and  Venus  bath  or  Bason.'     He  adds  that  the 
root '  boyled  in  wine  and  afterwarde  pounde  untill  it  come  to  the  substance  or  thicknesse 
of  an  oyntment,  healeth  the  chappes,  riftes,  and  fistulas  of  the  fimdemeut.     But  to  preserue 
this  oyntment,  ye  must  keepe  it  in  a  boxe  of  copper.     The  small  wormes  that  are  founde 
within  the  knoppes  or  heades  of  Teaselles,  do  cure  and  heale  the  Quartayne  ague,  to  be 
worne  or  tyed  about  the  necke  or  arme.'     Fawthistelle  would  be  Fah  }>istel  (coloured 
thistle)  in  A.  Saxon,  but  the  word  does  not  appear  in  Bosworth. 

*  See  Ducange,  «.  v.  Feudum. 

'  '  Feofment  signifies  donationem  feudi,  any  gift  or  grant  of  any  honours,  castles,  manors, 
messuages,  lands,  or  other  corporeal  or  immoveable  things  of  like  nature,  to  another  in  fee ; 
that  is,  to  him  and  his  heirs  for  ever.'  Blount's  Law  Dictionary. 

'  Thanne  Symonye  and  Cyuile  stonden  forth  bothe, 

Andvnfoldeth  j?e  fe/ement,  |>at  fals  hath  ymaked.'  P. Plowman,  B.ii.72. 
'  Fauel  with  his  fikel  speche  fefieth  bi  this  chartre  To  be  prynces  in  pryde,  &c.'  Ibid.  1.  78. 
'  In  cans  of  this  iij°  maner  ben  tho  that  ben  feffid  in  othere"  mennys  londis.'  Pecock's  Ee- 
pressor,  ed.  Babington,  p.  398.  •  Whanne  the  said  feffers  and  executouris  expresseli  or 
Pnueli graunten  and  consenten  as  bi  couenant,  &c.'  Ibid.  p.  399. 



to  Peghte ;  pugnare,  fy  cetera ;  vbi 
to  fyghte. 

fa  Feehouse ' ;  bostar,  -aris,  me&io 

to  Feyne ;  commeutari,  comminisci, 
confingere,  finger  e,  dif-,  dissimi- 
lare  estfingere  se  nescire,  simulare 
est  cum  quis  ?^on  vultfacere  quod 

Peyned ;  fictus,  ficticius. 

a  Feynere;  commeuta,tor,jictor,  simu- 

a  Feynynge ;  faccio,  ficcio,  jtgmeu- 
tura,  figmeu,  commeutum. 

Feynynge ;  Fictioiosus,  facciosus. 

a  Felay  (Felowe  A.) 2 ;  consors  in 
jyremio,  comes  in  via,  sodalis  in 
mensa,  collega  in  officio,  socius 
in  labore  vel  pocius  in  periculo, 
complex,  socius  in  malo  ;  ver- 
sus : 
^Est  consors,  sociusque,  comes, 

collega,  sodalis. 

Dat  sors   consortera,    comitem. 
via,  mensa  sodalem, 

Missio  collegam,  socium  labor 

efficit  idem. 
Est  complex *,  socius-hie  bonus, 

ille  malus. 

a  Felde ;  campus,  Agellus,  Ager,  Sf 
cetera ;  versus  : 
^Campus,   Agdlus,    Ager,    rus, 

ortus  $  ortulus,  Aruum. 
Aruum,  campus,  Ager,  rus  sic 

diuersiftcantur : 
Messibus  est  Aruum  tectum  cum 

Jlore  vel  herba, 
J)um  serilur  sit  Ager,  fy  semen. 

couditur  illo  ; 
Camjms  dicatur  cum  fructibus 

Incultum  rus  est  veluti   sunt 

pascua  silue. 
territorium ;    frugifer,    Arualis, 

campester,  ruralis. 
a  Felefare  (Feldfare  A.)  * ;  ruriscus, 

fto  Feele5;    Abseondere,  <$f  cetera; 

vbi  to  hyde. 
to  Fele  6 ;  sentire,  pre-,  re-. 

1  A.  S.  feoh,  0.  Icel./e,  cattle.     « Bostar.  An  oxes  stall.'  Medulla.     'Gaf  hym  lande 
and  aghte  and  fe.'  Genesis  &  Exodus,  783.     See  also  Oxestalle,  below. 

2  0.  Icel.felagi.  '  With  patriarkes  and  prophets  in  Paradise  to  befelawes.'  P.  Plowman, 
B.  vii.  12.     In  the  Story  of  the  Three  Cocks,  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  175,  we  read — 'After 
that,  the  second  cokke  songe.    the  lady  said  to  her  maide,  "what  syngeth  this  cokke  ?" 
"  this  cokke  seith,  my  felaw  for  his  soth  saw,  hath  lost  his  lyf,  and  lieth  full  la  we."  ' 

3  MS.  complexuB. 

4  William  of  Palerne,  we  are  told,  used  to  come  home 

'  Ycharged  wij?  conyng  &  hares,  Wij?  fesauns  and  feldf ares,  &  o]>er  foules  grete.'  1.  182. 
See  also  Romaunt  of  the  Rose,  5510,  and  the  Babees  Book,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  160,  1.  3,  and 
Harrison,  Descript.  of  England,  ii.  17.  A. S.  feolufur,  fealafur.  'Feldfare  or  thrush, 
'turdus?  Baret.  Chaucer,  Parlement  of  Foules,  364,  mentions  '  the  thrustil  olde,  the  frosty 
feldefare,'  an  epithet  which  he  gives  to  the  bird  from  its  only  appearing  in  this  country 
in  the  winter.  The  true  fieldfare,  turdus  pilaris,  is,  however,  a  rare  visitant  in  England, 
the  name  being  commonly  given  to  the  Missel-thrush,  turdus  viscivorus,  also  known  as 
the  felt-thrush.  'Go,  fare  wel  feldf  are.'  Romaunt  of  the  Rose,  553.  *  Hie  campester, 
feldfare.'  Wright's  Vocab.  p.  189.  ' Hie  ruruscus,  a  feldfare:  hec  campester,  a  fieldfare:' 
ibid.  p.  221. 

6  The  author  of  the  Early  Eng.  Metrical  Homilies,  I4th  cent.,  tells  us  that 
'  His  [Christ's]  godhed  in  fleis  was  felid         The  fend,  that  telid  our  fadir  Adam.' 

Als  hok  in  bait,  quare  thorw  he  telid  Ed.  Small,  p.  12, 1.  26. 

In  the  account  of  his  dream  in  Morte  Arthure  Arthur  says — 

'  Thurgh  that  foreste  I  flede,  thare  floures  were  heghe, 
For  tofeleme  for  ferde  of  tha  foule  thyngej.'  ed.  Brock,  3236. 

'Tofeal,  to  hide.'  Kersey.  '  To  feale,  velare,  abscondere.'1  Manip.  Vocab.  A.  S.  feolan, 
O.  Icel.  fela :  cf.  Lat.  velare. 

6  To  feel  originally  meant  to  perceive  by  the  senses,  not  necessarily  that  of  touch.    Thus 
Caxton  says,  '  Whan  he  [the  panthere]  awaketh,  he  gyueth  oute  of  his  mouth  so  swete  a 



Feylabylle ;  sensibilis  i.e.  qui  sentit 
6f  quod  seutitur(A.). 

a  Felischippe  x ;  consortium,  socie- 
tas,  $  cetera ;  v\)i  a  company. 

tto  Pelischippe  ;  sociare,  As-,  con-, 

a  Felle  for  myse 2  ;  muscipula,  de- 

fA  Felle 8 ;  A  mowntane,  A  hylle, 
Alle  is  one,  A  Ipis,  Sf  cetera ;  vbi 
Montane  (A.). 

to  Felle ;  incidere,  succidere. 

a  Fellar ;  succissor. 

*Felle 4 ;  Acer,  Acerbus,  asper,  atrox, 
austerus,  austeris,  barbarus,  bar- 
baricus,  bestius,  bestiarius,  crudus, 
crudelis,  dirus,  ejferus,  feralis, 
ferox,  furus,  inmanis,  immitis, 
impius,  improbus,  indomitus,  in- 
humanus,  iniquus,  molestus,  pro- 

teruus,   rigidus,   seuus,    seuerus, 
trux,  truculentus,  tiraunusjoruus, 
violentus  ;  vnde  versus  : 
^Crudus,  crudelis,  Austerus    $ 

improbus,  Atrox, 
Est  ferus,  atque  ferox,  violen- 
tus, Acerbus  fy  Acer : 
Impius,  inmitis,  seuusque,  mo- 

lestus,  iniquus  : 
Asper,    inhumanusque    tiran- 

nus,  sine  proteruus. 
Toruus  §  i?idomitus,hijs  iungi- 

tur  atque  seuerus, 
Predictis  dirus  sociabitur,    <$f 


*to  be  Felle  ;  barbarizare,  crudere, 

crudescere,efferare,  insanire,  inva- 

lescere,furere,  seuire,  con-,  dis-,  de-. 

to  make  Felle ;  ferare. 

*Felly ;  ^Icr^er,  Atrociter,  crudeliter. 

savour  and  smelle,  that  anon  the  bestes  that  fele  it  seeke  hym.'  Myrrour  of  the  Worlde, 
pt.  ii.  ch.  vi.  p.  75.     See  also  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  313.     In  the  Early  Eng.  Alliterative 
Poems,  ed.  Morris,  B.  107,  our  lord  is  represented  as  saying — 
'  Certej  J>yse  ilk  renke$  J>at  me  renayed  habbe 

&  denounced  me,  no}t  now  at  ])is  tyme,  Schul  neuer  sitte  in  my  sale  my  soper  to  fele.' 
1  We  sale  comenly  in  English  that  we  feel  a  man's  mind  when  we  understand  his  entent 
or  meaning  and  contrariwise  when  the  same  is  to  us  very  darke  and  hard  to  be  perceived 
we  do  comenly  say  "  I  cannot  feel  his  mind,"  or  "  I  have  no  maner  feeling  in  the  matter."  ' 
Udall,  Trans,  of  Apophthegmes  of  Erasmus,  ed.  1878,  p.  128. 

1  '  Felaschepe '  occurs  frequently  in  the  Paston  Letters  both  in  the  ordinary  meaning 
of  company,  companionship,  and  also  in  the  sense  of  a  body  of  men ;  thus  in  vol.  i.  p.  83, 
we  find  both  meanings  in  the  same  paragraph.  '  Purry  felle  in  felaschepe  with  Willyum 

Hasard  at  Queries,  and  told  him,  &c And  Marioth  and  big  felaschep  had  meche 

grette  langage,  &c.'  Again,  p.  1 80,  we  read,  '  Her  was  an  evyll  rewlyd  felaivschep  yesterday 
at  the  schere,  and  ferd  ryth  fowle  with  the  Undyr  Scheryfe,  &c.'  Chaucer,  Tale  of 
Melibeus  has — 'make  no  felaschipe  with  thine  olde  enemyes.'  See  also  Pricke  of  Con- 
science, 4400.  '  She  said,  "  Ye  go  ofte  sithes  in  diuerse  felishippe ;  happely  ye  myght 
lese  the  Rynge,  and  it  were  grete  pite  to  lese  such  a  precious  lewell.  therfore,  my  good 
sir,  take  me  the  Ryng,  and  I  shall  kepe  it  as  my  lyf."  '  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  183. 
'  Antenor  ....  fleenge  with  hiafelowe  schippe  [cum  suit* prof ugus].'  Higden,  Harl.  MS. 
trans.  Rolls  Series,  vol.  i.  p.  273.  See  also  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  1 60,  and  Sir  Ferumbras,  1.  55 1 3. 

3  '  Padcola  i.  e.  muscipula.  A  mousfalle.  Decipula.  A  trappe  or  a  pytfalle/  Medulla. 
A.  S.  mus-fealle.  See  also  Mowsefelle,  below.  Muscipula  is  glossed  by  '  a  musse-stocke  ' 
by  J.  de  Garlande,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  132,  and  by  ratnere,  that  is  ratieret  by 

3  In  the  Anturs  of  Arthur,  ed.  Robson  (Camden  Society),  i.  8,  we  find  Arthur  described 
as  hunting  'by  fermesones,  by  frythys  and/e^es;'  and  in  the  Morte  Arthure,  2489 — 

'  Thow  salle  foonde  to  the  felle,  and  forray e  the  mountes.' 

See  also  Sir  Degrevant,  ed.  Halli well,  1140.  '  Fellish,  montanus.'  Manip.  Vocab.  O. 
Icel.fiall,  A.8./eZ. 

Ther  nys,  I  wis,  no  serpent  so  cruel,        Aswomman  is,  when  sche  hath  caught  an  ire.' 
When  men  trede  onhis  tail,  ne  half  so/«/,  Chaucer,  Sompnour's  Tale,  2001 . 

The  felliest  folke  Been  last  brought  into  the  church.' 

That  ever  Anticrist  found,  Jacke  Upland,  in  Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  1 7. 

'  Felliche  ylau3te,  and  luggid  ffull  ylle.'  Ibid.  i.  389. 



*a  Fellmes ;  Atrocitas,  Acerbitas, 
A  speritas,  A  crilas,  Austeritas,bar- 
baritas,  crudelitas,  cruditas,  rigor, 
seuicia,  seuicies. 

a  Felony  ;  /acinus,  flagicium  ;  fa- 
cinerosus,  Jlagiciosus  pardcipia, 
felonia,  scelus,  scelestus  est,  sceler- 
um  cogitator,  sceleratus  qui  facit 
scelus,  scelerosus  qui  scelus  pati- 
tur  ;  6f  sic  alter  cogitat,  alter  agit, 
fy  alter  patitur. 

to  Felow  lande  ;  barectare. 

*be  Felon l  •  Antrax,  carbunculus. 

to  Fene ;  fingere,  fy  cetera ;  vbi  to 

*Fenelle  or  fenkelle  2 ;  feniculum, 
maratrum  (eius  semen  A.). 

fa  Fenix,  -eis  (Fenix  A.) ;  medio 
correpto,  Auis  vnica  iu  Arabia. 

*a  Fen ;  palus,  $  cetera ;  vbi  a  maras 
(matres  A.). 

tto  be  Ferde ;  obrigere  ;  (vloi  dred- 
fulle  A.). 

fvn  Ferde ;  vbi  hardy  (A.). 

ta  Feret 3 ;  furo,  furectus. 

fa  Fery  maw ;  transfretator,  remex. 

a  Ferme  4  ;  fir  ma. 

Ferm ;  firmus,  Ratus. 

a  Fermer ;  firmarius  qui  dat  fir- 

fa  Fermerer ;  jn/irmarius. 

a  Fermory5;  jnfirmarium,  jnfirma- 
torium,  misocomium,  valitudin- 

1  '  Figgea  sodden  (brused)  and  laid  to,  driue  awaie  hardnesse  :  they  soften  swellings 
behind  the  eares,  and  other  angrie  swellings  called  Fellons   or  Cattes  haires.'    Baret. 
'  Antrax :  carbunculus  lapis,  or  a  ffelon.'  Medulla.     '  Kiles,  felones,  a*id  postymes.'  MS. 
Ashmol.  4 1 ,  leaf  37.     '  Furunclee,  a  felon,  whitlaw.'  Cotgrave.    '  Hec  antrax,  a  f elun  bleyn .' 
Wright's  Vocab.  p.  267.     '  Felon,  a  sore,  entracqS  Palsgrave.     '  Cattes  heere,  otherwise 
called  a  felon.  Furunculus.'  Huloet.     Turner  in  his  Herbal,   1551,  If.  64,  says:  Cresses 

driueth  furth  angri  bytes  and  other  sores  such  as  one  is  called  Cattis  hare :'  and 

Lyte,  Dodoens,  p.  747,  says  that  'the  leaves  and  fruite  of  misselto  .  .  .  ,  cure  the  felons 
or  noughtie  sores  which  rise  about  the  toppes  of  toes  and  fingers.' 

2  Compare  Hunde  fenkylle. 

8  In  the  Household  and  Wardrobe  Ordinances  of  Edward  II.  (Chaucer  Society,  ed. 
Furnivall),  p.  45,  it  was  directed  that  there  should  be  attached  to  the  Court  'a  ferretter, 
who  shal  have  ij  ferretes  and  a  boy  to  help  him  to  take  conies  when  he  shal  be  so  charged 
bi  the  steward  or  thresorer.  He  shal  take  for  his  owne  wages  ijd  a  day  ;  for  his  boy  jd 
ob. ;  and  for  the  puture  [food,  &c.]  of  the  ferretes  jd ;  &  one  robe  yerely  in  cloth,  or  a 
marke  in  mony  ;  &  iiij8  viijd  by  the  yere  for  shoes.' 

*  A.  S.  feorm,  what  goes  to  the  support  of  life  ;  feormian,  to  supply  with  food,  entertain. 
'  The  modern  sense  of  farm  arose  by  degrees.  In  the  first  place  lands  were  let  on  condition 
of  supplying  the  lord  with  so  many  nights'  entertainment  for  his  household.  Thus  the 
Saxon  Chron.  A.D  775,  mentions  land  let  by  the  abbot  of  Peterborough,  on  condition  that 
the  tenant  should  annually  pay  £50,  and  anes  nihtes  feorme,  one  night's  entertainment. 
This  mode  of  reckoning  constantly  appears  in  Domesday  Book  : — "  Keddet  firmam  trium 
noctium  :  i.  e.  100  libr."  The  inconvenience  of  payment  in  kind  early  made  universal  the 
substitution  of  a  money  payment,  which  was  called  firma  alba,  or  blanche  ferme,  from  being 
paid  in  silver  or  white  money  instead  of  victuals.  Sometimes  the  rent  was  called  simply 
firma,  and  the  same  name  was  given  to  the  farm,  or  land  from  whence  the  rent  accrued. 
From  A.  S.  the  word  seems  to  have  been  adopted  in  Fr.  ferme,  a  farm,  or  anything  held 
in  farm,  a  lease.'  Wedgwood,  s.  v.  Farm.  See  also  Liber  Custumarum,  Gloss,  s.  v.  Firma. 
In  the  Paston  Letters,  iii.  431,  in  a  letter  from  Margaret  Paston  to  her  husband,  we  have 
the  word  ferme  used  in  its  two  meanings  of  rent  paid,  and  land  rented.  She  writes — 
'  Please  you  to  wet  that  Will.  Jeney  and  Debham  came  to  Calcote  ....  and  ther  they 

spake  with  Rysyng  and  John  Smythe,  and  haskyd  hem  rente  and  ferme "  Sir," 

quod  Rysyng,  "  I  toke  the  ferme  of  my  master,"  &c.'  So  in  vol.  i.  p.  181,  we  find  men- 
tioned '  loads  at  Boyton  weche  Cheseman  had  in  his  ferme  for  v.  mark.'  See  also  Morte 
Arthure,  11.  425,  1005.  Caxton,  in  the  Chron.  of  Englond,  p.  281,  ch.  242,  says:  'iiij 
knyghtes  hadden  taken  englond  to  ferme  of  the  kynge.' 

5  In  William  De  Beguile  ville's  Pilgrimage  of  the  Lyf  of  the  Manhode,  ed.  Wright,  p.  205, 
we  read,  '  Heerfore  hath  Gracedieu  maad  me  enfermerere  of  this  place  ;'  that  is  superin- 
tendent of  the  infirmary.  See  also  1.  32  of  the  same  page,  and  p.  193.  In  the  Abbey  of 



t Ferae  (oke  Feme  A.) ;  polipodium, 

Sf  cetera ;  vbi  brakaii. 
fa  Ferntykylle l ;  cesia  ;  cesius  par- 

ricipium;  lentigo,lenticula,  neuus, 

neuulus  diminutiuum. 
fFerntykylde ;  lentiginosus,  lenticu- 

losus,  neuosue,  cesius. 
Ferre ;  eminus,  procul,  longe    (lon- 

ginquus,  remotus  A.),  Sf  cetera; 

vloi  o  ferre  (ofer«  A.). 
Ferre  a-boute ;  multum  distans  a  via 


a  Ferthynge  2 ;  quadrans. 
*a  Fesande  3 ;  fasianus,  ornix. 
a  Fesician  * ;  phisious,  $  cetera ;  vbi 

a  fisician. 

a  Feste  ;  conuiuium. 
*a  Feste  of  holy  kyrk ;  festum,  re- 

ligionis   est,  festulum,  festiuitas, 

celebritas,    solennitas ;   (festiuus, 

festiualis  A.). 

to  make  Feste ;  festare,  festiuare. 
to  Feste  ;  couuiuare  fy  conuiuar-i. 
a  Feat  house  ;  conuitiarium,  conui- 

to  Fest 5 ;  Alligare,  Ancorare,  Annec- 

tere,  figere,  con-,  in-,  per-,  suf-, 

Jibulare,    con-,  firmare,    ligare, 


fa  Festylle  6 ;  firmatorium. 
a  Festynge ;  fir  mat  lira,  fixura,    li- 

fFestivalle  ;  celeber,  celebs,  festalis, 

festiualis,  festus,festiuus,solennis. 
fFestyually;  festiue,    solenniter,    $ 


ta  Fester ;  cicatrix,  cicatricula,  fis- 

the  Holy  Ghost,  pr.  in  Kelig.  Pieces  in  Prose  and  Verse,  from  the  Thornton  MS.  (E.  E. 
Text  Soc.  ed.  Perry),  p.  50, 1. 19,  we  read — '  Rewfulnes  salle  make  the  fermorye :  Devocione 
salle  make  the  cellere,'  &c.  See  also  the  Myroure  of  Our  Lady,  ed.  Blunt,  p.  30  and 
Introd.  p.  xxviii.  'Afermarye:  valetudinarium.'1  Withals.  '  Cum  hedirr  quod  scho,  to 
the  Ffermery,  for  J?ow  erte  noujt  welle  here.'  De  Deguileville's  Pilgrimage,  MS.  John's 
Coll.  Camb.,  leaf  134.  'The  monke  anone  ryghte  wente  into  the  fermerye  and  there  dyed 
anone.'  Caxton,  Chronicles  of  England,  ed.  1520,  p.  87, 

1  See  Farntikille,  above. 

2  A.  S.  J "earthing,  the  fourth  part  of  a  coin,  not  necessarily  of  a  penny.     Thus  we  read, 
'  This  yere  the  kynge  ....  made  a  newe  quyne  as  the  nobylle,  half  nobylle,  and  ferthyng- 
nobylle.'  Grey  Friars'  Chronicle,  Camden  Soc.     Caxton  in  his  Chron.  of  Englond,  1480,  p. 
231,  ch.  225,  mentions  'the  floreyne  that  was  callid  the  noble  pris  of  yj  shillynges  $iij  pens 
of  sterlinges,  and  the  halfe  noble  of  the  value  of  thre  shyllynges  four  pens,  and  the  ferthing 
of  value  of  n:  pens.'     So  also  in  Liber  Albus,  p.  574,  there  is  an  order  of  the  King  that 
'Moneta  auri,  videlicet  Noble,  Demi  Noble  et  Ferthing  currant.'     Chaucer,  Prologue,  134, 
uses  the  word  in  the  sense  of  a  very  small  portion  : — 

'  In  hire  cuppe  was  no  ferthing  sene  Of  greece  when  sche  dronken  hadde  hire  draughte,' 
8  See  directions  for  carving  a  feysaunte  in  the  Babees  Book,  p.  27.  'Fawcons  and 
fesantes  of  ferlyche  hewes.'  Morte  Arthure,  925.  From  a  passage  in  the  Liber  Custumarum, 
Rolls  Series,  ed.  Riley,  p.  82,  it  would  seem  that  the  pheasant  was  common  in  England  so 
early  as  the  beginning  of  the  reign  of  Edward  I. ;  a  point  on  which  Mr.  Way  seems  to 
imply  a  doubt  in  his  note.  A  still  earlier  reference  to  pheasants  (as  eaten  in  this  country 
probably)  will  be  found  in  the  satirical  piece,  Golyas  de  quodam  Abbate,  in  Wright's  Latin 
Poems  of  Walter  Mapes  (Camden  Society),  Introd.  p.  xlii.  '  The  fesaunde,  skornere  of  the 
cok  by  nyghte.'  Chaucer,  Parlement  of  Foules,  357. 

4  In  Lonelich's  Hist,  of  the  Holy  Grail,  ed.  Furnivall,   xxxvi.  3,  we   are  told  that 
*  Ypocras  was  the  worthiest  fecyscian  that  was  evere  accompted  in  ony  plas  ;'  and  again, 
1.  72,  he  is  termed  '  the  worthy  est  fecyscyan  levenge.'     See  also  Ayenbite  of  Inwyt,  p.  I7a« 

5  In  Havelok,  1.  82,  we  find  'in  feteres  ful  faste/csten;'  and  again,  1.  144, 

'In  harde  bondes,  nicth  and  dav,  He  was  so  faste  wit  yuel/es£.' 

See  also  Hampole,  P.  of  Conscience,  1907,  1909,  and  5295. 

'  Al  his  clathes  fra  him  J>ai  kest,  And  scourges  kene  |>ai  ordand  J>are, 

And  tille  a  peler  fast  him  fest,  To  bete  vpon  his  body  bare.' 

A.  S.  fcestan.  MS.  Harl.  49f>,  leaf  76. 

1  '  F irmatorium :  illud  cum  quo  aliquid  firmatur.''  Medulla.     Compare  Dalke,  above. 



a  Fettyr l ;    boia,    compes,    neruus, 

pedica,    manica    est    manuuvn. ; 

versus : 
^Compes  sit  furis,  sed  equorum 

dico  nomellam, 
Boiaque  colla  ligat,  sed  manus 

est  manica. 

to  Fettyr  ;  compedire. 
Fettyrd;  compeditua. 
be  Feveris  ;  febris,  febricula,  tipus. 
Feverfew ;  febrifuga,  harba  est. 
the    Feverquartayn  2  ;     quart&na  ; 


fFeverjere 3 ;  februarius. 
a  Fewler  (or  Fowler  A.)  ;  auceps, 

Aucupator,    Auicularius,   Aucu- 


to  Fewle ;  Aucupari. 
A  Fewylle  4 ;  vbi  byrde  (A.), 
a  Fewlynge ;  Aucupacio,  Aucupatus. 
Fewe  j  paucus,  rarus. 

tto  be  Fewe  ;  rarere. 
fto  wex  Fewe ;  rarescere. 
a  Fewnes  ;  paucitas,  paucedo,  rari- 

F  ante  I. 

a  Fialle  5 ;  Ampulla,  fiola. 

fa  Fiche  6 ;  orobus,  vicia  ;  (  Versus  : 
Hoc  vicium  crimen,  set  vicia  die 
fore  semen  A.). 

a  Fidylle  7 ;  vidula,  vidella,  viella. 

A  Fidiller ;  fidulista,  vidulista  (A.). 

to  Fidylle  ;  vidulare,  welfare. 

fa  Fidylle  stik  ;  Arculus. 

fa  dry  Fige  ;  ^cus,  -i,  Jicus,  -us,ficu- 
Zus ;  Jicetum,  ficulneuro.  est  locus 
vbi  crescuut  Jiceus ;  ficelus  par^i- 
cipium.  (A  dry  Fige;  Carica, 
lampates,  A.). 

A  Fige  tre ;  ficus,ficulnea  ;  faulneus, 
ficosus  (A.). 

fA  Fige  celler ;  ficarius  (A.). 

1  •  Numella.  A  shakyl.    Numellus.  Shakeyld.    Boia :  torques  damnatorum  quasi  iugum, 
a  love  :  cathence,  ut  in  vita  Sancti  Petri,  posuerunt  boias  circa  collum  eius.'  Medulla. 

2  '  Quartana.  Ffever  qvartayn.     Quartanus.  He  that  hath  iiij  dayes  feuer.'  Medulla. 

'  I  salle  be  foundene  in  Fraunce,  fraiste  whene  hym  lykes, 
The  fyrste  daye  of  Feuer^ere  in  thas  faire  marches.' 

Morte  Arthure,  435. 

'Infeuir$er  Wallas  was  to  him  send.'   Wallace,  363. 

The  same  spelling  occurs  frequently  in  the  Paston  Letters  and  Robert  of  Gloucester. 
*  A.  S.  fugel,  a  fowl,  fugelere,  a  fowler. 

'ThuB/oulyd  this  ffaukyn  on  ffyldis  abouate.'  Wright's  Political  Poems,  i.  388. 

'Fferkez  in  with  ihefewle  in  his  faire  handez.'  Morte  Arthure,  2071. 
6  'Avioll,  a  little  bottell  or  flaggon.'  Baret.  '  Amula  i.  e.  fiola.  A  ffyol  or  A  cruet.' 
Medulla.  Wyclif  in  his  version  of  Numbers  vii.  13,  speaks  of  '  a  silueren  fiole  [a  viol  of 
siluere,  Purvey,]  .  .  .  .  fal  of  tryed  floure  spreynt  with  oyle ;'  and  again,  v.  37,  he  says, 
'  Salamyel  ....  offrede  a  silueren  fyole.'  Trevisa  in  his  trans,  of  Higden  has^ '  a  pyler 
J>at  bare  a  viol  of  gold,'  [phialam  auream."]  Vol.  v.  p.  131  ;  and  in  the  E.  E.  Allit.  Poems, 
B.  1476,  at  the  feast  of  Belshazzar  there  are  said  to  have  been  'fyoles  fretted  with  flores  & 
fleej  of  golde.' 

6  'AJitche,  vicia.'  Manip.  Vocab.     Fitches  is  the  common  pronunciation  of  vetches  in 
many  dialects  at  the  present  day.     '  A  rake  for  to  hale  vp  the  fitchis  that  lie.'  Tusser, 
ed.  Herrtage,  p.  37.     The  Medulla  renders  vicia  by  '  a  ffetche,'  and  adds  the  line — 

'  Est  vicium  crimen  viciaque  dicite  semen.'' 

'  He  shal  sowe  the  sed  gith,  and  the  comyn  sprengen,  and  sette  the  whete  bi  order,  and 
barly  and  myle,  and  ficche  in  ther  coestes.'  Wyclif,  Isaiah  xxviii.  25.  ^Fetche,  a  lytell 
pese;  uesse,  lentille,  uecke?  Palsgrave.  The  author  of  the  trans,  of  Palladius  on  Husbondrie 
tells  us  that  'Whan  this  Janus  xxv  daies  is  olde,  For  seede,  but  not  for  fodder.' 

Is  best  thi  fitches  forto  sowe,  Bk.  ii.  st.  6. 

7  ' Meche  she  kouthe  of menstrelcie  Ofharpe,of/ft/ieZe,  of  sautri.'  Guy  of  Warwicke,p.  425. 
'  A  fiddle  or  rebecke,  pandura?  Baret's  Alvearie. 

'Her  \vesJfSelinge  and  song,  Her  wes  harpinge  imong.'  Lasamon,  ii.  530. 

'  I  can  noither  tabre  ne  trornpe,  ne  telle  none  gestes, 

Farten  ne  fythelen  at  festes  ne  harpen.'    P.  Plowman,  B.  xiii.  230. 
A.S.jibele,  a  fiddle. 



fpe  Piges  * ;  quidam  morbus,  ficus ; 

versus : 
^Hic  ficus  est  morbus,  7iec  ficus 

fructus  4*  arbor  (A.), 
to  Fyghte ;   bellare,   pugnare,  mili- 

tgratyd  (Arayd  A.)  to  Fighte ;  pre- 

fa  Pighte  of  giancU's 2 ;  gigantiman- 


a  Fighter  ;  bellator,  belliger. 
a  Figure ;  caracter,  Jigura,   ymago, 

scema,  tipus ;    tipicus,    tropicus, 


a  Filbert 3 ;  fillium  veljillum. 
a  Filbert  tre  ;  jillus  velfillius. 
to  File  (Filie  A.)  4 ;  deturpare,  depu- 

rare,   $  cetera;  vlai   to   clefoule 

(befowle  A.). 

to  Fylle  A  vesselle ;  Infundere  (A.), 
to  File  ;  limare,  -tor,  -trix,  <$f  cetera ; 

verbalis  -ans,  -itus. 
a  File  :  lima. 

t Filed  ;  deturpatus,  $  cetera;  vbi  de- 

vn  Fyled ;  vbi  Clene  (A.). 

*a  Filett ;  cor  alia. 

fa  Felett  of  be  bakke  5 ;  pala. 

to  Fille ;  implere,  -ad,  cibare,  coagi- 
tare,  complere,  constipare,debriare, 
deplere,  explere,  fecundare,farcire, 
inebriare,  infarcire,  opplere,  pev- 
faere,  plere,  re-,  saturare,  saciare; 
saturamur  cibo,  saciamur  ammo  ; 

tFyllabylle  ;  saciabilis  &  cetera  (A.). 

tvn-Fylabylle ;  insaciabilis  (A.). 

Filosophi ;  philosophia  6. 

a  Filosophur  ;  philosophus. 

*to  Filoure  (Philowr  A.)  7 ;  Affilare. 

*a  Filoure ;  Affilatoriura. 

a  Pilthe ;  caria,  caries  indeclinMle 
fetor,  feditas,  fex,  feculencia,  il- 
luuies,  inmundecia,  inmundicies, 
liuio,  luuio,  lues,  macula,  putredo, 
sordes,  pus,  iudecliusibile ;  versus: 

1  See  note  to  Emeraudis.  Andrew  Boorde  in  his  Breuiary  of  Health,  ed.  1557.  chapt. 
159,  fol.  Ivii.,  speaks  of '  a  sycknes  named  ficus  in  ano,'  concerning  which  he  says  :  '  Ficus 
in  ano  be  the  latin  wordes.  In  Englyshe  it  is  named  a  fygge  in  a  mans  foundemente, 
for  it  is  a  postumacion  lyke  a  fygge,  or  a  lumpe  of  flesh  in  the  longacion  lyke  a  fygge  :* 
the  cause  '  of  this  impediment '  is,  he  says, '  a  melancoly  humour,  the  whiche  doth  discende 
too  the  longacyon  or  foundement.'  As  a  remedy  he  recommends,  first,  *  the  confection  of 
Haineke,  or  pyles  of  Lapidis  lazule,  or  Yera  ruffini,  than  take  of  the  pouder  of  a  dogges 
hed  burnt,  and  mixe  it  with  the  iuyce  of  Pimpernel,  &  make  tentes  and  put  into  the 
foundement.'  Withal  says,  'Ficus,  afigge  :  it  soundeth  also  to  a  disease  in  the  fundament, 
but  then  it  is  ficus,  -ci  in  the  masc.  gender,  the  others  be  of  the  fern,  gender,  whereof  thus 
of  old,  viz. :  "  Hie  ficus,  morbus :  hcec  ficus  fructus  &  arbor."  ' 

3  See  also  Giandes  fyghte,  below. 

8  Alexander  Neckham,  De  Naturis  Rerum,  p.  484,  calls  the  filbert,  nux  Phillidis.  Wedg- 
wood says,  'quasi  "fill-beard,"  a  kind  of  nut  which  just  fills  the  cup  made  by  the  beards 
of  the  calyx.'     But  may  not  the  name  be  derived  from  the  Latin  ?    Gower  in  the  Confessio 
Amantis,  ii.  30,  says,    *     *  After  Phillis  philleberd        This  tree  was  cleped.' 
'Hec  morus,  a  fylberd  tre.     Hie  fullus,  a  fylberd  tre.'  Wright's  Vocab.  pp.  228,  229. 

*  In  William  of  Nassyngton's  Poem  on  the  Trinity  and  Unity  (pr.  in  Relig.  Pieces  in 
Prose  and  Verse  from  the  Thornton  MS.)  p.  60,  1.  1 80,  we  read  that  in  our  Lord 
*  Neuer  was  fundene  gyle  Ne  nathynge  J?at  any  saule  myght  fyle.' 

And  in  Pricke  of  Consciences,  1.  iaio : 

*  Be  swa  clene  and  noght  vile,  pat  J>ou  suld  never  more  me  file.'' 

See  also  ibid.  11.  2348,  2559,  &c-     A'S-  fybw- 

5  In  the  Morte  Arthure,  ed.  Brock,  1 158,  we  read  how  Arthur's  knights  after  his  conflict 
with  the  giant  find  him  lying  exhausted,  and  proceed  to  examine 

'  His  flawnke  and  his  feletez  and  his  faire  sydez :' 

and  again,  1.  2 1 74,  Sir  Cayons  engages  Arthur,  but  is  sorely  wounded  by  a  cowardly  knight, 
who  smites  him  '  In  thorowe  the  felettes,  and  in  the  flawnke  aftyr.'     See  also  1.  4237. 

6  '  Philosophy*,  a  ffylosofer.'  Medulla. 

7  In  Sir  Qawayne,  2225,  mention  is  made  of  {a  denej  ax  nwe  dyjt Fyled  in  a 

fylor,  fowre  fote  large.' 



pro  putredo  indedinalrile 
Pus  declin  atur  custodia  ^uando 


sordescula,sordecies,  squalor,  tabes, 

genetiuo  tabi,datiuo  tabo;  versus: 

^Tabi  dat  tabo  de  quo  non  ^>Zus 

to  Fynde  ;  comperire,  jnuenire  ali- 

ena,  reperire  que  nostra  suut. 
a  Fynder ;  jnventor,  repertor,  -tripe. 
tFynde  (Finyd  A.) ;  defecatus,  me- 

tto  Fyne  *;  defecare,  quod  estpurgare 

a  fece. 
a  Fine  2 ;  finis. 

to  Fine  j  finire. 

a  Fyngyr 3 ;  dactulus,  degitus,  digi- 

tellus ;  versus  : 
^Pollex,  jndex,  medius,  medicus, 

to  Finger ;  digitare. 
fa  Fyngyr  stalle  (A  Fyngylle  stalls 

or  thymbylle  A.)  4 ;  digitale. 
a  Fynneof  aFysche;  pinna,pinnula. 
a  Fire  ;  caminus,  focus,  foculus,  for- 

nax,  fornacula,  ignis,  igniculus, 

lar,pir  grece,  pira,  rogus ;  focari- 

us,  igneus,  ^;ar£icipia. 
to  make  Fire  ;  foculare. 
a  Fire  yren 5 ;  fugillus,  piricudium, 

(fugillaris,  percussor  ignis  A.). 

1  Hampole,  Pricke  of  Conscience,  4911,  says  that  at  the  end  of  the  world, 

4  First  J>e  fire  at  ])e  bygynnyng,  pat  )>e  gude  men  sal  ]>an  clensen  and  fine, 
Sal  cum  byfor  Cristes  commyng,  And  )>e  wikked  men  hard  punnys  and  pyne.' 

In  the  Libel  of  English  Policy  (Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  187),  we  read— 
'  If  we  had  there  pese  and  gode  wylle,          As  in  Londone  seyth  a  juellere, 
To  myne  and/ywe,  and  metalle  for  to  pure.    Whych  brought  from  thens  gold  oore  to  us  here, 
In  wyldeYrishemyghtwefyndethecure.     Whereof  was  fyned  metalle  godeand  clene.' 
O.  Icel.  fina,  to  polish,  cleanse.      See  Wyclif,  Isaiah  xxv.  6  ;  Maundeville,  p.  156,  &c. 

2  '  Gladly  he  chevith  what  so  he  begynne,  The  fyne  thereof  berith  witnessing.' 

Sesyng  not  tylle  he  his  purpose  wynne,  Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  132. 

'Alle  oure  trouble  to  enden  and  to  fyne.'  Ibid.  ii.  134. 

3  Compare  the  following  account  of  the  fingers  in  the  Cambridge  MS.  Ff.  v.  48,  leaf  82 : 

'  like  a  fyngir  has  a  name,  als  men  thaire  fyngers  calle, 
The  lest  fyngir  hat  lityl  man,  for  hit  is  lest  of  alle  ; 
The  next  fynger  hat  leclie  man,  for  quen  a  leche  dos  o$t, 
With  that  fynger  he  tastes  all  thyng  howe  that  hit  is  wrojt ; 
Longman  hat  the  mydilmast,  for  longest  fyngir  it  is ; 
The  ferthe  men  calles  towcher,  therwith  men  touches  i-wis  ; 
The  fifte  fynger  is  the  tkowmbe,  and  hit  has  most  my3t, 
And  fastest  haldes  of  olle  the  tother,  forthi  men  calles  hit  rijt.' 
In  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  179,  the  names  are  given  as  follows  : — 
Schynyjt          thombe  schewyt  fore-finger 

'  Pallet  enim  pollex,  res  visas  indicat  index ; 

medylle-fyngur      leche-fyngur        acordyt 
$£a£    medius    medio,    medicus  jam  convenit  egro ; 

ere  lytil-fyngur.' 

Quas  tua  fert  auris  sordes  trahit  auricularis* 

And  in  the  A.S.  Glossary  in  MS.  Cott.  Cleop.  A  iii.  leaf  76,  we  have  them  as  under: — 
'  Pollex,  Jmma.  Index,  becnend.  Salutarius,  halettend  midemesta  finger.  Inpudicus, 
sewiscberend  midmesta  finger.  Anularis,  hringfinger.  Auricularis,  earclaesnend.'  The 
forefinger  is  hereafter  also  called  Lykpotte. 

*  '  Digitale.  A  themyl.'  Medulla.  '  Digitalia.  Fynger  stalles ;  thymbles ;  fyngers  of 
gloues.'  Cooper.  'A  thimble,  or  anything  covering  the  fingers,  as  finger  stalles,  &c. 
Digitale.^  Baret.  Lyte,  Dodoens,  p.  175,  writing  of  Foxglove,  says  that  it  has  'long  round 
hollow  floures,  fashioned  like  finger-stalles?  See  also  Tliemelle,  below.  A.  S.  steall. 

5  In  the  Romance  of  Sir  Perceval,  ed.  Halliwell,  1.  753,  we  read — 

•  Now  he  getis  hym  flynt,  And  thenne  withowtene  any  stynt 

His  fyre-irene  he  hent,  He  kyndlit  a  glede.' 

See  also  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  328,  where  we  read  'the  Emperoure  tokean  yren&nd  smote 

K    2 



tto  stryke  Fire  ;  fugillare. 

ta  Fire  stryker  ;  fugillator,  est  jper- 

cussor  ignis. 

ta  Fire  spewer  ;  igniuomus. 
J)e  Firmament  ;  Jirmamentum,  celum, 
>    aer,  mundus  ;  dimundanus,  <$f  ar- 


a  Firre;  Abies. 
Fyrste  ;  A  Ipha  grece,  Ante,  Antequam, 

antiquitas,  inchoatiuus,  inicialis, 

mitus,  primitiuus,  primorculus, 

primordius,  primulus,  primeuus, 

vt  primeua    etas,    prothoplastus, 

primordialis,  pridem,  pristinus, 

prior,  priusqu&m. 
t}>e  Firste  martyr  ;  jyvothomartir. 
tj>e  Firste  Frute  l  ;  primicie. 
a  Fische  ;  ^'scis,  fasciculus  dimmu- 


to  Fische  ;  piscari. 
tplenty  of  Fische  ;  piscolencia  ;  pis- 

colentus  partficipium. 
aFischer;  piscator,piscarius;  -versus: 
^Piscator  prendit  quod  piscari- 
us  bene  vendit. 

piscatorius  par^icipium,  ut  pisca- 

toria  ars. 
a   Fischynge  ;    piscacio,  piscatura  ; 

piscans  partficipium. 

-fa  Fische  house ;  piscariura.. 

a  Fisician  2  ;  phisicus,  phisologus  qui 

loquitur  de  ilia  arte. 
tFisike  3 ;  phisica. 
a  Fiste 4 ;  lirida. 
Five    (Fiffe  A.);  quinque',   quinus, 

quinarius,     quintuplus  ;     penta 


Fyve  cornerd;  pentagonum  (A.). 
Five  hundreth;  quingenti;  quingen- 

tesimus,  quingentenus. 
tFive  sithe ;  quinquies. 
tFive  tene;  quindecim;  qmndecinius, 

quintus  decimus,  quindenus,  va- 


tFive  tene  sithe  ;  quindecies. 
tFyfty;  quinquaginta;  quinquagesi- 

wus,  quinquagenus,  -genarius. 
tFifte  sithe  ;  quinquagesies. 
tFive  score ;  centum,  $  cetera  ;  vbi 

tFive  :jere  ;    quinquennium  ;    quin- 

tof  Five  ^ere  ;  quinquennis. 

F  ante  L. 

to  Flee  (to  Fla  A.)  5 ;  decoriare. 
ta  Flaghte 6 ;  (de  terra,  gleba,  tirfus 
A.) ;  v\>i  a  turfe. 

fyre  of  a  stone.'    '  Fugillo.  Tosmytefyre.    Fugillator.  A  fyre  smytar.'  Medulla.    Compare 
W.  de  Biblesworth,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  157 — 
'  De  troys  services  sert  fusil  ; 
Fil  eat  filee  par  fusil, 

E  fu  de  Jcayloun  (flint)  fert  fusil  (a  fer-hyren,  vir-hirne,  Camb.  MS.) 
E  blee  e  molu  par  fusil  (a  mille-apindele).' 
See  also  Flint  stone. 

1  '  Primicie.  The  ffyrste  ffrujte.'  Medulla.  2  See  Fesician,  above. 

3  '  Fisica.  Ffysyk.'  Medulla. 

*  '  Fyest  with  the  arse,  uesseS  Palsgrave.  '  I  fyest,  I  stynke.  Je  vesse.  Beware  nowe 
thou  fysthe  nat,  for  thou  shalte  smell  sower  than.'  ibid.  'Fise,  lirida.'  Nominale  MS.  in 
Halliwell.  « Vesse.  A  fyste.  Vessear.  A  fyster,  a  stinking  fellow.  Vessir.  To  fyste,  to 
let  a  fyste.'  Cotgrave. 

'  In  J>e  kechene  wel  i  knowe,  arn  crafti  men  manye, 
pat  fast  fonden  alday  toflen  wilde  bestes.'    William  of  Palerne,  1682. 
Hampole  tells  us  that  if  any  man  knew  the  bliss  of  heaven,  he  would,  rather  than  lose  it, 
be  willing         'Ilk  day  anes  alle  qwik  to  beflayne.'  P.  of  Conscience,  0520. 
A.S.flean,  O.Icel.  fid. 

6  Jamieson  gives  to  *  Flauchter,  v.  a.  To  pare  turf  from  the  ground.  Flauchter,  Flaughter, 
8.  A  man  who  casts  turf  with  a  Flauchter-spade.  Flay.  A  piece  of  green  sward,  cast  with 
a  spade."  '  Cespes.  A  turfe  or  flagge.'  Medulla.  The  form  fla$t  occurs  in  Alliterative  Poems, 
i.  57.  See  P.  Flagge  of  J>e  erthe.  Icel.  flaga,  a  slab,  turf;  flalcna,  to  flake,  split. 



ta  Flaghte  of  snawe  * ;  floccus. 
fA     Flawe     of    fyre  2  ;     flamma, 

gleba,     &    cetera:     vbi     sparke 

tto    Flay3;    collider^    terrere,    de-, 

ex-,     efferare,     territare,     terri- 

faare,    terrifacere,    timorem    in- 

fFlayde;  tQrritus,   de-,   ex-,   terrifi- 

*a  Flayle ;  flagettum,  tribulus,  tribu- 

lum  vel  tribula,  secundum   hu- 

g[onem],  sed  secundum  olios  dif- 
ferunt ;  versus : 

H  Quo  fruges  terimus  instrumen- 

tum.  tribulumjit, 
Est  tribula  (tribulus  A.)  vepres, 

purgat  Aras  tribula. 
Tres  tribuli  p&rtes   manuten- 

tum,  cappa,flagellum, 
Manutentum,  ahande  staffe,  cappa, 
a  cape,  flagellum,  A  swewille  4. 
(Quo  fruges  iactantur,  A  uglier, 
A  schouylle  A.). 
a  Flanke ;  jlium. 
*a  Flaket 5 ;   flacta,   obba,    vter,    $ 

cetera ;   vbi  A  potte. 
*a  Flawne 6 ;  opacum. 

1  '  Flag.  A  flake  of  snow.'  Jamieson.     '  A  flawe  of  snawe '  occurs  in  the  Alliterative 
Romance  of  Alexander,  ed.  Stevenson,  1.  1 756.          a  flag  of  snow 

'  La  bouche  me  entra  la  aunf  de  neyf.' 

Dan.  flage.  Walter  de  Bibblesworth,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  1 60. 

Halliwell  quotes  from  the  Thornton  MS.  leaf  31,  "Thare  begarie  for  to  falle  grete  flawghtes 
of  snawe,  as  thay  had  bene  grete  lokkes  of  wolle.'     See  also  Flyghte  of  snawe,  below. 

2  In  the  Morte  Arthure,  1.  2556,  we  read  that  Priamus  and  Sir  Gawayne 

'  Feghttene  and  floresche  withe  flawmande  swerdej 
Tille  iheflaives  of  fyre  flawmes  one  theire  helmes.' 

See  also  1.  773  ;  the  word  is  wrongly  explained  in  the  Glossary.     'Felle  flaunkes  of  fyr 
and/afres  of  soufre.'  E.  E.  Allit.  Poems,  B.  954.     '  Flaught  of  fire.     A  flash  of  lightning.' 
Jamieson.     Sir  David  Lyndesay,  in  his  description  of  the  Day  of  Judgment,  says — 
*  As  fyre  flaucht  haistely  glansyng,       Discend  sail  J>e  most  heuinly  kyng.' 

The  Monarch e,  Bk.  iv.  1. 5556. 

See  also  Bk.  ii.  11. 141 7, 3663  ;  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  1 10, 1. 1 769 ;  and  Gawin  Douglas,  Eneados, 
vii.  Prol.  1.  54. 

3  In  the  Pricke  of  Conscience,  2242,  Hampole  says — 

1  Na  vonder  es  if  \>e  devels  com  J>an  When  ]>e  devel  com  to  Saynt  Martyn 

In  J>e  ende  obout  a  synful  man,  In  J>e  tyme  of  dede  at  his  last  day 

For  ioflay  hym  and  tempte  and  pyn,  Hym  for  to  tempte  and  for  to  flay.' 

In  Metrical  Homilies,  ed.  Small,  p.  69,  we  are  told  of  St.  Anthony  that 

'  Swa  meke  and  myld  was  he,  flayed  he  fendes  fell  fra  hyme  : ' 

That  thurght  meknes,  many  tyme 
and  again,  p.  27,  it  is  said  that  at  the  end  of  the  world — 

'  pe  erthe  J>e  achtande  day      Sal  stir  and  quac  and  al  folc/ay.'  (printed  incorrectly  slay.) 
See  also  Alliterative  Poems,  ii.  960.     A.  S.  flegan,  O.  Icel.  fleyja. 
'Ceis  not  for  to  pertrubil  all  and  sum,         And  with  thy  fellound  reddour  thame  iofley? 

Gawin  Douglas,  Eneados,  xi.  1. 970. 

'Fen$ies  himfleyit  or  abasit  to  be.'  Ibid.  xi.  p.  377,  1.  13,  ed.  1710. 

'NimeiS  nu  gode  jeme  hu  alle  ]>e  seouen  deaftliche  sunnen  muwen  beon  a-vleied  Jjuruh 
treowe  bileaue.'  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  248  ;  see  also  ibid.  p.  136. 

*  See  Hande-staffe,  Cappe  of  a  flayle,  and  Swevylle.      '  The  bucket  is  of  fro  the 
swepe  or  flayle.  Vrmila  ciconie  siue  teloni  excidit.''  Horman. 

5  '  Hoc  onafrum,  a  flaget.     Hec  lura,  a  mowth  of  a  flaget.  Wright's  Vocab.  p.  257.     In 
William  of  Palerne  a  man  who  is  on  his  way  to  Rome  '  wij?  iwoflaketes  ful  of  ful  fin  wynes,' 
is  so  frightened  at  the  sight  of  the  werwolf  that  '  for  care  and  drede,  )>e  flagetes  he  let  falle,' 
1.  1893.     'Flacon  (as  Flascori).  A  great  leartherne  bottle.'  Cotgrave.     'Remygius  took 
hym  ajlaket  ful  of  holy  wyne.'  Trevisa's  Higden,  v.  293. 

6  '  Mans.  Flawnes,  Custards,  Egge-pies.'  Cotgrave.     '  Asturco.  A  fflawne.  Astotira.  A 
fllawne.'  Medulla.      'Fill  ouen  full  of flawnes.'  Tusser,  p.   181.      'A   flaune,   custard; 
galatyrium.'  Manip.  Vocab. 

'  Brede  an  chese,  butere  and  milk  Pastees  andflaunes.'  Havelok,  643. 

'  Flawne  or  custard.'  Baret.     A  kind  of  pancake  was  also  so  called.     Nettleham  feast  at 


a  Flee 


musca,    muscula,    musco, 

(cinomia  A.),  cinifes,  indecluia- 
bile;  muscetum,  muscarium,  mus- 
culariwm,  musceletum,  sunt  loca 
vbi  habuudaut  musce  ;  mitscosus. 

to  Flee  ;  volare,  con-,  de-,  e-,  volitare. 

to  Flee  (or  with  schewe  A.)  2;  cauere, 
declinare,  furjere,  con-,  dif-,  ef-, 
re-,pro-,fugitarejvitare,  de-,  E-> 

fFlekked 3 ;  Scutulatus  (A.). 

fa  Fletcher  4 ;  flectarius,  plectarius. 

a  Flee  flape  5 ;  jtabellum,  flalrum, 

muscafium,  muscularium. 
a  Fleynge ;  fuga  ;  fugitiuus,  profu- 

Fleyng  of  fowlys ;  volatu.$ ;  volatilis 


*a  Fleke 6 ;  cratis,  cv&ticula* 
a  Fley 7 ;   pulzx,    fy  cetera ;    vbi   A 

fFlende  8;  reeutitus,  qu.i  reftouersam 

h&bet  pellem  virilis  menbri. 

Easter  is  called  the  Flown,  possibly  fromflauns  having  been  formerly  eaten  at  that  period 
of  the  year.  See  Babees  Book,  p.  1 73,  where  Flawnes  are  stated  to  be  '  Cheesecakes  made  of 
ground  cheese  beaten  up  with  eggs  and  sugar,  coloured  with  saffron,  and  baked  in  "  cofyns  " 
or  crusts.'  'Hicflato,  Ae,  flawne.'  Wright's  Vocab.  p.  200. 

1  '  A  flee.  Musca.'  Manip.  Vocab,     A.  S.  fleoge. 

3  ' Thay  wende  the  rede  knyghte  it  ware,  And  faste  gane  thay  flee' 

That  wolde  thame  alle  for-fare,  Sir  Perceval,  874. 

'Vor  |>i  fleih  sein  Johan  ]>e  feolauschipe  of  fule  men.'  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  160.     A.  S.  fleon. 

3  Spotted  ;  streaked.     In  P.  Plowman,  B.  xi.  321,  we  meet  with 
'  Wylde  wormes  in  wodes,  and  wonderful  foules, 
WithfleJcked  fetheres,  and  of  fele  coloures  :' 
and  Chaucer,  Prologue  to  Chanon  Yemannes  Tale,  565,  says  that 
'  The  hors  eek  that  this  yeman  rood  vpon         Aboute  the  peytrel  stood  the  foom  f  ul  hye, 

So-swatte,  that  vunethe  myghte  it  gon.  He  was  of  fome  alflekked  as  a  pye.' 
Trevisa  in  his  translation  of  Higden,  i.  159,  says  that  the  '  camelion  is  a  flekked  best.' 
O.  Friesic,  flekka,  to  spot :  cf.  Icel.  flekka,  to  stain,  flekkr,  a  spot,  stain.  German,  gefleckt. 
'  Scatulatus,  color  equi,'  is  quoted  in  Klotz's  Latin  Dictionary.  The  Medulla  renders 
Scutulatus  'grey  poudered,  sicut  equus,'  while  Cooper  says,  'Scutulatus  color,  as  I  thynke, 
watchet  colour  ;'  and  Gouldman,  '  scutulatus  color,  dapple-gray  or  watchet  colour.' 

*  Theflecchour  was  properly  the  man  who  made  and  set  the  feathers  on  the  arrows  :  the 
arrows  themselves  were  made  by  the  Arrowsmith.  The  parliament  of  James  II.  [of 
Scotland]  which  sat  in  1457  enacted,  'that  there  be  a  bower  (a  bowmaker)  and  afledgear 
in  ilk  head  town  of  the  schire.'  See  the  Destruction  of  Troy,  E.  E.  Text  Soc.  1593,  and 
Liber  Albus,  pp.  533,  732.  Fr.fle'che,  an  arrow. 

5  '  Esoentoir,  a  fan,  flip-flap,  flie-flap  or  flabel/  Cotgrave.     '  A  flappe  to  kill  flies,  musca- 
rium.'  Baret's  Alvearie.     '  Flabellum.  A  fflappe  or  a  scorge.     Muscarius.  A  werare  off  of 
flyea.'  Medulla. 

6  'Flaik,  Flake,  Flate,  a.   (i)  A  hurdle.    (2)  In  plural,    temporary  folds   or   pens.' 
Jainieson.     See  Holinshed,  Chronicle  of  Ireland,  p.  178.     O.  Icel.  Jlaki,  flefci.     'Crates.  A 
hyrdyl.'  Medulla.     'Afleke:  cratix?  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  201.     Ga wain  Douglas 
in  his  trans,  of  Virgil,  ^Eneados,  xi.  p.  362,  ed.  1710,  has — 

'  Sum  of  Eneas  feris  besely         Flatis  to  plet  thaym  preissis  by  and  by, 

And  of  sinal  wikkeris  for  to  beild  vp  ane  bere :' 
and  W.  Stewart,  Croniclis  of  Scotland,  ii.  146 — 

'  This  Congallus  deuysit  at  the  last, 
That  euerie  man  ane  flaik  sould  mak  of  tre,   .... 
Syne  on  the  nycht,  with  mony  staik  and  stour, 
Gart  mak  ane  brig  quhair  tha  passit  all  ouir.' 

So  also  Bellendene  in  his  version  of  Boece,  i.  117,  ed.  1721,  has  'This  munitioun 

had  na  out  passage  bot  at  ane  part,  quhilk  was  maid  by  thaim  with  flaikis,  scherettis  and 
treia.'  See  also  Hooker's  Giraldus'  Hist,  of  Ireland,  ii.  178. 

7  A.  S.  flea. 

8  The  Medulla  renders  reeutitus  by  '  he  J>at  hath  a  bleryng  jerd,'  while  the  Ortus  agrees 
with  our  text,  '  Reeutitus  ;  flenned,  id  est  circumcisus,'  as  also  Huloet,  '  Fleyed,  or  flayne, 
or  hauinge  the  wkynne  cutte :  Hecutttus  :'  and  again,  •  Circumcised.     Reeutitus.'     Cooper, 
in  his  Thesauruv,  defines  it  as  '  martial,  circumcised,  cut  shorte,  exulcerate.'     Evidently  it 



Flesche;  carnecula,  carneus,    caro; 
versus : 
^Carnes  carnifices,  carnem  ven- 

duiit,  meretrices. 

creos  yrece,  sarcos  grece  ;  carnolis 
participium  :  caro  secundum  doc- 
tores  suauis,  frdgilis,  suauia  sua- 
det,concupiscit  aduersus  s^iritum, 
pY&uos  motus  gignit,  qu&nto  plus 
colitur  tanto  plus  sordet ;  versus  : 
IT  Vilior  est  Tiumana  g;uam  pellis 

ouina : 
Si  moriatur  ouis  aliquid  valet 

ilia  ruina. 
Extv&hitur  pellis  &f  scribitnr 

intus  fy  extra, : 
Si  moriatur  homo  Moritwc  caro 

pellis  $  ossa, 
Quid  tarn  curate  nutritur  invti- 

lisA  te? 

Stefcoris  $   Fellis  fellis  iam 
mortua  pellis 

Expallet,  liuet,  fetet,  cadet,  at- 

que  liquatur  ; 
Hijs  gradibus  corpus  vermescit 

cf*  iucineratur. 
a  Fleshe  cruke  l ;  creagra,  fuscina, 

fuscmula,  tridens.  §  cetera, 
fa  Flesohour ;  carnifex,  bubalus,  la- 

nista,  bouiscida,  lanio,  macellarius, 

A  Fleschewrye  2 ;  Carnificiuvo.,  Car- 

narium,  laniatorium  (A.), 
fa  Flesche  schamylle 3 ;  macellum. 
a  Mese ;  vellus  ;  vellerosus. 
Flewme 4 ;  flegma,  fleuma,  reuma. 
Flewmatykke  5 ;  fleumatic\iB,tflegima- 

ticus,  reumaticus. 
fa  Flyghte  of  snawe  6 ;  Coccus  niue- 


a  Flyke  of  bacon  7 ;  perrta. 
a  Flint  stone  ;  fugillum,  silex  ;  sili- 

cus  jyartficipium  (fugillare,  est  ig- 

nem  percutere  A.). 

is  derived  from  A.  S.  flean,  to  skin,  flay. 
Mundi  speaking  of  circumcision  says — 
'  Abram  tok  forth  his  men 

And  did  als  drightin  can  him  ken  ; 

Him  self  and  Ismael  he  scare. 

See  JeW,  below.     T*he  author  of  the  Cursor 

And  si])en  all  his  J>at  car-men  were. 
O  thritti  yeir  fra  he  was  born 
Was  Ysmael  wen  he  was  schorn.' 

11.  2693-2698. 

1  '  Creagra.  A  fHesshook  or  an  aundyryn.  Fuscina.  A  fFysh  hook  or  a  fflessh  hook.' 
Medulla.  Herman  has  :  '  Fette  the  flesshe  hoke.  t)a  creagram? 

a  Fieshewrye,  apparently  is  a  place  where  flesh  is  cut  or  hewed.  The  word  fleschkewere, 
a  butcher,  occurs  in  Octovian,  750,  'To  selle  motoun,  bakoun,  and  beef,  as  flesch-hewere :* 
and  fleschour  appears  to  be  a  contraction  of  this.  '  Laniatorium.  A  fflessh  stal.  Macellum. 
A  bochery  off  [or]  a  fflessh  stal.'  Medulla. 

3  In  the  Liber  Alb  us,  p.  400,  we  find  the  old  site  of  Newgate  Market  mentioned  under 
the  name  of '  Saint  Nicholas  Flessh-shameles ;'  and  in  the  Inquisitiones  post  Mortem  Robert 
Langelye  is  said   to  have  owned  four  shops   in   '  Les  Flesshambles  in  Parochia  Sancti 
Nicholai.'    Andrew  Boorde  in  his  Introduction  of  Knowledge,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  151,  says 
that  at  Antwerp  'is  the  fayrest  flesh  shambles  that  is  in  Cristendome.'     A.  S.  scamel,  a 
stool  or  bench. 

4  '  Fleame,  flegma.'  Huloet.     '  Flegme  or  sniuell,  phlegma.'  Baret. 

5  '  I  serue  of  vinegre  and  of  vergeous  and  of  greynes  that  ben  soure  and  greene,  and  give 
hem  to  hem  that  ben  coleryk  rather  than  to  hem  that  ben  flewmatyh.'  De  Deguileville's 
Pilgrymage  of  the  Lyf  of  the  Manhode,  ed.  Wright,  p.  134.     In  the  Babees  Book,  ed. 
Furnivall,  p.  1 70,  the  following  description  is  given  of  a  Fleumatick  person  : — 

•Fleumaticus  \  *Jf  sompnolentus  /  piger,  in  sputamine  multus, 

|  Ebes  hmc  sensus  /  pmguis,  facie  color  albus. 
See  also  ibid.  pp.  220-1.  6  See  Flaghte  of  snawe,  above. 

7  '  Perna,  a  flyk.'  Nominale.  '  Flick,  succidia,  lardum.'  Manip.  Vocab.  '  Tak  the 
larde  of  a  swyne  flyk,  and  anoynte  the  mannes  fete  tlierwith  underneth.'  Thornton  MS. 
leaf  304.  '  Flick,  the  outer  part  of  the  hog  cured  for  bacon,  while  the  rest  of  the  carcase 
is  called  the  bones.'  Forby.  See  P.  Plowman,  B.  ix.  169,  where  we  read  of  the  celebrated 
'flicche  of  Dunmowe.'  Fr.  ffliche,flique  de  lard,  a  flitch,  or  side,  of  bacon.'  Icel.JHkki, 
A.S.//cce.  'Perna.  A  flykke.'  Medulla. 



Flytyng;  vbi  stryffe  (A.). 

*to  Flytte  l ;  altercari,  certare,   liti- 

gare,  obiurgare,  catazizare. 
f>e  Flix 2 ;  diaria,  discentaria,   lien- 

taria,  fluocus. 

a  Floke  of  gese  (geyse  A,)  3 ;  polea. 
a  Floke  of  schepe  ;  grex. 
to  Floke  ;  gregare,  ag-,  con-. 
to  Florische  ;  florare,  con-,  ef-,  re-, 

Jlorescere,  florare. 
a  Florischere ;  florator. 
a  Flote  of  a  pipe  4 ;  jdraula. 
a  Floure;  jlos,Jlosculus,jlosill\is. 
ta  Floure  hille ;  floretum,   florari- 

Floure ;  Ador,  indeclinsibile,  similago, 

simila,  amolum. 
tFlory;  Adoreus,  florulentus,  flor- 

fFluande :  fluens,  ef-. 

a  Flude  (Fluyde  A.)  ;  cathaclismus, 
inf ernalis  est,  diluuium,  Fluctus, 
fluctulas,  fluentum,  flumen,  fluor, 
fluuius ;  fluuialis,  fluuiosus,  di- 
minutiuuw  /  fluxns. 

a  Flude^ate  (Fluydgate  A.) 5 ;  cino- 

tFludy;  Ampmcus,  fluuialis,  fluui- 

to  Flue  (Flwy  A.) ;  fluere,  ef-, 
con-,  de-,  e-,  jnter-,  sub-,  su- 
per-,  re-,  Jluctuare,  fluctare, 
fluuiare,  superundare,  torrere, 

a  Fluyng^;  exundac'w,  flux\\.$,  iuun- 
dacio,  ledo. 

Fluynge;  defluus. 

fa  Fluke  6 ;  pecten,  <$f  cetera ;  vbi  A 

a  Flure  (Flwyr  A.)  ;  Area. 

1  '  Contentiosus,  geflitful.'  Alfric's  Glossary. 

'  Wijtly  a-no]jer  werkman,  f>at  was  j?er  be-side, 

]>at  felj>e,  >at  forraest  hadde  spoke.'  William  of  Palerne,  2545. 
We  find  the  pt.  tense  in  Sir  Amadace,  ed.  Robson,  xxxvi.  6,  '  pusflote  Sir  Amadace.'  In 
Bernard's  Terence,  79,  we  have  the  Latin  jurgavit  cum  eo  rendered  by  'he  didfliteor  chide 
with  him.'  '  Litigo.  To  stryue  or  flyte.'  Ortus.  See  also  the  Book  of  Curtasye,  pr.  in 
the  Babees  Book,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  178,  1.  54,  where  we  are  warned 

'  In  peese  to  ete,  and  euer  eschewe         To  flyte  at  borde  ;  ]>at  may  J)e  rewe.' 
See  also  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  386,  1.  6681.     A.  S.  flitan.     In  Trevisa's  Higden,  ii.  97  is 
mentioned  'Jtittwyte,  amendes  i-doo  for  chydynge,'  [emenda  proveniens  pro  contentione.~] 
1  By  thend  of  October  go  gather  vp  sloes, 
Haue  thou  in  a  readines  plentie  of  thoes, 
And  keepe  them  in  bedstraw,  or  still  on  the  bow, 
To  staie  both  thejtixe  of  thyselfe  and  thy  cow.1  Tusser,  p.  52. 
4  Lienteria.  The  fflyxe.'  Medulla. 

3  'Polia.  Afflokoffbestys.'  Medulla. 

*  In  Deguileville's  Pilgryuiage  of  the  Lyf  of  the  Manhode,  ed.  Wright,  p.  1  1  7,  we  read 
of  '  reedea  &ndfloytes  and  shalmuses.'  See  also  ibid.  p.  123.  'A  faucet,  or  tappe,  a  flute, 
a  whistle,  a  pipe,  as  well  to  conueigh  water,  as  an  instruments  of  musicke,  fistula,  tub  aim* 
Baret.  'They^owted,  and  they  taberd  ;  they  yellyd,  and  they  cryed,  ioyinge  in  theyr 
maner,  as  semyd,  by  theyr  semblaunt.'  Lydgate,  Pylgremage  of  the  Sowle,  bk.  ii.  p.  50, 
ed.  1859. 

5  See  also  Clowe  of  flodesete,  above.  '  A  flode-3ate  :  sinoglostorium.'  Wright's  Vol. 
of  Vocab.  p.  1  80.  'Si  il  soit  trove  qe  ascuns  tielx,  gorcez,  fishgarthez,  molyns,  mille- 
dammez,  estankez  de  molyns,  lokkez,  hebbyngwerez,  estakez,  kideux,  hekkez,  on  flodegates 
sont  faitz  levez,  enhauncez,  estreiez,  on  enlargez  encountre  inesme  lestatuit.'  1472,  Stat. 
1  2  Ed.  IV.  cap.  7. 

'  Flook,  fish,  pectunculus'  Manip.  Vocab.  «  Flook,  flounder.'  Junius.  «  Flookes  or 
flounders,  pectines.'  Baret.  Cooper  renders  pectines  by  '  scallops.'  •  Flownders  or  Floukes, 
bee  of  like  nature  to  a  Plaice,  though  not  so  good.'  Cogan,  Haven  of  Health,  1612,  p.  141. 
Harrison,  Descript.  of  England,  ii.  20,  mentions  the  '  floke  or  sea  flounder.'  In  Morte 
Arthure,  1088,  the  Giant,  with  whom  Arthur  engages,  is  described  as 
'  fflat-mowthede  as  a  fluke,  with  fleryande  lyppys.' 

See  also  1.  2779,  and  Harrison's  Descript.  of  England,  ed.  Furnivall,  ii.  20.      The  word  is 
still  in  common  use.     A.  S.  floe. 



F  ante  O. 

Fodyr ;  for  ago  (farrago  A.),  pabu- 
lum, pastus  (f  arris  farrago  pan- 
nornm  dico  for  ago  A.). 

to  Fodyr  l ;  pabularz. 

tFoge ;  Reuma,  vnemia  (A.). 

a  Foyle  2 ;  pullus. 

a  Folke  3 ;  gens,  plebs,  pojyulus,  turba. 

to  Folowe ;  Assequi,  sequi,  con-,  ex-, 
sectari,  ab-}  demulare,  Emulari. 
JKxequimur  mortuum,  cousequi- 
mur  ad  fid^em,  persequimuic  fugi- 
entem,  $  prosequimur  cum  officio 
fungimur,  imitamur  moribus ; 
succedere  (A.). 

a  Folower ;  imitator,  secutor,  sequax. 

a  Folowynge  ;  imitacio,  sequela,  se- 
quatitas,  zelus. 

Folowynge;  demulus,  emulus,  imi- 
tatorius,  sequax,  sequaculus. 

tto  Folowe  ye  fader  in  maners; 

tto  Folowe  4  ye  moder  in  maners  ; 

tFolowyngly ;  consequenter,  porro. 

*a  Folte 5  ;  bias,  baburrus,  blatus, 
bardus,  garro,  ineptus,  nugator, 

tFonde ;  Arejrticius,  Astrosus,  babi- 
ger,  babilus,  baburrus,  brutus,  de- 
mens,  desipiens,  exensis,  fatuus, 
Follus,  ignarus,  ignauus,  imperi- 
tus,  incircumspectus,  indignans, 

meptus,  indiscretus,  infrunitus, 
insensis,  insulsus,  lunaticus,  nesci- 
us,  presumptuosns,  simplex,  stoli- 
d\is,stultus,  temerarius;  ignorans 
qui  aliquic?  scit,  jnscius  qui  n\\nl 
s{c\it,  jnsipiens  qui  non  attendit 
pericula  futura  (stultus  A.)  qui, 
si  attendit,  non  cauet. 

tto  be  or  \  Fonde  ;  brutere,  brutes- 
wax  or  (  cer«,  dementare,  &  -ri, 
to  make  )  fatuare,  Follere,  folles- 
cere,  stultizare. 

fa  Fondnes  ;  baburra,  dementia,  de- 
liramentum,  fatuitas,  ignauia, 
inepcia,  inertia,  simplicitas,  stul- 
ticia,  temeritas. 

fFondely;  stulte,  insepienter,  fatue, 
inepte,  ignaue. 

ta  Fondespeche  ;  s^[/]^7o^ium ; 
stultiloquus  ^;ardcipium. 

For  6 ;  pre,  pro,  2^opter,  quia,  si. 

to  Forbere ;  deferre. 

to  Forbed  ;  Abdicare,  abnuere,  argu- 
ere,  ut :  arguo  te  ne  malificos  imi- 
teris;  jnhebere  jmperio,  prohibere 
iure,  interdicere,  vetare,  euetare, 

A  Forbidder  ;  prohibitor,  abdicator, 
jnhibitor,  interdictor. 

*a  Forfett 7 ;  forisfactum,  forisfac- 

to  Forfett ;  forisfac&ce. 

A  Forbott 8. 

1  'With  her  mantle  tucked  vp    Shee  fathered  her  flocke.'  Percy  Folio,  Loose  Songs,  58. 
'Forsothe  that  woman  hadde  a  foddred  calf  in  the  hows.'  Wyclif,  i  Kings  xxviii.  24. 
0.  Icel.  fdSra. 

2  '  A  fole,  pulltis  equinus.'  Baret.      '  Pullus.  A  cheken  or  a  ffole.'  Medulla.      See  also 
Colte,  above.  8  MS.  Fokke. 

4  MS.  fowlo.     '  Matrizo.  To  folowyn  Jje  moder.'  Medulla. 

5  *  Blax.   Softe ;  delicate ;  wanton ;   that  cannot  discerne  things  ;  blunt ;  foolish ;  he 
that  vaynely  boasteth  him  selfe.    Morio.  A  foole.'  Cooper.    The  Medulla  gives  '  Baburra. 
Folyheed  or  sothfastnes,'  and  renders  bardus  by  '  stultus,  ebes,  meptus,  tardus.'     '  Folet. 
A  pretty  foole,  a  little  fop,  a  yong  coxe,  none  of  the  wisest.'  Cotgrave.     In  the  Cursor 
Mundi,  p.  141, 1.  2303,  we  read — 

'  Fendes  crepte  Ipo  ymages  wij^-inne  And  lad  foiled  men  to  synne.' 

See  also  Kobert  de  Brunne's  Hist,  of  England,  Kolls  Series,  ed.  Furnivall,  4527  and  7229. 

6  MS.  a  For. 

7  '  Ffande  to  fette  that  freke  and  forfette  his  landes.'  Morte  Arthure,  557. 

8  A  prohibition  or  thing  forbidden.     Thus  in  the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  42, 1.  6 1 2,  we  are  told 
that  God  gave  to  Adam  Paradise 

'als  in  heritage,  Bot  for  to  hald  it  wel  vnbroken 

To  yeild  ])erfor  na  mar  knaulage,  pe  forbot  fat  was  betuix  ]?am  spoken.' 



a  Poreste ;  foresta. 

^Aforestare,  est  forestam  facere. 
^Deafforestare  est  forestam  de- 


to  Forge;  vbi  to  smethe  (A.), 
to  Forgete ;    descire,   dediscere,    ob- 
liuisci,    obliuioni   tr&dere,    igno- 
r\ar~\e;  vnde  versus  : 
^Hoc  ignoramus   quod  notum 

won  memoramus, 
Illud  nescimus  quod  nunqu&m 

meute  subimus, 
Obliuiscemur  prius  hoc  quod  in 

Arte  docemur. 
a  Forgetter  \  inmemor. 
Forgetyll l ',  letergicus,  obliuiosus. 
a  Forgettynge ;  Annescia,  obliuio. 
to  Forgiffe  ;  donare,  con-,  dimittere, 
ignorare,  ignoscere,  jndulgere,  re- 
mittere,  veniaia.  dare. 
a   Forge[ue]nes    (Forgiffhes    A.)  ; 
jndulgeucia,  remissio,  remedium, 

a  Forhede ;  frons. 
a  Forke  ;  furca,  furcella,    furcula, 
tridens  cumtribus  dentibus(bidens 
cum  duobus  dentibus  A.). 
Formabylle ;  vbi  ordinate. 
a  Forme ;  forma,  formula,  formeUa, 
duca,  idea. 

to  Forme  ;  formare,  informare. 

a  Fornas  2 ;  caminus,  epicaustoriura, 

a  Forome  (A  Forme  or  Astule  A.)  3; 
sponda,  spondula  ^?'miimtiuum 
(fultrum,  scamnum  A.),  &  cetera; 
vbi  A  stule. 

f>e  Forparte  of  y6  hede ;  cinciput. 

to  Forsake  ;  A  brenunciare,  cathezi- 
zare,  deficere,  derelinquere,  dese- 
rere,  jnvite  relinquere,  voluntate 
desertare,  desinere,  desolari,  dimit- 
tere, linquerQ,  renuuciare,  res- 

Forsakyn  (Forsaking  A);  desolatus, 

Forsothe ;  Ameii,  Autem,  certe,  enim, 
enion,  eciam,  equidem,  nempe,  ni- 
mirum,  profecte,  quippe,  reuera, 
siquidem,  vtique,  vero,  vere,  qui- 
dem,  quoque,  porro^eraciter,  quin, 
quineciam  *,  quinimmo,  quinin, 

*to   Forspeke  5 ;   fascinare,    Hugo  ; 
versus : 
^Nescioquis  teneYosoculus  michi 

fascinat  Agnos, 
et  fascinare,  i.e.  incantare. 

a  Forspekynge ;  fascinacio,  facinuSj 

The  word  occurs  not  infrequently  in  conjunction  with  God's ;  thus  we  have  in  a  charm  for 
the  tooth-ache  from  Thornton  MS.  printed  in  Reliq.Antiq.  i.  126 — 

•  ix.  tymes  Goddis  forbott,  thou  wikkyde  worme,          Thet  ever  thou  make  any  rystynge.' 
In  the  Percy  Folio  MS.  ed.  Furnivall  and  Hales,  Robin  Hood,  &c.,  p.  18,  1.  59,  vol.  i.  we 
read — '  "Now,    Marry,  gods  forbott,"   said  the  Sheriffe,  "that  euer  that  shold   bee."  ' 
In  Sir  Ferumbras  when  Alorys  proposes  to  Ganelon  to  leave  Charles  to  his  fate — 
'  "Godesfor-bode"  Gweynes  sede,  "  }>at  ich  assentede  to  such  a  dede."  ' 
The  expression  also  occurs  twice  in  Stafford's  Examination  of  Abuses,  1581,  New  Shakspere 
Soc.  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  73,  where  it  is  spelt  «  God  sworbote.' 

•'  "God/or&o£,"  he  said,  "my  thank  war  sic  thing 

To  him  that  succourit  my  lyfe  in  sa  euill  ane  nicht."  '  Rauf  Coifyear,  746. 
A.S.forbod.     Compare  P.  Forbode. 

^  '  Forgetdnesse,  nutelnesse,  recheles,  shamfestnesse,  drede,  Ortrowe,  TrewSeleas,  Trust, 
wilfulnesse'  and  'Misleue,'  are  in  Early  English  Homilies,  ed.  Morris,  ^.71-3,  said  to  be 
the  ten  things  opposed  to  due  confession.  Forgetel,  forgetful,  occurs  in  Gower,  ed.  Pauli, 
iii.  98  :  'Forgetel,  slow,  and  wery  sone  of  every  thing.'  A.  S.  forgytel 

1  '  Fornax.  A  fforneys.'  Medulla.     '  A  Fornace.  Fornax.'  Manip.  Vocab. 

1  'A  forme,  bench,  scannum.'  Manip.  Vocab.    '  A  fourine  to  sit  on,  a  settle,  sedile'  Baret. 

4  MS.  quineeciavn. 

5  •  Fascinare.  To  forspeake,  or  forlooke.'  Cooper.    'To  forespeake,  or  beewitch,/asciwore, 
incantare,  charmer.    A  forespeaking,  fascinatio,  charmerie.    Unhappie,  forespoken,  inomi- 
natas,  malheareux.'  Baret.     •  To  forespeake  :  faacinare.'  Manip.  Vocab.    •  Sythen  told  me 



a  Forster  l  ;    forestarius,    lucarius, 

toForswere2;   Abiurare,  per-,  de- 

ierare,     detestari,     peierare,     & 

a  For[s]werynge ;  Abiuracio,  deier- 

acio,  detestacio,  peieracio,  pei'iur- 

acio,  periurium. 
Forswerynge;  abiuraus,  periurans, 

&  cetera. 

a  Forswerer ;  periurus. 
*For  y6  naynste  ;  Ab  intento. 
*to   Forthynke 3 ;   peniterz,    &    -ri, 

depo[nens],  compunyere. 
*a  Forthynkynge ;  compwnccio,  con- 

tricio,  penitencia. 
an   vn   Forthynkynge  ;    jnpenitin- 


Forthynkynge  ;  penitens. 
vn  Forthynkynge  •  jnpenitens. 

tto    Forthirre  4  ;    preferre, 


ForthirmeT* ;  vlterius. 
a  Fortune ;  fortuna,  <&  cetera ;   vbi 

a  happe. 
to  Fortune  ;    Fortunare,  &  cetera  ; 

vbi  to  happynge. 
fbe    Forwarde     of    a     bateylle 5 ; 

Forqwhy ;    quia,    ^uoniam, 

fA  Fostalle  ;  vestigium  (A.). 

a  Fotestepe  ;  bitalassum,  peda,  ves- 

Foule ;  Acercltus,  deformis  in  corpore, 
tUYpis  in  anima,  enormis,  fedus, 
fedosus,  fetidus,  iumundus,  inor- 
nat\is,inpolitus,  lutosus,  lutulentus, 
cenosus,  maculatus,  maculosus, 
obscenus,  pollutus,  putridus, 

a  clerk  that  he  was  forspdkyn?  Townley  Myst.  p.  115.  Ford  also  uses  the  word  in  his  Witch 
of  Edmonton,  ii.  I :  '  My  bad  tongue  Fore-speaks  their  cattle,  doth  bewitch  their  corn.' 

1  '  Hie  forestarius  ;  a  foster.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  278. 

'  Bit  I  rede  that  thou  fande  An  arow  for  to  drawe.' 

Than  any  forster  in  this  lande  MS.  Cantab.  Ff.  v.  48,  leaf  50,  in  Halliwell. 

In  the  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  206,  we  read — '  I  am  the  Emperours  Forster,  that  dwelle 
here,  and  have  the  kepyng  of  this  forest ;'  and  again,  p.  207,  *  he  callid  to  him  the  forster? 

2  '  As  afore  God  they  ben  forswore,       Of  alle  our  synnys,  God,  make  a  delyueraunce.' 

Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  241. 
'  Periurus.  Forswern.     Periurium.  Forsweryng.'  Medulla. 

3  '  Peniteo.  To  forthynkyn.'  Medulla. 

'  That  the  Lollardis     Forthinken  ful  score.'  Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  73. 
In  Morte  Arthur -e,  4252,  the  king  says — 

'In  faye  sore  me  for-thynkkes        That  euer  siche  a  false  theefe  so  faire  an  end  haues ;' 
and  in  Alisaunder,  ed.  Skeat,  446,  the  Spartans  and  Phocians  in  the  battle 

'  forthoughten  hem  alle  pat  euer  J?ei  farde  to  fight  wi)>  Philip  )>e  keene.' 
*  Ihesus  came  in  to  Galilee,  prechinge ....  and  seiynge,  For  tyme  is  fulfillid,  and  )>e  kyngdam 
of  God  shal  come  nij :  forfyinke  See,  (or  do  3ee  penaunce)  and  beleue  jee  to  \>e  gospel.'  Wyclif, 
St.  Mark  i.  14,  15.  On  the  constructions  and  uses  of  this  verb  see  Prof.  Zupitza's  note  to 
Guy  of  Warwick,  1.  984.  « I  forthynke,  I  repente  me.  Je  me  repens.  I  have  forthought 
me  a  hundred  tymes  that  I  spake  so  roughly  to  him.  I  forthynke,  I  bye  the  bargayne, 
or  suffer  smerte  for  a  thyng.'  Palsgrave. 

*  '  Should  holy  church  have  no  hedde  ?         Who  should  her  rule,  who  should  her  redde  ? 
Who  should  be  her  governaile  ?  Who  should  laerforthren,  who  should  availe  ?' 

The  Complaint  of  the  Ploughman,  in  Wright's  Political  Poems,  i.  336. 

In  the  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  156,  we  are  told  that  solitude  and  contemplative  life  are  the  great 
helps  to  grace  :  'swuSest  auaunceo1  &fur$re?>  hit.'  A.  S.  fyrSrian.  '  I  forder  one,  I  set 
hym  forwarde.  Je  auance,'  Palsgrave. 

5  '  The  forward  or  varitgard,  primus  orc?o.'  Baret. 

'  In  the  kynges  forwarde  the  prynce  did  ride  Wirh  nobill  lordis  of  grett  renowne.' 

Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  280. 

Harrison  tells  us  that  Strabo  states  that  'the  Galles  did  somtime  buy  vp  all  our  maistiffes 
to  seme  in  the  forewards  of  their  battels,  wherein  they  resembled  the  Colophonians,  &c.' 
Descript.  of  England,  ed.  Furnivall,  ii.  41. 



sordidus,  spurcus,  squalidus,  vi- 

to  make  Foule ;  vbi  to  defoule  (fyle 

to  be  Foule  ;  federe,  putrere,  sordere, 

-descere,   de-,    squalere,    turpere, 

-pescere,  de-,  vilere,  de-,  vilescere, 

a  Foulnes  ;    deformitas,    enormitas, 

feditas,      inmundicies,     macula, 

obscenitas,    sanies,  pollucio,    pu- 

tredo,  soditas,  spurcicia,  squalor, 

tabes,  tabi,  tabo,  turpitude,  vilitas. 
fa  Foule  speche  l ;    eglota  (Egloga 

A.),  turpiloquium. 
fa  Foule  speker 2 ;  ipuridicuB,  tur- 


a  Foule  wynnynge  ;  turpilucrum. 
Fouly;  turpiter,   enormiter,   viliter, 

deformiter,  &  cetera. 
Foure;  qu&tuor;  ^uarftis,  guaternus, 

qu&teYnarius,  quadruplus,  tetras, 

Foure  cornarde ;  quadrangulus,  qn&- 

dratus,  qu&drangulatus. 
tFoure  days ;  qu&triduanus. 
Foure  Falde ;  qu&druplex. 

Foure  foted  (Fowre  fute  A.)  ; 

drufws,  qii'ddrupedius. 
Foure    hundrethe  ;    qu&dringenti  • 


tFoure  hundrithe  sythes  ;  qu&drin- 

Foure  schore  ;  v\)i  aghty. 

Foure  tene ;  qu&tuor  decem ;  quartus 
decimus,  quater  denns,  quater- 
den&rius,  tescerecedecades  (tessere- 
decades  A.) 3. . 

Foure   tene    sythys ;    quaterdecies, 

Forty;  qu&draginta ;  quadragesimus, 
qvL&dr&genus,  quadragenarius. 

tFoure  5ere ;  quadriennium ;  qu&dri- 
ennus,  qnadriennis. 

a  Fox  ;  vulpes,  vulpecula;  vufyyinus. 

tFox  Fire  4 ;  glos,  glossis. 

tFox  gloue  5 ;  aj)ium,  branca  vul- 

F  ante  B. 

Fra;  A,  Abs,  Ab,  de,  E,  ex. 
Fra  a-bowne  ;  desuper. 

1  'Eglota.  Awerdoffgoote.'  Medulla.    See  Gayte  Speche.    Possibly  there  were  some 
indecent  eclogues  in  Latin.     Of.  Theocritus. 

2  MS.  Fouke  speker.     « Spuridicus  :  Sordida  dicens.'  Medulla. 
8  That  is  TfffffapaKaiSeK&Tijs,  fourteen  years  old. 

4  This  appears  to  be  that  phosphoric  light  which  is  occasionally  seen  in  rotten  trees 
or  wood.^  See  Brand's  Pop.  Antiq.  ed.  Hazlitt,  iii,  345-57,  and  Wright's  Superstitions,  &c. 
of  the  Middle  Ages,  where  he  speaks  of  the  fifollets  or  feux-follets,  a  sort  of  ignis  fataus. 
Fox  here  is  probably  0.  Fr.  fox^fol  or  fob,  fatuus,  applied  to  things  having  a  false 
appearance  of  something  else,  as  avoine  folle,  barren  oats. 

'  Glos,  glossis ;  lignum  vetus  est  de  nocte  serenum  : 
-His  tibi  dat  florem,  -sis  lignum,  -tis  mulierem.'  Ortus. 
'  Glos,  -ssis,  m.  Hygen.  est  lignum  putridum.  Rotten  wood. 
Glos  gloris  flos  est :  glos  glotis  fcemina  fratris, 
Gloss  glossis  lignum  putre  est,  de  nocte  relucens, 
Ris  tibi  dat  florem,  sis  lignum,  tis  mulierem.'  Gouldman. 
'  Discite  quid  sit  glos,  lignum,  vel  femina,  vel  flos. 
Glos,  glossis,  lignum  vetus  est  de  nocte  serenum  ; 
Glos,  glossis,  lingua  illius  filius  glossa  ; 
Glos,  gloris,  flos  illis  gloria  dos  est ; 
Glos  eciam  gloris  dicetur  femina  fratris  : 
Hoc  glos  est  lignum,  hec  glos  est  femina  fratris.' 

Medulla,  Harl.  MS.  2257. 

Salwnca,  gauntelee,  foxes-glove.'  MS.  Harl.  978,  If.  24bk.  <  Fion,  camglata,  foxes- 
glove.  Ibid.  Cotgrave  gives  '  Gantelee.  The  herbe  called  Fox-gloves,  our  Ladies-gloves 
and  London  buttons.' 



Fra  be  3onde  ;  deultra. 
fFra  dore  to  dore ;  hostiatim. 
Fraghte   of  a  schippe  (Fraght  or 

lastage   of  A    shipe  A.)  ' ;  sa- 

Fra    hyne   forward 2 ;     Amodo,    de 

cetero,  deinceps,  inposterum. 
Fra  hynse ;  hinc,  jstinc,   inde,    il- 

*a  Frale   (Fraelle  A.)    of  fygis3; 

a  Fratovre  4  :  refectorium. 

A  Fray  5 ;  vb[i]  striffe  (A.). 

ta  Frayturer ;   refectorarius. 

Fra  thense  ;  jlluc,  jnde. 

tFra  man  to  maw  ;  viritim. 

*a    Franchemole     (Frawnchmulle 

A.) 6 ;  lucanica. 
lpe  Fransy  7 ;  frensis  ;  freneticus  qai 

patitur  infirmitatem. 
tFra  oder  stede  ;  A  liuude,  de  Alio 


1  '  To  fraite  a  shippe,  implere  navim.     Lastage,  or  balaet,  wherewith  ships  are  euen 
peised  to  go  upright.  Sabiirra?  Baret's  Alvearie.     See  Lastage,  below. 

2  '  Amodo.  Ffro  hens  fforwarde.'   Medulla. 

3  '  And  )>anne  shal  he  testifye  of  a  trinitee,  and  take  his  felawe  to  witnesse. 

What  he  fonde  in  afreyel,  after  a  freres  lyuynge.'  P.  Plowman,  B.  xiii.  94. 
'  Frayle,  a  basket  in  which  figs  are  brought  from  Spain  and  other  parts.'  Kennett's  Paroch. 
Antiquities.  '  Bere  out  the  duste  in  this  fygge  frayle.  Asporta  cinerem  in  hoc  syrisco.' 
Horman.  Frail  is  still  used  in  Essex  to  mean  a  rush-basket.  Baret  in  his  Alvearie  gives, 
'  A  fraile  of  figges,  fiscina  ficorum  :  Cohan  plein  de  figues.  A  little  wicker  basket,  a  fraile, 
a  cheese  fat,  fiscella,  petit  panier  d' osier.'  f  Three  frails  of  sprats  carried  from  mart  to 
mart.'  Beaum.  &  Fletcher,  Queen  of  Corinth,  ii.  4.  Low  Lat.  frcelum,  a  rush-basket  or 
mat-basket.  'Frcelum,  fiscina;  panier  de  jonc,  cabas:  0. Fr.  fraiaus,  frayel.'  Ducange. 
'  Cabas.  A  fraile  (for  raisins  or  figs).'  Cotgrave.  See  also  Glossary  to  Liber  Albus,  s.  v. 
Freelle.  Lyte,  Dodoens,  p.  511,  in  treating  of  the  various  kinds  of  Rush,  mentions  'The 
frayle  Rushe  or  panier  Rushe,'  and  adds  '  they  vse  to  make  figge  frayles  and  paniers  ther 

4  In  De  Deguileville's  Pilgrimage,  MS.  John's  Coll.  Camb.  leaf  127,  the  Pilgrim  tells 
us  that  in  the  Castle  (of  Religion)  at  which  he  at  last  arrived,  '  Ther  was  >erin  dortour 
and  cloister,  kirke,  chapeter,  and  fraitour  :'  and  again,  1.  128,  'The  lady  with  the  gorgere 
was  ]>e  frayturrer  fereof.'     Horman  says,  '  Monkes  shulde  sytte  in  the  frayter.  Monachi 
comederent  in  cenaculo  non  refectorio.'     '  Atemperance  servede  in  the  fratour,  that  scho 
to  ylkone  so  lukes  that  mesure  be  over  alle,  that  none  over  mekille  nere  over  lyttille  ete 
ne  drynke.'  MS.  Line.  A.  i.  17,  leaf  273,  quoted  by  Halliwell. 

'  If  a  pore  man  come  to  a  frere  for  to  aske  shrifte, 
And  ther  come  a  ricchere  and  bringe  him  a  jifte  ; 
He  shal  into  the  freitur  and  ben  imad  ful  glad.' 

Wright's  Pol.  Songs,  Camden  Soc.  p.  331. 

6  Harrison  in  his  Description  of  Eng.  i.  277,  tells  us  that  if  any  '  happen  to  smite  with 
staffe,  dagger,  or  anie  maner  of  weapon,  &  the  same  be  sufficientlie  found  by  the  verdict 
of  twelve  men  ....  he  is  sure  to  loose  one  of  his  eares,  without  all  hope  of  release.  But 
if  he  such  a  one  as  hath  beene  twice  condemned  and  executed,  whereby  he  hath  now  non 
eares,  then  is  he  marked  with  an  hot  iron  vpon  the  cheeke,  and  by  the  letter  F,  which  is 
seared  deepe  into  his  flesh  ;  he  is  from  thenceforth  noted  as  a  barratour  and  fraie  maker, 
and  therevnto  remaineth  excommunicate,  till  by  repentance  he  deserue  to  be  absolued  ;' 
and  again,  p.  225,  he  mentions  'fraimakers,  petie  robbers,  &c.'  '  Guerroyeur,  a  warrior, 
a  fray-maker.'  Hollyband. 

6  '  Lucanica.  A  puddyng  made  of  porke,  a  sausage.'  Cooper.     Junius,  s.  v.  Moil,  says, 

*  a  French  moile  Chaucero  est  cibus  delicatior,  a  dish  made  of  marrow  and  grated  bread.' 
In  the  Liber  Cure  Cocorum,  p.  50,  directions  are  given  that  tansy-cake  shall  be  served 
4  with  fraunche  mele  or  oj)er  metis  with  alle.' 

7  '  Dawe,  I  do  thee  wel  to  wite        frvntike  am  I  not.'  Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  85. 

*  Frenesis.  The  ffrenesy.'  Medulla.     'Phrenitis.  An  inflammation  of  the  bray  ne  or  skinnes 
about  it,  rysyng  of  superfluous  bloud  or  choler  wherby  some  power  animall  is  hurted  and 
corrupted.'    Cooper.      'He  felle  in   a  fransye  for  fersenesse  of  herte.'    Morte  Arthwe, 



Frawarde  l ;  elienus,  aduersus,  con- 
trarius,  discors,  discrepans,  dis- 
osus,  rebellis,  lans,  remurmurans, 
scemus,  susurrans,  tumultuosus, 
&  cetera ;  vbi  proude. 

a  Frawardnes  ;  A  duersitas,  con£ra- 
ritas,  discordia,  &  cetera. 

Fra  whynse  (Fra  hense  A.) ;  vnde. 

Fraunce  ;  francia,  gallia. 

A  maw  of  Fraunce  (A  Franche 
man  A.)  ;  francus,  francigena, 
gallus,  galla  est  mulier  illius  pa- 
trie;  gallus. 

tFree ;  largus,  &  cetera ;  vbi  large. 

Fre ;  liber,  liberalis. 

a  Fredome  ;  liber tas,  vindicta,  vt  : 
cousecutus  est  plenam  vindictam 
i.e.  libertatem. 

to  Frese ;  gelare,  con-,  congelascere. 

Frese  clothe  (to  Freyss  clothe  A.) 2. 

Frely  ;  gratis,  gratuite,  sponte,  spon- 
taneus,  vitro, vltroneus,  voluntarie, 

*Fremmyd s ;  extre,  externus. 

to  make  Frewmyd ;  exterminare. 

aFrenschip ;  Amicicia4,Amicabilitas, 


a  Frende ;  amicus,  nesessarius,  jnox- 
imus,  alter  ego  ;  versus  : 
^  Alter  ego  nisi  sis,  non.  es  mihi 

verus  Amicus  ; 
Non  eris  Alter  ego,  ni  mini  sis 

vt  ego. 

fto  make  Frende;  Amicare,  Amicum 
facere,  A  micari  esse  Amicus,  fede- 
rare,  couciliare,  re- ;  -yersus  : 
^Si    quis  Amicatur  nobis,   sit 

noster  Amicus ; 
Cautus  Amicat  euro,  quern  mu- 

nere  reddit  Amicum. 
tto  be  Frende  ;  Amicare  <Sf  -ri. 
Frendly;  Amicalis,  Amicabilis,  Jiu- 
manns,   Amiens,  < 
A  micior,  A  micissimus. 
Frendly;  Amicabiliter,  Amicaliter. 
vn  Frendly  ;  inhumanus,  inimicus ; 

inhumane,  inTiumaniter. 
a  Frenge  5 ;  finibria,  fy  cetera  ;  vbi  a 


a  Frere ;  f rater',  fraternus p&rticiipi- 

1  Hampole,  Priclte  of  Conscience,  87,  tells  us  that  the  fate  of  man  is 

'  if  he  fraward  be  to  wende         Til  pyne  of  helle  ]?at  has  na  ende.' 
And  also  that  Vanity 

'Mas  his  hert  ful  hawtayne         And  ful  fraward  til  his  souerayne.'  Ibid.  256. 

a  '  Friser,  to  frizzle,  curl,  crisp.'  Cotgrave.  Frieze  cloth  was  coarse  and  narrow,  as 
opposed  to  the  broad  cloth  ;  this  is  clearly  shown  in  the  following  passage  from  the  Paston 
Letters,  ed.  Gairdner,  i.  83  : — '  I  pray  jow  that  je  wille  do  byen  sume  frese  to  niaken  of 
3our  child  is  gwnys  ....  and  that  je  wyld  bye  a  jerd  of  brode  clothe  of  blac  for  an  hode 
for  me  of  xliijd  or  iiij8  a  jerd,  for  ther  is  nether  gode  cloth  ner  god  ft-yse  in  this  twn.' 
Frisers,  or  makers  of  frieze  cloth,  are  mentioned  in  Liber  Albus,  pp.  723,  735.  Baret  says, 
'  Frize,  or  rough  garment  that  souldiers  vsed,  a  mantle  to  cast  on  a  bed,  a  carpet  to  laie  on 
a  table,  a  dagswaine.  Gausape.  Garmentes  that  haue  long  wooll,  or  be  frized,  pexce  vestes. 
A  winter  garment,  a  frize  or  furred  garment.  Cheimastrum'  '  Than  Geroner,  and  a  twelue 
other  with  hym,  arrayed  them  lyke  rude  vyllayne  marchauntes  in  cotes  of  fryseS  Berners, 
Froissart,  vol.  ii.  p.  340.  Caxton,  in  his  Trans,  of  Goeffroi  de  la  Tour  1'Andry,  sig.  e.  ij., 
speaks  of  'burell  or  fryse?  By  the  Statute  5  &  6  Edw.  VI.,  c.  vi.  it  was  enacted  that 
4  All  Welsh  Frizes  ....  shall  conteine  in  length  at  the  water  six  and  thirty  yards  at  the 
most,  yard  and  inch  of  the  rule,  and  in  breadth  three  quarters  of  a  yard,  and  being  so  fully 
wrought,  shall  weigh  euery  whole  peece  eight  and  forty  pound  at  the  least.' 

3  Frems  is  still  in  use  in  the  Northern  Counties  for  '  a  stranger.'     A.  S.  fremede. 
4 1  hafe  bene  frendely  freke  and  fremmede  tille  othere.'  Morte  Arthure,  3343. 
See  also  ibid.  U.  1250,  2738,  &c.    The  phrase  'fremid  and  sibbe/  occurs  in  Wright's  Pol. 
Songs,  202,  and  in  Rob.  of  Gloucester,  p.  346,  with  the  meaning  of  « not  related  and  kin.' 

*  MS.  Amicicla. 

'  A  frenge,  firribriale?  Manip.  Vocab.     '  A  fringe,  a  hemme,  a  gard  of  a  garment  cut, 
lacinia.     A  fringe,  hemme,  skirt,  or  welte,  fimbria'  Baret. 


Fresche ;  insulsus,  recens. 

to  Frete  * ;  fricare,  con-,    $•  cetera  ; 

vbi  to  rubbe. 
a  Fre  wille  ;  libitum,  libitus,  liberum 


to  Fry  ;  Frigere,  frixare,  con-. 
be  Fryday ;  dies  veneicis,  feria  sexta, 

a  Fryywg ;  frixura,  frixatura. 

a  Fryyng  panne  ;  fricatorium,  frix- 
orium,  sertago,  patella,  frixatoria. 

*to  Friste  2 ;  induciare. 

tFristelle 3 ;  fistula. 

ta  Frithed  felde  (Fyrthefelde  A.)  4; 

*a  Froke  5 ;  eucullua. 

*a  Froske 6;  agrecula  7,  rana,ranula, 
ranella,  rubeta. 

1  In  the  Morte  Arthure,  when  Priamus  is  wounded  there  is  an  account  of  a  '  Foyle  of 
fyne  golde'  containing  a  liquid,  the  virtues  of  which  were  such  that 

'  Be  it  frette  on  his,  flesche,  thare  synues  are  entamede 

The  freke  schalle  be  fische  halle  within  fowre  howres.'   1.  2708. 
Fr.  frotter,  to  rub  ;  see  Frote. 

2  Halliwell  quotes  from  the  Thornton  MS.  leaf  124  — 

'  Thorowe  prayere  of  those  gentille  mene, 
Twelve  wekes  he  gaffe  hym  thane, 
No  langere  wold  he  frest.' 
'  The  thryde  branche  es  to  frayst  an d  lene         To  thaym  that  nede  has  and  be  poure  mene.' 

Harl.MS.  2  260,  leaf  71. 
O.  Icel.  fresta.    Cf .  Dan.  frist,  a  truce. 

3  A  flute.     'With  trompes,  pipes  and  with/mtefe.'    Ywaine&  Gawin,  1396,  in  Ritson's 
Met.  Rom.  i.  59.    '  Fistula.  A  pype,  a  melody.  Fistula  ductor  ague  sic  fistula  cana  sonora. 
Fistulor.  To  syngyn  with  pype.'  Medulla. 

*  Frithed  is  fenced  in  or  inclosed,  as  in  P.  Plowman,  B.  v.  590 :  'frithed  in  with 
floreines.'  From  the  0.  H.  G.  fridu,,  peace,  protection,  or  inclosure,  we  have  the  A.  S. 
frty,  used  in  composition  in  the  sense  of  inclosed ;  see  Bosworth,  s.  v.  frfy-geard.  In  M. 
English  frith  is  frequently  used  for  a  wood,  but  properly  only  for  one  inclosed  as  dis- 
tinguished from  the  open  forest :  cf.  * /n'J>  or  forest,  toun  or  fild.'  Sir  Amadas,  Ixxi ; 
William  of  Palerne,  2216,  'Out  of  forest  and  frizes,  and  alle  faire  wodes,'  and  Polit.,  Rel. 
&  Love  Poems,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  56,  '  both  by  frith  or  foreste.'  Lasamon,  iii.  287,  tells  us 
of  Athelstan,  'hu  he  sette  sciren,  and  makede  frift  of  deoren,'  where  the  meaning  is 
'  deer-parks ;'  as  also  in  i.  61 — '  ^e  huntieft  i  }>es  kinges  frifte '  [later  text  pare].  See  also 
Thomas  of  Erceldoune,  319,  where  Dr.  Murray  explains  'frytlie  or  felle '  by  'enclosed 
field  or  open  hill.'  The  word  is  still  preserved  in  many  dialects  ;  see  Pegge's  Renticisms, 
E.  Dial.  Soc.  ed.  Skeat,  &c. 

5  In  the  Paston  Letters,  ed.  Gairdner,  ii.  2  70,  in  the  account  of  expenses  at  the  funeral 
of  Sir  J.  Paston  we  find — 'For  a  cope  called  afrogge  of  worsted  for  the  Prior  of  Bromholm, 
xxvi8  viijd.'      In  the  Treatise  de  Utensilibus  of  Alexander  Neckham,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of 
Vocab.  p.  101,  we  have  collobium-  glossed  by  'froge'  and  'roket.'     '  Frocke  or  cassock, 
sagum?  Baret.     '  Citcullus  :  vestis  capiciata?  Medulla.     See  Ducange,  s.  v.  Cucullus.     In 
Allit.  Poems,  ii.  136,  in  the  parable  of  the  man  without  a  wedding  garment  he  is  said  to 
have  been  'A  ])ral  .  .  .  unj>ryuandely  closed,     Ne  no festiual  froTc,  but  fyled  with  werrke3-' 

6  In  the  Description  of  the  Giant  in  Morte  Arthure,  1080,  we  are  told  that 

'  His  frount  and  his  forheuede,  alle  was  it  ouer, 
As  the  felle  oi&froske,  and  fraknede  it  semede.' 

In  Deguileville's  Pilgrymage,  &c.,  already  quoted,  p.  159,  we  read — 'I  am  thilke  that 
make  my  subgis  dwelle  and  enhabite  in  fennes  as  frosshes.'  See  also  Caxton's  Reynard 
the  Fox,  ed.  Arber,  p.  37.  '  Agredula.  A  lytyl  ffrosch.  Rana.  A  ffrosch.  Ranunculus.  A 
lytyl  ffrosch.'  Medulla.  See  Archceologia,  xxx.  373,  where  it  is  stated  that  the  herb 
vervain  is  called  frossis  because  its  leaves  are  '  lyke  the  frossys  fet.'  Wyclif  uses  frosh  in 
Psalms  Ixxvii.  45,  and  cv.  30,  and  froskes  occurs  in  the  Story  of  Genesis  and  Exodus,  ed. 
Morris,  2977,  where  we  read — 

'  Polheuedes,  and  froskes,  &  podes  spile         Bond  harde  egipte  folc  in  sile.' 
See  P.  Crowkeii.     A.  S.  frox,  O.  Icel.  froskr. 
1  MS.  agreeula. 



a  Froste  ;  gelu  wdeclinabi/tf,  pruina 
alba  est. 

Frosty;  gelidus,  pruinosus,  pr[u]in- 

to  Frote  l ;  vbi  to  Rube  (A.). 

fa  Fronte  2 ;  frontispicium,  vt  fron- 
tispicium ecclesiarum. 

to  Frubische  3 ;  elimare,  eruginare, 
erubiginare,  expolire,  rubiginare. 

a  Frubischer ;  eruginator. 

*a  Fmgon 4 ;  vertibulum,  pala,furca 

tFrumyte  5 ;  frumeuticium. 

a  Frunte ;  from. 

*a  Fruwtalle  6 ;  frontale. 

a  Frute  ;  fructus,  xiros  grece. 

fa  Frute  eter 7 ;  xirofagus,  vel  xir- 

Frutefull0;  fructuosus,fructifer,  fru- 

tFruteurs  (Frutuys  A.) 8 ;  collirida. 

F  ante  V. 
a  Fude ;  Alcio,  Alitns,  pastus. 

1  John  Russell  in  bis  Boke  of  Nurture  (Babees  Book,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  19),  amongst  his 
'  symple  condicions '  of  good  behaviour  at  table  says — 

'  Your  hands  frote  ne  rub,  brydelynge  with  beest  vpon  craw.' 

See  also  Lonelich's  Holy  Grail,  ed.  Furnivall,  xxiii.  502,  where  we  read  of  '  a  precious 
stone  of  merveillous  kynde,'  which  was  naturally  so  hot, 

'  that  non  man  therwith  him  self  dar  frot.' 

'If  thou  entrist  in  to  the  corn  of  thi  frend,  thou  schalt  breke  eeris  of  corn,  and  frote  togidere 
with  thi  hond.'  Wyclif,  Deut.  xxiii.  25.  '  Frotinge  of  iren  and  whetstones  J>ou  sclialt  hire 
[cotis  ferri  fricamind].'  Trevisa's  Higden,  i.  417.  See  also  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  284.  Com- 
pare Frete.  2  See  Gavelle. 

3  '  Expolio.  To  pulsyn,  gravyn,  or  fFurbyshyn.'  Medulla.  '  Fourbir.  To  furbish,  polish, 
burnish,  make  bright.'  Cotgrave.  '  Hie  eruginator :  anglice,  forbushere.'  Wright's  Vol. 
of  Vocab.  p.  195. 

*  '  Vertibulum.  A  thresshold  or  a  ffurgone.'  Medulla.  '  Fourgon.  An  oven-forke 
(termed  in  Lincolnshire  a  fruggin)  wherewith  fuell  is  both  put  into  an  oven,  and  stirred 
when  it  is  (on  tire)  in  it.'  Cotgrave.  See  also  Colrake,  above. 

5  'Flesch  flu riste  of  fermysone  with  frumentee  noble.'  Morte  Arthure,  180. 

The  following  recipes  for  the  manufacture  of  Furmenty  are  given  in  Pegge's  Forme  of 
Cut  y,  pp.  91  and  121:  '  I .  For  to  make  Furmenty,  Nym  clene  wete,  and  bray  it  in  a  morter 
wel  that  the  holys  gon  al  of  and  seyt  yt  til  it  breste  and  nym  yt  up,  and  lat  it  kele  and 
nym  fayre  fresch  broth  and  swete  mylk  of  Almandys  or  swete  mylk  of  kyne  and  temper 
y t  al,  and  nym  the  yolkys  of  eyryn,  boyl  y t  a  lityl  and  set  yt  adoun  and  messe  yt  forthe 
wyth  fast  venyson  and  fresch  moton.  2.  For  to  make  Formenty  on  a  Fischeday — Tak 
the  mylk  of  the  Hasel  Notis,  boyl  the  wete  wyth  the  affcermelk  til  it  be  dryyd,  and  tak 
and  colour  yt  wyth  Saffroun,  and  the  ferst  mylk  cast  therto  ana  boyle  wel  and  serve  yt 
forth.'  In  Mr.  Peacock's  Glossary  of  Manley,  &c.,  we  have,  'Frumerty,  a  preparation  of 
creed-wheat  with  milk,  currants,  raisins  and  spices  in  it.'  See  also  Liber  Cure  Cocorum, 
ed.  Morris,  p.  7. 

6  « Frontayle  for  a  woman's  head,  some  call  it  a  fruntlet,  frontale'    Huloet.     In  the 
Paston  Letters,  i.  489,  we  find  in  the  Inventory  of  Sir  J.  Fastolf  s  effects,  1459 — '  Item  j 
auter  clothe,  withe  a  fronted  of  white  damaske,  the  Trynete  in  the  myddys  ....  Item 
ij  curtaynes  of  white  sylke,  withe  a  frontell  of  the  same,  withe  fauchouns  of  golde.'      See 
also  ibid.  iii.  470.  7    Compare  Dryfeste,  above. 

8  The  following  recipe  for  the  manufacture  of  Fritters  is  given  in  Liber  Cure  Cocorum, 
P-  39.:— 

'  With  eggs  and  floure  in  batere  J>ou  make,  Take  powder  of  peper  and  cast  J>er  to, 

Put  berme  fer  to,  I  undertake  :  Kerve  appuls  overtwert  and  cast  J>erin, 

Coloure  hit  with  safrone  or  J>ou  more  do ;  Frye  horn  in  grece,  no  more  ne  mynne.' 

See  also  p.  55,  where  in  a  'manerof  service  on  flesshe  day,'  occur  *ryssheneand  pome- 
dorres  and  frutur  in  fere.'  In  Household  Ordinances,  p.  450,  is  given  the  following  recipe 
for  'Turtellytes  of  Fruture.  Take  fygges,  and  grind  bom  small,  and  do  therto  pouder  of 
clowes,  and  of  pepur,  and  sugar,  arid  saffron,  and  close  horn  in  foyles  of  dogh,  and  frie  horn, 
and  flawme  horn  with  honey,  and  serve  hit  forthe/  See  also  p.  449.  '  Fritter,  or  pancake, 
fricta,  laganum.  A  kind  of  bread  for  children,  as  fritters  and  wafer?,  co%m.'  Baret.  Ash- 
Wednesday  is  in  Yorkshire  known  as  -frwftoce-Wedn^sday,  from  fritters  being  eaten  on 
that  day.  Collirida  has  already  occurred  as  the  latin  equivalent  for  a  Cramcake. 



tFuelle  l  \  focale. 

Fueller  (Feweller  A.)  ;  focarius. 

tFuike  (Fuyke  A.)  2 ;  lanigo  (lanugo 


Full  but  (Fulbuyt  A.)  3 ;  precise. 
a  Fule  (Fuylle  A.) ;  stultns  (labur- 

rus  A.),  &  cetera ;  vbi  folte  &  vhi 


Fulharde  4 ;  temerarius. 
to  Fulfylle;  su[p]plere  v icemAlterius, 

&  cetera ;    vbi  to  fille. 
a  Fulfilyng  ;  Additamentum,  suppli- 

Fulle  ;  Affluens,  copiosus,  fccundus, 

fertilis,  habundans,  irriguus,  len- 
tes  grece,  opimus,  plenus,  saciatus, 
suffisiens,  vber,  vbertuosus. 

Fully;  Affatim,  Affluent^,  copiose, 
&  cetera. 

*a  Fulemerd  5 ;  fetontrus  (fetotrus 

tbe  Fulle  moyne  ;  plenilunium. 

a  Fullnes ;  Affluencia,  Abundancia, 
plenitudo  cordons  vel  anime  est, 
plenitas  cuinscunque  rei,&  cetent. 

fFulsomly 6 ;  fatim. 

fFune  (Fwne  A.) 7 ;  paucw,  parus, 
&  cetera ;  vbi  fuwe. 

1  0.  Fr.  fouaille,  from  L.  Lat.  focale. 

2  '  Fukes,  locks  of  hair.'    Kay's  North  Country  words.     Bailey's  Diet,  gives  'fax,  the 
hair.'     A.S.  feax,  the  hair.     In  the  Morte  Arthure,  1078,  in  the  description  of  the  Giant 
with  whom  Arthur  has  an  encounter,  we  are  told  that 

'  His  fax  and  his  foretoppe  was  filterede  to-geders.' 

In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  418, 1.  7244,  we  have  an  account  of  how  Dalilah  with  a  « schere* 
cut  off  Sampson's  hair — 

'  And  till  his  foos  sco  him  be-kend  ;  For  thoru  his  fax  his  force  was  tint.' 

Al  moght  J>ai  fan  do  quat  ]>ai  mint 

Cooper  defines  Lanugo  as  '  the  soffce  heares  or  mossinesse  in  the  visages  of  children  or 
women;  also  in  fruites  or  herbes,  as  in  Clarie,  &c. ;  the  doune  feathers  in  brides,  &c.' 
Jamieson  gives  '  Fug.  Moss.  Fuggy.  Mossy.' 

8  Wyclif  in  his  Tract,  '  How  Satan  &  his  children  turnen  werkis  of  mercy  upsodoun, 
&c.,'  English  Works,  ed.  Mathew,  p.  213,  uses  this  word ;  he  says  '  worldly  clerkis  ful  of 
pride,  symonye,  coueitise,  &  oj>ere  synnys  jeuen  fidbut  conseil  ajenst  )>e  holy  gost,  &c.' 
Herman  says,  'I  shal  hyt  themarke/ziZ  but  at  the  next  tyme.  Collineabo  scopum proximo 
iactu :'  and  again,  '  It  standeth  fulbut  agynst  Caleys.  Sessoriacum  e  regione  contuetur.' 
In  Udall's  Apophthegmes  of  Erasmus,  ed.  1877,  p.  29,  we  read,  '  Socrates  met  full  but  with 
Xenophon  in  a  narrow  back  lane.'  See  also  R.  de  Brunne's  Chronicle,  ed.  Furnivall, 
p.  473,  1.  13637. 

*  'Nis  heotomuche  cang,  o'Ser  to  folherdi,  fat  halt  hireheaued  baldeliche  uor'S  vtij)an 
open  kernel,  ]>eo  hwile  J?at  me  mit  quarreaus  wiSuten  asaile^  }>ene  castel  ? '  Ancren  Eiwle, 
p.  62.  '  Temerarius.  Foolhardie,  rash,  unadvised.'  Cooper.  Temerarius.  Foolhardy. 
Temeritas.  Foolhardynes.'  Medulla. 

5  '  A  fitch  or  fullmart.'  Cotgrave,  s.  v.  Belette.     ( A  fulmer  or  polcatte,  martes.'  Baret. 
'  And  whan  they  have  broughte  forthe  theyr  byrdes  to  see  that  they  be  well  kepte  from 
the  gleyd,  crowes,  fully-martes,   and  other  vermyne.'    Fitzherbert's  Husbandry.      See 
Jamieson,  s.  v.  Fowmarte,   and  Kay's  Gloss,  s.  v.  Foumart. 

'  Fox  and  ffullmard,  togidre  whan  they  stoode, 
Sange,  be  still,  the  cok  hath  lowe  shoon.' 

Wright's  Polit  Poems,  ii.  220. 
•  Peides.  A  Fulmere.'  Medulla.    '  Hie  fetontrus :  a  fulmard.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  2  20. 

6  Fulsum,  in  the  sense  of  plenteous,  occurs  in  the  Story  of  Genesis  and  Exodus,  21.^3, 
where  the  seven  'years  of  plenty'  in  Egypt  are  termed  "Se  vij.  fulsum  yeres.'      The 
substantive  fulsumhed,  abundance,  plenty,  occurs  in  the  same  poem,l.  1548.     In  William 
of  Palerne,  4324,  we  read — 

'  pann  were  spacli  spices  spended  al  aboute,       Fulsumli  at  )>e  ful,  to  eche  freke  fer-inne.' 

7  The  form  fone  occurs  several  times  in  the  Pricke  of  Conscience  ;  thus  at  1.  762  we  read  : 

'  Now,  he  says,  my  fon  days  sere, 

Sal  enden  with  a  short  tyme  here, 
ind  again  at  1.  2693 — 

'  Many  spekes  and  in  buke  redes 

Fon  men  may  now  fourty  yhere  pas, 
And  foner  fifty  als  in  somtym  was  :' 

Of  purgatory,  but  fon  it  dredes.' 



Funelle l ;  Infusorium  (A.). 

a  Funte  ;  fons,  baptisterium. 

a  Furlande  2 ;    stadium  \    stadialis 

a  Furre   (Fuyr   A.)3;  lira,   porca, 

sulcus ;  (versus  : 
^Pollice  tango  liram,  facio  cum 

vomere  liram  A.). 

fto  Furre  ;  sulcare,  sulcum  facere. 
a  Furre  ;  furraturaf  furrura,  pen- 


to  Furre ;  Furrare,  penulare. 

a  Furrer ;  furrator,  penulator. 

ta  Forthe  4 ;  natatorium. 

Fustian 5 ;  fuscotinctum. 

a  Fute  ;  pes  ;  pedalis  ^;ar£icipium. 

Fute  be  fute  ;  peditentim. 

tFuteles;  inpes. 

fa  Fute  balle 6 ;  pila  pedalis. 

a  Fute  marc, ;  pedes,  pedester. 

ta  Fute  of  a  brige  7 ;  pila. 

A  Fute  stepe  ;  vbi  fotestepe  (A .). 

C&pitulum  7m    G. 


G  ante  A. 

Ga  arly ;  manitare. 

Ga ;  Ambulare,  per-,  pre-,  ad-, 
declinare,  demigrare,  digr&di, 
incedere,  meare,  migrare,  vi- 
are,  ippe  grece  ;  versus  : 

vel  gradior,  eo,  vado, 

deambulo,  pergo. 
Additur  hijs  spacior,  vel  jtin- 

ero,  ve/  proficiscor. 
Predictis  iunge  tendo  cum.  CUT- 


1  '  Infundibulum,  a  funnell.'  Stanbridge. 

2  This  seems  to  be  only  an  error  of  the  scribe  for  furlange,  and  not  another  form  of  the 
word.      'The   fourtedele   a  furlange  betwene  thus   he   walkes.'    Morte  Arthure,    946. 
'Stadium.  A  Furlonge.'     Medulla. 

3  'Sulcus.  A  Fore.     Sulcosus.  Fulofforys.'  Medulla.     Thoresby  in  his  Letter  to  Eay, 
E.  Dialect  Soc.,  gives  'a  furre  or  foor,  a  fin-row/     A.  S.  furh.     '  Ac  sone  sterte  he  vp  of 
the/orj,  And  Charlis  stede  a  gerde  ]>or$,  pat  was  so  fair  of  sijte.'  Sir  Ferumbras,  5593- 

4  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  v.  576,  Piers  in  directing  the  Pilgrims  in  the  way  to  Truth,  says — 

'  And  so  boweth  forth  bi  a  broke,  beth-buxum-of-speche, 

Tyl  je  fynden  &  forth,  joure-fadres  honoureth.' 

Wyclif,  Genesis  xxxii.  22,  has — 'And  whanne  Jacob  hadde  arise  auysseli,  he  took  hise  twei 
wyues,  and  so  many  seruauntessis  with  enleuen  sones,  and  passide  the  forthe  of  Jaboth.' 
A.  S.  ford.  *  To  fynde  a  for]>e,  faste  con  I  fonde, 

But  wopej  mo  I-wysse  )>er  ware.'  All 't.  Poems,  i.  150. 

6  Neckham,  '  De  Utensilibus'  (Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.),  identifies  fustaine  with  cloths 
fuscotincti,  dyed  tawny  or  brown.  Reginald  of  Durham  in  his  work,  De  Admir.  Beati 
Cuthberti  Virtutibus,  mentions  cloth  fuscotinctum,  dyed  with  (young)  fustic  (which  was 
of  a  yellow  colour  and  the  produce  of  Venetian  Sumach,  and  was  employed  for  dyeing 
before  it  was  almost  wholly  supplanted  by  the  "  old  fustic  "  of  America).  From  this  mode 
of  dyeing,  the  original  fustian,  which  was  sometimes  made  of  silk,  may  have  had  its  name  ; 
or  possibly  from  St.  Fuscien,  a  village  near  the  cloth  manufacturing  city  of  Amiens.  See 
Liber  Albus,  p.  674,  where  it  is  ordered  that  foreign  merchants  are  not  to  sell  less  than 
'  xii  fuscotinctos,'  sc.  pannos.  In  an  Inventory  in  the  Paston  Letters,  iii.  pp.  407,  409, 
we  find  — 'Item,  a  dowblet  of  fostian,  xld  ....  Item,  a  payr  of  stokes  of  fustian,  viijd.' 
•  For  v  yerdes  fustyan  for  a  cote  at  viid  the  yerd,  iis  xid.'  Nicolas's  Elizabeth  of  York, 
p.  105.  '  Coleyne  threde,  fustiane,  and  can  vase'  are  among  'the  commodities  ....  fro 
Pruse  ibroughte  into  Flaundres,'  according  to  the  Libelle,  pr.  in  Wright's  Pol.  Songs,  i.  1 71, 
Andrew  Borde,  in  his  Introduction,  makes  one  of  the  Januayes  (Genoese)  say — 
'  I  make  good  treacle,  and  also  fustian, 
With  such  thynges  I  crauft  with  many  a  pore  man.' 

8  In  the  Instructions  to  the  Sheriffs  of  Counties,  in  reference  to  the  practice  of  Archery, 
issued  37  Edward  III.,  we  find  pila  bacularis,  corresponding  probably  with  our  '  hockey,' 
pila  manualis,  hand-ball,  and  pila  pediva,  foot-ball. 

7  '  Pila  :  pes  pontis.'  Medulla.  See  P. '  Pyle  of  a  bryggys  fote,  or  o>er  byggynge.  Pila.' 
Cooper  has  '  Pilce.  Vitruvius.  A  pile,  a  heape,  or  damme  made  in  the  water  to  break 
or  stay  the  course.'  We  still  use  the  term  footings  for  the  first  courses  of  brickwork. 



to  Ga  a-bowte ;  Ambire,  circuire, 
cingere,  circumsciribere,  circum- 
dare,  circulars,  lustrare,  col-, 
girare,  girouagari,  obire,  pera- 
grare,  perambulare,  &  cetera. 

*to  Gabe  * ;  Mentiri,  &  cetera  ;  vbi 
to  lye  (A.). 

to  Ga  away ;  Abcedere,  discedere, 
re-,  secedere. 

tto  Ga  bakwarde ;  retrogr&di;  retro- 

tto  Ga  be-twne  ;  mediare. 

to  Ga  be-fore;  Antecedere,Aniegradi, 
jwecedere,  pregredi,  preire,  preui- 

Gabriell<?;  gabriel. 

tGabrielle  rache    (Gabriel   raches 

A.)  2 ;  camalion. 
a  Gad3;  .gerusa. 
to  Ga  downe ;  discendere. 
to  Ga  forthe  ;  cecedere,  egiedi,  exire, 

procedere,  prodire. 
*Gayle  (Gaylle A.)4;  mirtus;  Mir- 

cetum  est  locus  vbi  crescwut. 
ta  Gay  horse  5 ;  manducus. 
a    Gaynge;    Aditus,    iucessus,  itus, 

itura,  meatus,  transitus. 
a  Gaynge  away ;  abce&sus,  discessns, 

decessus,  re-. 
Gaynge  before ;  preuius. 

1  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  iii.  1 79,  Meed  addressing  Conscience  says — 

'  Wei  ])ow  wost,  wernard,  but  3if  ]?ow  wolt  gabbe, 
f>ow  hast  hanged  on  myne  half  elleuene  tymes.' 

See  also  xix.  451.  Wyclif  in  2  Corinthians  xi.  31,  has  'I  gabbe  not/  See  also  Ancren 
Riwle,  p.  200;  William  of  Palerne,  1994,  &c.  'To Gab, lye.  Mentiri,  comminisci.'  Manip. 
Vocab.  '  Gaber.  To  mocke,  flout,  ride,  &c.'  Cotgrave. 

'  Gabberys  gloson  eny  whare  And  gode  feyth  comys  alle  byhynde.' 

Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  237. 

In  the  same  work,  vol.  i.  p.  269,  in  a  Poem  against  the  Minorite  Friars,  we  read — 
(  First  thai  gabben  on  God,  that  alle  men  may  se, 
When  thai  hangen  him  on  hegh  on  a  grene  tre.' 

2  A  Rache  is  a  scenting  hound,  as  distinguished  from  a  greyhound. 

'  I  salle  neuer  ry vaye,  ne  racches  vn-cowpylle.'  Morte  Arthure,  3999. 

See  Brachett,  above ;  Ducange,  s.  v.  Bracco ;  and  P.  Katche.  Gabridle  rache  thus  is 
equivalent  to  Gabriel  Hounds,  an  expression  which  is  explained  from  the  Kennett  MS. 
Lansd.  1033,  as  follows  : — 'At  Wednesbury  in  Staffordshire,  the  colliers  going  to  their 
pits  early  in  the  morning  hear  the  noise  of  a  pack  of  hounds  in  the  air,  to  which  they  give 
the  name  of  GabrieVs  Hounds,  though  the  more  sober  and  judicious  take  them  only  to  be 
wild  geese,  making  this  noise  in  their  flight.'  The  expression  appears  to  be  still  in  use  in 
Yorkshire ;  see  Mr.  Robinson's  Whitby  Gloss.  E.  Dial.  Soc.  The  Medulla  defines  Camalon 
as  'quoddam  quodmvit  in  acre.'  See  Mr.  Way's  Introduction,  p.  Ixv,  note  b. 

'  Al  engelond  was  of  his  adrad,          So  his  J>e  beste  fro  ]>e  gad.'  Havelok,  279. 
See  also  ibid.  1016. 

'  Take  a  gad  of  stele,  I  wot  in  dede.'   Liber  Cure  Cocorum,  ed.  Morris,  p.  6. 
1  Gadde  for  oxen — esguillon.'  Palsgrave.     '  Gadde,  gode,  or  rodde  with  a  pricke  at  the 
ende  to  dryve  oxen.  StimulumS  Huloet.     Compare  Brod,  above. 

*  The  fragrant  bog-myrtle,  often  called  sweet-gale.  The  Medulla  gives  '  Mirtus : 
quedam  arbor,  gawle,  que  in  Uttore  maris  habundat.  Mirtosus,  gavly.  Mircetum :  locus 
ubi  crescit.'  Harrison  in  his  Descript.  of  England,  i.  72,  says  that  the  '  chiefs  want  to  such 
as  studie  there  [at  Cambridge]  is  wood,  wherefore  this  kind  of  prouision  is  brought 
them  either  from  Essex  ....  or  otherwise  the  necessitie  thereof  is  supplied  with  gall  (a 
bastard  kind  of  Mirtus  as  I  take  it)  and  seacole.'  See  also  ibid.  p.  343.  Lyte,  Dodoens, 
p.  673,  says  that  the  Mirtus  Brabantica  is  called  'by  the  Erabanders  gageV  In  the  Saxon 
.Leechdoms,&c.  Rolls  Series,  ed.  Cockayne,  vol.  ii.  pp.  316-17,  the  following  recipe  is 

given  : — '  Wi]>  lunjen  adl,  genim  ....  gagollan,  wyl  on  wsetre do  of  }>a  wyrte 

drince  on  morsenne  wearmes  scene  fulne.  For  lung  disease  ;  take  ....  sweet  gale  ;  boil 
them  in  water  .  .  .  .  ;  let  (the  man)  drink  in  the  morning  of  (this)  warm  a  cup  full.' 
A.  S.  gagol. 

5  A  buffoon,  clown.  Cooper  renders  Manducus  by  '  Images  carried  in  pageantes  with 
great  cheekes,  wyde  mouthes,  &  makyng  a  greate  noyse  with  their  iawes,'  and  the  Ortus 

L    % 


IGaynge   owte    of    way  ;     delirus, 


a  Gaynge  owt ;  exitus. 
*to  Gayne * ;  ossitare. 
to  Gain;  inire,& cetera;  vbito  entyr. 
tto  Gaynsay 2 ;  oblatrare,  re-,  obire, 

&  cetera  ;  vbi  to  deny, 
tto  Gaynstand  8;  calcitr&re,re-,  resis- 

tere,  6b-,  obluctari,  obstare,  reper- 

cuteve,  reniti,  repugnare,reluctari. 

a  Gayte  4 ;  coper,  copra,  capella,  ca- 
priolus,  capriola  ;  caprinus,  ca- 
prilis  pardcipia ;  dor,  grece,  dor- 
cas  egloceron,  §  egloceros,  hedus, 
zedulus  c£imiimtiuum  /  hedinus, 
kircus,  hirciolvLS,  hircinns,  hir- 
cosus ;  ibex. 

*a  Gayte  speche  5 ;  egloga. 

by  'a  gaye horse,  ioculator,  ore  turpiter manducans, vel  ore hians*  with  which  the  Medulla 
agrees.  '  JHfanducus,  m.  Plaut.  A  disguised  or  ugly  picture,  such  as  was  used  in  May 
games  and  shows,  seeming  terrible,  by  reason  of  his  broad  mouth  and  the  great  crashing 
of  his  teeth,  and  made  to  cause  the  people  to  give  room,  a  snapdragon  ;  also  a  great  eater, 
(payos,  a  Mando.  Mandurcus,  m.  Joculator  turpiter  mandens.'  Gouldman.  '  Manducus. 
A  bugbear  or  hobgoblin,  drest  up  in  a  terrible  shape,  with  wide  jaws  and  great  teeth 
granching,  as  if  he  would  eat  people,  and  carried  about  at  plays  and  public  shows.'  Littleton. 
See  also  Harlott,  below. 

1  Baret  gives  '  Gane,  vide  yaune  and  gape ;'  and  in  the  Manip.  Vocab.  we  find  'gane, 
yane,  osctiare? 

'  He  began  to  romy  and  rowte,  And  gapes  and  gone*? 

Avowynge  of  Arthure,  Camd.  Soc.  xii.  4. 
In  Richard  Cceur  de  Lion,  276,  we  read — 

'  Upon  his  crest  a  raven  stoode,  That  yaned  as  he  were  woode.' 

'  I  gane,  or  gape,  je  oeuure  la  louche  or  je  bailie.  He  ganeth  as  he  had  nat  slepte  ynoughe  : 
il  bailie  comme  sil  neust  pas  assez  dormy'  Palsgrave.  A.  S.  ganian.  See  also  to  G-ane. 

2  '  Lampadius  reigned  in  the  citee  of  Rome,  that  was  right  mercifull ;  wherfore  of  grete 
mercy  he  ordeyned  a  lawe,  that  who  that  were  a  man-sleer,  a  ravenour,  an  evell  doer,  or  a 
theef,  and  were  take,  and  brought  before  the  domesman,  yf  he  myght  sey  iij.  trouthes,  so 
truly  that  no  man  myght  agayn-sey  hem,  he  shuld  have  his  lyf.'  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  101. 
Palsgrave  has,  'I  gaynesaye.  I  contrarye  ones  sayeng,  or  I  saye  contrarye  to  the  thyng 
that  I  have  sayde  before.  Je  redis.  Say  what  shall  please  the,  I  wyll  never  gaynesay  the.' 

3  '  "  A  !  sir,  mercy,"  quod  she,  "  for  sothely  yf  thow  wolte  brynge  me  ayene  to  the  citee, 
I  shalle  yeve  to  the  f>i  Ringe  and  thi  broche,  with  outen  anye  ayene -stondynge  ;  and  but 
yf  I  do  in  dede  J?at  I  seye,  I  wolle  bynde  me  to  the  foulest  dethe.'  Gesta  Romanorum,  p. 
187.    '  To gaynestand  or  wythstand,  obsisto?  Huloet.    'Togaineg'iand, repugnare?  Manip. 
Vocab.     '  I  gaynestande  or  am  against  ones  purposes,  jaduerse'  Palsgrave. 

4  Hampole  in  describing  the  Day  of  Judgment  says — 

'  Hys  angels  ]>an  aftir  his  wille,  Als  ]>e  bird  }>e  shepe  dus  fra  J>e  gayte' 

Sal  first  departe  t>e  gude  fra  ]?e  ille,  Pricke  of  Conscience,  6132. 

Compare  Lyndesay's  Monarche,  1.  5629 — '  As  hird  the  sheip  doith  from  the  gate? 

5  The  Medulla  renders  Eglota  by  '  a  word  of  geet,'  and  the  Ortus  gives  '  Egloga  est  pars 
bucolici  carminis.'  '  ^Egloga.  Caprarum  seu  rerum  pastoralium  sermo,  quasi  alywv  \6yos, 
A  pastoral  speech,  a  speech  of  the  goatherd.'  Gouldman.     Compare  Spenser's  explanation 
of  tlie  word  :  «  AEGLOGUE.  They  were  first  of  tho  Greekes,  the  inventours  of  them,  called 
Aeglogai,  as  it  were  Aegon,  or  Aeginomon  logi,  that  is,  Goteheardes  tales.      For  although 
in  Virgil  and  others  the  speakers  be  more  Shepheards  then  Goatheards,  yet  Theocritus,  in 
whom  is  more  ground  of  authoritie  then  in  Virgil,  This  specially  from  That  deriving,  as 
from  the  fh>:t  heade  and  wellspring,  the  whole  invention  of  these  Aeglognes,  maketh  Goate- 
heards  the  persons  and  authors  of  his  tales.     This  being,  who  seeth  not  the  grossnesse  of 
such  as^by  colour  of  learning  would  make  us  beleeve,  that  they  are  more  rightly  tearmed 
Eclogai,  as  they  would   say,   extraordinaire  discourses  of  unnecessarie  matter?  which 
definition  albe  in  substance  and  meaning  it  agree  with  the  nature  of  the  thing,  yet  no 
whit  answereth  with  the  analysis  and  interpretation  of  the  worde.    For  they  be  not  tearmed 
Eclogue*,  but  Aealogues ;  which  sentence  this  Authour  verie  well  observing,  upon  good 
Judgement,  though  indeede  fewe  Goatheards  have  to  doe  herein,  neverthelesse  doubteth 
not  to  call  them  by  the  used  and  best  known  name.'  Shepheards  Calender.    Gt-nerall 
Argument,  106.     Compare  Foule  Speche,  above. 



Galde  \ 

a  Galy ;  galea,  nauis  est. 

Galyle ;  galilea. 

*Galynga 2 ;  Aec  galinga. 

ta  Galle;  fell. 

tGalle  for  ynke ;  galla. 

a  Galowe ;  furca,  furcella,  furcula, 

furcilles  (Calofurca  A.). 
a  Galte  3 ;  nefrendls,  nefrendus,  mai- 


a  Galon ;  lagena. 
a  Game  ;  ludicrum,  ludus,  &  cetera  ; 

v\)i  a  play. 
tGameson   (Gamsome   A.)4;  ludi- 

bundus,  ludicer. 

*to   Gane  (Gayne  A.)  5 ;    fatiscere, 

hiare,  inhiscere,  oscitare. 
*a  Ganynge ;  hiatus,  oscitacio,  osci- 

fto  Gang  (Ganne  A.)  6 ;  ire,  Ambu- 

lare,  &  cetera  ;  vbi  to  ga. 
fa  Ganger  be- twene;  mediator, -trix, 


tto  Ga  owte  of  mynde ;  dementare. 
fto  Ga  on  mowntayns ;     trmi\fi\al- 

to  Ga  owte  of  way ;  deuiare,  exorbi- 

tare,  &  cetera  ;  vbi  to  erre. 
to  Gape ;  hiare. 
aGapynge;  hiatus',  hiansparticipium. 

1  Perhaps  the  same  as  P.  Gallyd. 

2  Harman  (ed.  Strother,  1 727)  notices  three  varieties,  Cyperus  rotundus,  round  galingal ; 
Galanga  major,  galingal ;  Galanga  minor,  lesser  galingal.     According  to  Dr.  Percy  it  is 
'  the  root  of  a  grassy-leaved  plant  brought  from  the  East  Indies,  of  an  aromatic  smell,  and 
hot  biting  bitterish  taste,  anciently  used  among  other  spices,  but  now  almost  laid  aside.' 
Lewis,  Mater.  Med.  286.     Turner  in  his  Herbal,  p.  152,  says:  'Althoughe  thys  comon 
Galangall  of  ours  be  a  kynde  of  cypirus  yet  it  answereth  not  in  al  poyntes  vnto  the 
description.'      Galingale  is  also  mentioned  in  the  Liber  Cure  Cocorum,  ed.  Morris,  p.  8 — 

'  Forshit  with  galyngale  and  gode  gyngere.' 

A  recipe  for  the  manufacture  of  galentyne,  which  was  a  dish  prepared  from  galingale,  is  also 
given  at  p.  30.  '  Qalendyne  is  a  sauce  for  any  kind  of  roast  Fowl,  made  of  grated  Bread, 
beaten  Cinnamon  &  Ginger,  Sugar,  Claret-wine,  and  Vinegar,  made  as  thick  as  Grewell.' 
Randle  Holme,  Bk.  iii.  ch.  iii.  p.  82,  col.  ii.  See  also  Recipes  in  Markham's  Houswife, 
pp.  70  and  77.  '  Gingiver  and  galingale '  are  also  mentioned  in  Guy  of  Warwike,  p. 
42 1 .  Huloet  gives  '  galyngale,  spyce,  galanga.'  The  following  recipe  is  given  in  Warner's 
Antiq.  Culin.  p.  64.  '  To  make  galantyne.  Take  crustes  of  bred,  and  stepe  horn  in  hotten 
wyn  or  vynegar,  and  grinde  hit  sinal,  and  drawe  hit  up  with  vynegur  thurgh  a  streynour, 
and  do  therto  pouder  of  galyngale,  and  of  canel,  and  of  ginger,  and  serve  hit  forth.'  See 
Sir  Degrevant,  Thornton  Romances,  1.  1399.  Cogan,  Haven  of  Health,  1612,  p.  74,  gives 
a  very  curious  remedy  for  dropsy,  one  ingredient  in  which  is  galingale. 

3  In  the  Morte  Arthure  the  giant  whom  Arthur  encounters  is  described  as 

'  Greesse  growene  as  a  galte,  fulle  grylyche  he  lukej.'  1.  noi. 

The  Manip.  Vocab.  has  'galte,  pig,  verres,'  and  in  Huloet  is  given  'gait,  or  yonge  hogge 
or  sow.  Porcetra.'  Withals  gives  '  A  Bore  that  is  gelt.  Nefrendus : 

Cultor  aper  nemorum  tibi  sit,  verresque  domorum, ; 
A  tque  nefrendus :  et  hie  caret  vsu  testiculorum? 

'  Hie  frendis  ;  Anglice,  gait.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  204.  '  Maialis :  porcus  domes- 
tlcus  carens  testiculis.'  Medulla.  '  Gaits,  Gelts,  young  sows  before  they  have  had  their  first 
fare  of  pigs  :  Hickes.  In  the  South  they  are  called  Yelts.'  See  Preface  to  Ray's  Gloss. 
p.  4, 1. 1 8.  O.  Icel.  galti,  a  boar.  See  also  Gilte  and  Hogge. 

'  And  sche  gamesum  and  glad  go))  hem  a-jens.'   William  of  Palerne,  4193. 
'  Ludicrus.  Gamely.    Ludibundus.  Gameful.'  Medulla.     '  Ludicrum.  A  game  or  pasty  me  : 
an  interlude.'  Cooper. 

5  See  to  Gayne,  above,  and  compare  to  Gape,  below.  '  Fatisco.  To  jenyn  fullech.' 
Medulla.  John  Russell  amongst  his  '  Symple  Condicions '  of  good  behaviour  says — '  Be 
not  gapynge  nor  ganynge.'  Babees  Book,  eJ.  Furnivall,  p.  19.  See  P.  3enyn. 

'  Symonye  and  cyuile  shulde  on  hire  fete  gange.'  P.  Plowman,  B.  ii.  167. 
A.  S.  gangan. 

'  At  the  hed  of  thike  stang,  They  founden  a  vessel  as  they  gonne  gang.' 

Lonelich's  Holy  Grail,  ed.  Furnivall,  xlviii.  326. 



a  Gardyn  ;  ortus,  ortulus,  gardinum. 
a  Gardyner ;  ortolanus,  orticula,  or- 


a  Garfra  l ;  profectum. 
a  Garison ;  municipium. 
a  Garlande ;   sertum,   diadema,    co- 
rona, &  cetera ;  versus  : 
^Laurea,  crinale,  sertum,  dia- 
dema, corona  ; 
A  eld  as  Aureolum  guia  sic  pads 

(sit  paucis  A.)  data  dicta 
Et  duo  quod  demat  credo  dia- 
dema vocatum. 
Finem  cum  medio  sicnt  facit 

ornne  rotundura. 

Alij  versus  ;  brauiura.  2  /  versus  : 
^f  Virginia  est  sertwm,  clerique 

corona,  poete 
Laurea,  rex 3  gestat  diadema 

vel  Induperator. 

Garleke;  Alleum,  Alliata  est  coridi- 
mentum  ex  Alleo  factum. 

fa  Garleke  seller ;  Allearius. 
Game  (Game  siue  5arn  A.)  4 ;  pen- 

tto  wyiid  Game ;  jurgillare. 
fa    Garnar;    Apotheca,  gr&narium, 


a  Garwyndelle  (A  Game  qweylle  or 
A  3arnwyndylle  A.)  5 ;  deuolu- 
torium,  girgillus. 

tto  Gar  6 ;  compescere,  cogere,  &  cet- 
era ;  versus  : 
^Arcet,  corapescitjnhibet,  cohibet- 

gue,  coarcet; 
Refrenat,  re2>rimit,  Angustiat 

clique  coartat ; 
Cogit,    constringit,    Angariat, 

Artat  &  Angit ; 
Vrget,  com£>e?fo'£,    Tiijs    sensus 

conuenit  idem. 
*to   Garse  7 ;    scarificare. 
*A    Garse  ;       scara      ud      scaria 

1  Entrails  or  garbage.  '  Profectum  ;  a  gose  gyblet.'  Ortus.  Compare  P.  Garbage  ; 
see  also  Gebyllott  and  Giblott.  2  See  Glayfe,  below.  3  MS.  res. 

*  *  Gain  or  Garn,  woollen  yarn  or  worsted  ....  Gain-winnles,  the  old-fashioned  machine 
for  winding  worsted,  a  circular  shaped  tissue  of  laths  round  which  the  skein  is  fixed.'  F. 
K.  Kobinson,  Whitby  Gloss.  E.  D.  Soc.  Kay  in  his  Glossary  of  North  Country  Words 
(E.  D.  Soc.)  also  gives  '  garn-windles,  harpedone,  rhombus,  A.  S.  gearn-windel ;  quod  a 
gearn,  pensa  (yarn),  et  tcindan,  torquere.'  '  A  par  garnwyn,  grigillum.'  Nominale  MS. 
in  Halliwell.  '  Grigillus.  A  reele  to  wind  threde.'  Cooper.  '  Grigillus.  A  cranke.' 
Medulla.  A.  S.  gearn.  See  P.  Jarne. 

5  *  Blades  or  yarne  wyndles,  an  instruments  of  huswyfery,   Grigillus,    Volutorium.' 
Huloet.     '  Jurgillum :  jarne  wyne.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  180.     '  Conductum,  gern- 
winde.'  MS.  Gloss.  Cott.  Cleop.  A.  iii.  If.  76.      Compare  W.  de  Biblesworth,  in  Wright's 
VoL  of  Vocab.  p.  157— 

*  A  wudres  (a  yar-wyndel)  ore  cdez  : 
E  vostrefiloe  ICL  wudez  (wynde  thi  yarn). 
Kefeet  ore  darne  Hude  ? 

Un  lussel  de  wudres  (a  klewe  of  yarn)  wude  (windes). 
E  dist  ore  jo  voyl. 
Mafilee  monstre  en  travayl  (do  my  yarn  on  the  reel).' 

6  '  Make  or  garre  to  do,  as  the  Scottish  men  say.'  JKlorio. 

4  Fra  dede  of  synne  to  life  of  grace  That  geres  us  fle  the  fendes  trace.' 

Early  Metrical  Homilies,  ed.  Small,  p.  77- 
1  He  gert  them  sit  down.'  Ibid.  p.  90. 

r  '  A  garse,  or  gash,  incisura?  Manip.  Vocab.  '  A  cutte,  garse  or  insition.  Caesura, 
Incisura,  &c?  Huloet.  Halliwell  quotes — '  Ther  is  oo  maner  of  purgacioun  of  the  body 
that  is  y-maad  in  too  maners,  by  medecyn  outher  by  bledynge ;  bledvnge,  I  say,  either  by 
veyne  or  by  garsyng."1  MS.  Bodl.  423,  leaf  208.  In  Sir  Ferumbras,  when  King  Clarion 
cuts  through  Richard  of  Normandy's  shield,  grazing  his  side,  the  latter 

'  Gan  grope  to  ]>at  gerse,  God  he  J>ankede  ]>an.' 

And  wan  he  felede  hit  was  no  werse,  1.  3693. 

The  author  of  the  Ancren  Riwle  speaks  of  '  peo  ilke  reouftfulle  garcen  (garses  in  a  second 
MS.)  of  >e  luflere  skurgen,  nout  one  on  his  schonken,  auh  3eond  al  his  leofliche  licome. 



to  Garsumme  (Gersome  A.)  l ;  gres- 

Garselle  2. 

a  Gartere ;  ligula,  subligare;  versus  : 
^Subligar  est  ligula  caligas  gua 

subligat  alte. 
to  Garter ;  subligare. 
a  Garte  of  a  hors   (Garthe  for  A 
hors  A.) 3 ;    singula,    ventrale  ; 
(versus  : 
U  Cingula  cingit  equum,  cingula 

sunt  homiuum  A.), 
ta  Garthe  4 ;  sepes,  garre  suut  sepes 
ferree  circa  choros  Sf  altaria. 

tto  Garthe ;  sepire,  fy  cetera ;  vbi  to 


tto  Garthe  wesselle  5  ;  circulare. 
ta  Garthe  for  wesselle  ;  cinctorium, 

Gascoyn  (Gascune  A.)  6 ;  aquitania, 

vasconia,  nomen  patrie. 
Gate  7 ;    gradus  est   nature  gressus 


*a    Gateschadylle 

A.) 8 ;     biuium, 


to  Ga  to  geder  ;  coire. 
ta  Gawbert 9 ;  jjwpurgium. 


p.  258.  '  Garsshe  in  wode  or  in  a  knyfe,  hoche.'  Palsgrave.  'A  carsare,  hie  scarificator.' 
Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p  195.  '  Chigneture.  A  cutting;  a  gash,  cut,  garse;  a  launcing, 
shredding,  slitting.'  Cotgrave. 

1  In  Peacock's  Gloss,  of  Manley  &  Corringham  is  given  '  Gressoumys,  fines.  Lat.  gersuma. 
Dufresne,  Gloss.  Med.  Lat.,  Spelman,  Gloss.  Archceolog.  Cowel  Law  Diet.    A.  S.  gcersuma, 
a  treasure  a  fine.     "  The  sayd  Abbott  and  Conuent  have  by  theys  presents  grauntyd  .... 
goodes  of  outlawyd  persones,  fynys,  or  gressoumys  for  landes  and  tenementes,  lettyn  or  to 
be  lettyn."  Lease  of  Scolter  Manor,  1537.  "  Chargeable  besides  with  a  certain  rent  custom 
ovgressum,  called  the  knowing  rent."    Letters  Patent,  1640,  in  Stockdale's  Annals  of 
Cartmel,  66.  Cf.  Palmer,  Perlust.  Yarmouth,  iii.  33.'    '  Garsum,  a  "garsom,"  a  foregift  at 
entring  a  farm,  a  Godspenny.'  Thoresby's  Letter  to  Ray,  1 703.     In  the  version  of  the 
Jewish  law  given  in  the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  390,  1.  6753,  it  is  laid  down  that 

'  If  theif  na  gersum  has  ne  gifte  He  sal  be  saald.' 

pat  he  may  yeild  again  his  thift, 

2  Garsil,  thorns  or  brushwood  for  making  dead  hedges,  and  for  burning  with  turves  in 
hearth  fires  ;  still  in  use  in  Yorkshire.  See  Marshall's  Rural  Economy,  E.  Dial.  Soc.  p.  28. 

3  '  Cingula.  A  gerth  off  an  hors.'  Medulla.     A.  S.  gyrd. 

*  Still  in  use  in  the  North  for  an  enclosure  or  a  yard.  '  Sepes.  An  hedge.'  Medulla. 
A.  S.  geard.  Compare  Appelle  garth  and  to  Breke  garthe,  above,  and  Hege,  hereafter. 
Wyclif,  John  xviii,  has  '  a  $erd  or  a  gardin.'  '  Garth,  orchard,  pomarium.''  Manip.  Vocab. 
'  Garree.  "  Dum  levaverunt  eum  de  curru.  ponentes  super  garras  atrii,  statim  auxilio  B. 
Amalbergse  resumpsit  ibidem  omnium  membrorum  sanitatem"  (A.  SS.).  An  scamua,  an 
repositaria,  inquiunt  editores  eruditi :  crediderim  esse  repagula,  et  garras  dictas  fuisse  pro 
~barras.  Non  una  hsec  esset  6  in  g  mutatio.'  Ducange. 

5  This  I   suppose  to  mean  '  to  put  bands  round  vessels.'     Compare  Copbande,  and 
Gyrthe  of  a  vesselle.     Gervase  Markham  in  his  Cheape  and  Good  Husbandry,  1623, 
p.  1 70,  uses  the  noun  in  a  somewhat  similar  meaning  :  '  taking  a  Rye  sheafe,  or  Wheate- 
sheafe  that  is  new  thrash't,  and  binding  the  eares  together  in  one  lumpe,  put  it  ouer  the 
Hive,  and  as  it  were  thatch  it  all  over,  and  fixe  it  close  to  the  Hiue  with  an  old  hoope, 
or  garth.'    Gard  is  common  with  the  meaning  of  a  band,  or  hem  on  a  garment. 

6  '  Many  a  noder  ryche  vesselle,  With  wyne  of  gascoyne  and  rochelle.' 

Life  of  St.  Alexius,  E.  E.Text  Society,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  28. 

7  In  Havelok,  1.  809,  we  read  how  he  upset 

'  wel  sixtene  lades  gode,  pat  in  his  gate  $eden  and  stode.' 

'  Gressus.  A  pas.'  Medulla. 

8  '  Compitum.  A  gaderyng  off  many  weyes.    Biuium  :  ubi  duo  vice  concurrunt.    Diuersi- 
clinium.    per  many  weyes  arn  :  et  ethroglitata?  Medulla.    '  Hoc  bivium,  a  gayt-scbadyls.' 
Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  238.     Compare  Ethroglett,  above. 

'  '  Gawbert.  An  iron  rack  for  a  chimney.  Cheshire.'  Halliwell.  '  Ipopurgium.  An 
aundyryn.'  Medulla.  A  later  hand  has  added  at  the  end  of  the  line,  '^nglice,  A  Gawbert.' 
f  Andela,  vel  Andena,  est  ferrum  supra  quod  opponuntur  ligna  in  igne,  quod  olio  nomine 
dicitur  hyperpyrgium?  Ducange. 



*a  Gavelld  (Gauylle  A.)  of  a  howse  *  ; 


ta  Gaveloke  (Gavylloke  A.)  2. 
*Gavnselle3;  Applauda. 

a  Gebyllott  4  ;  profectum. 

a  Gebett  5  ;  patibulum,  $  cetera;  vbi 
a  gibette. 

to  Gedyr  ;  ^dimare,  co-,  e&unare, 
congire,  congregare,  contrahere, 
autumpnare,  congerere,  conuen- 
ire,  coniungere,  ad-,  corrogare, 
cire,  ciere,  concire,  conciere,cogere, 
legere,  colligere,  vnire,  &  cetera  ; 
vbi  to  jnne. 

a  Qederynge  ;  colleccio,  congregacio, 
&  cetera. 

tto  Gedir  handfuls  (hanfulis  A.)  6 ; 


Gederynge ;  Adunans,  collections. 
*a  Geste ;  carmen  liricum.,  gestus. 
to  Gelde  ;  castrare,  emasculare,  etes- 


a  Gelder  ;  testuator,  castrator. 
a  Gelder  of  best's ;  Abestis. 
a  Geldynge(AGeldyA.) 7;  eunuchus; 
versus  : 
^Dicimus  eunuchos  castratos  at- 

que  spadones  ; 
Sique  metrum  sineret,  ementu- 

latus  iuesset. 
Castratos  natnrafacit,  violenta 

spadones  : 

JSfficitjnprobitas,  eunuchos  sola 

1  lGabulum.   Frontispicium,  irons  aedificii :  frontispice,  facade,  parement  tfun  mur.' 
Ducange.     Cotgrave  gives  '  Frontispice.  The  frontispice,  or  forefront  of  a  house,  &c.'     In 
Sir  Degrevant,  1461,  the  Duke's  house  is  described  as  having  '  gaye  gablettus  and  grete.' 
'  Greavle  (in  the  Middle  dialect  gavle).  A  gable  of  a  building.'  Marshall's  Rural  Economy, 
1788.     Milton,  Paradise  Lost,  iii.  506,  uses  frontispiece  for  the  front  of  a  house — 

'  A  structure  high,  The  work  as  of  a  Kingly  Palace  Gate  : 

At  top  whereof,  but  fair  more  rich  appeerd  With  Frontispice  of  Diamond  and  Gold.' 
'  This  deponer  and  Edward  Symonis  lay  in  the  litill  gallery  that  went  direct  to  south  out  of 
the  Kingis  chalmer,  havand  ane  window  in  the  gavel  throw  the  town  wall.'  Deposition  of 
Thos.  Nelson,  1568,  pr.  in  Campbell's  Love  Letters  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scots  to  Bothwell, 
p.  42,  Appendix. 

2  A  spear  or  javelin.    Thus  in  Arthoure  &  Merlin,  p.  338, 

'  GaveloJces  also  thicke  flowe  So  gnattes,  ichil  auowe.' 

See  also  Ayeribite  of  Inwyt,  207,  and  Alisaundre,  1620.  The  word  is  still  in  use  in  the 
North  for  a  crow-bar,  or  bar  for  planting  stakes  in  the  ground  ;  see  Ray's  Gloss,  of  North 
Country  Words.  A.S.gafeluc,  0.  Icel.  gaflok.  '  Hastilia,  gafelucas.'  Alfric's  Vocab.  in 
Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  35.  'Gavelock,  Hastile.'  Littleton. 

3  'Apludis  vel  cantalna,  hwaete  gryttan.'  Aelfric's  Vocab.  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p. 
34.     '  Applauda :  furfur,  bren.'  Medulla.     The  following  recipe  for  the  manufacture  of 
this  sauce  is  given  in  the  Liber  Cure  Cocorum,  ed.  Morris,  p.  29 — 

Gawmd  for  ]>e  gose. 

4  Take  garlek  and  grynde  hit  wele  for)>y,  Colour  hit  with  safron  I  wot  \>ou  schalt ; 

Temper  hit  with  water  a  lytel,  perdy ;  Temper  hit  up  with  cow-mylke  >o, 

Put  floure  )>erto  and  also  salt,  And  sethe  hit  and  serve  hit  forthe  also.' 

*  See  G-arfra  and  Giblott.  Webster  derives  the  English  'giblet  '  from  O.Fr.  gibelet. 
Wedgwood  considers  it  a  diminutive  of  Fr.  gobeau,  a  bit,  morsel.  '  Profectum.  A  gose 
gyblet.'  Ortus. 

5  '  Patibulum.  A  jebet.'  Medulla.     '  For  the  love  that  hath  i-be  betwene  vs  twoo,  I 
shalle  go  with  the  to  the  iebet.'  Gesta  Romanorum,p.  130.    '  Gibet.  A  gibbet.'  Cotgrave. 

6  '  Calamus.  A  reede ;  a  wheaten  or  oten  straw ;  a  little  twigge  or  gresse,  &c.'  Cooper. 
Hence  calamo,  to  gather  small  bundles  of  grass,  straw,  &c. 

'  '  Spado.  A  geldinge,  be  it  man  or  beaste.'  Cooper.  '  Eunucho.  To  geeldyn.  Spado. 
A  gelt  man.  Abestis.  A  geldare  of  bestys.'  Medulla.  •  And  thei  wenten  doun  bothe  into 
the  watir,  Philip  and  the  gelding,  and  he  baptisyde  him.'  Acts  viii.  38.  In  Trevisa's 
Higden,  vol.  v.  p.  119,  we  read,  '  f>e  meyne  of  J>e  palys  he  clepyd  spadones,  that  is  gilded 
men.'  'Gelded  man,  or  imperfect  man.  Apocopus ;  in  the  Parsian  tongue,  Eunuchus.' 



*a  Gemow  l ;  vertinella. 
to  Gendyr;  generare,  con-,  re-,  gig- 
nere,  stipare,  con- ;  versus  : 
^vir  gen<?rat,    mulierque  parit, 

sed  gignit  vterqne. 
a    Genxterynge  ;    genitura     (Coitus 

ta  Genology  ;  genologia. 

2 ;  ingenuus,  illustris,  $  cet- 
era ;  versus : 
H/Strenuus  jngenuus,  illustris  vel 

Insignis,  presignis  &  inclitus, 

egregiusque ; 
Istis  patricius,  predarus,  no- 

bilis  Assint. 

Debes  predictis  Adhibere  que 
precluus  istis. 

^Procerus,  clituz,  liber  alis  ;  ver- 
sus : 

procemm  verum  __ 
procemm  corpus  hzhere. 

vn  Gentylle ;  ignobilis. 

Gentylle  -men ;  proceres,  medio  cor- 

fa  Gentyllnes  or  genti's  (Gentilnes 
or  gentryce  A.)  3 ;  generositas, 

fa  Geometer  (Gemitrician  A.)  ;  ge- 

Geometry  (Gemitry  A.)  j  geome- 

George  ;  georgius,  nomen  proprium . 

ta  Gerarchy 4 ;  gerarchia,  i.  sacer 

a  Gerfaucon 5 ;  herodius. 

1  '  A  Gemow,  such  as  Aegyptians  vse  to  hang  at  their  eares,  stalagnium.     A  little  ring 
gemow,  annellus.    Gimew  or  henge  of  a  door.'  Baret.     In  the  Morte  Arthure  we  read — 

'  Joynter  and  gemows,  he  jogges  in  sondyre.'  1.  2893  ; 

where  the  meaning  evidently  is  joints  and  fastenings.  Howell,  1660,  speaks  of  the  '  Gim- 
mews  or  joynts  of  a  spurr.'  '  Gimmow  or  ringe  to  hange  at  ones  eare  as  the  Egyptians 
haue.  Staloginum,  Inauris.  Gymmow  of  a  dore.  Vertebra,  Vertibulum.'  Huloet.  Annelet 
qu'on  met  an  droigt,  a  gimmevv.'  Hollyband.  See  Halliwell  s.  vv.  Gemel  and  Gimmace. 

2  Very  common  in  the  sense  of  noble,  honourable ;  thus  Chaucer  describes  the  knight  as 
'  a  verray  perfight  gentU  knight;'  and  in  the  Prologue  to  the  Wyf  of  Bathe,  257,  thus 
defines  a  gentil  man — 

.  '  Lok  who  that  is  most  vertuous  alway,          To  do  the  gentil  dedes  that  he  can, 

Prive  and  pert,  and  most  entendith  ay          Tak  him  for  the  grettest  gentil  man.' 
Cotgrave  gives  *  Gentil.  G«ntle  ;  affable  ;  courteous  ;  gallant ;  noble ;  &c.' 

8  Gentris  is  gentleness  or  nobility  of  birth  or  disposition  :  thus  in  the  A  ncren  Riwle,  p. 
168,  we  read — '  Louerd,  seiS  Seinte  Peter  ....  we  wulle^S  folewen  )>e  i??e  muckele  gen- 
terise  of  J)ine  largesse  :'  and  in  Sir  Degrevant,  ed.  Halliwell,  1.  481, 

4  Y  lette  ffor  my  gentriose  To  do  swych  roberyse.' 

See  also  Robert  of  Gloucester,  p.  66.  '  Generositas.  Gentyllnes.'  Medulla.  '  Gmerosus. 
Noble  ;  corny iige  of  a  noble  rase ;  a  gentilman  borne ;  excellent ;  couragious  ;  of  a  gentle 
and  goode  kynde.'  Cooper.  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  xiv.  181,  we  find — 

'  Comiertimini  ad  me  et  salui  eritis  : 
pus  ingenere  of  his  gentries  Ihesu  cryst  seyde.' 
See  also  the  Destruction  of  Troy,  ed.  Donaldson  &  Panton,  131 — 

'  This  Jason,  for  his  gentris,  was  ioyfull  till  all :' 

and  Early  English  Poems,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  69, 1.  136,  where  we  read — 
4  pe  prince  hire  nom  &  hire  biket :  to  lete  hire  go  alyue, 

&  for  hire  noble  gentise :  habbe  hire  to  wyue.' 
Chaucer,  Prologue  to  Wyf  of  Bathe,  290,  uses  the  form  genterye — 

4  Her  may  ye  se  wel,  how  that  genterye  Is  nought  annexid  to  possessioun.' 

*  '  Gerarcha  :  sacer  princeps.'  Medulla.  Evidently  gerarcha  is  for  hierarcha,  which 
Ducange  defines  by  '  Archiepiscopus  ;  hierarque,  archeve'que'  W.  Dunbar  in  the 
Thrissil  and  the  Hois  uses  the  form  Cherarchy,  which  more  nearlv  approaches  the 

5  See  Fawcon,  above.  Neckham,  De  Naturis  Rerum,  Rolls  Series,  ed.  Wright,  p.  77, 
says — '  Secundum  Isidorum  diciturfalco  eo  quod  curms  diyitis  sit.  Girofalcones  a  giro  dicti 
sunt,  eo  quod  in  girum  et  circuit  us  multos  tempus  expendunt.' 


a  Gerinalle  l ;    breuiarium,    libellus 

fa  Gerundyfe  2 ;  gerundium ;  gerun- 


*a  Gesarne ; 
Geserne  of  A  gose  3  (A.). 

a  Geslynge    (Gesseling   A.)  4 ;  An- 


a  Gest ;  hospes,  hospita,  conuiua. 
fa  Gestynynge 5 ;  hospitalitas. 
*Gete  6 ;  gagates. 
to  Gett 7 ;  vl>i  to  gendyr  (A.). 

1  A  Journal  or  Diary.     '  Diurnium  :  liber  continens  acta  dierum  singulorum  ;  journal.' 
Ducange.    '  Diurnum.  A  booke  or  regester  to  note  thynges  dayly  done ;  a  iournall.'  Cooper. 
P.  has  '  Jurnalle,  lytyl  boke.  Diurnale'     '  A  Calendar  or  day-book.  Diariitm,  Ephemeris? 
Littleton.     See  also  lurynalle. 

2  '  Gerundiuum.  A  gerundyiF.'  Medulla. 

3  The  gizzard.     Palsgrave  gives  '  Gyserne  of  a  foule,  jevsier,'  and  Cotgrave  '  Jesier.  The 
giserne  of  birds.'    '  The  Gisard  or  Gisarne  of  a  bird.  Qesier,  jesier,  jusier,  mon.    The  Giserne 
of  a  henne.  Perier  de  poule.'  Sherwood.     Halliwell  quotes  from  the  Thornton  MS.  If.  305  : 
'  Tak  the  gesarne  of  a  hare,  and  stampe  it,  and  temper  it  with  water,  and  gyf  it  to  the  seke 
man  or  womane  at  drynke.'     Here  the  meaning  appears  to  be  garbage. 

4  l Anserulus.    A  goeslyng.'    Cooper.      'A  goselyng.'    Medulla.      'Hie  Ancerulus ;  a 
geslynge.'  Wright's  Vocab.  p.  220.     'Goslynge.  Ancerulus.'  Huloet. 

5  '  Conuiua.  A  gestenere.    Conuiuium.  A  gestenyng.    Conuiuo.  To  gestenyn.'  Medulla. 
See  also  Jarnieson,  s.  v.     'Ne  makie  30  none  gistninges?  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  414.     In  Rauf 
Coil$ear,  ed.  Murray,  973-5,  we  are  told  how  Rauf  founded  a  hospice 

'  Euer  mare  perpetually  That  all  that  wantis  harbery 

In  the  name  of  Sanct  July,  Suld  have  gestning* 

And  in  the  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  19,  we  read — 'in  ]>is  weye  were  iij.  knyjtys,  for  to  re- 

fresshe,  and  calle  to  gestenyng  or  to  ostery,  all  that  went  by  that  way.'     So  in  the  Cursor 

Mundi,  ed.  Morris,  p.  656, 1.  11456,  when  the  Wise  Men  of  the  East  came  to  Bethlehem — 

'  Word  cum  til  herod  ]>e  kyng  And  in  )>at  tun  gestening  had  nummun.' 

pat  J>ar  was  suilke  kynges  cummun, 

'Hengest  com  to  )>an  kinge,  &  bad  him  gistninge.'  LaBamon,  ii.  172. 
See  also  Alisaunder,  1779 ;  and  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  166,  1.  2770,  and  674, 1.  11750.    A.  S. 
gcest,  gest,  gist,  a  guest. 

6  In  the  Ode  to  Sayne  John  (pr.  in  Relig.  Pieces,  &c.,  from  the  Thornton  MS.  E.  E. 
Text  Soc.  ed.  Perry),  p.  87,  the  Saint  is  addressed  as 

'  the  gete  or  germandir  gente,  As  iasper,  the  iewelle  of  gentille  perry  ;' 

and  in  the  description  of  the  Duke's  house  in  Sir  Degrevant  we. are  told  that  it  had 

'Alle  pe  wallus  of  geete,  With  gaye  gablettus  and  grete.'  1.  1461. 

See  Harrison's  Descript.  of  England,  ed.  Furnivall,  ii.  77,  where  he  refers  to  the  use  of 
powdered  jet  as  a  test  of  virginity,  and  adds — '  there  is  some  plentie  of  this  commoditie  in 
Darbishire  and  about  Barwike  whereof  rings,  salts,  small  cups,  and  sundrie  trifling  toies 
are  made.'  He  derives  the  name  Gagates  from  '  Gagas  a  citie  and  riuer  in  Silicia,  where 
it  grovveth  in  plentifull  manner.  Charles  the  fourth  emperour  of  that  name  glased  the 
church  withall  that  standeth  at  the  fall  of  Tangra,  but  I  cannot  imagine  what  light  should 
enter  therby.  The  writers  also  diuide  this  stone  into  flue  kinds,  of  which  the  one  is  in 
colour  like  vnto  lion  tawnie,  another  straked  with  white  veines,  the  third  with  yellow 
lines,  the  fourth  is  garled  with  diuerse  colours,  among  which  some  like  drops  of  bloud  (but 
those  come  out  of  Inde)  and  the  fift  shining  blacke  as  anie  rauen's  feather.'  See  also  A. 
Boorde,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  80,  where,  inter  alia,  he  recommends  gete  stone  powdered  as  a 
specific  for  stone  in  the  bladder.  Halliwell  quotes  the  following  curious  recipe  from  the 
Thornton  MS.  leaf  304 : — '  For  to  gare  a  woman  say  what  thou  askes  hir.  Tak  a  stane 
that  is  called  a  gagate,  and  lay  it  on  hir  lefte  pape  whene  scho  slepis,  that  scho  wiet  not, 
and  if  the  stane  be  gude,  alle  that  thou  askes  hir  salle  scho  say  whatever  scho  has  done.' 
A  similar  one  is  printed  in  Reliq.  Antiq.  i.  53.  •  A  stone  that  is  callid  gagates  ....  it 

is  black  as  gemmes  ben hit  brenneth  in  water  &  quenchith  in  oyle,  and  as  to  his 

myght,  yf  the  stone  be  froted  an<l  chauffed  hit  holdelth  (read  holdeth)  what  hym  neygheth.' 
Caxton,  Descript.  of  Britain,  1480,  p.  5. 

'Befor  pat  he  was  geten  and  forth  broght.'  Pricke  of  Conscience,  443. 
0.  Icel.  geta,  to  produce. 



to  Gett ;  vbi  to  purchesse  (A.). 
G  ante  I. 

a  Giande  ;  gigans. 

ta  Giandes  fyghte  1 ;  gigankimancia. 

a  Gibett 2 ;  Aculeus,  eculeus,  patubi- 

a  Giblott  (Gyblett  A.)  3 ;  profectum. 

a  Gide ;  index. 

to  Gyde ;  indicare 

to  Gife;  comrtoitfete,  donare,  con-, 
ferre,  con-,  dare,  dnputare,  duere, 
exhibere,  inpendere,  inpensare, 
largiri,  numerare,  re-,  prebere, 
reddere,  rependere,  soluere,  delar- 
giri,  tr&dere,  tribuere. 

to  Gife  a-gayne  ;  redonare. 

tto  Gife  a  drynke  ;  potare. 

tto  Giffe  abowtte  4 ;  circumdare,  cir- 

tto  Giffe  to  kepe;  commendare,  com- 
,  deponere,  trader e. 

tto  Giffe  stede  5  ;  cedere,  locum  dare. 

a  Giffer;  dator,  donator,  largitor, 

thynge  Gyffen  to  kepe  (A  Gyffinge 
to  kepe  A.)  ;  depositum. 

a  Gyfte  ;  collacio  ;  collatiuus  ^;ard- 
cipium;  vordana  6  grece,  datum, 
dado,  donum  est  dantis,  munus 
accipientis,munera  deo  qfferuntur, 
donacio,  donarium,  gr&tia,  munus, 
munusculum  ;  datiuus,  donatiuw 

fa  Gift  berer  ;     donifems,  munifer. 

ta  Gilde  T  ;  gilda. 

fa  Gilder  8  ;  laqueus,  pedux  pedum 

tto  Gilder  ;  laqueare,  illaqueare,  ir- 

a  Gile  ;  fraus,  &  cetera  ;  vbi  false- 

ta  Gilefatte  9  ;  Acromellarium. 

1  See  also  Fighte  of  Giandes.     2  See  also  Gebett,  above.      z  See  Gebyllott,  above. 

4  A  literal  translation  of  the  Latin  circumdare,  to  surround. 

5  Again  a  literal  translation  of  locum  dare.      In  the  Myroure  of  Our  Lady,  ed.  Blunt, 
p.  40,  we  are  told  that  in  saying  of  prayers  a  priest  must  not '  yyue  stede  wylfully  without 
nede  by  herynge  or  by  seynge,  or  in  any  other  wyse  to  eny  thynge  wherby  he  is  distracte 
fro  mynde  and  aduertence  of  the  seruyce  that  he  saith.' 

6  Head  corbana:  see  Mark  vii.  u. 

7  A  Guild  or  association  of  persons  either  following  the  same  trade  or  profession,  or 
associated  for  ecclesiastical  purposes.      See  '  English  Gilds,  their  Statutes  and  Customs,' 
E.  E.  Text  Soc.  ed.  Toulmin-Smith.     '  Ouilda :  vox  Anglica  vetus.'  Ducange. 

8  In  Eng.  Met.  Homilies,  ed.  Small,  p.  69,  we  read — 

«  He  saw  how  all  the  erth  was  sprede,  Man's  saull,  als  a  fouler 

Wyt  pantre  bandes,  and  gylders  blake,  Tas  foules  wyt  gylder  and  panter.' 

That  Satanas  had  layd  to  take 

0.  loel.  gild r a.     "Wyclif,  Wks.  ed.  Arnold,  ii.  322,  says,  'pe  fend  penkij)  him  sure  of  sinful 
men  pat  he  haj)  gildrid.'     In  the  Gesta  Romanorum,  p.  308,  we  find  *  in  laqueum  Didboli ' 
rendered  by  •  in  the  gilder  of  the  devel.'      The  verb  occurs  in  the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  546, 

!•  9479— 

'  Now  es  man  gildred  in  iuels  all,  His  aun  sin  has  mad  him  thrall.' 

'  In  his  gildert  night  and  dai  Meke  him  selven  sal  he  ai/  E.  Eng.  Psalter,  Ps.  ix.  31. 
In  Mr.  Robinson's  Whitby  Gloss.  (E.  D.  Soc.)  is  given — '  Gilderts,  nooses  of  horsehair  upon 
lines  stretched  within  a  hoop,  for  catching  birds  on  the  snow.  The  bread-bait  is  attempted 
through  the  loops,  which  entangle  the  birds  by  the  legs  when  they  rise  up  to  fly.'  Also 
given  in  Ray's  Collection.  '  The  gilder  of  disparacione.'  Thornton  MS.  leaf  21.  See  also 
to  Trapp  with  a  gylder,  hereafter. 

9  See  P.  Gyylde.     In  the  Inventory  of  Roland  Stavely  of  Gainsburgh,  1551,  we  find 
'  a  lead,  a  mashefatt,  a  with  a  sooe  xvs.'     See  also  Mr.  C.  Robinson's  Glossary  of 
Mid-Yorkshire,  s.  v.  Guilevat,  and  Ray's  North  Country  Words,  s.  v.  Gailfat.      In  the 
brewhouse  of  Sir  J.  Fastolf  at  Caistor,  according  to  the  inventory  taken  in  1459,  *nere 
were  ' xij  ledys,  j  mesynfate  (mash-tub),  and  j  yelfate'      Thomas  Harpham  of  York  in 
1341  bequeathed  '  unum  plumbum,  unam  cunam,  quce  vocatur  mashefat,  et  duas  parvas 
cunas  quce  vocantur  gylefatts,  duas  kymelyns,  et  duos  parvos  barellos.'  Testament.  Ebor. 

1.  3.     See  also  note  to  Disclie  benke,  above. 



ta  Gille  ' ;  vallis. 

a  Gille  of  a  fische  ;  branchia. 

Gillty  ;  reatus,  &  cetera  ;  vbi  A  tris- 

+a  Gillry  (Gylery  A.)  2 ;  prestigium. 

*a  Gilte  3 ;  suella. 

to  Gilte  ;  Aware,  de-,  crisare,  sube- 

Gilty ;  conscms,  m'mmosus,  culpa- 
bilis,  increpabilis,  reprehensibilis, 
vituperabilis,  reus. 

a  Giltynge ;  Apocrisis,  deAurac'w. 

Gimlott 4. 

Ginger  5 ;  zinziber,  zinzebrum. 

to  Gingelle  6. 

fa  Ginner  of  ye  fysche  7 ;  branchia. 

to  Girde  ;  Accingew,  &  cetera ;  vbi 

to  belte. 
a  Girdelle ;    zona,  &  cetera ;    vbi  a 


fa  Girdiller ;  zonarius,  corrigiarius. 
fto  Girn  8 ;  vbi  to  mowe. 

1  'As  he  glode  thurgh  tlie  gille  by  a  gate  syde.'  Destruction 'of  Troy,  13529.      'The 
grattus  of  Galway,  of  greuys  and  of  gillus.'  Anturs  of  Arthur,  xxxiii.  2.     '  Gill,  a  breach, 
or  hollow  descent  in  a  hill.'  Kennett  MS.  Lansd.  1033.    The  word  is  still  in  use  in  Yorkshire 
for  a  glen  or  dell,  and  in  Sussex  is  applied  to  a  rivulet  or  beck.     See  Ray's  Gloss.     '  Gill. 
A  small  strait  glen.     Gil.  A  steep,  narrow  glen  ;  a  ravine.     It  is  generally  applied  to  a 
gully  whose  sides  have  resumed  a  verdant  appearance  in  consequence  of  the  grass  growing.' 
Icel.  gil,  a  ravine,  a  gully.    Gawain  Douglas  in  his  Prologue  to  the  8th  book  of  the  ^Eneid, 
p.  239  bk.  1.  18,  has — 

'  As  I  grunschit  at  that  grume,  and  glisnyt  about,         Bot  I  mycht  pike  thare  my  fil, 
I  gryppit  graithlie  the  gil,  Or  penny  come  out.' 

And  every  modywart  hil ; 
And  Stewart,  in  his  trans,  of  Boece,  iii.  98,  has — 

'  Onto  the  number  of  ten  thousand  men,         Dalie  he  led  ouir  mony  gill  and  glen.' 

2  In  Bartholomew's  Description  of  the  World,  amongst  the  other  prevalent  evils  are 
mentioned  '  gilry  and  falshede.'  Pricke  of  Conscience,  1 1 76. 

'  Mony  a  shrew  ther  is  And  proves  oft  with  thaire  gilry 

On  nyjt  and  als  on  day,  How  thai  myst  men  betray.' 

MS.  Cantab.  Ff.  v.  48,  leaf  81. 
In  Metrical  Homilies,  ed.  Small,  p.  131,  we  are  told  how  Gehazi 

'  in  his  hous  hid  ful  rathe,  Bot  his  maister,  thoru  prophecye 

The  siluer  and  the  robes  bathe.  Wist  al  his  dede  and  his  gilrye? 

'  Prestigio.  To  tregetyn  or  gylyn.'  Medulla. 

3  A  spayed  sow.  A  word  still  in  use.     In  the  Line.  Medical  MS.  leaf  312,  is  a  recipe 
in  which  we  are  told—'  Tak  unto  the  mane  the  galle  of  the  galte,  and  to  the  womane 
the  galle  of  the  gilt.'      '  Hie  nefrendis.  Anglice,  A  gylt.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  204. 
A.  S.  gilte.    See  also  Galte,  above.     '  Libbers  haue  for  libbinge  of  \  igges,  pennies,  a  peece 
for  the  giltes,  and  half  pence  a  peece  for  the  gowtes  or  bore  pigges.'  Henry  Best,  Farming 
and  Account  Books,  1641.  Surtees  Soc.  Vol.  33,  p.  141. 

bore      pygge      swyne    sow      jelte        sow-pig 
'  Aper,  porcellus,  porcus,    sus,   scropha,    suilla.'    Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  177. 

4  The  diminutive  of  Wimble.     '  Gimbelet.  A  gimlet  or  piercer.'  Cotgrave.      See  Wym- 
bylle,  below. 

6  '  Ne  makeden  heo  neuer  strencfte  of  gingiuere  ne  of  gedewal,  ne  of  clou  de  gilofre.' 
Ancren  Riwle,  p.  370.  Gingerbread  is  mentioned  in  the  Liber  Albus,  p.  224,  as  one  of 
the  most  important  imports  of  England  in  the  I3th  century. 

6  To  jingle.     In  his  Prologue  to  the  Cant.  Tales,  Chaucer  says  of  the  Monk, 

*  And  whan  he  rood,  men  mighte  his  bridel  heere 
Gynglen  in  whistlyng  as  cleere, 
And  eke  as  lowde  as  doth  the  chapel  belle.'  1.  170. 
'  To  gingil,  tinnire?  Manip.  Vocab. 

7  See  Gille  of  a  fische,  above.     Jamieson  gives  '  Gynners.   The  same  with  ginnles. 
Ginnles.  The  gills  of  a  fish.' 

8  '  Girn,  vide  grinne.'  Baret.      « To  gerne,  rtngere.'  Manip.  Vocab.      Compare  '  And 
gaped  like  a  gulfe  when  he  did  gerne.'  Spenser,  Faerie  Queene,  v.  xii,  15.  A.  S.  grennian. 
See  Jamieson,  s.  v.  Girn. 

'  With  sic  thrawing  and  sic  thristing,         Sic  gyrnyng,  granyng,  and  so  gret  a  noyis.' 

Barbour's  Bruce,  ed.  Skeat,  xiii.  156.     See  also  ibid.  iv.  322. 


fA  Qyser  ;  Oesa,  vbi  geserne  (A.). 

a  Girstelle  l ;  cartilago. 

fA  Gyrthe  of  a  vesselle  2 ;  Instata 


fto  Giste  3 ;  Agistare, 
ta  G-iater  4 ;  Agistator. 

G  &nte  L. 

Glade ;  vbi  mery. 

to  Glad  5 ;  exhilerare,  hilarare,  leli- 

to  be  Glade ;  exhilerare,  &  cetera ;  vbi 

to  joy. 

*Gladyn 6 ;  gladiolus,  quedam  harba. 
ta  Glayfe  7 ;  brauium  (braveta    qui 

dat,  vel  qui  accipit  brauium.  A.), 
ta  Glayfe  wynner ;  br&ueta. 
Gladly  8 ;  gratis. 
*Glayre  9 ;   Albumen,  &  cetera  (A.). 

1  The  Medulla  gives  '  Cartilago.  A  grystyl,  or  a  crusshed  bone.'    In  the  Tale  of  Beryn, 
Chaucer  Soc.  ed.  Furnivall,  1.  577,  the  Pardoner  hits  the  Tapster's  paramour  'with  \>e 
ladill  on  the  grustell  on  ]>e  nose.'     A.  S.  gristel.     See  also  Gristelle,  below. 

2  See  G-arthe  for  wesselle,  above.     Cooper  renders  instita  by  '  A  purfle  ;  a  garde  ;  a 

3  To  take  in  cattle  to  graze.      See  Cowel,  Law  Diet.  a.  v.  Agist,  and  Ducange,  Gloss. 
Med.  Lat.  s.  v.  Agistare.     In  the  Scotter  Manor  Records  (Line.)  we  read,  under  the  year 
1558,  '  Richarde  Hollande  hathe  taken  of  straungers  vi  beas  gyest  in  ye  Lordes  commene, 
and  therefore  he  is  in  ye  mercie  of  ye  lorde  iijs  iiijd  ;  and  again  in  1598,  'De  Thoma 
Easton  quia  cepit  le  giste-horses  in  commune  pastura,  iijs  iiijd.'     '  Gist  money'  or  payment 
for  pasturage  of  cattle,  is  still  used  in  Yorkshire. 

4  MS.  to  Gister. 

5  Wyclif,  John  viii.  56,  has,  '  Abraham  jour  fadir  gladide  J>at  he  schulde  se  mi  dai';  and 
in  William  of  Palerne,  600,  we  read — 

'  Sche  was  gretly  gladed  of  hire  gode  be-hest ;' 
and  again,  1.  850 — 

'  panne  was  ]>at  menskful  meliors  muchel  y-gladed.' 
With  the  active  force  it  occurs  in  the  same  volume,  1.  827,  where  we  find — 

'  per  nas  gle  vnder  god,  J>at  hire  glade  rnijt.' 

See  also  P.  Plowman,  B.  x.  43,  and  the  Book  of  Quinte  Essence,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  18. 
A.  S.  gladian.  '  I  gladde.  Je  esjouys.  It  is  a  good  thing  of  him,  for  he  gladdeth  every 
companye  that  he  cometh  in.'  Palsgrave. 

6  '  Lingula.  Gell.  The  hearbe  called  segges  or  gladen.'   Cooper.      '  Glayeul  de  riviere. 
Sedge,  water-flags,  sword-grasse,  Gladen.     Glasen,  wild  flags  ;  yellow,  bastard,  or  water, 
Flowerdeluce,  Lauers,  and  Leuers.'  Cotgrave.     See  also  Glais.     In  Sloane  MS.  73,  leaf 
125,  is  a  prescription  for  driving  away  elves  from  any  seized  by  them:  'take  J>e  roote  of 
gladen  and  make  poudre  J>erof,  and  $eue  ]>e  sike  bolpe  in  his  metes  and  in  hise  drynkis,  and 
he  schal  be  hool  wi])inne  ix  dayes  and  ix  nyjtis,  or  be  deed,  for  certeyn.'     The  same  virtue 
is  attributed  to  it  by  Langham,  Garden  of  Health,  1579.     See  also  Lyte,  pp.  195-6,  and 
Cockayne,  Leechdoms,  ii.  388.      'Scilla,  glsedene.'    Gloss.  MS.  Cott.  Cleop.  A.  iii.  If.  76. 

Turner  in  his  Herbal,  pt.  ii.  If.  23,  says:  'Iris hath  leaues  like  vnto  the  herbe 

called  Gladiolus,  that  is  to  saye,  the  Gladdon  or  swerdynge.' 

7  A  prize.     The  Medulla  renders  brauium  by  '  the  pryse  [of]  a  game.     Braueta.  He 
Jjat  hath  the  maystry.'     Ducange  gives  '  JSravium.  Victoriae  praemium,  quod  in  publicis 
ludis dabatur,  a  Gr.  (3pa(3eiv ;'  and  Jamieson  has  'Gle,  glew.  (i)  Game,  sport;  (2)metaph. 
the  fate  of  battle.'     '  Uranium  est  premium  vel  victoria :  the  pryce  of  a  game  :  or  a  glayue.' 
Ortus.    A.  S.  gleow.     See  Garlande,  above. 

8  MS.  glally,  corrected  by  A. 

9  Manip.  Vocab.  gives  '  pe  glarye  of  an  eg,  albumen.'    It  occurs  also  in  Eel.  Antiq.  i.  53  ; 
and  in  Coles'  Diet.  1676,  is  given  '  Oleyre  of  an  eye,  the  white  of  an  egg.'     In  the  recipes 
for  '  lymnynge  of  bokys '  from  the  Porkington  MS.,  pr.  in  Halli well's  Early  English 
Miscellanies  (Warton  Club,  1855),  this  word  frequently  occurs  ;  thus,  p.  73,  we  find — '  To 
tempre  rede  lede ;  medylle  hyt  wyth  gleyre  of  ane  egge,  and  temper  hit  in  a  schelle  with 
thy  fyngere.'     Cotgrave  gives   '  La  glaire  dun  eeuf.   The  white  of  an  egge.     Glaire.  A 
whitish  and  slimie  soyle  :  glaireux :  slimie.'     (Compare  Clay,  above.)     Low  Lat.  glarea. 
f  Glara,  eg-lim.'  Alfric's  Gloss,  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  47.      See  also  Mirror  for 
Magistrates,  p.  212,  and  Alliterative  Poems,  ed.  Morris,  i.  1025. 



fa  Glasse   of    ringynge    or   trura- 

pynge  * ;  classicum. 
ta  Glasier ;  vitrarius. 
tto  Glaysse  a  knyffe ;  polire,  Eru- 

biginare,  $  cetera  ;  vb*  to  polyche 

or  dense  (A.). 
Glasse ;  hialum,  saphirus,  medio  cor- 

repto,    vitrum;   vitreus,  hialicm 

fy  Jiiacus  per  sincopam  ;  (versus  : 
^Solpenitrat  vitrum,  vestes  pur- 
gat  bene  nitrum  A.). 

t  A  Glede  2 ;  tniluus. 

tto  Glee3;  limare. 

fa  Glebe  ;  gleba. 

*a  Gleer;  limus  (obliquus  A.),  strabo; 

tto  Glene4;  Aristare,  conspicare  $ 

-ri,  despicari. 

*a  Glene ;  Arista,  Aristella,  conspica. 
a  Glener;  Aristator,  cons2)icator. 
Gent 5. 
tGlett 6 :  viscositas. 

1  This  is  apparently  a  corruption  of  the  Latin  Classicum*     Ducange  gives  '  Claxtim. 
Pulsatio  tympanarum  pro  mortuis ;  glas  funebre  ;  ol.  das  :'  and  Cotgrave  has  '  Clas  :  see 
Glas.     Glas.  Noise,  crying,  howling  ;  also-  a  knell  for  the  dead.'  See  Peel. 

2  '  Glede  a  byrde,  escoufle.'  Palsgrave.     Cotgrave  has  '  Milan  royal.     The  ordinary  kite 
or  glead.     Escoufle.  A  kite,  puttocke  or  glead/    Still  in  common  use  in  the  North.     A.  S. 
glida,    0.  Icel.   glefta.       See  Thomas  of  Erceldoune,  ed.  Murray,  560.      '  Miluus.      A 
puttock.'  Medulla. 

'  Gledes  and  buzzards  weren  hem  by,      White  moles,  and  puttockes  token  her  place.' 

The  Complaint  of  the  Ploughman,  pr.  in  Wright's  Political  Poems,  i.  344. 
'  Lyke  as  quhen  that  the  gredy  glede  on  hycht 
Skummand  vp  in  the  are  oft  turnis  hys  flycht.' 

G.  Douglas,  £neados,  Bk.  xiii.  p.  455,  1.  43. 

'Miluus,  glida.'  Gloss.  MS.  Cott.  Cleop..  A.  iii  If.  76.  'Fitzherbert  in  his  B&ke  of  Hus- 
bandry, If.  49  b,  cautions  rearers  of  fowls  '  whan  they  haue  brought  forth  their  byrdes  to 
se  that  they  be  well  kepte  from  the  gleyd,  crowes,  fully  martes  &  other  vermin.'  *  Hec 
Milvus  Aee-,  glede.'  Wright's  Vol.  ofVocab.  p.  188.  'Miluus,  gHda.'  Aelfric's  Gloss. 
ibid.  p.  29. 

3  '  Gly,  glee.  To  look  asquint.  Lincoln.      Limis  sen  contortis  oculis  instar  Strabonis 
contueri,  &c.  Skinner.'  Ray's  Collection  of  North  Country  Words,   1691.      Baret  in  his 
Alvearie  has  '  to  glie  or  looke  askue  ouerthwart.'    '  To  glee  or  glye,  lippire?  Manip.  Vocab. 
'  Glaye,  or  loke  a  skope :  transuertere  hirqu&s.'  Huloet.     Jamiesonhas  'Togley,  glye,  v.  n. 
To  squint.     Gley,  «.  A  squint.     Gleyd,  gleid,  glyd,  pp.  Squint-eyed.'     '  Limus:  obliquus, 
distortus.  Strabo.    A  wronglokere.'  Medulla.     Stroba  is  rendered  in  the  Nominate  '  a 
woman  glyande,'  and  Strabo  by  'a  gliere.'     See  Wright's  Vol.  of  ^"ocab.  p.  225.     In  the 
Cursor  Mundi,  p.  228,  we  are  told  that  Jacob  wished  to  have  Rachel  for  his  wife,  and 

'  pe  eildir  sister  he  for-sok,          For  sco  gleied,  als  sais  the  bok/  Cotton  MS.  1.  3861 ; 
where  the  Fairfax  MS.  reads, 

'  pe  elder  suster  he  for-soke  Glecmde  ho  was  for-sob  of  loke.' 

The  word  is  wrongly  explained  in  Halliwell ;  see  s.  v.  Glided.     Compare  to  Glymer,  below. 

*  '  Glean,  a  sheaf  of  hemp.'  Peacock's  Gloss,  of  Manley,  &c.  '  Arista.  An  avene  of 
corn  or  a  glene.  Conspico.  To  glenyn.'  Medulla.  Cotgrave  gives  '  Glane.  A  gleaning ; 
also  the  corne  thats  gleaned  or  left  for  the  gleaner.  Glaner.  To  gleane  ;  to  picke  up  eares 
of  come  after  the  reapers.'  '  A  glen  :  conspica.'  Nominate.  Compare  Gloy,  below. 

6  Probably  a  slip  for  glent,  a  glance  or  a  stroke.  See  Morte  Arthure,  1.  3863:  'For 
glent  of  gloppynyng  glade  be  they  neuer.'  Or  the  word  may  be  for  glent,  the  p.p.  of  to 
glean,  still  in  use  in  Lincolnshire.  Mr.  Peacock,  in  his  Glossary  of  Manley,  &c.,  also  gives- 
'  To  glent.  To-  glimmer.' 

6  In  Hampole's  Pricke  of  Conscience,  1.  456,  we  read — 

'  par  dwellid  man  in  a  myrk  dungeon,        Whar  he  had  na  other  fode 
And  in  a  foul  sted  of  corupcion,  Bot  wlatsom  glet  and  loper  blode.' 

The  Addit.  MS,  11305,  reads  the  last  line  as  follows— 

'  Bot  kthsom  glette  and  filthede  of  blode.' 

See  also  Alisaundre,  4491,  and  Alliterative  Poems,  ed.  Morris,  i.  1059,  ii.  306,  and  iii.  269. 
O.  Norse  glata,  wet.  Fr.  glette.  Scotch  glit,  pus.  O.  Eng.  glut,  moist,  slippery,  Wyclif,. 
Wks.  ed,  Arnold,  iii.  32,  speaks  of  'vile  glat  pat  stoppip  breeb.' 


tGletty ;  viscosus. 
to  Glymer  l ;  sublucere,  lucubrare. 
tA  Glymyr  2 ;  luscus,  limus,  ty  cet- 
era ;  v\)i  to  glee  (A.), 
a  Glymerynge ;  lucubra,  lucubrum. 
tGloy  3 ;  spicameiitum. 
tto  Glore  4. 

to  Glorifye ;  glorificare. 
*to  Glosse  5 ;  vbi  to  fage. 
to  Glose  G ;  glosare,  glosulare. 
A  Gloyse;  glosa,  glosula  (A.), 
tto  Glome  7 ;  superciliare. 
Glew ;  gluten,  glutinum,  glutinari- 

1  Amongst  the  '  seuerall  disorders  and  degrees  amongst  our  idle  vagabonds,'  Harrison 
enumerates  '  Demanders  for  glimmar  or  fire.'  Descript.  of  Eng.  i.  219.    For  a  full  account 
of  this  class  of  beggars  see  Harrnan  on  Vagabondes,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  61.     'Glymring  of 
lyght,  luevr,  escler.'  Palsgrave.     '  Lucubro.  To  wakyn  or  glomeryn.'  Medulla.     '  To  glim- 
mer. To  blink,  to  wink.     Glim.  Blind.     Glimmie,    The  person  who  is  blindfolded  in  the 
sport  of  Blindman's  Buff.'  Jamieson. 

2  '  To  ylime.  To  look  askance  or  asquint.'  Jamieson.     The  Medulla  renders  luscus  by 
one  '  J>at  hath  but  on  eye,  or  purblynd.'     'Luscus,  Poreblynde.'  Cooper.     Cf. '  Esblouir  les 
yeux ;  to  glimmer  the  eies,  to  dazell.'  Hollyband.     See  to  Glee,  and  compare  to  Glome, 

3  '  Gloy.  (i)  The  withered  blades  stripped  off  from  straw.  (2)  Oaten  straw.     To  gloy. 
To  give  grain  a  rough  thrashing.'  Jamieson.     '  Glu  de  foarre.  A  bundle  of  straw.'  Cot- 
grave.     Compare  Glene,  above.  '  the  chymmys  calendar, 

Quhais  ruffis  laitly  ful  rouch  thekit  war 

With  stra  or  gloy  [culmd]  by  Romulus  the  wight.' 

G.  Douglas,  JEneados,  viii.  p.  504,  1.  29. 

4  To  stare,  to  leer.     Palsgrave,  Acolastus,  has  '  Why  glore  thyn  eyes  in  thy  heade  ? 
Why  waggest  thou  thy  heed  as  though  thou  were  very  angry  ?'     In  Morte  Artkure,  1074, 
we  find — '  Thane  glopnede  the  glotone  and  glorede  vn-fair.'     In  Allit.  Poems,  B.  849,  the 
word  occurs  in  the  sense  of  looking  terrified,  staring  in  fright :  '  pe  god  man  glyfte  with 
J>at  glam  &  gloped  for  noyse,'  and  the  noun  is  used  in  the  same  sense  in  the  Towneley 
My st.  p.  146  :  '0,  my  hart  is  rysand  in  a  glope.'     Compare  also  Cursor  Mundi,  11611 : 
'  Quen  iesus  sau  J>aim  glopend  be.'     O.  Icel.  glapa,  to  stare.     In  the  Northern  Counties 
we  still  find  to  glop,  or  gloppen  used  for  to  be  amazed. 

5  '  Hys  wyfe  came  to  hym  yn  hye,  Arid  began  to  kysse  hym  and  to  glosye' 

MS.  Cantab.  Ff.  ii.  38,  leaf  132. 
'  So  faire  pe  cherl  glosed,         pat  pe  child  com  of  pe  caue,   &  his  criynge  stint.' 

William  of  Palerne,  60. 
'  Adulor.  To  glosyn.'  Medulla.     See  also  note  to  Fage. 

6  Hampole  tells  us — 

4  Some  clerkes  says,  als  ]>e  glose  telles,  Bot  £e  host  of  onticrist.' 

pat  Gog  and  Magog  es  noght  elles  PricJce  of  Conscience,  4473- 

In  the  Sompnoure's  Tale,  the  Friar  says  he  has  just  preached  a  sermon 

'  Nought  al  after  the  text  of  holy  wryt,  Glosyng  is  a  ful  glorious  thing  certayn, 

For  it  is  hard  for  jow  as  I  suppose,  For  letter  sleth,  so  as  we  clerkes  sayn.' 

And  therfor  wil  I  teche  sow  ay  the  glose. 
'  Glosa,  A  glose  of  a  book.     Glossulo.  To  glosyn.'  Medulla. 

7  To  look  gloomy  or  sourly.     Kennett  has  '  to  gloom,   to  frown,  to  be  angry,   to  look 
sourly  and  severely.'     Compare  Glymyr,  above.     Still  in  use  in  Yorkshire ;  see  Capt. 
Harland's  Gloss,  of  Swaledale,  s.  v.  Glime.     '  To  gloom,  glowm.  To  look  morose  or  sullen ; 
to  frown  ;  to  have  a  cloud  on  one's  aspect.'  Jamieson.     In  the  Romaunt  of  the  Rose,  4356, 
we  find  glombe,  and  Halliwell  quotes  from  the  Thornton  MS.  'Glommede  als  he  war  wra}>e.' 
'  To  gloume,  froune,  caperare  frontem,'  Manip.  Vocab. 

'  Sir,  I  trow  thai  be  dom  som  tyme  were  fulle  melland, 

Welle  ye  se  how  thai  ylomS  Towneley  Mysteries,  p.  320. 

'  I  glome,  I  loke  under  the  browes  or  make  a  louryng  countenaunce.  Je  rechigne.  It  is  a 
sower  wyfe,  she  is  ever  glomyng :  cest  vne  sure,  or  amere  femme,  die  rechigne  toujours. 
Glumme  a  sowerloke,  rechigne.'  Palsgrave.  In  Coverdale's  Bible,  Matth.  xvi.  3  is  rendered 
as  follows  :  '  In  ye  mornynge  ye  saye,  '  It  wil  be  foule  wedder  to  daye  for  the  sjkye  is  reed 
and  gloometh?  Surrey  in  his  Praise  of  Mean  and  Constant  Estate  speaks  of  '  a  den  unclean 
whereat  disdain  may  glome.'  In  the  form  glum  the  word  is  still  very  common. 



to  Glew ;  ghitinare,  con-,  de-,  lin- 

a  Glewer ;  glutinarius. 

a  Glufe  *  ;  cirotheca. 

a  Glufer ;  cirotheca rius. 

ta  Glufery ;  cirothecarium. 

*fa  Glew  pott 2;   glutlnarium. 

aGluton3;  Ambro,  catilio,  copro- 
medo,  degulator,  deuorator,  dis, 
dmco,  epulo,  epulaticus  qui  tola 
die  epulis  iutendit,  epulonns,  estor, 
-trix,  gluto,  gulo,  gusto,  lurco  4 ; 
lurconiuB  joartficipium  ;  nebulo, 
nepos,  parasitaster,  fwrasitus, 

a  Glutony;  Amplestria,castrimargia, 
commesacio,  coramessacio,  cr&pu- 
lari  gula,  gulositas,  Ivans. 

tto  do  Glutony ;  cr&pulari,  ex-,  lur- 
care  5,  vorare,  de-. 

tGluterus 6;  Ambroninus,  castiimar- 
giosus,  commestuosus,  edaoc,  gulo- 
sus,  ingluuiosus. 

G  ante  N. 

*to  Gnaste 7 ;  fremere  est  fur  or  em. 
mentis  vsque  ad  vocis  tumuUum 
exitare,  con-,  in-,  fremescere,  con-, 
jn-,  frendere  esi  proprie  denies 
concutere,  con-,  in-,  frendescere, 
stridere,  dentibus  concutere,  vel 
com^;remere,  vel  collidere. 

tlike  to  Gnaste  ;  fremebundus. 

a  Gnastynge  ;  fremor  est  hominum, 
fremitus  bestiarum. 

tGnastynge;  fremens,  frendens,  stri- 

fa  Gnatte  ;  cut  ex,  zintala. 

ta  Gnatte  nett ;  canopeum,  zintalici- 

to  Gnaw;  demoliri,  exedere,  rodere, 
cor-,  E-. 

ta  Gnawer  ;  rosor. 

G  ante  O. 

God;  messias,  sother,  emanuel,  sa- 
baoth,  adonay,  vnigenitus,  via, 
uita,  manus,  omousion 8,  prin- 

'From  Swedish  dial,  glomma,  to  stare.'  Skeat,  Etymol.  Diet.  'Glumme,  or  be  sowre  of 
countenance.  Vide  in  frowne  and  scowle.  Glumminge,  or  sowre  of  countenance.  Super- 
ciliosus?  Huloet.  'Owre  syre  syttes  ....  &  gloumbes  ful  lytel.'  A  Hit.  Poems,  C.  94. 

1  See  Liber  Albus,  p.  600,  where  directions  are  given  for  burning  all  'falsce  clrotecee ' 
(gloves).  At  p.  737  of  the  same  work  is  mentioned  a  Guild  of  Glovemakers.  In  the 
Dictionarius  of  John  de  Garlande,  pr.  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  124,  the  following 
curious  derivation  is  given  '  cirothecarii  :  dicuntur  a  cirotheca,  et  illud  a  ciros,  quod  est 
manus,  et  tecon,  quod  est  tributum,  quia  attribuitur  manui,'  the  true  derivation, of  course, 
being  from  xetV»  a  hand  and  OTJKIJ,  a  case  or  covering.  '  Hie  seroticarius,  A™-  glowere.  ibid. 
p.  194. 

3  At  the  top  of  the  page  in  a  later  hand  is  written  :  hoc  glutinum,  Ae.  glewe. 
8  '  Catillones.  Lickedishes ;  gluttons.     Lurco.  A  gulligutte.'  Cooper. 

4  MS.  barco. 

5  '  To  lurch,  devoure,  or  eate  greedily  :  ingurgito?  Baret.    See  Tusser,  p.  178,  stanza  7, 
and  Bacon's  Essays,  xlv. 

6  Perhaps  a  mistake  of  the  scribe  for  glutenus.     But  gluterrnesse  occurs  in  Ormulum 
frequently,  and  Wyclif  has,  'J>o  sixte  synne  of  J>ese  seven  is  called  glotorye  ....  Glotorye 
falles  }>en  to  mon,  when  he  takes  mete  or  drink  more  f>en  profites  to  his  soule.'  Works,  ed. 
Arnold,  Hi.  155.     Icel.  glutr,  extravagance.     Wyclif,  Levit.  xi.  30,  speaks  of  the  'mygal, 
that  is  a  beeste  born  trecherows  to  bigile,  and  moost  gloterous? 

7  In  Metrical  Homilies,  ed.  Small,  p.  128,  we  are  told  that 

'  Quen  Satenas  sal  lowes  quenen  Sal  euer  be,  with  teth  gnaisting.' 

In  ouer  mirkenes,  thar  sare  greting 

See  also  P.  of  Conscience.  7338.  « Frendeo.  To  gnastyn.'  Medulla.  Wyclif,  Isaiah  v.  29, 
has '  he  shal  gnasten '  as  the  translation  offrendet.  '  I  gnast  with  the  tethe.  I  make  a  noyse 
by  reason  I  thruste  one  tothe  upon  another.  Je  grinse  des  dens.  He  gnasted  with  the  tethe 
that  a  man  myght  have  herde  him  a  stones  caste.  Gnastyng  of  the  tethe,  stridevr,  grince- 
ment.'  Palsgrave. 

8  Gr.  opoovaios,  from,  the  same,  and  ovcrta,  essence,  being:  opposed  to  opoiovffios,  or  of 
like  being  or  nature,  a  definition  applied  to  our  Lord  by  certain  heretics  in  the  4th  century. 



cipiurn,  primogenitus,  sapieucia, 
virtus,  alpha,  caput,  finis,  oo l, 
fons,  origo  boni,  p&raclitus,  medi- 
ator, agnus,  ouis,  vitulus,  serpens, 
aries,  leo,  vermis,  os,  verbum, 
splendor,  sol,  lux,  gloiia,  ymago, 
panis,  flos,  vitis,  mous,  janua, 
lapis,  petra,,  angelus,  sponsus, 
pastor,  propheta,  sacerdos,  athana- 
tos,  kyr^i^os,  theos  panton,  cr&tony- 
sus,  aporus,  altissimus,  altissonus, 
altissonans,  altitronus,  altitonaus, 
deus,  deificus,  diuinus,  dominus, 
creator,  cunctipoteus,  eternus,  nu- 
men, omuipoteus,  plasmator,  re- 
demptor,  saluator,  verbigena  deus, 
Jesus  Christus. 

ta  God  of  batylle  ;  mars,  $  cetera ; 
vbi  A  batylle. 

tto  make  God  ;  deificare. 

a  God  doghter  2 ;  filiola. 

a  God  son ;  filiolus. 

a  God  fader  ;  compater,  paternus. 

a  God  moder ;  commoner,  matricia. 

tGoddes  modyr;  mater  dei,  theoti- 

}>c  Godhede  ;  deitas,  diuitas,  numen, 


fa  Goffe  3  ;  vbi  a  godefader. 
a  Goiomi  4  ;  gobio. 
ta  Goke  (A  Goke,   A  Gotoo  A.)  5  ; 

cuculus  ;    curuca   est    Auis    gue 

nutrit  cuculum. 
Golde  ;  A  urum,  crisis  grece,  elitropi- 

um,  obrisum. 
of  Golde  ;  Aureus,  Aurulentus,  plen- 

us  Auro,  criseus. 
a  Golde  finche  ;  A  credula,  carduelis, 

lacina,  gemtiuo  -e. 

a  Golde  smythe  ;  Aurifaber,  Aurifer. 
tA  Goldemyne  (A.). 
Golde  wyre  ;  filum.  Aureum. 
t  Golde  Pynere  (A.). 
ta  Golde  worme  6  ;  noctiluca. 
ta  Gome  7  ;  v\)i  A  godmoder. 
a  Goshauke  8  ;  Ancipiter  vel  Accipi- 

ter,falco,  herodius,  gruarius. 
a  Gospelle;  eu'dngelium',  eua,n[ge]li- 

ta  Gospeller  9  ;  eu-angelista. 
a  Gowne  ;  toga,  epitogium  ;    togatus 

1  Representing  Greek  <y.  a  '  Filiola.  a  goddoutere.  Filiolus.  A  godsone.'  Medulla. 

8  '  These  thinges  bein^  thus,  when  he  liketh  hymselfe  well,  and  weneth  he  jesteth  as 
properly  as  a  camel  daunseth,  in  calling  it  my  faith,  arid  the  Popes  faith,  and  the  diuels 
faith,  eueri  man  I  wene  that  wel  marketh  the  matter,  wyll  be  likely  to  cal  his  proper 
scoffe  but  a  very  cold  conseeit  of  my  goffe,  that  he  found  and  tooke  vp  fttsottes  Jioff*  I532* 
Sir  T.  More.  'Confutacion  of  Tyndale.'  Works,  1557,  fol.  711.  col.  I. 

4  '  Goujon.  A  gudgeon-fish  ;  also  the  pin  which  the  truckle  of  a  pully  runneth  on  ;  also 
the  gudgeon  of  the  spindle  of  a  wheele ;  any  Gudgeon.'  Cotgrave.      '  A  Googen.  Gobius, 
Gobio.    Principiurn  ccence  gobius  esse  solet.    Googeons  are  wont  to  be  the  beginning  of 
supper.      Inhio.   To  gape  Googoen-like,  which  is  as  wide  as  his  chappes  will  let  him..' 
Withals.      'A  gogeon-fish,  gobio'  Manip.  Vocab.      '  Gobio  :  a  gujun.'  Wright's  Vol.  of 
Vocab.  p.  97. 

5  A  Gowk  is  still  the  common  name  for  the  Cuckoo  in  the  North.    See  Jamieson,  s.  v. 

'Thare  galede  the  gowke  one  greues  fulle  lowde.'   Morte  Arthure,  927. 
A.  S.  $eac,  0.  Icel.  gaukr. 

6  The  glow-worm.    Baret  gives  '  Globerd  or  gloworme,  cicindila,  noctiluca,1  and  Huloet 
'globerde   or  gloworme,   lampyris.'      '  Noctiluca  est  vermis  lucens  per  noctem.'1    Medulla. 
'  Cicindela,  se  glisigenda  wibba.'  Aelfric's  Gloss,  in  Wright's  Vocab.  p.  23.    '  Hec  incedula, 
Ace-  glyde-worme.'  ibid.  p.  190. 

7  '  Commere,  f.  A  she-gossip,  or  godmother ;  a  gomme.'  Cotgrave.      In  Dean  Milles' 
Glossary  occur  '  Gomman,  paterfamilias :  gommer,  malerfamiliasS      Gammer  is  not  of 
unusual  occurrence.     '  Gossype  a  man,  compere.     Gossype  a  woman,  commere.'  Palsgrave. 

8  Chaucer,  Parlement  of  Foules,  334,  thus  speaks  of  the  Goshawk — 

'  There  was  the  Tirant  with  his  federys  doune          To  byrdys  for  his  outrageous  Rauyne.' 
And  grey,  I  mene  the  goshawk,  that  doth  pyne 

'  Whan  Gabriel  cam,  the  gospeleer  seith  the  same, 

Brouht  gladdest  tydynges  that  evir  was  of  pees.'  Wright's  Political  Poems,  ii.  211. 
See  also  Early  Metrical  Homilies,  ed.  Small,  p.  47.  Wyclif,  haiah  xli.  27,  &c. 




ta  Gowrde  ;  cucumer  vd  cucumis. 

f>e  Gowte  l ;  gutta,  guttula  dimimi- 
tiuum,  ciragra,  manuum  est,  po- 
dagra pedum  est. 

G  ante  B. 

a  Grace ;    gr&tia,    carisma    manus, 

caris  gvece. 

Gracious ;  gr&tiosus,  grasiositas. 
a  Grafte  2 ;  surculus. 
to  Grafte;  inserere,  surculare. 
a  Graftynge ;  insicium. 
ta  Grafbyngtyme ;  insicio. 
a  Grahounde  (A  Grawhond  A.)  3 ; 

Gray ;  albidus  (gelidus  A.),  giluna, 


Gray  hared ;  canus. 

tto  be  Gray  hared ;  canere,  in-,  can- 

escere,  in-. 

a  Graile  (Grayle  A.)  4  ;  gradale. 
a  Graynes  of  hare ;  canicies  vel  cani- 

tGrayns  5;  grsinellum^uedam  species 

Gramary  (Gramoiw  A.);  gr&matice ; 

gr&mmaticus  §  gr&maticalis  joar- 


tto  lern  Gramere  ;  grammatizare. 
a  Gramarien ;  gr&mmaticus. 
to  Gran  (Grane  A.)  6 ;  suspirare. 
ta  Grapas  7 ;  foca,  j^'scis  est. 
*to  Grape  8 ;  Attractare,   Attrectare, 

con-,  palpare,  palpilarz. 

1  This  disease  is  mentioned  by  Hampole,  who  says  that  in  Purgatory — 
'Som  sal  haf  in  alle  J?air  lymmes  about,  For  sleuthe,  als  J)e  potagre  and  ])e  gout.' 

Pricke  of  Conscience,  2992. 

In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  ed.  Morris,  p.  678, 1.  1 1831,  epilepsy  is  called  'the  falland  gute.'  Cf. 
Knotty,  below.  2  See  also  Grifte  and  Impe. 

3  A.  S.  grieghund,  from  Icel.  greyhundr. 

*  Paynymes,  turkes,  and  suriens,  And  hare  fro  grohound  as  for  ther  diffence.' 

That  as  a  larke  fro  a  hauke  doth  fle,  Romance  of  Partenay,  ed.  Skeat,  1389. 

'Tristre  is  )>er  me  sit  mid  J>e  greahundes  forte  kepen  \>o  hearde.'  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  332. 

4  '  Graduel.  A  Masse-booke,  or  part  of  the  Masse,  invented  by  Pope  Celestine  in  the  year 
430.'  Cotgrave.     See  Nares,  8.  v. 

5  '  Graine  de  Paradis:  Graines  of  Paradise;  or,  the  spice  which  we  call  Graines.'  Cotgrave. 

*  Graynes,  spices ;  cardimonium?  Mamp.  Vocab. 

6  '  Crye  and  bray  and  grcme  I  myght  wele.'  De  Deguileville's  Pilgrimage,  MS.  John's 
Coll.  Camb.  leaf  1 34.  '  Here  my  trowthe  or  I  be  tane, 

Many  of  jour  gestis  salle  grane'  Thornton  MS.  leaf  133. 

4  He  is  ofte  seke  and  ay  granand.'  Pricke  of  Cons.  799.  '  Granen  i)je  eche  grure  of  helle.' 
Hall  Meidenhad,  47.  A.S.  granian. 

1  The  grampus.     In  the  Paston  Letters,  ed.  Gairdner,  iii.  347,  we  find — '  whalle,  sales, 
sturgion,  porpays  or  grapeys?     See  also  the  Liber  Cure  Cocorum,  «d.  Morris,  p.  45, 

*  With  mynsud  onyons  and  no  more,          To  serve  on  fysshe  day  with  grappays' 
'  Phoca.  Virgil.  A  sea-calfe ;   as  some  thynke  a  Seale,  whiche  is  fish  and  breedeth  on 
lande.'  Cooper. 

'  To  grape,  palpare.  Manip.  Vocab.     Amongst  the  pains  of  Hell,  fourteen  in  number, 
specified  by  Hampole,  Pricke  of  Conscience,  6566,  the  sixth  is 

'  Swa  mykel  myrknes,  pat  it  may  be  graped,  swa  thik  it  es.' 

See  also  ibid.  1.  6804,  '  se  J)icke  is  Jjrinne  ]>e  Jjosternesse  ]>at  me  hire  mei  grapin.1  0.  E. 
Homilies,  i.  251.  See  also  Wyclif,  Exodus,  x.  21  ;  and  cf.  Milton's  'palpable  darkness.' 
Par.  Lost,  xii.  188. 

'  fan  answerd  to  him  Peter  and  Jon,  pat  oure  lord  Ihesus  resin  was, 

And  said,   "  parof  es  wonder  none,  Untille  )>ou  saw  his  blody  side, 

Forwhi  J>ou  trowed  noght,  Thomas,  And  graped  within  his  wondes  wide." ' 

MS.  Harl.  4196,  leaf  173. 

It  was  also  used  in  the  sense  of  examining  into,  testing  ;  thus  the  Sompnour,  Chaucer  tells 
us,  having  picked  up  a  '  fewe  termes  '  of  Latin,  made  a  great  show  of  his  learning, 
'  But  who  so  couthe  in  other  thing  him  grope,    Thanne  hadde  he  spent  al  his  philosophic.' 

Cant.  Tales,  Prologue,  644. 
In  Myrcs  Instructions  for  Parish  Priests,  912,  the  Confessor  when  with  a  penitent  is  to 

•  freyne  hym  pus  and  grope  hys  sore,  &c.'     A.  S.  grapian.      Compare  also  Ancren  Riwle, 



ta  Grape  * ;  Apiana,  botrus,  passa, 

racemus,  vua,  vuula  dimmutiuum. 

fa  Grape  kyrnelle;  Acinus,   Acin- 

um,  fecinium. 

tA  Grape  2;  vbi  forke;  tridens  (A.). 
*A  grater  3 ;  Micatorium. 
a  Grave  ;  bustulum  ;  versus  : 

*&.Est  mausoleum,  poliandrum, 

tumba,  sepulcrum, 
Sarcofagus,  bustum,  tumulus 

vel  piramis,  vrna 
Dans   monimenta  necis,    con- 
iuugitur  hijs  monumentum. 

vbi  cadauera  suut  com- 
busta,  monum^ntum  quod 
mentes  moneat,  tumulus  est 
terre  congeries  super  -mor- 
tuum,  Sepulcrum  est  in  quo 
reliquie  defunctorum.  repom 

*to  Graue  4 ;  vbi  to  bery. 

*to  Grave  ;  cespitare,  fodere,  per-, 
colere,  foditare,  pastinare. 

to  Grave  (in  materia  A.)  5 ;  celare, 
cudere,  sculpere. 

ta  Grave  maker  ;  bustarinus. 

fa  Graver ;  cespitator,  cultor,  fos- 

fa  Gravere  (Graver  of  wode  or 
metelle  A.);  celator,  sculptor. 

a  Gravynge ;  cultura. 

a  Gravynge (Gravinge  of  wode  A.); 
sculptura,  celaturra,  celameu. 

Gravelle ;  A  rena,  Arenula  ;  A  renosus 
&Arenarius  participia. ;  giongrece, 
glaria,  sabulum,  sabuiosus,  sale- 
bra  ;  salebrosus  ^;ar^icipium. 

a  Grawnedame  6 ;  Auia. 

*a  Grawnge  (Grangys  A.)  7  ;  gran- 

•p.  314 — '  unneafte,  Jmruh  J>en  abbodes  gropunge,  he  hit  seide  &  deide  sone  )>erefter.' 
'Trevisa  in  his  trans,  of  Barthol.  de  Propriet.  Rerum,  iii.  16,  says  that  of  our  senses  'J?e 
laste  and  ]>e  moste  boystotis  of  all  is  gropynge*  [sensus  tactu's  grossior  est  omnibus]  ;  and 
again,  xvii.  52,  he  speaks  of  ebony  as  'smo])e  in  gropynge*  [habens  tactum  leueni].  See 
also  Sir  Ferunibras,  1388  ;  '  pan  gropede  he  euery  wounde  ;'  and  Chaucer,  C.  T.  G.  1236. 

1  '  Una,  winberge.     Butros  (read  botrus},  geclystre.'  Gloss.  MB.  Cott.  Cleop.  A.  iii.  If. 
76.     See  Bob  of  grapys.      '  Apian ce  uvce.  Muscadel  or  muscadine  grapes.'  Gouldman. 

2  '  Gi-aip,  Grape.  A  dung  fork,  a  three-pronged  fork.'  Jamieson.     In  Wills  &  Inventories 
of  the  Northern  Counties  (Surtees  Society)  vol.  ii.  p.  171,  are  enumerated  'two  gads  of 
yerue  viij8,  two  lang  wayne  blayds,  a  howpe,  a  ,payr  of  old  whells,  thre  temes,  a  skekkil,  a 
kowter,  a  soke,  a  muk  fowe,  a  graype,  a  yeme  forks,  9  ashilltresse,  and  a  plowe,  xxvs.' 

3  In  another  hand  at  the  top  of  the  page. 
*  In  P.  Plowman,  B.  xi.  67,  we  read — 

'  pere  a  man  were  crystened,  by  kynde  he  ehulde  be  buryed, 
Or  where  he  were  parisshene,  ri3t  £ere  he  shulde  be  grauen.' 

4  There  amyddis  his  bretherin  twelve      They  him  be-gvoven,  as  he  desired  him-selve.' 
See  also  Sir  far  umbras,  1.  512.  Lonelich's  Holy  Grail,  ,ed.  Furnivall,  li.  121. 

5  '  I  grave  in  stone  or  in  any  metall  as  a  workeman  dothe.  Je  graue.  He  graveth  as  well 
as  any  man  dothe  in  all  sortes  of  metall.'  Palsgrave. 

6  'A  grandam.  A  via.1  Withals.      'A  gran  dame.  Auia.      A  gransier.    Auus.'    Manip. 
Vocab.     See  also  Gudame  and  Gudsyre. 

7  See  P.  Plowman,  B.  xvii.  71,  and  Chaucer,  Milleres  Tale,  3668,  where  the  Carpenter 
we  are  told  was  *  Wont  for  tymber  for  to  goo 

And  dwellen  at  the  Graunge  a  day  or  two  :' 

on  which  the  editor  notes — *  Grange  is  a  French  word,  meaning  properly  a  barn,  and  was 
applied  to  outlying  farms  belonging  to  the  abbeys.  The  manual  labour  on  these  farms 
was  performed  by  an  inferior  class  of  monks,  called  lay-brothers,  who  were  excused  from 
many  of  the  requirements  of  the  monastic  rule  (see  Fleury,  JEccles.  Hist.),  but  they  were 
superintended  by  the  monks  themselves,  who  were  allowed  occasionally  to  spend  some 
days  at  the  Grange  for  that  purpose.  See  Schipmanne's  Tale.'  At  the  Reformation  many 
of  the  Monasteries  were  turned  into  Granges  :  thus  in  Skelton's  Colin  Clout  we  read — 
'  Howe  je  brake  the  dedes  wylles,  Of  an  abbaye  30  make  a  graunge' 

Turne  monasteries  into  water-mills, 

The  same  expression  occurs  in  Early  Eng.  Miscellanies,  from  the  Porlington  MS.  ed. 
Halliwell,  p.  26,  1.  21 — '  Nowe  that  abbay  is  torned  to  a  grange.'' 
1  Forbar  he  neyther  tun,  ne  grange,     That  he  ne  to-yede  with  his  ware.'  ffavelok,  764. 

M    2, 



a    Grawnesire      (Gransyr      A.)  ; 

to  Graunte;    concecfere,   &   cetera; 

v\)i  to  afferme,  $  vbi  to  gyffe. 
ta  Grawnter  ;  largitor  vel  -trix. 
Grece  x ;  Auxungia,  vel  Axungia,  vel 

auxunga;  dicta  ab  Augo ;    vki 

*a   Grece  2 ;    gr&d us,    gradare    i.  e. 

grsidus  facere  ve/  /;ro^ra^us  du- 

tGrece  (Greke  A.) ;  grecia  esi  que- 

dam  terra  ;  grecus,  greculus. 
Grene ;  veridis,  smaragdinus  $  sma- 

Gredy ;  edax,  edaculus,  auidus,  gu- 


a  Gredynes  ;  bolismus,  edacitas. 
tGredily ;  Auide,  gulose. 
to  be  Grene ;  virere,  virescere. 
a  Grene;  viretum,  Jtoretum,  viridi- 

tto  Grese  (Greysse  A.)  ;  exungiare, 

$',  secundum  hugonem,  Auxungi- 


*to  Gresse 3 ;  herbere,  herbescere. 
a  Gresse  ;  gr&men,    Tierba,  herbula  ; 

a  Gressope  (A  Gresshopper  A.)  4 ; 


1  MS.  Auxungia,  vel  Axungia,  vel  Auxungia,  vel  auxunga,  vel  auxnnga. 

2  In  De  Deguileville's  Pilgrimage,  MS.  John's  Coll.  Cam  b.  leaf  I2;bk,  we  read — 'twa 

1  sawe  that  clambe  the  grece  of  "the  dortour,  and  the  tane  of  tham  had  on   a  iambison, 
and  the  topere  bare  a  staffe.      Scho  with  the  iambison  was  atte  the  grece  and  abade  me.' 
Harrison,  Descript.  of  England,  1 587,  p.  33,  has  '  ascending  by  steps  and  greeces  westward.' 
*Goand  downe  by  a  grese  thurgh  the  gray  thornes.'  Destruction  of  Troy,  E.  E.  Text  Soo. 
13643  ;  see  also  ibid,  11. 369,  1664,  &c.(  and  Sir  Degrevant,  1.  1 359.     In  the  Cursor  Mundi, 
p.  609,  1.  10584,  we  are  told  that  the  Virgin  Mary,  when  a  child,  climbed  without  assist- 
ance the  steps  of  the  temple,  and  that 

'  At  J)is  temple  that  I  of  mene  A  greese  }>er  was  of  steppes  fiftene.' 

4  Chrises  or  steps  made  to  go  vp  to  the  entrie.'  Baret.  '  Gradus.  A  grese.'  Medulla. 
* Eschellette,  a  little  ladder,  or  skale,  a  small  step  or  greece.'  Cotgrave.  'A  greece, 
gradas.  Stayre  greece,  gradus,  ascensus?  Manip.  Vocab.  'Greese,  grice,  steppe  or 
stair,  gradus.1  Huloet.  '  Disgradare.  To  descende  from  one  step  or  gresse  to  another.' 
Thomas,  Italian  Diet.  1550.  Gree  occurs  in  Pol.  Rel.  and  Love  Poems,  p.  114,  and  Wyclif, 

2  Esdras,  viii.  4:  '  Esdra's  scribe  stood  upon  a  treene  gree' 

8  'Herbidus.  Gresy.  Herlositas.  Gresyng.  Herba.  An  erbe  or  a  gres.'  Medulla. 
'  As  grebes  growen  in  a  mede.'  Chaucer,  Nous  of  Fame,  ii.  263.  '  I  had  my  horsse  with 
hym  at  lyvery,  and  amonge  alle  one  of  them  was  putte  to  grease.'  Paston  Letters,  iii. 
280.  See  also  Sir  Perceval,  ed.  Halliwell,  1. 1192,  where  the  hero 

'  Made  the  Sarajenes  hede  bones  Abowtte  one  the  gres.' 

Hoppe,  als  dosehayle  stones 

The  Medulla  defines  Gramen  as  herba  que  nascitur  ex  humano  sanguine.  '  I  grase,  as  a 
horse  dothe.  Je  me  pays  a  Iherbe.  I  grease,  as  a  horse  dothe.'  Palsgrave. 

4  'Cicada.  A  gresse  hoppe.'  Medulla.  ' Locusta,  gsershoppe.'  MS.  Cott.  Cleop.  A.  iii. 
If.  76.  'Cicada,  a  grysope.'  Nominale  MS.  In  Relig.  Antiq.  ii.  82,  it  is  spelt  greshop, 
and  the  Manip.  Vocab.  has  'grashop,  cicada.1  A.S  gcerstioppa.'  In  the  Ormuluiu, 
1. 9224,  we  are  told  of  St.  John  that '  Hiss  claj>  wass  off  ollfenntess  haer,  Hiss  mete  wass 

The  Rushworth  MS.  of  the  Gospels  has  grceshoppa  in  the  same  passage,  Matth.  iii.  4. 
*  Moyses  siSen  and  aaron,  Seiden  biforen  pharaon, 
"To-morgen  sulen  greaseoppes  cumen,  And  Sat  ail  Sa  bileaf,  sal  al  ben  numen."  ' 

Genesis  &  Exodus,  ed.  Morris,  1.  3065. 
In  the  Early  Eng.  Psalter,  Ps.  Ixxvii.  46,  we  have — 

'  To  lefe-worm  J>ar  fruit  gaf  he,  And  J>ar  swynkes  to  gress-hope  to  be.' 
Dame  Juliana  Barnes  mentions  as  baits  : — '  The  bayte  on  the  hawthorn  and  the  codworme 
togyder  &  a  grubbe  that  bredyth  in  a  dunghyll :  and  a  grete  greshop.  In  Juyll  the  greshop 
and  the  humbylbee  in  the  medow.'  Of  Fyschynge  wyth  an  Angle,  p.  29.  '  Grissilloun,  a 
greshoppe.'  W.  de  Bibles  worth  in  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  165.  '  Hec  sicada,  Ace-  grys- 
soppe.'  ibid.  p.  190.  'Grashopper  or  greshop.  Atheta.  Greshops  which  be  small.  Tettigoniie, 
et  Tettrigometria,  angl.  the  mother  of  greshops.'  Huloet. 



fa  Gresse  spreder  ;  herbarius. 

fto  be  Grete  (or  worth  A.) ;  valere, 
vt :  'ille  est  valens  homo,'  i.e.  va- 
lidus  homo  ;  grsindere,  grandescere, 
grossere,  grossessere. 

fto  make  Grette  ;  grossare,  magnifi- 
care,  maiorare. 

Grete ;  grandis  ad  corpus  pertinet, 
grandiusculus,  gr&ndiunculus, 
grossus,  inmanis  ad  animam 
pertinet,  inmeusns,  ingens,  mag- 
nalis,  magnanimus,  magnifies, 
vehemens,  magnus  ad  anima$  per- 
tinet,  multiplex. 

i  Grete  leggy d;  cruratus. 

a  Grete  man ;  magnas,  magnates. 

a  Gretnes ;  grauitas,  grossitas,  gros- 
situdo,  inmanitas,  inmeusitas, 
magnanimitas,  magnitude),  mag- 
niftcencia,  vehemencia. 

Grete  with  childe *  ;  gr&uidas, 
grauis,  ^re^nems. 

*to  Grete  (Greyt  A.) 2 ;  plorare,  & 
cetera  ;  vbi  to  wepe. 

t Grete  hippyd;  depeges  (A.). 

a  Gretyng  wele  ;  salutacio,  &  cet- 
era ;  vbi  a  hailsynge. 

to  Grete  wele  ;  salutare. 

a  Grevance  ;  molestia,  qffensa,  qffen- 
siculum,  ojfenciunculum,  ojfensio. 

to  Greve;  Aggrauare,  conturbare, 
coiitristare,  displicere,  exacerbare, 
exasperare,  grauare,  aggr&uare 
2)rcipria  sarcina,jngr&uare  aliena, 
irritare,  offendere,  ojfensare,  mes- 
tijioare,  molestare,  picouocare  ad 

Grevos ;  gr&uis,  &  cetera ;  vbi  noyus. 

*Grewelle  3 ;  puls. 

f  A  Gryfte  4 ;  vbi  grafte  (A.). 

fto  Grime ;  fuscare,  fuliginare,  Sf 
cetera ;  vbi  to  blek. 

fGrimed ;  fuscatus,  fuliginatus. 

Gryme  ;  vt  homo  est  ;  tortuosus 

to  Grinde  corn  or  egelome  5 ;  mol- 
ere  (3*  conjugationis)  con-,  de-. 

a  Grinder ;  molitor. 

a  Grindstone  ;  mola. 

*a  Gripe  6 ;  griphes,  vultur. 

1  It  seems  curious  to  find  the  Latin  equivalent  for  this  term  in  the  masculine  gender. 

2  In  Havelolt,  164,  when  Athelwold  is  on  his  death-bed — 

'  He  r/reten  and  gouleden,  and  gouen  hem  ille,     And  seyde,  ' '  pat  greting  helpeth  nought :"  ' 

And  he  bad  hem  alle  ben  stille  ; 
And  in  the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  803, 1.  14007,  we  are  told  of  Mary  Magdalene  that 

'  Before  ihesus  feet  she  felle  pat  with  the  teres  she  weashe  his  fete.' 

pere  she  fel  in  suche  a  yrete, 

'To  grete,  v/eepe,  ladirymari.'  Manip.  Vocab.    ' Satan :was  fallen  grouelinge  gretyng  and 
cryenge  with;a  lothely  voys.'  Lydgate,  Pylgremage  of  the  Soiole,  Bk.  ii.  ch.  43. 

's  '  Grewel,  ius.'  Manip.  Vocab.  Handle  Holme  says,  '  Gvewel  is  a  kind  of  Broth  made 
only  of  Water,  Grotes  brused  and  Currans  ;  some  add  Mace,  sweet  Herbs,  Butter  and 
Eggs  and  Sugar  :  some  call  it  Pottage  Gruel.'  See  J.  Russell's  Boke  of  Nurture  in  Babees 
Bokp,  1.  519.  See  also  Growelle. 

*  The  Medulla  gives  '  Insero.  To  plantyn  togeder ;  to  brasyn  togeder ;  or  to  gryffyn. 
Insitm.  Plantyd  or  gryffed.  Insitio.  Impying  or  cuttyng." 

5  '  Egelome '  is  '  edge  loom,'  edged-tool :  see  P.  '  Loome,  or  instrument,  Utensile,  instru- 
mentum?     The  Manip.  Vocab.  has  '  Edgelome,  culler.' 

6  Harrison,, Descript.  of  England,  ii.  32,  says, '  Neither  haue  we  the  pygsergus  or  gripe, 
wherefore  I  have  no  occasion  to  treat  further.'     Neckam,  De  Itdudibus  lJivin.ce  Sapientice, 
e  1.  Wright,  p.  488,  writes— 

'  Effodiunt  aurum  gryphes,  ejusque  nitore          Mulcentur,  visum  fulva  metalla  juvant.' 

'  per  ich  isah  grip&s  &  grisliche  fujeles.'  Lajamon,  28063. 
The  Author  of  the  Cursor  Mundi  says  that  in  Paradise  before  the  Fall, 

'  Bi  J)e  deer  ])at  now  is  wilde,  pe  gripe  also  biside  ]>e  bere 

As  lomb  lay  J>e  lyoun  mylde  ;  No  beest  wolde  to  o^ere  dere.'  p.  49, 1.  689* 
See  also  Sir  Eglamour,  ed.  Halliwell,  841,  851,  870,  Alisaunder,  5667,  Hai-elok,.tf?,  &c. 
'  Gripes.  A  grype.'  Medulla.'  A  grype.gry/W.'  Manip,  Vocab.  •  Gryps.  A  gripe  or  griffon/ 
Cooper.  Trevisa  in  his  trans,  of  Barthol.  de  Prop.  Rerum  gives  the  following  account  of 



*a  Grise  l ;  porcellus,  $  cetera :  vbi 
a  swyne. 

a  Gristelle  2 ;  cartilage. 

ta  Grote  ;  lens,  lenticula. 

a  Grote  of  syluer 3 ;  octussis,  gros- 

to  Growe  ;  Adolere,  coalere  (3® 
conjugation^),  exalere  (3°  con- 
jugations), coalescere,  subolere, 
crescere,  ex-,  in-,  gliscere,  pulu- 
lare,  repulu\T\arQ. 

*Growelle 4 :  vbi  potage. 

*  Growte  5 ;  idromellum,  agromel- 
lum,  Acromellum,  grunomd- 

*to  Gruche  (Groche  A.) G ;  dedig- 
nari,  in-,  fremere,  fremescere, 
murmurare,  mussare,  musbitare, 
mutire,  susurrare. 

flike  to  Gruche  ;  fremundns. 

t a  Grucher  (Grochere  A.) 7 ;  mur- 
murator,  susurro. 

a  Gruchyng  (Grochynge  A.) 8  ; 
fremituB,  fremor,  impaeiencia, 
murmur,  murmurracw,  susurrns, 

*Grufelynge  (Growflyng  A.)  9 ;  su- 
pinus  •  versus : 

h&bere  vinum  mulier  re- 
supna  supinum. 

this  bird :  '  The  gripe  is  foure  fotid,  lycke  ]>e  egle  in  heed,  and  in  wynges,  and  is  licke  to 
J?e  lyon  in  J)e  o])er  del  of  }>e  body ;  and  wone])  in  )?e  hilles  J)at  be)>  clepid  Yperborey,  and 
be])  most  enemy  and  greue]>  hors  and  man ;  and  lye])  in  his  neste  a  stone  J^at  is  calde 
"  smaragdus,"  ajens  venimous  bestes  of  }>e  mounte)oie.'  '  Grype,  vulter.'  Wright's  Vol.  of 
Vocab.  p.  177. 

1  In  the  Komance  of  Sir  Per  umbras  the  convoy  of  provisions  for  the  Saracens  is  said  to 
have  included  '  Grys  and  gees  and  capouns  ;'  1.  5069  :  and  in  P.  Plowman,  Prologue, 
B.  226,  the  London  Cooks  are  described  as  inviting  passengers  with  cries  of 
'Hote  pies,  hote  ;          Go&egris  and  gees,  gowe,  dyne,  gowe.' 
See  also  Passus,  vi.  283,  and  Ancren  Riwle,  p.  204. 

According  to  Halliwell  the  word  is  still  in  use  in  Cumberland,  &c.  See  Mr.  Kobinson's 
Whitby  Gloss.  E.  D.  Soc.  '  Porcdlua.  A  gryse.  Succulus.  A  lytyl  grys.'  Medulla. 
O.  Icel.  yriss.  '  Hie  porcillus.  Anglice  gryse.'  Wright's  Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  204.  Hence 
our  griskin. 

a  See  also  G-ristelle,  above.     •  Gartilogo,  gristle.'  Gloss.  MS.  Cott.  Cleop.  A.  iii.  If.  476. 

3  See  also  Aghte  halpens.  *  See  also  Grewelle. 

6  According  to  Ray  growte  is  wort  of  the  last  running,  and  Pegge  adds  that  this  is  drunk 
only  by  poor  people,  who  are  on  that  account  called  grouters.  In  Dean  Milles'  Gloss,  the 
following  account  of  grout-ale  is  given  :— '  a  kind  of  ale  different  from  white  ale,  known 
only  to  the  people  about  Newton  Bussel,  who  keep  the  method  of  preparing  it  a  secret ; 
it  is  of  a  brownish  colour.  However,  I  am  informed  by  a  physician,  a  native  of  that  place, 
that  the  preparation  is  made  of  malt  almost  burnt  in  au  iron  pot,  mixed  with  some  of  the 
barm  which  rises  on  the  first  working  in  the  keeve,  a  small  quantity  of  which  invigorates 
the  whole  mass,  arid  makes  it  very  heady.1  'Hoc  ydromellum,  Ace-  growte.'  Wright's 
Vol.  of  Vocab.  p.  200. 

6  0.  Fr.  grouchier,  whence  our  grudge. 

'  Grucche  noujt  >er-a-gayn,  but  godli,  i  rede,      Graunte  >is  faire  forward  fulfillen  in  haste.' 

William  of  Palerne,  1450. 
In  the  Pricke  of  Conscience,  300,  the  line  '  non  crediderunt  et  murmuraverunt '  is  rendered 

'  pai  trowed  noght  And  groched,  and  was  angred  in  thoght.' 

4  Wi>  grete  desire  &  ioie  &  likynge,  &  not  wi])  heuynesse  &  grucchynge*  Wyclif,  Seltct 
Works,  ed.  Mathew,  p.  199. 

7  MS.  muTmurrado,  sussuro  :  corrected  by  A. 

8  MS.  grucher  :  corrected  by  A. 

9  Baret  gives  '  I  sleepe  groueling,  or  vpon  my  face,  dormio  pronus.'    See  also  Ogrufe, 
hereafter.     In  the  Cursor  Mundi,  p.  674, 1.  11760,  we  are  told  that  when  our  Lord  entered 
a  certain  town,  where  the  inhabitants  were  about  to  sacrifice  to  their  idols, 

'  Al  pair  idels  in  a  stund,  Grouelinys  fel  vnto  )>e  grund.' 

Andrew  Boorde  says  in  his  Dyetary,  ed.  Furnivall,  p.  247,  that  '  to  slepe  grouelynge  vpon 
the  stomacke  and  belly  is  not  good,  oneles  the  stomacke  be  slow  and  tarde  of  digestion  ; 
but  better  it  is  to  lay  your  hande,  or  your  bed-felowcs  hande,  ouer  your  stomacke,  than  to 



tto  make  G-rufelynge    (Growflyng 

A.) ;  supinare. 
*Grumelle  (Gromelle  A.) ;   milium, 

grameu  soils. 
*a  Grunde  (Grownde  A.)  * ;  funda- 

meutum,  f'tmdus,  fundulus,  grun- 

darium  vcl  grundatorium. 
to  take  or  sett  Grunde  ;  grundare. 
fto  Gruntylle  as  swyne  2 ;  grunnire. 
ta  Grune ;  culpa,  <Sf  cetera ;    vbi  A 


*a  Grune  as  a  swyne  3. 
*a  Grupe  4  ;  minsorium. 
*a  Grupynge  yren  5 ;  runcina. 

Gr  ante  V. 

fa  Gudame  (Gude  Dame  A.) ;  Auia. 

ta  Gudsyre ;  Auus. 

Gude  ;  Acceptus,  Acceptabilis,  Altus, 
benignus,  beneficus,  beniuolus,  bo- 
nus, deuotus,  efficax,  frugalis, 

lye  growlyng.'     See  also  Anturs  of  Arthur,  ed.  Halliwell,  xlvii.  9.     'Grousling  [read 
Groufling],  pronus'  Manip.  Vocab.     Horman  says,  'Sum  prayeth  to  god  lyenge  on  the 
grounde  grouelinge  :   Quidam  ad  conspectum  numinis  preces  fitndunt  prostrati.' 
4  He  slaid  and  stummerit  on  the  sliddry  ground,    And  fell  at  erd  grufelingis  amid  the  fen.' 

G.  Douglas,  ^Eneid,  p.  138. 

See  also  Bk.  viii.  Prol.  1.  41.  '  1st rabocchenola,  fallyng  grouelynglie.'  Thomas,  Ital. 
Diet.  1550.  In  Udall's  Apophtkegmes  of  Erasmus,  p.  91,  it  is  narrated  of  Diogenes  that 
on  being  asked  by  Xeniades  '